• A blue screen with inscriptions appears on the computer. Blue screen when turning on computer

    If, while working on a laptop, the system suddenly stops working and a blue screen appears with information on English(on Russified Windows starting from version 8 and higher, the message is issued in Russian and is accompanied by a sad smiley), then you are faced with a problem called the blue screen of death, or otherwise a stop error.

    The appearance of the screen of death is a rather unpleasant situation that any owner can face. personal computer. A malfunction often occurs at the most inopportune moment and is accompanied by the loss of some information. If the blue screen of death is constantly displayed on a laptop, what should you do in this case?

    Reasons for a blue screen on a laptop

    When the operating system experiences a serious failure that prevents it from continuing to function, it displays a screen of death that displays error information. After this, depending on the settings specified, the computer reboots or remains in this state (if there is a serious malfunction of one or more hardware elements, the laptop may not load the OS at all, no matter what the parameters are).

    The main causes of stop errors:

    • malfunctions software(frequently the malfunction occurs when starting several antivirus utilities or firewalls);
    • driver malfunction;
    • failures in computer hardware.

    In the latter case, the malfunction may appear due to correct operation RAM, video adapter, motherboard, hard drive, as well as a power supply failure and even simple overheating.

    Blue screen on laptop - what to do

    Write down the error code

    When the screen of death appears, first write down the name and error code; they will be useful in solving the problem in the future.

    Reboot your laptop

    By default, the laptop automatically reboots after a stop error occurs. If this does not happen, hold down the Power key for a few seconds until it turns off. If this measure does not help, unplug the power adapter and remove the battery, and then install it back.

    Determine the cause of the problem and solve it

    The next step is to determine the cause of the error; to do this, download a program called Errorka, run it and enter the error code into the appropriate window. The utility will display probable cause emergence blue screen and methods for solving the problem. If for some reason you cannot or do not want to use the utility, insert into the line search engine name and error code, find the cause of the malfunction, and then, following the recommendations, eliminate it.

    Blue screen on laptop when turned on

    If a stop error occurs when you turn on the laptop and the operating system does not start, proceed as follows:

    1. restart your computer;
    2. at startup, press the F8 key (this function is not available for Windows 10);
    3. select the Last Known Good Configuration line and press Enter.

    If this does not help, do the first two steps again, then select “Safe Mode”. After loading the operating system, return it to previous state using the system restore function.

    The above methods did not help - your laptop most likely has hardware problems and needs to be repaired. Take it to a workshop where specialists will provide qualified assistance.

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    The screen of death is caused in Windows 7 by system errors classified as critical. The OS freezes and latest changes usernames are not saved.

    The situation is not the most pleasant, but it is often found in computers with the “Seventh” modification of the system.

    There is no general algorithm of actions to eliminate this problem, since it depends on the causes that caused it. Below are specific recommendations that should be taken to effectively resolve the situation.

    Why does the death screen appear?

    All the abundance of reasons causing BSoD, are classified into two large parts:

    1. Software;
    2. Hardware.

    The first includes failures in system services, incorrectly installed software (including those that provide normal functioning hardware - drivers), viral infections PC, software conflict, etc.

    The second part of the reasons that cause a blue screen in computers running Windows 7 lies in the hardware. The record holders for popularity are such important PC components as the hard drive and RAM.

    Often, after a user installs an additional RAM stick into a PC or due to poor contact in the slot, a blue background with white letters will immediately greet the computer owner. It is also not uncommon for problems with the hard drive to cause critical errors and OS freezes.

    The blue screen itself in Windows 7 is of an informational nature. Its text contains recommendations for troubleshooting and notifies the user of the specific error codes that caused it to occur.

    That is why you need to carefully study all the inscriptions displayed by the screen of death. By rewriting or remembering the error codes from the bottom of the screen, you can surgically accurately diagnose and quickly get rid of the problem.

    Unfortunately, often the user does not have time to familiarize himself with the output report, so this guide begins with a technique for canceling the automatic restart of the PC after an error occurs.

    Setting up your computer

    If the user did not have time to commit necessary information from the screen, you will need a little PC setup.

    After this, once you know the code, you can use it to find an effective “medicine” that can cure your iron friend.

    You need to do the following:

    It is recommended to study the meaning of the error code on the resource “bsodstop.ru”. For example, “0x0000004e” may appear due to an incorrectly installed driver.

    To find out exactly what software caused problems in the system, you should use the BlueScreenView application, which automatic mode identifies files that cause a critical error. The user only needs to install and open the application.

    Based on the detected file, you can find out for which equipment you need to reinstall the drivers. From the above figure we can conclude that there are difficulties with the graphics accelerator, since “ati2dvag.dll” is associated with the video card.

    In this case, installing the correct software for the video accelerator will allow you to get rid of the screen of death.

    After reinstalling the driver, you need to restart the PC. If the problem could not be corrected, then it means that there are other reasons.

    Often the error occurs after an update or installation new program, in this case, the optimal way out of the situation is to roll back the OS.


    A new program or game is also often the culprit of system failures. In order to return the OS to a working state, it is necessary to perform the following sequential steps:

    Installing OS updates

    Specialists from Microsoft do not stand aside and are making their efforts to troubleshoot problems that cause BSoD.

    They continue to support the already outdated “Seven” and release upgrades that include “fixes” that correct system errors that cause blue screens.

    To update you will need to do the following:

    The next most popular cause of problems is a simple lack of memory in system partition hard drive. Checking this version will not take much time.

    Low memory

    On official resource Windows developer 7 it says that it requires at least 100 Mb to function free space on the system volume, however, practical experience has proven that for normal operation"Seven" is required to keep a fifth of the system volume free.

    To make sure there is enough space in the partition, you just need to open “Computer” in Explorer.

    After making sure that there is enough space for the OS to function, you should proceed to analyzing the presence of system errors through the event log.

    Event log analysis

    To do this, you need to take the following steps:

    Antivirus and viruses

    Often, simply disabling the antivirus program will resolve the problem. If, after deactivating the security application, the blue screen no longer appears, you will need to complete removal antivirus.

    Malicious utilities also cause critical errors, and regular scanning of your PC for their presence is required. Many antivirus software developers have versions of programs that operate from removable media.

    For example, "AVZ". By recording the application onto a CD or flash drive, you can treat your PC from malicious utilities.


    Incorrectly entered parameters in the BIOS also often cause crashes. You can correct the situation by resetting the BIOS settings to the initial state - “default”.


    A simple inspection of the wear of the cables and the correctness of their connection sometimes allows you to quickly identify the cause of the failure.

    If the user has the appropriate experience, it is necessary to open the system unit (SU) and check the connections of all computer components.

    For example, when, based on the results of a careful review of the information displayed on the blue screen itself, it is determined that there is no access to RAM, you will need to perform the following actions:

    1. Turn off PC;
    2. De-energize the computer by disconnecting it from the power source;
    3. Remove the SB cover and disconnect the RAM boards;
    4. Wipe the contacts with a dry cloth and insert the equipment into place;
    5. Start PC;
    6. Make sure the problem is resolved.

    Similar measures can be taken with other PC components, for example, with a hard drive and sound and video cards. If there is no positive result, then this component may fail and will need to be replaced with a new one.

    Hardware diagnostics can be performed using special utilities. For example, “Windows Memory Diagnostic” allows you to identify problems with RAM.

    The application records the image boot disk. This ISO must be cut into a CD and booted into the PC from it. The program will carry out testing in cyclic mode.

    Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) is a critical system error in operating systems Microsoft Windows. When this fault occurs, the system freezes and data that was changed during operation is not saved. It is one of the most common in the Windows 7 operating system. To fix this problem, you first need to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

    The reasons why the BSoD error appears can be divided into 2 general groups: hardware and software. Hardware problems are problems with the hardware in system unit and various components. Most often, malfunctions occur with RAM and hard drive. But still, failures in the operation of other devices are possible. BSoD can occur due to the following hardware problems:

    • Incompatibility installed equipment(for example, installing an additional RAM strip);
    • Failure of components (most often they fail hard drive or RAM);
    • Incorrect overclocking of the processor or video card.

    The software reasons for the problem are much more extensive. The failure may occur in system services, incorrectly installed drivers, or due to malware.

    • Inappropriate drivers or conflict of some drivers (incompatibility with the operating system);
    • Activity of virus software;
    • Application malfunctions (most often, such failures are caused by viruses or software solutions that emulate the application).

    Reason 1: Installing a new program or hardware

    If you have installed a new software solution, this may result in a Blue Screen of Death. The error could also occur due to software update. Provided that you have carried out such actions, you need to return everything to its previous state. To do this, you need to roll back the system to the moment when no errors were noticed.

    The Windows 7 recovery process will start, after which your PC will reboot and the problem should disappear.

    Reason 2: Lack of free space

    You need to make sure that on the disk where the Windows files, there is necessary free space. Blue Screen of Death and various major problems occur when disk space is full. Clean the disk with system files.

    Microsoft advises leaving at least 100 MB free, but as practice shows, it is better to leave 15% of the volume of the system partition.

    Reason 3: System update

    Try updating Windows 7 to latest version Service Pak. Microsoft consistently releases new patches and update packages for its product. Often, they contain fixes that help fix the BSoD problem.

    Reason 4: Drivers

    Perform the procedure for updating your system drivers. The vast majority of BSoD errors are related to incorrectly installed drivers that cause this type of problem.

    Reason 5: System errors

    Check the event log for warnings and errors that may be associated with the blue screen.

    Reason 6: BIOS

    Incorrect BIOS settings may result in a BSoD error. By resetting these settings, you can resolve the BSoD problem. How to do this is described in a separate material.

    Reason 7: Hardware component

    It is necessary to check that all connections are correct internal cables, cards and other components of your PC. Elements that are poorly connected can cause a blue screen.

    Error codes

    Let's look at the most common error codes and their interpretation. This may help troubleshoot the problem.

    • INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICEthis code means there is no access to the download section. The boot disk has a defect, the controller is faulty, also incompatible system components may cause a problem;
    • KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED– the problem most likely arose due to problems with the hardware components of the PC. Incorrectly installed drivers or physical breakdown equipment. It is necessary to check all components one by one;
    • NTFS FILE SYSTEM– the problem is caused by failures system files Windows 7. This situation occurs due to mechanical damage to the hard drive. Viruses that have written to the boot area of ​​the hard drive cause this malfunction. Damaged logical structures of system files can also lead to malfunction;
    • IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL- this code means that the BSoD malfunction appeared due to errors in service data or Windows drivers 7;
    • PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA– the parameters that are requested cannot be found in the memory cells. Most often, the reason lies in defects in RAM or incorrect operation antivirus software;
    • KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR– the system was unable to read the data that was requested from the memory section. The reasons here are: failures in hard drive sectors, problematic issues in the HDD controller, faults in the RAM;
    • KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR– The OS is unable to read data from the swap file to the hard drive. The reasons for this situation are damage to the HDD device or RAM memory;
    • UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP– the problem is related to the system kernel, it can be both software and hardware;
    • STATUS SYSTEM PROCESS TERMINATED– a logical malfunction that is directly related to drivers or malfunctioning applications.

    So, in order to restore the correct Windows works 7 and get rid of the BSoD error, first of all, you need to roll back the system to the moment stable operation. If this is not possible, then you should install the latest available updates for your system, check the installed drivers, test the functionality of the PC hardware. Help to resolve the error is also included in the fault code. Using the methods given above, you can get rid of the blue screen of death.

    The Blue Screen of Death is familiar to every operating system user. Windows family. Some users experience it so often that they begin to think it is normal. But that's not true. Let's figure out what the blue screen of death is. This is an error that appears during startup or after the computer suddenly shuts down. It indicates that there are problems with the operating system or internal hardware. Only by understanding the causes of its occurrence can it be eliminated as effectively as possible.

    If a blue screen of death appears on a computer with Windows 7, then we bring to your attention this article, it will definitely help you find and fix this problem.

    Blue screen of death, its causes

    The reasons for the appearance of a blue screen can be divided into two main groups:

    • System. Problems with the operating system: no necessary files necessary for correct Windows operation, incorrectly installed OS, infection with malware or file, and so on.
    • Hardware. Problems with computer hardware: malfunction of the hard drive or video card, overheating of the processor, and so on.

    In order to accurately determine the cause of the error, you need to carefully study the contents of the blue screen. After all, it is on it that all needed by the user information, namely: the reason for the error and even recommendations for eliminating it.

    If the information indicated on the screen is not enough, then the computer can be configured specifically to diagnose the blue screen of death.

    File corruption win32k sys causes a blue screen. Therefore, it is definitely worth checking and scanning other directories.


    Blue Windows screen or a memory dump - a reflection of a working (or not quite) state operating system in a certain period of time. Since immediately after a critical error appears, which may be followed by a sudden shutdown of the device, Windows displays all the necessary information on the famous blue screen, then for further diagnostics you just need to remember it: rewrite it or take a photo.

    The main trouble is that the blue screen is shown for a strictly limited time. After which the reboot mechanism starts. Therefore, it may be difficult for an unprepared user who does not know where to look to have time to rewrite the necessary information.

    To disable auto-reboot of the device, that is, when the computer or laptop immediately starts to reboot, immediately after the blue screen of death appears, you need to activate the recording of small memory dumps, that is, part of its important contents. To do this you need to do the following:

    Now there is a blue screen of death when booting Windows 7 will not immediately disappear, so you will have time to rewrite the necessary information.

    Error interpretation

    Since any problem can cause a blue screen of death, to correct the error it is necessary to identify it.

    Once you have managed to photograph the blue screen when loading Windows or write down the information that appears on it, you can begin to decipher the error that caused it to occur:

    • The first line in English politely notifies the system that a critical shutdown of Windows has occurred.
    • The following explains what exactly caused the problem. This could be the name of the file or driver of the video card, audio card, TCPIP.SYS, SPCMDCON.SYS, DXGKRNLl.SYS, NTKRNLPA.EXE, NETIO.SYS and so on. If this line is missing, then the cause of the error should be sought in the computer hardware.
    • A user-friendly error name, such as DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, indicates that an error occurred while installing the driver.
    • This is followed by a large body of text in which Windows suggests possible solution problems. For example, check that drivers are installed correctly, run the disk check service, perform a system restore, and so on.
    • After the word STOP, the technical error code is indicated for more accurate identification and elimination. It can be something like 0x1000007e, 0x00000116, and the like.
    • Below, the system may re-indicate the names of files or drivers, such as TCPIP.SYS, SPCMDCON.SYS, NTKRNLPA.EXE, NTOSKRNL.SYS, NETIO.SYS and the like, which could cause the blue screen.
    • Additionally, depending on the type of problem, Windows can display the RAM address where a critical error occurred. By analogy with the STOP code, it will probably have a format like Address 0x00000116.

    Knowing this information, it becomes clear how to remove the blue screen of death.

    Problems with a blue screen in 90% of cases are of the most trivial nature and appear among users who are poorly versed in computers, so they often neglect installation system updates, drivers, the correct procedure for uninstalling programs, and so on.

    Damage to the acpi sys file can cause a blue screen, so to resolve the error you need to replace it with a working version.

    Even if the screen says that the error was caused by files like tcpip, ntoskrnl, fltmgr, netio, ntkrnlpa, the first thing to do is:

    It would be a good idea to defragment, check and clean the registry. This is best done using special software. One of such programs is.

    With its help, it is also possible to check the presence of all files and libraries necessary for stable operation of the operating system. If any of them are missing or damaged, the program will offer to download and replace them. If desired, you can make a copy original files and save it in any convenient place on your hard drive.

    Screen of death when loading or installing Windows

    If you don’t know how to remove the blue screen of death when Windows installation 7, please read the following information carefully. This error can only occur in three cases:

    • faulty x64 operating system image;
    • working image, but faulty hardware (error 0x00000116, IGDPMD64.SYS, fltmgr, ntoskrnl);
    • The BIOS was configured incorrectly.

    If, when installing Windows XP, the blue screen repeats again and again, but you are sure that computer hardware OK, then the problem most likely lies in the faulty operating system image that you are using.

    A blue screen during Windows installation or recovery may occur due to a faulty internal storage(HDD) or incorrectly formatted. Don't neglect standard procedure checking the functionality of the used OS image, disk or flash drive. All this information can be found on the screen. You can fix other problems in the same way.

    Missing or damaged system files

    If you don’t know how to remove the blue screen of death that occurs due to missing or damaged system files or libraries such as TCPIP.SYS, SPCMDCON.SYS, IGDPMD64.SYS, fltmgr, DXGKRNLl.SYS, NTKRNLPA.EXE, NETIO.SYS or error 0x00000116 , then this method is for you. It is also suitable for errors caused by other files with the extension .SYS, .DLL, .EXE. To do this, you can use a special third-party shareware utility. One of the most popular is .

    After installing the program, you need to launch it and start scanning using the Start button. Next, the utility will offer to check files like ntoskrnl, dxgkrnl, igdpmd64, fltmgr, tcpip, netio, ntkrnlpa. Additionally, the program will check other directories. If you are sure that it was the nvlddmkm sys file that caused the Windows 7 blue screen or any other file whose name you should know for sure, then you can check it.

    Once the scan is complete, it will prompt you:

    • replace the file if it was indeed damaged;
    • proceed to check other system files if specified file not damaged;
    • only delete the faulty file if you want to replace it yourself;
    • do nothing, but open the folder with damaged file For independent decision problems.

    If you wish, you can install other applications for automatic search damaged system files and their replacement. Some of them identify and fix driver problems in a similar way.

    Reset BIOS

    If they were recently produced BIOS changes or tried to overclock the processor, then it is possible that this is what caused the problem. Therefore, you should definitely try to return its settings to default. You can do this in several ways:


    And this article discussed: what is the blue screen of death, its causes. The errors were deciphered, and various options for eliminating the breakdowns that had arisen were proposed. Now if you get the screen again death of Windows 7, then you already know what to do.

    Video on the topic

    At all, blue screen of death occurs when an unexpected fatal error occurs in the Windows operating system. This means that in most cases this error occurs unexpectedly while the computer is running. And, as a rule, blue screen of death, does not occur constantly, but only a couple of times if this error occurs while the computer is running. But what if The blue screen of death occurs constantly when the computer boots, due to which Windows completely refuses to start.

    Such BSOD error when booting computer, can be caused by various reasons. In the blue screen of death message BSOD errors usually it is written: “A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer."

    First of all, I want to say that this blue screen of death, can occur either due to a damaged operating system, or due to problems with the hardware of your computer. That is, either software or hardware problems. Let's look at what can cause such problems and how to solve them.

    Software problems

    Software problems include any incorrect settings or malfunction of the operating system, drivers, services and other programs. For example, this may be due to incorrect installed drivers. It also often happens that blue screen of death, may appear after noticing any boards in the computer, that is, hardware, and especially after replacing the motherboard or simply after installation hard drive, with already installed Windows system, to another computer.

    In order to understand that blue screen of death, occurs precisely because of software problems, you can try booting Windows into safe mode by pressing the F5 key at the very beginning when Windows boots. And if the computer boots in safe mode quite successfully, then there are certainly software problems with your Windows system. You can also try to boot your computer using bootloader Live-CD disc with Windows, for example, based on BartPE. If Windows boots normally, without blue screen of death, then it's for sure software problems.

    In any case, all software problems can be easily resolved by simply reinstalling Windows. You can, of course, try in safe mode to roll back installed drivers and remove new ones installed programs, drivers and so on. That is, dig deeper into the system and make Windows work as before. But the easiest way is to reinstall Windows.

    Hardware problems

    Hardware problems include problems with the hardware of your computer, when any device conflicts with motherboard, for example, either an incorrectly configured device or incorrect BIOS settings. Well, if your computer is not portable, then solving hardware problems is not so difficult. It’s much worse if you have a laptop or netbook. Then, if there is a hardware malfunction with your laptop, then you will have to contact service center for repair.

    But if you have an ordinary non-laptop computer, then to solve hardware problems, just try to remove the boards and other devices from the computer one by one and catch the moment when the computer starts working normally. Because, indeed, there are situations when a device conflict occurs. So the solution is most likely to replace boards or devices, or abandon some boards or devices.