• Which operator's phone number is megaphone? Single operator number megaphone

    Unlike others mobile operators of the Big Four, Megafon continues to pursue a flexible policy in providing assistance to its subscribers. At the same time, the company is actively implementing various intelligent systems, including processing text requests. But also the availability of a “live” operator to provide reference information remains on high level. This article will tell you how to ask Megafon for help and which number is best to call.

    The most convenient way to resolve urgent issues is through dialogue with the operator. For these purposes in Megafon help desk There are several toll-free numbers that you can call at any time and receive qualified assistance from a specialist.

    Megafon how to call an operator from a mobile phone?

    1. Call to short number for Megafon subscribers. All Megafon clients have free access 24/7 service number 0500. By calling it, the subscriber will automatically be switched to virtual assistant, which easily recognizes human speech. If you do not want to communicate with the robot, you should use one of the options:
      — refuse the robot’s help and ask it to switch you to an operator;
      — press “0” and wait for the characteristic beeps.
    2. Call into a megaphone from an MTS, Beeline, Tele2 or landline number. To call the service technical support, you need to dial 8-800-550-05-00. This number is available 24/7 to all Megafon subscribers throughout Russia. In addition, any resident of the country can call it, both from an MTS, Beeline SIM card, and from a landline phone.
    3. Communication with operator technical support in roaming. Subscribers who travel abroad with a Megafon SIM card will also not be left without technical support. To call an operator outside the Russian Federation for free, you need to dial the helpline number in your home region: +7-920-111-05-00 – Central region;
      +7-921-111-05-00 – North-West region;
      +7-926-111-05-00 – Capital region;
      +7-927-111-05-00 – Volga region;
      +7-928-111-05-00 – Caucasus region.
    4. Help for corporate clients. Support for corporate clients is provided by calling 0555 – for calls from a Megafon SIM card and 8-800-550-05-55 – from any phone.

    Additional ways to contact the Megafon operator

    If calling or getting through to one of the call center numbers in your region is problematic, then it’s time to pay attention to one of alternative sources obtaining reference information.

    Daily communication in social networks has become a common occurrence among urban youth. It is enough to register in one of the messengers to keep abreast of all the latest events of the company. You can go to Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and livejournal directly from the website or mobile application.

    Chat is a great alternative to calling the helpline. However, not all Megafon clients have the ability to communicate online. In particular, residents of St. Petersburg can use this service by clicking on the “Ask a question in chat” link located in the “Support” section.

    If you can clearly and briefly formulate your question, then it should be sent as an SMS message to the number 0500. In the Russian Federation, messages from Megafon SIM cards are free.

    To contact support in writing, please fill out special form, located on the company’s website in the “Support” section. After clicking on the “Write to us” link, a form will appear where you can not only ask a specialist a question, but also leave a review or write about fraud. In any case, to the one indicated in the form mailbox The support service undertakes to send a response within 24 hours.

    If it is not possible to solve problems remotely, you should contact one of Megafon’s communication shops. You can find out where the nearest one is located on the Internet at megafon.ru or by calling the help desk.

    Sometimes, subscribers have urgent questions that cannot be resolved on their own. Then an experienced consultant comes to the rescue. hotline Megaphone. But just at the moment when you need it, the number is successfully forgotten or, say, your phone is dead. What should I do? To know how to call the Megafon operator from any phone, remember several digital combinations listed below.


    How to contact the Megafon operator?

    How experienced user, and an amateur should know that there are several ways to contact a Megafon support line specialist:

    • Using a short number for Megafon SIM card owners
    • Using a single number from any mobile operator
    • Using a single number from a landline phone
    • Using dedicated Megafon numbers for regions
    • By calling from roaming

    Megafon operator phone numbers: short

    Company managers came up with short numbers to contact hotline operators. They look like this:

    • 0500 — the number is suitable for servicing individuals
    • 0555 suitable for communication with corporate clients

    If you forget these numbers, you can find them on the Megafon website by going to the “Support” section in your personal account.

    When making a call to these numbers, remember that this is a multi-line phone, and by pressing various numbers, you can solve your problem yourself. For example, before connecting to an operator by number 0500, you can press a number "1" and you will be provided with information about your connected services. If the spoken commands do not suit you, then press the number «0». As soon as one of the operators is free, you will be immediately connected to him. In the meantime, you might need to listen to some tunes.

    Do you know... What if, during a call to a Megafon specialist, you immediately dial 0000 (four zeros) from a SIM card of the same operator, that is, when they just start listing services. Your call will be a priority and the time spent waiting for a specialist will be reduced.

    Remember that number 0500 is suitable exclusively for Megafon subscribers and is valid throughout Russia. Calls to hotline specialists are free of charge.

    • If you are corporate client, then dial from mobile 0555. To contact a specialist, you first need to put the phone in tone mode and press * - asterisk
    • You will then be presented with a list of commands that you can run manually and get information about them. After listening you will be asked press number 8
    • Next, after executing these commands, you will be connected to the operator cellular communication Megaphone. You can press a number to contact a specialist without waiting for all commands to be listed

    Attention! Be aware of what happens in your account negative balance, the operator will still answer your call.

    Contact a Megafon specialist for any operator

    Suppose it so happens that you have run out of funds, your phone has turned off, or you simply do not have a Megafon SIM card, and you really need to contact this operator. Get a phone with another telecommunications company.

    • Dial 8-800-550-05-00. This is a free Megafon support line. It is available for communication from any operator. There is no charge for the call
    • From anywhere in the world you can reach an operator using these numbers 8-926-111-05-00 . It is available for communication from the number of any telecommunications company
    • An online help desk consultant will be available at 8-800-333-05-00. Here you will be answered, even if you call from numbers of other cellular operators. Only for this you need to be geographically located in Russia

    Each operator mobile communications has its own technical support service so that subscribers can receive any explanatory information if any questions arise. There may be problems with connection stability, questions arise regarding tariffs, various tariff plans, additional options and services. Technical support is always ready to answer all questions that interest users of their services. One of the most popular and well-known Russian operators in the mobile communications market. Megafon support service is available to absolutely everyone.

    Many problems can be solved without calling a service consultant. For this purpose, the Megafon network has special services self-service, where there are already answers to the most popular questions from subscribers. For example, if you use an option such as “Service Guide”, you can make call details and get full information how and for what the funds were written off for a certain period.

    It is also possible to find out about subscriptions connected to the number, which are the reason for frequent debiting of funds from the subscriber’s account. Not all subscribers have the opportunity to use such options. More detailed information specialists can provide.

    Methods to call Megafon technical support

    Megafon technical support is the operator’s unified help desk in all regions of Russia, without exception. As soon as questions or problems arise, you need to contact the operators by specific phone numbers. The telephone numbers of the Megafon support center are specified in the concluded contracts for the provision of communication services. Also, these numbers are indicated on packages with SIM cards:

    • 0500 – short number;
    • 8-800-550-05-00 - federal number.

    Short number 0500 Only subscribers of the Megafon operator can use it. To contact specialists 24/7 support You must dial the indicated four numbers and press the call button. After a certain period of time, the operator on duty will contact the subscriber and provide necessary information. To hear the operator, you must use the voice menu service, the structure of which may change from time to time. But the answering machine will clearly show the way if you carefully follow its instructions.

    Megafon support provides a voice assistant to help its clients automatic mode, whose number is 0505. Voice assistant may also help solve some problems. For subscribers located in home network, it is possible to send your request as an SMS message to the number 0500 . If this does not solve the problem, you need to call the operator. If the subscriber does not remember or does not know the technical support service number, the SIM card menu contains up-to-date information about the reference and information numbers of Megafon operators.

    Megafon support numbers operate exclusively in all Russian regions without regional differences. If a subscriber bought a SIM card in Vladivostok, he will be able to contact operators by helpline 0500. If the same subscriber ends up in Voronezh, then he can use the same support phone line as in Vladivostok.

    How to contact MegaFon support in roaming?

    Being outside of Russia, quite often subscribers need to contact the help desk to solve their problems or clarify some details. A single telephone number was created especially for subscribers in roaming.

    Megafon technical support phone for roaming: +7-926-111-05-00 .

    You can call the number from anywhere in the world, and for Megafon subscribers this call will not cost a penny - all calls are free. You will not be able to reach other help desk numbers - these communication channels do not work while roaming.

    How to reach support service Megafon from numbers of other operators

    IN help desk Megafon has the ability to call from other telecom operators. You can call from MTS, Beeline, Tele 2 numbers. For subscribers of these operators, the telephone number for communication is - 8-800-550-05-00 .

    You can also use this number if you call from landlines rather than mobile phones. Access to information and obtaining certificates and consultations can be done from absolutely any phone in Russia. Short dial number 0500 V in this case will be useless - only Megafon subscribers can call this number. It is worth noting that calling the number 8-800-550-05-00 paid and charged according to the operator's tariffs.

    Do you use Megafon services and have a need to solve problems or ask questions that you cannot solve on your own? Then come to you help will come professional operator, anyone from any country can dial it absolutely free of charge. Now there are many ways that will allow you to quickly contact the Megafon operator, which is what we will talk to you about in this article.

    How to call the Megafon operator from a mobile phone for free

    The most popular and easiest way is to call the operator using mobile phone. To do this, dial from your mobile phone 8 800 550 05 00 , and listen to everything that the automatic informant suggests. If you are sure that your problem cannot be solved this way, click «0» and wait for the appropriate connection with the consultant. As a rule, they will contact you within 15 minutes. It all depends on the network load and time of day.

    There is a second way to contact the megaphone operator, you can dial the combination 0500 . This option is no different from the previous one. Therefore, choose the most easy number and press the call button. To reduce the time it takes to connect with a consultant, follow these recommendations:

    1. Try not to call the megaphone operator on weekends. As a rule, many people try to solve their problems in free time. Therefore, on weekends all consultants are overloaded. If you choose a weekday, you can get a consultation several times faster.
    2. Also try typing in the evening or late at night. People, out of old habit, will never call late; it is considered indecent. However, operators work around the clock, so this advantage is worth taking advantage of.
    3. From Friday to Sunday, operators will be practically unloaded if you call in the evenings.
    4. At the beginning of the month it is better not to call on any days. After all, many people are starting to frantically recruit consultants, since from the new month they could withdraw extra money for services or change the tariff.

    How to contact a megaphone operator using SMS

    If there is no desire to recruit consultants and wait to connect with him. Then you can send free SMS to the number 0500 . Your message should indicate the problem or question you are encountering. The answer will be sent to your phone in the form of a message. As a rule, all this takes several hours.

    How to call corporate clients

    All private entrepreneurs legal entities, notaries, various lawyers who have become corporate clients of Megafon have a serious advantage. After all, there are special megaphone operators for them, who are always less busy at any time of the day. There is a designated number for dialing them 0555 .
    Please note if you don't corporate client, then you won’t be able to get service this way. Therefore, dial the numbers listed above.

    Call the Megafon operator from a landline number

    Anyone can call Megafon's operator, even from a landline phone. This need can come to the rescue if the subscriber accidentally lost his SIM card. You need to call from a landline number 8 800 550 05 00 . Such calls are completely free if you dial from Russia. For other countries there are different numbers, which you will find out below.

    How to call Megafon from another operator for free

    It also happens that a person lacks landline phone. Then you can take the phone of a friend who has a different cellular operator. To do this, dial toll free number 8 880 550 05 00 . All funds from the account will remain in their place.

    Please note, after connecting, the operator must verify your identity. Therefore, it is recommended to find your passport in advance and look at all the necessary data. Also remember that when you issued the card, you asked security question. The operator will definitely ask for it, if you cannot name it, then the service will be denied. However, don’t worry, most of the time you will be able to answer this question, because the most popular question is: “Your mother’s maiden name.”

    How to call operator consultants in roaming

    Being outside Russian Federation, you can also easily contact Megafon representatives. For this purpose it was thought out additional phone 8 926 111 05 00 . Before leaving abroad, be sure to write down this number, because problems can arise at any stage. By calling here, you can quickly resolve any urgent issue. It is worth noting that the connection to the megaphone operator in roaming occurs in just a few minutes.

    However, you must remember that you need to dial any numbers abroad only with +7 , you won’t be able to call any other way. Communication with the operator in roaming is free.