• Yoast SEO is the best SEO plugin for WordPress.

    Any questions? Write a comment!

    Hi all! Today I will take apart a super popular plugin - Yoast SEO, designed for SEO website optimization. Although the plugin is in Russian, this will still not be enough for beginners to understand the plugin settings. Therefore, my instructions are to help all beginners and those who want to understand this plugin. I'll show you how to set up the plugin and how to work with it. You can install the Yoast SEO plugin directly from wordpress admin panels. Go to the tab: Plugins – Add new, enter the name of the plugin in the search form, press Enter, install and activate the plugin.

    Attention! – .

    To start setting up the plugin, go to the tab: SEO.

    On the plugin page, at the top of the page, you will see notifications; close them by clicking on the cross on the right so that they do not bother you or distract you.


    IN general settings or in basic, you can:

    Start presentation You can watch the presentation to understand the plugin settings. Text prompts will appear throughout the presentation.

    View changes, you can see latest changes, which occurred in the plugin.

    Restore default settings, you can reset the settings, return everything to its original position.

    About me

    – Site name, here you can change the site name, specify a different name for the site, but this is not necessary. You can also specify an alternative name for the site, especially for Google, but it is also not necessary to do this. You can leave the fields empty, the site name is indicated in the main WordPress settings and this is more than enough for everyone search engines.

    Company or Private person, choose who you are, if you are a single blogger, then choose – Private person. If the site represents any company, firm, agency, OJSC, LLC, individual entrepreneur, then select – Company.

    Webmaster Tools

    Here you can add your site to popular search engines. Leave the fields blank if you have already added your site to Google, Yandex, Bing, Alexa. To add your site to search engines, follow the link with the name of the search engine. I'll show you using Google as an example.

    You will see a page - Webmaster Center, to confirm the site. You need to copy the Meta tag and add it to the field on the plugin page, webmaster tools.

    Paste the copied Meta tag into the Google Search Console field and click Save changes.

    After that, go back to Google Webmaster and click on the button - Check.

    If you did everything correctly, your rights to the site will be confirmed. It’s the same with other search engines, insert a special meta tag for verification, save the tag and check the site. Only Alexa does not have a meta tag, but a verification ID. Look, to add a site to a search engine, you must have your own account in this search engine, that is, e-mail should be, if you don’t have an account, then you will need to first register an account, and only then you can add the site to this search engine. In general, it is not necessary to add a site to search engines through a plugin; you can do it yourself, manually. I already told you, without a plugin.


    Disable Advanced Composition from Yoast SEO meta box. Check the box to allow other authors and editors to manage settings for each post, edit the meta description, etc. If you are the only author on the site, you can uncheck the box for security, so that no one except you can make changes.


    Enable OnPage.org indexability check, enable the service to check site indexing, check the box.

    Headers and metadata


    Forced rewrite of headers, It is not recommended to check the box. If you check this box, the plugin will be able to change the headers of your posts; it’s better not to do this. The plugin will strictly adjust your headers to fit the templates, and this is not good for optimization. Headings should contain not only keywords, but also the human factor, that is, creativity, something from you, and not just everything from a primitive robot. Don't turn it on!

    Header separator, Of course, you can choose any separator for the title, but it seems to me that a vertical stick looks best, so choose it if you agree with me.

    Home page

    Title template, is specified by default, it is not necessary to change it, leave the field empty.

    Meta Description Template, Leave the field blank if you do not want to change the default template.

    By the way, at the top of the page, on the right, click on the tab - Help, here you can see the designation of all templates. If you wish, you can change the templates and add some additions.

    Post types

    Fields – Title Template and Meta description template– leave all values ​​unchanged.

    – Meta Robots, if you check this box, Posts, Pages and Media files will not be indexed by search engines.

    Date in the pre-examination of the fragment, It’s not necessary to check the box, what difference does it make whether the date is indicated there or not, because this is a preview.

    – Yoast SEO meta box, if you check this box, the meta box will not be shown for each post, where you need to indicate a meta description, focus keyword, etc. Don't check the box!


    Everything is similar here, the fields are Title Template and Meta description template leave unchanged. If you do not rely on the promotion of Categories and Tags, then you can disable the Yoast SEO meta box for them. The format doesn’t have to be indexed at all, that is, check the Meta Robots box.


    Same thing, fields – Title template and Meta description template leave unchanged. Look, if you have problems with duplicate content, that is, identical entries appear in the search, then you can disable Author Archives. If you have been blogging for a long time, then check the do not index box. If you have a new site, then it will be enough to simply disable the archive so that it is not created. It's the same with the date archive.


    Global META settings, leave all fields blank. I don't see the point in preventing search engines from using the DMOZ or Yahoo directory description, because if you don't use them, then what difference does it make? For Google and Yandex this does not play any role at all. Usage meta tag keywords – in my opinion, an outdated topic, the meta description is more than enough. Previously, there weren’t all these descriptions, keywords, etc., there was a title and that’s it. Over time, they began to complicate everything, to come up with some unnecessary complex functions, but now everything seems to be returning to normal. We’ve already looked at the archives; if you don’t have subpages on your site, then there’s no point in banning them.

    Social media


    You can add the URLs of your social media accounts if you have them, of course, if not, leave the fields blank. Go to your social media home page and copy the URL at the top of the page.


    See, when a link to your site is shared on social networks, your site name, image and description are displayed. You can set all these details for your site's home page if it is shared on Facebook. That is, if the main page of your site is shared on Facebook, the data you provide here, image, title and description, will be displayed. You can also set a default image, that is, if your post or page is shared and there is no image in it, the default image that you specify will be displayed.

    Here you can also add a Facebook administrator for a more detailed analysis of your site on Facebook. But not necessarily.

    Facebook App ID,, I already told you.


    You can choose how your site's posts appear on Twitter. With a picture or just text?


    You can use your details, title, description and image for the Pinterest social network, just like for Facebook. You need to pass verification, follow the link, copy the meta tag and paste it into the field - Pinterest Verification. If you don't have a Pinterest account, simply skip these settings.


    Add metadata to posts for Google+, if you check this box, you will be able to add metadata to each post for Google+. That is, you will be able to specify the title, description and image that will be displayed on Google+ if your post is shared on Google+. You will have a special tab in the Yoast SEO widget for social networks, this widget is displayed on the post and page creation page, I will tell you about it later.

    You also need to enter your Google+ page URL here. And on Google page+, on the – About yourself tab, provide a link to your website in the Links section.

    XML Sitemap


    To activate the XML Site Map, check the box at the top of the page. Here you can view your XML Map by clicking on the button - XML ​​Sitemap. Here you can specify the maximum number of entries for one sitemap page, the default is 1000 entries. If you have performance problems, then lower the number to 100. The XML sitemap displays a list of your posts and pages for indexing in search engines.

    Sitemap with list of users

    There is no need to indicate authors and users in the XML sitemap. If you have a site where many authors are published and you want their names to be indexed, you can leave the checkbox unchecked. And if you have a regular website, then check the box.

    Post types

    Here you can exclude any type of content from the map. Posts and pages do not need to be excluded, but media files can be excluded.

    Excluded entries

    You can exclude some entries from the sitemap by specifying their ID.


    If you don’t use tags or categories on your site, then there’s no point in excluding them. And if you use a lot of categories or tags, then it’s better not to exclude.



    You can enable breadcrumb trail. Breadcrumbs or breadcrumbs are the path from the page you started on to the page you are currently on. If you want to enable the chain, then check the box, do not change anything in the settings, save the settings.

    Here you can enable the function to remove stop words from post labels, although this is not at all necessary. Sometimes stop words can even help make a more precise request. I wouldn't include anything here at all. If you don't use RSD files then there is no point in hiding them, the same goes for the rest, why hide short links? It’s not clear why they are worse than regular links. It's better to leave everything as it is, by default.


    Here you can configure RSS feed for your site. You can add content that will appear before each post in the feed. And you can add a content template that will be displayed after each post. For each template, explanations are displayed at the bottom of the page.


    Group editor, With this tool you can quickly edit the titles and descriptions of your posts and pages.

    Import and export, You can import or export the settings of any SEO plugin from site to site.

    File editor, will help you edit files – .htaccess and . And if you don’t have these files, you can create them.

    – Recalculate SEO scores, a tool for calculating keywords. Click on the link and your score will be displayed.

    Search Engine Console

    Here you can connect the Yoast SEO plugin to the Google Webmaster Console so that the plugin can receive detailed information about your site. Click on the button – Get authorization code from Google. A window will open where you need to click on the button - Allow.

    Paste the code into the special field and click on the button - Authentication.

    You should see the address of your website, click on the button - Save profile. The site will only appear if you have added it to Google search.

    Now on the page Search Engine Console, you will be able to observe the indexing date of the records, the response code of the records. It is also possible to observe the display of the site on Smartphones and communicators.

    Metadata for posts and pages

    Go to the post or page creation page; at the bottom of the page you will see a special widget.


    Here you can change the Title and Description of the post that will be displayed in search results, on the browser search page. When a person searches for something through a search, he is shown a list of sites with titles and descriptions, and this data will be displayed in the search results.

    Focus keyword Indicate here the word that best characterizes your entry, that is, a generalizing word. For example, if you are talking about how to lose weight in a post, then the focal keyword will be “Weight Loss.”


    In additional settings, you can block the entry from indexing, that is, so that search engines do not index your site. If you are using a breadcrumb, you can specify a Post Title for the breadcrumb. You don't have to specify the canonical URL if you don't have problems with duplicate pages. The canonical URL is the main URL of the post. In general, if you do not want to change anything here, then do not change the settings.

    Here you can specify for the post – Title, Description and Image, which will be displayed on the specified social network if your post is shared on social networks. You can leave these fields blank if you don't want to change the basic meta data, title, description, and image.

    Keyword Research

    At the top of the WordPress admin panel, you will have a new tab - SEO

    – External Adwords, you can go to Google service AdWords and see popular queries V Google search. That is, you can find out how popular a particular query is in Google search. Number of views...

    – Google Insights, you can see popular trends on Google.

    – SEO book, website about SEO, in order to receive training materials, you need to register. True, the site is in English.

    And also, on the main page of the WordPress admin panel, you will have an SEO post review widget. By clicking on the button – Analyze entire site, you can analyze your site using special tools. You will need to register on the site to access your statistics.

    Attention! The plugin has been updated! Read the new instructions HERE!!! – .

    That's all for me, I'm waiting for your comments, good luck and see you again!

    Setting up the Yoast SEO plugin wordpress new instructions updated: April 23, 2018 by: Ilya Zhuravlev

    In this article, I will talk about how to properly configure the Yoast SEO plugin. This add-on is used to promote the site, its main task is SEO optimization. The plugin is a multifunctional combine in which you can do almost everything you need for promotion. And it is free, in Russian and is intensively updated and improved by developers.

    Thanks to this article, you will understand why this or that function in this plugin is needed, and how to use them all correctly.

    Download the Yoast SEO plugin and install it on your website.

    After activation, you will need to enable advanced settings, since the developers, for security reasons (so that inexperienced webmasters cannot spoil anything for promotion), have disabled them by default.

    To enable advanced settings, you need to go to the “SEO” item, the “Console” sub-item, the “Features” tab and enable the “Advanced page settings” option.

    After saving the changes, you will see that there are more options. Now I will go through each section of the settings and tell you what and why.


    Console. Notifications from the plugin are indicated here, as well as problems that it found on your site. You can often come across something useful.

    General. There is a “Settings Wizard” that makes setting up the Yoast SEO plugin easy. However, it seems to me that it is better to set everything up yourself. “Text link counter”, which shows whether some articles need to increase their link weight due to linking. There is also a section with information “About the Creators” and the “Restore Settings” function.

    Possibilities. In this tab you can enable or disable certain functions of the plugin. As you remember, at first we included additional options, which will allow you to configure the plugin more finely. Leave all features enabled.

    Information about you. Here you can set data about you that will be shown in Google as alternative name site. It is not necessary to fill out.

    Webmaster Tools. Here you can confirm the rights to the site in the search engines Bing, Google and Yandex.

    Safety. Here you can enable advanced options for the Yost SEO block, which allow you to set indexing settings that are unique for each post or page. I recommend turning this on if you understand what it's about. If you don't need it yet, then leave it as is.

    Headings and meta data

    General. The character for the separator is set here. It doesn’t matter in principle what exactly will be chosen.

    Home page. Set a title and description for your home page. The header can be left as default - it uses the variables from the WordPress settings.

    Post types. Here you set titles and descriptions for post types. Headings can also be left as default. In addition, for each type you can set unique settings: “Meta robots” - whether these types of posts are indexed or not; “Date in fragment preview”—whether or not to indicate the date in the search results; “Yoast SEO block” - will the Yoast SEO plugin show its options in this type records. All types of posts are supported, including custom ones, if any.

    Taxonomies. A similar tab as “Post types”, only for taxonomies. I won’t go into detail, but if you need it, read the description for “Post Types.”

    Archives. Same as “Post Types”, only for archives of posts by date and author. Again, for those who need it, read the explanation for the “Record Types” tab.

    Other. The “Archive Subpages” option allows you to remove from search index pages like page/2, etc. And the option “Use keywords meta tag?” allows you to enable or disable keywords - a meta tag with keywords, many still use it, although most search engines have stopped taking it into account.

    Social media

    Accounts. Here you can set accounts on social networks that the search engine should associate with your site. Only foreign social networks are supported.

    Facebook. Here you can add Open Graph data for your site, which will be seen and displayed by FaceBook and others social media. The Yoast SEO plugin allows you to add Open Graph data for each individual post/page.

    Twitter. This is where Open Graph data for Twitter is added and the data type can be selected. You can also add it separately for each entry.

    Pinterest. You can verify your site on the social network Pinterest.

    Google+. You can specify your Google+ account address.

    XML sitemap

    The "Create XML Sitemap" option allows you to enable or disable this feature. If you want the Yoast SEO plugin to make a map, then enable it.

    General. Here you can view the created map and set the maximum number of lines in it.

    Map with a list of users. Includes or removes users from the list. If there is only one user on the site, then there is no point in enabling it.

    Post types. Here certain types of records are added or excluded from the map. If not on the site custom types records, you can leave it as default.

    Excluded entries. You can remove entries from the map by their ID.

    Taxonomies. Here you can include or exclude taxonomies - categories and tags - from XML maps.

    A small announcement from the Night Blogger: “I promoted myself to 4,000 people/day in 5 months and didn’t spend a penny on links, do you want to know how? Take part in the marathon “Seo is easy!”

    Hello. Today there will be a lesson about best seo plugin - WordPress SEO by Yoast. The idea for the article was taken from one cool WordPress site and here is a link to the original article about the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast. May Vitaly forgive me, but the plugin is so good that I decided to write about it on my blog. As many people know, I use mine in the form of a cheat sheet, all necessary information by plugins, different settings I'm looking on my own blog, no matter how strange it may sound. It's impossible to keep everything in your head. And I like my own style of articles better, naturally.

    Read the lesson from cover to cover and you will understand why I, like many, consider WordPress SEO by Yoast the best SEO plugin for WordPress.

    Setting up the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin

    1. As always, first we need to download the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin.
    2. Next we need to enable the Keywords field for the plugin (it is disabled by default). To do this, in the WordPress admin panel -> SEO -> Headings and metadata -> check the box next to “Use meta keywords?”:
    3. After this, we get rid of the unnecessary All in SEO Pack or in my case (if, of course, you had them). To do this, leave both plugins active (WordPress SEO by Yoast and Platinum SEO Pack), in the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin settings go to the “Import and Export” section:
    4. Since I had the Platinum SEO Pack installed, I check the box next to “Import from OLD All-in-One SEO?” and click on the “Import” button:

    5. All metadata has been imported. To check this, you can go into the editor of any post and see that WordPress SEO by Yoast already duplicates the data from the Platinum SEO Pack plugin:
    6. Now we need to copy the descriptions and keywords (description and keywords) of the main page. To do this, copy the site description from the Platinum SEO Pack settings (or another one, if your plugin is different from mine), go to the WordPress admin panel -> SEO -> Headings and metadata -> Main menu and paste it into the appropriate field. Same with keywords. I made the name template like this "%%sitedesc%% | %%sitename%% %%page%% " (without quotes), provided that in Settings -> General I wrote “site” in the title, and the selected one in the description title.
    7. The Platinum SEO Pack plugin can be safely disabled.
    8. Here are my “checkmarks” in the WordPress SEO by Yoast settings in the “Headings and Metadata” -> General section (if you don’t use , you don’t need to check the “Hide short post link” checkbox!):
    9. You have already seen the “Main Menu” above; I did not touch the other sections on this blog. The only thing is that on FanBar I had to tinker a little in the “Post Types” section, but still the title of the posts could not be perfected (with the Platinum SEO Pack there were no problems with this).
    10. In the “Social Networks” section you can add links to your account on Google+, Twitter, Facebook. What and why is described in great detail:

    11. In the “XML Site Map” section, I did not include the site map of this plugin, since everything already works fine for me using . WITH using WordPress SEO by Yoast You can get rid of the old plugin:
    12. Section “Permanent links”. One of the coolest sections of the plugin. Here I put one single checkmark next to “Delete variables?replytocom”:

      I checked this box to get rid of the so-called “snot” on Google. Snot– these are unnecessary pages that are in the index. You've probably noticed that on Google you have a lot more pages in the index than in Yandex? Type the expression “site:https://site/” into Google (without quotes, with the address of your site), you will see that a huge number of pages are in the index:

      Then enter the expression “site:https://site/&” into Google, and these are the real pages:

      So, “site:https://site/&” minus “site:https://site/” is equal to your “snot”.. Go to the last page of the search results, click on the “Show hidden results” button:

      And again we go to the last pages of the search result:
      Wow they are! And there are a huge number of such pages in the index!!! So, the developers of the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin assure that by checking the box next to “Remove variables?replytocom” (see step 14), these unnecessary pages will be removed from the index. I read reviews from other webmasters, and this is actually true. Well, this is a huge plus for this plugin.
    13. Next comes the “Breadcrumbs” section; I don’t touch it, since I displayed them using . Thanks to WordPress SEO by Yoast, the following own and client sites will have 2 fewer plugins:
    14. In the “RSS” section you can send your text + links along with your feed:

    15. I already spoke about the “Import and Export” section above:
    16. In the “Edit files” section you can edit the robots.txt and htaccess file directly from the admin panel:
    17. I was also pleasantly surprised by the settings for writing posts: there is a preview, you can also set a “focus keyword” and analyze how many times it is mentioned in the header, title, content, etc.:

    18. Nearby there is a cool “Page Analysis” function, where you can learn a lot of new and interesting things about your article:

    You will also need to remove the words "Archives" in the Taxonomies section ("Headings and Metadata"), and also have the second and subsequent pages of the site displayed in Russian (Page 2 of 5, instead of Page 2 of 5). To do this through FTP client open the file wpseo-functions.php, which is located in /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/inc, find line 169 there and translate the expression “Page” and “of”.

    That's all. I really hope that thanks to WordPress SEO by Yoast I can get rid of many unnecessary pages in the Google index. Oh how they irritate me :). I just switched to this cool plugin with the Platinum SEO Pack yesterday. 🙂 How are you, with me? 🙂

    And yes, I almost forgot: a cool competition has been launched on jonyit.ru, the prize fund is 40,000 rubles! I invite you

    Hello friends, as you already understood from the title of the article, we will talk about Yoast Seo, a plugin that will help you optimize your website. I must immediately warn readers that installing, activating and then configuring the plugin according to the recommendations in the article will not bring your blog or site to the TOP of search engines. This requires not only yoast seo, but also a lot of additional manipulations both inside and outside the site.

    IMPORTANT! The screenshots show the settings of the test site. This means that there is no point in lining them up exactly as shown in the pictures.

    The plugin is updated frequently and, to the great happiness of users who are just starting to use this tool, they have added a special add-on to it that allows you to initial setup WordPress blog in just a few wedges. The user only needs to check the boxes. Let's look at this version first, and then move on to already detailed analysis plugin.

    Configuration wizard

    After you have installed the plugin (it is not necessary to download it from third-party resources). Just go to “Plugins” – “Add new”. Paste into search key query“yoast seo” and it will be displayed immediately. Install and activate. Or alternatively, go follow this link and download it.

    For the plugin to carry out the initial setup, follow these steps: Go to “SEO” – “Information Panel” – “General” and click on the “Open Setup Wizard” button. The plugin will start automatically configuring its parameters.

    The first thing you will see will be an invitation to subscribe to newsletters from the development team. Here you can subscribe as you wish, or not at your discretion.

    Next stage – Environment:

    There is nothing complicated here, most likely your first point will be.

    On next stage The plugin will ask you about the type of site, select the desired item and proceed further:

    In the next paragraph it will be necessary to provide an explanation:

    In fact, there is nothing scary in it, no matter how weighty these words sound. The fact is that Google displays sites in search results differently. If you noticed, company websites have an additional area to the right of the search, which indicates their logo, address and contact information.

    The next section is social profiles:

    Your site will probably have or have links to social networks, but unfortunately, there are no Russian social networks on this list - such as VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. In principle, it will be enough for you to have addresses on Facebook and Twitter, but this is just my opinion. It all depends, of course, on the direction of your blog.

    Post type visibility for search engines:

    Here you need to note what search engines will see when they visit your site. You can leave it as is, or you can change it.

    I would leave this point unchanged due to the security settings of your site, but this will be discussed below.

    Google Search Console:

    If you haven't set up this feature, skip it and move on. We'll look at it below.

    Title settings:

    Here you choose how the site will appear in search results. for example: Test site (name) – (separator) – site for testing plugins (description of your site).

    The last stage is congratulating you on setting up the plugin and another offer to subscribe to the news :)

    Now, let's look at everything in more detail and detail, in order to understand exactly how the Yoast Seo plugin works.

    Information panel

    On this tab, information will appear in front of the site user that warns about any problems on the site; in addition, notifications from developers will appear on it from time to time, for example, about plugin updates or about certain actions that would improved the quality of the information received.


    This tab contains settings that help start the system automatic settings, which was mentioned above. It also contains information about the plugin developers and the ability to reset the plugin settings if necessary.


    In this section, we need to take a closer look at the yoast seo plugin, as it contains a number of quite important points that are worth paying attention to.

    In this section, I would leave all the features enabled for a number of reasons, the main one being that the developers have made several hidden features in the plugin that work by default.

    Let's say you have an online store on Wordpress or you just sell some goods or services using a plugin WooCommerce . IN in this case a product on the site may be located in different categories, such as: brands, products of various colors, sizes, etc. Therefore, the canonical tag is added to all sections so as not to create duplicates that would have to be indexed by the Google search robot (remember that this is primarily a foreign plugin, which is tailored by developers for the search engine Google system), that is, everything on the WordPress site has this tag (of course, when the plugin is enabled).

    But! At the same time, you can make some changes; this function is hardly applicable in the Russian segment of the Internet, but rather in the foreign one. We still need to talk about it. The bottom line is that when you create any post or page, you have the opportunity to set canonical url(link). For example, a blogger found your article on the Internet and decided to post it on his website. By posting it, he puts a link to your article, as a result, information from his site will be displayed in Google search results, but the link will lead to you. How to apply this in Russian realities, I think, is not difficult to guess.

    Another hidden feature is that Google “requests” that the site's search pages not be indexed. If they are indexed, then this will be additional noise that the search engine does not need.

    About the site

    Here you have the opportunity to choose between an individual and a company.

    The difference is that if you choose a company, you can upload its logo, which will also be displayed in the search results and this data, by the way, is combined with the settings of social networks.

    Webmaster Tools

    Right here interesting point, which is as follows: if you have already registered your site in these systems, then you do not need to enter any data.

    The registration process is not anything complicated, but I think that I will still compile instructions for registering and possibly using this service.

    There is nothing complicated here. You need to do the following:

    1. Download HTML file to your computer.
    2. Upload it to the root folder of your site, usually called public_html (this is where your site files are located).
    3. Follow the link to make sure that the file download process was successful and it is displayed.
    4. Click on the VERIFY button – that is, confirmation.

    When you click on Yandex.Webmaster you will be redirected to the page:

    The scheme here is approximately the same.

    Of course, before making these settings, you need to create accounts in both Yandex and Google.


    In principle, both in the screenshot and in the plugin itself, everything is written out quite clearly. only one question arises: “Why this function if it is disabled?” It is needed because you may have a site with a huge number of categories and posts. It is unlikely that you will lead them all. In this case, when you trust your authors, you can enable it so they can make changes to the articles.

    Headings and metadata wordpress seo by yoast

    This section determines how your site will appear in search results. For companies, developers recommend indicating the name of the organization so that the user sees the name of the organization and has more confidence in this resource.


    Choose the separator you like best, but try not to make it too complicated. For example, I chose a vertical line for myself.

    I would also recommend disabling forced rewriting of headers, so that you can form them as you see fit.

    Let's move on to some of the most important points of the plugin:

    Home page

    As you can see, in the Name Template line there are some strange squiggles - these are variables. Their task is to display your site in search results ( Home page) as you need. there are quite a few variables large number. You can get acquainted with them on a special tab.

    Click on the purple link “Support Center”, there you will see 2 sections: “Main Variables” and “Additional Variables”, you can insert them as you like. Experiment with them, but remember exactly what variables you insert, such information will be displayed.

    There is one more point here, which is that if there is only one page on the site, like Home, then you can enter a description. If it is missing and the site is a blog in its pure form, then it is not necessary to enter the data.

    Post types

    It is recommended to use more variables in post posts. If the site sells some goods or services, you can use a variable, as a result of which (if there is a custom field) the price of the product or service will appear directly in the header. Don't remove the variable for the page and use a delimiter variable rather than a hyphen or anything else. If you put a hyphen, it will not be possible to put another variable in the form of a vertical separator. It is better not to delete the site name, because Google will return it back by changing the page title in the results.




    Social networks yoast seo

    I don’t know how much it makes sense to dwell in detail on this section. Perhaps it makes sense to highlight it in a separate article in order to clearly show how to configure these parameters. In fact, you have already configured them if you ran the Configuration wizard for the first time:

    I would like to draw your attention to, no matter what social networks you connect to yoast seo, in any case it will receive metadata from Facebook:

    XML Sitemap – Yoast SEO

    A very important section of the plugin settings. You may have third-party plugins installed to create a sitemap, but I would recommend disabling them and using these settings, as they provide a number of options.


    A special feature of creating a sitemap from this plugin is that it generates separate maps for pages, posts, and tags. Why, exactly, do you need a site map? In order6 to transmit data about changes that occur on your resource when you, for example, publish new entry or add next page to the wordpress site.

    Please remember one very important thing - the Sitemap does not in any way affect the site's ranking in search engines. At all. Its function is to inform search engines about changes on the site and nothing more, as I said above.

    Look at this item: Here you will find the XML Sitemap: XML Sitemap – this is exactly what you need, this is the data you should provide to search engines. If you click on it, a link will open in which all your cards are located. There may be a map by author, by post, by page or by tag. The plugin recommends making no more than 1000 lines per map so as not to overload your server.

    Sitemap with list of users

    Post types

    Here you, in fact, decide for yourself what data will be in the site map. You can include all 3 points.

    Excluded messages

    You can exclude certain posts from the site. For example, you wrote something out of passion and don’t want this information to be available in the site map. The plugin prompts you to enter a post ID, but doesn't tell you where to get it. There is nothing complicated here. When you create a post on the site, it has a standard appearance; refresh the entry, you will see its path in the browser line:

    https://site.su/wp-admin/post.php?post=796 &action=edit

    You should be interested in the number that is highlighted in red; this is the ID of your entry. Paste it into the exclusion row and click the save button.


    Here, mark the ones you want and save.

    Before moving on to the next section of the plugin, it’s worth saying a few more words about the sitemap. In the “Search Console” section there is a “Settings” section. It contains a link to Google Search Console. More precisely, authentication from her. Be sure to check your site through this link. And remember that in Google Searsh you only need to add a map with the word index in the title, the rest are not needed. As a result, your link should look like this: https://site.ru/sitemap_index.xml You can get a ready-made link in the section – XML sitemap – Yoast SEO – subsection “General”.

    Additional – Yoast SEO

    bread crumbs

    The next section, I would not call it very important. Rather, it had its meaning several years ago, when the number of templates was not very high. Now, WordPress theme developers include “breadcrumbs” in almost all of their templates. What it looks like: “Home” – Section “InfoBusiness” – article “ How to monetize a website on WordPress?

    In my template, breadcrumbs exist by default, but yours may not, so if you enable them, you can leave everything as is in the plugin.


    My advice to you is to leave everything as it is in this picture. I think that soon this section will simply go away from the plugin and it will be hidden opportunity, I wrote about a number of them at the beginning of the article.


    Honestly, I don’t know who still uses them, if there is, for example, .

    Tools – Yoast SEO

    This section contains functions that may be very useful to you:

    Group editor

    You may need to rewrite the titles and descriptions of your entries. Open this section and make the necessary changes.

    Import and export

    On some other site you had seo settings and you want to import them to your website, select the file on your computer and click the button Import settings.

    Here, too, everything is clear in principle. If you need to export settings.

    The plugin developers believe that there is nothing inherently better than their yoast seo plugin, but they still offer to import from 4 options of other plugins :)

    Search Console – Yoast SEO

    Desktop computer

    In this section, you will see all the pages that have one or another error according to what Google Search Console found on your site. This is where it comes into play. Paid version Yoast SEO plugin. The point is that you can redirect broken links and give them a different path:

    • 451 – means that the page was deleted for legal reasons;
    • 301 – redirection from one page to another;
    • 302 or 307 – if you expect that the page will change direction from one page to another, use this option;
    • 410 – the page will be quickly removed from Google.

    After you have paid for the Pro version of the plugin (you can find prices on their website) or by going to last tab: “Go to premium”, you can make changes; Don’t forget to click on the “Mark as corrected” button.

    Now let's move on to the final part of setting up yoast, in which we will talk about how to customize a post so that it is attractive to search engines. To do this, we will create an entry on the website.

    Under visual editor A special field has appeared that will need to be configured. It has 2 horizontal ones: readability and enter the section keyword. I should also note that in Pro versions plugin you can enter multiple keywords.

    Readability – it is advisable that this item be marked with a green light; from the plugin’s point of view, this means that the article is easy to read for the end user.

    Keyword – This is where you enter search query. For example, instructions for creating a Landing Page.

    After you click on the keyword tab, you will see a tab with the following content:

    Enter your keyword in the space provided. Look at “Analysis”, the more green lights you have, the better your article is optimized from the point of view of the yoast seo plugin.

    The next step is to change the snipnet (this is a thing with a description that will be displayed along with a link to your site in Google search results - remember that the plugin is primarily designed for this search engine ).

    Here you can:

    • change the title of the article to be more attractive to users;
    • change the label (link to your article in the browser, the shorter it is, the better);
    • add a meta description (displayed in search results), I recommend using the keyword in the meta description 2 times.

    Frankly, I don't use it. It may be of interest to companies that would insert a specific image into it, for example, their logo.


    Actually, additional settings. You can change them, you can not change them. Everything here is at your discretion.

    This is where I would like to finish the article about the Yoast Seo plugin. I hope you liked the article.

    Hello friends. I already told you that to increase traffic you need to optimize articles, but “naked” WordPress does not natively provide this feature. Don't despair! There are plugins that allow you to set title, description and others important parameters for SEO. One of the best is Yoast SEO plugin, about it correct settings Today we will talk.

    What is this plugin for?

    I will list the capabilities of the Yoast SEO plugin for a WordPress blog.

    • Allows you to fill out title, description and keywords meta tags (I don’t fill in keywords - it’s outdated);
    • Snippet preview for Google;
    • Automatically builds an XML sitemap;
    • Allows you to remove bread crumbs;
    • You can confirm rights to Yandex Webmaster directly from the admin panel (convenient for beginners);
    • Add semantic markup for social media. networks (Open Graph).

    This is the block that appears when writing an article. Extremely convenient!

    If you are using another plugin, please do so. But if you’ve given up on optimization, run and set it up!

    After installation, the SEO icon will appear in the left menu.

    Now about each section in detail.


    You can set “allow anonymous tracking of the parameters of this site” - this will not affect the optimization of your blog, but developers will be able, based on the collected anonymous statistics, to make the plugin even better.

    Be careful with the “reset to default” button. Once you have everything set up, do not click it, otherwise the headings and structure may change, which will negatively affect the blog.

    General – your info

    Here we set the name of the site and its description “Website name” and “Alternate name”.

    In the “Company or person” section, select “person” - private person.

    Webmaster Tools

    As I said, very convenient feature for those who are afraid to get into the code.

    You simply paste the resulting meta tags into the fields, and the Yoast SEO functionality itself will display them in the template between the “head” tags.


    Headings and Metadata - General

    Be sure to check the “Enable force rewrite titles” checkbox. It allows you to overwrite standard headers with those that we will create ourselves.

    “Title separator” is a symbol that is placed between the title of the article and the name of the site, for example: “SEO plugin for WordPress - Webvim blog.” I don’t use this format; I don’t think it’s the best for blog promotion. I’ll show you how to set this up later, for now just select any one.

    Home page

    Set the title and description for the main page.

    This depends on what template you have installed. Most often, the latest entries are displayed on the main page, then fill out both fields. I wrote my blog myself and instead of the main one I substitute separate page and the description is taken from it. I advise you to fill it out - it won’t be superfluous.

    Post types

    There are several types of posts in WordPress: we are most interested in “posts” and “pages”.

    We set a simple template, like in my screenshot. And for maximum effect, we will fill out the title and description on each page.


    Taxonomies include categories and tags (labels). These pages can also be promoted as posts.

    I use the same template for all types. This is not so important here; we will still fill out the tags on the categories page.


    We do the same in dates, check the “noindex, follow” and “disable archives” checkboxes.

    On the same tab below there is a section “Special Pages”.

    Set the title template for search pages and 404 pages. I installed a search from Yandex, a separate page is displayed for it, but most have a standard search, so you fill out all the fields.

    • “%%searchphrase%%” - search phrase;
    • “%%page%%” — page;
    • “%%sep%%” is the separator, the one we chose above;
    • “%%sitename%%” is the name of the site.

    Headings and Metadata - Rest

    I unchecked all the boxes here.

    • “Noindex for subpages and archives” - I don’t hide such pages;
    • “Use meta keywords” - I don’t use keywords, they are outdated;
    • “Tags noodp and noydir” - for the Yahoo search engine and the DMOZ directory, which are not relevant for Russian-language sites.

    Go to the next section in the left menu.

    Social networks - Accounts


    Adds semantic markup for Facebook.


    Metadata for Twitter. In addition to the checkbox, select “Summary content with a large picture” - an image will be inserted into the tweet, and, as we know, there are more clicks on such tweets.

    I leave my Pinterest and Google+ tabs empty. First social the network is not popular in the CIS countries, and the second one, after 2014, does not support the display of the author’s photograph in search results, so there is no point.

    XML sitemap

    One of the most important sections in WordPress plugin SEO by Yoast. Read carefully!

    The XML map shows any changes on the blog to search robots. Without a map, the blog will be indexed extremely poorly, and particularly distant entries may not be reached at all.

    We enable the construction of a site map by checking the first box. If your site is slow, try decreasing the value in the “Max entries per sitemap” field. The default value is 1000 and most users do not experience problems.

    Sitemap with list of users

    I am writing a blog alone, so I checked the “Disable sitemap with list of authors and users” checkbox so that there is no unnecessary information in the sitemap.

    Post types


    We exclude labels and formats from the map.

    Breadcrumbs - bread crumbs

    We check the “Enable breadcrumbs” checkbox and paste the code that is offered to us into the template.