• Account account. Windows account: creation and configuration

    Each computer with Windows OS installed can be used by multiple users who have their own personal settings and parameters operating system. This opportunity is very useful feature Windows accounts.

    What is an account?

    Account allows you to configure individual work environment for each user and differentiate rights on the computer. This is to some extent reminiscent of members of one family, each of them has his own room, furnished to his own taste, and where he can do whatever he wants, but within the limits of what is permitted by the head of the family, who has one universal key to all the doors of the rooms. It’s the same on a computer with accounts: each user can customize the view, display their own on the desktop, configure color scheme systems for himself, install the programs he needs, etc. But again, within the limits of what is permitted by the administrator (by analogy with the rooms of the head of the family).

    With such an organization collaboration on one computer, each user has a space to store personal data, protected by a password and inaccessible to others. In addition, the risk of mistakenly deleting someone else’s information is eliminated.

    Accounts in Windows can be of 3 types: administrator, standard and guest.


    The administrator on the computer has full rights and powers, he can log in to any user on the computer and make any changes as to his personal settings, and in the main ones on the computer. The administrator on the computer must be advanced user, to avoid introducing any fatal errors into the system.

    Standard account

    A standard account (or normal access) allows the user to work within the rights defined by the administrator. By default, a user with normal access can run most programs and make changes to the operating system without affecting other users.

    Guest account

    Record with the most minimal rights. Used to grant access to an outsider with "view only" permission.

    On any computer with operating system Windows system There is at least one administrator account that was created during system installation.

    Create an account

    To create a new account, click on the button " Start" In the window that opens, click on the account icon at the top right.

    A settings window will open, where you can click on “ Manage another account" In the next window, click on " Create an account", where enter the name and account type, then click the " Create an account».

    We have created a new account and now it can be configured

    Account Setup

    To configure, log into the user accounts window again and select “ Managing another account", in which click on the name of the user whose account you want to configure. In the window that opens, select the settings item: changing a name, creating a password, changing a picture, setting parental controls, changing an account type, deleting an account.

    To switch between users there is no need to restart the computer, just click on the " Start", click on the arrow next to the item " Shut down" and select the item " Change user».

    Now, after reading the material, you can create and configure user accounts.


    From early childhood, we all know that the account name and password cannot be disclosed even to our closest relatives and friends. In the last Windows versions this rule still has to be broken.

    When you launch the People, Mail, and Calendar apps for the first time, the operating system will ask you to enter usernames and passwords for the online services and services you use. postal services, similar to Gmail. There is nothing illegal about this. Microsoft and other large IT companies have reached an agreement according to which the disclosure of user data is possible only with their permission.

    You will have to confirm your consent to Windows connection 10 to third-party service accounts to allow the operating system to import contacts, email messages, and calendar entries from them. By doing this, you will definitely save money working hours because you will get the opportunity automatic synchronization data imported from multiple independent sources.

    By linking your daily online service accounts to Windows 10, you can automatically sign in to them and import contact information into your installed apps. To allow Windows 10 to fully participate in your social life, follow these steps.

    1. Click the Start button. In the menu that appears, click the Mail tile. The Mail tile is located in the right pane of the Start menu. Clicking on it displays the application's initial window on the screen. Click on the Get Started button.
    2. Enter your account information in the Mail application window. When you launch the Mail application for the first time, you will be prompted to add an existing mail account (or multiple accounts), as shown in Figure. 10.1. If you are logged into Windows using a Microsoft account, then the postal address will automatically be used as the primary one in the Mail app (regardless of the service it was originally registered with: Live, Hotmail or Google).

    To add data from other mail accounts to the Mail application, click the Add account button. Then specify the mail account type: Outlook.com (used to add an account Microsoft records), Exchange (used mainly by users of programs Office package 365), Google, Yahoo! Mail, iCIoud (Apple), Other Account (allows you to manually specify POP and IMAP servers), or Advanced Setup (allows you to connect account information through Exchange ActiveSync or import it from Internet mail).

    For example, to add a Gmail account to the Mail app, click Google version. Windows 10 will take you to a secure Google site where you need to log in with your own credentials by entering your existing email address. Gmail address and password, and click on the Login button.

    If you need to add an account after downloading the Mail application, click on the Go to Settings button (the gear icon at the bottom of the window) and select Accounts from the Settings panel that floats in the window on the right.

    Repeat the steps above to add the details of all your regularly used email accounts to your apps. By signing in at the on-screen prompt for each of them, you will allow Windows 10 to import the specified credentials into its own applications.

    After you give Windows 10 access to your own account data, be prepared for the operating system to automatically populate the People app with the contact information of your friends and work colleagues, and add information about previously scheduled events to the Calendar app. Although providing Windows 10 with your own credentials seems like a rash step, it makes it easier. further work in some applications built into the operating system.

    Even though home computer called personal, that is, designed for one user and his needs, in practice it is more often used by several people at once. In organizations, a number of employees can work in shifts on the same computer, but at home it becomes a toy for all family members.

    At the same time, users of the same computer can be of different genders and ages, which means that there will certainly be requirements for the design of the working environment (for example, the desktop background), system settings and the list of installed programs will be different. It’s clear that if you spend a couple of hours personalizing the system and the next time you turn on your computer you find that someone has changed the shortcuts you’ve set, the gadgets you’ve configured, and your favorite desktop background, you’ll probably be upset. So what to do in this situation?

    Fortunately, the system developers took care of this, making Windows not only multitasking, but also multi-user. This means that the world's most widely used OS allows you to add new users with your own configurations.

    For Windows User is a specific account that uses the current system to perform certain functions. Several people can work under one user, and at the same time, each of them can create a separate user.

    As we mentioned above, a computer located at home can often be used by several people. Each of them can work under one user, that is, in in this case system resources will be shared. But you can create several users, which will be much more profitable. What benefits can you get from this?

    The fact is that each account is capable of storing not only individual settings interface of the system, but also have its own set installed applications, which can only be used by a specific user. However, others may not know about the presence of these programs on their computer.

    One more important point is the fact that different users of the same computer may have different rights. Thus, by creating an additional account with reduced rights, you can limit functionality the person who will use it. For example, he will not be able to change basic system settings and open certain folders, which can be useful if children use the computer. In addition, you can prohibit children and beginners from installing new programs, and leave all the ability to install applications and configure the system only to experienced users.

    During Windows installations, a main account must be created in it, the owner of which becomes the first user and has system administrator rights. Also, immediately after registering a new account, the user’s “personal” folders are automatically created on the hard drive, which include: “Documents”, “Music”, “Videos”, “Images”, “Desktop” and others. Many of the most common programs, by default, offer to save files created in them in these standard folders, of course, unless you forcibly change their location to some other one.

    Any data contained in these folders will not be accessible to users who sign in using a different account. This way, you don’t have to worry that someone will accidentally delete, for example, a document you created or gain access to confidential data.

    Creating new users

    Now let’s imagine that one account is not enough for you and you need to create an additional one or even several users with their own configurations.

    To do this, you need to click on the button Start and in the main menu that opens, select the item Control Panel(located on the right side of the menu). Among the many sections (icons, pictograms) we are interested in the one called User Accounts.

    In general, an account is special data that the operating system stores for each user. If added new user, the operating system creates an account for him. If a user is deleted, the credentials are erased from memory. It's a bit like the HR department at work: when you start working, you create a personal file, and when you leave, it's destroyed.

    Now let's try to add a new user. To do this, you need to click on the link, after which the window of the same name will open in front of you.

    In the field where it says “New account name”, you need to enter the name (alias) of the new user. If the letters are not printed when you press the keys, you need to click on this field with the mouse. You can enter any name as an alias; you can also use the real name of the person for whom the user will be created.

    Next, you should select the account type by choosing one of two options: Administrator or Regular access. The administrator is allowed to manage all existing operating system settings, add any programs and applications, create and delete users, and so on. In the case of normal access, you can also use almost all programs and customize the system to suit your own needs, but you will not be able to change the security settings of the system or other users. Also Administrator may at any time limit the rights of a standard account, preventing the user from performing certain operations.

    The most correct thing is if there is only one administrator user on the computer, who will control all the rights of other users. It is the administrator who allows and denies something to someone. In addition, administrators can change not only their own account, but also the records of other users. So the presence of several users on the same computer with such rights increases the risk of unwanted interference in important settings operating system.

    When the selection is made, click on the button. A window will open with a list of created users and their icons.

    Setting up and deleting accounts

    If you click on any of the accounts (for example, the one that was just created), a window will appear in which you can see links to change the user account settings. Items Changing your account name And Changing the pattern no special comments are needed.

    For each account, it is advisable to set its own own password, thanks to which other users will not be able to visit “other people’s” profiles. This is done using the point Creating a Password. Immediately after the password is created, the additional items Change/Remove Password.

    If you decide to limit the rights of any user, you need to click on the link in the window Set parental controls. Then you should select the user for whom the restriction will be set, after which a window with control settings will appear. By the way, if one or more accounts do not have a password, the system will warn you about this.

    First you need to put the switch Parental Controls to mode Turn on using the current settings. Links in the section Windows Settings allow you to configure certain settings for users, including: limiting time spent on the computer by day of the week, managing access to gaming applications, as well as setting permissions or blocking the use of certain programs.

    Finally, you always have the right to delete any account you create by clicking on the link with a self-explanatory name in the window for making changes to your account. Just keep in mind that changing settings or deleting users should be done carefully, since such operations can erase important files users, if they are in personal folders that Windows specifically creates for them.

    True, the developers have insured against rash actions and when deleting an account, Windows will first offer to save the user’s personal files, and if you still click on the button Delete files, it will display another warning window.

    After there are two or more active accounts in the system, each time before logging into the system, Welcome window you will be prompted to select the desired user.

    While working in Windows, you can log out of one account and log into another at any time, or even without logging out, just change the user. To do this, click on the button Start, and then hover your mouse over the arrow next to the button Shutdown.

    After selecting the item in the menu that opens Change user, you without shutting down applications and closing active windows will be taken to the welcome screen where you can select new profile to login. Just keep in mind that working with several configurations at once seriously reduces the available space RAM and can cause your computer to slow down.

    By the way, you can quickly change the user by pressing the combination Ctrl keys+ Alt + Del and selecting the appropriate menu item or using the Win + L hotkey combination.

    If you need to completely log out of your account and allow another user to work in Windows, select Logout. In this case, all programs and files you were working with will be closed.

    Good day, dear readers of the site!

    We can say with confidence that every Internet user sooner or later encounters such mysterious concepts as login, password, and what an account is, you also need to understand. Even the simplest action, such as logging into your mailbox, requires entering your username and password. Let's sort it out in order.

    What does account mean?

    Account or account( English. account - bank account, but on the Internet it is used in a different meaning), in principle the same thing. When registering on any Internet resource (website, blog, forum, etc.), you are required to enter a certain set of information that will identify the user in this computer system. The process of entering such data is called registration.

    The volume or quantity of data entered varies at each resource. Each owner sets his own registration conditions. But as a rule, they necessarily contain a login and password. After registration, the user gains access to some services or features of the resource (for example, he can leave comments or use his email by mailbox etc.).

    It will be easiest and clearest if you look at a few examples.

    Let's look at an example of creating an account in .

    The entire Twitter account contains:

    • First name and last name (Full name);
    • Your email;
    • Login password;
    • The username is unique (unique, the only name in all of Twitter.

    But creating an account requires providing a little more information. But you can also specify only mandatory ones - they are marked with an asterisk symbol.

    Here our account will be larger, but the minimum:

    • Surname;
    • Email address;
    • Skype Login;
    • Password.

    Thus, an account or account represents information that uniquely identifies a visitor to a resource in a specific electronic system.

    Now, in order to fully use any service, you just need to log in with your username and password. Here's how, for example, we should log into Skype: fictional character Fedya.

    Enter your details and press the green button.

    Why give your email? The fact is that in the vast majority of cases, after filling out the registration form, this email box a letter arrives that says approximately that your account has been created, but it is only inactive (it seems to already exist, but does not work). And in order to activate it, click on the link that is in the letter. And after that you are successfully registered.

    What is login

    Login is a unique user name for a specific system, so that the system (site, blog, forum, etc.) does not confuse you with another visitor. So, for example, to log into Twitter, our login will be Fedya 456 (although on Twitter, instead of the term “login”, “Username” is entered). And to log into Skype, our login is already Fedya23. That is, can you imagine how many billions of people use Twitter, but Fedya23 is the only one (and unique). And “Login” and “Username” are the same thing and we come up with them ourselves.

    By the way, on forums (and other resources) they use such a concept as “Nick”, which may or may not coincide with the forum user’s name. They say, for example, that I am “logged in”, and my “Nick” on the forum is such and such.

    You can watch all this in video format:

    Articles and Lifehacks

    Many users are interested in what is a phone account. Almost everyone has heard about it, but perhaps only a few understand exactly what it means in practice. It should be noted that in most cases this mysterious term must be understood as a Microsoft account.

    Phone account features

    It is a recording email address and saving a password, which is required to enter a whole list of services. Among them are Outlook.com, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, Xbox Music and Xbox, Office 365, Skype, OneDrive, which was previously designated as SkyDrive.

    However, even this explanation of the term often does not satisfy ordinary people, and they wonder why the account should be used when working with a telephone device. It's quite simple. When entering Windows Phone Using your Microsoft account you can easily purchase music, game projects, and various applications in the category Windows Store Phone. In addition, this will allow you to listen music recordings via Xbox Music. This account allows you to play games on your phone device. Xbox games even with friends. In this case, it is possible to set an avatar and obtain a player’s account.

    In addition, speaking about what an account is on a phone and why it is needed, it is worth noting the possibility of creating backup copies all information, which will allow you to restore previously saved data when purchasing a new mobile device. In addition, when you enter the section dedicated to contacts, you can add accounts for LinkedIn and Twitter.

    Benefits of using a phone account

    It is impossible not to note other advantages of using this opportunity. By always using the same account when logging in to different Microsoft services, the user has the chance to gain access to all the benefits of the project's related relationship. Thus, automatically sent photos via OneDrive become open for personal viewing. You can use your Xbox console. If you save the Wi-Fi password you enter on your phone device, you can later save it in automatic mode get on personal computer provided that both points are connected to an identical network.

    Additionally, a conversation started on Skype via mobile device, can be completed on a computer. It should be noted that when making purchases in virtual stores, you can create a list of necessary purchases on your PC and then transfer it to your phone. Moreover, this can be done automatically. The account allows you to work on the Internet, with contacts, mail, calendar and always stay in touch, regardless of the user’s location.