• What to do if the VKontakte page is not restored. steps on how to recover VKontakte login data without a phone. How to restore a contact page by phone number

    Many people probably had the following thought: “That’s it, I’ll delete myself from all social networks, I’ll spend more time doing useful things, I’ll finally see my friends in person!”

    But after a month has passed (some have more, some have less), you think that you should go to VK or Facebook and find out what interesting things happened there during your absence.

    If you deleted your account yourself, then you shouldn’t worry about this incident at all. This problem can be solved in one click, the main thing is that your absence from the Internet does not last longer than seven months. Otherwise, this will no longer be possible and you will have to create a new profile.

    So, what steps need to be taken:

    1. Login to VK.
    2. Enter your username and password in the appropriate place.
    3. In the window that appears in the left corner, click on the inscription “Restore”.

    But in addition to the above-described case, it happens that you forgot your password or login, you were hacked or blocked. Then things will be a little more complicated with restoration. But you can - just read the article to the end.

    How to restore access to a page in contact if you have forgotten your login information

    Yes, it happens that after a long absence from your page, you completely forget your login information. Therefore, I strongly recommend saving them somewhere, especially since you can’t always trust the browser in which this data is supposed to be stored.

    So, to log into your account, you need an active telephone number or e-mail that was used to login. A message with a new password will be sent to it if you entered everything correctly in the “Restore access to page” menu https://vk. com/restore (enter without spaces). Enter the numbers received on your phone or email and then change the password to a more convenient one for you.

    If there is no link to the number, you should contact the service for restoring access to the page for help. https://vk. com/ restore?act=return_page (remove spaces). Here you will have to enter a link to your profile. If it is not saved in memory, then, in principle, it’s okay, you can simply enter the first and last name under which you were registered.

    Unlock procedure

    VK may not open due to your device being infected with viruses, and the problem with logging in can be solved by simply cleaning it with an antivirus.

    The login block is also the result of a violation of rights that you were warned about during registration (and most people don’t read them and immediately click “Next”). VKontakte moderators indicate the reason for the blocking and provide a link with instructions on how to prevent them in the future.

    You may also receive messages offering to restore your lost account for money. This is a scam! VK moderators perform these procedures for free.

    This type of blocking, called “freezing,” does not last long. The page is simply unavailable due to minor errors. You just need to go to VK and link your number.

    After linking, you will receive an SMS with a code. Let's invent New Password and click on “Unfreeze page”.

    If the site is blocked for serious violations, then there is nothing left to do but wait for the end of the period for which access is blocked. It is indicated in the same way as the reason.

    If you have done something completely unforgivable, then you are unlikely to get permission to enter. You will receive this message:

    You, of course, can talk to technical support workers, but it’s easier to create new account and no longer violate the rules for using the social network. But you can still try. Maybe you can make the VK specialists feel sorry for you.

    If somehow a hack occurred, then you need to try recovery methods using the phone number or technical support that were indicated above.

    The support service will help with closed access to your account, but you will never be able to restore lost connections with family and friends. Moral: Meet more often real life, not online!

    Now you know how to restore access to a VK page, if you still have questions, ask them in the comments below.

    A fairly common situation: you enter your VKontakte username and password as usual, but are horrified to discover that it does not work, or you receive a message indicating that your page was hacked because spam was sent from it. In this article I will tell you how to restore access to the VKontakte page.

    What to do if VK is hacked? All ways to unblock VKontakte

    To avoid having to re-read dozens of extra paragraphs, click on the most appropriate link from the list:

    1. I still have access to my phone number and mailbox.
    2. I still have access to my mailbox, but I changed my phone number or did not link it to my VKontakte page.
    3. I just forgot the password for my page. I wasn't hacked.
    4. They require me to send an SMS to a short number in order to restore access to VKontakte.
    5. I submitted a request to reset my password, but it was rejected.

    The easiest way to restore to VKontakte is using the phone number to which your page was linked. The procedure is as follows:

    2. In the window that appears enter the phone number to which the VKontakte page is linked V international format(for example, via +7 for Russia), then click next and in the window that appears, enter the letter-symbol code (captcha) from the picture.

    3. Next step enter the Last Name indicated on the page.

    5. Now to the previously specified number phone will come SMS from contact with digital code, which must be entered in the next step.

    5. And finally, on the last step we you need to come up with a new password for VKontakte, which should certainly be more difficult than the previous one. My recommendations on what the password should be can be read in this post.

    That's all, we have restored (and in fact changed) the password for our VKontakte page via SMS.

    Password recovery without access to the phone number.

    The procedure for restoring access to a VKontatka page, without access to a phone number, but with access to email, is largely similar to the previous one, with a few exceptions.

    2. In the window that appears enter your email address(For example [email protected] or [email protected]), then click next and in the window that appears, enter the letter-symbol code (captcha) from the picture.

    3. Now you and I are being sent to recover your password via SMS, but you and I agreed that we don’t have access to it, so we act differently. Below the line there is a line “ If you do not have access to the number or the code does not arrive, try clicking here." Click on the link at the end of it and get there.

    4. Fill in all the fields and click on “ Apply now».

    Once it is approved, you will be given back access to the page.

    Recovering your VKontakte password without access to your email and phone number.

    Even without access to your mailbox and mobile phone number, you can restore access to your VKontakte account, but to do this you will have to fill out a special application form. Recovery procedure:

    1. To avoid taking extra steps, follow the link


    2. If you don’t know the id of your VKontakte page, then don’t worry and follow the link


    3. Fill in all the fields and click on “ Send a request».

    Once it is approved (usually it takes about two days), access will be restored and you will be able to log into your VKontakte page using a new password.

    How do I know if my application has been approved?

    If you did everything correctly, then in a moment you will find yourself on a page with one single link, which I would recommend saving.

    By clicking on it you can monitor the progress of processing your applications for restoration of access to VKontakte.

    After clicking on it after 12 hours, you will see a happy notification that “the application to restore access has been reviewed and accepted, and a new password has been sent to your email.

    We go to the mail and open the letter from Contact.


    Your application to restore access to your page on the VKontakte.ru website has been checked and approved.
    To enter your page, use this E-Mail or Login: [email protected]
    Your new password: 51953980
    Your page is now linked to a mobile phone number: 79123456789
    You can change your password in your page settings.

    We wish you good luck!
    Administration of VKontakte.ru

    Now return to the VKontakte page, indicate new login and password and EVERYTHING! The blocked contact page is available again!

    PS. Don’t forget to change your password to a more complex one, otherwise your contact may be blocked again for spam. If for some reason you were unable to unblock a blocked contact, you can ask me your question at official group site or in the comments.

    VKontakte asks me to send an SMS message to a short number.

    If you are required to send SMS message to a short number, then know that your PC is one hundred percent infected with at least one virus or you have a dirty host!

    Remember: Even if your antivirus program is updated regularly - this is not a guarantee complete safety and protection from Internet threats. Once Contact blocked- that means the antivirus missed the infection!

    Do not under any circumstances send SMS to short numbers"VKontakte"! Instead, check out my virus removal article or treat yourself.

    VKontakte sent me a login and password, but I can’t log in

    The most common glitch during recovery. The VKontakte administrator approved the application to restore access, sent the password 24 hours later, but the person cannot log in using this data. Many people don’t know what to do in such a situation, but the solution is simple! You create another extended request for restoration and indicate in the note that the data sent in the SMS did not fit. In 90% of cases, they are restored the second time without problems! The remaining 10% is restored on the third attempt.

    And one more thing. Be sure to check your PC for viruses free Doctor Web! To avoid a situation where you regained access to a social network and immediately lost it due to an infection on your computer.

    PS. As a rule, you will not be able to submit a second application for restoration immediately, but 24-48 after the previous one is approved. It won't work any faster, you'll have to wait.

    SMS stubbornly does not arrive at my number. What to do?

    If the “resend code” link, rebooting your mobile phone, checking your balance do not help, and you are sure that you entered the phone number correctly without spaces in the international format (with a + sign at the beginning), and you are also sure that it is your number that is linked to the page, then there is only one thing left - a direct letter to the VKontakte support service by email [email protected]. In the letter, be sure to indicate the maximum amount of data (link to your page, your name, the number you linked, and also take screenshots of the data you entered so that VKontakte can make sure that the SMS does not arrive for a reason beyond your control, and not because you entered the data incorrectly). In 3-5 days they will answer your email and tell you what to do next.

    Another way- ask any of your friends who have a page on VKontakte to contact the support service on your behalf and say that this is how it is - SMS messages from VK are not being received at such and such a number. Admins will fix this and everything will work.

    Nothing helped?

    If, after the recommendations I have given, for some reason you still cannot restore access to VKontakte and go to your page, then you can describe your problem in detail in the comments and we, together with other participants, We will definitely help you!

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. As usual, you may need to restore for several reasons. The most common case is loss of access to it(forgot your password, lost your phone number to which the page was linked during registration and now you can’t log into VK). There are also possible options when the page was for one reason or another blocked.

  • Your page could have been hacked, that’s why it’s impossible to log into Contact (the burglar might have managed to change the password). In this case, you will need to try to restore access to this page as described just above, i.e. use recovery tools:
    1. https://vk.com/restore— if the account was linked to a phone number.
    2. https://vk.com/restore?act=return_page— if the page was not linked to a phone number or you no longer own this number.
  • How to restore a page previously deleted from VK?

    If you deleted your page yourself, and then changed your mind, or when the person who received it deleted it for you unauthorized access to your account, then it can still be restored within 7 months. To do this, you just need to go to the VKontakte website using your username and password, and then in the window that opens, click on the “restore your page” link:

    However, if 7 months have already passed since the date of deletion, then you will have to contact technical support Contact(or write a letter to Email [email protected]) with a request to restore the page, and it is not a fact that they will be able to help you, although the chances of success still remain. You may have to prove your rights to this page and wait some time for it to be retrieved from the archives and finally restored.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

    You can watch more videos by going to

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    Before restoring the page, I want to convey to readers that your main assistant in this difficult task will be the technician. VKontatka support. Only they will be able to restore the page in its most neglected state. Neither a hacker, nor a webmaster, nor your friend who has been using VK since the founding of the social network. networks, and those who have access to your personal data, servers and other information inaccessible to almost anyone. Only they can give good advice and the most accurate information on working with the service, in any case, its functions floating in front of us – the users. That is why there are many links to social certificates here. network and advice to seek help from these people.

    Page recovery standard means VK can only be completed within seven months after deleting the page. After this period, you need to communicate only with technical support. To restore a previously deleted page, follow these simple steps.

    We log in using our username and password to our page from the office. site social networkshttps://vk.com.

    Click on the Restore button on your page.

    Before recovery, we will see a warning that all data will be restored instantly and you can immediately continue using the page.

    All friends, all messages, all activity in the contact will be restored and you will simply continue to use the page as before it was deleted.

    How to recover a page if you forgot your password

    If you forget your password, the actions will be slightly different. We need to restore it through the connected phone number or via email.

    You need to use the password recovery form. Follow this link https://vk.com/restore or on home page Click Forgot password.

    It will be useful to read the help on password recovery on the VK website - https://vk.com/faq8348
    We receive a recovery code by email or phone. We enter it in the appropriate field and restore access to the page.

    Enter the associated phone number or email address in the field. Just remember that you need your phone to recover your password in any case. Even if the email address is entered correctly, an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to the linked phone number.

    How to restore a page if you forgot your password, email and phone number

    If you have forgotten all your login information to your page, you can restore access, but it will be more difficult than simply entering the recovery code from an SMS. Now we will recover with the help of VKontakte support.

    To do this we will need to take a selfie next to the monitor with open page social networks in the browser. And you also need to send a copy of your passport, if asked of course.

    If you have forgotten your login and password, it will be useful to read the official information in the VK help - https://vk.com/faq8464
    If you are, then I’m afraid that restoring the page will be almost impossible. And senseless too. Because you can restore almost everything - messages, wall posts, all deleted friends, etc. very, very difficult, long and tedious.

    Our steps:

    1. Filling out the recovery form;
    2. Sending identification data (passport and selfie next to the screen with an open VK page, if required);
    3. Waiting for page recovery.

    Fill out the recovery form https://vk.com/restore?act=return_page

    Here you need to enter the URL address of the VKontakte page. If you don’t know, click the link below. If you don’t remember the data, click here and find your page in the search. People search is available without authentication.

    Then you need to fill out the following form. We record here all the old data by which the page was accessible - this is Old Password, number and email address. Enter your current recovery number and email. Our task here is to fill in everything that is possible.

    Click Submit a request, confirm the entered phone number and wait for a response from technical support.

    The first thing to do to restore the page is, of course, write to technical support; to contact technical support, follow this link - https://vk.com/support?act=new, to work with this form you need to log in. If you can't log in, write email to support email - [email protected]. We leave all contact information for the page, old and current - if known. We will need to find a page that we do not have access to and send all this data to technical support. You may also need a photo or scan of your passport and a selfie with a monitor with an open page in the browser. Everything will become more complicated if there was fake data on the page, but in any case, if the page is restored, your passport data from the sent copy will be on the page.

    7 months after deletion, page restoration is possible - write to technical support. Everything is individual and depends on the situation. In this way you can definitely restore the page, the main thing is to write that we did not delete it, otherwise they will definitely not be restored.

    How to restore a page if it was hacked and frozen for suspicious activity

    Your page could be frozen for suspicious activity. If, for example, you sent spam, distributed materials that should not be distributed, or violated the law of the Russian Federation, your page could be frozen. The freezing time depends on the degree of the offense. If you violated the laws of the Russian Federation, then forever. In any case, personal logic with cunning and technical support are capable of even the impossible from the point of view of the rules of the system. Including the restoration of pages blocked forever.

    You can find out when the page is unfrozen by logging into your account. The whole situation will be described on the main page. Here you will see the duration and reason for the blocking. And only after the specified time you will be able to use the page again.

    Also read the help on the website -

    Sometimes unforeseen situations arise on social networks: correspondence is suddenly deleted, passwords are forgotten, VKontakte blocks pages without your knowledge. What should you do, how can you restore your VK page if you don’t remember your password, the page is blocked, or the phone number associated with your account is inaccessible?

    If you need to restore access to VKontakte, unfreeze a page, return a password or remember your login, in this guide you will find the answer to these questions.

    How to recover a VKontakte password saved in the browser

    Perhaps the easiest way to recover a password for a page is through the settings of the browser you used. The fact is that desktop browsers save login information for autofilling forms (not always, but usually).

    Method 1. To recover your password, you need to go to the appropriate section:

    • IN Google Chrome: paste into address bar browser chrome://settings/passwords and go to this address.
    • In Opera: paste opera://settings/passwords into the address bar of your browser and go to this address.
    • In Firefox: Settings → Security.

    IN search bar enter "vc". If you click the "Show" button opposite the VKontakte address, the desired password will be displayed instead of asterisks.

    Method 2. If you have forgotten your VKontakte password, but you have it saved in your browser in the form of asterisks (or dots), you can easily view it. Login with a password is on the authorization page; place the cursor on the line where the password is displayed in the form of asterisks.

    Right-click and select "View Element Code" or "Inspect Element" from the menu - it will be different for each browser. You will see a window for developers with code editing html pages, and the cursor will be in the field with the entry:

    • Replace this line with

    and it will be revealed to you forgotten password. In the same way, you can recover the VKontakte password from someone else’s account, but the site administration does not recommend doing this and does not bear any responsibility for the consequences.

    We are trying to recover the password to restore access to our VK page

    Recovering a password for a VKontakte page without a phone

    Recovering your VKontakte password is quite simple using your phone number, but how can you get the page back if you don’t have enough information to log into your account? When recovering your password, there is a special column: “If you do not remember the data or do not have access to the phone, click here.” When you navigate, the system will ask for a link to your page, which you need to enter.

    Next you will be given the opportunity to enter old number phone number, available phone number, registration e-mail, one of the old passwords (with which it was once possible to access the page). Enter the data that you remember on the page and within 24 hours the support service will restore access to the page.

    Users can restore a VKontakte page by mail or by entering a login. After specifying the data, you need to write the last name from the account. Next, the system will ask for confirmation about the recovery page, an avatar with your first and last name will be shown, you need to confirm that it is from this VKontakte page that you need to recover the password.

    Click "Yes, this is desired page", after which a form will appear asking you to enter a new phone number and receive a confirmation code via SMS. On the page of the next form you need to specify a new password, repeat it and be sure to write it down in a safe place. Changing the phone number if the user has forgotten the VKontakte password is allowed a limited number of times.

    We have already talked about mobile application VKontakte for Android. If all else fails, try installing this application on your phone and visiting your page.

    Restoring a VK page after a virus

    After a computer or phone is infected with a virus, the user may see in his browser window an offer to restore the VKontakte page for a fee via SMS. Some viruses associated with VKontakte request an activation code for Contact, which can also be obtained by translation cash to certain payment systems. In most cases, even after sending an SMS or transferring money, the page in social network remains blocked. How to return the VK user page in this case?

    First of all, Necessarily check your computer or mobile phone for viruses. If your password for a page was stolen once, then there is a chance that they will do it again.

    Run an anti-virus scan and wait for the result. Let's move on. To correctly restore your VKontakte page, you need to go to the hosts file along the following path: C: > Windows > system32 > drivers > etc > hosts and open the file using notepad. If this file contains entries with the host of vk.com and other social networks, delete these lines. Maybe there will be 2 hosts file, in this case you need to check the second one for extra lines. After this, in most cases, access to the VKontakte page is restored.

    Editing the hosts file, which may contain a mention of VKontakte

    If after self-removal lines from the file have not changed and the virus continues to block the page, try downloading the original correct folder etc and replace it. Restart your computer, try logging into your VKontakte page again.

    Downloading the correct hosts file is available at the link: http://chat-kontakt.ru/guest/etc.zip

    Unzip the file and replace old folder etc to a new one to return the VK page.

    Tip of the day. If you want to protect yourself from viruses on your smartphone and Android tablet, be sure to download mobile antivirus!

    How to unfreeze - i.e. restore a VK page

    When logging into VKontakte, the site asks you to link the page to a phone number due to suspicious activity? We need to understand the reason for this situation. Enter your phone number and if a message appears asking you to send paid code to the number - you will be convinced that there is a virus on your computer, which has nothing to do with messages from VKontakte technical support. The social network will not request sending messages to any numbers; on the contrary, the site itself sends codes automatically.

    To restore the VKontakte page, you need to follow the same steps with replacing the hosts file, which .

    Deleting a VKontakte page and restoring it

    Deleting a VKontakte page is quite simple. On the left side of the social networking site vk.com there is a “My Settings” item. At the very bottom of the page that appears, you will see the inscription “You can delete your page.” In the list, select the reason for deletion, which will be displayed in your friends’ feed; you can also uncheck the box and not display the deletion of your page in the feed. If you do not specify a reason, an entry will appear on your behalf “the user silently deleted his page.”

    To restore a deleted VK page, you need to log in with your password and follow the “Restore your page” link. A deleted VK page stores information for a year. If you forget the address of your page, you can try to find it in the list of friends or in groups for later recovery.

    How to restore a VK page after deletion: answers to questions

    I deleted the VK page and created a new one for the same phone number! Now I’ve deleted the new one, but I can’t access the old one!!! Is it possible to return the page??

    answer. In such cases, unfortunately, none of the recovery methods that I wrote about above will help you. You will have to create another account from scratch by adding friends. If you need to read old correspondence, try looking for duplicate emails. I also advise you to contact VKontakte technical support, explaining the reason.

    Elena: I deleted my page and I can’t restore it because I don’t remember my VK password. I tried to restore it myself, I entered my email, but they offered to send me a code to the phone linked to the page, which I haven’t used for a long time. Please help restore the page! how to remember the password from VK?

    answer. To restore the page, you can, first, get your old phone number back. contact mobile operator with whom you entered into an agreement.

    The second option is to contact VK support directly, explaining to them in detail the situation with the phone, etc. I think they will be able to help you, for which you may need your passport.

    Alena: Good evening! I registered on my mobile phone new page VK, thinking that you can link 2 pages to one number. Now I can’t access my previous VKontakte page. Help, how to restore a page on VK?

    answer. You can access your page by entering your VK login and password. Yes, a phone number can be used instead of a login, so in your situation it can really be confusing for you.

    Zhibek: I deleted my page on VK, opened a new page on the same number, several times, now I can’t get mine back old page, and there are friends, important videos, photos, . Can you help me, is it possible to restore the VK page?

    answer. Zhibek, see the answer above.

    Galymzhan: I forgot my VK password. Yesterday I restored my VKontakte password and did not receive an SMS new number, and today in 24 hours I could already log into VKontakte, but I accidentally deleted the SMS with the new password. How can I now log into my account if I have forgotten this VK password?

    answer. be patient. Try recovering your password again and wait for the SMS. You can also contact technical support for the device you are using. social service and ask individually to restore your user page.

    Ruslan: I can’t restore my VK page, mine deleted it ex-girlfriend, but before deleting she changed her password. There is no phone number to which the page was linked. How, in this case, can you access your VKontakte page?

    answer. make peace with the girl, it will happen best option, which will allow you to return the treasured VKontakte page along with the password. also try restoring the page to your email address. if this is not possible, write to VK support and explain the situation, saying that your data fell into the hands of an attacker (that is, say that). or threaten the girl that you will go to court.

    Irina: I had an account in Contact, I forgot its password, I don’t remember which email I linked. I also can’t remember which phone number. Now I can’t log into my account because I linked my number to another girl’s account and I don’t understand how to find out the password from VK: when I enter my phone number, it’s not my account that comes up.

    I went to do a restore - it asks for some kind of link, I can’t see it, I find my friends, and when I enter the VK page it asks for a password. I looked on the Internet that according to the instructions I should find my account and admit that it’s mine, nothing works. Only the number and activation code come out, I do everything according to the instructions, I go into someone else’s profile to which I linked the number. Help me how to recover my contact password? Thanks for understanding!

    answer. You have a very difficult situation, and you yourself have made a mess. Well, I'll try to help you. the main thing is to pull yourself together. remember all your phones and mailboxes, write them down on a page of paper. and try to recover your password to one of the registered addresses. and so on in turn.

    second tip: you can access the page not only through a phone number, but also by entering the login that you specified during registration. so try to remember your registration details.

    I deleted the VK page. How to restore it if you don’t know the old password? Or create a new page for the same number?

    Answer. Recover your VKontakte account password to your email or phone. This standard procedure, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. How to remember your VK password or get it from the stars, read above. Create new page you can, but why?

    Tell me how to restore deleted page VKontakte, about 9-10 months ago, it was hacked.

    Answer. If you act promptly, it is still possible to get your VK page back (however, a lot of time has passed, and it is not a fact that our advice will somehow help you). To begin with, it would be a good idea to check your computer for viruses (it is likely that it was the virus that stole the VKontakte access passwords). Ask your friends and acquaintances if any suspicious messages have been sent from your account. Finally, contact VK support and explain your problem to them. Another thing is that it will not be possible to restore a VK page without the phone number to which the social network page is linked.

    How to restore a VK page with old posts and correspondence without losing friends?

    Answer. Your question contains the answer. The fact is that you have already deleted the VK page. In fact, all you have to do is create a new account and add VK users as friends again from memory. If you are afraid that someone will not understand your actions, simply describe your situation. True friends will understand you! Good luck.

    I made myself a 2nd VKontakte page. Then I discovered that I couldn’t access the first page of my account. After which I deleted the second VK account, but I still can’t access page 1. My page was hacked 1 time. How to restore your VK account after this?

    Answer. The sequence of your actions is not entirely clear. In any case, I advise you to protect your page from hacking. To do this, come up with strong password for your account, link VK to current number phone. After a page has been hacked, it is best to promptly contact VKontakte technical support and explain the problem.

    As for actually restoring access to VK, try to remember your account password or, if you have forgotten your VK password, reset it via email by clicking the “Forgot your password?” button. when logging into your account.

    1.5 years ago my phone drowned in the sea, I hoped to restore it, but I couldn’t live without a vk account. For a new phone it was necessary to change the number and I opened a new page with a different name. Now both my friends and I really miss my old page, I know that the operator transferred my old phone number to another user.

    I have a big request to help me open access to my previous page too, there is a lot there important messages like a memory and I would like to read them again. Tell me how I can restore vk and log into my old page, I didn’t delete it, I just forgot the password, and I don’t own the old number. Maybe for this I need to buy a new phone number, I’m ready for this, just to restore my old page. HELP!

    Answer. To restore access to VKontakte you need. Although you will not be able to return the contacts saved on the SIM card, when you restore the number you will be able to open access to your VK page. All you need to do is contact your mobile operator through which you issued the SIM card and phone number. This can be done either through a call center, by calling the operator and providing the code word, or by directly contacting the nearest office of the mobile operator.

    If the phone number has already been transferred to another user, you need to contact them by calling and explaining your problem. After which, you will probably be able to send a code to his number, restore the VKontakte page and change the phone number.

    I deleted the page six months ago, the linked number is valid and e-mail too, but I don’t remember the password. How to recover the password of a deleted page? When entering the number and email, they answer that the page was not found. What to do and how to restore the contact page?

    Answer. Read above for everything you need to know about restoring a VK page. However, it is quite possible that we have not provided a method that is relevant to you. What to do? Likely, best way restore access to the VKontakte page - contact technical support by writing from another account -