• What is a network card for a computer? Computer network card

    Hello dear visitors.

    Today we’ll talk about another piece of hardware, and more specifically about what a network card is. You work at a company where you have installed corporate communications between computers? Then you should learn more about the network adapter, since this is what serves link between office computers.

    Let's get to know each other better

    Not with me, but with the network card, of course.

    On English it is called “network interface controller/card” (NIC), that is, “controller or card network interface" Also, according to the technology that is used in the operation of the device, it has another name - Ethernet adapter.

    So that you understand its essence, I will decipher the first word: “ether” is translated as “ether”, and network is “network, circuit”. The concept itself means a family of technologies for packet transmission of information among networks of computers.

    The network card is designed to create local networks between computers and/or connect them to the Internet. IN lately this is organized using special cable- an eight-core twisted pair cable equipped with an “8P8C” connector, that is, it has 8 conductors in the same number of places for them.

    Connect such a pair to modern network and a new model card, and you will get speeds from 100 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit (Gigabit).

    This technology is called Gigabit Ethernet, which is now relatively popular. Among its main competitors: optical fiber, Docsis (connection of computers using TV cable) And DSL technology(use telephone cable).

    Also, the connection can be made using the transceiver’s 15-pin AUI connector for thick coaxial cable or a BNC connector for the same cable, only thin.

    Types of network cards

    The main criterion by which Ethernet adapters are distinguished is their method of connection to the computer:

    Basic parameters

    Are you thinking about buying a network card? When choosing, consider not only the cable types and interface, but also the following characteristics:

    • Bit capacity ( throughput tires). It comes in 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits. IN regular computers As a rule, the device is installed at 32 bits, and in server rooms - the maximum volume. You have absolutely old computer and operating system? Then it might be worth looking at 16 or even 8-bit boards.
    • Controller microcircuit (chip). The most reliable are the third generation adapters, based on integrated circuits(ASIC). High-quality chipsets are now produced by brands such as Rialtek, Intel, Broadcom, etc.
    • Data transfer rate. It starts from 10 Mbit/s and can reach 100 Gbit. But don't chase the highest score. It may be that your hardware is not capable of handling such speed.

    What card is on your computer?

    Can't answer this question? Then we'll find out now. We go along the path Start - Control Panel - Device Manager (if you have Wimdows). You can find it in the System and Security menu - System. Find the one you need among the devices available on your computer.

    In principle, I think I wrote everything in detail.

    You now have basic knowledge of network cards. Come back to me for more information.

    See you soon, and don't forget to subscribe to blog updates.

    To begin with, you should know that there are 2 types of network adapters, built-in and discrete (coming as a separate module). The advantage of these is their independence from the motherboard, which allows you not to spend extra money if your computer is repaired.

    As some users recommend to buy good adapter, it’s enough to take a well-known brand; you shouldn’t even pay attention to little-known ones. But there are still a few pitfalls that will make the purchase in vain. We'll talk about these below.

    What is a network adapter or network controller?

    A network adapter is an additional device with which computers organize high-speed wired channel on the Internet. Like devices, the adapter runs under the control of an OS driver, which allows you to configure functions.

    Nowadays, every computer or laptop comes with a built-in adapter, which means you don't have to select these devices separately if you want to choose a computer.

    There are also wireless adapters or WiFi adapters specially made to accept wireless signal router or any device broadcasting the Internet. Such devices are connected via USB or PCI. At the same time, they have significant limitations in throughput. At least this is true for the old USB 2.0 interface - its limitation is 12 Mbit/s. Therefore, consider the choice USB network adapter It is only worth it as a last resort, when there are no more options left to organize a connection to the network.

    For those who do not want to delve into all the nuances and features and study the characteristics of devices, we have prepared ratings of popular network cards based on user reviews.
    But we still recommend reading the article to form your own opinion and choose devices based on the parameters you need.

    PCI network adapters for desktop computers

    USB-ethernet adapters for laptops

    Main characteristics of network cards

    Network cards are characterized by the following properties:

    What types of network cards are there based on connection method?

      • 1. PCI
      • A common type of network card, standard for most computers. They themselves are reliable and better than built-in cards.
      • The abbreviation stands for (PeripheralComponentInterconnect), or in Russian: the relationship of peripheral components.

    Connects directly to the motherboard.

    Network adapter speed

    Internet speed does not fully depend on what is provided to you by your provider. It is important what network adapter you have and how the device is connected to the Internet.

    So, if you have a direct Internet connection via twisted pair, then the default settings are 10 Mbit/s.

    If you have access to the Internet at high speed, but your computer is old and you have not purchased an external network adapter, then you will notice the standard 10 Mbit/s. In order not to darken your mood and not pay big money for not fast internet, you need in the settings to network connection adjust the speed, but first you will have to buy a network adapter with good bandwidth, since the old built-in one may not be designed for such speeds.

    Which network card to choose for a laptop?

    Note that it is better not to choose a built-in network card for a laptop if you do not understand it. It is more difficult to choose one for a laptop due to the features of portable connectors. In this case, it’s easier to give away the laptop knowledgeable people who will do everything for you.

    If you don’t want to spend money on repairs or look for a good repairman, then use a USB card as an option. As the name implies, connect to a USB connector, connect a twisted pair cable to the card, configure and you're done! But the catch is that then the laptop cannot be connected to WiFI.

    Which network card should I choose for my computer?

    There are a couple of things to remember when choosing cards:

    • Don't buy little-known brands. If you do not care about the manufacturer or characteristics, it is enough to purchase a product from a well-known company, then the chance of making a mistake with the purchase is minimal;
    • Check compatibility withPCI bus. Find out what scheme the computer is designed according to. And it is important to know what connection options exist, otherwise the card will turn out to be incompatible with the bus.

    Otherwise there are no differences. The main thing is to know that a PCI card has an advantage over a built-in card, due to the fact that if the latter breaks down you will have to tinker, and the fault will cause damage to the motherboard. This will not happen with PCI, it will take the blow and replacement will be easy.

    So what is a network card? Network card it is part of the computer's hardware configuration. This device allows us to connect a computer to a network and provides interaction with it. Network cards are often called network interface cards, network adapters, or LAN adapters.

    Network cards were originally additional component, which could be purchased and installed on a computer not immediately, but after some time. However, today it has become obvious that network cards are a standard computer component that is installed in most laptops and computers sold.

    Often, they are integrated into motherboards or other devices during the manufacturing process. If the card is installed in computer system, then it detects itself when connected to the network by small flickering LEDs, which are located at the network connector.

    Network Card Identification

    Any network card must be unique, so they are equipped with an address, which is abbreviated as MAC. It can be used to identify any computer transmitting data over the network.

    What is a wireless network card

    Nowadays, with the help of network cards, you can connect computers using a cable (physical) connection, or you can do without it altogether, using the so-called wireless interface. When using a cable connection, you usually choose a standard network port, which has an RJ-45 format connector. For wireless connection The use of different physical ports and interfaces to the network is not required.

    Operating principle wireless card pretty simple. Responsible for receiving and transmitting data from the Internet wireless modem. Data from your ISP will be sent to the external port (cable input) wireless router, after which they will be converted into a radio signal, which will be transmitted over the air via an antenna. If wireless network cards are within range of the router's transmitter, they will receive the signal and then convert it into an electronic one, computer understandable signal.

    In any case, besides the fact that the wireless network card does not require physical contact with it, its configuration is no different from the usual one. Both wireless and wired cards currently allow almost the same data transfer speed.

    Appearance of a classic adapter

    Physically, the adapter is a board with microcircuits and connectors. Despite the fact that many modern models these devices are integrated into motherboard and, in fact, they are a set of chips and a connector located in a convenient place; they still continue to be called cards. There are also names such as network adapter and network card. The device can convert electrical signal, coming from the connected cable into data that the computer can understand.

    How network cards work

    The adapter is on the second, link level OSI models. In order for the operating system to know how to interact with the network card, driver installation is required. They are usually supplied with the device or are available on the manufacturer's official website. Many Windows versions are able to pick up adapters installed in the system without installation additional drivers. As for Linux distributions, then almost all of them are able to work with the adapter out of the box.

    Why do you need a network card in a computer, and how does it work? When receiving data, the card receives a set of signals, as a result of which it converts it to a certain sequence of bits. Then there is a check checksum this piece of data. If it matches, then they are placed in RAM. If not, they are discarded and an error is reported. When transferring data to the cable, all steps are performed in reverse order. It is worth noting that network adapter manufacturers, in order to make them less expensive, shift many tasks onto the shoulders of drivers. In server solutions, network cards may have their own processor, which is itself responsible for processing, encrypting and converting signals.

    A little educational background: OSI is a generally accepted model and international standard, according to which protocols and devices are developed. It has 7 levels, each of which implements its own task. A short list of them looks like this: physical (cables, radio channels), channel (network cards, DSL), network (routers), transport ( TCP protocols, UDP), session (exchange and maintenance information flows), representation (data transformation), applied ( HTTP protocols, FTP, bitTorrent).

    Main characteristics of network cards

    The adapters have quite a lot of characteristics. But for home use most of them are useless. Therefore, let’s consider those points that, one way or another, significantly affect the price and scope of use:

    • baud rate. Almost everything modern devices, even those that cost 500 rubles can support a transfer speed of 1 Gigabit. Therefore, there is no significant difference here. However, it is worth paying attention to this parameter;
    • interface or connection type. This is how the network card will connect to your computer. There are currently three dominant connection types on the market: USB, PCI and PCI-E;
    • number of RJ-45 connectors. If you plan to use a computer to transmit the Internet over the next link of the network, or you simply need a local network, then you should take a closer look at models that have 2 or more connectors on board;
    • card profile. There is a misconception that a low profile card, or Low Profile, means it only takes up one slot. This is wrong. Low profile in networking as well as video cards means the width of the board. Speaking in simple words, this is the height of the map above motherboard. Although almost all network cards are low-profile, if the space inside system unit not enough, you need to choose a device marked Low Profile.

    All other characteristics are not so important, and in most cases they can be neglected.

    Types of network cards by connection method

    Previously, we touched a little on the topic of connecting adapters. Let's look at it in more detail. Split all similar devices There are three large types: integrated, internal and external.

    Integrated or built-in

    Probably the most common type. They are chips mounted on the motherboard. Accordingly, on back panel All necessary connectors have been installed. Most modern motherboards come with this type of network adapter. It is worth noting that Wi-Fi modules are also network cards for a computer, however, they are usually called that way - “ Wi-Fi module", of course, if it is not integrated.

    Internal PCI and PCI-E network cards

    These devices are separate boards that are mounted in specific connectors or buses. The most common ones are PCI and PCI-E. The first form factor is gradually becoming obsolete and giving way to PCI-E. But such cards can still be found on the market. PCI-E can have different lengths. But when specifying characteristics, this parameter is usually discarded, since it is standardized.

    PCI and PCI-E are easy to distinguish

    It is worth mentioning separately the PCMCIA standard. This specification was developed as an expansion module and was very widely used in laptops of the past. With its help it was possible to connect not only network cards, but also many types of other equipment. Today this standard is practically not supported.

    External USB network cards

    A relatively new trend in the adapter market. Represents external device, connection to USB port. Externally it looks like a flash drive. All microcircuits are hidden in a neat case. In the simplest case, it may have one RJ-45 connector. A very convenient and compact type of network card.

    What does a network card look like and where is it located in a computer?

    Finding a built-in network card in a computer is not so difficult. The board that has an RJ-45 connector, a standard connector for almost all Internet providers, will be a network one. In addition, many devices are equipped LED indicators work.

    How to find out the network card of a computer if it is integrated? It also has an RJ-45 connector on the back of the system unit, however, the chip itself can be soldered anywhere on the motherboard. To find it, you will have to refer to the schematic map, which usually comes with the motherboard.

    What is a network card in a laptop? In most cases, this is a separate Wi-Fi chip and a separate Ethernet. If the first one stands out noticeably, then the second one may be a very tiny chip somewhere on the back of the motherboard.

    How to configure a computer's network card

    You need to configure the adapter based on your needs. So, in most cases, once installed and connected, it should work out of the box. Quite often you have to change the settings for obtaining an IP address. There are two types: receiving an address automatically and manually specifying it. In most cases, the automatic option is sufficient. You can check which mode is installed or change it by going to the Control Panel of the Start menu.

    Here you need to find “Network and Sharing Center” shared access" and click on the link "Connect via local network».

    Current connection status window

    A status window will appear in which we are interested in the “Properties” button. In the new window that opens, select “Internet Protocol Version 4” and click on the “Properties” button again.

    Among the protocols you need TCP/IP version 4 or 6

    The next window will prompt you to select the option of obtaining an IP address by setting the switch to the desired mode.

    In most cases, the IP address is assigned automatically, so there is hardly any need to configure it

    In a special publication we will talk about Wi-Fi routers. You will find out which router Wifi is better, their technical specifications, how to connect yourself and check out the prices.

    What to do if the computer does not see the network card

    Quite a common problem. It can be solved in various ways, depending on the situation. Let's consider solutions for integrated and internal maps. A situation where the computer does not see the card can arise for several reasons:

    • the device is disabled in the BIOS;
    • drivers are not installed;
    • physical malfunction.

    In all other situations, the card should appear in the device manager at least as unidentified device, which will allow you to install the drivers. The Onboard H/W LAN item is responsible for disabling the network card in the BIOS. It must be in Enabled mode. Interestingly, here in the BIOS, sometimes it helps to detect a card by disabling the Green LAN item. This is not a universal approach, since different models On motherboards, these items may be completely absent.

    Standard for most mother cards BIOS

    As such, the lack of drivers will usually still allow the network adapter to be detected in Device Manager. If the card is built-in, then for detection you will need to install the motherboard drivers. If in laptops this is very simple, by finding the required driver package according to the device model, then for stationary systems you will have to accurately determine the motherboard model and download drivers from the official website.


    Always download drivers only from official developer sites. This will prevent the penetration of viruses and malware into your system and use the most recent version of the software.

    Regarding physical malfunction, then nothing can be done about it. Especially if the card is built-in. All that remains is to buy a new external or internal one.

    How to choose a network card for your computer

    Basically, the choice of cards for a computer comes from a range of PCI models. You can, of course, look towards USB, but why occupy an external connector in a stationary device if you can carefully install the board inside? PCI may also be different. Specifically, PCI is an earlier connection format various devices. PCI-E is now more common. Its main difference is higher throughput. Therefore, before purchasing, it is advisable to find out exactly what connectors are available on the motherboard, and based on this, choose a network device. By the way, most network cards have a PCI-E x1 connector, that is, with one line.

    On the market network equipment The brand is no less important. Nowadays, it’s probably only lazy people who don’t produce network adapters. Among the assortment you can find both well-known brands and semi-basement Chinese nonames. Naturally, the quality and reliability of work will be higher for reputable and expensive cards. But you can find golden mean, choosing an inexpensive, possibly Chinese, but factory-made copy. We will review popular manufacturing companies a little later.

    As for speed, then regular user is unlikely to feel the difference between Gigabit and 100 Mbits per second. Unless he plans to transmit large files a lot on the local network. Given the current technologies of Internet providers, buying a network adapter with speeds above 100 megabits is hardly the optimal solution. Network cards for a computer with Wi-Fi are more sensitive to parameters such as speed, ability to operate in multiple frequencies, and supported protocols.

    How to choose a network card for a laptop

    The era of cards with a PCMCIA connector is over. It is very difficult to find such devices on the market now. Therefore, the solution for laptops is network cards with USB connector. The only noticeable difference between them is the version of the USB interface. Here the higher the better. But do not forget that the port on the laptop must be the same version for full compatibility and to unlock the full potential of the device.

    How to install a network card on a computer

    Install USB adapter It’s very easy to connect to your computer – just plug it in and you’re done. Therefore, we will consider the option of installing an internal adapter. Before connecting the network card to the computer, you need to remove the plug on the back of the system unit opposite the corresponding PCI or PCI-E connector. Then you just need to carefully insert the device into the slot and tighten the mounting plate with a screw. All. Naturally, the entire operation must be carried out with the computer turned off.

    Manufacturers of popular cards and their products

    When you mention network cards, several manufacturers come to mind, whose names are always heard: Intel, Tp-Link, D-Link, HP, gembird and others. Since network cards do not have any special advanced functionality, let’s take a quick look at the manufacturers and look at their devices.

    Intel EXPI9301CT

    Intel can produce not only processors, but also network adapters and many other devices

    Gigabit low-profile network adapter from a well-known company. It has 1 RJ-45 connector and works with all known operating systems. Connection type: PCI-E. You can buy such a network card for a computer for 2,000 rubles.

    Here's what users say about it.

    Review of Intel EXPI9301CT

    More details on Yandex Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/4762772/reviews?track=tabs

    TP-Link TG-3468

    Budget option from TP-Link

    Gigabit option from budget segment worth 500 rubles. Connection bus – PCI-E. There is 1 RJ-45 connector. From additional features We can highlight support for Wake-on-Lan.

    Review of TP-Link TG-3468

    More details on Yandex Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/3530612/reviews?track=tabs

    D-Link DUB-E100

    Compact and convenient device

    Simple USB adapter. Maximum speed data transfer - 100 Mbit/s. USB version - 2.0. Supported by all known operating systems. There is one connector for connection. The adapter costs 800 rubles.

    Review of D-Link DUB-E100

    More details on Yandex Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/811694/reviews?track=tabs

    3COM 3C905C-TX-M

    Classic network adapters

    A regular 100 Mbit/s adapter with a PCI bus. 1 RJ-45 connector. Not all operating systems are supported. The cost of the device is 3,000 rubles.

    Review of 3COM 3C905C-TX-M

    More details on Yandex Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/804511/reviews?track=tabs

    ASUS NX1101

    Low profile helps save space for other indoor modules

    Card from Asus at 1000 Mbit/s. Used for connection PCI bus. RJ-45 connector − 1. The device costs 930 rubles.

    Review of ASUS NX1101

    More details on Yandex Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/968961/reviews?track=tabs

    Apple MD463ZM/A

    Apple has its own connection standards

    Product-oriented device Apple. Accordingly, instead of a USB port, it uses its own Thunderbolt interface. The data transfer speed is stated to be up to 1 Gigabit. There is 1 type of RJ-45 connector. The adapter costs 2,100 rubles.

    Review of Apple MD463ZM/A

    More details on Yandex Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/8356351/reviews?track=tabs

    Acorp L-1000S

    Simple externally and internally model

    At one time, Acorp was one of the leaders in the production of network equipment, in particular Dial-up modems. This map is a network adapter with PCI interface 2.3. The data transfer speed is 1 Gigabit. To connect the cable, 1 RJ-45 port is used. Wake-on-LAN option available. The adapter costs only 370 rubles.

    Review of Acorp L-1000S

    More details on Yandex Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/974078/reviews?track=tabs

    ST Lab U-790

    This model can be put in your pocket and taken with you on the road.

    A simple 1000 Mbps network adapter. Connects via USB version 3.0. There is 1 RJ-45 connector for the cable. All are supported modern systems. You can buy a card for 1,500 rubles.

    ST Lab U-790

    More details on Yandex Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/9332263/reviews?track=tabs

    Zyxel GN680-T

    Zyxel, or in common parlance “Zukhel”, is reliable and easy to use

    Gigabit card on PCI 2.3. One RJ-45 connector and Wake-on-LAN. Large list supported operating systems. The cost is 1,300 rubles.

    Review of Zyxel GN680-T

    More details on Yandex Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/2066600/reviews?track=tabs

    5Bites UA2-45-02

    The model can be presented in two colors: black and white

    Quite simple and budget device. Its cost is only 400 rubles. For that kind of money, the user will receive 100 Mbit/s, a USB 2.0 interface and 1 RJ-45 port. Almost all systems are supported.

    Review of 5Bites UA2-45-02

    A computer network card (Ethernet adapter, Network-adapter) is needed in order to receive an Internet signal. It can be built into the motherboard or removable. Knowing the brand of the network card is necessary to replace it or install drivers. We will tell you where to find your computer's network card in this article.

    The easiest way to find out the Internet adapter and not harm your computer is through Device Manager. You can enter it in different ways. Let's look at the fastest one first. So, double-click on the “Computer” icon on the desktop or go through the “Start” menu to the same section. A window opened with hard drives. We are not interested in them now. We look up the screen to the blue stripe. We see buttons, including “System Properties”, click it. A system information window appears, by examining which you will learn about the main characteristics of your computer. Now click on the “Device Manager” button located in the left top corner. The treasured window has opened where you can see all the computer parts.

    The second way to enter the dispatcher is through the control panel. Click “Start” and click on the “Control Panel” button. A new window pops up, where we click “Hardware and Sound”.

    In the first tab – Devices and Printers – find the “Device Manager” button and click. The long-awaited window has opened. Among the list of names we look for “ Network adapters", click on this line. The list opens established funds to connect to the Internet. These include not only the network card, but also built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Often, network card manufacturers "Realtek" And "Atheros". In any case, look for a device where there is text “PCIe Controller”.

    You can find out all the information about the Ethernet adapter using a special command. To do this, hold down the buttons Win+R, then enter "cmd" and press OK. In the window that appears, write the command “ipconfig/all” and click Enter. All data about network devices. Look for the item Ethernet adapter. The “Description” line will contain the full name of the network card. When working with command line be careful. Entering another command can have a serious impact on the health of the computer.

    If the computer refuses to cooperate with you and does not show the network card, you will have to remove it and inspect it. This method is only relevant for desktop computers. On the board you will find a sticker with the name, enter it into the search engine. In order for the computer to “see” the device and connect to the Internet, install the drivers. Go to a friend and download software for your network card model. Use only official websites of manufacturers.