• Comparison of payment services Android Pay, Apple Pay and Samsung Pay - what are the features and what is the difference. Samsung Pay – how to connect and use? Detailed instructions

    Today, the world of technology does not stand still, but progresses day by day. Every day, a modern trend in the form of a service that is based on mobile payments. This service helps a person make purchases without using any credit cards, nor money in cash. After all, today many people use smartphones, and they will allow you to not carry anything else. You just need to get hold of this information. In this article we will tell you how to install Samsung Pay.

    Information from history

    August 20, 2015 is considered to be the birthday of this program, because it is on this day Samsung service Pay began to operate in the territory South Korea. In the same year, but in the month of September, US residents learned how to install Samsung Pay on their phone. They started using the application in their country. A year later, many other countries, including Russia, learned how to install Samsung Pay. But as for Russia, here you can use this application only on certain phone models.

    Devices that can support Samsung Pay

    Manufacturers new technology used certain types of technology throughout the system, e.g. Magnetic Secure Transmission. This fact means that every owner of a Samsung phone using this program can pay with it in a store of absolutely any nature.

    What is needed to make using this server easy

    First of all, in order to understand how to install Samsung Pay on Galaxy, you need to make sure that the bank you use uses the system of this type. After all, if the bank does not use it, then there is no point in installing anything.

    It is worth noting that today the system we are considering in the territory Russian Federation used by about ten banks of the largest type, which are leaders in this matter. You can find out more about which banks are connected to this system on the official website of the application. But it’s worth noting that if you don’t find what you’re looking for there, don’t despair. The system is becoming more and more relevant, and every day new banks sign a deal with this company.

    If you are sure of everything and you have the required type of phone, you can safely proceed to registration. Before you install Samsung Pay on your S7, you need to make sure that it has latest version firmware. Need to download this application, then activate it on your device. Experts recommend that you set a password on it in the form of your fingerprint. You can also use a specific PIN code in addition. This is necessary to ensure that no one takes advantage of your system and your money.

    Next, you need to register your card in this application. It is worth noting that the registration of 10 cards is envisaged, but no more. To register, you need to scan the card and enter its number. The number must be entered manually, as well as its code.

    Next, you get acquainted with the services of the service, find out what it offers you, after which you need to confirm registration by entering a password. This password, in addition to being a one-time password, will also be sent to your smartphone via SMS. Next, the system requires your signature, and you draw it on the screen with your finger. A signature is required in order for the cashier to certain case I was able to compare the signature on the check and in the system.

    That's it, your registration has been successfully completed! You have mastered the information on how to install Samsung Pay, and your smartphone is now an excellent and convenient tool for making payments in stores.

    How does this system work?

    We figured out how to install Samsung Pay, now we just need to figure out how to use it. There is nothing complicated in this matter, you just need to bring your smartphone to the terminal.

    It is worth noting quite important fact, it consists in the fact that this application works not only on specially equipped terminals, but also on ordinary ones that have a magnetic stripe. As a rule, cashiers do not know about this innovation and can come up with many reasons to prevent you from using this system. But this application exists and shows its work. Soon everyone will know about him.

    You need to know that there are no signs at the checkout indicating the acceptance of such a means of payment. The terminal itself recognizes your smartphone and treats it as a card, after which you just need to enter the code and pay in this way without using a card or cash.

    The safety of this innovation

    We have gone through the process of obtaining information on how to install Samsung Pay. But is this service safe? In Russia today there are quite a few smartphones that could receive this program. In addition, these are smartphones from the same company.

    Undoubtedly, the question of the security of such an innovation worries many consumers today, but Samsung experts assure that all payments are protected quite reliably and provide three reasons:

    1. When making a payment, the system does not use your card number, but a specific code that you know.
    2. Each purchase cannot be completed without entering a password or fingerprint on your part.
    3. In order for the payment to go through, the system uses special cryptograms. These cryptograms are directly responsible for the security of the smartphone and payment.

    Benefits for consumers

    Samsung Pay will not charge the consumer any money as a fee when used. In addition, the entire system for accumulating bonuses and other similar nuances is the same as when using a standard card. Everything is done exclusively for your comfort. Much depends on the bank, because each has its own rules. This program also conducts certain promotions in which the consumer can receive movie tickets or certain trips, discounts on goods in stores. This program's offerings and manufacturers are constantly changing to suit their customers.

    Samsung Pay program in Russia

    To find out how to install Samsung Pay in Russia, you don’t need much. Your task is to download and activate this application, enter the card code and PIN code.

    So, we've figured out how to install Samsung Pay on the Gear S2. This type of process is the most high technology. It is with them that you will not carry wallets with you and pay by card or cash. You come to the store, take your smartphone out of your pocket and connect to the terminal. So far, the list of phones that support this program is not as large as we would actually like to have, but it is growing every day. It is worth noting that phones average price support this program. So join us and make your life easier by shopping this way. Installing this program will not take much time, and the result will definitely please you. This is convenient and relevant today.

    Step by step, Samsung copies almost every action of its main competitor - the American Apple Corporation. Should Apple launch some new feature, how Koreans cleverly copy it and offer it to their fans. The same thing happened in the case of the payment system. Samsung Pay is a direct analogue Apple Pay, with minor changes, which, by the way, may appeal to Russian users. So, let's figure it out. What is Samsung Pay? How to use Samsung Pay in Russia? And is it safe?

    System Requirements

    Before you rush to connect Samsung Pay, make sure your smartphone is ready to work with this technology. To work with the digital payment system, a specialized chip is required, which not all Samsung gadgets are equipped with.

    If you currently have one of the phones listed below in your hands, then you can safely connect Samsung Pay.

    • Samsung S8.
    • Samsung S7.
    • Samsung S6 (there are restrictions on working with terminals).
    • Samsung Note 5.
    • Samsung Gear.


    So, if the phone is suitable for working with the new payment system, consider half the battle done, now you need to make sure that your bank cooperates with Samsung Pay. To do this you will have to familiarize yourself with full list banks and the conditions for their support on the official Samsung website. Even if your bank is not there, then most likely it will appear there in the near future, as new banks and electronic wallets are very enthusiastic about the new payment system.

    It is important to note that the list of supported banks is impressive, there is everything from the ultra-progressive bank Tinkoff to the state old man Sberbank.

    How to use Samsung Pay: attach a card

    Since both the phone and the bank support the new technology, it’s time to move on to its initial setup.

    1. First, install protection on your phone. This could be a passcode or (they will be required to confirm each payment, so it is better to choose the second option).
    2. Download the Samsung Pay app if you don't have it on your phone.
    3. Click on the "Attach card" button and scan it using your smartphone camera. Then manually enter the remaining data (CVV, for example).
    4. Go through the bank verification using the SMS code that it will send you (in some cases, you may need to call the bank or be present in person).
    5. Further is optional, but if you want, you can add electronic signature, maybe it will come in handy.

    That's all, adding the card is finished, you can safely move on to shopping. The setup took us about 5 minutes.

    We pay for purchases

    How to use Samsung Pay now after setup? The fun part begins - shopping. According to the principle of operation, the payment system is not much different from a regular bank card. Just take your smartphone, place it on the terminal, place your finger on the fingerprint sensor and wait for confirmation. That's all. Payment has been completed. Many users are wondering how to use Samsung Pay in the subway. Everything is just as simple here. The main thing is to find a suitable terminal (they are usually located to the right of all the others).

    Interestingly, Samsung phones can work not only with advanced NFC terminals, but also with outdated models that only work with magnetic tape. The company's own development makes it possible to create a special magnetic field between the terminal and the phone, simulating classic bank cards. Works flawlessly. Terminals are easily deceived by this trick and the payment is successful. This means you can pay with your smartphone anywhere. Payment can be made using latest model smart watch from Samsung. By the way, many people talk about commissions for payments, but in reality there are no commissions for users; Samsung takes it upon itself.

    Payment security

    The emergence of a new technology has greatly excited users and banks, because large sums can be at stake, and companies offering such services must protect banking clients. Fortunately, the Koreans also took care of this.

    Your payments are protected on all fronts:

    • Firstly, during the transaction, your personal data remains on the phone and is not transferred to the terminal. The terminal receives only a random set of numbers, which is enough for it to contact the bank and confirm the payment. This operating principle is called tokenization.
    • Secondly, every purchase must be confirmed using your fingerprint, which cannot be faked and used elsewhere.
    • Thirdly, in Samsung phones installed active protection from viruses and unauthorized actions on the phone. This means that if the system suspects that it has been hacked, it will automatically delete all banking data, including card numbers, payment history, and so on.

    Possible problems

    Problems at work payment system- are rare, but they still exist, and many users have encountered them.

    • The first problem is unupdated software. Many smartphones work on old ones Android versions or on its hacked assemblies. Until you install the latest official firmware, the payment system will not work.
    • The second problem is that many phone owners do not have an account. Before you can use Samsung Pay on your smartphone, you need to create this account. To do this, you need to open your phone settings and select the submenu " Accounts". There you will be asked to complete a short registration, after which you will be able to use all the company’s services.
    • The third problem is a damaged NFC chip. Yes, this happens too. Sometimes the NFC module of a smartphone simply does not work properly and therefore needs to be replaced. If you have such a problem, you need to contact the service center.

    Impressions, reviews, discounts

    Samsung managed to create a great resonance among consumers. Everyone and everyone rushed to test the new product. Many people decided to try a new payment system only because the company organized an auction of unprecedented generosity and forced many companies to provide discounts to users of the payment system. Even the Moscow administration took a similar step. All summer long, subway fares are half the price when you pay using Samsung Pay. And this is just the beginning.

    Samsung has already launched in America new system bonuses. Each purchase made using their proprietary payment system credits the user’s virtual account with some kind of cashback, which can later be spent on various products from Samsung store. What exactly the company will sell is still unknown, but the Koreans have enough money to attract major partners.

    Instead of a conclusion

    What do we end up with? A simple and secure wallet right on your phone. Thus, IT companies have once again proven that they can change our lives. Every aspect of life. Now that you know how to use Samsung Pay correctly, it's time to try the system in action.

    • Works with any terminals, regardless of the presence of an NFC chip.
    • The user can choose from several payment confirmation methods.
    • Bonuses, promotions and potential cashback system.

    Disadvantages of the payment system:

    • Works only on official firmware.
    • The number of smartphones supporting the technology is not impressive.

    Just imagine. You stand at the cash register and say that you will pay using your card. The cashier gives you payment terminal and adds in an apologetic tone that contactless payment (PayPass), alas, does not work. “It will work for me,” you answer and bring... your smartphone to the terminal. Magically, the device that does not accept contactless payments cheerfully confirms that the card transaction has been approved. You take your bread and kefir and disappear through the door, leaving the cashier in bewilderment. In this fictional story, everything is real, except for one thing: there is no magic. And if there is, let's figure out how to tame it.

    The main highlight of the payment Samsung systems Pay for smartphones from the same manufacturer is that it can be used even on old terminals that are not “trained” for contactless payments. Samsung has figured out how to “deceive” them. All old payment terminals have a bank card magnetic stripe reader on the right side, and some Samsung smartphones can emulate such a stripe.

    The rest of the scheme is simple: a smartphone with NFC, a special mobile application for Samsung Pay, linking a bank card to it, a high degree of security, eliminating accidental payments and the risk of losing money if the smartphone is lost. Similar payment systems work in a number of countries according to approximately the same scheme. Apple system Pay for gadgets of the same name, but iPhones cannot “pretend” to be the magnetic stripe of a bank card and are more picky when communicating with payment terminals.

    How is security ensured?

    Already at the time of installation mobile application For Samsung Pay, the smartphone is checked for malicious software. If it is detected, you will not be able to use Samsung Pay.

    On a completely “healthy” smartphone, no operations via Samsung Pay can be carried out without placing your finger on the fingerprint scanner on the smartphone or without entering secret code.

    Moreover, your bank card data will not be stored on your phone at all. The moment it is linked to the payment system, a random code (token) is generated, which can pass itself off as another bank card when paying. Only Samsung Pay and your bank will know that the token and your real bank card are almost the same thing.

    Which cards and which banks can be linked to Samsung Pay?

    On the day the service was launched in Russia Samsung collaborated with five banks: MTS Bank, VTB-24, Alfa Bank, Raiffeisenbank, Russian Standard. In addition, you can use cards from the Yandex.Money service. By top Samsung Pay was supported only by the MasterCard payment system, but since December 2016, Visa support has appeared in a number of banks, including MTS Bank.

    Which smartphones support Samsung Pay?

    At the time of launch in Russia, this payment system does not work for everyone Samsung smartphones, but in the future the number of compatible models will increase. Here is a complete list of gadgets that are ready to replace your bank card:

    • Samsung Galaxy S7
    • Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
    • Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+
    • Samsung Galaxy Note 5
    • Samsung Galaxy A7 (2016 version)
    • Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016 version)

    Is it possible to pay when Samsung help Pay purchases on the Internet?

    No. This payment system only allows the use of payment terminals.

    How to start using Samsung Pay?

    Firstly, owners of the above listed models need to wait special update systemic software- it will happen in November 2016. We at MTS/Media couldn’t wait that long and persuaded one smartphone to update in September. Now, having gained practical experience, we offer you short instructions.

    You can update the software on your smartphone right now, and then home screen icon will appear Samsung apps Pay. Click on it. A page will open that will invite you to become a participant in the launch of the service, one of the first to try to use it in Russia. By clicking on the I want to try button, you will see a window in which you will need to enter unique code IMEI of your phone. This code can be found by dialing the command *#06# in dialing mode and pressing the call button. After entering the IMEI, a special installation file. Go back to the Samsung Pay app and tap Install.

    After updating the software, a shortcut appears on your smartphone to launch the Samsung Pay application. You need to launch it and register. At this very moment in mandatory You will need to set a secret code to unlock your smartphone or register a fingerprint for this.

    Now you need to click on the image of the bank card to link your own card to the payment system. In the future, there can be up to twelve of them, and you can choose any one for payment. Here we will limit ourselves to one, using the example of an MTS Bank card.

    There are two ways to enter your card details: take a photo of it or enter its details manually. We cannot show screenshots: for security reasons, the creation of screenshots is blocked for such operations.

    Accepting an agreement with Samsung and the bank is the next mandatory step.

    After this, your bank will want to receive confirmation of registration in the service. Press the SMS button to receive a message with a code to mobile number, linked to your bank card.

    The received code must be entered in the application.

    Literally finishing touch: We leave your signature on the screen, which you, at the cashier’s request, can demonstrate on the smartphone screen. Write with your finger or the stylus that came with your smartphone.

    How to pay using Samsung Pay?

    Open the Samsung Pay application, select any of the linked cards. To activate the payment mode, you need to place your finger on the scanner or enter a secret code.

    After displaying on the screen standard icon For contactless payment You can pay by holding the back surface of your smartphone to the terminal. The smartphone will tell you with a picture exactly how to hold the smartphone, but we will also write it down. If the terminal does not support contactless payment, place the gadget on the right, where the slot for reading the magnetic stripe of a bank card is located.

    If the purchase amount is more than a thousand rubles, the terminal may request a PIN code - enter the PIN of your real bank card, not the code from your smartphone. In very rare cases, terminals request the last four digits of a bank card - they are displayed in the mobile application.

    If you wish, you can enable the Simple pay function in your smartphone settings, which allows you to call up a window for payment from the desktop of your gadget and even when the screen is locked.

    What else can I recommend? Be sure to watch the cashier's reaction. She (if it is she) will probably say: “This is the first time this has happened to you...”.

    Brief instructions for installing the Samsung Pay application on mobile phone and linking bank cards

    It allows you to make payments safely, quickly and easily by simply tapping your smartphone on the payment terminal, operating in Russia since the end of September 2016, Samsung technology Pay. Let's look at how to install this program on your phone and what is required for it to work.

    How to connect

    To start using samsung pay the following steps are required:

    Registration will be completed in a few minutes, the phone will display the last four digits of the plastic number and the same number of digits digital code– a token that ensures the security of transactions. From now on, the smartphone can be used as a tool for making payments. Adding additional cards is done by clicking the add icon and repeating all the steps described.

    Important: you can add no more than ten to one smartphone different cards. If you want to pay for your purchase, you must select the one you need. Default cash will be debited from the card that was added last.

    How to launch the application

    There are several options available to launch the application: swipe up from the bottom edge of the phone on the lock screen; on the home screen; screen in sleep mode; or simply click on the application icon.

    Smartphones that will be released later than the date Samsung launch Pay in Russia will be equipped with technology by the manufacturer, provided that they have NFC modules and MST. And on previously released phones, the Samsung Pay service will become available after the update operating system.

    You can pay in almost any terminal, even if they do not have a Pay Pass system, as well as in cash registers equipped with a magnetic stripe. If the payment amount is over 1 thousand rubles. in the terminal using NFS technology, the device will ask you to enter the PIN code of your bank card.

    What banks work

    As of December 2016, the list of banks and payment systems working with Samsung Pay is shown in Table 1.

    Table 1
    Name Support for Mastercard payment system (Master Card) Support for the VISA payment system (Visa)
    MTS-Bank + +
    Raiffeisenbank + +
    Alfa-Bank + +
    Opening +

    At 9 am on May 23, 2017. From now on, almost all smartphone users can use mobile payment services: Apple Pay is available on iPhone, Samsung flagships Galaxy and A-series smartphones support Samsung Pay, devices with NFC on Android 4.4 and above - Android Pay.

    The principle is almost the same on all devices. You need to set a password lock or a fingerprint scanner, download or run pre-installed application payment service, indicate card details, enter the verification code from SMS and agree to the user agreement. After this, you can pay for purchases with your smartphone. However, with a similar setup procedure, each of the three payment services has certain features.


    Everything is clear with smartphones, but what about supporting mobile payment services on other devices?

    Android Pay works on smartphones with NFC running Android 4.4 and higher. In addition, the service is available to users of smart watches under Android control Wear 2.0.

    Samsung Pay works on Galaxy flagships and A-series smartphones, as well as Samsung smart watches Gear S3:
    Samsung Galaxy S8 | S8+
    Samsung Galaxy S7 edge | S7
    Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+
    Samsung Galaxy S6 | S6 Edge (NFC only)
    Samsung Galaxy Note5
    Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017) | A5 (2017) | A3 (2017)
    Samsung Galaxy A7 (2016) | A5 (2016)
    Samsung Gear S3 classic | frontier

    Apple Pay works on iPhone smartphones, smart watch Apple Watch, and also iPad tablets And MacBook laptops Pro with Touch Bar:
    iPhone SE, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and later
    iPad (5th generation), iPad Pro, iPad mini 3 and later, iPad Air 2
    Apple Watch, Apple Watch Series 1, Apple Watch Series 2
    MacBook Pro With touch sensor ID
    Mac computer 2012 model or later combined with an iPhone with Apple support Pay or Apple Watch


    When you use a mobile payment service, the first question in the store is: “can I pay here with a smartphone, or do I need to get my wallet and card?”

    Android Pay and Apple Pay can only be used on terminals that support contactless payment. You can identify them in three ways: there may be stickers with the corresponding icons at the checkout; at the top of some contactless payment terminals there is a row of diodes; the message “attach card” appears on the terminal display.

    Samsung Pay can be used on any terminal, regardless of whether it supports contactless payment. If there is, NFC technology is used, otherwise payment is made using MST, proprietary magnetic stripe emulation technology.


    Bring your smartphone to the terminal and confirm the operation? It couldn't be easier! However, each payment service has its own characteristics.

    If you need to pay for a purchase up to a thousand rubles, just turn on the smartphone screen and bring it to the terminal. There is no need to confirm the action with a fingerprint or password. After three transactions, the payment will have to be confirmed, or the smartphone will have to be unlocked to reset the counter. At first glance, this is not very safe, but 3,000 rubles is not a very large amount that can be debited from the account by third parties who have gained access to the device, and operations that take place without entering a PIN code are easily disputed in banks. Purchases worth more than a thousand rubles from using Android Pay occurs as in other payment services: on the device you need to confirm the operation with a fingerprint or enter a password, and on the terminal you need to enter the card PIN code.

    At using Samsung Pay and Apple Pay, all transactions must be confirmed with a fingerprint or password, and if the amount is more than 1000 rubles, you must additionally enter the card PIN code at the terminal.


    Doesn't catch mobile communications or have you turned off data while roaming? Not all payment services will behave the same.

    To keep Android running Pay to smartphone Requires periodic internet connection. This payment service does not require a separate data chip in smartphones, so payment user information is not stored on the device, and unique tokens for transactions are generated on the server. Without an Internet connection, you can use Android Pay for a limited period (at the time of publication there is no exact information about the duration) and make no more than six transactions.

    Samsung Pay and Apple Pay store user data on a special chip that has highest level protection. All payment transactions occur directly on the device, so an Internet connection is not required for payment.


    What to do if you want to go shopping while lying on the couch and not get up to get your wallet with by bank card? There is a way out, but not for everyone.

    Android Pay and Apple Pay, being components of the platform, offer users the ability to pay for purchases through applications from Google Pay And App Store. In addition, these services have the ability to pay for purchases in the browser.

    Samsung Pay is a little behind in this regard. However, at the end of March, Samsung Electronics entered into a strategic partnership with Visa, and by the end of the year, Samsung Pay users will have the opportunity to make purchases in online stores around the world that work with the Visa Checkout service.


    Your neighbor’s grass is always greener (and there are bonuses when new payment services are launched), so you probably want to try something different now.

    Returning to the fact that Android Pay and Apple Pay are parts of the platform, for the majority of users these services will be the only ones. The only exception will be if the device manufacturer is developing an additional payment service, for example Samsung, Xiaomi, LG.

    Samsung Pay users can switch to Android Pay at any time. It makes sense to do this only in the next month, when there are bonuses like . In the future, Samsung Pay will be more convenient for users Galaxy smartphones due to greater versatility and combination NFC technologies and MST.