• iTunes errors when restoring, updating and syncing iPhone and iPad. iTunes: error and its fix. All possible iTunes errors and methods for eliminating them

    There are often situations when, after logging into iTunes, an error is the first thing you see.

    At the same time, many people do not even know that in fact, almost every such problem can be solved quite quickly; it is enough to simply have a list of all possible errors and ways to solve them.

    Why does code 0x666D743F appear?

    In iTunes, this type of error occurs when there is a certain conflict in the functioning of the files during the startup process. It is most common among Windows OS users. If you want to get rid of this problem, you will need to go to the "Control Panel", then activate the QuickTime settings and turn off Save Mode in the "Audio" section.

    Why does error 0xE8000001, 0xE8000050 occur?

    In iTunes, error 0xE8000001 or 0xE8000050 appears if the system cannot install the required applications on your gadget. If you have such a problem, you will need to install the latest version of this system. Most often, the error occurs when you try to install any hacked applications. If this is really the case, then you will need to hack your own gadget and then install AppSync on it from Cydia.

    0xE8008001 - what to do?

    The reason for this is that certain applications use the wrong signature, that is, they are hacked. If you want to install them on your device, you will need to perform the so-called jailbreak of the gadget, and then install the AppSync patch, which is downloaded from Cydia.

    0xE8000013 - how to fix it?

    iTunes displays an error with this number if a standard synchronization problem occurs, that is, similar codes can periodically appear on any device. To fix this, you will need to re-sync your gadget, and if necessary, you can even reboot it completely.

    What to do if code 0xE8000065 appears?

    This code may indicate that you have a problem either with the system itself, or directly with iTunes. To fix it, you can simply restart your computer or change the USB port. If this does not help you, then in this case you will need to completely reflash your gadget.

    What to do with error 1671?

    iTunes error 1671 occurs if the system for checking firmware files is not disabled. If you want to fix it, it is recommended to jailbreak your device. If you need to install custom firmware with iOS 4/5, then when you get iTunes error 1671, you will need to use PWNed DFU. A guide to using the utility is not that difficult to find.

    4013 - how to proceed?

    iTunes error number 13 or 4013 appears if you are using a faulty cable or the connector into which it is plugged into the system unit is inoperative. To fix the error, you will need to use a new cable, or the best option would be to replace the USB completely. It happens that this will not help, and you will again see iTunes error number 13 or 4013. Then you will need to completely reinstall the system or even use a different computer to install the applications you are interested in.

    Error 9 appears. What should I do?

    iTunes Error 9 is similar to a computer's Blue Screen of Death if the PC is running Windows. This error means that there is some kind of failure within the kernel. operating system iOS.

    It is immediately worth noting the fact that in almost 100% of cases, error 9 iTunes does not appear if the device is using standard firmware. If you are using custom firmware, then it would be best to build a new one.

    Eliminating errors 3002 and 3194

    Error 3194 in iTunes when restoring the firmware occurs when there are certain problems that prevent the device from accessing the gs.apple.com server. Among the most common reasons For this problem, it is worth noting the changed Hosts file, as well as the complete absence of previously saved SHSH, which are required for the downgrade. Also, one should not exclude the possibility that Apple’s servers on at the moment are simply overloaded, so try the request again via certain time, and it is quite possible that you will not need any additional manipulations to fix the problem.

    What to do if error 6 or 10 appears?

    If you are trying to install custom firmware on your phone with boot recovery logos that differ from the standard ones, then you may encounter such problems during installation. iTunes often throws an error with this code when you try this action. To get rid of the problem, you will have to install new firmware to your gadget, using another custom firmware that does not have custom boot-recovery logos, or try to use the custom firmware that has already been tested during operation on your device.

    Possible 10xx errors and their elimination

    This problem can occur if you are trying to flash to an older firmware version than the one you are currently using. Or if you try to update to a modem of a version that does not match your gadget, an update error may appear. iTunes often issues such codes, but eliminating them is not so difficult.

    To deal with the problem, you will need to download and use a utility called TinyUmbrella. After the program starts, you will need to click on the Kick Device Out of Recovery button, and then calmly download the programs you need.

    Error 54 and its fix

    Error 54 occurs if you try to copy an application from another device to your gadget. Most often, this problem occurs when you try to copy any cracked applications or copy licensed applications to a computer that has not been previously authorized.

    If this option could not help you, then in this case you will need to go to the settings, go to the "Synchronization" section, then reset the history and completely delete the folder, which is located at C://Documents and Settings/All Users/ Application Data/Apple Computer/iTunes/SC Info. Once this is done, you will need to re-authorize your own computer.

    The third option is to open the folder with your media library, and then move the “Music” folder to some other location that is convenient for you. Now you can synchronize your device with iTunes, then return the folder to its place and resynchronize.

    The last option is the most difficult, but it is quite effective and allows you to eliminate this error in almost all cases. The use of this method is recommended exclusively for advanced users who know how to work with such equipment.

    Initially, you will need to open Cydia, and then download SwapTunes from there. This tweak will allow you to synchronize your device with several media libraries simultaneously. Now we launch the SwapTunes we downloaded, after which we open iFile and go to the following address: var/mobile/media. Here you will need to find a folder called iTunes_Control2, and then remove the number 2 from the name of this folder. The folder itself should be deleted only after you create a new one. After all these procedures, you can safely completely remove SwapTunes, then re-sync the gadget with iTunes and continue downloading the utilities you are interested in.

    Error code 9808 and its solution

    This problem occurs when you try to log in to iTunes Store. It's worth noting that this is sort of a configuration error in iTunes, so you'll need to fix it by changing certain settings. You will need to go to the control panel, find “Internet Settings” there, then go to the “Advanced” section and check the boxes next to TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0. In order for the changes you have made to be finally confirmed, you will need to restart your computer.

    Mistake #1

    Such problems are a consequence of the fact that you are trying to install firmware that does not actually match your version of the gadget. If you notice such an error, you will need to make sure that it is actually suitable for your device. If you are sure that the firmware is up to date, then in this case you will just need to iTunes update.

    Mistake #2

    Today it is quite rare, since it most often appears when old-generation gadgets are flashed using custom firmware along with activation and subsequent ASR patch. But if you do have it, then the only thing you can do is simply use some other firmware that is current for your device.

    Error code 10. What to do?

    If you encounter such an error, it is likely that you are using custom firmware that lacks technology Low Level Bootloader, since it is directly responsible for booting your system. To solve this problem, you will need to download or make custom firmware yourself.

    What to do with error 11?

    The firmware you are installing does not have BBFW. To resolve error code 11, you will need to download the firmware again from a trusted source or use a specialized archiver to add the missing file to the container of the firmware that you are currently trying to install.

    What to do if error 14 appears?

    This error occurs after you jailbreak unsuccessfully or use a USB connector on your computer that is damaged. To resolve the error, try replacing the USB connector, and if this does not help you, you will have to use complete flashing gadget.

    How to resolve error 17?

    A similar problem quite often is a consequence of the fact that you are trying to update custom firmware to some other one. If you want to update to a new custom, then in this case you will need to use the DFU mode.

    What to do if error 20 occurs?

    Is it not possible to flash the gadget's firmware because it is in recovery mode? IN in this case everything is quite simple - for the error to disappear, you need to switch the device to DFU mode.

    Fixing error 21

    The IPSW signature verification mode was not disabled, as a result this error starts to appear when you try to use custom firmware? If you encounter this problem, you will need to install custom firmware using the PWNed DFU utility. It is worth noting that the creation custom firmware in this case it should be done using the PWNage Tool.

    Solving the problem with error 23

    The reason for this is the occurrence of various problems associated with the hardware component of your device. It is enough to simply determine the cause of this error if your gadget no longer detects the Mac address or IMEI. The only solution in such a situation is to go to service center to qualified specialists, since independent decision does not exist for this problem. It is recommended to go to trusted service centers, since not everyone knows how and can solve this problem.

    Cause of error 26 and its solution

    The reason for this error is that the NOR is not appropriate for the firmware version you are using. To solve this problem, you can simply download some other firmware file from a previously verified source.

    Simple errors 27 and 29

    This problem is relevant only for older versions of iTunes (from 8 to 9.1) and at the same time occurs exclusively in the Windows operating system. To eliminate it, it will be enough to simply update the program to latest version, which is relevant today.

    Error 28. Why does it appear and how to fix it?

    Among all existing reasons In this case, the problem is almost always that the 30-pin connector of your gadget is not working correctly. Again, the only solution is to go to a service center, since we are talking about a hardware malfunction, and carrying out such procedures, even the simplest ones, is highly not recommended on your own.

    Code 35. Solving the problem

    This error occurs quite often when the device is running on Mac OS X and is a consequence of the fact that the user has incorrect access rights to the folder in which the iTunes library is located. To resolve the error, you will need to launch the Terminal program, log into your account, and then enter the code sudo chmod -R 700 Users Music iTunes iTunes Media.

    Code 37. Causes of occurrence and solutions

    The reason for this error is most often the use of custom firmware, since it often happens that a custom firmware may use LLB, which is used in another gadget. To prevent this error from appearing again, you will need to create custom firmware yourself, which will use the correct LLB.

    Error code 39

    The appearance of such an error quite often happens after the system finds some problems with the photo album or with the device’s access to the Internet. To fix it, try creating a completely new photo album, and also update your iTunes installation to the version that is current today. If even this did not help you, then it is likely that the problem lies with the antiviruses or firewalls you are using, so try turning them off as well.

    1008, or problems with Apple ID

    The reason for error 1008 is that iTunes cannot recognize certain characters that were entered into the Apple ID. Quite often it appears due to the fact that the system was encoded incorrectly. To troubleshoot the problem, you need to open the “Store” tab, then “View my account.” If the data is entered and displayed correctly in the window that appears, you need to click “Exit”. Now you will need to switch the encoding of your system to Win5112 or UTF8, after which you will be able to log into your account again.

    1015 and firmware update

    Most often, the appearance of this problem is a consequence of the fact that the gadget is flashed to an old version. Do not forget that for downgrading in mandatory SHSH saved in advance should be used, and if you don’t save them, then you don’t even have to think about downgrading.

    However, this error is often a consequence of servers being blocked by the Apple system, and to fix it, you will need to completely erase all data about Apple servers from the host file.

    47 - unsolved mystery

    The most mysterious is iTunes error 47. And experts are working on this problem. Quite often the Windows operating system itself issues this code, and although it seems that this is iTunes error 47, in reality the operating system cannot use this device, since it was prepared for safe shutdown, but was not turned off from the computer. To eliminate this malfunction in this situation, it is quite enough to simply remove the device from the socket and then insert it back.

    It is worth noting the fact that even for a developer this is in iTunes unknown error. And to this day, no normal description of it has appeared on the official website. If we are talking specifically about an operating error Windows systems, then you can simply see it, after which the active program window will fly out. In addition, some users have experienced situations where an unknown iTunes error occurred when trying to use a specific device.

    Knowing all the above problems, as well as possible reasons their occurrence and solutions, you can freely use iTunes at any time convenient for you. Such errors can occur to every user from time to time, so it is better to prepare in advance for their occurrence and know how to quickly eliminate them.

    If the above options for eliminating such problems could not help you, then in this case it is better to contact qualified specialists who have necessary equipment, skills and, of course, experience in eliminating various errors from gadgets.

    Sometimes when updating, restoring or iPhone sync and iPad, unknown errors appear in iTunes. In my “iTunes Errors” guide you will find a description of these errors and options for eliminating them.

    Errors that appear during the recovery, update or synchronization process may be associated with software and hardware problems in iOS devices: some can be fixed simply, for example, by restarting the computer or connecting to another USB, while others require hardware iPhone repair and iPad.

    iTunes Error Classifier

    Errors in iTunes can be divided into four classes: network errors, security settings problems, USB connection problems and hardware problems

    Network errors

    iTunes Error Numbers: 17, 1638, 3014, 3194, 3000, 3002, 3004, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3194, 3200.

    Warnings may also appear:

    • "An error occurred while loading the software."
    • "The device is not supported for the requested build."

    These warnings indicate that there are problems connecting your computer to the Apple update server or to your iPhone and iPad.

    Problems with security settings

    iTunes Error Numbers: 2, 4, 6, 9, 1611, 9006.

    The errors listed above appear when a firewall, antivirus, or firewall prevents connection to Apple update servers or the device.

    USB problems

    iTunes Error Numbers: 13, 14, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1611, 1643-1650, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2009, 4005, 4013, 4014. A warning about “not allowed” may also appear my answer."

    Hardware problems

    iTunes Error Numbers: 1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 53, 56, 1002, 1004, 1011, 1012 , 1014, 1667 or 1669.

    Appears when there are hardware faults in iOS devices or computers that interfere with updating or restoring data.

    How to fix iTunes error

    Most errors in iTunes fix themselves:

    • Quit programs on your computer that are blocking iTunes connection to the Apple update server, if this does not help, remove them.
    • Disable your firewall, antivirus, or firewall while restoring or updating your iOS device.
    • Replace the USB cable connecting your iPhone or iPad to your computer with an original one. Learn.
    • Connect your iPhone or iPad to a different USB port. It is better to use USB ports located on the rear side system unit. I do not recommend connecting devices to the USB ports on the keyboard, USB hubs and the front panel of the system unit - there are errors when connecting iPhone and iPad.
    • Try completely uninstalling iTunes and all its items from using CCleaner for Windows or ClenMyMac for Mac OS X. Then install the latest iTunes version.
    • Try restoring or updating your iOS device on another computer.

    Guide to iTunes Errors and How to Fix Them

    Error numberMost likely causeRecommended Solution
    The firmware does not match the device, or the iTunes version is too old to work with this versionUpdate iTunes to the latest version, if the error persists, download the firmware again
    The firmware is recognized, but cannot be used due to the fact that it was assembled and packaged incorrectly (usually the error appears when working with custom firmware)Upload the firmware or try another one
    The modem reports a faultMost likely, only contacting an authorized service center will help.
    iTunes can't connect to Apple service serversCheck if they are blocking third party programs access to servers albert.apple.com, photos.apple.com or phobos.apple.com
    The firmware cannot be installed either because the boot logos are damaged, or because the device is entered into the wrong service mode (for example, the firmware is intended for DFU Mode, and you are trying to recover through Recovery Mode) Enter the device in, if it doesn’t help, download another firmware
    The firmware is suitable for the iTunes version, but not suitable for the device (for example, it is not for the wrong generation of the device)Download the firmware version that matches your device model
    Kernel panic in the device when working with firmware. Occurs either when data transmission via the cable is interrupted, or when the firmware is incompatible with the selected recovery modeTry restoring the firmware using the . Check whether the cable is securely fastened in the USB port and in the 30-pin connector of the device. Change cable or port.
    The low-level LLB bootloader is damaged or missing due to a crookedly assembled custom firmware
    The firmware is missing a number of files needed for downloadingDownload another custom firmware or rebuild it yourself
    Problem with the USB cable or 30-pin connector, or an attempt to install a beta version of iOS from WindowsChange the cable or USB port. Disable USB 2.0 in BIOS
    During the flashing, a violation of the integrity of the firmware file was detectedDisable the firewall and antivirus, try changing the cable or USB port, try a different firmware
    Attempting to update from one custom firmware to another custom firmwareBefore flashing the firmware, enter the device into or mode
    iOS device media library damagedIt is highly likely that a re-flashing will be required.
    Instead of DFU Mode, the device is in Recovery ModeEnter device into DFU Mode
    DFU mode error when jailbreakingEnter device into DFU Mode via Pwnage Tool, sn0wbreeze or redsn0w
    iTunes cannot read the IMEI or MAC address of the device's hardwareIf the error repeats on other firmwares, then the problem is hardware in nature.
    iTunes gets stuck in a loop when trying to restore firmwareUpdate iTunes to version 12
    The device cannot exit DFU modeMost often the error means hardware problems
    Access rights to the iTunes folder on Mac are corruptedRun Disk Utility and restore access rights
    The low-level bootloader does not match the device model due to an error when assembling custom firmwareDownload another custom firmware or rebuild it yourself

    39, 40, 306, 10054

    Problem accessing activation and signing servers
    Cannot transfer iTunes purchases Store from deviceDelete old ones backups. Deauthorize your computer in iTunes (Store menu) and try again
    You do not have the right to upload content rated 17+ to your device.Correct the age information in your iTunes account (menu "Store - View my account»)
    An error occurred while copying firmware files to the device.Start the flashing procedure again
    Apple servers were unable to send SHSH hashes for the deviceTry flashing later
    Your Apple ID contains invalid (from iTunes' point of view) charactersTry not to use anything other than Latin letters and numbers in your Apple ID
    iPhone/iPad modem does not respondTry rebooting your device. If the error persists, there may be a hardware problem.
    iTunes tried to downgrade iPhone/iPad modem versionThe error indicates that the firmware was completed normally, however, the iPhone/iPad itself will not be able to boot after it. You must use the Kick Device Out of Recovery function in the TinyUmbrella utility
    Servers Apple activation not availableTry activating your device later
    Can't sync photos from iPhotoIN context menu iPhoto Library file, select Show Package Contents and empty the iPod Photo Cache folder
    System files are damaged as a result of an unsuccessful jailbreakRestore the firmware and again
    Problems with data transfer via USB cableCheck the integrity of the cable and the serviceability of the USB port
    Device not recognizedChange cable, USB port, computer. May indicate a hardware problem
    Cannot modify iTunes library fileRestore Permissions on Mac OS X, Check Owners and Folder Permissions on Windows
    Recovery to custom firmware is done through DFU Mode, although it should have been done through Recovery ModeEnter the device into Recovery Mode
    iTunes can't get full access to the deviceDisable everything background processes, try a different USB port or cable, reinstall iTunes
    iTunes cannot verify that the device is in the correct modeCheck hosts file, disable all background processes, try another USB port or cable
    A non-jailbroken device is restored to custom firmwareJailbreak your current firmware. Please note: jailbreaking through the Spirit utility and the JailbreakMe website is not complete and also leads to such errors
    iTunes components are damagediTunes Reinstallation Required
    iTunes version is too old to work with your device
    iTunes sees the device in normal mode, but cannot work with it in DFU modeUpdate iTunes to the latest version
    Other system processes are preventing iTunes from working with the firmware file
    iTunes could not boot the device in the desired modeReboot your iOS device, restart iTunes
    Mac OS X drivers block access to deviceUpdate Mac OS X to the latest version
    iTunes access to the device is blocked by other system processesClose all other programs, turn off your antivirus, restart your computer
    USB port damagedClean the USB port, check the contacts, try connecting the device to another port or computer
    The cable is damagedReplace cable

    3001, 5103, -42210

    iTunes can't load videoFind and delete the “SC Info” service folder from the disk
    Too much for a long time response from activation server AppleTry restarting your computer or force refreshing your internet connection
    iTunes can't rent videosDeauthorize your computer from iTunes and log in again
    QuickTime components are damagedRequires reinstallation of the player and QuickTime components
    Accepted hash SHSH damagedTry starting the flashing again
    The custom firmware lacks the required imagesDownload another custom firmware or create it yourself again
    Conflict with other USB devicesTry disconnecting all other USB devices from the computer except the keyboard, mouse and the USB gadget being flashed
    Critical error during update/restoreTry restoring the device in DFU mode (Home+Power for 10 seconds, then Home for another 10 seconds). It is advisable to try a different USB cable.
    The firmware file cannot be uploaded to the deviceTry flashing on another computer and/or with a different cable
    Unable to confirm payment in iTunes StoreCheck your credit card information is correct

    8003, 8008, -50, -5000, -42023

    iTunes cannot recover a file download sessionEmpty the contents of the "iTunes Media/Downloads" folder in the iTunes folder
    Normal iTunes work old incompatible plugins get in the wayRemove plugins installed for iTunes until the error stops appearing
    iTunes can't contact digital signature verification serverDisable your firewall and antivirus
    Keychain certificates are invalidClear Safari cache (Safari-Reset Safari menu)
    Access to iTunes services is blockedDisable your firewall
    Permanent damage to iTunes library fileDelete the iTunes Library file and files with the itdb extension in the iTunes folder
    Other processes are interfering normal operation iTunesRestart your computer, disable the firewall and antivirus, close all programs running in background
    Media library error when trying to syncCheck your iTunes library for damaged or incompatible files
    iTunes conflicts with graphical shell WindowsTurn on Windows standard design theme
    iTunes conflicts with TinyUmbrella utilityUpdate TinyUmbrella and restart your computer
    Critical modem errorSometimes occurs when iOS update on iPhone without modem upgrade. Use redsn0w or TinyUmbrella to get your gadget out of recovery mode
    Can't download music from iTunes StoreUpdate iTunes to the latest version, sign out and sign in again, turn off your firewall and antivirus
    iTunes can't contact serversUpdate iTunes to the latest version, sign out and sign back in, and turn off your firewall and antivirus. As a last resort, reinstall iTunes and QuickTime
    The integrity of the downloaded files has been compromisedRetry downloading via iTunes again
    Incorrect file permissions iTunes programs on MacRun Disk Utility and restore permissions
    iTunes Store timeout limit exceededCheck your internet connection

    9800, -9808, -9812, -9814, -9815

    iTunes Store purchase time errorSet the correct date on your computer
    iTunes Store security blocked downloadSign out of your account, restart iTunes and sign in again

    0xE8000001, 0xE800006B

    The device was unexpectedly turned offRestart iTunes and connect your device again
    iOS system files are irreversibly damagedRestore the firmware
    iPhone or iPad can't access carrier settings filesCorrect access rights (if the gadget is jailbroken), remove all custom operator bundles, or, as a last resort, restore the firmware
    Error when trying to install custom firmwareAs a rule, the error occurs when working with firmware created in sn0wbreeze. Restart your computer, try flashing again, if unsuccessful, create the firmware again
    An attempt to install an unsigned application on a deviceDon't install pirated software
    If you've ever flashed your tablet or phone through iTunes, you've most likely received some error messages. And as luck would have it Apple company doesn't spoil us detailed information about what happened, but simply gives an error number. Like, we’re not supposed to know more. I recently tried to downgrade from IOS 6 to IOS 5.1.1 and struggled for a long time looking for decryptions and solutions. And in order not to Google again, I decided to collect all the information in one place - here. It's very simple. Look for your error number, read the reason and solution.

    Error 1
    You are trying to install firmware on a firmware that is not supported by the current device. Your version of iTunes may be too old to work with this firmware version.
    Make sure that the firmware you are trying to install is for your phone or tablet. It is also possible that the firmware file was damaged during download or was created incorrectly. In this case, download/recreate it. Try installing the latest version of iTunes.

    Error 2
    This error usually occurs with custom firmware that is not packaged correctly. That is, iTunes recognized the firmware, but cannot work with it.
    Try downloading a similar firmware version from another source.

    Error 5, error 6
    Two options - or you are using a damaged boot/recovery logo. Or are you trying to recover through Recovery Mode while the firmware is designed for DFU Mode.
    Try to flash it from DFU mode and if it doesn’t help, download and try another firmware.

    Error 8
    The firmware does not match the device (the firmware is not for this model).
    Download the firmware for your device.

    Error 9
    Kernel Panic - kernel error when flashing, analogous to BSOD ( Blue screen death) on Windows. It can occur when there is a break during data transfer via cable, as well as when the firmware is incompatible with the selected recovery mode. It can also occur when using custom firmware.
    Try flashing in DFU Mode. Check the cable for breaks and damage. Check that the cable is securely fastened in the USB and 30-pin connector. Try plugging the cable into a different USB port. Rebuild or use another custom firmware.

    Error 10
    The firmware is missing the LLB (Low Level Bootloader) or it is damaged. Without it, the system will be impossible to boot.
    Rebuild or use another custom firmware.

    Error 11
    The firmware is missing some necessary files, for example modem firmware (bbfw).
    Use another firmware, or add missing files to IPSW through the archiver.

    Error 13
    Problem with the USB cable or 30-pin connector, or an attempt to install a beta version of iOS from Windows
    Try unplugging and reinserting the cable into the USB port. Try plugging it into a different USB port. Disable usb 2.0 in Bios. If it doesn't help, replace the cable.

    Error 14
    Violation of the integrity of the firmware file during transfer, possibly due to problems with the cable.
    Try plugging the cable into a different USB port. Disable your firewall and antivirus. Try another firmware.

    Error 17
    An attempt to update the firmware after jailbreak or a problem with the USB port.
    Try restoring the firmware from DFU or Recovery modes. Change USB port.

    Error 20
    An attempt to flash the firmware in Recovery Mode when DFU Mode is required.
    Go to DFU Mode and only then flash it.

    Error 21
    DFU mode error when jailbreaking.
    Go to DFU Mode via sn0wbreeze, redsn0w or Pwnage Tool.

    Error 23
    Hardware error. iTunes cannot find out the IMEI or MAC address of the device.
    Try other firmwares and if the error repeats, then the problem is in the device and you need to take it to the service center.

    Error 26
    Error when working with NOR memory (NOR does not pass version check) due to a crooked assembled firmware.

    Error 27, error 29
    Cyclic error. iTunes freezes when trying to restore the firmware.
    Use latest itunes(from version 10 and higher).

    Error 28
    Hardware failure of the 30-pin connector
    Take the device to a service center for repair.

    Error 34
    Lack of hard disk space.
    Free up space on the drive where iTunes is installed.

    Error 35
    Incorrect permissions to the iTunes folder on Mac OS.
    Run Disk Utility and perform a permission repair. Or write in the terminal:
    sudo chmod -R 700 /Users//Music/iTunes/iTunes Media

    Error 37
    The LLB (low-level bootloader) in the firmware does not correspond to the device model, since it has been replaced with an analogue from another model.
    Download another firmware or rebuild the current one.

    Error 39, error 40, error 306, error 10054
    There is a problem connecting to the activation and signing servers.
    Install the latest version of iTunes. Disable firewall and antivirus. Remove network accelerometers and other software traffic controllers, if any.

    Error 54
    An error occurred while transferring data from the device. Often occurs on unauthorized computers when transferring hacked programs.
    Option 1
    Authorize the computer iTunes account Store via -> Store -> Authorize Computer
    Option 2
    Settings - Synchronization - Reset sync history
    then delete the folder C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info and authorize the computer again
    Option 3
    From the My Music folder, move the iTunes folder and synchronize the device, after which we return the folder to its place and synchronize again.
    Option 4
    -download SwapTunes from the media (an application for synchronizing devices with two computers without data loss)
    -launch SwapTunes (it will close immediately after launch, that’s how it should be)
    - any manager follows the path: var/mobile/media
    -check if the iTunes_Contrlol2 folder appears there. If everything is in order and the folder appears, rename it to iTunes_Control
    -another iTunes_Control folder, if it will be deleted there, but only if the iTunes_Control2 folder appears
    -if the iTunes_Control2 folder does not appear the first time, then launch SwapTunes again.
    After this, the SwapTunes program can be uninstalled.

    Error 414
    The content you are trying to install is for ages 17+
    Correct the year of birth in Account Information (menu "Store - View my account")

    Error 1004
    Apple servers were unable to send SHSH hashes for your device.
    Please try flashing the firmware again later.

    Error 1008
    Your account Apple entry ID contains invalid characters.
    Use only numbers in your Apple ID and latin letters. If that's okay, try: Store - View my account. If everything is visually correct, then Store - Exit. Now switch the system encoding to Win5112 or UTF-8, then log in to your Account.

    Error 1011, error 1012
    No response from the device modem
    Reboot your device. If the problem repeats, there is a hardware error and the device must be taken to a service center.

    Error 1013, error 1014, error 1015
    Firmware check failure.
    The firmware was installed successfully, but the device cannot boot. To download it, use the "Kick Device Out of Recovery" function in the program.

    Error 1050
    Apple activation servers are currently unavailable.
    Please try to activate your device again later.

    Error 1394
    Damage system files after an unsuccessful jailbreak.
    Reflash and jailbreak again.

    Error 1415-1428
    Problems transferring data via USB cable.
    Check the cable. Plug the cable into another USB port.

    Error 1430, error 1432
    The connected device cannot be recognized.
    Try changing the USB cable, USB port. Try connecting to iTunes on another computer. If it doesn’t help, then most likely there was a hardware problem on the device - a direct route to the service center.

    Error 1450
    Failed to modify iTunes library file.
    Restore permissions (for Mac OS X), check folder owners and permissions (for Windows).

    Error 1600, error 1611
    Installation of custom firmware occurs through DFU Mode instead of Recovery Mode.
    Before flashing the firmware, go to Recovery Mode.

    Error 1603, error 1604
    Installing custom firmware on a device without jailbreak.
    Jailbreak on current firmware. Attention! Jailbreaking through the Spirit utility or the JailbreakMe website is incomplete and can also lead to such errors.

    Error 1609
    You use it very much old version iTunes.
    Update iTunes.

    Error 1619
    iTunes cannot work with the device in DFU Mode.
    Update iTunes.

    Error 1644
    System processes are preventing iTunes from working with the firmware.
    Restart your computer, turn off your firewall and antivirus, and close all programs running in the background.

    Error 2001
    Mac OS X drivers are blocking access to the device.
    Update Mac OS X to the latest version.

    Error 2002
    System processes are preventing iTunes from working with your device.
    Close all programs, disable firewall and antivirus, close all programs. Restart your computer.

    Error 2003
    Damage to the USB port.
    Clean the usb and port contacts. Connect the device to another USB port. Try connecting on another computer.

    Error 2005
    Cable damage.
    Change the cable.

    Error 3000, error 3004, error 3999
    iTunes cannot access the firmware signing server.
    Try turning off your firewall and antivirus.

    Error 3001, error 5103, error 42210
    iTunes can't load the video due to errors in the hashing process.
    Install the latest version of iTunes and QuickTime. Find and remove from hard drive SC Info service folder.
    She is in
    c:\Program Data\Apple Computer\iTunes(for Windows Vista)
    c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes(for Windows XP)
    /users/Shared/SC Info(for Mac OS)

    Error 3002, error 3194
    Error in server response gs.apple.com. iTunes cannot request a suitable SHSH hash from the firmware signing server. The error occurs if you redirected iTunes to the Cydia server via the hosts file or the TinyUmbrella utility, but the server does not have any saved hashes for this firmware
    Disable TinyUmbrella. Or delete from file
    c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts(for Windows)
    /etc/hosts(for Mac OS X)
    string string gs.apple.com

    Error 3123
    iTunes can't rent videos.
    Deauthorize your computer from iTunes and then log in again.

    Error 3195
    The received SHSH hash is corrupted.
    Try flashing again.

    Error 5002
    I can't confirm a payment in the iTunes Store.
    Please check if your credit card information is entered correctly.

    Error 8008, error -50, error -5000, error -42023
    iTunes cannot burn downloaded files to disk.
    Clear the contents of the folder
    Mac OS X:? ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Downloads
    Windows Vista:? \Users\username\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Downloads
    Windows 7:? \Users\username\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Downloads
    Windows XP:? \Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Downloads
    After that, store -> Check available downloads.

    Error 8248
    Conflict with old iTunes plugins/
    Removed old iTunes plugins. To do this, end the process in the task manager Memonitor.exe, and remove the software associated with it (you can find it using the Unlocker program).

    Error 9807
    Unable to connect to remote signature and certificate verification servers.
    Disable your firewall and antivirus. Open access for addresses:

    Error 9813
    Invalid keychain certificates required for program execution.
    Clear Safari cache -> menu Safari-Reset Safari.
    Copy the files X509Anchors SystemRootCertificates.keychain, And SystemCACertificates.keychain to a folder /System/Library/Keychains/X509Anchors from a computer running on the same Mac versions OS X is the same as yours.

    Error 11222
    Blocking access to iTunes services.
    Disable your firewall and antivirus.

    Error 13001
    iTunes library file corruption.
    Delete the file Library.itl and files with the extension itdb. Then reopen iTunes and the library will be recreated.

    Error 13014, error 13136
    Other programs are interfering with iTunes.
    Install the latest version of iTunes. Restart iTunes. Restart your computer. Disable the firewall and antivirus, close all unnecessary programs.

    Error 13019
    iTunes library error.
    Check your iTunes library for damaged or incompatible files. To do this, look at what content the error occurs when syncing, and uncheck the box so that iTunes does not synchronize this content. Synchronize, then return to its place.
    If this doesn't help, sync your device with an empty library. To do this, remove the iTunes Library file from the My Music - iTunes folder and synchronize the device with an empty media library. Then return the file back.

    Error 20000
    iTunes conflicts with the Windows graphical shell.
    Enable the default theme in Windows.

    Error -39
    iTunes cannot download purchased music from the iTunes Store.
    Update iTunes. Re-login to your account. Disable your firewall and antivirus. Disable web accelerators (if used).

    Error -50
    iTunes cannot contact the itunes.apple.com server
    Update iTunes to the latest version, sign out and sign back in, and turn off your firewall and antivirus.

    Error -3221
    Incorrect permissions on the iTunes program file on Mac. iTunes cannot contact the iTunes Store due to file blocking.
    Run Disk Utility and restore access rights.

    Error -3259
    The connection time limit in the iTunes Store has been exceeded.
    Check your Internet connection. Try logging in, logging out of iTunes. Try re-logging into your account. Install the latest version of iTunes. Delete any unfinished downloads.

    Error -9800, error -9812, error -9814
    Error in system date and application purchase date in the iTunes Store.
    Set the correct date on your computer.

    Error 0xE8000001
    Synchronization error with iTunes.
    The error occurs on Windows OS. Restart the AppleMobileDeviceService.exe service. Restart your computer and device.

    Error 0xE8000022
    Damage to iOS system files.
    Restore the firmware.

    Error 0xE8008001
    An attempt was made to install an unsigned application.
    Install the application via Cydia.

    If you come across an error that is not included in this article (which is possible, although doubtful), write in the comments its code and the conditions under which it occurred and we will try to figure out its solution.

    How to fix error 2003 and 2005 when iPhone recovery 5, 6, 7, 8, X and iPad? An error may appear when trying to update the iOS firmware. The error message often appears as "iPhone/iPad/iPod cannot be restored: an unknown error has occurred (2005)."

    In this article, we will look at iTunes error 2005, what it is and how you can fix it.

    What do errors 2003 and 2005 mean in iTunes when updating an iPhone?

    Error 2005 and 2003 usually appears when the iPhone is not updated regularly. This may happen when you download an IPSW file for update iOS firmware and try to restore this file in iTunes.

    This may happen due to a problem with the computer you are connecting your device to; with a USB cable used to connect the device; with hardware or software failure.

    Various Ways to Fix 2003 and 2005 Errors in iTunes

    Regardless of why errors 2005 and 2003 occur, you can be sure that one of the following solutions will work.

    If there is a problem with your USB port, cable, dock, or hub, or if your device turns off during recovery, try connecting USB, and then .

    Other methods for solving errors 2005 and 2003

    Solution 1: Connect your iOS device:

    Disconnect and connect your iOS device to see if it works. Sometimes a simple reconnection is all that is needed to solve the problem.

    Solution 2: Restart iTunes:

    Make sure you are using the latest version of iTunes. Then try restarting iTunes to see if the error is fixed.

    Solution 3: Update iTunes:

    Update iTunes to the latest version. If it's already updated, close iTunes and unplug your device. Reconnect it later.

    Solution 4: Restart your computer:

    Try restarting or using a different computer. This is a very simple method, but sometimes it works.

    Solution 5: Check your antivirus:

    Check your antivirus software, which may be blocking the iTunes connection. Therefore, if you have installed software (antivirus) and encounter this error, try disabling or uninstalling it temporarily.

    Let's check how to fix unknown error 2005/2003 in iTunes:

    1. Open TunesCare on your PC/Mac and select Fix All iTunes Issues from the main page.

    2. Click "Restore iTunes" to start downloading iTunes discs for recovery.

    3. Once the download is complete, the program will automatically continue restoring iTunes.

    4. Once iTunes is restored, connect your iPhone/iPad and try restoring iOS again.

    Guide to Fix iTunes Error 2003 and 2005

    As we already mentioned, the problem may also be related to software. To do this, you need a tool like this that is designed to work quickly and efficiently.

    Step 1: From the main window, select the Repair option. Then connect your device to your computer using USB cables. The program will detect the device. Click "Start" to continue.

    Step 2: Download the firmware for iOS devices, dr.fone will complete this process automatically.

    Step 3. Once the firmware is downloaded, the program will continue restoring the device. The entire process will take a few minutes, after which the device will restart normally.

    You don't need to try restoring your device in iTunes again after this process because the latest iOS firmware will already be installed.

    Apple devices are characterized by stability, reliability and quality. Now almost everything portable models combines iOS, which works great on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod. However, sometimes even it fails. In this case, there is no need to panic.

    All errors on iOS are usually associated with iTunes, that is, with the part that is outside the device. Problems in the firmware or system operation are corrected by the developers very quickly, so there are practically no such problems.

    Now this is installed on most iPads and iPhones. Means, iOS errors 10 will be the most relevant. They are mainly related to incorrect work some system applications. As a rule, all these problems are quickly fixed with each update, but some users may still encounter them due to the fact that they are using the old version and did not switch to the updated one.

    With the advent of the tenth version of the operating system, Apple users were faced with the fact that 10–15% of them fly away in minutes. Although the “ten” should save battery power.

    If the battery is discharged within 8 hours, then this is already a cause for concern.

    There is only one way out of this situation today - you need to update to the next version. It is no longer possible to roll back to the previous one without a jailbreak, and this is too radical a method. A simple update will affect energy efficiency. In addition, make sure whether it is really due to new version Is your iPad's OS running out faster?

    "Notes" is closed

    Another bug that was noticed Apple users– The default Notes application closes by itself when connected to the Internet. This problem can be solved without rolling back to previous version– you just need to go to the settings, in the iCloud section, first delete the application by moving the slider, and then return it back. After this, the error should disappear.

    The problem can be solved simply - in the settings, in the iCloud section, move the slider back and forth

    The device does not connect to the Network

    Mobile communications can sometimes disappear, and without any reason. Again, if you don’t want to update, you can fix this annoying error yourself.

    1. In the settings menu, select “General”.
    2. Select “Reset” and “Reset network settings”.

    Settings mobile communications after the reset they will update and the problem will disappear.

    Screen distortion on reboot

    This is not such a problem, since hard reboot Usually you don't have to do it often. But before version 10.2, the screen was distorted when we wanted to reboot the device using the buttons. There is only one way out - to update. You won't be able to fix errors without installing a new version.

    Contacts are missing in the Phone app

    iPhone users discovered that some of their contacts iOS installation 10 is missing. Moreover, if you use them in other applications, then they are there, but if you try to use them using standard application“Phone”, then it is impossible to find them.

    The way out of this situation is to perform a hard reboot of the device. To do this, hold down the “Home” and “Power” buttons and hold them for several seconds. If after this the error does not disappear, you can try restarting your phone or tablet in the usual way several times.

    Bluetooth devices stopped connecting

    This is another bug when updating to iOS 10. Keyboards and other Bluetooth devices don't want to connect to the iPhone or iPad. To begin with, you can simply try going to the Bluetooth connection settings and click “Forget device”, and then try to connect again. If this doesn't help, you can try resetting your network settings.


    The Mail application does not want to open. Others simply do not display incoming emails. All this can be solved quite easily - delete your email account through the settings, and then add the account again.

    iMessage doesn't show effects

    One of the chips new iOS 10 - effects in iMessages. But some users were very upset when they discovered that their effects were not displayed or were written in text.

    Error activating new iMessage features on iOS can be easily fixed. Just go to settings, click on “Messages” and turn off and then turn on the iMessage switch again. Typically, this action should help. If not, then go to the “General” tab in the settings, then to “Universal Access”. Find “Reduce Motion” and turn off this function.

    Sometimes iMessage effects don't show up or are written in text - it's an easy fix

    The computer does not see the iPad

    The PC or Mac may no longer see the devices. In this case, the only way out is to reinstall or update iTunes. Updating the program is quite easy on both PC and Mac, but uninstalling iTunes and installing it again on Windows will not be so easy.

    Here is the sequence in which you need to remove all Apple-related programs on Windows:

    1. iTunes
    2. Apple Software Update
    3. Apple Mobile Device Support
    4. Bonjour
    5. Apple Application Support (32)
    6. Apple Application Support (64)

    After that, install the latest version of iTunes.

    Other errors

    If your error is not in the list, then the only correct option is to update to a newer version. iOS 10 may have other problems, but they are all quickly resolved, and the system gets better with each update. Therefore, never refuse the next update.

    Errors when working with iTunes

    This is where a whole lot of errors arise. Most of them are outdated and you are unlikely to ever come across them, but if you are the owner old iPhone or iPad with old firmware, then these errors may be relevant to you. Each error has a code so you can easily find it.


    Incompatibility between update and device. Everything is simple here - the problem may lie in both the “update” itself and in iTunes. So update iTunes. If the problem still occurs, then download another update or the same one again.


    Incorrect firmware. The iPad recognizes it, but cannot install it because it was assembled incorrectly. This most often happens with custom firmware. Therefore, just download another “update” or try downloading the same one again.


    Malfunction. Only a service center will save you, which is definitely worth contacting.


    iTunes has no connection with Apple servers. Here you need to check various programs on the PC for blocking access to addresses: antivirus software, firewall, firewall.


    The firmware is not compatible with the device. iTunes recognizes it and matches it. Installation will help here updated version, which is suitable for your device.


    Error 9 associated with iTunes occurs on the iPad/iPhone when the transmission of information via the cable is interrupted. Replacing the wire or USB port. Or you can try to restore the firmware using DFU Mode.


    The reason is the crooked custom firmware. There is no need to try to install it anymore. Try downloading another one.


    Error 14 on iPad occurs when the file containing the update has a broken structure. Here it’s worth trying to disable your antivirus and other blocking software. Try replacing USB cable and upload another file.


    The error occurs when the gadget's media library malfunctions. Only flashing the device will help.

    27, 29

    iTunes goes into a loop when she tries to restore the firmware. You need to update to version ten. Other options are unlikely to help.

    35, -3221

    My Mac is having permission issues with my iTunes folder. You will have to restore access rights using Disk Utilities.

    39, 40, 306, 10054

    Error 39 when iPad recovery appears due to the unavailability of certain servers. Access is usually blocked by an antivirus program or firewall. Therefore, they will have to be turned off.


    Can't transfer a purchase to iTunes Store content to the computer. You need to delete old backups. Deauthorization in iTunes on a PC will also help. After that we log in again.


    1002, 1004

    There is another problem with the transmission of information. Here you need to start the update process again. Or try to reflash later.


    This is due to the fact that you included Russian letters or other symbols in your Apple ID that cannot be included there. Just use the Latin alphabet and numbers exclusively.

    1011, 1012

    Lost connection to iPad modem. Try to restart the device and try again. It could be a hardware problem.


    The error is due to defects in the USB cable. Make sure it is intact. You may have to use a different wire.


    The device cannot be accessed. Terminate unnecessary processes. If nothing has changed, then change it USB connector or cable, then reinstall iTunes.

    1608, 1609

    This requires reinstalling iTunes or updating it, since the errors are related either to outdated version program, or damage to its components.

    1644, 2002, 9807, 11222, 13014, 13136, 20000

    The problem is related to processes on the computer that prevent iTunes from working. The culprit is most likely antivirus software. You can also try closing programs running in the background and restarting your computer. Enable the default theme on Windows.

    Damage to the USB port or cable. Clean the port. If it doesn't help, try another one. If this does not help, then replace the USB cable.

    3014, -3259

    The Apple server is not responding. Restarting the computer will also help. Also check if you have an Internet connection.


    Error 3194 when updating iOS appears due to the installation of outdated firmware or when using a modification of the system host file. Updating iTunes may help. After that, try flashing again. If this does not help, then you should change the firmware.


    The device conflicts with other connected devices USB devices. It is worth disconnecting everything from the computer except the keyboard, mouse and the device being flashed.

    4005, 4013

    Error 4013 on iPad, like 4005, occurs when restoring or updating. The device must be entered into DFU mode. To do this, hold Home+Power for ten seconds, then hold Home for another ten seconds. Then try restoring or updating again. It makes sense to change the cable if this does not help.


    Error 4014 when restoring an iPad or updating it appears due to problems with the wire or problems on the PC, so it is worth changing the cable or the PC itself from which the update is being made.


    The payment to iTunes does not want to be confirmed. We check the correctness of the payment information.

    8003, 8008, -50, -5000, -42023

    Problems downloading a file to the device. You need to empty the “iTunes Media/Downloads” folder on your computer.


    Problems with the validity of Keychain certificates. You need to clear the Safari browser cache on your iPad or iPhone.

    13001, 13019

    The iTunes library file is seriously damaged. You need to delete the itdb format files and the Library file in the iTunes folder.

    Error 13019 is related to synchronization, but damaged files are also the cause, so it's worth checking your media library for damaged files.

    -35, -39, -9843

    I can't download music using the iTunes store. You just need to update the program to the latest version and re-login.


    There may be problems with iTunes and other software on the computer, so turn off the firewall and antivirus again, and update iTunes to the latest version.

    -9800, -9808, -9812, -9814, -9815

    This is necessary because errors are associated with incorrect purchase times.

    0xE8000001, 0xE800006B

    Disconnect and reconnect the device, and restart iTunes.


    A serious error that indicates major system damage iOS files. Firmware recovery will be required.


    The error occurs when trying to install unlicensed software, so there is simply no need to do this.

    If, when installing a program, you receive the message “an unknown error has occurred,” this means that you are trying to install third party application to your device, but Apple doesn’t really like it

    The vast majority of possible iOS errors that may occur when using Apple devices are listed here. It is worth noting that if you avoid unlicensed programs and custom firmware, then the risk of encountering problems becomes very small.