• Why doesn't it find wifi on my phone? The laptop (phone, tablet) does not see the home Wi-Fi network (it sees the neighboring ones)

    Hi all! As I already said, I work as a sys. I am an administrator at an Internet cafe, and naturally I understand computer equipment and local networks.

    So, recently my Aunt called me and asked me to come set up the D-link wi-fi router that she had just bought in the store. I arrive, set it up, everything is fine. Aunt is happy. Surf the Internet on a netbook via Wi-Fi

    But that was not the case! The next day he calls and says the phone doesn’t see wi-fi and the laptop doesn’t see wi-fi! It only finds some neighbors’ access points and that’s it, well, I come, I think, let me check the router at home, I take it home and connect it. Everything is ok, everything works! I'm shocked =) I come back to Auntie and connect it again, it doesn't work... So I went to a friend and it worked for him too... Then I started rummaging through the settings of the router, but I couldn't find anything.

    Then my Uncle comes into the room and says there is a security company downstairs, maybe their equipment is blocking them? I think for sure! The problem is there, you won’t see Wi-Fi Aunt And I’m leaving...

    But a few days later, 1 more person called me with the same problem! And after a long time I found a solution to this problem! In this article, I will now explain everything step by step how to solve this problem!

    Nowadays Wi-fi router appeared in almost every apartment, and when you turn on the router in the next apartment, you may lose Wi-Fi Internet (through the cable in the computer everything will work fine).

    Solving the problem

    I’ll show you using wi-fi as an example. router router D-link DIR 300

    The problem was that when setting up the router, the Wireles channel is selected by default automatically (auto), shown in the screenshot:

    We need to go to the router (web interface), if you did not change the local IP address when setting up the router, then it remains the default , write this IP in the browser and go to the router’s Web interface.

    We go to the item as in the screenshot and change the channel, set a number different from the one set automatically (I always got it the first time and everything started working).

    In this article we will look at why your Android device does not see WiFi ctmn in the list of available networks, although you are sure that it should be there.

    This article is suitable for phones and tablets of all Android device manufacturers: Samsung, LG, Sony, Huawei, Xiaomi, HTC, ZTE, Fly, Alcatel and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

    In this article we will consider a solution to the problem in which a tablet or smartphone on Android system suddenly stopped detecting Wi-Fi networks or one specific network. For example, let's take a smartphone that runs Android. Here he is perfectly connected to the home network, but at one point he simply stops seeing this network Wi-Fi.

    This network is not in the list of categories available for connection. Other devices see and also connect to this network without problems. There may also be situations when no products see the wireless network at all. In such situations, you should check the router, then reboot it and see if it flashes Wi-Fi indicator.

    Similarly, there are cases when in public places (shop, cafe, restaurant) other devices see and join a certain (often open) network, but your tablet or smartphone simply does not find it.


    It doesn’t matter here whether you use a smartphone, tablet or even a TV set-top box. Let's consider the situation specifically for devices on the Android system. There is a possibility that if your gadget has stopped seeing the Wi-Fi network to which it previously connected without problems, then there may be a problem with the router (access point). If this is not your network (there is no access to the router), then it is unlikely that you will be able to do anything.

    To avoid confusion, you should first find out the following:

    • When a gadget does not see any Wi-Fi networks at all, but there are wireless networks in a given radius and other devices see them, then the problem lies only in the device itself. In this situation, you can do the following: turn off and turn on Wi-Fi again, reboot the gadget, remove the case. In extreme situations, you can reset the gadget settings to factory settings or flash the firmware. If even after resetting the device, no wireless available network does not see, then most likely the problem is related to hardware. The device must be carried in service center.
    • The second case is more popular, which we will consider in detail. We are talking about a situation when Android does not see one specific Wi-Fi network, but other devices find it and connect without problems.


    First, let's look at the most simple solutions which should be done first:

    There are very few options for a solution on the device. Rebooting, resetting settings, turning off, turning on the Wi-Fi network - this is the maximum that can be done directly on the Android device. There is another option - changing the settings on the router wireless network.

    Changing settings on the Wi-Fi router

    You can experiment with changing the Wi-Fi network channel, check the network operation mode, and change the channel width. Of course, these settings may vary depending on the router you have. Often they are located on one page in the router control panel menu: “Wireless”, “ Wireless mode", "Wi-Fi".

    In the settings, you can, for example, set the 6th static channel or specify “Auto” if a static channel was already installed previously. Then we save the settings and reboot the router. We take the gadget and check the visibility of the Wi-Fi network.

    In the settings you can immediately check that the “11bgn mixed” mode is specified. You can change the "Channel Width". You should also check whether the region is specified correctly if the router has such a setting. The screenshot below shows an example of TP-Link router.


    If after the first change of settings the gadget does not see the wireless network, then you can do it again. We set other settings. For example, a different operating mode (only n), channel. If there are no results, then it is better to return to the factory settings that were set before changing the parameters. You also need to return all the settings back when problems arise when connecting on other devices.

    Setting up a virtual access point on a laptop to determine the network

    There are also questions about why Android does not detect the Wi-Fi network that is created on the laptop. This is because creating a virtual access point is not enough. After this, you need to enable discovery and open access to it.

    It's easy to do. First, you should request to go to the Network Control Center. To open this center, you need to find the network icon in the tray (at the bottom right corner of the desktop). Right-click on it, then a window will open, and in the menu that appears, select the required item.


    A menu will open where you need to enter the “Edit” section additional options for general access." There you just need to enable network discovery and give permission to general access. The menu at the bottom should be disabled network access with password protection. You can also use Virtual software to create a wireless network on a laptop. Router Plus.



    Without a connection to the World Wide Web, a smartphone remains just a tool for calls and SMS. But to download applications and work with them you need stable connection with the Internet. In the modern city the most in a convenient way The only way to connect to the Internet is to connect to Wi-Fi, given that a free access point can be found not only in cafes, but also in parks and even in public transport.

    But what to do if the phone does not see WiFi router, how to deal with this? Let's discuss possible solutions this problem in this article, also answering frequently asked question, why the phone does not connect to the laptop's WiFi.

    Why doesn't my Android smartphone connect to Wi-Fi?

    Although connecting a smartphone to Wi-Fi is quite simple, not everyone knows how to do it. And the owners mobile devices on Android based Every now and then questions arise about why the phone does not connect to wifi or how to set up a wi-fi access point from the phone.

    There may be several reasons why your phone does not connect to Wi-Fi outdoors or at home:

    • The router is frozen.
    • User entered wrong password Internet access.
    • The network is not working or is not functioning properly.
    • The router's security type is set incorrectly.
    • The smartphone does not support home router Wi-Fi standards.
    • The number of connected devices on your home network has been exceeded.

    The phone does not see the router and Wi-Fi

    The latest versions of Android are good because most special functions in the smartphone are configured automatically. The user just has to press a button in the menu. If the phone is not too far from the router (and in this case the gadget simply will not be able to catch the router’s signal), the reason why the mobile device does not pick up Wi-Fi should be looked for in the settings of the router itself.

    We will show you how to check your router settings using an example. Asus router RT-N11P. In general, the settings of the routers are similar to each other, only the appearance of the interface differs:

    1. IN address bar browser, enter the login address, for example, Usually the address is indicated on the router itself or in the user manual.
    2. We indicate admin as the login and password. Please note: if you changed access when you first set up the router, you will need to enter the data you specified.
    3. Make sure the Internet is connected. Several indicators signal this at once.
    4. Check the connection channel in advanced Wi-Fi settings. There should be an “Auto” item in the drop-down menu.

    Restart your router and try connecting your smartphone to Wi-Fi again.

    How to set up a Wi-Fi hotspot on a laptop

    To set up Wi-Fi pairing between a smartphone and a laptop, it is not enough to simply create a connection. It is extremely important to open the access point and device discovery. Very often, an Android smartphone does not see Wi-Fi due to the fact that the user has not fully configured the access point on the laptop.

    • Sign in to the Network and Sharing Center.
    • Select "Change advanced sharing settings."
    • Enable network discovery.
    • Allow file and printer sharing.
    • Disable password protected network access.
    • Save your changes.

    How to make a router from a phone?

    It often happens that, even with a configured router, it is impossible to connect to the Internet. This usually happens due to problems with the communication line or during technical work carried out by the provider. In this case, in Wi-Fi source signal you can turn your own phone. Step by step instructions you will find in our article

    Large quantity subscribers who use mobile communications quite often ask questions about network problems, one of which is: “Why can’t my phone see WiFi?” It is now impossible to imagine that any of mobile devices remained without access to the Internet using this network. It is also natural that even at home users have home network WiFi.

    Why don't mobile devices see WiFi?

    The WiFi network is now considered very convenient, accessible and mobile in almost all corners globe. She has many other advantages. For example, you can see quite significant savings on installation, deployment and expansion of the Internet. In addition, WiFi communication fully guarantees the compatibility of a range of equipment of various types and many users mobile communications at the same time in the same coverage area. But, unfortunately, not all mobile device users have a chance to use this type of communication. And, of course, this begs the question: “Why doesn’t the phone see WiFi?”

    Solving the Network Visibility Problem

    Naturally, first you need to determine the reason why the phone stopped seeing home WiFi, that is, check whether the connection is present at all. To do this, you can perform simple manipulations, for example, see if there is a connection to WiFi from other types of mobile devices. You also need to reboot the adapter.

    Possible reasons why the phone does not see WiFi may be as follows: the user's mobile device must have the appropriate equipment - a special chip. Also, a large number of users, surprisingly, do not know how to configure this network on their own.

    To solve the problem of why the phone does not see WiFi, first you need to look at the settings of the router itself. Typically, a WiFi router automatically selects a given access point (channel). A large number of mobile phones begin to experience minor problems when this same channel is above 12. You should change the channel itself to a value from 1 to 9, reboot the device and try to connect to the network. Naturally, you shouldn’t forget about the settings of the mobile phone itself.

    And if everything is configured correctly, you need to check the operation of the router and mobile device. You can also connect somewhere to check free point access. And if the phone sees the network, then most likely WiFi problem lies in the home router.

    Network connection problem for Lenovo phones

    Very often, users of phones like Lenovo also experience network connection problems. The problem arises that Lenovo phone Doesn't see WiFi. The device itself provides the ability to work on channels from 1 to 11. Often the router is configured to a channel higher than 12, it turns out that there is incompatibility between the mobile device and the router. If changing the channel helps for other mobile devices, then Lenovo needs to perform other actions.

    First you need to find the build.prop file on your phone and replace the line ro.wifi.channels with ro.wifi.channels=14. This manipulation can be performed directly on the computer in any text editor by transferring the original file via USB. After this, you need to restart both the phone and the router. After all these steps, the mobile device should see the network.

    WiFi programs for your phone

    In order to use all the capabilities of your mobile phone when connected to the network, they use numerous software. There is now a large selection of WiFi programs for your phone. Such applications are used to turn a mobile device into an access point to a WiFi network. The main thing is to choose good and inexpensive traffic mobile internet, because, in principle, the mobile device will turn into a gateway between 3G and Wi-Fi network Yu. And this will allow the device to connect to world wide web. Programs are divided by type of mobile phone platform, the most popular are Android, iOS, Windows Phone.

    Android based WiFi programs: WiFi Tether and WiFi HotSpo

    Nowadays everything is multifunctional telephone sets, used to access the network, social services or communicate on the Internet, practically become unnecessary if the phone no longer sees WiFi. When solving this problem, many realized that WiFi Tether is considered a very easy-to-use program for the phone for Root Users. The only thing that is not so popular with users is that it requires rights Root access, but it pays off with easily accessible features and ease of use. By default this program sets WiFi point V open mode, connected without a password. Therefore, before using this program, you need to select an encryption protocol and specify the key to connect the network.

    One more WiFi program for the phone it is WiFi HotSpo. It is also easy to use, but it has much fewer functions than WiFi Tether, but when using this particular program mobile phone no need to “root” in advance. And what is attractive about this application is that it has such a function as USB Tethering. It allows you to use your phone as a wired modem when connected via USB to a computer.

    iOS based WiFi programs

    Unlike programs for Android platforms, similar utilities for IOS are not so common. But still there is good program WiFi for an iOS phone, and that's MyWi. This application allows you to turn your mobile device into a modem. But for this to become possible, Apple devices you need to "unlock" it first. The application is very good opportunity monitoring. And if suddenly the connection is not established, or it works with interference, MyWi has the ability to select another channel. Its only disadvantage is that it is paid.

    Program for Windows Phone

    In one of the first versions of phones based on operating system Windows Phone was unable to use tethering. But in subsequent models of mobile devices, this option was built into the system itself. It can be blocked depending on what specific model phone is in use. The maximum connection to a network access point with active tethering is no more than five other mobile devices.

    The problem of connecting mobile devices to the network and its solution

    It is a very common belief that quite soon a WiFi network may replace one of the available connections- mobile. But this raises one problem. It is still not possible to roam on a global scale. After all, this network is at the moment has a small radius of action. And problems arise in the form that the phone does not connect to WiFi.

    Nowadays, this network is already quite widespread everywhere. Developers such as Samsung, Zyxel, and Hitachi were among the first to produce phones with network support. Also, some time later, other manufacturers began to develop such phones.

    Today, the communication standard is considered probably the most inexpensive, and many providers provide these services for free. But you don’t always have the opportunity to take advantage of a wireless network, and sometimes the question arises of what to do if your phone doesn’t connect to WiFi.

    It happens that a mobile device sees the network itself, but does not want to connect to it. This especially often happens when the phone does not see home WiFi. If in public places where the network is provided, such problems have not arisen before, often the solution lies not in the phone itself, but in the home router and its settings.

    When solving such a problem, it is not necessary to turn to professionals; you can fix everything yourself. To do this, you need to go to the device settings and change them. This can be done using any Internet browser. You need to dial the router's IP directly. These are the designations: and Next you need to find the DHCP section and check the Enabled section, in other sections - Default Gateway and Primary DNS - you need to enter the router's IP.

    Thus, if all actions are performed correctly, then the issue should be resolved. This method helps protect data exchange, that is, it makes it possible to set a password for a network connection. Only those users who are allowed to connect to it will connect.