• How to check your number on MTS. Find out your MTS number via ussd. Using the My MTS application for tablets

    How to find out the phone number on MTS?

    On our postal address received several questions from readers on the topic - “how to find out your MTS number? Let's figure out when this can be useful?

    This may be due to the purchase of a new tariff, exchanging phones with relatives, replacing a SIM card, or as a result of using a SIM card as a spare for connecting smart home, Internet to a tablet, etc. You can find out your MTS number in several ways.

    The simplest are SMS and ussd requests, as a result of which you can quickly find out these numbers. There are other options that may be useful.

    Use short code

    MTS is a responsible customer-oriented company that is constantly developing its services available to customers.

    Along with the usual features available in the list of standard commands, including “My MTS number,” the provider offered a simpler option for obtaining a subscriber number - this is phone 0887✆. You can use it to find out the number from which you are calling at the moment. They will answer you and dictate your phone number. There is no need to ask a question for this, since the robot answers automatically.

    The only drawback of this service is that it is available only for Moscow and the Moscow region. Residents of other regions of the Russian Federation can still use only the usual opportunities. Let's consider the question of what they are.

    Call MTS technical support

    Call to technical support MTS - in certain circumstances this will be the most a good decision to find out your number. For example, when the subscriber has deleted the mention of standard commands or is in another region where Moscow is not available short number, and he doesn’t know how to look up his number on MTS. The user can use his mobile at his own discretion and any way to access information.

    Call tech. MTS support

    You can call technical support at the following numbers:

    • 0890✆ for private clients;
    • 0990✆ for legal entities;
    • to the all-Russian toll free number from any line – 8 800 250 0890✆;
    • free number for subscribers in roaming – +7 495 766 0166✆.

    The operator will be able to tell you the phone number from which there is a call, but can clarify registration information. They will allow you to be identified as a client.

    Find out your MTS number via ussd

    The simplest, most familiar and accessible way to find out your phone number is the ussd command, which is usually stored on the SIM card in the required numbers. But if for some reason it was not found or deleted, now we will help you remember what combination to find out your MTS number.

    Among all the variety of commands, this method is the most common, as it allows you to mobile network send and receive a response. This is also convenient because MTS operators may be interested in personal data, and if there is an error in it, the request may not be satisfied.

    Available throughout the Russian Federation and for subscribers in roaming.

    Find out your number in your personal account

    IN Personal account You can enter MTS in two ways - through mobile application and your smartphone (this does not require any data entry) and via the main website. To log in, you will have to indicate your phone number in the input data. In this case, your number from which you logged in will be shown in the upper right corner under your full name. You can find out your MTS number if you have a negative balance; the state of your personal account does not matter. This can also be done using commands, sending SMS with text and calling the service number.

    The MTS personal account allows the subscriber to make a request at the level of the company’s legal department about all numbers registered in your name. The request can be registered through the Personal Account in “Settings”, then go to the “List of Agreements”, click on the link “Check out the list of agreements”, then on the “Generate report” button and wait for the message “Request registered”. Full list numbers will be sent to the specified e-mail or saved in the folder of requested documents.

    Find out your number in the my MTS application

    My MTS on Android

    You can find out your number from which you log into the MTS self-service system directly in the interface of the My MTS mobile application. The point is that the entrance to mobile office Subscriber self-service is carried out automatically after initial verification, without entering a login (number) and password, respectively, when purchasing a new number, changing it or a SIM card, you can forget your phone number.

    In the My MTS application, your number will be indicated in any tab that can be found in the links where there is information about your account, balance, and services. The number to which your mobile application and service is registered will be displayed at the top of the screen. You can disable My MTS by uninstalling it; logging in from another number of a SIM card that is not activated in the service will be problematic; usually the number is linked to the application.

    Find out the number through MTS service

    Access to the MTS Service is carried out using the ussd command *111#✆. This is a standard service cellular communication, based on direct receipt of information by users from servers using special commands and implemented by all operators. Works with everyone operating systems Android, Microsoft, iOS. MTS Service Service helps you quickly find out basic information on your account using a combination of symbols. You can get a list of commands by sending a general request for a service, and then a more specific one for services.

    For direct MTS city numbers, the system allocates a direct number, calls to which are transferred to your mobile. Accordingly, you can find out a direct city number in My MTS, in your Personal Account from the website, and also using the mentioned command, since these are connected services.

    Calling another phone

    You can also find out your number using any other phone where the number identification service is activated (for all operators), since the number is the main user identifier.

    Just dial the phone number of any friend and write down the determined combination of numbers for your number.

    When purchasing a service direct number MTS, the direct number will be determined in the networks. When changing it to mobile number You can send a notification to all your friends and acquaintances; the tariffs provide for such a service.

    How to find out your number on iPad, iPhone

    In some cases, mobile SIM cards are used to connect devices to the Internet. This is typical for Wi-Fi modems connecting devices Smart home, and GPS navigators. The equipment works autonomously and usually does not require knowledge of the number, but suppose you want to log into your MTS Personal Account to find out the account details - how to do this without a number?

    Only through a list of numbers registered using your passport data. Users also install a SIM card on the tablet in order to receive mobile access on the Internet, often forgetting the phone number.

    You can take the simple route and transfer the SIM card to a normal mobile device by dialing *111*0887#. Number Wi-Fi devices can also be found in the mobile service where you connected it.

    Number identification options on iPad, iPhone:

    • through settings: go to “Settings”, then to “General”, then to “About device” and to the “View cell data number” section. In non-Russian devices, the number is stored in Cellular Data Number;
    • If your tablet has an SMS sending program, which can also be freely found on the Internet, to determine the tablet number, send an SMS to your mobile phone and write down the number of your device.

    How to find out the balance on MTS and transfer money to another subscriber

    If you need to help your loved ones and friends financially, you can do this using your mobile phone. personal account. MTS today offers developed mobile services payments, with which you can transfer funds not only to phone numbers (almost any mobile operators within the Russian Federation), but also on bank cards. This can be done using SMS and ussd commands.

    The easiest way to do this is as follows:

    • check the balance on your phone using the command *100#;
    • You don’t need to call for this, just select a phone number and send an SMS with the text #translation<сумма (рубли)>(for example #translation 100);
    • after the transfer is automatically checked, confirm the payment according to the instructions in the SMS received from the number 6996✆;
    • check your balance again.

    Commission for MTS subscribers is 10 rubles, for transfers to other operators – 4%, for transfers to cards – 60 rubles. plus 4%. You can also use ussd commands for these purposes. Check your balance limits after the transfer.

    Find out your number via SMS message

    You can find out your phone number in MTS using the ussd command *111*0887#, which is usually included in the list of required SIM card commands; it can be repeated at any time as the need arises.

    If for some reason you don't have this option, but you do free sms or a small account balance, we recommend sending a message to any available number, including the number of your tablet with preinstalled program receive/send SMS, and save the number without the need for additional recording.

    You can get free SMS for bonuses of the MTS Bonus program and this is not a joke! >>>>>.

    You can also top up your account using paid service“Promised payment” (*111*123#✆) or use free feature replenishment “Top up my account” using the command *116*<номер_друга>#✆.

    Knowing the digits of your license plate is a necessity. Without it, it is impossible to top up your mobile account or provide your contact information to a friend. However, a person’s memory can fail at the most inopportune moment, not to mention the fact that after purchasing a card, he does not immediately learn it. In order not to be tormented by the question of how to find out your MTS number, the operator has provided several specific methods.

    All users of the company have the opportunity to check their number for free, regardless of what device they use. This could be a smartphone, iPad or modem. Likewise, it doesn’t matter what territory they are in so that their MTS number can be easily found out.

    How to find out your number on a mobile device

    1. One of the most accessible ways is to set USSD commands. To do this, you will need to enter a short combination: ✶ 111 ✶ 0887 #. After dialing, the subscriber automatically receives a message with a valid contact. Access to this command is possible both from one or another region of the Russian Federation, and from any other territory through roaming.
    2. You can go the other way and dial the operator's information service. After dialing *111#. (“MTS Service”) you must sequentially select items 3 and 2 to request the corresponding information message.
    3. It is possible to send to the same number text message: You need to dial the combination 0887 on the keyboard and press the call button to get your phone number on MTS.
    4. In each region of the Russian Federation there is a “home” number 0887, which gives access to the autoinformer.
    5. The My MTS mobile application also provides a similar opportunity, regardless of the user’s location. True, there are restrictions on the parameters of the device itself, be it a smartphone or tablet. In particular, iOS version must be 7.0 and higher, and Android - from 2.3.
    6. Personal is becoming increasingly popular MTS office, in which many have already logged in. Immediately after entering it necessary information is displayed in the upper right corner.
    7. You can always try to call a live operator to personally clarify the MTS phone number or how to find it. A qualified employee will be required to check with the subscriber his confidential data in order to ensure the cleanliness of the person interested. After the correct answer, he will dictate his data to the user or send him via SMS. Users of the company can chat with an employee at number 0890. If the subscriber uses the services of another operator, then he will need to dial 8-800-250-0890 (valid in the Russian Federation) or +7495-766-0166 (implies the use of roaming from any other territory). However, this will require the user to provide personal data. Only after they have been verified will an MTS employee tell you how to find out your number (or simply dictate it).
    8. However, most in an obvious way Remembering your MTS phone number can be done by finding the documentation that is issued to the user when concluding an agreement for the provision of communication services. How to find out the number, searching for the plastic envelope where the SIM card was previously located can also help.

    Determine number from USB modem

    When connecting a modem to a desktop PC, it often happens automatic installation"Connect Manager" utilities. After turning it on, you need to press the USSD button to be able to activate the “My phone number” option. The answer should come automatic message with information of interest.

    A more sophisticated way is to manually dial the USSD command with the already mentioned text * 111 * 0887 #. (or sending 0887 to number 111) from the same “Connect Manager”.

    Using the My MTS application for tablets

    This application can be downloaded and installed for free from various resources (it is also available on the operator’s official website). Subject to Internet availability, definition own number is not a problem. It is enough to activate the USSD command * 111 * 1 #. to receive information via SMS.

    From an iPad

    Since the ability to call and SMS on this device is limited, obtaining information about an active contact will be carried out slightly differently. So, in the “Settings” menu you will need to sequentially go first through the “Basic” tab, and then through “About device”. After these steps, the “Cellular Data” tab should appear, where you can view the number.

    The iPad also has the “My MTS” application, which the subscriber already knows how to use thanks to the tips above on how to check a cell phone.

    By installing a messaging program.

    If none of the above methods for the iPad could be activated, then no one is stopping the subscriber from taking the card out of the device in order to use any of the above methods for the mobile (after inserting it into the phone). Perhaps it is even easier for someone to find out the number on MTS using the old methods.


    Since there may not be an acquaintance nearby in whose address book contains the user's contact information, sometimes you have to puzzle over how to find out your own phone number in MTS. There are quite a lot of methods on how you can find out, which you can simply use to check your mobile phone. MTS has options for both mobile device, and for other devices (modem, tablet, iPad). It is unlikely that anyone will ask how to determine their number, after all the available options on how to find out their mobile phone number have been described.

    How to find out the phone number on MTS?

    We received several questions from readers on the topic “how to find out your MTS number?” Let's figure out when this can be useful?

    This may be due to the purchase of a new tariff, exchanging phones with relatives, replacing a SIM card, or as a result of using a SIM card as a spare for connecting a smart home, Internet to a tablet, etc. You can find out your MTS number in several ways.

    The simplest are SMS and ussd requests, as a result of which you can quickly find out these numbers. There are other options that may be useful.

    Use short code

    MTS is a responsible customer-oriented company that is constantly developing its services available to customers.

    Along with the usual features available in the list of standard commands, including “My MTS number,” the provider offered a simpler option for obtaining a subscriber number - this is phone 0887✆. You can use it to find out the number from which you are currently calling. They will answer you and dictate your phone number. There is no need to ask a question for this, since the robot answers automatically.

    The only drawback of this service is that it is available only for Moscow and the Moscow region. Residents of other regions of the Russian Federation can still use only the usual opportunities. Let's consider the question of what they are.

    Call MTS technical support

    Calling MTS technical support - in certain circumstances this will be the best solution to find out your number. For example, when a subscriber has deleted the mention of standard commands or is in another region where the Moscow short number is not available, and he does not know how to look up his number on MTS. The user can use his mobile at his own discretion and any way to access information.

    Call tech. MTS support


    You can call technical support at the following numbers:

    • 0890✆ for private clients;
    • 0990✆ for legal entities;
    • to the all-Russian toll-free number from any line – 8 800 250 0890✆;
    • free number for subscribers in roaming – +7 495 766 0166✆.

    The operator will be able to tell you the phone number from which the call is coming, but may clarify the registration data. They will allow you to be identified as a client.

    Find out your MTS number via ussd

    The simplest, most familiar and accessible way to find out your phone number is the ussd command, which is usually stored on the SIM card in the required numbers. But if for some reason it was not found or deleted, now we will help you remember what combination to find out your MTS number.

    Among all the variety of commands, this method is the most common, as it allows you to send and receive a response at the mobile network server level. This is also convenient because MTS operators may be interested in personal data, and if there is an error in it, the request may not be satisfied.

    Available throughout the Russian Federation and for subscribers in roaming.

    Find out your number in your personal account

    You can access your MTS Personal Account in two ways - through the mobile application and your smartphone (this does not require entering any data) and using the main website. To log in, you will have to indicate your phone number in the input data. In this case, your number from which you logged in will be shown in the upper right corner under your full name. You can find out your MTS number if you have a negative balance; the state of your personal account does not matter. This can also be done using commands, sending SMS text and calling the service number.

    The MTS personal account allows the subscriber to make a request at the level of the company’s legal department about all numbers registered in your name. The request can be registered through the Personal Account in “Settings”, then go to the “List of Agreements”, click on the link “Check out the list of agreements”, then on the “Generate report” button and wait for the message “Request registered”. A complete list of numbers will be sent to the specified e-mail or saved in the folder of requested documents.

    Find out your number in the my MTS application

    My MTS on Android

    You can find out your number from which you log into the MTS self-service system directly in the interface of the My MTS mobile application. The fact is that the entrance to the mobile self-service office of subscribers is carried out automatically after initial verification, without entering a login (number) and password, respectively, when purchasing a new number, changing it or a SIM card, you can forget your phone number.

    In the My MTS application, your number will be indicated in any tab that can be found in the links where there is information about your account, balance, and services. The number to which your mobile application and service is registered will be displayed at the top of the screen. You can disable My MTS by uninstalling it; logging in from another number of a SIM card that is not activated in the service will be problematic; usually the number is linked to the application.

    Find out the number through MTS service

    Access to the MTS Service is carried out using the ussd command *111#✆. This is a standard cellular communication service, based on direct receipt of information by users from servers using special commands and implemented by all operators. Works with all operating systems Android systems, Microsoft, iOS. MTS Service Service helps you quickly find out basic information on your account using a combination of symbols. You can get a list of commands by sending a general request for a service, and then a more specific one for services.

    For direct MTS city numbers, the system allocates a direct number, calls to which are transferred to your mobile. Accordingly, you can find out a direct city number in My MTS, in your Personal Account from the website, and also using the mentioned command, since these are connected services.

    Calling another phone

    You can also find out your number using any other phone where the number identification service is activated (for all operators), since the number is the main user identifier.

    Just dial the phone number of any friend and write down the determined combination of numbers for your number.

    When purchasing the MTS direct number service, the direct number will be determined in the networks. When you change it to your mobile number, you can send a notification to all your friends and acquaintances; the tariffs provide for such a service.

    How to find out your number on iPad, iPhone

    In some cases, mobile SIM cards are used to connect devices to the Internet. This is typical for Wi-Fi modems connecting Smart Home devices and GPS navigators. The equipment works autonomously and usually does not require knowledge of the number, but suppose you want to log into your MTS Personal Account to find out the account details - how to do this without a number?

    Only through a list of numbers registered using your passport data. Users also install a SIM card on a tablet in order to gain mobile access to the Internet, often forgetting their phone number.

    You can take the simple route and transfer the SIM card to a normal mobile device by dialing *111*0887#. The Wi-Fi number of the device can also be found in the mobile service where you connected it.

    Number identification options on iPad, iPhone:

    • through settings: go to “Settings”, then to “General”, then to “About device” and to the “View cell data number” section. In non-Russian devices, the number is stored in Cellular Data Number;
    • If your tablet has an SMS sending program, which can also be freely found on the Internet, to determine the tablet number, send an SMS to your mobile phone and write down the number of your device.

    How to find out the balance on MTS and transfer money to another subscriber

    If you need to help your family and friends financially, you can do this using a mobile personal account. MTS today offers developed mobile payment services, with which you can transfer funds not only to phone numbers (almost any mobile operator within the Russian Federation), but also to bank cards. This can be done using SMS and ussd commands.

    The easiest way to do this is as follows:

    • check the balance on your phone using the command *100#;
    • You don’t need to call for this, just select a phone number and send an SMS with the text #translation<сумма (рубли)>(for example #translation 100);
    • after the transfer is automatically checked, confirm the payment according to the instructions in the SMS received from the number 6996✆;
    • check your balance again.

    Commission for MTS subscribers is 10 rubles, for transfers to other operators – 4%, for transfers to cards – 60 rubles. plus 4%. You can also use ussd commands for these purposes. Check your balance limits after the transfer.

    Find out your number via SMS message

    You can find out your phone number in MTS using the ussd command *111*0887#, which is usually included in the list of required SIM card commands; it can be repeated at any time as the need arises.

    If for some reason you do not have this option, but have free SMS or a small account balance, we recommend sending a message to any available number, including the number of your tablet with a pre-installed program for receiving/sending SMS, and saving the number without the need for additional records.

    You can get free SMS for bonuses of the MTS Bonus program and this is not a joke! >>>>>.

    You can also replenish your account using the paid service “Promised payment” (*111*123#✆) or use the free replenishment function “Top up my account” using the command *116*<номер_друга>#✆.

    Most new subscribers often ask the question “How to find out your MTS number?” And this is understandable, because few people are able to immediately remember the eleven-digit telephone number. And now the time comes to top up your balance, but you cannot do this because you do not remember your SIM card number. Well, I will help you solve this simple problem and tell you about all available ways find out your MTS number.

    How to find out your MTS phone number - all ways

    • Key combination, which will help you find out your MTS-Russia phone number: ✶ 111 ✶ 0887 #. The response with your phone number will come in the form of an SMS message.

      This combination can be used in both home network, and roaming in Russia or abroad, and even if the phone is blocked, and sending a request is completely free.

    • Find out your MTS number via SMS It’s as simple as that: you need to send a message with the text 0887 to the short number 111. You will also receive a response in the form of an SMS message.

      Sending SMS to a short number 111 free only on your home network. When roaming, the cost of outgoing SMS messages is determined by MTS roaming tariffs for communication services.

    • You can find out your MTS SIM card number by phone 0887 and the autoinformer will dictate your SIM card number. However, according to reviews from many subscribers, there is often interference during the connection, and it is very difficult to understand what the answering machine is saying. So it’s better to use the first two methods if you want to quickly find out your MTS phone number.

      On your home network, call a number 0887 free, but in roaming you will have to pay for the connection in accordance with roaming tariffs.

    So, we figured out how to find out your MTS number on your phone, but what to do if the SIM card is used in a modem, iPad or tablet - in short, in those devices from which it is impossible to make a call or send a USSD request or SMS? The answer is in the article.

    Alternative ways to find out your MTS SIM card number

    I won’t tell you anything new here, but in some cases these tips can be very useful and become almost the only way to find out your MTS number. Especially when it comes to finding out the SIM card number in a tablet or modem:

    • SMS from the operator.
      When connecting, when you turn on the phone with a new SIM card for the first time, the operator carefully sends you an SMS with your number. It says: “Your phone number is +7-123-456-7890.” So if you haven’t had time to “clean” your phone before you forgot your number, you can look for this SMS in your inbox.
    • SIM card envelope.
      Yes, yes, it can come in handy, because this very envelope contains the number of the card that is in your tablet. Or a modem. Or an iPad.
    • SIM menu.
      All MTS SIM cards have service menu"MTS-INFO". It can be found in the list installed applications your smartphone. Open the SIM menu and select “MTS Services”, and then “My Number”. In a few seconds you will receive an SMS with your phone number.
    • Mobile application.
      You can install the “My MTS” mobile application on your device and view your number through the application - it will be listed on the main screen. However, the application does not work without the Internet. So, if you run out of money on your SIM card, this option will not work.
    • Call the operator.
      Perhaps this is an extreme measure to find out your MTS phone number or SIM card in another device. The point is that

    Not knowing your own number is common, and the consequences of inattention depend on the circumstances. Close people will treat such a situation with understanding and will not rush the search. The reaction of a potential employer is unpredictable; ignorance of the number can be assessed as negligence, incompatible with the performance of responsible assignments. It is better to find out in advance how to find out your MTS number; the information will help you make a worthy impression and take advantage of a chance acquaintance.

    You have the opportunity to find out your MTS number in several ways; save one of the numbers in your phone, unforeseen circumstances will not take you by surprise. You should not rely on the phone number of your interlocutor, it is not always possible right time there will be a person nearby. Most subscribers spend time searching for information on how to find out their MTS number on the Internet; the disadvantage of this method is studying useless comments; recommendations are not always true. Users post incorrect numbers, as a result, searches are drawn out and have a negative impact on the mood.

    Find out your MTS number by calling the support service