• Add sound through the engineering menu. How to control volume on an Android smartphone. How to increase the speaker volume on Android using the built-in menu

    Mobile phones currently sold have many additional functions, such as taking photos and videos, watching videos, listening to radio and music. To increase the volume of the music you listen to on mobile phone, you can use one of several simple ways.


  • First of all, use the equalizer in your mobile phone. All phones that play mp3 files have a player with playback frequency settings. By setting them to maximum, you will achieve a twenty to twenty-five percent increase in volume. Carry out this action, then proceed to the next step.
  • To increase the playback volume, you can change the volume of the source track. To do this, you can use either a program that increases the volume of a number of songs at once, or use a specialized audio editor. The simplest program for increasing the sound of several tracks at once is Mp3Gain. Launch this application, then add tracks intended for playback on your phone to the editing queue. Set the desired volume increase and test the result. After that, apply the setting and save all tracks as copies of the original ones.
  • To edit music using an audio editor, you can use Adobe Audition or Sony Sound Forge. These applications have high functionality and compression quality sufficient for editing without loss of quality. Load the file into the work area and select it. After that, go to the “Effects” menu and select the “Graphic Equalizer” effect. Adjust it so that the frequencies are increased. If you are going to use the melody as a ringtone, you will need to increase the treble and midrange frequencies. After that, apply the changes and use the Volume Up or Normalize effects to increase the playback volume. Increase the volume step by step, by five percent at each step, and listen to the result. After achieving the desired volume, save the track as a copy of the original and copy it to your mobile.
  • Tip added on May 19, 2011 Tip 2: How to turn up the volume on your phone If you receive a call on your phone, but when you answer, you can’t hear your interlocutor well, it’s worth making a number of volume adjustments on your mobile device. There is also an algorithm of actions in order to increase the volume for the best sound music player.


  • Press the "Menu" button on your cell phone.
  • Select the “Settings” tab and press the selection key.
  • Find the next tab “Phone Settings” and press “select” again.
  • Scroll down using the top or bottom arrow on your phone panel and find the Volume & Sound tab.
  • Now move the scale using the arrows to select the volume and click "Save" or apply the settings to your phone.
  • Please note: Never set your phone's ringer and conversation volume to full volume. This is harmful to the human body, and during the conversation, many will be able to hear your dialogue. Useful advice When you receive a call, but when you answer you cannot hear your interlocutor, you can quickly adjust the volume. To do this, press the top side key, which represents the speakers, and you will immediately get the desired result.
    • The forum is discussing the possibility of increasing the volume on the phone.
    How to turn up the volume on your phone - printable version

    Many smartphone users need to increase the sound level on the device. This may be due to either the maximum volume of the phone being too low or due to some kind of breakdown. In this article we will look at the main methods that allow you to perform all sorts of manipulations on the sound of your gadget.

    In total, there are three main methods for manipulating the sound level of a smartphone, there is one more, but it is not applicable to all devices. In any case, each user will find a suitable option for themselves.

    Method 1: Standard volume increase

    This method is known to all phone users. It consists of using the hardware volume up and down buttons. As a rule, they are located on the side panel of the mobile device.

    When you press one of these buttons, a characteristic menu for changing the sound level will appear at the top of the phone screen.

    As you know, the sound of smartphones is divided into several categories: calls, multimedia and alarm. Pressing the hardware buttons changes the type of sound used in the at the moment. In other words, if any video is played, the audio of the media will change.

    It is also possible to adjust all types of sound. To do this, when increasing the volume level, click on the special arrow - as a result, the full list sounds.

    To change sound levels, move the sliders around the screen using regular taps.

    Method 2: Settings

    If the hardware buttons for adjusting the volume level break down, you can perform the same steps as described above using the settings. To do this, follow the algorithm:

    Method 3: Special Applications

    There are cases when it is not possible to use the first methods or they are not suitable. This applies to situations where maximum level The sound that can be achieved in this way is not satisfactory for the user. Then an outsider comes to the rescue software, presented in a fairly wide assortment in the open spaces.

    Some manufacturers have such programs built into them. standard equipment devices. Therefore, it is not always necessary to download them. Directly in this article, as an example, we will look at the process of increasing the sound level using free application Volume Booster GOODEV.

    Method 3: Engineering menu

    Not many people know that almost every smartphone has secret menu, allowing you to perform some manipulations on mobile device, including sound settings. It is called engineering and was created for developers to finalize the device settings.

    1. First you need to get into this menu. Open the set phone number and enter the appropriate code. For devices different manufacturers this combination is different.
    2. Manufacturer Codes
      Samsung *#*#197328640#*#*
      Lenovo ####1111#
      Asus *#15963#*
      Sony *#*#3646633#*#*
      HTC *#*#8255#*#*
      Philips, ZTE, Motorola *#*#13411#*#*
      Acer *#*#2237332846633#*#*
      LG 3845#*855#
      Huawei *#*#14789632#*#*
      Alcatel, Fly, Texet *#*#3646633#*#*
      Chinese manufacturers (Xiaomi, Meizu, etc.) *#*#54298#*#*
    3. After selecting the correct code, it will open engineering menu. Use swipes to go to the section "Hardware Testing" and tap on the item "Audio".
    4. Be careful when working in the engineering menu! Any not correct setting may seriously affect the performance of your device the worst side. Therefore, try to adhere to the algorithm presented below as much as possible.

    5. There are several sound modes in this section, and each can be customized:
      • Normal Mode - normal sound playback mode without using headphones and other things;
      • Headset Mode — mode of operation with connected headphones;
      • LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone;
      • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone with headphones;
      • Speech Enhancement - conversation mode with an interlocutor.
    6. Go to the settings of the required mode. In the points marked in the screenshot, you can increase the current volume level, as well as the maximum allowable one.

    Method 4: Installing the patch

    For many smartphones, enthusiasts have developed special patches, the installation of which allows you to both improve the quality of the reproduced sound and simply increase the playback volume. However, such patches are not so easy to find and install, so inexperienced users It’s better not to take on this matter at all.

    Not all mobile devices reproduce sound equally loudly - for some, the ringing sound of the call is too quiet, while for others, the sound switched to headphones exceeds all permissible limits. How to cope with this imbalance and even out the sound? Is it possible to do this without visiting service center? Let's figure it out.

    Any gadgets running Android OS have such a flexible control system that they can be changed beyond recognition - customized, thereby opening up a wide range of hidden possibilities, and customize any functionality of the system, including sounds. Not all basic assemblies are ideal; sometimes the sound reproduction of the device’s speakers does not work correctly - in some applications it can reach the maximum value, while in others it is barely audible. You can adjust the speakers in the most in various ways– both standard and using a menu of special settings or applications.

    Available in all devices standard key to control the sound - it is usually located on the side panel. By clicking on it you can install required parameter. But if this does not suit you, then you can do this from the main settings menu. Here you can make settings for any application, set a ringtone for a particular contact.

    To change standard sound, you need to do this:

    1. Open the main settings menu and go to the section "Melodies and Sound";
    2. In the right corner, click on the gear icon - you will find yourself in the desired settings section;
    3. Set the desired sound parameters.

    This will result in the same pitch for all apps and calls. But if you need to change specific values, for example, for incoming voice calls or messages, you need to do this in the “Sound Profile” section in each of the desired applications.

    Through the functionality of the engineering menu

    This method is suitable for advanced users who, in case of failure, can return all the standard settings back. But! Each model has its own commands to call this special menu settings:

    • For models from Samsung: *#*#8255#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* ;
    • For gadgets from NTS: *#*#3424#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#* ;
    • Combination for devices manufactured by Sony: *#*#7378423#*#*
    • For devices manufactured by Fly, Alcatel, Philips: *#*#3646633#*#* ;
    • And for gadgets from the manufacturer Huawei, the combination will be: *#*#2846579#*#* ;
    • For devices on MTK: *#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#*.

    After dialing and pressing the dial button, you are taken to the engineering menu, where you can adjust the necessary parameters.

    There are other parameters, but it’s better not to touch them at all:

    • Debug Info – system information about possible debugging;
    • Speech Logger – setting up conversation recording, if you activate this position, then in the root folder you can find a file something like this: Wed_Jun_2014__07_02_23.vm, indicating the date and time of recording;
    • Audio logger – is responsible for searching for recorded conversations.

    Each of these modes has its own fine settings, and to understand what’s what, here is a standard list of sound adjustments Type:

    • Sip – will allow you to regulate calls, for example, via Skype;
    • The Mic button is responsible for adjusting microphone response;
    • Sph – will allow you to set the desired parameter for the conversation dynamics, that is, the one that is brought to the ear;
    • Sph2 - this parameter is not available on all devices, but if it is, then use it to configure the second speaker;
    • Sid - it’s better not to touch this line - otherwise during a conversation you can only hear yourself, and not your interlocutor;
    • Media – this adjusts the sound of multimedia files, for example, video;
    • Ring – the ability to set the desired volume level for incoming calls;
    • FMR - is responsible for the pitch of the sound in the Radio application.

    There are several settings to set the desired sound - from level 0 to level 6. With each press, the level increases, and in order to save the set value, it is erased from the cell and a new one is written, which you see during setup. But! Observe the range: it can range from 0 to 255, and the lower the number, the lower the sound will be reproduced. After making changes, click on the Set button - it is located on the same line as the cell being changed, and exit the settings by pressing the dial button.

    Tips: before changing the default settings, write down all the values ​​on a piece of paper - this may come in handy if you overdo it and set the wrong parameter, for example, too low playback sounds.


    For many users, when recording video, the sound is incorrect, that is, either too quiet or loud. To fix this, go to the engineering menu by typing the command for your smartphone (see above):

    1. Go to the line LoudSpeaker Mode (loudspeaker settings);
    2. Set the microphone sensitivity to mic.
    3. Here you can set the level item to, for example, the value 240. Save the changes with the Set button and exit the menu. You should press this button after each change made, do not forget about it!

    Using special software

    If you don’t want to bother with fine-tuning the device, you can use special applications. You can find a lot of them both in the Google store and on the Internet. What is noteworthy is that the sound can be increased by about a third, and the speakers will work absolutely normally, without wheezing or straining.

    Utilities are recognized as the most popular, and for setting low frequencies best fit .

    But the Android OS version must be higher than 2.3, otherwise they will not be able to perform their functions.

    Everything is very simple, the software works on the same principle - an equalizer appears on the screen, where you can desired setting sound.

    Now you know how to increase the volume on Android or, if necessary, adjust the sound and sensitivity of the speakers.

    Sound - important characteristic any communication device, because a lot depends on it: sufficient volume allows you not to miss a call, and the correct microphone setting gives the interlocutor the opportunity to hear you loudly and clearly. But what if maximum volume Is the sound from your headphones, microphone or speaker not enough? Sound settings change spontaneously, and the maximum volume is limited by an automatic “safe limit”?

    There are several ways to increase the sound volume on Android: using standard means sound control using equalizer programs, as well as through the engineering menu. But first things first.

    An easy way to control the audio level on your phone

    The fastest way to adjust the volume on an Android device is with the Volume+ and Volume- keys, usually located at the end of the device. They are responsible for the volume active mode. If you press a key on the main screen (desktop), the volume of notifications is adjusted; in a game or player, the media volume is adjusted. Most often, in the pop-up window with the volume slider, you can select “More” (usually looks like a down arrow), and adjust the volume of all possible sounds on the device.

    Other settings options are available at: “Settings” menu, “Notifications” item. There are several available to choose from standard profiles sound, you can change the “General” profile to suit yourself.

    Photo gallery: setting up sound on Android in detail for smartphones and tablets

    Setting the ringer volume Setting the volume of media effects The pop-up window can be expanded by clicking on the down arrow
    You must select “notifications” in the menu. The “Notifications” item presents basic sound settings, profiles and alert modes. For detailed settings"General" profile available
    On different models devices additional options sound improvements may vary The number of options, except for the device model, depends on the version of Android

    In addition to the standard settings, in different versions Android can be found and others useful features: options to improve sound for headphones, enhance speaker volume, effects surround sound and others.

    How to improve the quality and volume of sound using programs

    Typically, Android devices have standard applications for sound control - equalizers. But if the manufacturer did not bother to add such a program, or the standard one does not meet all the requirements, download from the official store Play applications Market always has dozens of analogues available for every taste. Let's look at the main ones.

    Volume Booster Plus

    When you need to increase the Android volume level, but there is neither time nor desire to go into the engineering menu, the Volume Booster Plus program will come to the rescue. The lack of Russian language in the interface will not prevent you from using the program: after the first launch, the application will inform you that it will analyze the characteristics of the device and select optimal settings to enhance the sound. To do this: press the Start keys successively, Next twice, then Boost, and then wait for the setup process to complete. The result will be a window with the title Success. All! The device volume is increased by 2 by the specified percentage. You can close the application.

    Photo gallery: setting up sound on Android using Volume Booster Plus

    Increase ringtone volume using Simple EQ

    For detailed sound settings, Simple EQ is one of the simplest free equalizers on Android. Increasing the volume can be achieved by controlling the frequency sliders 60 Hz, 230 Hz and others. Bass and stereo effect enhancement is also available. After the first launch, the program remains running in the background and provides the specified level of volume and sound quality in all usage scenarios.

    In the image: adjusting sound on Android using the Simple EQ Equalizer

    Five frequency levels, “bass” and stereo sound enhancement are available for customization

    You can download the program from official page in the Android app store - download Simple EQ Equalizer.

    How to make a loud call through the engineering menu

    The most advanced volume settings are available through the device's engineering menu.

    Engineering menu (mode) - special service program on devices with operating system"Android". Developers use it to final configure the device, make latest changes, check the work various sensors and perform system testing. The same application is used to receive large quantity system information, and among other things, helps to perform fine tuning sound volume.

    It is worth noting that an ignorant user should not wander around the engineering menu without a clear goal. A careless “poke” or a tick in the wrong place can both format the device and deprive the radio module of its treasured frequencies: the device will stop “catching” the Internet or making calls. But if you do everything according to the instructions and do not deviate from the letter of the manual, you can adjust the sound volume in no time.

    You can enter the engineering menu using the service code or through an intermediary program - MTK Engineering Mode (only for devices on MTK processor).

    You can download the program to enter the engineering menu from a device on an MTK processor from its official page in the Android application store - MTK Engineering Mode.

    Video: How to set up quiet speakers

    Video instructions on how to increase the speaker volume:

    You need to enter the service code in the dialing field (in the “dialer”), which one depends on the device manufacturer.

    Table: service codes for different models of Android devices

    After which the engineering menu will open. In it, swipe from right to left to go to the Hardware Testing page ( Hardware testing) and open the Audio item.

    Photo gallery: how to add sound using the Android service menu

    There are several items in the Audio section, we will focus on the first five:

    • Normal Mode - is responsible for the volume level in normal mode, without headphones or other audio devices;
    • Headset Mode - operating mode with a connected headset (headphones, portable speakers and more);
    • LoudSpeaker Mode - mode speakerphone;
    • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode - hands-free mode with a headset;
    • Speech Enhancement - conversation mode (without a headset).

    Is the music coming from the speaker not loud enough? Your choice is Normal Mode. Can't hear your interlocutor? Click Speech Enhancement. Is the sound from the game wheezing in your headphones at maximum volume? Headset Mode. And so on, depending on the circumstances.

    When you have decided on the mode, tapping on it takes you to a settings page with several values.

    Photo gallery: how to change the sound of a microphone, headphones, strengthen conversational and music speakers on Android

    Type - the list contains the type of equipment being configured, its items mean:

    • Sip - volume of Internet calls;
    • Mic - microphone volume;
    • Sph - speaker volume (for talking on the phone);
    • Sph2 - second earpiece (rare);
    • Sid - do not touch (problems are possible!);
    • Media - playback volume of media files (Music, Games, Video);
    • Ring - ringer volume level;
    • FMR - FM radio volume.

    Next is a list of volume levels - Level, usually there are seven of them. Each level corresponds to one press of the volume key. Level 0 is the quietest, and Level 6 is the loudest signal level. Here you can set your values, in the input cell opposite the inscription “Value is 0~255” (the specified limits may differ from device to device). Accordingly, the lower the value in this cell, the lower the volume. After making changes, you must click the Set button and the settings will be saved.

    The bottom one in the window will be “Max Vol. 0~160", the value in the input field is responsible for the maximum possible volume, one for all Levels.

    Attention! Before changing the default settings, overwrite the factory settings or save screenshots (usually a snapshot can be taken by pressing the Volume Down key and the Power key at the same time) so that if the change is unsuccessful, you can return to the previous settings. It is also highly recommended not to use maximum values: try to limit yourself to an increase of 10–20 points. Otherwise, the risk of speaker failure increases: noise, distortion, complete shutdown speaker or microphone of the device.

    When you have decided on setting the required sound mode, you can close the engineering menu and reboot the device, then all changes will be applied.

    What to do if the volume limit turns on - how to remove it

    Some device models, as well as versions of the Android operating system, automatically limit the maximum sound volume when you connect headphones or increase the volume above a certain value, in this case, you can use the Volume Boost program or its analogue. Just install, run, and in the Settings tab, check the box next to Auto Start (this will allow the application to load automatically and always run in the background). There you can also check the box and activate the application control widget, and by placing it on the desktop, you can independently turn on and off the volume limit so as not to keep the program always active.

    Photo gallery: removing restrictions on the maximum music volume on Android using Volume Boost

    Eliminate spontaneous volume changes

    Sometimes users encounter the rare problem of spontaneously switching the volume level; this can be caused by several factors:

    • Most often, this problem is found in people who are too “smart” Samsung devices or HTC, as well as little-known eastern brands. First of all, in the “Settings” > “Sound” menu, you need to check for the presence of the “auto volume control” item. The name may differ and contain phrases: in the case, in the pocket, on the table. If you have problems with sound, try starting by disabling such options.
    • Owners of old models Samsung smartphones, like the Galaxy S4, can detect malicious settings at: Settings > My Device > Calls > Ring Loudly in Bag.
    • Also, similar settings can be found in the “Settings” menu > “ Accessibility"and be called: Smart case, Auto volume, Pocket mode.
    • If the device is equipped with a protective bumper or case, it would be a good idea to check if the physical keys sound control.

    But remember! If on your device, when you connect a headset (headphones, portable speakers), the message “safe limit” appears and reduces the maximum volume, this limit is set by the manufacturer for a reason. First of all, we are talking about the health of the person using the headset. Protect your hearing.

    An optimally selected sound volume allows you to hear an important call, watch a movie or listen to music with pleasure. You can adjust the sound on Android separately for applications, notifications, calls and players. The user has several ways to increase the volume, including through the engineering menu - they are described below.

    On smartphones and tablets running Android, you can adjust the sound using the volume key. The key is a “rocker” - pressing up increases the volume, and clicking down decreases it. If an application or movie is open at the moment you press the key, the media volume will change, and if the desktop, the call volume will change.

    If the sound spontaneously switches to “Quiet”, check your smartphone for viruses. Remove applications that have access to volume control and evaluate the situation. Also check if the “Ring louder in your pocket” mode is enabled. To do this, go to settings, select “Calls - Call louder in your pocket.” If necessary, disable the feature.

    You can configure sound settings in standard settings smartphone or tablet:

    1. Go to Settings and select Sound.
    2. Select "Volume".
    3. Use the sliders to adjust the volume values ​​for each type of sound - notifications, calls, applications.
    4. Click "OK" to save the settings.

    Depending on the version of Android, the settings item may be called “Melodies and Sound”, Sound, etc.

    Gallery - how to increase volume using Android

    Method 1: Pull out the notification panel
    Method 1. Click on the settings icon and in the panel that opens, adjust the volume by sound type
    Method 2. Go to the settings of your smartphone or tablet

    Method 2: Select "Sound - Sound Volume"
    Method 2: Adjust the volume and click OK

    Setting up the sound of headphones and speakers using phone or tablet applications - instructions

    For users for whom the standard sound volume on a smartphone or tablet is not enough, tone amplifier programs have been developed.


    Volume+ is a program that allows you to increase the volume of Android 2.3 and higher melodies. Works with the device profile, as well as with a headset and hands-free. The developers offer two versions of the program - free and paid. According to reviews, the first increases the volume by 20–30%, the second by 40–50%. The sequence of sound adjustment in the application:

    1. Install the program from Google Play and run it. IN Google storage there are three or four applications with a similar name. The developer of the required one is Meltus.
    2. In the program window, check the box next to Speaker Modifications.
    3. Go to the speaker settings section.
    4. In the Volume Level menu, change the audio level. At the maximum setting there may be distortion, so check the audio quality and reduce the setting if necessary.
    5. In the Bass Enhance menu, adjust the bass level.

    To adjust the sound in a headset and hands-free, perform similar actions in the corresponding sections of the menu.

    Upon completion of the setup, the application will save the settings and will work in background. You won't have to adjust the sound after rebooting the gadget.

    Video - changing sound settings in Volume+

    How to raise the volume level in Volume Booster Plus

    A booster program that, by pressing one button, increases the sound volume of a smartphone or tablet to the maximum possible values ​​​​provided by the operating system. Instructions for use:

    1. Download the program from the Play Market and install it on Android OS.
    2. Open the application. You will see a demonstration of the program's capabilities. Click Next and then Boost several times.
    3. Wait for the process to complete - the program will display a message on the screen indicating by what percentage the sound volume has been increased.

    The program does not support preset profiles and does not have an equalizer. It is free and easy to use. The only drawback is the abundance of advertising.

    Gallery - Using Volume Booster Plus

    Volume Ace Free makes your music and calls louder

    Volume Ace - functional program to adjust the volume on Android. Allows you to change sound parameters, create sound profiles and change them on a schedule, and also blocks accidental changes in sound volume outside the application. To adjust the sound:

    1. Download the program and run it. In the main window, use the sliders to adjust the volume values.
    2. You can turn off all sounds by clicking on the vibration icon at the bottom of the window.
    3. For calls, notifications and alarms, select ringtones by clicking on the icons to the left of the slider tracks one by one.
    4. When finished, click the “Save” button.
    5. The program will prompt you to update your current profile. If you agree, click “OK”, and if you want to create new profile– “Back”, and then three dots at the top right of the display.
    6. Select "Add Profile" and save your settings.

    Scheduled change of sound profiles is a feature necessary for business people who do not have time to monitor the status of their mobile phone during negotiations or travel. To set the timer:

    1. In the main window of Volume Ace Free, click on the three dots at the top of the screen.
    2. Select Scheduler.
    3. Click on the plus at the top right.
    4. Set the desired sound profile and select the duration.
    5. Set up a repeat - daily or by day of the week.
    6. Click OK.

    To change profiles, set each one with its own duration in the Scheduler.

    You can get to the application settings by clicking on the icon in the form of three dots in the main window and selecting “Settings”.

    Gallery - how the sound is adjusted in Volume Ace Free

    Step 1. Install the program
    Step 2: Adjust volume settings
    Step 3. Save the settings to a new profile

    Step 4: Go to Planner
    Step 5. Set up a timer for changing sound profiles
    Step 6. Block the ability to change the volume outside the program

    Adjustment via the engineering menu

    The engineering menu allows you to fine-tune sound parameters and remove maximum volume restrictions.

    Root rights to enter the engineering menu

    Some versions of Android require root access to enter the engineering menu. To quickly get root rights, use Kingo applications Android Root or Framaroot. Instructions for rooting a smartphone or tablet using an example Kingo Android Root:

    1. Download mobile version programs from the developer's website.
    2. In the gadget settings, allow the installation of applications from unknown sources.
    3. Install and run the program.
    4. In the main window, click the One click Root button.
    5. Wait for the process to complete - the device will automatically reboot.

    How to enter the engineering menu on Android

    After obtaining root access, go to the engineering menu using the Mobileuncle Tools or “Run Engineering” applications MTK menu" If applications don't work, use engineering codes:

    1. Open the dial pad.
    2. Enter a combination of numbers to enter the menu.

    Table - Combinations for entering the Android engineering menu

    Device manufacturer Team
    ZTE, Motorola *#*#4636#*#*
    Smartphones and tablets with MediaTek processor(most Chinese devices) *#*#54298#*#*
    HTC *#*#3424#*#*
    Samsung *#*#197328640#*#*
    Prestigio *#*#3646633#*#*
    Sony *#*#7378423#*#*
    LG 3845#*855#
    Huawei *#*#2846579#*#*
    Alcatel, Fly, Texet *#*#3646633#*#*
    Philips *#*#3338613#*#*
    Acer *#*#2237332846633#*#*

    How to increase the maximum sound level

    The engineering menu differs in different smartphone models, but the structure remains similar. Once you enter the menu, you will see settings sections - find the Audio item. The section includes subparagraphs:

    • Headset mode. Headset volume control.
    • Normal mode. General settings speakers of a smartphone or tablet.
    • LoudSpeaker Mode. Hands-free mode.
    • Headset LoudSpeaker mode. Loudspeaker mode when a headset is connected.
    • Speech Enhancement. Talk mode without connected devices.

    For each mode, it is possible to change the volume. Can be configured:

    • Mic - microphone sensitivity;
    • Sph - speaker volume;
    • Media - volume of multimedia playback and sounds in applications;
    • Ring - call volume;
    • Sip - Internet call parameters;
    • FMR - FM radio.

    To configure a specific setting, select it from the menu. For example, to optimize the sound of multimedia files, select Media. Below the selection line you will find options to configure - levels and volume values. Complete the setup:

    1. There are 7 volume levels in total, each corresponding to one press of the rocker key. Level 0 - the most quiet level, level 7 - the loudest.
    2. Select level 0 and set the acceptable volume for it in the field on the right - no more than 255. Click the Set button to save the settings.
    3. Do similar steps for each level.
    4. Set the maximum volume value for the profile - it will be the same for each level. Click Set.

    Rewrite the manufacturer's volume settings before changing them. If you do something wrong, you can always return the volume to default.

    Once you've finished setting up your media, move on to the next steps. The volume control method for the microphone, speakers, and headset is the same.

    Gallery - How to adjust the volume in the engineering menu

    How to increase the quiet volume of a ringtone

    To increase the ringer volume, work with the Ring item in Normal Mode. Change the values ​​for each volume level one by one. Don't forget to click Set to save the settings. Remember - when the maximum values ​​are set, the sound quality decreases significantly.

    Increase speaker volume (during a call)

    If you can't hear the person you're talking to on the phone, try increasing the speaker volume. Go to the Normal Mode section and select Sph. Increase the values ​​for each volume level by 10–20 units. Set the maximum volume as desired.

    Change microphone sensitivity

    You can set up your device in the same way if the other person can’t hear you. In the Normal Mode section, select Mic and set the sensitivity to be the same for all levels - approximately 240. Save the setting for each level in turn.

    Microphone sensitivity when recording video and audio

    If you feel that videos and audio recordings are not loud enough, go to the LoudSpeaker Mode section in the engineering menu and select Mic. Make the settings in the same way as the previous point.

    When the setup is complete, exit the menu and restart your smartphone or tablet. The device activates the new settings.

    Video - increasing the volume through the engineering menu

    Tricks to boost sound on Android

    An external speaker solves the problem insufficient volume smartphone or tablet when other methods do not help. Speaker - small device with a 3.5 mm plug, - inserted into the headphone jack or connected via bluetooth. Cost - from 700 rub.

    A lifehack to increase the volume - while playing a video or playing music, position the smartphone with the speaker towards the painted wall. The sound will be reflected from the surface and at the same time amplified.

    Is it possible to remove the volume limit?

    Android smartphones have a maximum volume limit to protect the device's speakers and users' eardrums. The engineering menu allows you to increase the upper limit - the Max item. Vol. Maximum value- 255 units. It is impossible to set the value higher, and it is not required - otherwise the speakers will not stand it.

    If you do not want to contact service menu, use the Volume Unlock application:

    1. Install the program from the Play Store.
    2. Go to the application and activate the Enable Volume Power item.

    The program does not remove the limitation, but increases the maximum value.

    Test the methods described above to increase the volume and choose the best one for your device. Work with the engineering menu carefully - incorrect settings can lead to problems with the sound of your smartphone or tablet.