• What happens if you charge your iPhone with a non-original cable? Lightning cable does not charge iPhone or iPad

    Is it possible to charge an iPhone with a non-original Chinese charger? This question interests many users iOS devices, for example, finding yourself at a party without your charger. We will tell you in this article what risks arise and how to protect your device from damage.

    Not long ago, the media spread the news about the death of a Chinese woman who was using her iPhone while charging. As it turned out, she was killed by a large current discharge that arose due to a sharp drop in voltage in the network. The non-original power supply could not withstand the load and produced all 220 volts instead of the required 5, which was the cause of the girl’s death. This case is rather an exception to the rule, this happens extremely rarely, but it still happens, it is difficult to insure against this.

    What happens if you charge an iPhone of any model with a non-original charger? Most likely, nothing bad will happen, in 99.99% of cases the owner and smartphone will remain safe and sound, but there are still risks, we will list them.

    Risks of using non-original memory

    • The most harmless thing is strong heating; usually, other than discomfort, there are no serious consequences.
    • A Chinese charger may simply not work; the iPhone may display the message “ this cable or the accessory is not certified” and that’s all. You will simply throw away money on a low-quality ketai.
    • Battery failure - if the cable is not certified by Apple, this can happen. The cost of the battery for the bulk of Apple devices is about 1000 rubles - from unofficial specialists and up to 3000 from official representatives of the company.
    • A burnt-out power controller U2 IC is responsible for properly filling the phone battery with energy. If this module breaks down, the cell phone stops loading and shows signs of life, you will have to spend money on resoldering it, and this is not a cheap pleasure. The cost of work and a chip can reach up to 5,000 rubles.
    • Tube fire. You understand the consequences yourself, this is not only the complete destruction of the device, but also possibly a full-fledged fire, with the loss of all property. It is worth remembering the stories of exploding batteries on Samsung.
    • An electric shock is possible, but it is negligible.
    • There is a risk of damage to other microcircuits inside the smartphone, as a result short circuit, it depends on your luck; it’s difficult to predict what exactly will fail.

    Therefore, before using original charger, it’s better to think about it and spend an extra 500 rubles on the original, rather than then pay for the repair of burnt-out iPhone modules.

    Double-edged sword

    However, you need to understand that not every non-original charger is evil in the first instance. If the seller offers a cable with a lighting connector for 100 rubles, it is better to refuse to purchase such a cord. At a minimum, you will face the error “this cable is not certified”; at a maximum, read about the risks in the previous section. It is better to choose a more expensive charger, at least from 500-600 rubles, there is a chance to buy a quality item without falling into an outright Chinese fake.

    If the situation forces you to charge your phone with a different charger than the standard charger, use it; most likely, nothing bad will happen in 1-2 times. You should not do this systematically; the chance of damage to the device increases significantly.

    What voltage is used?

    How many amps does it take to charge an iPhone battery? This question worries advanced iPhone owners. Information is necessary to choose the right power supply for your cell phone. It should be taken into account that the iPhone itself regulates the current using the U2 power controller; most often it is this that suffers from voltage surges and burns out.

    For a standard Apple smartphone battery, a charge current of 0.3 to 2 amperes and a voltage of 5 - 5.5 volts are required.

    1. If these values ​​are exceeded, it is possible various problems hardware plan. These are burnt-out modules, failed displays, dead batteries and other unpleasant breakdowns.
    2. At values ​​below these indicators, charging will take a very long time, up to 6-7 hours. Therefore, it is not recommended to use weak power supplies.

    Usage USB port and the computer

    Can I charge my iPhone from a computer's USB port? Quite, because computer unit The power supply is famous for its reliability and ability to deliver 5 volts, without strong power surges that are fatal for a mobile phone.

    Some models of laptop and PC motherboards can produce a current of 2 amperes, which corresponds to the official specification of Apple smartphones. It is quite safe to charge from such USB ports; it does not harm your phone in any way.

    Charging from a car power supply

    What happens if you charge your iPhone using a car power supply? By analogy with conventional power adapters, if you buy a cheap Chinese one, problems are possible, but if you buy a high-quality branded accessory, there will be no problems.

    Car adapters from 12 volt to 4 volt usually cost from 400 rubles for a medium-quality set and from 1000 rubles for premium models. We repeat, buy for 100 rubles. The product from Chinese manufacturers is not worth it, you will burn not only your phone, but also your car.


    You can charge your iPhone with a non-original charger, just be careful; you don’t need to do it systematically. It’s definitely not worth charging your iPhone every day with a Chinese charger, what can happen, read the section about risks, everything is explained there in detail.

    So which charger is best to use to charge your gadget? It’s best to use the original one, so you eliminate the risk of burning the insides of the device.

    If the standard power adapter or its cord is damaged, the message “this cable or accessory is not certified” may appear; repairing the cable will be useless; it is easier to purchase a new one. A warning may pop up every time you connect a non-native charger. Apple introduced a message with the advent of iOS 7 to protect smartphone users from “amateur activity” with Chinese counterfeits.

    Careful handling of equipment will significantly extend its life, remember this. Good luck and see you on the pages of the site.


    If your iPhone is not charging, then now I will try to solve your problem.

    Especially for you, I have prepared 7 reasons why your iPhone may not charge and now I will tell you about them!

    Software glitch

    First common reason, why the iPhone does not charge, this is a glitch in the system itself. Maybe something in iOS is frozen, and the controller that gives the go-ahead to transfer current to the battery simply does not work. The easiest way to get rid of freezing in iOS is to do this hard reboot. It is done easily and simply. Press and hold the Home key and the Lock button at the same time for about 20 seconds.

    At the same time, please note that when you reboot, the white screen with apple.

    At this point, you don’t need to release the keys yet. Hold Home and lock for another 5-8 seconds (until this whole thing goes out).

    After such “ hard reboot"turn on the iPhone again and check whether the iPhone is charging or not.

    Problematic firmware

    If your iPhone stops charging after updating the system, it means there was some kind of glitch during the firmware. Of course, this does not apply to any specific version of iOS. What's on the 11th, what's on the 6th, in principle, on all iOS versions, the iPhone is charging :)

    Another thing is that sometimes after updating the firmware, the smartphone stops charging. Although before the firmware everything worked fine. What to do in this case?

    1. Rollback

    If before updating to new version You're done backup copy of your device (backup), then in this case it will not be difficult to restore the device via iTunes. This is done very simply. IN iTunes program there is a special button for this “ Restore from copy...»

    2. Restore factory settings

    If you didn’t make a backup copy, then this is very bad:(Because in this case you will have to... full reset all information from the iPhone is deleted. This includes all photos, videos and music being deleted.

    Faulty charger

    If your iPhone won't charge, it's very important point when looking for a reason, this is a test charger and cable. In the next paragraph we will talk about the Lightning cable, and now about charging in detail.

    This block here can also fail:

    Simply put, sooner or later it may burn out. Especially if we are talking about a cheap Chinese charger. In general, you cannot charge your iPhone with a “left” charger. There can be very, very severe consequences. IN best case scenario the battery will wear out much faster, and in the worst case, something will break in the iPhone or it will simply explode.

    Okay, okay, don't take explosive words too seriously. After all, not many iPhones exploded around the world.

    Try to take another charger, and if you don’t have one, then try charging the phone through the computer. If it works, then good, look for another charger and use it for your health. If the computer does not charge, then we continue to look for the reason!

    Faulty Lightning cable

    I already said earlier that in the next paragraph we will talk about the Lightning cable, because they also fail, and even more often than the charging unit.

    This original cable from Apple fails after 1 year if used carelessly:

    It costs a lot, but it breaks faster than some left-handed one.

    If possible, test the charging functionality using a different cable. Because even if your old cable is appearance looks great, that doesn't mean it's working.

    If another Lightning cable no, you'll have to buy a new one. I said earlier that you cannot use non-original chargers, but this fortunately does not apply to Lightning cables.

    You can easily buy cables on Aliexpress. Another thing is that their quality is not always decent. But if you buy it from a trusted manufacturer, for example, in the UGREEN store, the cable will last much longer than the original Lightning, and it will also cost 5 times less. You can buy it.

    Cheap wires have also not been canceled, I bought myself a beautiful Lightning cable in a denim braid. Costs less than 3 dollars. You can buy it.

    Lightning port glitches

    We've sorted out the Lightning cable, and now let's touch on the issue of the port itself where this charger is inserted. Now I'm talking about the port where we insert the Lightning cable.

    In the worst case, something could break there, but in the best case, a lot of dust, debris, seeds and other rubbish simply accumulated there and because of this, the contacts with the cable do not make contact.

    Look into the port and if there is dirt there, take a small stick, like a toothpick, and carefully clean the port.

    USB port does not work

    If you charge your iPhone from a computer or laptop, then the USB port may simply not work or provide insufficient power. Try a different port, or better yet, use a charger or PowerBank.

    Faulty parts (battery, cable, recess, etc.)

    If all else fails, and the iPhone still won’t charge. Then most likely the problem is a malfunction of some components. It could be “killed” by time or bad charging, battery, broken cables from falling, some other damage and the like. In addition, if your smartphone is “drowned” or moisture simply got into it, then this can also cause a breakdown.

    In this case, there is only one option - to take the iPhone to specialists for diagnostics. Let them watch.


    I hope this lesson helped you in some way. And if you managed to solve your problem, the iPhone was not charging, and now everything is okay, then be sure to write in the comments what kind of breakdown you had.

    That's all. Bye everyone!

    Eat folk myth which I want to dispel.

    They say that a fake Lightning cable is as good as the original one. You buy this AUCHANe for 190 rubles and don’t worry. Maybe the assembly is worse, but the functionality is the same.

    Only this not true, which I was personally convinced of. There is a difference. Exactly functional, that is, influences your life in the most direct way.

    How did I solve this problem?

    I have good habitdo not use the included charger iPhone.

    Why? A standard 5W adapter takes forever to charge an iPhone 7 Plus - 6 o'clock! You can get old. Therefore, I bought a 12-watt charger + original cable a long time ago. With them, the iPhone 7 Plus reaches 100% in just 2 hours.

    I’m used to it by this time, so I notice any deviations immediately. Actually, here is the culprit:

    What's happened: Over the weekend I used this black Lightning cable, purchased either on Aliexpress or left over from another accessory. I put my iPhone 7 Plus on charge through it and went about my business.

    After 3 and a half hours, I looked at the iPhone and sensed something was wrong: 60% instead of the expected 100%. I made a mistake about charging and the phone itself, but I decided to repeat the experiment with the original cord. This time I sat next to him and looked from time to time.

    The result is 2.5 hours. That is, with the original cord, the phone charged 2 times faster, all other things being equal.

    As a result, we have a fact on hand: some cables charges the device more slowly. But why? If you listen to Aliexpress fans, all lightning cables are the same, but here you have a surprise.

    Why does this happen

    Lightning cables cheaper than 500 rubles are almost always laid the thinnest possible wires. Savings do not come out of thin air. As a result, these cables do not support the amperage (amps) of original or quality Lightning cables.

    The original cable, as in the photo above, supports the current up to 2.1 A(ampere). Current strength, in turn, is one of the parameters that determines how quickly your iPhone will charge.

    Fake and low-quality cables support current about 1 A. It could be less, it could be 1.5 A. The run-up is large. That's the difference in quality. So, you take a Chinese cable, you get Charging takes 2x longer.

    Or not? Why does no one notice the problem, where are the complaints? If everything were so simple, they would have known about it long ago. There's just another factor at play.

    Charging model matters

    This is an original Apple 5 Watt flat charger (included with iPhone). She supplies current 1 A.

    In principle, it is enough to charge any iPhone. However, the batteries are Plus models will take a very long time to charge - the device, even in passive mode, consumes more energy, and such a small adapter barely “catch up” with the natural consumption of a working device.

    And this is the original thick Apple 12-watt charger (sold separately). Much better - it supplies current 2.4 A.

    If you connect it to a regular iPhone, you hardly see the difference in charging speed - the screen is smaller, the passive consumption is the same. With these, the difference is literally 30-40 minutes in favor of a thick block. But for Plus this is a real salvation. Instead of 5-6 hours it turns out 2-3 hours.

    Let's repeat: A 5-watt charge generates 1A of current, while a 12-watt charge delivers as much as 2.4A. All that remains is to transfer them to the device via cable. This becomes a bottleneck when charging the iPhone. The worse the cable inside, the slower the charging.

    According to the data sheet, the original Lightning cable is capable of carrying current. up to 2.1A. Almost all cheap counterfeit cables and simply “analogues” only pass 1A, that is, 2 times less.

    Conclusion: Fake Lightning cables limit the charging speed of any iPhone when using high-power units - 10 and 12 watts. There is a problem, and now you know about it.

    Some Chinese manufacturers are aware of the problem and mark their cables accordingly. To believe them or not is a difficult question.

    Here are a few more consequences and tips, since we played iSherlock.

    1. If you have regular iPhone(not Plus), you are practically you won't notice the difference between a bad and a good cable. Especially if you use the 5-watt charger included in the kit. But it is there, be it half an hour or an hour. IMHO, the difference between 25 and 50% charge for the same time is worth the overpayment for good cable and 12-watt charging.

    2. I highly recommend the original cable or models from well-known, non-fake brands to Plus owners. Almost everything that is sold in electronics hypermarkets is branded Chinese. You can trust Belkin, whose cables are actually certified and support current up to 2.4A.

    3. All flat Lightning cables (a la noodles) – nonsense, and they will charge iPhone lasts longer everything. This made my Plus charge comically slowly, and when I started using it, it stopped charging altogether.

    After this story, I try not to use left cables, especially when I need to charge my iPhone as quickly as possible. But even after such an analysis, I am sure that not everyone will believe me.

    That's why I want ask you. Have you noticed slow charging of your iPhone or iPad from third-party cables? What kind of lace do you use and which charging unit?

    P.S. Well, the last thing, for those who scrolled and didn’t read. I highly, highly recommend that you still buy a 12-watt unit, even if you have an iPhone 5s. Inexpensive, really useful accessory without a single minus. And charges everything Apple devices a little faster.

    What to do if the wire does not charge your iPhone

    Hello! There is one more problem on the current agenda. What to do (or not do) when your iPhone won't charge? In this article we will look at the probable reasons for this and try to find a solution for each of them. BYPASSING PASSWORD IN iOS 10 or what to do if you forgot. So, if your iPhone has finished charging, sit back and read until the very end... I'm sure one of the tips below will help you.

    As you have already figured out, there are more than several circumstances why an iPhone may not charge. Below I have collected the most common of them. Let's start with the most “harmless” ones, and then move on to the “cardinal” ones... Follow the stated order, and every time try to implement what you read. I'm sure some of the tips will definitely help you charge your iPhone.

    • Is it safe to charge your iPhone using an iPad charger? - read in this article
    • Is your iPhone draining abnormally fast? There is a solution! - read in this article

    Reason #0: Software (firmware) glitch

    Believe it or not, almost always the reason for an iPhone not charging lies in the software (firmware), and not in the hardware. If the iPhone doesn't work anymore Question: The iPhone turned off and won't turn on, what should I do? If you didn't know, there is a controller inside the iPhone (a chip on a board) that is responsible for charging the battery. What to do if frozen Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro and does not respond. This controller works under the guidance software. Thus, when you connect the cord to the iPhone, power is supplied not directly to the battery, but first to the board with the controller, which in turn obeys the program built into the phone.

    What can we do? And the fact is that the software component of the iPhone recognizes when a power source is connected to the phone and gives a command to the controller to start charging. If the software is frozen, no command will be issued and your iPhone will not charge.

    To solve this problem, a hard reboot of the device usually helps. To do this, simultaneously press Home buttons and Power for at least 30 seconds.

    Reason #1: Lightning port is dirty

    80% of the population carries their phones in their pants or trouser pockets... I don’t know about you, but I regularly clean out all kinds of garbage from my jeans pockets... where does it come from? Moreover, this garbage (dust, lint, hair, etc.) tries to sneak into every crevice of my iPhone.

    Imagine! This is the first reason why the iPhone may not charge. You can’t even imagine how much lint and dust gets into the Lightning charging connector! The accumulated compressed dust does not allow the Lightning plug to fit properly into the connector hole, which leads to the problem above. Don't believe me?

    Try this! Take a wooden toothpick and gently clean out any accumulated debris from the Lightning connector. What to do if it doesn’t charge, you need to try charging the phone using another one. In this material, I will tell you what to do if the iPhone does not charge, but shows that it is charging, I will describe the reasons for this problem. Try to “pick out” charging holes from both corners. Proceed with extreme caution to avoid damaging the contacts. You will be shocked when you see how much “felt” we managed to get. After that, blow out the connector and connect the charger. What to do if your iPhone won't charge. If the phone is very low, it may take up to 15 minutes before it shows the first signs of life.

    Reason #2: USB port is faulty

    If you are trying to charge your iPhone from a USB port, the first thing you should do is check if it works. On my working Windows I have a laptop a pair of USB connectors from which the iPhone does not charge at all. I don’t know what this is connected with, but the phone does not receive a charge. It seems that 5V power supply to these USB ports not served at all.

    Some information for general development:
    - Regular USB the port has an output voltage of 5V and a current of 0.5A
    - Standard for comparison iPhone charging outputs 5V and 1A
    - Well, iPad charger outputs 5V and 2A

    Try this! If this is your case, try another USB port or connect your iPhone to a regular 220V charger. If your charger also doesn't charge your iPhone, read on for the next possible reason.

    Reason #3: Charger/cable is faulty

    The iPhone cable does not charge. Repair

    The most common malfunction usb cable For iPhone charging . ok... what if original Apple The charger also does not charge the iPhone? Then it was time to check the Lightning cable. I disassemble and repair in a few minutes

    iPhone won't charge? Charging problems? We will suggest a solution to the problem

    In this video, we will tell you what could be the reason incorrect operation charger Apple cable iPhone,iPod,.

    OK, I won't be original when I say that real chargers Apple devices are quite expensive. It’s another matter if you buy an iPhone charger on AliExpress (from China) - after all, it will cost you several times cheaper. BUT! BUT! BUT! I strongly do not recommend doing this! Under no circumstances should you buy or use cheap Chinese non-original chargers. According to reviews from friends and personal experience, I can assure you that Chinese chargers will sooner or later play a cruel joke on your device if they don’t drive it into a “wooden box”. You must realize for yourself that " cheaper doesn't mean better“, and when it’s almost for nothing, doubts about the quality creep in.

    So, if your iPhone does not charge from a Chinese (non-original) charger, I would DID NOT further EXPERIMENT and would try GET A REAL ORIGINAL CHARGER FROM APPLE. Everything should be clear here.

    Okay - okay... what if the original Apple charger doesn't charge the iPhone either? Then it was time to check the Lightning cable. My iPhone won't turn on, what should I do? What to do if the iPad or iPhone does not turn on and is on fire. Again, from personal experience, even the original cables that come with the iPhone fail over time. To be honest, the original cables are quite fragile to begin with. If you do not use them carefully enough, frequent bending will damage not only the outer plastic braid, but also the conductive “cores.” WHAT TO DO IF THE SENSOR DOES NOT WORK. I recently threw it away original cable, since it began to charge the iPhone to no more than 60%.

    I have nothing against the lightning cables they sell on AliExpress. Here they either charge or not. Do you know how much an original 1m long lightning cable costs? Apple Store? Fabulous 19. “modem mode” and what to do if it doesn’t exist. Go crazy! For this money you can purchase at least three excellent certified cables that will charge your iPhone without any problems. I tried a bunch of cables - from cheap ones at 0.99 to expensive ones at 10 from different manufacturers, and I can recommend you a really cool lightning cable from Ugreen (link to AliExpress).

    • How do I get up to 90% cashback for purchases on AliExpress - Instructions

    “This cable or accessory is not certified...”

    Some of you have probably already encountered the message “ This cable or accessory is not certified and is not guaranteed to work reliably with this iPhone." There may be several reasons for this, and we will consider them in a separate article. I will only say one thing - starting with iOS 7, Apple has taught its devices to recognize the authenticity of USB cables. As I wrote earlier, a special chip is installed in the Lightning cable plug that allows the iPhone (iPad) to recognize the origin of this cable. The Chinese, of course, have learned to counterfeit Lightning chips, but with iOS release 7, Apple changed the rules of the game again. Therefore, try to use original chargers...

    Try this! Use known-good original chargers and Lightning cables. If they don’t help, most likely one of the iPhone components has failed. Read about it below.

    Reason #4: iPhone Battery

    Any battery is consumables... This means that batteries do not last forever and require periodic replacement. I recently replaced the battery of my MacBook Air, because The battery completely stopped holding a charge and it became impossible to use the computer without a cord.

    This can also happen with the iPhone, although it is quite rare. Why doesn't the iPhone charge? If the original Apple charger doesn't charge either, what should I do? What to do if frozen Xiaomi method really works didn't help Sensor as not. What happens if you charge your phone with a non-original charger... More likely, phones that are four or five years old are susceptible to this diagnosis, because... The battery, if it fails, does so gradually until it fails completely.

    Replacement iPhone batteries It's not a tricky thing, but it does require some tools. Instructions for replacement are again available on ifixit.com.

    If your device is fairly new, then I don't think the problem is with the battery. Very often people contact me who charged their devices with power supplies of unknown origin, and ended up having a problem. Usually in this case the charging controller or power controller fails. But more on that below. See reason #5.

    Reason #5: iPhone components are faulty

    Well, the last reason for today why the iPhone does not charge is malfunction internal components . Yes, and don’t be surprised - this is a fairly common reason! Most often, either the battery or the power/charge controller fails. You can find out what exactly failed you after diagnostics at a service center. In the comments below, many people complain that their iPhone does not charge at all, or loses its charge abnormally quickly, or gets very hot, or does not accept the cable - all these are signs of a faulty iPhone power/charging controller. I wrote in detail about replacing iPhone power and charging controllers in a separate article (link). Well, if you need to explain it on your fingers, then essentially the U2 charger controller is a chip (microcircuit) on iPhone board, which can be replaced (resoldered) with a new one. In normal service centers, this procedure does not cause any particular difficulties and costs from 2,500 to 4,000 rubles.

    Try this! I can’t say right away what exactly went wrong in your case. You have a direct route to service center. Be sure to check the functionality of your iPhone after replacing the charging controller or battery. Even new ones iPhone batteries(again of Chinese origin) may be defective and not accept a charge. If the iPhone turns off in the cold and does not turn on and what to do if the iPhone is frozen. But no. What to do if your iPhone turns off and won’t turn on. Or maybe the technician mistakenly replaced one component and never discovered the real problem. Therefore, ask the service center to connect your iPhone to a power source and make sure that the phone turns on and the charge indicator has reached at least a couple of percent.

    In any case, write in the comments which method helped you. If your iPhone still won't charge, write to me about it and I'll try to find another solution for you. What to do if the iPhone thinks, Ways to recognize non-original headphones. We are always at the same place, so come and ask. In order not to lose touch, subscribe to updates using the form below, as well as to our group in contact.
    A big request to all of you - help our project if you can (link below).

    “This cable or accessory is not certified...” is a message that you may not have encountered personally, but you have definitely heard about it. We all know how short-lived original lighting from Apple is and how expensive they are. Buying a cable not from the manufacturer is fraught with unpleasant consequences. They usually find out about them when it is too late. What to do if you find yourself in a similar situation? How to charge your pet? And why might such an alert occur if everything was fine up to this point?

    Why do users buy replicas?

    The purpose of buying a copy cable is clear - the desire to save money. The Chinese-made analogue is cheaper than Apple products. At the same time, a scary message with the text “This cable or accessory is not certified” sometimes does not appear immediately. Someone may have a question: how exactly does the phone recognize that the connected cord is not “native”?

    The bottom line is that a special component is installed in this original lighting - a microcontroller. One of its functions is to ensure that the charging and data transfer process can occur no matter which side you insert the cable into. This microcontroller is most likely missing in Chinese replicas. Alternatively, it is damaged or simply does not meet the phone's requirements. Because of this, problems subsequently arise.

    What problems might arise from using such a cable?

    As we see, Apple company strictly monitors the use of products not made by itself. Special devices do not allow charging; a message appears on the screen stating that this cable or accessory is not certified, so the reliability of its operation is not guaranteed.

    Of course, one of the main reasons for this phenomenon is the monopoly on production. But the representatives themselves name another, no less significant one: a fake cable is almost guaranteed to cause serious harm to your iPhone. Firstly, if you use a Chinese replica, the Apple phone may simply stop charging and connecting to the computer. As a rule, at the most inopportune moment. Secondly, the original lighting is designed specifically for iPhone. Using a fake may damage the Apple phone due to technical inconsistencies. Then your losses will be much more serious than the cost of buying a new cable.

    A simple method that can make a non-original cable work

    Let's say a phone whose screen displays a message stating that this cable or accessory is not certified does not charge. What to do if you find a replacement new wire It’s not working right now, but does your phone need to be charged? No one gives a 100% guarantee, but sometimes this method helps:

    1. First, try inserting the cable the other way.
    2. If all else fails and the same message appears on the screen, close it.
    3. Unlock your phone and the alert will pop up again. Close it again.
    4. Unplug the wire and then immediately plug it back in.
    5. In some cases, after this, charging begins to occur as usual.

    How to charge a device with a copy by turning off the phone?

    Another simple option on how you can try to make a non-original cable work:

    • Connect the wire to the device. A warning will appear on the screen. But you shouldn't pay attention and take out the cable.
    • Turn off your phone. At the same time, make sure that lighting remains connected.
    • If this method is suitable for your phone, the charging process will begin. A disconnected device cannot check the cable and “notice” that it is a copy.

    This cable or accessory is not certified: how to bypass it via jailbreak?

    This cable or accessory is not certified... Solve this problem You can also use jailbreak. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. Jailbreak your phone.
    2. Launch Cydia and go to the Sources tab.
    3. Here you should find the item Support Unsupported Accessories 8. It is this modification that is responsible for activating support for non-original devices.
    4. This tweak is absolutely free. Feel free to click “Install”.
    5. After rebooting the device changes made must take effect.

    Now when you connect the charger, the process should occur without problems. The message may still appear. However, this will not affect the result.

    What to do if a problem with a lace appears out of nowhere?

    A gadget that displays the notification “This cable or accessory is not certified” is not charging? What to do if yesterday you attached the same cord, and everything was fine? And are you sure of the noble origin of your cable? There may be several reasons:

    • Over time, any equipment deteriorates. The charger connector may have become oxidized or dirty. Swipe visual inspection. Dirt can be removed with any stick, but use sharp iron objects! This will only make the problem worse.
    • Assess the condition of the wire itself. A message that a given cable or accessory is not certified may appear even from the original model if it is damaged. The weakest points are the articulation points. Minor damage can be repaired. But if the shell is seriously damaged, there is only one way - to the store.

    Now, if the message “This cable or accessory is not certified” appears on the screen, you already know what to do. But it’s still better not to skimp. Therefore, advises you to buy original lighting. Otherwise, the consequences may be more serious than just a dead phone. Then the iPhone will have to be taken to a service center, which will entail even greater expenses than purchasing the original cable. It’s better to allocate a certain amount and buy the necessary lace than to pay twice later. By the way, the new cable can be further strengthened. Then it will last much longer.