• Which antenna cable for TV is better? TV cable: which one is better to choose?

    With the advent of satellite and digital TV broadcasting, the question increasingly arises of which cable is best to choose for a TV - after all, the quality of the received signal depends on it. So, for example, switching to satellite or digital broadcasting from analog TV, often the image may become fuzzy, blurry, sometimes ripples and interference appear on the TV screen, although modern technologies a completely different quality is expected. The main reason for the occurrence of such defects is the technical discrepancy of the old line in relation to the new signal characteristics. It is logical that for high-quality operation of television equipment you will have to change the cable.

    It is not difficult to lay cables and connect television equipment at home on your own. To do this, you do not need to have special work experience or deep knowledge. But make the right choice coaxial cable(this is the type that is used for modern TV broadcasting) is not so simple. Just studying it external characteristics: thickness, color, trying to determine by eye what it consists of - it’s unlikely to be possible to buy a suitable copy. Which cable is better to choose can be understood based on the initial data. Before you go to the store, you need to figure out what characteristics a cable network should have. To do this you need to find out:

    • what signal format it should support (digital or analog TV);
    • the type and quantity of television equipment that will be used on it;
    • installation location (apartment or large house);
    • location of the signal source - an external antenna or satellite dish on the roof of a house or balcony, a panel on the staircase;
    • total network length.

    The structure of a television cable

    Speaking about the internal structure, we can say with certainty that all models have similar content.

    1. Inner conductor- it can be made as a single or stranded wire, copper tube. The signal range and possible bending radius depend on the material.
    2. Dielectric layer– ensures the immobility of conductors. It can be made of polyethylene, fluoroplastic, foamed polyvinyl chloride or an air layer. Depends on the quality of the material characteristic impedance and attenuation of the transmitted signal.
    3. The outer conductor is braided. Made from foil, corrugated tube, aluminum film, metal wire. The degree of protection from external influences depends on the quality of the material. electromagnetic interference.
    4. Shell, which protects the internal structure of the cable.

    As you can see, the principle of cable structure is the same, but the materials from which its structural parts are made differ from each other. How to choose a good option that matches the technical characteristics of modern television broadcasting?

    Selection rules

    Regardless of the manufacturer, any television cable to accept the modern television broadcast format must have a resistance of at least 75 ohms. It is also worth considering the following criteria.

    Outer shell composition

    As a rule, either PE or PVC is used. In the first case the shell will be white, and in the second – black. Previously, it was believed that for outdoor installation, for example, when the antenna is located on the roof or balcony of a house, preference should be given to a cable with a black protective sheath. But today this indicator is not critical, and therefore some types of cables with a white protective sheath, for example SAT 703, can be used for both indoor and outdoor use. The main thing to consider thickness of the protective layer. It is quite logical to believe that the larger it is, the better.

    However, in this case, the entire structure becomes clumsy; accordingly, the bending radius will be somewhat limited; this should be taken into account when planning the installation location (the presence of turns and corners).

    External Conductor Characteristics

    It must consist of two shielding layers. You should not purchase models with one layer, such cables do not correspond modern standards signal transmission. The materials from which the shielding layers of the outer conductor are made are different. In the very first models of television cable as external screen We used the most common braided wire. The main advantage of this model is its low cost, but you definitely shouldn’t count on receiving a high-quality signal, and even satellite TV. Modern models have a basic metal foil screen and additional braiding, which is also made from metal alloys - it reduces the level of interference from radio equipment and household appliances.

    Characteristics of the central core

    As a rule, the central core is made of copper or alloys of other durable metals. To add strength, the alloys can also be clad with copper. There are no confirmed facts that copper core It transmits a signal much better than alloys of other metals. But many experts recommend just such models of television cables.


    Undoubtedly, a cable with a smaller diameter is easier to lay and can be easily disguised as boxes specially designed for this purpose, but the signal quality leaves much to be desired. A cross section of 3.5 mm is minimum indicator For home use. Otherwise, only the main channels may be available, since the operation of such a cable will be limited. In order to watch TV channels with modern expansion, you will definitely have to purchase additional devices, for example. They will be much more expensive than a cable with an optimal cross-section.


    The modern market includes a large number of manufacturers, but this does not mean that everyone promises a quality product. It is worth paying attention to well-established manufacturers, for example Belden, Cavel, Commscope, Mediaflex. This rule also applies to.

    Cable length

    In order to avoid problems during the installation process, it is recommended to purchase a cable with small margin in length. First of all, this is due to possible mechanical damage during operation, which will affect the signal quality. The damaged area may need to be repaired. The second reason is the rearrangement of equipment. Often, a new interior leads to a rearrangement of furniture and existing equipment. The large length of the cable will allow such work to be carried out without replacing it.

    When choosing a cable, it is worth remembering that the longer the network, the thicker the model you need to choose. If the cable is purchased for an antenna that is located on the roof, it is better to purchase a wire with a larger cross-section. In addition, before purchasing a specific model, it is worth checking whether there are additional conditions for installation. All this information will be useful to you if you decide

    When choosing a television cable, it is worth knowing that there are no special “digital” models used to receive the corresponding broadcast - this is just a marketing ploy. Modern cable devices are broadband, operating frequencies from 5 to 3000 MHz. Digital and satellite television fall right into this range.

    To receive a high-quality signal from a satellite, you will need information on how to correctly.

    Why does the TV show poorly? Some channels cable television not configurable? How can you tell if your TV cable is wired correctly? Questions of this type meet quite often. Ordinary people want to understand them in a simple way. After all, as practice shows, there are still many home-grown TV masters today. And their services (already paid for) are money thrown away. So, let's try to look at several questions posed, one of which is - which is the best television cable?

    TV cable

    So let's start with appearance and cable designs for cable television. Unlike power wires, it is always round. In this case, its optimal diameter is 4-8 mm. There are cables of both smaller and larger diameters. We will talk about them separately.

    Pay attention to the cut. It consists of several concentric layers.

    • The central core, located in the middle, is a copper or steel (copper-plated) wire. Core diameter – 0.3-1.1 mm.
    • A dielectric envelops it on top. This is usually white plastic.
    • The third layer is the so-called screen, consisting of two layers: foil and braid. Some television cable models may not have a foil layer. But remember that its presence in the design indicates the high quality of the product. Braid is a network of conductors that are woven together crosswise.
    • And the outer layer is a protective barrier against mechanical stress, made of either polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene. The protective outer layer can be either black or white.

    Attention! If the TV cable you buy has all these layers, then don't hesitate to buy it. If some layer is missing, then look for the cable in another store.

    Does more expensive mean better?

    In this section we will answer the question, how to choose a television cable? And let’s immediately make a reservation that in relation to this wire the postulate, the more expensive, the better, will be unlawful. Why?

    The question posed must be answered from what exists main characteristic television cable is the quality of signal attenuation related to the frequency of the signal and the length of the wire. So, in this case, it would be correct to assume that the lower this indicator, the better. It should be noted that each television channel has its own attenuation rate due to a certain frequency of the incoming signal. By the way, the unit of measurement for attenuation is dB/100m. That is, complete dependence on frequency and length.

    Therefore, before choosing a cable, you must first decide on the television system that will be installed in your home. Why is this so important? The whole point is that terrestrial television and satellite has a different frequency range. And if you installed a cable that has a signal attenuation indicator suitable for terrestrial television, then the signal from the satellite may not pass through. That is, it will pass for sure, but with great interference.

    1. Remember, we talked about the diameter of the television cable. So, you shouldn’t buy a product with a diameter of less than 3.5 mm. This wire can only pass frequencies in the meter range. That is, your TV will only show channels such as ORT, NTV, RTR and others. But you won’t see UHF channels (Domashny, Kultura, STS, TNT, and so on), but satellite signal forget it altogether. Plus, the shielding characteristics of this cable are questionable. And this is also not good. Of course, if you try, you can make a cable with a meter range visible for all channels. To do this, you will have to install an additional head station, through which the decimeter channels are converted. But this will require additional costs. To summarize: the thicker the television cable, the better (due to reduced signal loss). He is the one who is needed.
    2. There is still a cable of the RK-75 brand with one shielding layer on the market. This is an old-style domestic product. So it has a very high attenuation rate. You shouldn't buy it.
    3. There is an interesting situation with sales. Even in some specialized stores you come across television products low quality at a high price. It is perfectly packaged in a beautiful wrapper, it has a certificate and accompanying documents, but the price does not correspond to the technical specifications. The exact same option on the regular market costs several times less. So be careful.

    So, let's summarize. First, pay attention to the diameter of the wire. The optimal size is 6-7 mm. Secondly, the shielding layer. There should be two of them: the bottom one is foil, the top one is a braid of copper wires treated with tin. Thirdly, choose the manufacturer correctly. Of course, branded brands are preferable. This cable is from Belden, Mediaflex, Commscope and so on.

    Attention! If during operation the television cable is subjected to fairly harsh conditions (laying in the ground, air lines on the street), then it is better to purchase a special model with impregnation. This must be indicated in the accompanying documents of the product.

    And one more piece of advice that concerns this question: is it possible to lay two cables side by side: power and television? You can, but you will have to purchase a television with a diameter of 10 mm with increased protection against interference.


    AND last question which needs to be discussed in this article - how to connect the cable to the TV? Let's start right away with recommendations.

    • The gasket circuit should be located as far as possible from power circuits and powerful electrical appliances (refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher, iron, microwave, etc.).
    • You can lay the cable for cable television next to any low-current circuits (telephone, Internet, alarm system).
    • Try to reduce the number of connections. The best option– one-piece TV cable for the entire apartment.
    • If you cannot avoid dividing the circuit into sections, then when connecting the two ends of the cable, use factory-made separators and splitters. No twists that will reduce the quality of the incoming signal.
    • If it is impossible to avoid the intersection of the TV wire with the power circuits, then it is best if this intersection is made at an angle of 90º.
    • Do not roll the gasket into coils or bend it at an angle greater than 90º.
    • The section up to the first splitter from the switchboard box should run in a wide channel. You can also include other low-current circuits here.
    • When connecting the cable in the panel box, you must use only soldering (this is about the question of how to connect correctly). In this case, you should not expose the cable itself too much. The smaller the unscreened area, the better.
    • The splitter must be installed in easily accessible places. The best option is to put it in a special box.

    Additional devices

    Typically, there are several devices in a television cable wiring diagram. If an apartment building is being considered, then the first device that receives the signal from the antenna is a splitter. That is, from common antenna The signal enters the apartment through this device. From it you can spread the wiring even across different rooms, it all depends on the number of posts.

    You can also install a signal amplifier before the splitter. There is no point in explaining what this device does. Next, the last thing used is the so-called adder. Its purpose is to sum signals from different frequencies into one.

    Conclusion on the topic

    You can connect the television cable for cable television (digital) with your own hands. There is nothing complicated about this. You need to have the tools and some knowledge that we discussed in this article. Some wiring skills won't hurt either.

    Until now, the signal to many TVs in our apartments is supplied via cable. Neglect of its choice can negatively affect the image even if installed correctly. To avoid such troubles, it is not enough to measure the length required for connection. Before purchasing, you should find out how to choose an antenna cable.

    IN technical documentation a television or antenna cable may be designated as coaxial (coaxial). The term characterizes the principle of its operation, when both conductors (central core and braid) provide transmission in one direction across the entire cross-section width (the “standing wave” effect), which reduces radiation losses to a minimum.

    Its design is standard and in most cases includes four layers:

    1. central vein,
    2. polyethylene foam insulation,
    3. external conductor screen made of aluminum foil and braid,
    4. shell made of polyvinyl chloride.

    The market offers a large selection of cable products of imported and domestic production, of different prices. Budget option increases the risk of low-quality television broadcast; the choice of expensive products is not always justified from a technical point of view. The performance characteristics of an expensive cable may not be much higher than that of an average-priced analogue. It is much more important to study the basic technical parameters proposed purchase:

    • resistance and attenuation,
    • core material,
    • braid composition and density,
    • shell quality,
    • diameter.

    Marking on the outer covering

    Many of these criteria can be determined from the information posted on the shell. It is applied every meter, and its presence is mandatory. According to the standard, the data is indicated in the following order:

    1. manufacturer,
    2. brand in alphanumeric designation,
    3. number of screen conductor cores,
    4. quality,
    5. wave resistance,
    6. footage

    On the shell it may look like this: CABLETECH RG-6U/48 HIGH QUALITY COAXIAL CABLE 75 OHM 0.66 M. More detailed information can be extracted from the technical documentation included with the cable.

    Characteristic impedance

    Any television device used in everyday life is designed for a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms. The purchased television cable must have appropriate resistance. If this indicator is higher, the quality of the broadcast will deteriorate significantly or it will be unsuitable for transmission TV signal. Along with resistance important characteristic is the attenuation at the corresponding frequency and length. The lower this indicator is, the better the television broadcast will be.

    Center conductor

    The conductor material has a direct impact on the signal. Manufacturers use copper, copper-coated or tin-coated steel to make it. The preferred option would be a copper core, which is guaranteed to provide excellent reception, but will be more expensive. A steel conductor has a lower price, but the transmission may not be the best. The material of the conductor can be easily determined by the cut; for a steel core it will be silver in color.

    The thickness of the core affects the television image and its transmission range. A larger diameter will mean less resistance, which means a greater transmission range without interference or loss of stability. The downside of thickening is a decrease in flexibility.

    A single-core cable is usually used to connect the antenna. If a large number of bends are expected horizontally and vertically, then you can use multi-core with greater flexibility and resistance to metal fatigue. In this case, the signal quality may suffer.

    Braid material and density (conductor-screen)

    The best material for its manufacture is copper. It is most effective in protecting the signal from external electromagnetic interference. Next important indicator there will be a number of fine hairs in the braid, intertwined in a certain way. The greater their number, the less external interference the design transmits and the better television broadcast. The maximum number of such cores in a braid can reach up to 100.

    A sign of a quality product will be the presence of an aluminum foil screen under the braid. It protects conductors from mutual interference and internal interference. In technical documentation, the effectiveness of the conductor-screen is designated as noise immunity. For the good ones antenna cables it must be at least 80%.

    Shell quality

    The outer shell is usually made of elastic plastic and protects the internal structure from damage. The insulation must be solid, resistant to external influences, and moderately elastic to allow bending without damaging the outer layer. It is not difficult to check it, just try to pick off the shell with your fingernail and if there is even a slight detachment of the insulation, then it is better to put such a product aside.


    In the store you can purchase products of different thicknesses. The value of this indicator has a direct impact on the permissible bending radius. A cable with a diameter of 6 mm usually has a bend of 70 mm; its counterparts with a smaller diameter bend with a smaller radius. This indicator should be taken into account if the laying perimeter is too complex, with a large number of bends and narrow openings. But for wiring from the antenna to the TV under standard conditions, a thickness of at least 6 mm is recommended. It is better suited for connection to standard connectors and sockets, and installation is not much more difficult than working with a thinner analogue.

    Where are we today without TV? In many homes, this electrical appliance has become practically a member of the family. We enjoy watching colorful TV shows, documentaries about nature or science, music concerts, box-office films and much, much more. Naturally, we want the picture our pet produces to be as beautiful and high-quality as the one we saw when purchasing it in the store.

    But often the image of the house is strikingly different in the worst side, and many users simply don’t realize that it’s enough to just run correct connection, and the picture will “come to life”. The article will tell uninitiated people which television cable is better, how to choose it correctly, and how to connect.

    Of course, we twisted our hearts a little when we said that for good image All you need to do is choose the right cable. In fact, more important role plays a role in the quality of the received image—its resolution.

    But, nevertheless, this does not detract from the merits of the wires, since if you install an inappropriate cable on a high-quality signal, all you will see is the maximum throughput of the selected option, that is, the image will become worse. We will reveal this dependence in more detail throughout the article.

    Today there are two types of broadcast signals: analog and digital. We won’t go into physics and just outline the main difference.

    Their transmission principle is similar, and some cables are capable of transmitting both signals. The main difference is that digital signal is rectangular, and conveys only two possible values: one of them corresponds to zero, and the second to one.

    That is, all information is transmitted in the form binary code, like in a computer. Thanks to this, it is possible to cut off all the interference that abounds in the analog signal, and transmit the picture with sound in original quality. In addition, the analog signal transmits a lot unnecessary information, which reduces throughput cable data.

    All this does not mean that an analog connection cannot transmit a high-quality signal. In some situations, the use of such wires is preferable to their modern competitor. Let's list all the analog cables used so far and figure out how to connect them

    Coaxial cable

    Here is a standard television cable, which everyone, without exception, is probably familiar with.

    It is made in the form of a round elastic wire, which consists of:

    • Central vein;
    • A dielectric, which acts as an internal insulator and envelops the central core along its entire length;
    • Shielded interlayer - not all cables have it, as this increases the price per linear meter of the product.
    • External conductor;
    • An insulating sheath that protects the cable from damage.

    This cable is used not only in television equipment, but also in communications, and even for military equipment. It can transmit both types of signals and has not lost its relevance for many years in a row.

    In modern television systems, in addition to connecting external antennas, it is used: when connecting a satellite dish to the receiver; at serial connection several receivers; on cable television. Consequently, the picture quality in all these cases will depend entirely on the coaxial cable.

    Which coaxial cable worthy of the end consumer's attention? To answer this question, you need to know all the basic technical specifications this product, and what external factors worth considering when choosing.

    From this video you will learn how to choose the right TV cable.

    Let's outline the main points:
    • Cable resistance - as we remember from school physics course, resistance is measured in Ohms. For good home cable this parameter must be at least 75 ohms. This value is marked on the cable itself, and can simply indicate specific figure, or be encrypted, for example, RK – 75.75.

    Advice! If you see a cable with one of the following markings - RG -6, RG -59, RG -11 - then you can safely purchase them, as they meet all the requirements for home television systems.

    • Signal attenuation indicator - any television channel broadcasts on its own non-repeating frequency. Accordingly, each of them has its own level of signal attenuation - for some it is higher, for others it is the opposite. Therefore, you should purchase a cable with the lowest loss level, which is measured in dB/100m.
    • Next, you should think about where the TV will be located and what route you are going to take to connect the wires to it. If a significant part of the cable (outside the window does not count) runs along the street, then it is worth choosing an option that is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity. To avoid mistakes, choose thicker wires with dense braiding, a powerful core, layers of carbon and various impregnations.
    • Not every coaxial cable is suitable for transmitting a satellite signal. If your version has a central core less than 1 mm in diameter, then interference is inevitable. And all due to the fact that in addition to the signal, power for the convectors passes through it.
    • It is better if the cable cores are made of copper.
    • Choose options with a durable shell. Color doesn't matter.
    • A layer of foil and dense braiding is required.

    Now, regarding cable routing:

    • It is possible to lay a coaxial cable next to power lines only if its thickness is at least 6 mm;
    • The cable must not be bent more than 90 degrees, otherwise the dielectric shells may be damaged;
    • The length is selected individually, depending on current needs;
    • Use connectors and splitters to route the cable. Don't make homemade connections.

    These tips will be useful to you to answer the question of how to improve your cable television signal. Now let's figure out how to mount a connector on a cable with your own hands. Here are instructions and photos on the topic.

    • To begin, remove about two centimeters of the outer insulator;
    • Then cut off the braid and internal dielectric, leaving about 5 mm at the base;
    • Take a connector - in our case this is an option designed for satellite receiver, which has a screw thread for connection.

    • Place the connector on the end of the cable;

    • The connector will be tight to fit, so apply some force to make sure it fits snugly;

    Well, to make the connection stronger and not fall apart during operation (the receiver can be moved to another place), reinforce it with regular electrical tape.

    Perhaps we have allocated too much space for of this cable, but it is still the most universal of all solutions.

    Tulips are not only flowers

    All the cables that we will consider below are used to connect equipment indoors. It is impossible to purchase them as moldings and mount the connector yourself. And the first on our list will be, perhaps, the most popular option - a composite RCA jack cable. In Russia it is better known as “tulip” or “bell”.

    The cable has three cores, each containing a standard RCA male plug at the end, which looks like a contact pin protruding forward, surrounded by a round rim of metal. The mating connector (“female”) is located on the contact panel of the connected equipment and has a diameter of 8 mm.

    One core is intended for transmitting a video signal, and the remaining two are for stereophonic.

    The image quality that this connector is capable of transmitting is quite good - it is quite capable of handling a 480p signal with minor losses in quality. The disadvantage is that the composite mixes signals together thanks to multiplexing technology, which is why the quality of the restored image deteriorates compared to the original. Such signals, when mixed, create the effect of blurring shades and primary colors along the boundaries of objects - the picture turns out to be slightly blurry.

    Often, manufacturers of television systems complete the equipment with low-quality cable products (to reduce the cost of finished products). Consumers often complain about weak signal and interruptions in work in bad weather conditions. With what for satellite television better, you need to figure it out before purchasing.

    General view of coaxial cable

    For a standard antenna with a frequency of up to 2.1 GHz, models with a resistance of 75 Ohms are suitable (all TVs, amplifiers and splitters operate on this parameter) such as RG 6U, SAT 50, SAT 703B and DG 113. Each has similar basic characteristics, but at the same time the cost they are very different. The higher the cost of the product, the less signal loss. The next difference is the scope. For the right choice product, it is necessary to understand what characteristics the cable network should have.


    Coaxial cable is the most common type for construction television networks. Each TV device is equipped with a corresponding connector. Doesn't have the best characteristics. Great for connecting home TV antennas to TVs.

    The design of coaxial wires is such that the elements of the electromagnetic field are always located between the conductors, and are completely isolated from each other. This guarantees absolute protection from the influence of external electromagnetic waves and eliminates losses of the electromagnetic field due to radiation. The signal is transmitted through the internal conductor.

    It consists of three wires: one transmits video signals, the second right and third left - stereo signals. Designed for connecting video equipment (recorders, players), game consoles first generations to TV monitors and televisions. This type The cable can only transmit analog signals. Connection to devices occurs in accordance with the color of the cords and connectors on the TV.

    Composite cable for connecting video equipment

    Component cable

    New generation product. This type is capable of transmitting a digital satellite TV signal. All three conductors can transmit images. The kit always includes a set for connecting audio tracks. Connections to TV devices must be made by color.

    HDMI, DVI cables

    Designed for transmitting video signals high resolution. If your TV device is equipped with special HDMI connectors, then it is advisable to connect antennas to them, because The image quality here will be the best. HDMI literally translates to multimedia interface high definition. DVI – digital video (the conductor does not transmit sound). For audio tracks HDMI connector is used. Products are widely used in computer technologies, for connecting modern video consoles and other gaming equipment.


    All television conductors have a similar design.

    The cable consists of several elements:

    • an inner conductor of single core, stranded wire, copper tube or coiled copper wire;
    • insulation made of polyethylene, foamed polyvinyl chloride, fluoroplastic or an air gap, which can ensure the immobility of the internal and external conductor;
    • external conductor - foil, metal braid, covered with a layer of aluminum film, corrugated tube and turns of metal wire (aluminum or copper alloy, copper);
    • outer shell made of light-stabilized polyethylene (resistant to ultraviolet radiation), fluoroplastic tape and polyvinyl chloride.

    Coaxial and other TV wires are round. Standard range diameters range from 4 to 8 mm. Models with larger or smaller diameters are less popular.

    Packaging of cable products

    The presence of foil indicates the high quality of the product. The braid is a mesh of metal wire woven crosswise.


    Before you start choosing cable products and fittings, you need to decide what kind of TV system you will have at home: digital television or ethereal. They operate in different frequency ranges. If you install a system for terrestrial television, then satellite will not work at such frequencies or will work, but with great interference. What you should pay attention to:

    • The characteristic impedance of the structure must be at least 75 Ohms. This is the minimum value at which a signal is received without interference.
    • The cut should clearly show the central and outer core, two screens (aluminum foil and metal braid). The foil layer should be dense, overlapped; if the edges lag behind the shell, this indicates that the product is of poor quality.
    • In the design, the insulation must be as dense as possible and have a large diameter so that rainwater and snow cannot get inside. Otherwise, the TV network will need to be replaced within a few months.
    • The braid must be made with high quality. Otherwise, there will be interference when watching channels in bad weather.
    • The optimal diameter is 6-7 mm. It is quite enough for a standard set of programs.
    • The central core can be made of copper or a metal alloy. There is no fundamental difference in this parameter. Only personal preferences of each master and cost. Alloy cores are cheaper, but at the same time they are practically not inferior in signal quality to those made of copper.
    • It is recommended to lay wires for digital TV in a house (apartment), because... it transmits more waves across all frequency ranges than others.
    • The minimum permissible wire diameter is 3.5 mm. The larger the diameter value, the larger the reception range. If you already have a small-diameter conductor, then it is advisable to purchase a head station and an amplifier in order to reduce losses and increase the efficiency of the installation.
    • You should not purchase products with one shielding layer. Such models do not comply with signal transmission standards. The picture quality will be very low.
    • In quality TV wire There must be 2 shielding layers - foil and copper braid.
    • If coaxial or other wires will be used in a region with difficult weather conditions, then an excellent option would be a model with impregnation that protects the internal layers from temperature changes, frequent snow and rain.
    • You should choose products from well-known brands that have positively proven themselves in the television network market: Belden, Mediaflex, Commscope.
    • If the installation involves laying two cables in parallel, then models with a diameter of at least 10 mm and with special protection against radio interference are required.

    Popular models


    RG-6U is the most popular due to its acceptable characteristics and low cost. Excellent for replacing old RK cable networks. The only drawback is that it quickly breaks down when working outdoors.

    Pay attention! For indoor installation, models with white insulation are needed; for external networks, they are suitable with black insulation, with higher technical characteristics.


    • RG-6U is manufactured with a copper inner conductor, double shielded.
    • The insulation consists of film-porous polyethylene.
    • The external conductor element is an aluminum tape in a tinned copper braid.
    • Shell – white or black polyethylene, 0.95 mm thick.

    General view of the RG-6U cable

    SAT 50

    SAT 50 – higher quality type satellite wire. Counts complete analogue cable system SAT 703, but less expensive.

    Brief characteristics of SAT 50:

    • purpose – antenna cable;
    • internal conductor element – ​​copper, 1 mm in diameter;
    • shielding – double (aluminum/polyester) in copper braid;
    • outer shell – polyvinyl chloride improved quality(light stabilized);
    • wave resistance – 75 mm;
    • service life – 15 years (subject to use at home).

    General view of the SAT 50 cable

    RG-6U differs from SAT 50 in braiding, internal core thickness and cost. On average, in stores the price for SAT 50 is 20% more than for RG-6U.

    For the construction of a small television home network, as a rule, choose the less expensive option. If the housing is located in a region with severe climatic conditions, then it is better to buy more expensive model, which has higher characteristics.

    • The circuits of coaxial wires are located away from electrical appliances - washing machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens and irons.
    • Joint installation with low-current circuits (Internet, alarm, telephony) is allowed.
    • During installation, it is necessary to strive to reduce connections and solders of cable products. The best option is to lay single pieces of cable. Additional connections reduce signal quality.
    • For branching, it is necessary to use factory-made splitters.
    • Intersections and bends of conductors must be performed strictly at right angles.
    • The sections from the main panel to the branching devices are carried out in wide channels (to make it possible to increase the load on the apartment or house in the future).
    • When purchasing, you should take into account the additional cost of satellite wiring for descents, ascents and bends.
    • In the switchboard, coaxial television cables are connected exclusively by soldering. Conductor exposure should always be reduced.
    • Amplifiers and splitters are installed in easily accessible but protected places for ease of maintenance. The elements are placed in special boxes made of self-extinguishing plastic.

    Additional devices

    An additional device for constructing systems is a splitter, which is needed to supply a signal to the apartment. Installing several splitters makes it possible to distribute the wire to all rooms. Amplifiers are installed before the splitters. They are designed, based on the name, to amplify the input and transmitting signals.