• How to flip a specific sheet in Word. How to make a landscape sheet in Word

    By default, in the Microsoft Word program, all sheets have a portrait orientation, namely, they are located vertically, because in some cases it is necessary to turn them over so that they can be used as a landscape model.

    Word - how to flip a sheet horizontally video

    I hope you understand the word step by step?! In this post we will talk about how to perform album sheet in Word 2007. It will be explained how to perform these manipulations with all sheets at the same time and with each one separately.

    Turning over the sheets of the entire document

    Before the essay about how to turn a sheet horizontally in Word, it is worth stating that the reminder will become universal for all modifications of the program without exception, but 2007 Word will be used as a model. In any modifications, it is possible to change the placement of any interface details, their title and reflection, because the alternative is universal for everyone without exception.

    So, in at the moment you are learning how to flip sheets horizontally in Word. Direct your gaze that after implementing this instruction, all the sheets in the dock will turn over. If you only need to turn over 1 or a certain amount, then move on to the nearest image.

    To turn over all the sheets in Word, it is important for you:

    • In the accessible dock of the program, go to the “Page Layout” tab (in the most recent modifications, this tab is called “Layout”).
    • Press the "Orientation" button.
    • In the drop-down list, select an important orientation: in this example, “Landscape”.

    As you can see, after implementing all the instructions in your dock, all pages will change their orientation to landscape. In order to return everything to the way it was, it is important for you to do all the points in a new way, and finally choose the “Portrait” orientation.

    Turn over 1 sheet in the dock

    You already understand how to flip sheets horizontally in Word, because in cases it is important to change the orientation of just one or a few sheets. IN in this example the previous method is no longer suitable, but you are given the opportunity to resort to what will be demonstrated at the moment.

    So, to change the location of any pages in Word, make the following guide:

    • First of all, it is important for you to note the proportion of text that you want to move to a sheet with landscape orientation. After all, direct your attention to the fact that after its movements the text will be present on a single page. If you are still up to it, then continue.
    • Go to the Page Layout (Layout) page.
    • Click on the "Margins" icon in the "Page Setup" tool command.
    • In the list that will be noticed, select the “Custom Fields” item located at the very bottom.
    • In the window that appears, change the orientation of the sheet; this option is located in the “Orientation” area.
    • In the “Apply” drop-down list located at the very bottom of the window, select the line “To deleted text”.
    • Click "OK".

    After implementing this very extensive instruction, move the deleted text to previously unknown sheets of landscape orientation.


    Now you understand how to flip a sheet horizontally in Word. As you may discover, the two instructions are very easy to use and do not at all require deep knowledge. But following the attached directions, but by no means any user can complete the album sheet in Word.

    After reading this article, you will learn how to rotate only one sheet out of all Word.

    Suppose you are writing an essay or term paper or dissertation, and you have wide tables with many columns that do not fit into a standard book format A-4, and you need to unfold one or more sheets in the middle of the work, that is, make how many sheets landscape format so that a wide table, or picture or graph is included. How to do this, read on...


    1. Place the cursor on the sheet that needs to be expanded.
    2. Open the “Page Layout” tab in Word 2010

    Page Layout tab

    3. Then open “Insert page and section breaks”

    4. Select the “Page Breaks? Next page»

    Page Breaks - Next Page

    1. Click “Orientation? Landscape”

    Orientation - Landscape

    And the entire sheet unfolds, becoming landscape.

    "Orientation - Book"

    And the sheet becomes standard A-4 format.

    Microsoft Office. Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 365

    Good day, my dear friends. Again with you this, well, whatever his name is... in general, I. And today I want to start a small series of articles about Microsoft Word. Still, this is the main one office program and the vast majority of people use it. But despite this, they do not know very many elementary things. I deal with this almost every day.

    So, to fill these gaps, I will prepare special articles for you. And we’ll start with a topic that really gets many people confused. There are times when you need to write text or something else on a horizontal sheet of paper, but no one knows how to implement it. And today I’ll tell you how to expand a sheet horizontally in Word to fit it to your needs. I will do this using Office 2013 as an example, but for 2010 and 2007 this method is also relevant.

    The entire document

    The easiest way to deploy our work area horizontally or vertically - go to the "Markup" menu, then select "Orientation" - "Landscape". Voila. Thanks to this simple method, you can expand all the pages of the document.

    Specific Pages

    There are often times when it is necessary to rotate only one sheet, or several pages, horizontally. What then to do in such cases? It's very simple here. To begin, you need to select one or more sheets that you want to flip. Did you do it? Handsome guys!

    Now we go to the menu again "Page Layout", only now we don’t select the orientation there, but look for the “Options” item, after which we click the tiny icon to the right of it.

    The page settings window will open. This is exactly what we need. Pay attention to the very bottom. There, opposite the orientation, there is a drop-down list. Expand it and select "Selected pages". Well, now you can switch to landscape orientation.

    After this manipulation, only the leaves you selected will be rotated horizontally. Well, accordingly, you can return the vertical view in the same way, that is, portrait orientation. Just keep in mind that if you select all the text on a vertical page, this does not mean that it will entirely fit on one horizontal page. Therefore from one book sheet It may turn out to be two landscape ones.

    This is where I end my article. There seems to be nothing more to add. I hope that I helped you in resolving your issue. If so, then do not forget to subscribe to my blog updates and share the article with your friends on social networks. Good luck to you, and of course don’t forget to visit my blog again. Bye bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

    In the lesson " How to turn a page in Word 2007"we will learn to turn pages in popular program for text editing - Microsoft Word 2007. The lesson will discuss options turning all pages in a document and turning one page without changing the orientation of the others.

    Our task: learn to turn pages in the program (change page orientation between portrait and landscape).

    What do we need: Installed program Microsoft Word 2007 and required document, in which we will change the orientation of the pages.

    What are the solutions?: Change the orientation of one page in an entire document, and change the orientation of pages in an entire document.

    In this lesson, let’s agree that instead of the expression “turning the page,” we will use the more competent expression “changing the page orientation.”

    Let's assume we have a document in which we will perform manipulations:

    Fig 1. Microsoft file Word in a folder

    Open our document double click with the left mouse button, we will see a program window in which the contents of the file will open:

    Fig 2. Document contents

    Let's look at options for changing page orientation.

    Change the orientation of all pages in a document

    We need to make sure that all pages in the document are not in portrait orientation and in landscape. In this case, everything is simple: At the top of the program there is an area with tabs “ Home», « Insert», « Page layout», « Links"etc.

    Click on the tab " Page layout» left mouse button and in the field « Page Options" looking for the item " Orientation»:

    Fig 3. Location of the “Orientation” menu

    Left-click on the menu item “ Orientation", after that we will see a pop-up window with orientation options. Click on the option “ Landscape»:

    Fig 4. Options for changing the orientation of pages in a document

    After clicking on orientation " Landscape"The pages in our document will change their position and become in landscape orientation. In this case, we have changed the orientation for all pages in the document, but if we need to change the orientation of only one page in the middle of the document... There is a solution to this problem.

    Change the orientation of one page in a document

    IN in this case we only need to change the orientation of one or more pages in the document; the orientation of the remaining pages must remain the same. This way we will change the orientation individual pages in Word and keep the sequential page numbering.

    Let's assume that we need " turn over"Only the third page in Word. To do this, open our document (document.docx) and place the mouse cursor at the beginning of the first character on the third page:

    Fig 5. Required page for changing orientation

    At the top of the program we see an area with tabs “ Home», « Insert», « Page layout», « Links"etc. Find the tab “ Page layout", click on it with the left mouse button, after which we see its contents:

    Fig 6. Open the “Page Layout” tab

    In order for us to succeed “turn” one page in a Word document, we need to indicate to the program about the “section break”. To do this, in the “Page Layout” tab, find the item “ Breaks» and click once with the left mouse button, after which a pop-up window will appear. In this window we find the item “ Next page"and click on it once with the left mouse button:

    Fig 7. Contents of the “Breaks” tab of Microsoft Word 2007

    After clicking on the item " Next page"The program will perform the necessary actions almost instantly. Our document is divided into 2 sections, now we can perform a “page spread” in landscape orientation. To do this, click at the beginning of the first character of the third page, as we did earlier in the “ tab Page layout» (located at the top WORD programs) click on the item “ Orientation" and in the pop-up window, left-click on " Landscape»:

    Fig 8. Changing the page orientation to “Landscape”

    After these operations, the program will change the orientation of all pages (starting from the third) located after our third page, i.e. 4, 5, 6 and other pages.

    If we need landscape orientation to be only for one, the third page of the document. To do this, go to the end of the third page and place the cursor after the last character on the page:

    Now we perform the familiar actions with a section break. To do this, in the tab " Page layout"click on the item " Breaks" and in the pop-up menu select " Next page»:

    Now we have achieved the required goal: changing the orientation of only one page in a WORD document:

    Fig 13. Landscape and portrait page orientation in WORD

    As a result, all pages in our document except the third are located in portrait orientation, and the third page is located in landscape orientation. If we also need to selectively change the orientations of other pages, then the above operation must be repeated the appropriate number of times.

    IN modern world, during the daily improvement of technological progress, I vaguely remember the times when letters, essays, dissertations, etc. were written by hand. Sometimes it seems that the current generation of children first learns to use modern gadgets and then just talk.

    It is already difficult for a person to imagine himself without mobile phone, computer, internet. On the computer we watch movies, listen to music, read books, look for information for tests, abstracts. And increasingly, computer users have a need using text editors in order to save and systematize any information from various sources on the Internet - from a recipe for your favorite dish to instructions for household appliances.

    The most famous and widespread text editor is Word from the collection Microsoft programs Office.

    If a person uses the program often enough, sooner or later he will be faced with the question of turning the sheet over, because by default it is located in a vertical position.

    In this article we will look in detail at how to change the orientation from portrait (vertical layout) to landscape(horizontal position) in different versions text editor Word, from 2003 to 2016. We will also consider the question of how to change the layout of pages in the entire document or in a certain part of it. So let's begin.

    In order to flip a sheet in Word 2003 (and other versions of 1997 and 2000), you need to do the following:

    1. In the upper left corner we find the “File” menu, then select “Page Options”.
    2. Here, by default, the “Fields” tab opens to us. In “Orientation”, select the desired orientation - vertically (portrait) or horizontally (landscape).
    3. At the bottom, press the “Ok” button to save the selected parameters.

    You need to act in this sequence if you need to turn the entire document over, but there are other situations when you need to flip only some part of the text, one or more pages.

    How to turn a page in Word 2003 and earlier versions

    In order to flip part of the text, we first select it. Next, we perform the same actions as when flipping the entire document:

    1. From the “File” menu, select “Page Setup”.
    2. In the “Page Settings” item on the “Margins” tab, in the “Orientation” column, select the desired layout - landscape.
    3. The next step is different. In the “Sample” item, there is a “Apply” column. Select from the drop-down list the right option, »To the selected text«.
    4. Click the “Ok” button, and the selected text area becomes horizontal.

    If work on horizontal sheet finished and we need the next one to be positioned vertically - we do the same steps, but in the “Orientation” item we select the “portrait” layout.

    How to flip a sheet in Word 2007 and other versions (2010, 2013, 2016)

    In principle, the algorithm for turning a sheet horizontally in Word 2007 is not much different from Word 2003. In newer versions, turning the sheet over is even much easier:

    1. Find the “Page Layout” tab at the top and go into it. This tab contains all the commands for changing appearance leaf.
    2. Find the “Orientation” item, click on it and select “Landscape” in the menu that opens.

    This changes the orientation of pages throughout the document.

    How to turn a page in Word 2007 and later (2010, 2013, 2016)

    Turning a page or a specific section of text is a little more difficult than turning the entire sheet, and there are two ways to do this.

    How to turn a page in Word 2007 - 1 way

    It is similar to that, which is used in Word 2003. The only difference is the location of the buttons on the panel.

    1. Select the desired passage of text.
    2. Go to the “Page Layout” tab.
    3. In the Page Options menu, find the small button located at the bottom right.
    4. The “Fields” tab opens for us; in the “Orientation” item, select the desired location.
    5. In the “Apply” column, select the required option from the list, in our case “To selected text”.
    6. Click the “Ok” button and the changes are applied.

    How to turn a page in Word 2007 - method 2

    This method is more complex than the first:

    1. First we need to enable "Display hidden characters" To do this, on the left top corner Click on the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” section we find a button that looks like a large capital letter “P”, click on it.
    2. After activating the button for showing hidden characters, you need to set the breaks in the text section, the sheet that will be turned over. To do this, place the cursor at the end of the sheet, which is located in front of the one that needs to be turned over.
    3. Then, on the “Page Layout” tab, by clicking on the “Breaks” button, select the “Next Page” menu item.
    4. Place the cursor at the end of the sheet that needs to be turned over and repeat the manipulations from the previous paragraph. This results in two section breaks.
    5. We return the cursor to the sheet that needs to be flipped, and then, using the already familiar algorithm, in the “Page Layout” section on the “Orientation” tab, select the “Landscape” item.

    So, in this article we looked at several ways to rotate sheets in Word. different versions. These operations often do not take much time from users. Having figured it out once, in the future such manipulations will take several seconds.


    From this video you will learn how to flip a table in Word.

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