• What is a firewall in construction. Firewall - what is it? Standard PC Defender

    Some terms can be confusing for a new homebuilder. For example, this is a firewall in construction. What is it, why does this building element exist, why is it sometimes in demand - sometimes there is no quick answer to all these questions. This article provides just such answers.

    Let's start with the name. What does the term “firewall in construction” mean? The origin of the term is German from the word Brandmauer (Brand - fire, respectively Mauer - wall).

    From here the function of this element of construction immediately becomes clear.

    It is designed to prevent the spread of fire (fire).

    Typically, this fire barrier is a solid, usually blank wall, built from fire-resistant materials. This wall divides rooms into compartments within a building, or serves as a fire barrier between buildings.

    Those. a firewall is just a permanent wall, which is built on one (or 2) side. It can also be a fire-resistant barrier that cuts off fire on both sides (most often such structures are built in enterprises and factories). A firewall can sometimes also be installed on the roof, in which case it will be called a roof wall and will be a vertical wall.

    When installing a standard firewall, the following conditions must be met:

    • If the wall is constructed of natural stone, its average value should exceed 500 mm. If the wall is brickwork, then its thickness should be more than 250 mm.
    • What to do if the construction firewall turns out to be very large in height and width? In this individual case, reinforced concrete pillars are installed, and the space between the pillars is filled with walls made of refractory products, which have a smaller thickness. This significantly saves money during construction and reduces the weight of the structure, hence the pressure on the entire foundation.

    • When installing a standard firewall, there are no windows or doors in it. If such a presence is technologically necessary, then the openings, as well as the doors, are made only from non-combustible building materials, and the ventilation air vents must be equipped with an automatic valve made of a special non-combustible material; all gaps during installation must be carefully sealed with a solution. The windows are made of reinforced glass or, as an option, of glass blocks.
    • The fire resistance limit of the building materials used must exceed 4 hours.
    • The height of the firewall is usually slightly higher than the overall height of the building. The generally accepted indicator is this: this height should rise 600 mm above the roof, which is made of combustible material, and 300 mm higher than the fireproof roof.

    To summarize, let us once again emphasize the purpose of the considered building element.


    Information security is extremely important for Internet users, since it is saturated with viruses. One excellent method of protection is the Windows Firewall.

    In order to protect the operating system from hacker attacks, the developers have created a system for filtering incoming and outgoing connections, which is called a firewall or firewall. Windows has built-in security, but because previous versions The OS was practically not used and was turned off; few people still use it.

    How Windows Firewall works

    Despite the fact that the firewall built into the operating system did not deserve popularity among users, and many preferred to use what antivirus programs provide, Microsoft developers improved its functionality and improved performance with the release of the seventh version.

    In order to understand whether to use or disable a firewall, you need to understand how it works. The entire functionality of this program comes down to filtering network flows of incoming and outgoing data. Each application uses its own ports to transmit information. The firewall scans them, detecting prohibited flows caused by unknown resources and processes.

    The firewall works based on rules that allow and prohibit certain traffic. Many people confuse its work with an antivirus, but in fact it only blocks connections, helping against hacker attacks and packages with virus code. However, this is not its only purpose.

    If a virus has already made its way onto your computer, it may try to download another, more serious code, or, having collected your data, it will try to send it to its developer. Windows Firewall can notice such flows and ban them. The same thing happens when any program tries to get unauthorized access to an update or other online activity.

    How to set up Windows Firewall

    The built-in firewall is usually configured using permissions and restrictions for connections of a certain type of network. Three profiles can be configured:

    1. For private networks;
    2. To work in a domain;
    3. For guests and public.

    Using two profiles is simply necessary when working with multiple local or virtual connections, as well as additional connections, for example, tunnel ones. They allow you to create rules and permission distributions for:

    • Ports;
    • Programs;
    • Executable processes of the operating system (operations).

    You can also create your own rule with full control over the parameters and options that are executed.

    In order to configure the firewall, for example, to allow a program to use traffic or a connection on a port, you need to perform the following steps:

    • Go to Control Panel, find and launch Windows Firewall. You can also open the settings window with the command “firewall.cpl” in the “Run” menu;

    • Next, in the menu on the right you need to select “ Additional options" This is where you can select the desired profile to work with, as well as edit its settings and permissions;

    • You can also set the permission of the entire traffic flow and allow it to pass through the firewall. To do this, you need to select the appropriate menu;

    • From the list that opens, select a program, service or other component and edit permissions for it using the “Change settings” button.

    After making the necessary settings and editing the parameters, you can set the necessary restrictions for programs. Firewall works on the principle: what is not allowed is prohibited. Therefore, if you do not give the necessary permissions for non-system applications to send or receive packages, they will be blocked.

    How to disable Windows Firewall

    If, despite all the features and settings, the built-in protection does not suit you, or your antivirus comes with a firewall, it becomes necessary to disable the Windows Firewall.

    Most IT professionals and information security It is recommended to use one of the firewalls, just like using only one of the antiviruses. This is due to the fact that double filtering does not make any sense and will not give additional protection, at the same time, it can slow down web applications and resources, since the contents of incoming/outgoing packets will be checked twice. In addition, two firewalls may conflict with each other, blocking traffic to the update servers.

    Using two filters is only necessary if large quantity various network interfaces, if you need to distribute many different rules for traffic on different connections.

    The built-in firewall is disabled in several stages. The first thing you need to do is stop software part. To do this you need to do the following:

    1. Go to the control panel and select “Windows Firewall”;
    2. In the function menu on the right, select “Turn Windows Firewall on or off”;
    3. Disable the firewall for each type of network location used, ignoring the fact that this is not recommended by the system.

    Now that the program is disabled, it is better to restart the operating system. However, the service that is responsible for network filtering remains in operation. This means that the process will remain running on the system and will occupy resources RAM, and may also cause conflicts with other security software.

    To stop the service, you must do the following:

    • Go to the control panel and select “Administration”;

    • Open service management;

    • Find “Windows Firewall” and double-click on it to open the control menu. Stop the service and select the “Disabled” status for it.

    Many users may need to reconfigure or stop the firewall in order to properly provide access to their computer over the network. In order not to disable/enable the firewall every time, while maintaining security network connections and to allow some of them, you need to use the port settings and program access distribution.


    Starting from the seventh version of Windows, the built-in filter for protection against hacker attacks has extensive capabilities and flexible settings. Thanks to him, you can regular means provide complete safety systems.

    However, not all users trust the built-in software, because they do not know how to configure it correctly, which can create access problems, additional connections, tunnels and connections. This in turn can cause problems in online games, p2p networks or file sharing programs.

    Before calling your provider if you don’t have access to a particular computer on your network, you need to check your firewall settings. Now you know how to do it.

    The firewall has been included as standard in every version of Windows released in the last ten years.

    This is a tool designed to keep our systems safe in the face of network threats.

    His work takes place in background, as a result, few users know what it is and how it works.

    Therefore, here we tell you what a firewall is, what it does, what it is for, and how to turn it on or off.

    What is Windows Firewall

    The Windows Firewall is one of the most important security tools in the OS. It was first included in XP (in 2001) and has been improved with each new version since then.

    Before 2004, it was called Internet Connection Firewall. At that time it was quite simple firewall With a large number bugs and compatibility issues.

    XP Service Pack 2 changed the name to Windows Firewall and brought some improvements.

    In its first version, it was able to filter and block only incoming connections. Modern version blocks outgoing connections also.

    The firewall has a predefined set of rules for both types of traffic. The rules themselves can be edited and changed by the user and software, which the user installs on the PC.

    By default, it allows users to do several things: surf the Internet, use services instant messages, connection to home group, sharing files, folders and devices, etc.

    The rules are applied differently depending on the network profile setting for the current network connection.

    Most programs that need network access automatically add their own exceptions to it in order to function properly.

    If they don't add them to the exception, then the OS asks if you want to provide network access.

    By default it selects the appropriate network connection which you are using. You can choose just one option or both, depending on what you are going to do.

    If you want the program to gain access to connect to the Internet, click the " Sharing" If you want to block her access, click the “Cancel” button.

    If you are using Windows with account user with administrator rights, you will not see this kind of warning. All programs and applications are filtered in accordance with established rules.

    If the program does not fall under any of these rules, it will be automatically blocked, without any warning.

    Firewall is enabled by default in Windows 7, Windows 8 (8.1), Windows 10 and runs in the background as a service. It alerts the user when a decision on his part is needed.

    Where to find Windows Firewall

    To open the firewall, we have several options. One is to go to “Control Panel -> System and Security -> Windows Firewall”. This method is used by Windows 7 - Windows 10.

    You can also use the search function. When you open it, you will see a window displaying the type of network you are connected to and whether it is enabled or not.

    There are several links to different configuration options in the left column. They will be presented in detail in other articles.

    How to start or stop Windows Firewall

    To turn it on or off, click the "Turn Windows Firewall on or off" link on the left side of the window.

    By default, Windows Firewall is enabled for both types of network locations: private (home or office, Windows 7) and public.

    If you want to turn it on or off for any of these network location types, click on the corresponding “Enable/Disable” box and click OK.

    To disable it completely, you need to select “Turn off Windows Firewall” for both networks, and then click on the OK button.

    One thing to remember is that you cannot turn the firewall on or off unless you are logged in with an administrator account.

    Your settings will be applied to all user accounts on your computer or laptop.

    NOTE: Once you install antivirus program With a built-in firewall, it will automatically turn off, without the ability to turn it on. Good luck.

    Category: Uncategorized

    A firewall (or Firewall) is a software package that serves to protect a computer from hackers, as well as all kinds of viruses and Trojans. Thanks to this system, the degree of security of working on the network increases and many attacks on the computer are repelled by filtering some information packets. This is why it is highly recommended that you do not disable the firewall. If the user is not satisfied with the standard firewall, then it can be changed to a third-party one at any time. However, completely disabling it is very dangerous.

    Firewall monitors and blocks all potentially dangerous connections, thereby effectively protecting the user's personal data. But do not confuse a firewall with antivirus applications, which are designed to combat threats already located on the computer or on removable media. Against network attacks antiviruses are powerless. What is a firewall and what does it do? It does not monitor what actions are performed on the computer itself (of course, if information is not transmitted to the network). The main task of a firewall is to monitor network traffic. Only the combined use of an antivirus and firewall can guarantee complete computer security.

    The firewall on your computer must perform the following tasks:

    • Monitor all suspicious connections. Some computer programs may try to send certain data to the Internet, as well as receive certain information from it. Sometimes it's mail program(Outlook Express), instant messenger (ICQ, MSN) - in this case everything is fine, but if a program or application completely unknown to the user suddenly tries to establish contact with the World Wide Web on its own, it can be said with a high degree of probability that it is a “Trojan”.
    • Block all ports that are not needed for operation and analyze traffic passing through open ports. Using ports, the computer communicates with the Internet. They also carry out attacks on PCs. The firewall should protect these ports by alerting the user to any suspicious intrusion attempts.
    • Monitor running or starting programs. When a program is launched for the first time, the firewall remembers its data. And when during the next launch it suddenly turns out that the program has changed, the firewall should warn the user about this (if it is configured properly).

    Statistics show that a computer that does not have a firewall installed and is on the Internet remains uninfected for a maximum of a couple of minutes. After this time, the user will certainly receive a portion of malware.

    Windows Firewall

    IN operating system Windows has a built-in firewall and it has quite a lot of functions, although its interface is not entirely user-friendly.

    Windows has a built-in advanced firewall configuration interface in which you can create additional rules. For example, block the Internet connection certain programs or allow the application to communicate only with specific addresses.

    The user can use a third-party program to extend the Windows Firewall feature, thereby forcing it to prompt for permission every time it tries to new program connect to the Internet. Among the programs that work successfully in conjunction with a firewall are: Windows Firewall Control.

    Let's look at the example of an operating room Windows systems 10, how basic operations are performed with the built-in firewall. In all recent Windows versions these actions are almost identical.

    Turn Windows Firewall on or off

    To enable or disable Windows Firewall, you need to go to “Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Turn Windows Firewall on or off.” And then for the sections “Options for private network" and "Options for public network"You need to move the pointer to the "Turn on Windows Firewall" position and confirm the action by clicking the "Ok" button.

    You can also open the firewall settings in the Control Panel using the command “firewall.cpl”. To do this, open the “Run” menu using the Win+R key combination, enter the command “firewall.cpl” and click on the “Ok” button.

    Adding exceptions

    If Windows Firewall is blocking an application you need, you can add it to the exceptions list. This is done as follows:

    • Open “Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Allow an application or feature in Windows Firewall.”
    • Click the “Change settings” and “Allow other applications” buttons.
    • Next, a window will open to search for the required application. Here you need to click “Browse”.
    • Choose the right application and confirm the action by clicking the “Add” button.
    • The added program will appear in the list of allowed programs and components. Opposite it you need to check the boxes “Public” and “Private” network.

    After completing the steps described above, do not forget to save the settings by clicking on the “Ok” button.

    Firewall - what is it? Useful feature in the operating system or an ineffective means of protection? Before we answer this question, we need to figure out what a firewall does and how to configure it correctly.

    General information


    Firewall Features

    Acting as a defender of the system, this function allows you to avoid viruses infecting files on your computer and supports correct operation generally. At the same time, during your “wandering” through the firewall (what it is, we discussed earlier) analyzes the data that is transmitted over the Internet in the form of packets, compares information about them and, if they contradict and do not comply with the specified rules, blocks them and closes them access to your PC.

    How do I configure my firewall?

    In order for the program to operate correctly and not make it difficult for you to work on the Internet, you need to configure it correctly and competently. That is, write your own rules. Below we will tell you how to set it up. The user only needs to activate it. This can be done as follows:

    The second step is to configure allowed connections and exceptions. This is done in two ways: either you independently register the program (those programs) whose access is denied, or every time the system encounters an attempt to launch a new application, set a rule (that is, allow or deny access). You don’t have to constantly choose; by specifying a rule for the system once, you can forget about it. That is, the computer will use it independently every time. You can deactivate the rule at any time through the “Control Panel” - “Windows Firewall”. Is it worth using standard system defender or is it better to install third party application, it's up to you, but according to experts, the latest versions of the Windows OS have an excellent firewall installed. What it is, you now know!