• How to open a mailbox. How to register your E-mail address (e-mail box)

    Every network user should have at least one email account. Let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to create mailbox on mail.ru.

    Register on this mail client carried out in much the same way as on other popular services.

    Creating a mail.ru mailbox

    To create mailbox to mail ru, dial in address bar any browser www.mail.ru and press “Enter”.

    In the browser you will see home page service. Next, click the “Registration by mail” link.

    Carefully fill out all fields marked with a red asterisk. During creating a mailbox on mail.ru and registering your personal data (last name, first name, date of birth, city, gender), it is advisable to write your real data.

    Of course, no one will check, but if you lose access to your mail (your mailbox gets hacked or you simply forget your password), this will simplify it recovery .

    Users usually use their personal data to name their email. Ideally, the name matches your first and last name and is not yet used by anyone.

    The uniqueness of the name will be confirmed by the appearance green tick right.

    If the address is already taken, the system will offer you several available alternative options.

    Important! It is necessary to decide on the domain part of the mail; it is written after the @ symbol (dog). You can choose mail.ru, list.ru inbox.ru, bk.ru. Choose any one.

    As a rule, this information is open, it is easy to install it on your personal pages on social networks. This can be used by attackers to hack your mailbox.

    Enter your login password and repeat it a little lower, demonstrating to the system that you remember it. A hint about the complexity of the entered password will appear on the right side.

    Try to remember it, or even better, write it down somewhere.

    In the last block, you must select your country of residence from the drop-down list, and also write your phone number (home numbers are not supported).

    For Russia it will start at +7. Now all you have to do is click the “Register” button.

    In a few seconds you will receive a message with a verification code, enter it in the field provided and complete registration.

    If you need to create a mailbox on mail.ru without a phone number, then select the “I don’t have” method mobile phone».

    After this, select or come up with your own secret question from the drop-down list, but try to remember the answer you entered (you can also write this down).

    Also, do not be lazy to enter an additional e-mail (if you have one).

    If you check the box next to “Create personal page"You will automatically have a profile on the Mail.ru social network.

    In the “Code in the picture” column, enter the letters and numbers shown as in the picture. If the characters are illegible, click “update code”.

    When green checkmarks appear next to each line, click “Register”.

    Setting up Mail.Ru mail

    If you have personal email addresses located on different servers, before redirecting you to email, the system will offer to collect all letters in the Mail.Ru mailbox.

    This will help you save a little time, because you will only need to check one mailbox for new emails.

    The next step is to upload a photo and create a caption.

    The last step is choosing a topic. Choose the one you like best. If you don't know what to choose, don't worry.

    You can easily change your selection later using the Settings section.

    That's all. Creation of a mailbox on mail.ru is completed! The next window is your mailbox, in which three letters are waiting for you.

    They are from mail.ru. The service welcomes you, thanks you for registering, and also tells you about the capabilities of the service. These letters can be deleted.

    To set up your protection account in the right top corner service, select settings. Then password and security. Check all the boxes.

    • Prohibit parallel sessions - if you log into your mailbox while the option is enabled, then all other users in your account will be logged out.
    • Show data about last login– when working with a mailbox, the login method, date and time will be displayed above the list of letters last visit, IP address.
    • Session from one IP address – the system will check where the requests are coming from. If they come from a different IP, then the session is considered incorrect, and the user will be redirected to authorization.
    • Save and display the last completed actions in the box – good tool constant control of your mailbox. The data will be displayed in the “Settings” → “Password and Security” section.

    Pay attention! When you create a mailbox on mail.ru, you are given the right to set additional password for each folder in the box. This will improve email security overall.

    In the menu on the left, click “Customize Folders.”

    For people just starting to explore the Internet and all its possibilities, it is not easy at first. Sooner or later new user Internet aims to create your own mail to receive emails and learn how to log into it to check incoming messages. And this is quite difficult for beginners to do. Anyone can learn how to access their email, you just need to do it carefully the first time and soon you will be doing it automatically.

    How to log into your email

    1. So, in order to open your mail, you need to take several steps. First you need to open your browser and go to the mail page. If, when registering your email and entering your data for the first time, you ticked the phrase “Remember me,” then in the window that appears, all the fields will be filled in and all you have to do is click on the “Login” button.
    2. You can also open your mail from the main page search engine Yandex. To do this, click on the mail button in the upper right corner. In the window that appears, you will see two fields that need to be filled in: login and password. If they are empty, then you need to enter your data there and click the “Login” button. If they are already filled out, this means that you previously gave your consent for your browser to remember your data, in which case you do not need to enter anything and just click on the “Login” button. Be sure to remember your details from your email (login and password), or better yet, write them down in a notebook.
    3. If you are using a browser Mozila Firefox, and having opened your mail by accident and opened another site or request in the same tab, you can easily return back to your mail. To do this, at the top of the screen, on the right, you need to left-click on the icon with the name of your mailbox, and you will again find yourself on your mail page.
    4. In order to log into another mail, for example, Mail.ru, you need to perform the same steps as described above. Namely: you need to write Mail.ru in the search engine and fill in your data (login and password) in the window that appears and click on the “Login” icon.
    5. You can also easily go to Yahoo mail. To do this, open this resource and in the window that appears you must enter your username and password. In the Yahoo! ID”, enter the name of your email in the format “[email protected]”, enter your password in the “Password” field, then click on the “Sign in” icon. In order to avoid entering all your data next time and simply click on the “Sign in” icon, you need to check the “Keep me signed in” box.

    In this lesson I will tell you how to log into your email on Mail.ru, Yandex or Google. And what should I do if my mail does not open?

    What is email

    E-mail or e-mail is a personal email box. Through it, letters are received and sent over the Internet. This can be either plain text or files from a computer: documents, photographs, videos.

    Each box has its own unique address. This address is assigned to only one user - it cannot belong to several people at once.

    The address consists of English characters without spaces and consists of three parts:

    1) Login - a unique set of English letters/numbers.

    2) @ - separator between login and mail site. This sign is called a dog. To type it on the keyboard, you need to hold down on the English layout Shift key and number 2

    3) Mail site address- Internet address where the box is located.

    Example of an email address

    Every mailbox on the Internet is located on some mail site. For example, on the Yandex or Mail.ru website. And it turns out that in order to access your mailbox, you must first open the mail site.

    The most common email sites are mail.ru, yandex.ru and gmail.com.

    There are other, slightly less popular sites: rambler.ru, tut.by, ukr.net, i.ua. This doesn't mean they are worse, just that fewer people use them.

    You can find out which site the box belongs to by its address. The mail site is written immediately after the @ sign.

    ★ If mail.ru, list.ru, inbox.ru or bk.ru is written after the @ icon, then this means that the mailbox is located on the mail.ru website

    ★ If there is gmail.com after the dog, then the mailbox is located on the gmail.com website

    ★ If yandex.ru, yandex.by, yandex.ua, yandex.kz, yandex.com, ya.ru, then on the website yandex.ru

    How to log in to mail

    How to log into mail on Mail.ru. Instructions for those who have @mail.ru, @list.ru, @inbox.ru or @bk.ru in their mailbox address

    1. Open the mail.ru website in a new tab

    2. In the upper left square, in the “Mailbox name” field, type your email login - the inscription that appears before the @ sign.

    For example, if the box is called [email protected], you need to type ivan.ivanov35

    3. If the name of your mailbox does not end with mail.ru, then in the adjacent field, select your ending from the list.

    4. In the “Password” field, type the password for your mailbox. It will be typed in dots - that’s how it should be. Then click on the “Login” button.

    If everything is entered correctly, the mail will open. She looks like this:

    The next time you visit the Mail.ru website, instead of the data entry window there will be another window:

    This means your mailbox is already open. There is no need to enter a username and password - just click on the “Mail” inscription.

    If you don’t want it to open on its own every time, inside the drawer, in the upper right corner, click on “exit”. And the next time you enter the box, remove the bird from the “Remember” item.

    How to log into mail on Yandex. For those whose email address is @yandex.ru, @yandex.by, @yandex.ua, @yandex.kz, @yandex.com or @ya.ru

    1. In a new tab, open the website yandex.ru

    2. In the upper right rectangle, in the “Login” field, type the name of your mailbox. In the field just below, enter the password for the mailbox and click on the “Login” button.

    If you entered everything correctly, the mail will open. She looks like this:

    The next time you log into Yandex, there will be a different window in the upper right corner of the site. In it you just need to click on the inscription “Mail” and the mailbox will open without entering your login and password.

    If you are like this automatic login not satisfied, then inside the box, in the upper right corner, click on your login. Then select "Exit" from the list. Next time when you log in to your email. email, don’t forget to check the “Someone else’s computer” checkbox. Then the login and password will not be remembered.

    Login to Google mail (Gmail). Instructions for those whose mailbox ends at @gmail.com

    Often, immediately after this, your box opens on its own. But if this does not happen, a login window will appear.

    Sometimes it opens instead home page Gmail. In this case, click on “Login” in the upper right corner.

    Google prompts you to enter a phone number or email address. The phone will only work if you previously attached it to the box. And so you need to enter your login in this field.

    If the data was entered correctly, the mail will open.

    Why isn't my mail opening?

    There are three reasons why a person cannot get into his box:

    • Incorrect login
    • Wrong password
    • The mailbox has been deleted or blocked

    I will now tell you about each case. And I’ll also tell you what to do. The advice is banal to the point of disgrace, but that’s the only thing the right way open your email.

    Incorrect login. Each mailbox has a login. This is his unique identifier on the mail site. Using it, the site can identify you and open your mailbox, and not someone else’s.

    The login always consists of English letters and/or numbers. May contain a period as well as a hyphen. And from this login the name of the box is formed.

    To enter your mailbox, you need to correctly type the login from it. You can't make a mistake with a single letter, number or symbol!

    For example, my login is ivan.petrov-35. And if I instead typed ivan.petrov35, then my email will not open - an error will be displayed.

    In addition, on some email sites, it is important not to make a mistake not only in the login, but also in the ending - the part that comes after the @ sign.

    This applies to everyone’s favorite site Mail.ru. There the ending of the mailbox can be either the standard mail.ru or another: bk.ru, list.ru or inbox.ru.

    For example, I have a mailbox on Maila [email protected]. This means that in addition to writing the login correctly, you also need to choose the correct ending. Otherwise, I won’t be able to get into my mailbox - the site will throw an error.

    Wrong password. The password is the key to the box. A set of letters and/or numbers that open the box. If you make a mistake in even one character, the password will not work. The site will throw an error.

    If the password contains letters, they are typed only in English.

    Additionally, the password is case sensitive. This means that if it contains a capital letter, and you typed it in small (lowercase), then such a password will not work.

    The mailbox has been deleted or blocked. It happens that you can’t get into the mailbox because it has been removed from the mail site. That is, it was simply erased along with all the letters.

    This usually happens when the box has not been used for a long time. For example, if the mailbox was on the Mail.ru website and you haven’t visited it for six months, according to mail.ru rules it can be deleted.

    What to do if mail does not open

    1. Open Notepad, type the password for the mailbox there, copy it and paste it into the website.

    To do this, go to “Start”, type Notepad in the search bar and open the program.

    A window for printing text will open. This is where we type the password.

    Select it and copy it. To do this, place the cursor at the end of the password and press left button mouse and circle it. Then right-click inside and select “Copy.”

    This simple procedure will help you avoid making mistakes when entering your password. After all, on the site it is typed in dots, so it is difficult to notice the error.

    2. Try it different options login

    As I already said, a login is a unique identifier of a mailbox on a mail site. If you enter just one wrong letter, the system will not be able to identify the box, and therefore will not be able to open it.

    Often people not only make mistakes in writing their login, but rather they are being described. For example, a person has a box called [email protected]. And he prints the login yan.ivanov. This is a mistake. Even if the password is entered correctly, the mailbox will not open.

    By the way, the login, unlike the password, is not case sensitive. That is, you can type it in letters of any size. Big, small, big and small - whatever, it doesn't matter.

    3. Use the password recovery feature.

    Mail sites allow you to restore access to your mailbox. The system will ask several questions about your email and if you answer correctly, it will ask you to indicate New Password. Immediately after this, the box will open. From now on it will be accessible using a new password.

    In Mail.ru, to restore access, click on the inscription “Forgot your password?”.

    In Yandex, click on the question mark at the end of the password field.

    In Gmail.com, click "Forgot your email address?"

    If you remember your address, then enter it and click “Next”. In the next window, click on “Forgot your password?”.


    • There are no spaces in the login or password
    • And the login and password are only entered in English letters
    • The password is sensitive to letter size. If you type a small letter instead of a capital letter, this password will not work.

    If you can't remember your login

    It happens that you remember the password, but you forgot the mailbox address. But the address, that is, the login on the mail site, is the main thing. Without it, it will not be possible to restore access to the mailbox.

    You can try to find out your login using a browser - the program through which you access the Internet. To do this, simply click on the field to enter the name of the box twice with the left mouse button. If you're lucky, a list will appear where, among other things, your login can be written.

    Another way to find out the name of a forgotten mailbox is to contact the person to whom you sent letters from it. If he still has at least one letter from you, ask him to say what is written there in the address line. To do this, you need to open the letter and look at the line under the header of the letter (at the top of it).

    If the site says that the mailbox does not exist

    It happens that when you try to recover a password, the mail site writes that the mailbox does not exist or there is no such account.

    There are two reasons why this happens:

    1. You made a mistake when printing your login.
    2. The box has been deleted.

    The first reason is clear. The mailbox address is printed incorrectly and there really is no such login in the system. You just need to enter it correctly.

    But if you are sure that the login is correct, but the site still shows that such mail does not exist, then the mailbox has been deleted. You can delete the mailbox yourself in your mail settings. Or it may happen automatically.

    On some email sites this happens if the mailbox is not used for a long time. For example, if you haven’t accessed your email on mail.ru for more than six months, it may be deleted.

    The box is deleted along with all its contents. You can return it, but without letters. To do this, you need to re-register your mail with the same login.

    Answers to questions

    Can someone other than me access my mailbox?

    Any person who has a password for it can access your mailbox. Therefore, it is important to keep it in a safe place and not show it to anyone.

    Is it possible to change the address of my mailbox?

    No, you cannot change the mailbox address, that is, its login on the mail site. You can only register a new one.

    Is it possible to change the password for the mailbox?

    You can change your password at any time. This is done in the mailbox settings.

    Mail.ru: click on your mailbox address in the upper right corner and select “Password and Security”.

    Yandex: Click on the gear icon in the top right and select “Security”.

    Google (Gmail): Click on your icon in the upper right corner, select “My Account”. Will open new tab, where you need to go to “Security and Login” and select “Password”.

    How to log into your mailbox if another mail is open on your computer?

    First you need to log out of someone else’s mailbox, and then enter your username and password.

    In Mail.ru, you need to click on the door icon. Or you can do this through the “exit” sign in the upper right corner of the site.

    In Yandex, click on your avatar (icon on the right) and select “Log Out”.

    In Gmail, click on your avatar (icon) in the upper right corner of the site and select “Sign Out.”

    I didn't find an answer to my question.

    You can try to find the answer yourself through the mail site help (support service):

    Or you can ask your question in the comments to this article. The form for submitting a comment is located just below the page.

    Availability of e-mail has become a necessary condition active image life of a successful person. When working with electronic soap, the user receives many benefits.

    The benefits of using email

    • Instant message delivery (the recipient receives the letter within a few seconds after sending).
    • High degree of reliability of information storage (many email resources help to increase the level of security of user data, for example, accepting only high-complexity passwords, having secret question etc.).
    • Possibility of receiving newsletters and notifications from Internet resources of interest.
    • Availability (check emails can be carried out both from a PC and from a mobile device).

    Creating email is possible on various hosting sites - Yandex, Mail.ru, Gmail.ru, etc. These email services provide free services, which is another undeniable advantage of electronic mailboxes.

    How to create an email and what you need for it

    In order to create a mailbox, you need to register on one of the above services. The algorithm for creating an email on each hosting has its own characteristics. Therefore, this article discusses step by step instructions creating electronic “soap” on some services.


    Register on Mail.ru

    In order to create an electronic Mail, you need to follow a few simple steps.

    1. To begin, go to the Mail.ru domain and select the “Registration in mail” column.
    2. In the tab that appears, indicate personal information - last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, mobile phone.
    3. Then the user comes up with a login (nickname), options for which can also be offered by the service (similar to the example with Yandex).
    4. After entering the login, the user comes up with a password and selects one of the domains - Mail.ru, Bk.ru, List.ru - and then completes registration.

    How to Create a Gmail Email

    In addition to the Yandex and Mail services, the Gmail mail system from Google is also particularly popular. Its significant difference is that its level of reliability is an order of magnitude higher than its domestic counterparts. For example, there are no spam messages in this mail, as the system is equipped with powerful filters. In addition, to download some computer programs from Western official Internet resources, registration is required only through Google mail. A foreign site does not perceive Yandex or the same Mail as e-mail. If you need to start a Western e-wallet such as PayPal, payment system will only confirm their “native” Gmail.

    Considering all the advantages of such a mailbox, you need to immediately move on to creating it. Step-by-step algorithm installation of “foreign soap” looks like this:

    1. Need to find Gmail service. To do this in search bar write down the corresponding name and select the first result that appears on the page.
    2. In the window that opens, you need to select the “Create an account” button.
    3. After this, a registration sheet will appear in which you need to enter the following data: first name, last name, login and password. The system also provides its own nickname options. The control panel language can be easily changed by clicking on the corresponding line in the upper right corner.
    4. Next, you need to enter the captcha (a set of letters) and accept the terms of the user agreement. Word in the form secret password it is written in such a way that not every user can enter it without errors the first time.
    5. If everything is done correctly, the system immediately goes to the “Login to Mail” dialog box.
    6. At the same moment, 3 messages will arrive in your inbox, the first of which is necessary to set up your Gmail profile, namely, to change the color and theme of your account.
    7. During the process of creating mail, you can enable (disable) search history - a list of Internet resources that are viewed by the user.

    The algorithm for creating an email is simple and accessible to everyone. Various email services open up an endless sea of ​​possibilities for the user.


    Typically, the full name of the mailbox displays the domain of the service you are registered with. Register your e-mail address on the most convenient search engine for you, so that you can do it with one click (from the transition from the main page of the service to your personal account on this resource).

    If you have opened your email account on Mail.ru, to access it, go to the main page. A window will appear on the left for entering your personal login and password. To the right of your login, you will need to select the domain corresponding to yours: @mail.ru, @list.ru, etc. In the lower right corner of the blue square, find the “Login” link. Click it and the contents of your mailbox will become available to you.

    The path to Yandex.ru service applications also starts from the main page. Having entered it, on the left side of the screen you will notice a small bluish window with the inscription “Mail”. When you click on it, two columns will appear (for entering your login and password). Enter your data without errors, then click the “Login” button and you can manage the contents of your mailbox as you wish.

    Is your mailbox registered on Rambler? Go to the main page of the resource and on the left side of the page in the “Mail” window, fill in the fields to enter your personal data (login and password). Click on the “Login” button with your computer mouse and your mailbox will become available to you.

    If your mailbox is registered in the Gmail system, then to log in to your email address, go to the main page of the service. At the top right you will see a grayish field. Here (in two columns) enter your username and password and click on the “Login” icon located just below. That's all you need to do to your email address.


    • email login

    It’s hard to imagine a modern Internet user without email and its conveniences. Mail is a very important service that provides reliable and fast communication between people around the world, so if you still don't have an email account, start creating one as soon as possible.


    Check with your ISP to see if they offer you free email to own server. If such a service is available, you can register a mailbox on your provider's server. True, such boxes, as a rule, have a significant drawback - they are limited in the volume of incoming and outgoing messages and cannot hold more than 10-20 MB. You can register a box on a third-party server, which will also be free, but which will have much more advantages.

    Select the service where you want to get an email address and begin the registration process. Enter your personal information (at least your real name) and carefully choose a login for your mailbox. This login will be yours email address, and you will use it to send to your mail. Come up with a fairly short, memorable and individual login, consisting only of Latin letters, numbers from 0 to 9 and underscores.

    Next, enter the password for your mailbox. The password must be sufficiently complex and varied to prevent email intruders. passwords must be at least 6 characters long and use a variety of latin letters and in different registers. Don't create passwords that consist of your day or the first letters of the alphabet.

    Some mailboxes ask you to specify Security Question and the answer for future mailbox recovery. Write a question to which only you can know the answer.

    Complete registration and try to log into your new mailbox using your username and password. To write, select the “Write new” button, enter in the address bar postal address your interlocutor, write required text and click the submit button.


    • how to make mail

    Today for many people address- this is not only a house or a street, but also email. Most online email services are free and available to everyone. The user has the right to choose any mail service and any name for his e-mail.


    When registering an account on mail server the system will automatically offer you several options. For example, your name is Andrey Petrov, born in 1984. After filling out the personal data, several possible names will appear in the mailbox column, like: [email protected] or [email protected] . Although there may not be such options, you are still not the only owner of such a popular name in the country. In this case, the message “This name is already taken” will appear on the screen. You can try searching suitable option on another domain of this postal service. For example, not mail.ru, but list.ru. If you use a less popular email service, your chances of getting the name you want increase significantly.

    In general, you can choose any name you want, just think carefully about what you will use this mailbox for. The bosses are unlikely to be delighted if they have to write to you with a name like veseliy_bezdelnik or superyozzik simply because slackers and hedgehogs won’t seem serious, even if it’s just a few letters on the Internet.

    Even if you want to stand out, it’s better to have several email accounts - for work, for family. Moreover, the majority postal services allows you to create up to 5 address ov for one user.

    You can choose any word as a name, as long as it is written in Latin. It can be short or long, consist of one or more words, and contain letters or numbers. However best name one that is easy to read and remember. After all, more than once you will have to dictate by, write it down in your resume, when registering on sites. So simplicity and brevity are more important than ever here.

    If you have created your account in Rambler-Mail, sooner or later you will need to check for new letters or send someone a message via email. And to do this you will need to log into your mailbox. If you remember your username and password, you will not have any problems logging in. If you have forgotten your password, you will have to restore access to Rambler services.


    Log in to the home page of Rambler or the start page of Rambler Mail - to do this, type the URL http://mail.rambler.ru in the address bar of your browser. Enter your username and password in the fields of the login form. Select the domain on which you registered your mailbox from the drop-down list: rambler.ru, lenta.ru, ro.ru, etc.

    Check the “Remember me” box if you are logging into your email from a computer that no one else has access to. After this, you will be able to get into your mailbox on Rambler, bypassing the authorization procedure. If you want to do it from someone else's or a public computer, it is better to uncheck this box.

    Click on the “Login to mail” button. If you entered your username and password correctly, you will be taken to your mailbox. If the system reports an authorization error, try again. Check the domain name, keyboard layout and whether a key is pressed Caps Lock.

    Restore access to your mailbox if you have forgotten the password you set. To do this, on the Rambler-Mail login page, click on the appropriate link.

    Enter in the form fields the address of the mailbox to which you are restoring access and the verification code - CAPTCHA. On next page write the answer to the security question that you specified when registering your account. If you answered the question correctly, the system will prompt you to set a new login password. Enter your new password and then log in with it. home page Rambler-Mail.

    Install the Rambler Assistant panel in your browser. To do this, download suitable version programs from the page http://assist.rambler.ru/firefox/. At the time of writing - December 2011 - there were versions of the assistant for Internet Explorer And Mozilla Firefox. Restart your browser after the installation process is complete.

    Click on the “Login” button on the “Rambler Assistant” panel to log in to the system. Enter your login and password for the Rambler-Mail mailbox in the window that appears. Don't forget to select desired domain. Click on the OK button.

    Click on the button with a drawn envelope on the Rambler-Assistant panel - you will automatically be taken to your inbox in your mailbox. If you click on the triangle next to the envelope, you can go to the page for sending letters or to your address book.


    • how to log in to your mailbox in rambler

    The admin panel exists so that the webmaster can add, edit and delete site content through it. To login domain you need to know your login and password.


    To launch the future website in your browser, type localhost/ into the address bar domain. If you have created a working part of the resource, it should appear in front of you. To log into the administrative panel, hover your mouse over the address bar and add admin. Confirm the operation by pressing the Enter key. You should see the following address: localhost/site/admin/.

    So, here is the admin panel. Enter your login (Username) in one text field and your password in the other. By default, the administrator name is admin. If you want to change it, go to the panel settings and change your login. The password was given to you by default by your hosting. You can also change it to general settings. To do this, go to the “User Management” section, click on “Administrator”, enter a new password and confirm it.

    After you enter your login and password for the administrative panel, click “Login”. An administrative panel will appear in front of you, where you can manage the site. In it you can change, add or delete data. When you log into the admin area, check the box next to “Remember me.” This will allow you to avoid having to enter your password every time you log into your control panel.

    There is a second way. Log in to the administrative panel through the site itself. To do this, enter the address of your website in the address bar ( domain) and press Enter. Click “Authorization” or “Login”. Enter your username and password. Press Enter. If you entered the data correctly, the system will open the administrative panel for you.

    Third way. Enter in the address bar domain. The site will open. There should be some control panel functions on top. There will also be an inscription “Administrator Panel”. Click on it and enter your registration information if necessary.


    • how to log in to your domain email