• Download a fast, proven Russian browser from the manufacturer. Fast browser for an old computer - myth or reality

    Nowadays, no one can be surprised by the statement about the importance of the Internet both for entertainment and for serious work. It should be noted that the productivity of the work process largely depends not so much on the connection speed, but on the convenience and thoughtfulness of the browser used.

    If you don’t know what browsers are and how they differ from each other, this article is especially for you. So let's get started! What kind of browsers are there? The list can be very long, but let’s list the main “players” in this market:

    We will now talk about all these “characters” in more detail.

    Internet Explorer

    This is a real legend. Whether it’s deserved or not, everyone decides for themselves, but no one will dispute the fact that the overwhelming majority of experienced users started with it. In 2001, when the Internet in our country was almost in its infancy, and even in large cities Dial Up ruled, the sixth “donkey” was the only association with the word “browser”.

    Of course, someone knew about the Opera project, very few geeks in the vastness of our country used Netscape, but the palm definitely belonged to IE, since there were simply no worthy alternatives at that time. For information - Firefox history began only in 2004, and the word “chrome” was perceived only as a name chemical element up until 2008! Yes, yes, the Google Chrome browser appeared relatively recently!

    It must be admitted that Internet Explorer was good for those years, and many of its features were completely unique. Thus, IE 6 became the world's first browser that had on board the P3P platform tools, which provided an advanced (in those years) level of user security when working on the network.

    It is not surprising that due to its widespread use and its presence by default in the OS Windows family it was the “donkey” that became the de facto standard for almost all government agencies in our country. And to this day normal operation with the websites of government agencies, Sberbank, as well as all similar structures is possible only from this browser. This is largely due to the use of ActiveX structures in it, which greatly simplifies the creation software components for this kind of resource.

    Disadvantages of a “living legend”

    It is no coincidence that we constantly used the phrase “at that time.” In 2001, IE was rightfully the leader, but... Its creators completely forgot that the browser should be updated from time to time. Until 2006, when Vista and IE7 appeared on the scene, there were basically no updates.

    Competitors were not asleep; by that time they had already appeared: the legendary Opera 9, which is still revered by many as the best browser, Firefox 2, as well as several add-on browsers that used the IE engine (Maxthon, Avant Browser). All of them were more convenient, more functional and much safer than the hopelessly outdated Internet Explorer. The appearance of the seventh version did not save the situation, since IE7 was in many ways the same sixth “donkey”. From visible changes One could only notice a slightly “refreshed” interface, and support for tabs, which Opera had had since the seventh version (2005).

    Add to this terrible compatibility with HTML standards, disgusting page rendering and appalling slow speed their downloads. It is not surprising that only IE 9 finally “became like a browser,” as many publications wrote about it. Currently the latest is the eleventh version, which is really quite good.

    The problem is that there are a huge number of old releases (IE6 somehow got rid of them), errors (!) from which had to be ported to the new Explorer. This was done so that old versions of sites created specifically for the “donkey” would be adequately displayed in Internet Explorer 11. This approach does not add either popularity or trust to the Microsoft product.

    Alas, when working with state and municipal websites, you will not have any special alternatives. However, there are exceptions: several years ago, the German government officially encouraged municipal workers to use Firefox, since IE “does not meet modern security requirements.” So what other browsers are there?


    Since we have mentioned this product several times, we will continue the story about it. It all started in Norway in 1994. Until 2005, versions were produced that were not particularly popular. Everything changed in 2006, when Opera 9 was released. At that time, it was ideal. Judge for yourself:

    • excellent work with tabs;
    • built-in email client;
    • bit-torrent client, also built into the browser;
    • work with most HTML standards;
    • mouse gesture support;
    • the widest possibilities for customization;
    • the ability to block ads without using third-party utilities.

    And all this in a 2006 browser! In addition, we forgot to mention one more “killer” feature of Opera. We are talking about the “Turbo” mode. What is the essence of this option? It's simple. When activated, all traffic to the user’s computer passed through Opera Software’s servers and was compressed several times along the way. In some cases, it was possible to save up to 80% of all traffic!

    Taking into account the fact that in those years of normal high-speed and unlimited internet was not even in large cities, this technology was a royal gift for users of our country and the entire former CIS. Not surprisingly, in some regions the actual market share of this browser confidently approached 50%, while in the world this figure rarely exceeded 3-4%.

    In addition, Opera Mini appeared in 2009, which made normal Internet surfing possible even for owners of old phones. By the way, the phrase “free browsers” modern users can only make you smile, while Opera for smartphones for a long time was paid, and for desktops (up to Opera 5) this browser was distributed on a fee basis.


    After the release of version 10.6, strange things began to happen to the company: constant reorganizations forced most of the old developers to leave, and users began to complain about bad job their favorite browser. In 2013, a rather ridiculous event happened. The new management of the company announced a complete transition to the Blink engine, which is a product developed by Google, as well as the linking of Opera to the Chromium project.

    It’s not hard to guess what emotions all this evoked among users. They said that almost all new browsers are already clones of Chrome, so the appearance of another player from the same series did not inspire anyone. In addition, the enormous dissatisfaction of both ordinary users and professionals was caused by the simple fact that from the old “Opera”, in fact, only the name remained.

    No mouse gestures, no usual options for customization... and not even bookmarks in new version there wasn't! The developers swear that everything will be fixed “in the near future,” but this has been going on for two years now, and there has been no particular progress. The company lost a huge number of users, some of whom switched to Chrome, while others started using Firefox.

    Almost everyone agrees that the Opera project no longer exists: even if the developers return some of the old functionality to the browser (it won’t be possible to “screw in” everything due to the features of the new engine), the entire cycle of creating the program will be tied to Chromium and Google itself. By the way, what browsers are there based on the Google product? We'll talk about this below.

    Google Chrome and its derivatives

    The history of this browser, as we have already mentioned, began in 2008. The very news that Google company is going to create his own browser, causing a lot of controversy on the Internet. Some rejoiced, some experts were more cautious in their forecasts, but the fact remains that the event was clearly extraordinary. Today, the Chrome browser claims to be the “number 1 browser”, displacing not only IE, but even Firefox in this position. How did this happen?

    When the new Internet browser first came out, everyone loved its incredible speed. Many people liked the ascetic and simple interface, which did not distract from work. However, the “first approximation” was not very successful, since almost all experienced users noted the complete lack of useful plugins, due to which the browser could not resist advertising, and poor integration with third-party applications (antiviruses, download managers, etc.).

    The beginning of success

    For someone else, this might be a failure, but not for Google! The company’s incredible capabilities and aggressive marketing policy did their job: first, when using the company’s search engine, the offer was given to “try new browser", and today Chrome checkboxes are available in almost every second shareware application (included in the installation kit).

    Soon this particular browser was on the computer of almost every second user, and professionals increasingly began to use it. The proactive policy of Google again played a role, which very soon achieved full integration of its product. In addition, using the account Google entry, users gained access to Google projects such as Drive, Mail, Documents and many others.

    To be fair, it is worth noting that Google (the browser) is a very safe product: the process separation policy bears fruit. It is difficult for malicious code to penetrate from the virtual sandbox into working system. Among other things, Chrome now has plugins for ad blocking and Flash content, integration systems with the most popular loaders, etc. In 2014, the official x64 version appeared, which became even safer and faster.


    Alas, there are enough of them. Firstly, those same fans of the old Opera really miss the ability to change the browser “to suit themselves”. The maximum that the WebKit engine gives is to apply color scheme registration All. More to a simple user nothing is allowed. Of course, you can use the Flag argument and “surf” the browser from the inside, but you can’t do anything special even from there.

    Secondly, there are serious concerns about the confidentiality of user information. In general, Google has never hidden the fact that all your data can be viewed for the presence of child pornography and information that could be classified as a “terrorist threat,” but this does not make it any easier for suspicious individuals. The browser extensively collects information about your search preferences and frequently visited pages, generating targeted advertising based on this data. However, all modern free browsers often suffer from this.

    It is shown not only on the pages themselves, but even in GMail mail. The latter, by the way, is extremely disliked in large companies, sometimes they directly prohibit employees from using it. Of course, there is not a single proven fact of leakage of any corporate data, but this measure is not superfluous...

    As for the “exorbitant” speed, today we can name Google browser Chrome is fast It won't work anymore. WITH installed plugins and connected account For the user, the application (especially on older machines) does not launch quickly.


    After the scandal with license agreement Chromium, in which the developers allowed themselves rather frivolous clauses about user privacy (they were later deleted or changed), the Chromium project appeared. Unlike its "big brother", this browser is based on open program code, which everyone can change at their own discretion. In terms of capabilities, it is not much different from parent application, except for the ease of creating your own plugins.

    It was on its basis that a huge mass of “chrome-like” programs appeared, which we will now talk about. In general, almost all new browsers that appear in lately, in 90% of cases they are exactly that. This is due to the ease of adapting the code to your needs, and you don’t have to worry about updating “your” product, since all the work will fall on the shoulders of Google programmers.

    "Yandex" (browser)

    Today it is the most successful fork (branch). The creator is the “domestic-Dutch” search engine Yandex. The first versions of Yandex (browser) differed from Chrome only in a different search engine and slightly changed design, but today the situation has changed radically. Thus, there appeared: support for mouse gestures, intelligent search menus and other “goodies”, which gave many users reason to call this browser “the successor of the old Opera”. This fact in itself is surprising, especially considering the biased attitude of professionals towards any Chrome fork. Thus, free browser Yandex has very good prospects.


    This is the exact opposite of the project discussed above. Also a product of a domestic company, but this time the authorship belongs to the Mail.ru corporation. Alas, there are no “breakthrough” opportunities. Among the features - only close integration with all existing social networks, but it is quite difficult to consider this circumstance as a special advantage. In addition, Amigo (browser) also collects a bunch of advertising information, which is then shown in abundance to the user.

    There's nothing special about it anymore. In addition, there are also such varieties of “Chrome”:

    • “Internet” (from the same Mail.ru, somewhat similar to “Yandex”).
    • "Uranus" (from Ucoz).
    • Dragon (from Comodo).
    • "Nichrome" (from "Rambler").
    • Iron (German development, originally created to profit from the developers' blog).

    And many, many similar products. What browsers are there besides this “variegated” family?


    Appeared in 2004 (as already mentioned above). It was developed on the basis of the mortal “ashes” of Netscape. The first versions were simply terrible, they constantly hung and were terribly slow. Of course, the collapse of the program was the most common occurrence. Time passed. In 2006, there was already Firefox 2, which had good qualities, and the third version was among the Guinness record holders (several million people downloaded it in the first 24 hours).

    Why is this browser so attractive to users from all over the world? First of all, its “omnivorousness”. While some developers relied on functionality (Opera), others on beauty (Safari), and Microsoft did nothing at all, the Mozilla Foundation team collected all HTML standards, at least theoretically found on the Internet. As a result, their browser is a kind of “standard”. If a site does not open normally in Fox, then it is unlikely to open anywhere else.

    In addition, numerous plugins were the reason for its success. With their help, you can turn your browser into a multifunctional “harvester”, with capabilities almost superior to the operating system! In particular, the Tor browser, created on its basis, largely uses the capabilities of various extensions designed to improve the level of user anonymity on the Internet.

    Moreover, even with a dozen or two Mozilla extensions It starts very quickly even on old cars, which is something you can’t expect from Chrome.

    Finally, this browser, unlike almost all existing solutions on the market, can be flexibly customized to suit your needs, and the available themes will help you bring the interface closer to older versions of Opera, Chrome, or even the old IE6. It is precisely because of the latter circumstance that experienced users often strive to install the Firefox browser.


    These include the not very high security of native (without installed extensions) applications. However, without installed Firefox extensions In general, it is a very average browser without any special features. Beginners do not always know which plugin to install and for what purpose. In addition, such add-ons are not always good in terms of software, and therefore often cause memory leaks and even crashes of the browser itself.

    These are the main browsers. This list is far from complete, but in the article we present the most common types of programs of this kind. Of course, we haven't talked about Safari (which is used in Apple's OS), as well as many other browsers, many of which occupy leading positions in Asian markets, but these products are quite specific. In any case, they are used quite rarely; in our country you are unlikely to find a user on whose computer they would be installed.

    The first association that comes to mind with the term “Internet” is a browser. It is the first program that is installed on a fresh OS or new computer. Without such a program, the user's hands are literally tied. It can't download necessary software for the system, he cannot watch videos or conduct correspondence. In short, this software is needed to view any pages.

    There are many types for all occasions. The most famous is Internet Explorer. It is a standard program in all Windows versions. Slow and poor quality work forces all users to install third party applications. Luckily, there are several candidates who would be great candidates for this role.

    Quality browsers for Windows XP

    Google Chrome beta is a very popular browser. Just because of the word “Google” in the name, this product already inspires trust. More than half of all network users are already with it.

    Yandex.Browser – the previous browser is used as a basis. The program from a fairly well-known company was adopted from his father good speed and ease of use. It differs from chrome in design and some other features.

    Mozilla Firefox is another famous browser. Known for good work and a large number functions that can be configured as you please, which makes working with this program comfortable and very convenient.

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    Download best browsers in Russian without registration.

    version: 73.0.3683.103 from April 05, 2019

    The Chrome browser has long been the leader among its peers by a wide margin. It would seem that such trump cards as crazy speed and user-friendly interface did not leave a chance to analogues.

    But the increasingly hot breath of competitors in the form of Mozilla and Opera, as well as the conquest of their share of the audience with new products such as , and Yandex.Browser, required new accents from developers.

    version: 73.0.3683.75 from April 04, 2019

    A browser built on the Chromium kernel, which, in addition to incorporating the best from programs built on the same kernel, has significantly improved the security and confidentiality of the user’s personal data.

    Perhaps everyone who has access to the Internet has at least once used a browser with a Chromium core, be it a browser from Google, Yandex or Rambler. Moreover, each company is trying to add some of its own functions. The developers from Comodo are no exception. Dragon browser is different increased security and confidentiality for transmitted data.

    version: 66.0.2 from April 02, 2019

    Mazila Firefox is one of the most popular cross-platform browsers in the world, it provides fast, secure Internet surfing, is flexible in settings and has a huge selection of plug-ins and extensions.

    Multimillion-dollar web browser fan club Mozilla Firefox accelerates the market, creating conditions for the existence of healthy competition with the Google browser. The reasons why users tend to download Mozilla Firefox lie on the surface - this is the emphasis on enhanced protection against malicious sites, high speed working with dozens open tabs and implementation innovative technologies, like sockets, web consoles or new generation graphics.

    version: 58.0.3135.127 from April 02, 2019

    The Opera browser from the descendants of the Vikings is reliable, fast and convenient, and the use of a unique Turbo mode allows you to quickly load pages even with a critically low Internet connection speed.

    Opera for computer is a powerful web browser from Norwegian developers who have focused on the reliability and convenience of web surfing.

    version: 28.4.1 from March 28, 2019

    Pale Moon - best alternative Mozilla Firefox. The browser is based on the same software core, but has a lightweight interface and increased performance by 25%.

    It provides excellent page opening speed and increased stability by eliminating some tools. According to the developers from Moonchild Productions, a browser should be a browser, and it is not necessary to take on the functions of other applications.

    version: 2.4.1488.35 from March 28, 2019

    A new browser from the developers of Opera, created on the basis of Chromium with the Blink engine. It features expanded functionality and increased ease of navigation.

    The web browser interface is very reminiscent of Opera 12 - it also has sidebar, basket with closed tabs and picture display mode. At the same time, the authors implemented a number of interesting innovations. Among them are tab grouping, integrated mail client, notes on open web pages.

    version: 8.0.8 from March 25, 2019

    Tor Browser for anonymous web surfing. It is a Firefox web browser with an integrated Torbutton extension, a script blocker and an add-on for logging into sites via the HTTPS protocol.

    The program allows you to visit sites prohibited by the administrator or the state, as well as correspond in web chats, place orders and download files, hiding your IP address and other identification elements.

    version: 19.3.1 from March 22, 2019

    Ya.Browser is a web browser from the Yandex company, created on the basis Chromium engine. Combines the best features of popular Chrome browsers and Opera, and also provides unique opportunities to its users.

    The Yandex browser is similarly capable of activating the traffic-saving Turbo mode and still loading pages quickly when the Internet connection speed slows down, as in . Enjoy a minimalist interface, amazing speed, a built-in translator, and add extensions from the Google Chrome store.

    Browser – software necessary for every computer. You can select and download a browser for Windows 7, 8, 10 for free on our website.

    We have collected the most popular latest Russian browser versions of 2018.

    Why is it needed? Firstly, it is designed to work on the Internet (and this is necessary everywhere these days). With its help, web pages and all kinds of web documents open. Secondly, the browser also comes to the rescue in controlling the machine, making it possible to easily view computer files and their catalogs. Regarding the management of web applications - also to the browser.

    Today there are truly a great variety of browsers for Windows. You can download the best browsers for Windows from our website. And they differ not only in the shortcut that you see on the desktop (although it’s a shame to complain here, the developers tried to make each individual and different from the others). All kinds additional features, built-in extensions that give the user new opportunities and make his life easier on the Internet. One gets the feeling that the developers from different companies they just compete with each other. And, perhaps, somewhere this is true. The competition among browsers is serious, so you have to wonder how to stand out so that users choose your product. You can download several browsers and try them out, leaving the one that is most convenient for you.

    However, if you strip away all the extra bells and whistles, the browsers look very similar. Even though different engines were used to create them. This is explained international standards, which all developers follow. They do this not out of despair (no one twists their arms or forces them to work ONLY this way). However, uniform requirements make it possible to guarantee that all information will be displayed correctly in the browser, and the user will not want to stick the mixer in his eyes when he sees the open page.

    Browsers are distributed free of charge, do not take up much space, and do not conflict with each other (unless everyone definitely wants to be the “Default Browser”). So it’s not uncommon for several such programs to be installed on one computer at once, following the principle “everyone is good at something.” This option is also convenient when several users work on one machine at once - each has their own browser, and there are no problems with saving tabs, bookmarks and passwords.

    So you can start downloading from our website right now as many browsers as you need, and those that you like. If it suddenly turns out that you were mistaken, and the “nice label” does not hide the browser of your dreams, you can always replace it with another one.

    Mozilla Firefox - most popular browser, which takes prizes in its category thanks to its teamwork, defense and excellent speed. “Fire Fox” - it’s not for nothing that the developers called their product that way: flexibility, speed and caution like a fox.

    The web browser has enormous popularity abroad, and expert analysis has shown that the browser shows a minimal percentage of failures compared to its competitors. The official version is released for macOS, GNU/Linux and Android, Windows, and unofficial versions for FreeBSD, UNIX-like operating systems, as well as BeOS.

    Atom is the latest high-speed Chromium-based browser with a focus on privacy and security.

    Mail.ru has created the fastest possible web navigator with optimized loading of popular resources for high-speed opening even with a weak Internet connection and increased security of the user’s personal data.

    Google Chrome is a popular browser in RuNet and beyond, whose developers are trying to bring it to a leading position thanks to constant updates. The name Google speaks for itself - employees are focused on perfect browser performance and satisfied users.

    Convenient navigation, fast loading pages, an easy interface and high-speed display of queries in a minibox are rightfully considered the main requirements necessary for the user to work smoothly on the network. The difference from analogues is the creation of Google Drive - “ cloud storage» your files, which you can share with other users. The privacy of the Internet browser is also not inferior to competitors - cyber attacks, phishing and virus penetration are reduced to a minimum.

    Comodo Dragon is a free web browser based on the well-known Chromium core with optimized protection of confidential data.

    All browsers developed on the above core have a similar interface, but have improvements and additions. If you download Comodo Dragon for free to your computer, you will receive a web navigator that will create powerful protection yours personal information when surfing the web. Before opening a website, the program carefully scans it for threats.

    Opera is one of the most popular web browsers, earning this status due to its reliable performance and ease of use. The simple interface, which does not distract from work, can be modified and supplemented at will.

    Opera features two unique tools: Turbo mode, providing good download web pages even with a slow Internet connection, and Speed ​​Dial, which provides quick access to frequently visited pages and browser features.

    Yandex Browser is a high-quality free web browser that combines all the best features of Chrome and Opera: “turbo mode” that saves traffic, a “Chrome” translator and the ability to quickly load pages even with a weak Internet connection.

    Elements Browser is a free new browser with convenient search And quick access to web resources. Works with everyone search engines and has all the necessary tools for safe and convenient web surfing.

    The web navigator is based on Chromium, and therefore has similar functionality. The software’s functions allow you to quickly and safely “travel” across the Internet, bypass access blocks, save traffic, set up privacy and “incognito”, and block access to unverified sites.