• How to find your phone number via the Internet. How to find a lost Android device

    Theft of a smartphone causes many problems. Basically, this is not only the loss of a gadget, but also personal information, which, in particular, is valued much higher than the smartphone itself. For some, this information is priceless. In this article I will suggest:

    • how to find a stolen Android phone if it is turned off;
    • which software install to independently find a lost device;
    • how to secure personal data on a stolen gadget.

    Finding a stolen, switched off phone

    If your device is turned off, which is logical if it is stolen, standard actions such as making a phone call will not produce results. You need to act immediately to catch the thief in hot pursuit.

    There are three ways to find your stolen device:

    1. Contact law enforcement agencies.
    2. Contact the operator cellular network, to determine the location of the gadget.
    3. Use the software.

    Let's specify each of the methods.

    Search for a switched off smartphone by the police using IMEI code

    Each phone is assigned an identifier - . It can be found under the battery of the device itself, find out using, using service code(*#06#), in the “about phone” settings, look in the smartphone’s packaging box.

    When contacting the police, it is advisable to know this code. Also, take your passport, a contract for a SIM card and preferably visit the police station of the area in which the theft occurred. Write a statement detailing the theft and provide the above information.

    Advice! Finding a phone by IMEI on your own is quite a difficult task. This will require access to equipment and databases. mobile operators. And in one case out of a thousand, data from free databases on the Internet can provide a real clue.

    Search for a device by SIM card number

    Cellular network operators can track all activity on a SIM card, down to its approximate location within the radius of a specific tower. Even if the smartphone is turned off, the SIM card will respond if it is within range of telecommunication systems.

    Try to contact the operator directly, explain the situation and provide:

    • Device IMEI and phone number;
    • SIM card contract number.

    Using the specified data, the operator will be able to find out information from the billing server’s memory.

    Determining the location of a smartphone through the application

    Almost every smartphone manufacturer offers solutions for finding a lost device in security and privacy settings. For example: Huawei - Find device, Samsung - Remote control. A popular and effective solution is software from Google:

    But the problem with using programs is that preliminary configuration is required when the gadget is in your hands. Otherwise, they will be of no use in searching for a smartphone. In addition, no application will be able to remotely turn on the smartphone, especially if the battery is dead. But, programs can detect and inform the owner when the gadget becomes active.

    Harsh reality

    Finding a stolen smartphone will directly depend on you and your preset devices. In cities with a population of over a million, hundreds of mobile devices are lost every day. Such reports may not be a priority for the police, especially when there is little information about the loss:

    • IMEI not specified;
    • there is no sketch of the robber;
    • configured applications for searching for a missing smartphone, etc. are not installed.

    If there is not enough information, police officers may dissuade you from writing a statement, since they know that there is practically no chance of finding the device.

    The cellular network operator may refuse to provide you with billing data, saying that it does not have the right to do so without a court order, citing legislative framework, which does not regulate the work process in such cases.

    If the consideration of the application is delayed, the thief can throw away the SIM card and change the IMEI code (a rather complex implementation on new devices that involves replacing the microcircuits in the smartphone. Only a technically trained specialist can do this), which makes further tracking of the smartphone in the operator’s database extremely difficult.

    Anti-theft and device locator software

    You won’t be able to protect yourself from possible theft, but you can reduce the risk of losing your device. Even if the device is irretrievably lost, your personal data will not fall into the hands of an attacker and can be restored. To do this, you can use the following tips and applications:

    1. Find out and save the IMEI of your smartphone in a safe place;
    2. Use a PIN code and a fingerprint scanner (or Face ID).

      Important! If you lose your smartphone with a PIN code or fingerprint login, an attacker will not be able to access your data. To unlock the device, he will have to erase all data.

    3. Install Find My Device or equivalent. Allows you to determine your location (if geolocation is enabled), make calls, lock the screen and delete all data. The application works through your Google profile.
    4. Install Lookout antivirus or equivalent. Interesting because there is a function automatic saving information about the location of the smartphone when the battery charge decreases. The data is sent to the specified email.
    5. Use paid antivirus on on an ongoing basis. Good decision- Kaspersky Internet Security. The Anti-Theft function allows you to remotely turn on the siren, take a photo from the front camera, block access to the device or delete all personal data.
    6. SIM Change Alarm. When you change the SIM card and turn on the device, the application will send two SMS to the specified number with information: IMEI of your smartphone and the number of the new one SIM cards, GPS coordinates devices.
    7. Synchronize data that is important to you or.

    I repeat, manufacturers also offer smartphone search services. Take Samsung for example. The findmymobile.samsung.com service can monitor when a smartphone is turned on, determine geolocation when it is turned off, and indicate the number new SIM card, lock your device and much more.

    Advice! The article: "" analyzes trust programs that will help you find a smartphone with comprehensive capabilities, even with GPS turned off.

    Personal data protection

    The task is as follows:

    • save your data for future access;
    • restrict access to personal information to an attacker.

    To fulfill the first rule you need to do backups(synchronize) data that is important to you. For example:

    1. Photos can be synced with Google Photos.
    2. Notes or important data can be stored in .
    3. Duplicate books, videos, music to cloud storage ( Google Drive, Yandex.Disk, Mega, etc.).
    4. Passwords can be stored in browsers' "passwords and forms" or analogs can be used (for example).

    It's easy to restrict access to your data. Use a password (PIN code) on an ongoing basis, and if your device is stolen, use one of the services to delete all personal data remotely.

    These days it's hard to find anyone who doesn't have a cell phone. Nowadays, a mobile phone is not only a means of communication, but also a repository of very important and valuable information. These are not only phone numbers and photographs, but also various applications, with which you can control bank account or electronic wallet. Therefore the loss of your electronic gadget can be a real problem. How to find a lost phone and protect yourself from this in the future?

    What to do if you lost your phone

    There are several ways to find a lost phone, it depends primarily on how and where you lost it.

    If you lost your phone at home

    If you have lost your phone in your apartment, then consider yourself lucky, because in such circumstances the chances of finding a mobile device are much higher than in other cases.

    The easiest way is to call your number from another phone, but this method is only suitable if the gadget is turned on.

    If you know that you have it turned off, then the following search methods will do:

    1. Remember where and when you last held a phone in your hands, and what you did next after that. Go through the entire route first, performing the same actions, while simultaneously looking around. You could have dropped it behind the sofa, left it on a shelf and put something on top, or even put it in the refrigerator by mistake, this happens.
    2. Consider even the most unusual options at first glance. After all, you can, holding a phone in one hand and a banana skin in the other, get distracted and accidentally throw something into the trash bin that is not what you planned.
    3. Ask those who were in the apartment with you at the time of your disappearance if they took your phone to call. Perhaps they moved your cell phone to another location or simply forgot to return it. If you have children, then look in their toys, children are very attracted modern gadgets, and they always reach out to them with their little hands.
    4. Combine the search process with spring cleaning very useful, it will help you explore more thoroughly all the hidden places that you would not have thought to check. As a result, you will not only find what you lost, but also make your home cleaner, and perhaps find something else that was lost earlier.
    5. Use a flashlight to check areas where there is not enough light. For example, under the sofa or behind the closet.
    6. If you know you have an alarm set on your device, it's more likely to go off even if your phone is turned off. Make sure that by the appointed time there is silence in the apartment, listen carefully and follow the sound.

    Video on how to find a phone

    If you lost your phone on the street or in a public place

    Of course, your chances of finding a phone in such a situation are much lower than in the first case, but it’s still worth a try.

    Try to locate the place where you might have lost your phone. Remember where you last used it, if you usually carry your phone in your bag, you might have dropped it when you took something out of it. Your memories will help to significantly narrow down the search area.

    You can post advertisements along your route, where you report your situation and promise to pay a reward to the person who found your cell phone. It is much more convenient to receive a reward for your find than to try to sell a phone without documents.

    Finding a switched off phone is very difficult; you will increase your chances of success if you install one of the applications on your phone in advance that will help you find your smartphone. One such application is Signal Flare, it will help if the phone turns off due to a low battery. As soon as the system signals that the battery is running low, the application starts recording the location of the gadget, it uses GPS and a Wi-Fi network signal.

    If your phone is stolen

    In this case, it is very important to act quickly; the easiest way to find a thief is without delay. Contact the police department in the area where the theft occurred. Write a statement, indicate a description of the suspect, if there is one, tell the time and place where the loss was discovered.

    Please provide the number in your application IMEI your device. This is individual identification number assigned to each smartphone, you can find it on a sticker that is located under the battery in the phone or on the box of your device. IMEI consists of fifteen digits, it includes the phone model number, country of origin and individual code. This number remains unchanged even if you change the SIM card.

    You can download special software in advance, which, using IMEI number your phone, will notify via SMS to the selected number that the SIM card has been changed in your device and will send new number phone.

    By court order, the operator mobile communications can provide law enforcement with information using your phone identification number that will include the time of calls, their duration and, most importantly, the location of the mobile device in relation to the nearest telephone tower. Such information is stored in the server memory billing.

    In theory, everything sounds easy and simple, but in practice you will encounter problems detecting your phone using this method.

    1. Firstly, thousands of phones are lost and stolen every day in cities, and law enforcement agencies are in no hurry to open a case in each of these cases. Perhaps they will dissuade you from writing a statement, hinting that the chances of finding the loss are very low.
    2. Secondly, operators cellular communications are not always cooperative; without a court order, you may be refused to provide billing data, citing a legislative framework that does not regulate the work process in such cases.
    3. Thirdly, a request from law enforcement agencies to provide data can take a very long time to process; during this time, an attacker can already change the IMEI number by reloading the software on the phone, which makes it impossible to further identify it in the operator’s database.

    How to protect yourself from lost or stolen phone

    It is impossible to protect yourself 100% from the possibility of losing your phone, but you can minimize this likelihood by following simple rules and recommendations.

    • Always keep your phone in the same place. If you carry a bag, then allocate a separate internal pocket for your mobile phone, preferably with a zipper. This way you will get used to having your phone there all the time and will immediately notice if it is missing. At home, keep your phone, for example, on your bedside table or anywhere else, so that you always know where your favorite gadget is.
    • There are headsets that notify the owner that the mobile device to which they are connected has moved more than five meters away. This signal will help you not to leave your phone in the office or on a table in a cafe; it will also inform you that your phone may have been stolen, and right now the thief is running away.
    • During rush hour public transport there are a lot of people packed in, everyone is standing very close to each other and in such a situation it is almost impossible to feel that your phone is being pulled out. To protect yourself from this, use headphones, turn on your favorite music on your phone, this will not only brighten up your trip, but also sudden shutdown songs will be a signal that someone has stolen the cell phone.
    • Add a keychain to your phone that is specially designed to help you find your missing item in your home or office. There are several principles of operation of such devices, some are beginning to produce beep, responding to hand clapping or whistling, while others respond to a signal from a transmitter that you can keep in your wallet or bag.

    Losing your phone has always been an unpleasant event, but with the advancement of technology, it can be a solvable problem. It is best to worry about the likelihood of such an incident in advance: install special programs designed to help find the loss; set a password when unlocking so that attackers cannot use your phone; save all important data in cloud storage so that you can always use them.

    IN modern world Everyone already has a mobile phone, and this does not at all depend on social status or even age. Now, wherever a person is, his cell phone accompanies him everywhere. As for the differences among mobile phones, they mainly differ in their cost, but as soon as a person loses it, a lot of problems immediately arise. Among other things, it could simply be stolen. But how can you find your phone if it's turned off?

    Many mobile operators provide free information about the location of your SIM card. If it has been stolen and the owner is sure of this, without any doubt, it is necessary to urgently contact the relevant authorities. But it often happens that the cell phone “disappears” at home. Of course, as long as the battery is charged, it is not particularly difficult to find it, but how to find the phone if it is turned off? In this case, there are several options for resolving this problem.

    1. The very first thing you need to do is try to reproduce all your latest actions and thus try to remember where he could have stayed.
    2. If there is no result, then you need to remember whether your mobile device has set alarm clock and whether it supports the alert function when turned off.
    3. If there are animals or small children at home, most likely one of them decided to use it as a toy, so it may be in the most unpredictable places, for example under the sofa or even in the trash can. You need to be patient and have something long to get it out of hard-to-reach places. First of all, it is necessary to do a cursory examination, and then with passion. Particular attention must be paid to those places in which, by definition, it cannot be. Most likely, you will be able to find not only a mobile phone, but also a lot of other useful things that were considered irretrievably lost.
    4. Alternatively, you can use a metal detector.

    A few tips that you can follow to avoid unpleasant situations.

    If you don’t know how to find a switched off phone at home, then it would be best not to lose it at all. In this case, you need to follow some simple tips:

    1. To prevent your mobile phone from being stolen or lost, you should always carry it in a closed pocket, and in crowded places it is best not to take it out if possible.
    2. In the event that the cell phone gets lost in the grass, the bright body will be much more noticeable.
    3. You can purchase a special keychain that responds to loud sounds or one that gives light signals.
    4. Some mobile phones have special so-called anti-theft protection, which works as follows. Initially saved additional number, where an SMS is instantly sent with a new number, the SIM card of which is replaced on your cell phone. Then you should act according to the circumstances - either try to call and negotiate, or contact special services about this.

    How to find a switched off Android phone

    In the event that your cell phone is on Android based, Google company offers a unique service called Android completely free of charge Device Manager. Its essence is as follows. In a special window that appears, you need to select your device (which must have previously been attached to your account), and the location of your phone will be displayed on the map.

    At the same time, there is one nuance, without which such an attempt will be reduced to almost zero. The phone must have Internet or GPS navigation enabled, but modern smartphones Users in most cases do not disable these functions, so there should not be any problems. Also, after detection, you can call the phone and it will play a melody at full volume for 5 minutes. You can turn it off only by removing the battery. There is also a locking option.

    It is always necessary to keep the Internet on, this is exactly what providers do mobile services provide convenient unlimited packages. You can also further encrypt your device using a screen lock. Modern mobile phones and smartphones support similar functions even as standard.

    What is IMEI?

    How to find your phone if it is turned off? Firstly, you need to take all the documents available for it, your documents and, of course, the IMEI of your cell phone. Each mobile phone has its own unique identification number. As a rule, it consists of 15 digits. Secondly, IMEI is “hardwired” into the phone’s memory, and it is not as easy to change as it seems. It is often printed under the battery, but if for some reason it is not there, you can press the following combination on your cell phone: *#06#, and the number will appear on the screen.

    In addition to the fact that this number stores large number useful information, it is thanks to him that you can find a lost or stolen device.

    How to find a phone by IMEI?

    Naturally, all the nuances of to a simple user are not known, and by and large this is not necessary. Only the result is important. Law enforcement agencies have the opportunity, upon your application, to carry out a request from telecom operators to search for a specific mobile phone. If it is active and in use, the data will be received.

    This is the first stage of search work. To find out for sure whether a switched-off phone can be found, the police need to carry out a number of investigative and operational activities in order to accurately determine the new owner of the device and its location. It is worth noting, however, that this method is very effective, but law enforcement agencies resort to it only in extreme cases, and if it turns out that the mobile phone is in your home, you will also receive a rather large fine.

    Now you know how to find your phone if it is turned off, so there should be no problems.

    For modern man Losing a mobile phone is a serious nuisance. There are at least two reasons for frustration in this case. Firstly, the device itself often costs a lot of money. And secondly, its memory contains information that is extremely necessary for the owner and is not intended for prying eyes. This can be personal correspondence, photos and videos, as well as secret data, for example, passwords from payment services or working papers. How can I find my phone if it is lost or stolen? This article describes effective ways to find mobile devices even when they are turned off.

    If your phone is lost at home

    How to find a mobile phone if you know for sure that it is lost in a house or apartment? The most in a simple way search will, of course, call your number from another device. In this case, the gadget must be turned on.

    If your phone battery is low, you can only rely on your own memory and attentiveness. In this case, it is recommended to try to remember in detail the events that preceded the loss of the mobile device. You should follow this route, carefully examining everything around you. After all, the gadget could, for example, fall behind the sofa, or it lies unnoticed on a shelf, covered with another thing. It could even end up in the refrigerator or trash can.

    If you have an alarm clock set on your phone, this can greatly facilitate the search, because the alarm almost always goes off even when the device is turned off. Ensure silence at the time when the mobile phone is about to ring, and listen carefully, while following the sound.

    If your phone is lost on the street

    Obviously, the chances of finding a mobile device lost on the street or in a public place are significantly lower than in the previous case. But don't give up. How to find phones under such circumstances?

    First of all, you should call your number. The mobile device could be picked up by a person who, free of charge or for a certain reward, would happily return the gadget to its rightful owner.

    If this action does not bring results, you need to strain your memory and try to determine the place where the mobile phone was lost. You should remember where the gadget was last used and thus try to narrow down the search area. It is worth posting notices about the loss of the device along the entire travel route with a request to return the mobile phone for a reward. Posting notes in relevant social network groups can also be an effective way.

    And if the device is turned off, how to find the phone? Using the IMEI number, which is unique for each mobile and does not change when changing the SIM card, you can search for the gadget even when it is not working. This process will be described in detail below.

    If the phone is stolen

    If it is known for sure that the phone was stolen, a reward should be offered for the return of the gadget. After all, this thing was stolen precisely for the purpose of profit. From a mobile device that belongs, for example, to your friend, you need to send a message to your number indicating the amount you are willing to pay the thief for the phone.

    You should also check with your family members and loved ones to see if any of them are using applications that determine your location on your mobile phone. If this is the case, then you need to report the available phone coordinates to the police so that their employees can find and return the gadget to the owner.

    How to find phones that are stolen if the above methods were ineffective in your case? Should be submitted To do this, you need to collect evidence that will confirm that the device belongs to you. That is, find the package of documents received upon purchase. Next, you need to go directly to the police and write a corresponding statement. Then you need to report the theft of your device to your mobile operator. After providing the necessary package of documents confirming that the phone is indeed stolen and you are its rightful owner, permission will be issued to access information about this device. The operator will need to notify you if anyone uses the device.

    Are there other ways to find a phone? You can also try to find the device using the IMEI number. To do this add this unique code mobile to the worldwide database. And if someone finds your phone, they will be able to contact you using the specified coordinates.

    Depending on the operating system with which the mobile device is controlled, there are several ways to find the phone. Android, iOS and Windows Phone support various applications that have similar operating principles. More follows below detailed description such search methods.

    Finding a phone with iOS operating system

    How to find phones if they have iOS installed? It won't be difficult at all. After all, the iPhone initially has a function for determining the location of the device. The main thing is that it is activated before the gadget is lost or stolen.

    In order to detect such a phone, the owner should log into iCloud using his account and click “Find iPhone”. After this, the screen will display a list of your devices controlled by iOS help. If the gadget search function is active and the phone itself is turned on, the service will determine the location of the iPhone.

    If you select the “Information” icon on the location panel, you can send an SMS, play the selected melody, lock the device, or delete all existing data from it.

    After determining the location of the phone, you need to analyze the information received. If the specified area is not familiar to the owner, his friends and acquaintances do not live there, then the device is in the hands of a thief. You need to immediately block the gadget before an ill-wisher has time to use your personal information or disable the Find iPhone function.

    The specified coordinates of the device’s location must be reported to the police so that their employees can find and return the phone to its rightful owner.

    Finding a phone with the Windows Phone operating system

    If control lost device carried out with using Windows Phone, how to find a phone? You should run a special application from Microsoft through your computer, which allows you to determine the location of your mobile device.

    Also in this program there are other useful features. If you press the “Call” button, the phone will ring until the corresponding key on the device is pressed.

    When you press the “Block” button, a blocking message will appear on the device screen, which can be removed by entering a password known only to the owner.

    If you press the Erase key, all data contained in your phone will be deleted. It should be remembered that after this it will not be possible to use even the location function.

    After establishing the coordinates of the device’s location, you need to report them to the police, reporting the theft.

    Finding a phone with Android operating system

    If the missing device has this installed operating system how to find a phone? Android supports an application such as PlanB. This program compares favorably with its analogues in that it can be installed on a phone that has already disappeared.

    To do this you need to log in Android Market using your account. Afterwards you need to install the specified program to the missing device and launch it. On email the owner will receive a letter indicating the location of the gadget. Then all that remains is to provide the received coordinates to the police, and they will help return the phone to the owner.

    Finding a phone by SIM card

    You can try to find the device by contacting directly mobile operator. This is another one of effective ways how to find a phone number. Based on the owner's last name and SIM card number, the mobile communications company is able to determine the location of the device using own channels. The main condition for this search method is that the phone must be turned on.

    Finding a phone by satellite

    How to find phones via satellite? To do this, one of the following must first be installed on your mobile device. special applications. Programs can notify you about current location gadget and SIM card replacement, allow you to control the camera of the missing mobile phone, block or delete the information contained on it. There are a number of such applications, each of which is supported by a specific operating system.

    If the mobile device is equipped with a GPS receiver, then there are also certain programs. In order to see the location of such a phone, you need to register on a special website, and after that you can determine the necessary coordinates at any time.

    How to find a switched off phone? It is impossible to do this via satellite, because prerequisite When searching for a device using this method, the mobile phone must be turned on.

    Find a phone by IMEI code

    This is the only way that can help you find a missing phone that is turned off. The IMEI code consists of 15 digits. It is individual for each device and does not depend on the SIM card used.

    How to find a phone via IMEI? First, you need to write a statement to the police indicating the code. And secondly, you need to register the IMEI number in the worldwide database. If someone discovers your mobile device, they will be able to contact you using the coordinates you left on the site.

    If the location of the stolen phone has been determined, it is not recommended to try to return your mobile phone yourself. You should contact the police.

    All documents confirming that you are the legal owner of the device must be stored in a safe place for the entire time you use the phone.

    If you still cannot find the gadget, block your account and restore the SIM card by contacting your mobile operator. The IMEI code of the stolen phone must be blacklisted. After such actions, the attacker will not be able to use the device, even using a different SIM card. These are extreme measures that should be used if you are sure that the phone will not be found.

    The owner of the gadget should install required applications to determine the location of the device in advance, without waiting for loss or theft.


    There are several ways to find a missing phone. They vary depending on the location where the device was lost or stolen, the operating system installed on the gadget, and other factors. The owner of the mobile phone should install special applications in advance that will help determine the location of the phone if it is lost, protect the device with a password, use not the smartphone’s memory card to save data, but act quickly after identifying the fact of loss, because time plays a key role here, and prolongation of the situation only plays into the hands of attackers.

    Mobile phone – indispensable attribute modern life , which sometimes helps out in any situation. Unfortunately, sometimes trouble happens with this lifesaver. For example, some users need to find out how to find a phone if they have lost it and it is turned off, via satellite for free. And in this seemingly hopeless situation, there are several solutions.

    The situation with a lost phone can happen to anyone, so first of all you need to remain calm and immediately start searching, and not panic and blame yourself for absent-mindedness and inattention. You can lose your phone under different circumstances, so the solutions in each situation will be different.
    For example, the phone fell out of your pocket while walking, it was forgotten at home or in a public place, or it was even stolen by intruders. In order to correctly answer the question of how to find lost phone, follows in detail analyze each of the listed situations.

    1. If you suddenly haven't found your favorite gadget, try to remember when was the last time you highlighted it?. In most cases, the phone ends up forgotten somewhere at home, behind the bedside table or in the bathroom.
    2. If you are sure that your phone is definitely at home, but it is turned off and you cannot call it, use the alarm clock. If this function is active, the gadget will ring at the appointed time.
    3. If you lose your phone on the street and cannot call it because the gadget is turned off, do not immediately panic. Maybe, The phone turned off when dropped and lies somewhere, waiting to be rescued. Return and calmly walk along the last route, take a good look around and ask passers-by. It happens that the phone itself returns to the hands of its owner through decent and conscientious people.
    4. If none of the above situations suits you, and you are already at your wit's end looking for your phone, contact modern technologies and services, everything has already been thought out for you.

    How to find a switched off phone: by number, by IMEI, by SIM card, by GPS

    Modern methods searching for lost and stolen mobile phones significantly helps their owners and restores faith in God, in people and in our valiant police. In a situation where your phone is stolen or lost, you can act in different ways.

    • You can try find phone number.
    • You can track the movement of your gadget via the Internet.
    • Find phone ByIMEI.
    • Contact your mobile operator and try to find your lost or stolen gadget BySIM-map.

    How to find a phone number?

    This type of search requires that the phone be connected to special service tracking mobile devices . This method will be effective if your phone is in good hands and has not been used by scammers.

    How to find a lost phone by IMEI?

    In order to find a phone in this way, you need to know this one IMEI. These treasured 15 digits, firstly, are unique for each gadget. And secondly, they are written on the phone packaging. If you threw away the box a long time ago (which you shouldn’t have done), make sure in advance that the IMEI is written down somewhere under the heading “ Important information" Don't write it down on your phone because you might lose it.

    How to find out the IMEI of your phone?

    • Type in your device combination *#06# and you will receive necessary information about IMEI. Namely, 15 unique numbers for each SIM card.
    • IMEI also located under the phone battery, near serial number.
    • As we have already said, you should not throw away the box; the IMEI is also there.
    • We advise keep the warranty card to your phone.
    • Next, when you have found your IMEI, the procedure is as follows:

    It is worth considering that you should search for a mobile phone using this method if you are absolutely sure that the phone has disappeared outside your home or apartment. If police find a device in your home, they may be fined for false appeal.

    Also do not try to search for your phone using all kinds of services and sites, who will allegedly find your phone by IMEI for a fee. Firstly, it is not effective, and secondly, it is expensive.

    Remember, you can find your lost favorite gadget via Google account, for example, or using special applications that should be installed on your phone in advance. There are also special service sites that only collect information about IMEI, however, they do not perform any search. You can enter your phone code into the database and then, perhaps, someone will respond and return your cell phone friend for a reward.

    How to find a mobile phone using GPS?

    This function is available for iPhone brand phones. For example, if you have lost your old but beloved iPhone 5, you can reunite with your friend, if installed on it special program search and GPS successor. This way you can track the location of your mobile on the street.

    If you have a phone of a different brand, for example Samsung, you can contact your mobile phone company and by GPS system your phone will be searched by an operator. This will be done using a signal on the SIM card when the phone is turned on, as well as when it is turned off. Contact the office of the operator company, providing the number of the lost phone, its IMEI and an agreement to receive a SIM card.

    How to find a lost Android phone through a computer?

    We told you about the most popular and most effective ways search for a mobile phone. It remains to figure out how to find a lost Android phone through a computer, because this operating system is also equipped with a convenient search service.

    You will need very few conditions:

    • Google account;
    • Naturally, access to a computer and the Internet;
    • special free programAndroid Device Manager.

    Undoubtedly you need to take care of installing the service in advance so that you have the opportunity remote access to the phone if it is lost. If you are wondering whether it is possible to install this program if a child is using the phone, then our answer is not only possible, but also necessary. After all, kids often lose gadgets. Moreover, a minimum of actions must be performed.

    1. Let's go to phone settings.
    2. We find Security section.
    3. We see the item Device Administrators.
    4. Put a tick next to the option "Remote control of Android."

    If you have lost your phone from installed program search, the phone itself must be turned on. Also on it must have internet access or working Wi-Fi. Geolocation must be active on your phone, and your Google account must be activated.
    If all these conditions are met, you will be able to track the location of your phone through your Google account on the map. You can also call your phone from your computer, block it or erase all data so that it does not fall into the hands of criminals.