• How to find a lost or stolen Android phone. What to do if your phone is stolen? Setting up the avast! Anti-Theft in the gadget

    This is done as follows:

    • Go to settings, then go to the “Security” menu (on some versions “Protection”), then click on “Device Administrators” appearance which is shown in Figure No. 1.

    • The "Device Administrators" section contains a single item called "Device Manager". There is a checkbox next to it. Actually, all the user needs to do is check that box and exit the settings. However, after the checkbox is checked, a message will appear, the appearance of which is shown in Figure No. 2.

    This message talks about what this very “Device Manager” can do, and specifically:

    1. Delete all data from the device;
    2. Change passwords on it;
    3. Block your phone.

    You just need to agree to this message by clicking on the “Activate” button.

    Note: On all versions of Android, starting from 5.0, all the above settings do not need to be done. In them, the device manager is enabled by default.

    By the way, this is the only case when a stolen or lost phone on the Android platform can be found without any actions performed even before its loss - if it has the version operating system 5.0 or higher. In all other cases, find it without help law enforcement agencies It just won't work out.

    That's all. The process of connecting the phone, in fact, to the tracking service is completed. Now you can try to find out the location of the device. To do this, you need to follow the automatic device tracking link, which looks like this: www.google.com/android/devicemanager. Of course, you will need to log in there, if this has not been done earlier. After this, the system itself, in automatic mode, will find the phone that is registered to this account. Again, in order for the phone to be linked to a Google account, you need to log in to Google once. The appearance of the window itself is quite classic for such programs.

    In Figure 3, the main control panel is highlighted. As you can see, it has three buttons that allow you to make a test call to the phone, block it, or clear all data from the device. To carry out one of these actions, you just need to click on the appropriate button. In addition, this window has a map where you can see real location phone. Even if it is now turned off, the system will show the place where the phone was during its last connection to the Internet. Thus, it can be said that Google services They are simply irreplaceable help if you have lost your phone. They allow you to track the location of the device via a computer in a matter of minutes.

    Method number 2. Using pre-installed programs

    In general, there are quite a lot of all kinds of programs that help in finding a lost phone via the Internet. All of them perform the same function as Google’s “Device Manager,” namely, displaying the device’s location on a map, but each has its own unique features in terms of functionality, interface, or other nuances. Therefore, below is a list of the most popular programs to find a phone or other device on the Android platform via the Internet:

    Lost Android

    This program is interesting, first of all, because attackers really know little about it, and even if the phone ends up in their hands, they are unlikely to realize that such a program is on it. Accordingly, they will not understand that the owner may know where in at the moment his device is located. And all thanks to the fact that in the list of Lost Android programs it is displayed simply as Personal Notes and has a shortcut to a regular notepad. Accordingly, the attacker will think that this is just some kind of notebook and nothing more.

    On the official website of this program (http://www.androidlost.com/) you can find a download link and full instructions by use. To start using Lost Android, you must also log in to Google using the button highlighted in Figure 4.

    Lost Android features are:

    1. Find out the location of the phone;
    2. Give beep(for example, a siren);
    3. Make the device vibrate;
    4. Send an email about an incorrectly entered PIN code;
    5. Send the location of the device by email.

    Lookout Security & Antivirus

    Here we are talking about full-fledged system protect your phone from unauthorized access, viruses and spyware and from other various threats. In addition, functions standard for such programs are available, such as location determination, sound notification and device locking. Among the features, it is worth noting an unusual interface that will appeal to high-tech lovers, as well as the ability to recover data from a phone that was in the hands of attackers. In general, also very useful application if you lost your phone.

    By the way, the Lookout Security & Antivirus application is often included in the TOPs of the best on Google Play(link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lookout&hl=ru), and the 4.5 rating says a lot!

    Where's My Droid

    Everything here is based on sending an SMS message with a special syntax. So, using special codes, you can make the phone ring itself or send its coordinates to specified phone number. IN Pro versions it is also possible to do hidden photos. This means that the person holding the device in his hands will not even know that he is being photographed at that moment, and the resulting photographs are sent to specified mail. Download link – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alienmanfc6.wheresmyandroid&hl=ru.

    All these programs allow you to find your phone through your computer.

    Method No. 3. Law enforcement

    So, if you have an Android version on your phone less than 5.0 and no special programs You haven’t installed it before, there is only one way left, which is to contact the police. There you just need to write a statement about the missing mobile phone. It is possible that law enforcement officers will be able to recognize your device by IMEI, that is, a unique identifier that every phone has.

    Advice for those who have not yet lost their phone. Write down your ID somewhere so that law enforcement officers can later recognize your device by IMEI. To find it out, you just need to dial *#06# on your phone.

    The application will need to indicate all the phone information. To prove that you are its owner, take with you a box, a receipt from the store, or any other documents and things that may indicate this.

    Below you can clearly see how a phone is searched using standard Android services connected to Google.


    Sometimes careless handling or theft causes the loss of a smartphone. In this case, it is usually recommended to file a statement with the police. But few users know how to find a lost or stolen Android phone on their own.

    Meanwhile for remote control There are a lot of possibilities with your smartphone, and if you lose it, you can find its location in a matter of minutes. Moreover, this can be done even if the gadget is turned off and the attacker has thrown away the SIM card. Here are some tips on how to find a switched off phone on Android.

    Most Android smartphones come pre-installed with this useful program. It allows you to control your gadget remotely from another mobile device or home computer.

    For Android settings Device Manager needs to perform the following operations in the device settings:

    • open the menu in the “Security” section;
    • go to the “Administrators” section;
    • familiarize yourself with the program’s functions and activate the “Find device” option.

    Then you should go to . Using its functionality, you can determine the location of a missing device immediately after it is lost, but provided that the attackers or the person who accidentally found your phone do not reset or change the software settings.

    In the first hours after loss, you still have a chance to find your smartphone using the program. To do this, you need to open the program on your computer, activate your Google account and select “Search for phone” in the menu.

    By clicking on the “Find” icon, you can determine on the map of your locality the place where the gadget is currently located. This program also has one more useful feature. If you accidentally lost mobile device at home, then activate the “Call” function, and after a while your smartphone will loudly announce itself.

    The program also allows you to block the device and send a message to the finder.

    The previous manager allows you to control your smartphone remotely, but has a limited set of functions. To find an Android phone through a computer, it is better to use full-fledged specialized software. Such a program is Lost Android.

    By installing and activating the application, observing step by step instructions, you will receive powerful tool control over your smartphone. In addition to the options for determining the location of the loss via a GPS connection, the ability to block and format data, you will get a unique opportunity to take pictures using the cameras of the lost phone remotely. Thus, within a few minutes after the theft of the device, you can receive a portrait of the criminal to your email.


    Read what to do in hopeless situation, how to find a lost phone if it is turned off. Is this possible? And how to protect yourself from an unpleasant situation.

    Often, having lost a smartphone, we part with gigabytes of various kinds of files that may contain personal information, logins and passwords. Mobile phone After all, today it is no longer just a means of communication, but a very multifunctional device.

    But this article will not talk about the capabilities of a smartphone, but about how to find a lost phone if it is turned off. Now there are many services that are developed specifically to determine the location of Android devices, but none of them can work with the device turned off. What to do in such an unpleasant situation?

    Lost phone - how to find it if it is turned off: search your pockets

    It often happens that users, noticing that the smartphone is not in the right place, begin to panic empty space. For example, you put your phone in one pocket, but check it in another, more familiar one. Has it happened? Immediately, not very pleasant thoughts come into my head. So, the first piece of advice if you think you have lost your smartphone:

    Take a good look at all the places where you usually put your gadget. It wouldn’t hurt to make sure it didn’t fall somewhere. In general, we carefully examine every possible place of his stay.

    As I have personally verified, in most cases the phone is simply not where it usually is. That's it - the missing person case is solved. Another the simplest advice– call your lost phone. So, at least make sure whether it is turned on or not. Finally, remember where you were in lately When was the last time you took out your smartphone? This will at least reduce the search area.

    How to find a lost phone at home. An alarm clock will help!

    From banal advice to search your pockets, which you probably guessed yourself, we move on to more effective means. As we noted at the beginning, locating a turned off phone is complicated by the fact that most tools designed for this purpose simply do not work when the device is not turned off. What's interesting is that the alarm clock doesn't stop it.

    Smartphone manufacturers and developers software We thought, why don’t smartphones turn off on their own at night, and wake up in the morning with the first rays of the sun and wake up the owner.

    The feature turned out to be really useful: the smartphone does not receive notifications at night that would force the user to wake up, and does not run out of charge, but turns on on its own in the morning. A similar function is implemented in many phones. It is she who can help find a switched off smartphone.

    It is clear that automatic activation must be activated on the device. Typically, you can find the option in additional settings smartphone. You set the time at which the smartphone will turn off and on. Set an alarm.

    Those who use the function can simply wait for the specified turn-on time.

    Mobile operators and police will help you find your lost phone

    Often, if a smartphone is lost while it is turned off, all the user can do is search the location. It's unfortunate, but we can't do anything else on our own, unless you use the function automatic switching on or any GPS tracking fobs. But the police department or salon can help solve the problem cellular communication.

    It’s worth noting right away that employees of structures and employees of communication stores are reluctant to do this.

    The first, as crime chronicles show, are not always able to catch maniacs and murderers, but you will come to them with a statement about a missing, and most importantly, turned off, smartphone. Of course, if the statement indicates not the loss, but the theft of the device, then this will oblige the investigators to accept it.

    However, as statistics again show, there is not much hope for success. Every day, hundreds, if not thousands, of users unwillingly part with their gadgets, which then find a new owner. The police simply will not search for missing and stolen phones.

    Will mobile operators help you find your lost phone?

    Operators are especially not eager to try their luck in finding your switched off smartphone. Although, it is quite doable.

    Mobile operators today have tools that can find a lost phone, or even a disconnected one. By sending a signal to the SIM card, they can determine the approximate location of the gadget. But, again, the police can force the operator to carry out this kind of operation, to the average user they are not obligated to help.

    Let's say you are one of the people who are 100% confident in their abilities. You know that either the police or the employees of a cell phone store will help you find your turned off smartphone. What is needed for this:

    1. IMEI (a unique number assigned to each phone, usually indicated under the device’s battery, can be found by typing *#06#; IMEI is also indicated on the box in which the gadget was delivered);
    2. passport;
    3. the agreement you entered into when purchasing the SIM card.

    With this we go to the police station or a cell phone store. Naturally, we fill out a statement according to which an attempt will be made to find your switched off smartphone. As a rule, the search process takes some time: both the police and cell phone stores send a request to the operator, who is already trying to track the phone.

    We also note that if your smartphone is found in the apartment, there is a high risk of receiving a fine. Still, the police spent time and resources searching for your phone.

    Plan ahead! What will help you find a switched off smartphone?

    Providing your phone with a tool in advance that will help you find it in the future is the best solution. However, who will think about this before they lose their gadget?! So, firstly, an excellent device that will allow you not only to find, but also not to lose, is.

    Yes, yes, the same ones that the market is flooded with today. We are interested in two functions in them - searching for a smartphone and warning about a disconnection. In the first case, we can activate a loud sound notification from the watch on the phone, which will “squeal” until you press the button.

    Naturally, the option only works when the smartphone is turned on and within range Smart Watch.

    More interesting function smartwatch for users who often forget their smartphone in cafes or guests, there will be a warning about the connection being lost. That is, when you move about 15-20 meters away from the smartphone, the watch and the phone itself will begin to vibrate and make a sound.

    Smart watch with specified functions are inexpensive, and, in addition, are equipped with other useful options, for example, receiving notifications, remotely controlling a smartphone and others. With them, you don’t have to look for a switched off smartphone - you will be protected from losing your electronic friend.

    GPS trackers will help in the search

    Do you prefer Smart Watch to regular watches? Then we will attach a tracking device to your phone. We are talking about various types, the location of which can be tracked by satellite, for example, from a computer. They're standing similar devices inexpensive, available in various designs, last a long time on one charge (or battery) and will definitely help you find your lost phone, even if it is turned off.

    You can find an interestingly shaped GPS keychain that won't arouse suspicion if your smartphone is stolen. Agree, not everyone will realize that a dangling thing can send information about its location. We’ve already talked about it once, check it out if you’re interested.

    Protect your data

    Whatever one may say, it is very difficult to find a lost phone outside the home that is also turned off. And sometimes it’s not really necessary. Now, who wants to run from office to office at the police station, trying to file an application to find a phone for 3,000 rubles?

    Just a waste of time and nerves. Today, the market allows you to purchase a sophisticated smartphone for a relatively small amount, and users often care not about the gadget itself, but about what it stores in the depths of its memory.

    To prevent the finder from gaining access to your files and passwords, you need to worry about security in advance:

    • First of all, the passwords are ours. best friend. Set a PIN code that the phone will request when turned on. It's unlikely that you reboot your device every day, so you won't have to enter it often. A simple action, but very difficult to access the device. We also recommend using a screen lock password, which will protect your turned-on smartphone from unauthorized access.

    Very many modern smartphones have a fingerprint scanner, although many users do not use it. We advise you to use it - without your fingerprint, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to guess the password.

    • Secondly, synchronization. A very, very useful feature that is neglected by many. IN Android smartphones As a rule, Google services are used for synchronization, combining a lot of data in a single account. In case of theft or loss of a gadget, this same account will help you block or delete all data from your smartphone. By the way, services can help you find Android phone, unless it's actually turned off. Read more about the issue of synchronization and remote monitoring of a smartphone using Google services.

    As you can see, today there are not many ways to find a lost phone that is also turned off. If a device is lost outside the home, then the chance of finding it tends to zero.

    However, there are quite a lot of means that will prevent loss and help in the search, if you take care of them in advance. Small keychain or smart watch will save your nerves and wallet. And passwords and synchronization will protect your personal information.

    Alas, everyone may be faced with the question of how to find a lost Android phone, so we decided to look into it in our article, so that if you lose it, you will know what to do correctly. Often, when a phone is lost or stolen, a person contacts the police, but the chance that they will find him is minimal. Fortunately, there are other reliable and effective ways, how to find an Android phone if you’ve lost it, which we’ll talk about next. You will not have to perform any complicated actions, but it is important that you have a registered Google account. If you have not used it on your phone, then it will be impossible to find it.

    You will need to activate the “Remote control” setting, for which you need to go to the “My location” item in the smartphone settings and check the “Allow tracking coordinates” checkbox. This will help you in case of theft and loss, so we recommend keeping the function turned on at all times. Although it eats up battery power, without it there is practically no chance of finding the device if it is lost.

    Ways to find a lost Android phone through a computer

    The question of whether it is possible to find an Android phone if it is lost has a positive answer, but a lot depends on the circumstances. By using Android service Device Manager can be searched from your computer. But if the attackers have already reset the settings on the device or it is in a switched off state, then the functionality will be reduced. But thieves don’t always think of doing this, so there’s still a chance of finding the device. To do this, we perform the following manipulations on our PC:

    When solving the question of how to find an Android phone if you have lost it, through a computer you will see that from here you can block it, call it or erase all the information stored in its memory.

    What to do if you can't find your phone at home?

    In the hustle and bustle of everyday life or due to absent-mindedness, you can lose your phone even at home, no matter how comical it may sound. In this case, a program that allows you to make a call to yourself via the Internet will help. The phone will ring for several minutes, even if it has silent mode. This way it will be much easier to find it; all you have to do is walk through the rooms and hear where the ringtone is playing from.

    Sending SMS to a lost or stolen smartphone

    If you were unable to find your lost Android phone through Google, you can send a message to it asking for it to be returned for a reward. It’s hard to believe, but even now there are honest and responsible people, so you should hope that after this the people who found the phone can contact you and agree on its return.

    Lost Android application - an effective assistant when you lose your phone

    If, while figuring out how to find a lost Android phone via the Internet, you still haven’t been able to achieve results, then you should try one of the most popular and functional applications - Lost Android. After installing and accessing the application interface for the first time, you need to give it administrator rights. Without this, you will not have access to blocking the device and deleting information from its memory. Using the application, you can remotely turn on the sound on a stolen phone and view its current GPS coordinates. If GPS is disabled, you can activate it. You can also access the information stored in it and copy it to your computer to restore important contacts and photographs, even if you can’t return the device. The application can send notifications when changing the SIM card and send notifications asking you to return the device.

    Is it possible to find lost android - important question, so here we look at the methods in detail and provide instructions on how to find a lost Android phone or tablet.

    In this article we will look at how to find an Android phone or tablet if you have already lost it and how to pre-configure your Android device to increase your chances and simplify your search. in case of possible loss.

    Instructions will be reviewed based on Avast antivirus, if you chose another one, it’s not scary, all stages are done almost exactly the same way. After installing the antivirus, you must go to the settings (click on functions, select Settings) and check the box for Pin code protection (enter your pin, which you must remember) and another checkbox for Protection against deletion - if an attacker sees the antivirus - without a pin code will not be able to delete it, so we will have more time to search.

    After installing the antivirus, go to avast! Anti-Theft and you will be prompted to install the application we need from the Play Market.

    In addition to installing the application itself, you need to spend a little time and configure the operation of this program according to the instructions below.
    We will configure the Android so that an attacker or a person who finds the phone will not be able to carry out any actions with the phone or tablet (delete, reboot, etc.)

    Now you need to start account avast. To do this, go to the site through a browser id.avast.com and press Create an account now, enter your email and create a password.

    Now let's launch installed application avast! Anti-Theft:

    1. Enter a name
    2. PIN code for accessing functions (without knowing the PIN, an attacker will not be able to change the application settings).
    3. Enter the phone number to which a message about changing the SIM card with a new number will be sent.
    4. Click on account settings, log in to your account, enter your phone number and password

    We have linked the account to our Android device

    All actions that you can perform with your phone after it is stolen take place on the avast.com website in your account. More details about these actions will be written after setting up the application..

    Setting up the avast! Anti-Theft in an android device

    We go to the point Advanced settings and set up theft protection point by point:

    1. Protective actions– what the phone will do if you put it into mode "Lost". You need to check the boxes next to the following items:

    • block phone- if lost, the phone is blocked, further actions only after entering the PIN code;
    • alarm – you may not want to enable this function, as this will greatly attract the attention of a thief, and he will want to remove the battery;
    • without access to the phone settings - access to the phone settings and, accordingly, to deleting applications is blocked (but for now you can restart the phone and gain access to deletion, so read on);
    • low battery notification.

    2. Lock text, GPS, erase
    Enter text, which will be displayed on the unlock screen if the device is entered into “Lost” mode, for example, “Return for a reward and phone number.”

    Device Administrator

    In the parameters, check the box next to avast! Anti-Theft - after that in Lost mode an attacker will not even be able to turn off the Android device without removing the battery.

    Now your Android device is maximally protected!

    How to find a lost Android phone or tablet

    The Internet on your lost Android is turned on

    You will find out after sending any request from the site. If they write to you that they cannot send a request to the device, it means the Internet is turned off, then read the next paragraph.

    We log in from any device, including a PC, to the avast.com website and log into your account. Go to the My devices tab, click View data, in the Select a command column, do the following:

    1. We need to find out where the phone is

    To do this, select the “Find” item - a request is sent to search for the device. Click on the icon in the Actions column (screenshot) and in the window that opens, select Position on the map.

    2. “Call”- we can secretly make a call from a lost device and hear what is happening around. The call only appears in the notification screen.

    3. "Lost"- all the actions that we have configured on Android occur, namely:

    telephone blocked without the possibility of rebooting and further use
    if the alarm is turned on, the phone starts "scream" and this cannot be turned off without removing the battery (if possible) or until it runs out

    Here are the most effective actions, you can launch the rest according to your desire or situation by selecting the appropriate command in the tab (for example, view recent calls or SMS, erase all data, etc.)

    Internet on lost android is turned off

    In this case, we use SMS requests.

    After changing the SIM card to the numbers that you added to item Friends You will receive an SMS with the phone number of the new SIM card. You send special messages to this number SMS requests, after which the android will perform the appropriate actions.

    SMS must be sent from the numbers that you added in the Friends section

    All commands are in the form: PIN code space “command”. For example, let's take PIN code 12345:

    12345 LOST - marks the phone as lost

    12345 FOUND – marks the phone as found

    12345 LOCK – locks the phone

    12345 UNLOCK – unlocks the device

    12345 SIREN ON – turns on the siren

    12345 SIREN OFF – turns off the siren

    12345 LOCATE – locates the device

    12345 LOCATE 5 - detects the device every 5 minutes

    12345 LOCATE STOP – stop tracking

    The actions that will occur after requests are identical to those described in the previous paragraph.

    These are the main requests we need. If you need additional ( latest sms, calls, make a call, etc.), write in the comments.

    1. Always leave Internet included to access these features if your phone is stolen
    2. Put
    3. Do

    So, we have sorted it out for you how to find a lost android phone or tablet With presetting software and without it. By the way, you can also take out theft insurance along with the purchase of a new device.

    It took 3 days to check all the actions and write the article, and as a rule, even people who pay $200 for setting it up in a store (as well as those who do it :)) do not have such information, so we would be very grateful if you tell us about this article to your friends. This can be done using the buttons social networks under the article. Rest assured, they will only thank you for this information.