• Supported memory types. How much RAM is needed for normal computer operation?

    Probably every user of a modern computer who is trying to upgrade it in order to increase performance by installing additional brackets RAM, knows, or at least guesses, that the matter is not limited to just purchasing a new module and inserting it into the appropriate slot on the motherboard. If you do not take into account some basic parameters and do not comply prerequisites, conflicts may subsequently arise. Therefore, it is initially necessary to check the compatibility of the RAM and motherboard. This can be done in several ways, which will be discussed further.

    Why do you need to check the compatibility of your motherboard and RAM?

    Previously, at the dawn of development computer equipment, when mainly only DDR SDRAM standard sticks were produced, there were no problems with their installation. The only question here was one of volume.

    With the advent of new standards, checking the compatibility of RAM with motherboard has become more relevant, since not all manufacturers have managed to retrain for new types of RAM. Today the situation is repeated exactly the opposite: manufacturers of mother chips refuse to support old modifications of RAM, excluding their support. The situation is similar with outdated mother chips.

    This can be explained with an example. Let's say the motherboard supports DDR3 RAM sticks with a frequency of 1333 MHz, the user bought and inserted a DDR3 stick into the slot, but operating at a frequency of 1600 MHz. What does he get as a result? Yes, the bar will work. But! At the frequency of the mother chip, and not the one for which it was originally designed. However, stable operation is not absolutely guaranteed. What if throughput the bar is not comparable with the same indicator central processor, expect trouble.

    What parameters should be taken into account when replacing RAM sticks

    Regarding the main parameters that should be taken into account when installing new or additional modules RAM, among the main ones, are the following:

    • memory type and generation;
    • operating frequency;
    • memory capacity of each individual stick;
    • timings;
    • operating voltage;
    • manufacturer;
    • type computer device(desktop PC or laptop).

    How to find out motherboard compatibility using the simplest method?

    Now about the verification itself. Everyone knows that when purchasing a computer device, it comes with the appropriate technical documentation(unless it was bought secondhand).

    Thus, the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM is simply checked in the passport of the mother chip. As a rule, all manufacturers indicate the necessary technical parameters and a list of supported devices or manufacturers. But what to do if the user does not have such documentation at his disposal? In this case, you will have to turn to the Internet.

    Where can I find the chipset parameters?

    But first you need to know some basic characteristics of the motherboard itself, or at least know the model number. There are no problems with this on desktop PCs. You can simply remove the side cover and look at the indicated modification.

    For laptops, this option is less convenient, so you can use the “Run” console, enter the msinfo32 command in it, and then view the main characteristics of each component, including the main chipset.

    But in this information may not be displayed. In such a situation, you can check the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM on the equipment manufacturer’s website. For laptops this is generally ideal option.

    For example, the compatibility of RAM and motherboard ASUS boards can be found directly at official resource. When you log into the site, you simply enter your laptop model number, then go to the main chip section and use the specifications or support tabs.

    The first option is intended for so-called advanced users, where all the main parameters of supported modules will be shown in the RAM section. The second tab contains a link to download the main list. By downloading it, you can see exactly what requirements apply to RAM sticks, and which manufacturers are included in the list of officially supported ones.

    Using the AIDA64 program

    In principle, in order not to go far, you can use universal utilities configuration checks computer system, one of which is most powerful program AIDA64.

    The first step is to check the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM for the maximum amount of RAM. To do this, use the main section “Motherboard”, find the line “Chipset” in it or through the “Properties” menu north bridge» view the “Maximum memory” item.

    But that's only general information. More detailed parameters presented in the SPD section. But here we already have all the main characteristics that should definitely be taken into account when choosing new RAM sticks (list given above). Based on this data, it will be possible to choose exactly what is best suited for the mother chipset.


    Summing up briefly, it remains to add that the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM when purchasing additional memory modules or when replacing old sticks with new ones must be done in mandatory, otherwise conflicts that can lead to complete failure of a computer or laptop cannot be avoided. In terms of the methods used, you can advise either going to the equipment manufacturer’s website, or using the AIDA64 application or something similar. Only after this will it be possible to select the required RAM sticks even on the Internet.

    Don't forget. There are two very important purchases left for any boyar - RAM and a video card. We'll talk about graphics accelerators later, when Nvidia and its partners finally release 20-series cards for general sale. Today we’ll look into the intricacies of choosing RAM.

    As with many aspects of life, RAM isn't easy. It would seem that take more volume, and that’s all. But there are many subtleties that can spoil the purchase experience so that no tens of gigabytes will please you. So, let’s go in order, so that, on the one hand, we don’t overpay for unnecessary things, and on the other hand, we don’t end up with a glitchy computer in an attempt to save too much.

    Again, we emphasize that for computer gurus, this article can cause attacks of contemptuous grins and increased finger itching. That's right, because our guide is aimed at people who haven't attended university computer literacy and not every day they are faced with the problem of choosing the “most correct” timings.

    Types of RAM

    Have you thought that you first need to decide on the volume? Like, more gigabytes means more happiness? No, first you should find out what type of RAM you need.

    The computer market, despite pessimistic forecasts, is constantly evolving, and RAM is improving along with it. From time to time, new technologies and standards appear that make it possible to increase the speed of memory, reduce its power consumption and heat dissipation. So, generation after generation, more and more new types of RAM are released.

    Old DDR memory. This one is no longer produced

    You can easily find out which generation a memory stick belongs to by the DDR marking (double data rate). You won't see regular DDR in desktop systems for a long time, just like DDR2. On older, but not released assemblies, DDR3 may still be found, but if we are talking about current computers with a brand new “offal”, then there will be DDR4 without options. The memory of the fifth generation has been looming somewhere on the horizon for many years, but for now we can forget about it.

    Thus, if we focus on new current processors and motherboards, then the choice comes down to the DDR4 memory type. By the way, even if you made a mistake and bought the wrong type of RAM, you don’t have to be afraid of ruining your computer - you simply won’t be able to install this stick in the motherboard. Each type of memory comes on a board with a special connector, which must correspond to the connector on the motherboard. Do you see that the notch on the memory chip does not coincide with the partition in the slot? Congratulations - this type of RAM is not suitable for your machine! All that remains is to negotiate with the store and exchange it for something more useful.

    With DDR4 it’s clear - we’ll only talk about it further. But what else is DDR4 DIMM? What about DDR4 SO-DIMM? Or DDR4 DIMM Registered? Well, DIMM is just a Dual In-line Memory Module (double-sided memory module), that is, a direct and not very necessary designation of the fact that this is a RAM module of a certain form factor and nothing more (or less). DDR4 DIMM is just what you need for desktop computers.

    Memory modules of the SO-DIMM format (Small Outline Dual In-line Memory Module), as is clear from the English translation of the name, are distinguished by more compact dimensions compared to DIMMs. Such strips are used in systems with limited internal space. Laptops and mini-PCs are the habitat for such memory.

    DDR4 DIMM Registered is a registered memory with a buffer that partially takes over control of data transfer in memory. Such modules are considered more reliable and fault-tolerant, but they are usually a little more expensive and, they say, a little slower than a regular DIMM. They are used almost exclusively in servers and are of little interest to the classic home user.

    Briefly about the main thing. Are you assembling a computer from new, up-to-date components? This means that you don’t have to understand the types of memory and immediately check the box next to DDR4 DIMM, ignoring all the others.

    Memory capacity

    Many people think that this parameter is the most important. And this is really almost true! At the same time, it is also the simplest. Yes, the “more is better” principle works great here. But within reasonable limits.

    There is no point in buying 64 GB of RAM if... No, let's just leave it as “there is no point in buying 64 GB of RAM.” Of course, you can process terabytes of video for days on end, but then you’re unlikely to read this guide.

    The minimum amount of RAM allowed today is 4 GB. Anything below is money thrown away. This volume is enough for web surfing, watching movies, and undemanding games. In general, what you need for a working office machine.

    8 GB is enough for almost everything and for almost everyone. Games, movies in high resolution, photo processing and a little video, a browser with a dozen or two open tabs. All this without special problems will run, but one at a time. Option without reserve, but you can live.

    16 GB - for now best option for the vast majority of users. A browser with thousands of tabs can no longer be closed before starting a demanding game. In general, you don’t have to close anything. A very convenient container, with a small reserve, but without crocodile tears for unnecessary expenses.

    32 GB is needed, but so far only for specific tasks “not for everyone.” This much memory will be useful for work, for example, by designers or those same video editing specialists. IN home computer 32 GB has not yet become a standard, although it is occasionally found among enthusiasts who need more of everything. Perhaps in a couple of years, individual AAA projects will begin to happily “eat” so much RAM.

    Briefly about the main thing. For a computer “to surf the Internet” and with a very reduced budget, take 4 GB and save up for the same amount. 8 GB is a reasonable choice, but if possible, it is still better to give preference to 16 GB and forget about RAM for the near future. 32 GB - if you don't want to think about it at all.

    Two 8 GB modules are better than four 4 GB modules

    Above we talked about different amounts of RAM - 4, 8, 16, 32 GB. But why is there no word about 9 or 12 GB? After all, you can take one module with a capacity of 4 GB, then buy another 4 GB, save some money and cram another 4 GB into your computer. So let's deceive the system! Let's start small and gradually upgrade!

    No one forbids doing this, but there is a nuance. Firstly, we must proceed from the fact that today memory sticks with capacities of 4, 8 and 16 GB are widespread. That is, installing 3 GB + 6 GB will definitely not work. Secondly, computers like even numbers installed strips memory, that is, actually two or four modules. Thirdly, if you fill up all four slots on the motherboard, this will lead to increased load on the memory controller, and therefore may negatively affect the stability and performance of the system, as well as possible overclocking.

    Thus, it turns out that it is best to use two slots (three is very undesirable, one is possible, but with an eye to the “addition”). Four are possible, but you must be sure of the quality of all system components and that you will not overclock it.

    So which is better - one 8 GB module or two 4 GB modules? If we are talking about a new system, it is more logical to buy one 8-gigabyte module and start saving for another one of the same kind. What if the choice is between one 16 GB module and two 8 GB modules? In this case, the second option is preferable, and here's why.

    IN modern computers dual-channel memory operating mode is supported, which increases the data transfer rate between memory and computer components. That is, the user actually receives an increase in computer performance for free. The power will not increase much, but why not take advantage of such a nice bonus?

    There is a nuance here too - for dual-channel operation, you need two memory modules with identical characteristics from the same manufacturer. Many vendors offer kits of such memory - identical and guaranteed to work in this mode. It happens that such kits are more expensive than similar modules, but not included in the kit. It is not necessary to go for “prefabricated” offers; it is enough to buy identical planks of the same series (check the labeling).

    For dual-channel mode to work, the memory must be installed in the “correct” slots on the motherboard. Usually they are designated in one color and placed one after another. For example, blue 1st and 3rd slots, as well as black 2nd and 4th.

    Briefly about the main thing. Your motherboard most likely has four RAM slots. Don't rush to fill them all out! It's better to get by with two. Two 8GB modules are a reasonable option. Have some extra shekels? Then take two 16 GB. To make the system work a little faster thanks to the dual-channel mode, choose identical strips from the same series and from the same manufacturer.

    Frequency and timings

    Frequency and timings - key parameters speed of RAM. Today, standard DDR4 memory frequencies include 2133, 2400, 2666 and 3200 MHz. There are also sticks with other frequencies on sale - copies overclocked by the manufacturer. Timings indicate the time it takes for memory to process information and are designated as follows: 16-18-18-38, 14-16-16-31, etc.

    Theoretically, the higher the memory frequency and lower the timings, the better. But (ha ha!) not everything is so simple. In the silicon life of our inorganic friends, the higher the frequency, the higher the timings. That is, by relying on one performance indicator, you will have to sacrifice another.

    It is believed that frequency is more important for video editing, when working with large archives and in creating multimedia content. Low timings have a better effect on games. Let us note that in both cases we are not talking about a catastrophic difference; usually the increase is limited to best case scenario several percent.

    It is also very important what kind of memory maximum frequency supported by yours motherboard. A RAM with a frequency of 3200 MHz can be installed on a board that supports frequencies up to 2666 MHz, but will not be able to use its full potential and will operate at a lower frequency. This primarily applies to budget motherboards.

    Briefly about the main thing. The higher the frequency and lower the timings, the better the RAM. It's a pity that there is no RAM with high frequencies and low timings. A module with a frequency of 2400 or 2666 MHz and associated timings is enough for everything.

    Radiators, lighting, manufacturer

    Phew, our memory is so cool, so powerful that we can’t do without this car radiator! It has become fashionable to hang the unfortunate operative with pieces of iron. But not because she absolutely needs to cool down, but simply for the sake of beauty.

    RAM is one of the most heat-resistant and at the same time cold computer components. Heatsinks won't help or prevent anything simply because the memory modules don't need them. Moreover, massive elements can interfere with each other when installing the brackets into slots on the motherboard one after another. They can also touch the processor cooler.

    It’s another matter if you are a furious overclocker who, with sweat and blood, extracts additional megahertz from every piece of hardware. At extreme overclocking and increasing the voltage to power the RAM, the heat dissipation can increase significantly, and then you really can’t do without additional cooling. However, this is the lot of 0.5% of users who know what to do even without our guides.

    One of the equally useless, but increasing the price of memory, unnecessary things is the backlight. It’s especially funny when people buy such models in a closed case without windows. It is recommended only for those who consciously assemble not only a computer, but also a Christmas tree.

    But the memory manufacturer is really important. When you open our catalog, you will see that RAM is produced by at least 40 vendors! The vast majority of them are essentially ordinary assemblers of products from ready-made components. But the most important thing - memory chips - is made by only a few companies. The most popular are chips produced by Samsung and Hynix. These same brands themselves produce memory modules - we recommend them for purchase. Brands like Crucial, Kingston, Corsair, Patriot have also proven themselves well.

    Briefly about the main thing. Aren't you going to waste your property in its tail and mane? This means that radiators are not needed. Are you used to playing and working at the computer, and not admiring the LEDs shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow? This means that memory backlighting is definitely not needed. Among the manufacturers, we recommend paying attention first of all to Samsung and Hynix.


    Enthusiasts love to buy inexpensive components and overclock them, manually increasing the performance. Moreover, they like to overclock not only processors, but also RAM. The topic of overclocking is very extensive and cannot possibly fit into one chapter.

    But if you really want to do this here and now, you can look for memory modules with XMP support. The manufacturer already includes profiles with overclocked parameters in such brackets - increased frequency, changed timings and increased voltage. You don't need to do anything, just select such a profile in Motherboard BIOS board or using a separate program.

    But it is necessary to take into account that often the performance gain from such factory overclocking will be noticeable only in benchmarks.

    Briefly about the main thing. For self-overclocking RAM needs a separate guide, the purpose of which is to find the optimal ratio of frequency, timing and voltage. You can use models that support XMP profiles, the parameters of which have already been overclocked. But you shouldn’t expect a noticeable performance increase from such components.

    Very briefly about the most important things

    • For new system choose modules DDR type 4 DIMMs, all others can be safely skipped. If you want to upgrade something older, you'll most likely need DDR3.
    • For current modern system 16 GB of RAM (two 8 GB modules) is sufficient. If you have the opportunity to spend money “in reserve,” then install 32 GB (two 16 GB modules).
    • Frequencies and timings are the main indicator of RAM speed. But if you don’t give preference to very cheap copies, then you shouldn’t worry too much about these parameters, because you won’t notice a difference in performance anyway.
    • Chips for RAM modules are made by only a few manufacturers, and the modules themselves are assembled by a huge number of companies. The technical process has reached a level where quality problems almost never occur, so you can choose based on your favorite or familiar brand, design, warranty conditions, etc.
    • Unoverclocked RAM does not require cooling in the form of metal radiators. They only increase the cost of RAM and give it an aggressively polished look.

    Random Access Memory (RAM) is one of the main parts of a computer. This is a volatile component that stores machine code, incoming/outgoing and intermediate data while the computer is running. The process of choosing RAM seems clear at first glance, but it contains many nuances that need to be taken into account in order to purchase quality components.

    The easiest way to choose a RAM stick is to use the list of recommended modules on the website of the manufacturer of the motherboard installed on the computer. Since these parts of the PC are inextricably linked with each other (including the processor), it makes sense to pay attention to the manufacturer’s advice. The recommended RAM modules listed on his website will definitely work on your PC.

    Another tip to follow when purchasing RAM sticks is matching with other hardware. Buying an inexpensive motherboard and budget processor, do not choose expensive RAM because it will not reach its potential during operation. But it is very important to pay attention to the technical characteristics of RAM.

    Basic parameters

    When purchasing new RAM, pay attention to the main parameters that will help you make the right choice.

    First, determine what type of RAM is suitable for your motherboard. This parameter is indicated in its description. Today there are four types: SDRAM, DDR (DDR1), DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4.

    The most common type of RAM today is DDR3. Unlike modules of the previous generation, it operates at a clock frequency of up to 2400 MHz and consumes 30-40% less power compared to its predecessor. In addition, it has a lower supply voltage, so it generates less heat.

    All types of RAM are incompatible with each other in terms of electrical (supply voltage differs) and physical parameters (control holes are located on different places). The photo shows why a DDR3 RAM module cannot be installed in the DDR2 socket.

    Healthy! Now the DDR4 standard is gaining popularity. It features lower power consumption and higher operating frequencies (prospect for growth up to 3200 MHz).

    The form factor characterizes the size of the RAM sticks. There are two types:

    • DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module) – installed on desktop PCs;
    • SO-DIMM – for installation in laptops or monoblocks.

    Bus frequency and bandwidth

    The performance of RAM depends on these two parameters. The bus frequency characterizes the amount of information transmitted per unit of time. The higher it is, the more information will pass through the bus in the same time period. There is a directly proportional relationship between bus frequency and bandwidth: if the RAM frequency is 1800 MHz, theoretically it has a bandwidth of 14400 MB/sec.

    Do not chase high RAM frequencies on the basis of “the more, the better.” For the average user, the difference between 1333 MHz or 1600 MHz is invisible. It is important only for professional users who are engaged in video rendering, or for overclockers trying to “overclock” the RAM.

    When choosing a frequency, take into account the tasks you set for the computer and its configuration. It is desirable that the operating frequency of the RAM modules coincide with the frequency at which the motherboard operates. If you connect a DDR3-1800 stick to a motherboard that supports the DDR3-1333 standard, the RAM will run at 1333 MHz.

    In this case, the more, the better - this is the optimal description of the parameter. Today, the minimum allowable amount of RAM that should be installed on a computer or laptop is 4 GB. Depending on the tasks performed on the device, the amount of RAM can be 8, 32 or even 128 GB. For an ordinary user, 8 GB will be enough; for a specialist working with video processing programs, or for a gamer, 16-64 GB of RAM will be needed.

    RAM timings are characterized by delays in operation. They are calculated in nanoseconds, and in the description they are indicated by a sequential set of numbers: 9-9-9-27, where the first three parameters are: CAS Latency, RAS to CAS Delay, RAS Precharge Time and DRAM Cycle Time Tras/Trc. They characterize the performance in the “memory-processor” segment, which directly affects the efficiency of the computer. The lower these values, the lower the delay and the faster the PC will perform.

    Some companies indicate only one number in the description of RAM modules - CL9. It characterizes CAS Latency. Basically it is equal to or lower than other parameters.

    Good to know! The higher the RAM frequency, the higher the timings, so you need to choose the optimal ratio for yourself.

    RAM sticks are sold with the designation “Low Latency”. This means that at high frequencies they have low timings. But their cost is higher than that of conventional models.


    To increase computer performance, special operating modes of RAM strips are used: one-, two-, three-channel and Flex-Mode. In this case, the speed of the system theoretically increases two, three or more times.

    Important! The motherboard must support these operating modes. The description for it indicates which slots you need to install the brackets in to enable the desired mode.

    • Single channel mode starts when one RAM module is used or all the sticks have different parameters. In this case, the system operates at bar speed with the lowest frequency.
    • Dual channel mode turns on when two RAM modules with the same characteristics (frequency, timings, volume) are installed in the connectors. The performance increase is 10-20% in games and 20-70% when working with graphics.
    • Three channel mode activated when three identical RAM sticks are connected. In reality, it does not always outperform dual-channel mode.
    • Flex-Mode (flexible)– increases PC performance when using two RAM sticks of the same frequency, but different in volume.

    Important! It is advisable that the memory sticks be from the same delivery batch. There are kits on sale consisting of two to four modules that are completely compatible with each other in operation.

    When buying digital equipment, pay attention to the manufacturer. Among the companies producing RAM modules, the most popular are: Corsair, Kingston, GoodRam, Hynix, Samsung and others.

    It is interesting that the market for the production of memory chips for RAM modules is almost completely divided between three large companies: Samsung, Hynix, Micron. And large manufacturers use their chips to produce their own models.

    Modern RAM sticks operate at low power consumption, so they generate little heat. In view of this, there is no need to buy models with installed radiators. But if you are a fan of overclocking hardware, then take care of purchasing RAM modules with heatsinks. They will prevent them from burning out during overclocking.

    If necessary, the user can purchase a cooling system for RAM, consisting of radiators and fans. It is also intended for use by overclockers.

    Selecting an existing plank

    By purchasing new module RAM to the one already installed in your PC, remember that often such combinations do not work together. But if you decide to buy, make sure that the timings and bus frequencies are the same. In addition, choose RAM sticks from the same manufacturer.


    If you don't fully understand how to choose RAM, watch this video.

    In the set of basic computer components RAM is also included. It is used to store information while performing various tasks. The stability and speed of games and software depends on the type and basic characteristics of RAM. Therefore, you must choose this component carefully, having first studied the recommendations.

    There is nothing complicated in choosing RAM; you just need to know its most important characteristics and consider only proven options, since counterfeits are increasingly found in stores. Let's look at a few parameters that you should pay attention to before purchasing.

    Optimal amount of RAM memory

    Performing various tasks requires different quantities memory. PC for office work 4 GB is enough, which will also allow you to work comfortably on 64-bit OS. If you are using sticks with a total capacity of less than 4 GB, then you should install only 32-bit OS on your computer.

    Modern games require at least 8 GB of memory, so at the moment this value is optimal, but over time you will have to buy a second die if you are going to play new games. If you plan to work with complex programs or are building a powerful gaming machine, then it is recommended to use from 16 to 32 GB of memory. More than 32 GB is required extremely rarely, only when performing very complex tasks.

    RAM type

    Currently in production computer memory type DDR SDRAM, and it is divided into several specifications. DDR and DDR2 - outdated version, new motherboards do not work with this type, and it becomes difficult to find memory in stores of this type. DDR3 is still actively used and works on many new motherboard models. DDR4 is the most current option; we recommend purchasing this type of RAM.

    RAM size

    It is very important to pay attention overall dimensions component, so as not to accidentally purchase the wrong form factor. For regular computer The characteristic size is DIMM, where the contacts are located on both sides of the strip. And if you come across an SO prefix, then the die has different dimensions and is used most often in laptops, but sometimes can be found in all-in-one computers or small computers, since the system size does not allow installing DIMMs.

    Specified frequency

    The frequency of the RAM affects its performance, but it is worth paying attention to whether your motherboard and processor support the frequencies you need. If not, then the frequency will drop to one that will be compatible with the components, and you will simply overpay for the module.

    At the moment, the most common models on the market are models with frequencies of 2133 MHz and 2400 MHz, but their prices are practically the same, so it’s not worth buying the first option. If you see sticks with frequencies above 2400 MHz, then you need to take into account that this frequency is achieved thanks to its automatic increase using XMP (eXtreme Memory Profile) technology. Not all motherboards support it, so you should be careful when choosing and purchasing.

    Time between operations

    The shorter the execution time between operations (Timings), the faster the memory will work. The characteristics indicate four main timings, of which the main one is the latency value (CL). DDR3 has a latency of 9-11, and DDR 4 has a latency of 15-16. The value increases with the frequency of the RAM.


    RAM is capable of operating in single-channel and multi-channel modes (two, three or four channels). In the second mode, information is recorded simultaneously in each module, this ensures increased performance. DDR2 and DDR motherboards do not support multi-channel. Buy only identical modules to enable this mode, normal work with dies different manufacturers not guaranteed.

    To enable dual-channel mode you will need 2 or 4 sticks of RAM, three-channel – 3 or 6, four-channel – 4 or 8 sticks. As for the dual-channel operating mode, almost all modern motherboards support it, and the other two are only expensive models. When installing the dies, take a closer look at the connectors. Enabling the dual-channel mode is carried out by installing the strips one at a time (often the connectors have different colors, this will help to connect correctly).

    Availability of heat exchanger

    The presence of this component is not always necessary. Only high-frequency DDR3 memory gets very hot. Modern DDR4 is cold, and heatsinks are used only as decoration. Manufacturers themselves are good at inflating the price of models with such an addition. This is exactly what we recommend saving on when choosing a board. Radiators can also interfere with installation and quickly become clogged with dust, which will complicate the process of cleaning the system unit.

    Pay attention to modules with lighting on the heat exchangers if it is important for you to have a beautiful assembly with illumination of everything possible. However, the prices for such models are very high, so you will have to overpay if you still decide to get an original solution.

    System board connectors

    Each type of memory listed has its own type of connector on the motherboard. Be sure to compare these two characteristics when purchasing components. Let us remind you once again that motherboards for DDR2 are no longer produced; the only solution is to pick up an outdated model in a store or choose from used options.

    The best manufacturers

    There are not many RAM manufacturers on the market now, so it’s difficult to single out the best. a lot of work. Crucial produces the optimal modules. Each user will be able to choose the ideal option, the price will also pleasantly surprise.

    Corsair is considered the most popular and recognizable brand. They produce good memory, however, the price may be a little high, and most models have a built-in radiator.

    Also worth noting are Goodram, AMD and Transcend. They produce inexpensive models that perform well, work for a long time and work stably. Just pay attention that AMD most often conflicts with other modules when trying to enable multi-channel mode. We do not recommend purchasing Samsung due to frequent counterfeits and Kingston due to poor assembly and low quality.

    We looked at the main characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing RAM. Check them out and you will definitely make the right purchase. Once again I would like to draw attention to the compatibility of the modules with motherboards, be sure to take this into account.

    I processed information almost instantly, especially when using applications, including gaming ones. Great value has Random Access Memory (RAM, RAM), which sets the speed of your device. We will give some recommendations on how to choose RAM for a computer or laptop.

    The choice of RAM for a PC is influenced by reading speed and interaction with other components of the PC.

    The choice of RAM is important, it gives a start to the “overclocking” of a computer or laptop; correctly selected RAM will later help to avoid additional infusions of funds. This memory is connected to the motherboard, so you need to select it based on the available components. If you buy a cool RAM, but it turns out your motherboard doesn’t support it, you’ll have to put it aside until better times.

    How do you know what RAM your motherboard supports? Go through a few steps:

    • recognize the markings using DirectX: by pressing the Win+R combination, enter dxdiag in the line, remember/write down the displayed information about the manufacturer, the name of the PC model;
    • go to the manufacturer’s website, for example, Gigabyte;
    • Use the marking to find the motherboard model of your computer/laptop; to make it quicker, you can enter the data into the search bar;
    • go to “Supported processors”, “List of recommended memory modules”, save the list;
    • find the line with your processor type, memory model.

    This way you will make sure that the motherboard and processor will not conflict with the memory you have chosen; the combination of these three components will allow you to increase PC performance, avoiding the “blue monitors of death”.

    Determination of technical parameters

    RAM type

    DDR 3rd generation is popular on the market, also DDR3, which has increased clock speeds, reduced energy consumption, and therefore low heat generation. At the same time, DDR2 is also being implemented, and even the outdated, very expensive DDR1 is found. The types differ in structure and are incompatible in one device. If you make a mistake, buy the wrong plank, you simply won’t be able to insert it. There are more newest type DDR4 memory, has increased frequency characteristics, undervoltage. Frequencies supported are 2133–4266 MHz.

    Form factor

    The form factor is undoubtedly useful to take into account if you are planning to buy RAM; this criterion does not affect the performance of the work, but determines the dimensions of the device and the type of design of the memory strip.


    DIMM means that the contacts are arranged on both sides. DIMMs are used for regular desktop computer, and SO-DIMM is for laptops, built into monoblocks, and sometimes found in multimedia compact PCs. These strips differ in size, SO-DIMM is half the size.

    Frequency, baud rate

    Frequency along with data transfer rate are the main characteristics of RAM. To determine how to choose RAM for a computer or laptop, look at these characteristics. Frequency determines how much data can be transmitted per unit of time. This information is recorded in the module characteristics. For example, the module is marked DDR3 1333 (PC-10600), which means memory with a bus of 1333 MHz can pass 10600 MB/sec. Frequency has a different designation:

    • “DDR2(3)-xxxx”, where xxxx is the effective frequency;
    • or "PC2(3)-yyyy", where yyyy is the peak throughput.

    Which frequency is right for you?

    If you are thinking about how to choose RAM for a laptop or computer, when deciding on the frequency indicator, calculate it based on the capabilities of your system. It will be optimal when the RAM frequency matches the frequency supported by the motherboard and processor.

    Let's look at an example. We connected DDR3-1800, but the board can support DDR3-1600 at most. Your RAM will operate no higher than 1600 MHz, its resource will be consumed in an incomplete amount, and failures and errors may occur in the system.

    Operating mode

    These days, PCs are equipped with boards that support special modes of RAM operation. Some modes are most efficient at speed, so it's useful to take them into account when purchasing RAM.

    Mode Types


    Volume - important characteristic, a high indicator of this characteristic does not always lead to an increase in the performance of a computer/laptop. Still, volumes from and above 6 GB make sense, especially with weak disk system. Modern programs are consuming more and more memory.

    Timings are time delays, indicated by numbers, for example, 3-3-3. This represents three parameters:

    • the time consumed to read the first bit from memory, i.e. the number of nanoseconds spent in the interval from sending to memory to the start of the data transfer itself (CAS Latency);
    • the time spent also reading the first bit, but this includes the nanoseconds of delay that exists between the beginning of opening a row and accessing the columns in it (RAS to CAS Delay);
    • the third digit means the number of ticks in the interval from the closing of one line to the opening of the next (RAS Precharge Time).

    The throughput and performance of the system as a whole depend on these technical parameters. RAM works faster when the timings are reduced. They are measured in nanoseconds, from 2 to 9 ns. If the information contains only one digit, it indicates the first parameter - CAS Latency. Sometimes the manufacturer hides higher next parameters in this way.

    The RAM frequency depends on the timings: the higher it is, the higher the timings. It is better to choose the optimal balance of both characteristics. If the manufacturer indicates Low Latency models, it means that when high frequency RAM produces less latency than standard sticks, but such RAM for a computer, of course, costs more; here you need to take into account, in addition to the criteria listed above, the state of your wallet.


    No less important when deciding how to choose RAM is the question of the manufacturer. The products of companies that have proven themselves in the market are popular: OCZ, Kingston, Corsair.

    So, when choosing RAM for a computer or laptop, pay close attention to the task so that the purchase is useful, the device functions at full capacity, the RAM matches the requirements of the board and provides maximum performance.