• Make a gmail email address. Gmail – email with the ability to collect mail from other servers into the gmail com mailbox

    Gmail.com (jimail or gmail) is the world's largest email site. It belongs to the Google search engine. Here you can create an email for free, and also get a Disk (storage for your files) with it.

    1. Open the website gmail.com. Click on “Create an account” below.

    2. Fill out the form on the right side.

    First and last name. Here you need to provide your details, preferably real ones. After all, if you suddenly have difficulties logging into the mailbox in the future, then thanks to this information you will be able to regain access. If desired, this data can later be hidden.

    Username. A very important field - this will be the name of your mailbox (login). It should consist only of English letters; you can also use numbers and dots. You just need to come up with it and print it.

    This is the email address (e-mail) where letters will be sent. This is exactly what you will need to tell the person so that he can send you something.

    There may be problems choosing a username. The fact is that each such login is unique - it belongs to only one person. And many names have already been registered, which means they cannot be selected.

    Let's say I want to get the umnik login. I type it into the field and press the Enter button on the keyboard. The system does not allow such a name - it says it is too short.

    Okay, so I add a couple more letters and press Enter. But Google doesn’t like it again: it turns out that this name has already been taken by someone.

    Just below the system shows logins that are free for registration. Google automatically combined them from my first and last name, and also added something similar to what I came up with.

    You can choose any of them. But I advise you to work a little more and choose something better - shorter and easier to remember. The fact is that this name will no longer be changed.

    Of course, you can then register another mailbox and set up mail forwarding to it from the old address. But why such difficulties if you can immediately choose a normal name.

    To simplify the task, after entering the desired login, press the Enter button and see what the system offers. It will show a different free title after each click. Maybe something will do.

    If the name is free for registration, then after pressing Enter, the field for entering it will not be highlighted in red.

    Many people don't realize at first how important it is to have a good address. Of course, if mail is needed not for correspondence, but for something else (registration in Google Play, for example), then any name will do. But if you plan to receive letters to it, then the address is very, very important.

    Ideally, it should be simple and not too long, so that it can be dictated over the phone. Preferably without numbers and dots. And no “babies”, “beauties” and “pussies”!

    It’s very funny when a serious guy’s business card says puzatik45.

    Password and password confirmation. Here you need to print an alphanumeric code with which you will open your box. It can only contain letters of the English alphabet and numbers, and must be at least eight characters long. It is highly desirable that the letters be of different case (both large and small) - this will make it more difficult for hackers to hack the mailbox.

    Be sure to write this password down in a safe place!

    It’s been verified: it’s forgotten instantly, but you simply won’t be able to log into your email without it.

    Date of birth, gender. These fields are also required. Information from them will not be used anywhere. As with the first/last name, it is better to indicate your real data. This will make it easier to regain access to the mailbox if problems arise with logging in.

    Other information. Mobile phone, spare email address. mail and country - this data may not be specified.

    3. After filling in all required fields, click “Next”. If the system does not let you in, it means that some field is not filled in as it should. It will be highlighted in red, and just below it will be written what is wrong with it.

    4. A window will appear in which the conditions for registering with gmail.com will be written. They must be accepted, otherwise you will not receive the box.

    The “I Accept” button will become available only after you have read them.

    That's it! The mailbox is registered and Google is happy to provide its address. We write it down in a safe place and click on “Go to Gmail service”.

    Immediately after this, your new mail will open.

    Email address

    If you carefully read what I said before, you should remember the username. I said that this is exactly your email address. But this is not entirely true: every email on the Internet has one more part in addition to the login. In the case of Google, this is @gmail.com

    It turns out, correct name The email box consists of the username (login) and the @gmail.com prefix. And this address must be one continuous word without spaces. There is no period at the end.

    An example of a correctly written address:

    This is the full name that needs to be dictated to people, written on business cards, websites and other places. If you give a person only a shortened version, he will not be able to send the letter - it simply will not arrive. But only the address must be your own, and not the one written in this picture :)

    How to find out your mailbox address

    Once you are in your new box, Google welcomes you and briefly talks about the capabilities of mail. We close this window - it will not appear again.

    To find out your email address on Gmail, you need to click on the icon with the letter of your name at the top right. A small window will appear where it will be written.

    How to log in to your email after registration

    Okay, we have a box. But how to get into it after a while: a day, two, a month, a year...

    It's very simple: usually an Internet program (browser) remembers the data from the mail and downloads it automatically. You only need to open Google website, and in the right top corner Click on the picture with the small squares and select the mail icon.

    Immediately after this, your mailbox should open with new and old letters. And if suddenly the Internet program forgets the data from the mail, then you will need to enter it.

    Why do you need a Gmail email account?

    Of course, first of all, mail is needed to send and receive emails. In addition to text, you can send documents, photos and other files.

    But Google created a bunch of others useful services, which also become available to you after you receive your mailbox on gmail.com. A little about the most popular:

    Disk ( google.com/drive). Free storage for your 15 GB files. You can upload data there from your computer, phone or tablet, and then open or download it remotely (for example, from another device). Or make some files available to other users.

    Documents ( google.com/docs). Through this service you can create documents, tables, presentations and forms. They are saved to your Google drive and at any time they can be sent, downloaded, and edited, including by several people at once.

    YouTube ( youtube.com). The world's most famous video hosting site. Through your Gmail account you can subscribe to interesting channels, as well as publish your videos and even make money from them.

    Google Play (play.google.com) - applications, games, books, music and movies for Android phones and tablets.

    Google+ ( plus.google.com) - social network.

    All this becomes automatically yours after receiving mail in Gmail. That is, along with the box you are given an account in each of these systems, which, by the way, are not at all necessary to use.

    >> How to create mail on Google

    Learning to create mail on Google.


    In this article I will tell you, how to create mail on google. I'll give you step by step instructions in the form of screenshots, what and how to do so that you can start your personal mail on Google, which you can then use for your needs.

    But there are different needs - sending and receiving emails, using email to register on sites, services, blogs. Mail is needed everywhere on the Internet. And every person who just went online for the first time is faced with such a concept as Email ( email address). After all, wherever a person is or is on the Internet, he must use his email.

    I, too, was once new to the Internet. I only knew one thing: there are sites on the Internet where various information. Then social networks appeared, such as Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, etc. And everywhere you need your own e-mail. And I had to create an email on Google.

    But, at first I was looking for information on how to create mail, because I didn’t know how to do this then. This is normal and everyone goes through this at some point and overcomes difficulties, and sometimes they arise often and unexpectedly. Therefore, I studied the material that I found on the Internet regarding creating my personal mail.

    I learned that there are many mails and each mail is tied to a specific search engine. And currently the most popular mail clients is mail on Yandex and Google. Now I can create mail every day, and this procedure only takes me a couple of minutes. But I didn’t know this before, and therefore I learned from others who had this experience.

    Believe me, this procedure at first glance seems complicated and impracticable, but in fact it is very simple. All you need is to sit down at your computer, go online and make an email in Google. And I will help you with this.

    If you have seriously decided to make your own mail on Google, then below I will give you step-by-step visual information that will give you what you were hoping to get here. And you will receive this information now.

    How to create mail on Google.

    First of all, you need to go to the Google search engine at this address https://www.google.ru/. When you load home page search engine Google systems, a menu will appear at the very top in which you need to find the word Mail and follow the link in the menu.

    After clicking the Register button, you will be downloaded next page, in which your main work on creating mail will take place. Here you will need to enter some data, namely:

    in the Name field - you need to enter your name;

    in the Last name field - you need to enter your last name;

    in the Create a username field - you need to enter a name in English letters any name (this name will be the name of your email at the end of registration, so come up with this name that is beautiful and memorable, since you will show this name everywhere on the Internet);

    in the Create a password field - you need to come up with and enter any password that is needed so that you can then log into your Google email;

    in the Confirm password field - you just need to enter the same password that you entered in the Create a password field;

    in the Date of birth field - you need to enter the day, month and year of birth;

    in the Gender field - you need to indicate your gender;

    in the Mobile phone field - you can enter your mobile phone number if you wish (this field, like the last one, can not be used).

    Below you will be offered a procedure that will check whether you are a robot or a living person and therefore will offer 2 options for doing this.

    Option 1: You can skip this procedure, but then postal service may require you to enter a code that will be sent to your phone, and therefore you will need to enter your real number;

    2nd option: in this window, enter the captcha (symbols) that you see on the screen in the required field below these symbols;

    in the country field - select your country;

    And the last thing you need to do is check the box that you agree to the terms that Google requires. You can leave the second checkbox unchecked or remove it and then just click on the Next button.

    The next step will load a window with your entered profile so that you can look at your profile from the outside. The first and last name you entered and a window with your photo will be displayed here. To upload your photo here, which will then be displayed in your Google email, you need to click the Add photo button. Click this button.

    Next you will see another button called Select files on your computer. Click on this button. You will see a window with files from your computer, where you must select your photo and click OK. After this, in addition to your first and last name, your profile window will display your photo.

    But, you don’t have to select a photo, but continue creating your mail on Google. To do this, there is a Next button in your profile that you need to click. And the next stage will congratulate you on successful creation email on Google, and at the end there will be your real email address on Google. After this, you need to click the Forward button.

    And you will immediately be taken to your mail, where you can already see the letters sent by the Google mail service. On the left there will be a menu for managing letters in your mail. There are also some more here additional features and settings. There is nothing complicated here, and you can see for yourself what’s what.

    Now, if you want to re-enter your Google mail (if you accidentally or intentionally left your mail or the browser did not remember your login details), you need to go to the Google search engine, find a menu there with the word mail and go to this link.

    Next you will have a window like the one shown in the screenshot below. Here you will need to enter the name of your email (the name that you wrote in the field, come up with a username, that is, the name of your email) without @gmail.com at the end. And accordingly, enter the password that you came up with during registration. That's it, then click on the Login button.

    By the way, there is such a thing as Stay logged in. What does it mean? This means that if you check this box, then when you close the browser and open it again, you no longer need to enter the login and password for your mail, since the browser will remember all this, and you will see the name of your mail in Google search engine. And all you have to do is click on this name, and you will be taken to your mail.

    But, let’s return to the moment when you want to log in to your email again and accordingly entered your username and password and then clicked on the Login button. A page like the one in the screenshot below will load.

    Here you will be offered the opportunity to restore your mail in case you lose your login data to your mail. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, then do so, if not, then click on the Save and Continue button below, after which you will be sent to your email.

    With this, I present this article, which I wrote for you, with the aim of teaching you how to create mail on google I'm finishing. I hope that now you also have your own mail on the Internet. And finally, don’t forget to leave comments.

    Video on the topic: How to create mail on Google.

    There are many different postal services, where you can create your own electronic mailbox(e-mail). Gmail is one of the best email services on the Internet; you can register and create a new mailbox in it for free. Logging into Gmail.com is available from both computers and phones.

    This mailbox has a large capacity, a simple and easy-to-use interface, good security and reliability of your letters and information stored on it. Also, after registering your mailbox, you will have access to other services from Google: YouTube, Google documents, remote disk and much more.

    Registering with Gmail.com - brief instructions

    To register a Gmail mailbox in Russian, follow the link to the official website: http://mail.google.com. The mail service will open in a new window, to register correctly, see the tips on our website, and fill out all the fields there:

    Let's briefly consider what should be written in each field:

    • What is your name - here indicate your real first and last name, because this box will most likely be your main one.
    • Come up with a username - this is the name of your mailbox and login to log into your account. Choose a name that you can easily remember. Names such as ivan, alex, irina are already taken. The system will tell you whether the name is taken or free. To create a name, you can use letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and dots.
    • Create a password - the password can contain both letters and numbers, and must have a minimum of 8 characters. The system will prompt you whether you have created an easy or complex password.
    • Confirm password – in this line, repeat your password that you created.

    • Mobile phone number (optional).
    • Backup email address (optional).
    • Date of birth.

    To upload a profile photo, click on the letter in the upper right corner and the change button, as indicated in the picture:

    How to install Russian language in gmail

    The Google account interface can be changed to any language. If you have installed English language, then you can easily change it to Russian. In your account, click the Settings button (located in the upper right corner)

    Login to gmail (gmail)

    If you have already registered, then to log in to your Gmail, click the link.

    In the window that opens, enter your username and password and you will be taken to your page in the mail service.

    Access to Google services

    By registering with your email, you can use this username and password to log into any Google service.

    Click on the button shown in the picture above, and the most popular services on Google will open: , youtube, news, maps, etc.

    Gmail ( Google mail) is free service email provided by the American company Google. I can't say exactly what year registration gmail.com became available to all users. However, for over ten years now I have been using Google account , and never regretted it. At the time of registration, when there were computers with 40-60 GB hard drives installed on them, mail gmail.com provided its users with 2 Gigabytes free space which they could use to their advantage. This was a record high at the time. Now, of course, this will not surprise anyone, but the fact remains a fact. Currently, all users of Android devices need to create a Google account in order to unlock all the capabilities of smartphones and tablets.

    Registration in Google service Play Market and many other popular services you don’t need if you have already created gmail account.com. To make it more clear, let me explain - free registration Google account provides you with:

    • Automatic gmail.com mail registration;
    • Automatic registration in the Google Play Market service, used on Android devices as an application and game store;
    • Automatic data synchronization (contacts, reminders, etc.) on tablets and smartphones running operating system Android;
    • Usage gmail account for authorization in many games;
    • Using Google Drive to store data on the Internet;
    • Authorization in the popular service Youtube.com;
    • Using Google maps for navigation;
    • Using the service Google Plus and many others.

    How to register mail on gmail.com

    I suggest going directly to creating a Google account. You should start by launching any browser in which you need to go to gmail.com. On the page that opens, left-click the “Create account” button.

    Google will prompt you to fill out the registration form that opens. And you need to start by entering your first and last name. I recommend writing your real data so that there are no authentication issues in the future. Now come up with a name and address for your future mailbox and enter it in Latin letters. For example, if your name is Svetlana Chaika, you can enter “svetachayka” or, perhaps, your nickname, preserved from school. Gmail.com may also be required for work or a corporate website. Then use your business name or domain name Your website. For example, "skompom". Now enter your date of birth, and then create a password to log into your gmail.com account. The password must consist of at least eight characters and contain Latin letters and numbers. The password must be entered twice to confirm. I recommend writing it down in a notebook right away so you don’t forget. Then indicate your gender, everything is simple here.

    Free registration with Google will continue with filling in the phone number for quick recovery password if you lose it or forget it. This, of course, must be a mobile phone number, which must be indicated with the country and operator code. If you already have a mailbox on another service, you can indicate it in the “Alternate email address” column. But this is not necessary. On next stage gmail account registration You must enter the characters that you see in the image. This is the so-called captcha, the entry of which is necessary to identify the facts of robotic registration. After this, indicate the country of your permanent residence and confirm your agreement with the terms of use of your account by checking the appropriate box. gmail registration almost over. To continue, you must click the “Next” button.

    The next step is to create a profile in the social project Google network+, similar to Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and others. If there is no need to create a profile, click the “No” button. Otherwise, click the "Create Profile" button.

    Automatically after clicking the button you will be redirected to a page where you will be informed that gmail account created and will display your new address email. If you haven't written it down yet, do it right now. In the upper right corner you will see a bell with the number “3”. This is how the Google+ project notification system works.

    By clicking on the bell, all new service alerts will open. Click on it again to hide alerts.

    To set up your Google account and add a profile photo, click on your profile icon showing a person.

    In order to open the contents of the mail itself, you must click the “Go to Gmail service” button.

    A welcome window will appear in gmail service, from which you will learn that you can use it on any device and much more. To close the welcome window, click on the cross in the upper right corner or click the “Forward” button to explore until you get to your gmail.

    This is what your mailbox looks like: appearance which can be customized. You will already have new letters from Google with congratulations and other information.

    As you may have noticed, create a Google account very simple. It doesn't take much time and doesn't require any supernatural skills or knowledge. Now you have gmail account, which you can use on your tablet or smartphone. You can register your gmail mail several times if necessary. For example, if you bought Android devices for other members of your family. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have, which you can ask using the comment form on the article. Be on friendly terms with the computer.

    In this article we will discuss in detail the registration of email on the gmail.com service. Registering mail on gmail.com is completely free, this service is provided by the google.com portal and is available to all users on the Internet. Gmail.com email is famous for its reliability, lack of spam, availability additional services Google, including the contextual service Google advertising AdSense. Below we will analyze in detail, step by step, the process of registering an account on gmail.com.

    Now you are a full-fledged user of gmail.com email, as well as other services from Google.

    Additional services from Google

    For registered users, google.com, along with email, provides the opportunity to use additional services directly from their account. To do this, log in to your gmail.com email using your username and password, and click on the square in the upper right corner.

    A window will appear in front of you, in which all the additional services that you can use will be visible.

    List of additional services from Google.com

    • Google +
    • translator
    • calendar
    • YouTube
    • cards
    • search
    • blogger
    • documents and others

    Get acquainted with full list You can access all possible services by clicking on the “Other Google services” button. In this case, on separate page you will see all the products and services available to users.

    Internet services

    1. search
    2. browser toolbar
    3. Google Chrome browser

    Services for mobile devices

    Here are special products for use on a mobile phone. Search for mobile phones, as well as a map service for mobile devices.

    Google Services for Business

    Google.com has a number of services that are designed specifically for those people who do business on the Internet. These are services such as:

    1. AdWords— using this service you can order contextual advertising, which will be placed both on Google search and on partner websites on the Internet.
    2. My business- with the help of this service you can place information about your company on maps, Google Plus and Google search completely free of charge.
    3. AdMob— designed for making money on your applications, if you are their developer.
    4. Google Apps for Work— these are documents, disk, email and other services. designed specifically for companies.
    5. AdSense- service contextual advertising, allowing website owners to make money on the Internet.

    Google multimedia services

    1. YouTube is a world-famous service for downloading and watching videos. Here you can both download and watch videos online.
    2. Image search— this service is designed to search for images on the Internet.
    3. Video search— using this service you can find any video on the Internet.
    4. Books— designed to search for books.
    5. News- This news feed, from which you can find out all the latest events.
    6. Picasa— the service is designed for publishing and editing your own photos.


    There are currently 3 services available in this section:

    1. Cards- here to study and create your own routes.
    2. Panoramio— here you can view and add your own photos from around the world.
    3. Planet Earth— the service is designed to explore the world without leaving home.

    For home and office

    • Gmail.com— reliable email with proven anti-spam protection.
    • Documents - Here you can create and share your documents with other users.
    • Presentations— allows you to create, edit and show your own presentations.
    • Drawings— now all Internet users can create diagrams and draw flowcharts.
    • Calendar— here you can plan your time and share events. and also create events and reminders about them to your email.
    • Google virtual printer — with this service you can print anywhere and from any device.
    • Disk— here you can store files and also give access to them to other people.
    • Table— creating and editing tables. Spreadsheets can be shared with other users on the Internet.
    • Forms— designed for creating and conducting surveys on the Internet.
    • Websites— a service for creating your own websites.
    • Translator— allows you to translate texts and websites on the Internet into various languages peace.
    • Google Keep- if you have ideas, you can write them down and store them here.

    Social media

    1. Google Plus is a well-known social network from Google.com. Upload your photos, publish events and posts, and share them with your friends.
    2. Groups- here you can create mailing lists and various discussion groups.
    3. Bloggerfree service to create your own blog on the Internet. Any user can get one in two clicks own blog completely free.
    4. Hangouts— interactive communication without borders. You can communicate on the Internet completely free of charge.

    Login to gmail.com email

    Login to email is available only to registered users. If you have not yet acquired your own email, then do so using the instructions contained above in this article.

    For registered users, logging into gmail.com is quite simple:

    Now you can log into gmail.com at any time of the day, check and send emails. If you have checked the box next to the “Remain logged in” item, your login and password will be recognized in automatic mode, you will not need to specify them every time you log in to your email.