• How to check network settings on your phone. Setting up a network on Android. Firewall: what is it and what are its tasks?

    A firewall in Windows is a computer security program that inspects and controls outgoing and incoming data (traffic) between the computer and the network. The network can be either a local network or the Internet, which is more common. Without the firewall enabled, all network traffic passes through the PC uncontrollably, while the running firewall, depending on its settings, blocks or allows data to pass through. The included firewall together with becomes a real wall from malware And network attacks. By the way, the second name of this type of program is Firewall, which translated from English means “wall of fire.” You can also see the name firewall.

    How to enable Windows Firewall

    Windows OS has a built-in firewall and it is not always enabled out of the box. Check if the firewall is working by opening the computer Start > Control Panel, switch the window view to show " Large icons" or " Small icons" (for ease of search) at the top right and find the icon " FirewallWindows».

    Open the firewall window with the left mouse button. When the firewall is turned on, there will be an image of a green shield opposite the connection. Otherwise you will see a red shield.

    If the firewall is disabled, you need to enable it as follows:

    Windows Firewall Settings

    To configure the firewall, open the firewall window in the control panel, as described above in point No. 1 and click on the “menu” item in the left panel.

    Here you can view and set rules for network connections various programs and services. For programs and services built into the operating system, network connection rules are already installed automatically.

    For third party programs, after installing them, the first time you access the network, the firewall asks the user to allow or deny access to the network for this program. By allowing or denying access, you are instructing the firewall to create a rule for this application and remember it so that the firewall won't ask you next time. Thus, without your knowledge, no program will receive an Internet connection.

    To enable, disable or change an existing rule for a program, find it in the list of rules in additional parameters firewall and double-click it to create a new rule.

    To allow network access earlier installed program, click on the menu item “” in the left column.

    In the window that opens, click on the button “ Change settings", and then click on the button " Allow another program» open selection window installed applications, find the one you need and give it permission to connect by checking the box next to the name.

    Now Windows firewall turned on, configured and ready to repel network attacks.


    How to open a firewall and what to do next

    Before setting up the firewall, you need to go into it and open it. In Windows, this is done through the Control Panel, which can be accessed through the Start menu; the firewall can be easily found by the icon globe behind a brick wall. In Kaspersky Anti-Virus, you can access the firewall settings using this path: Settings (at the bottom of the screen, just to the right of the center) - Protection Center (left) - Firewall (right). If the firewall is independent program, it opens double click, like all programs. So how to open a firewall depends on what it is separate program or a component of a more complex system.

    When the firewall window is open, you can enable or disable it and configure it. If the firewall, also known as the firewall, is disabled, the issue of settings is removed. But you should disable it only if a more powerful firewall is installed and used; quite often this is done with the standard Windows firewall to avoid conflict with another firewall. If the firewall is turned on, you can go to settings that differ from program to program.

    How to ensure a reliable level of PC security from virus attacks and unauthorized use? It’s very simple - you need to install a checkpoint firewall. It provides filtering and control of incoming packet data from the network to the computer when accessing the Internet. What is it and how important is its role in the organization? safe exit to the World Wide Web - we'll talk below.

    Basic information

    A firewall, also called a “firewall” or “firewall,” represents a protective barrier between a PC and the network. The fact is that as soon as a user accesses the Internet from his PC, he becomes an excellent target for various malicious utilities, the same viruses or Trojans. The computer's visibility to malicious elements ensures user activity. This status is tracked very simply - to perform a particular function, communicate with different applications a virtual resource is used - a port. Depending on the team it has different number, by which it is easy to identify user activity:

    • 80 - for loading Internet pages;
    • 110 - used when downloading files via email;
    • 25 - indicates that information was sent via email.

    There are thousands of such ports, and each of them poses a potential threat to PC security. In other words, the more different operations we perform on the network, the greater the risk of damage or unauthorized access to the computer. And to close unnecessary ports, and therefore reduce the risk of penetration unnecessary files You just need to close extra ports on your computer. This is what it does firewall.

    Need for a firewall

    Users may also have a question: what will happen if you don’t install a firewall? Well, judge for yourself - if your PC does not have a firewall or it is inactive, then get ready for virus attack. And this will happen very quickly, literally within a few minutes after you go online.

    Open ports are an excellent passage for Trojans, spyware and viruses. But do not confuse a firewall with an antivirus. These are two fundamentally different programs. The purpose of the antivirus is to cure affected files and clean the PC of malicious components. And the firewall simply does not allow these elements to penetrate the computer's packet data.

    Therefore, if you are an active Internet user, then take care and install a firewall. This way you will extend the life of your PC and avoid various problems with repairs or treatment of the system after virus attacks.

    What is a firewall? This is the name for applications designed to protect a computer from unwanted traffic and malicious programs from entering the network. This is a protective system, like a wall, standing between the network adapter and the operating system. Therefore, these programs are often called firewalls or firewalls. In its original meaning, a firewall is a wall that separates and protects an adjacent building from the spread of fire. Any network packet is checked by a firewall before being processed by the operating system. And any outgoing data packet must pass its control. This means that a firewall is not a solid wall, but a specially configured program that filters incoming and outgoing traffic.

    When working online, we use various applications. Each application needs access to a certain type of traffic. For example, browsers require port 80 for the outgoing TCP connection and port 53 for the DNS server. ICQ clients need port 5190 for outgoing TCP connections. If we close port 44583, we will not be able to use Skype. It is precisely the firewall that controls these and all other computer ports for incoming and outgoing traffic. That is, it opens the corresponding ports only to applications allowed by the rules. And we can set these rules ourselves when we set up a firewall. Let's assume we have allowed the Opera program to work. This means that incoming and outgoing traffic for this application will be allowed through the firewall. If, however, network packets come from a program that we did not give permission to operate, the connection will be blocked. When you first launch any application that requires access to the network, the firewall displays a request dialog box. And here, we ourselves decide to give access or not.

    Firewall is the first and main means of protecting your computer from network intrusions. And it must be configured accordingly.

    If we work in an office and are connected to the company's local network, we have nothing to worry about. System administrator will provide reliable protection and there is no need to set up a personal firewall on your machine. It's another matter when we go directly to global network. In this case, a firewall must be installed. And it must be enabled and configured.

    operating system An absolutely unprotected computer can be completely disabled in just a few hours of active Internet surfing. Such experiments were also carried out. The firewall will stop some intrusions - it blocks unauthorized connections.

    Own firewall built into systems Microsoft Windows starting from Windows XP SP2 and higher. Let's read the lesson: Windows XP firewall and see how to enable it and configure it.

    Using examples of built-in tools Windows protection We got acquainted with the principles of operation of firewalls - firewalls. A reliable firewall controls more than just incoming network packets. It should also record all outgoing traffic. And block packets emanating from malicious programs, if such programs have nevertheless penetrated the computer and are trying to send stolen information. For example, the Windows XP firewall does not work on outgoing connections. Here, you should consider installing a third-party firewall. What can you recommend?

    Based on test results from reputable independent laboratories dealing with security issues personal computer, the best firewall recognized by Comodo. Comodo Firewall is a free personal firewall from the American developer Comodo Group for Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and 8. You can download the latest version of the firewall from the developer’s official website.

    Let's move on to the lesson: setting up Comodo Firewall and see how to install and work with this firewall.

    Mobile network settings provide control over how your mobile device communicates on the cellular network. You may need to change these settings if you experience connection problems.

    Sponsored by P&G Articles on the topic "How to set up your phone on the network" How to turn off the Internet on Android How to set up a computer via a local network How to log into the network


    Open the main menu of your mobile device and go to “Settings”. Select “Phone”, “Network”, “Communication with devices”, etc. (depending on your phone model) and select the required options. Determine the network you are using in the "Active network" section and select the "Automatic" mode to perform automatic search home or preferred network and connect to it, or use the “Manual” option to independently select the desired network. Disable Data mode if you need to reduce traffic and extend battery life. This action does not affect the ability to make and receive phone calls and receive SMS messages. Accessing the Internet and sending or receiving emails will only be possible when connected to Wi-Fi networks. Use a 3G connection for maximum data speeds and disable the 3G option when there are no networks or high power signal from other networks. Use the “Mode Selection” option to determine the type of mobile network and change the settings of your network profile to update your mobile device. Go to the “Change PRL” section if you need to use roaming and update the preferences, a list of which is provided by the operator mobile communications. Data roaming parameters also determine the ability to transfer information outside the access area of ​​your home network. Specify the required values ​​in the “Access Point” section if it is impossible to transmit data on the network and disable the Wi-Fi option to preserve battery health. Take advantage of the option to cancel in-progress updates provided by your mobile operator to reduce data usage and reduce your cellular costs if you don't have an unlimited data plan. How simple

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    It's hard to imagine today's everyday life without email correspondence. E-mail- this is the transfer and receiving emails over a computer network. A fairly reliable procedure for delivering letters, ease of use of the program, the ability to transmit text, graphic and music messages will not leave any user indifferent. The main thing is to correctly configure the basic receiving functions mail.

    You will need

    • In order for you to be able to receive and view incoming mail, first of all, you need to create your own personal mailbox. To do this, you need to register on the site where you want to work with mail.
    • 1. Enter your First Name, Last Name, and come up with a login (pseudonym).
    • 2. Come up with a password, be sure to confirm it, choose security question and the answer (in case you forget your password).
    • 3. It is advisable to indicate your mobile phone number or other email address where will it come to you New Password, in case of loss.
    • 4. Agree with the site rules.
    • That's it, you are registered and you have created your own personal mailbox, with which you can now receive and send correspondence.
    • Now we can change some automatic mailbox settings.


    Resetting the indicators of unread correspondence occurs automatically after you read all incoming messages. The counter does not display deleted or read messages, only new ones. The counter option is automatically enabled. But you can disable it - uncheck it in Settings mail in the “Notification Letters” section.

    You can customize the collector mail in order to receive letters sent to your other mailboxes. Click “Settings” and select the “Collection” section mail", in which you indicate the address of your other mail on this or any other site, login and password. You can connect not one, but, as a rule, up to 10 collectors from other sites.

    If in your mailbox There is no automatic setting for instant notification; you can always download an additional program from the Internet, with which you will instantly learn about new

    Today, setting up a network on Android in most cases occurs automatically, but sometimes user participation may still be required to connect or select network parameters.

    Setting up a network on Android

    To gain access to the network, it is often enough to insert a SIM card into the device. You need to make sure that the SIM card is activated and has connected services cellular communications. By default, automatic operator selection is enabled in the settings; the smartphone itself will find the network and connect to it. If not, enable this option or select your operator from the list of available ones yourself.

    How to set network type on Android

    Modern smartphones have the ability to work in several types (generations) of network: 2G, 3G and 4G (LTE). By default, the radio module will try to connect to a higher generation network; if that fails, it will try to connect to a lower generation network. Such constant search better network negatively affects battery charge. If you know that the 3G network is predominantly widespread in your region, you can select the appropriate option in the settings, thereby saving the device from extra load when searching for 4G. If you do not use the Internet to watch videos or download large files, you can even choose a 2G network. The Internet speed on this network leaves much to be desired, but setting up the network on Android in this way will help the battery hold its charge longer.

    Setting up the Internet on Android also happens automatically, as does setting up the network on Android. However, there may be exceptions:

    • If you purchased a smartphone from some little-known manufacturer for which there is no automatic settings, then the settings will have to be entered manually.
    • If the smartphone is released for another country. In this case, connecting to the network may not be possible at all, since different countries may use different frequencies for cellular communications.

    In order to enter Internet settings manually, you need to check with your operator’s technical support for the necessary parameters for the access point (APN) and create new point access.

    Why does the network disappear on Android?

    From time to time, Android smartphones, like all cell phones, may experience problems with the quality of their network connection. There are many factors that affect the signal level; it may not be the device itself or the operator. Here are some reasons why connection quality and Internet speed drop:

    • The long distance to the nearest PBX (automatic telephone exchange) tower is especially noticeable outside large populated areas.
    • Cell tower congestion - if many subscribers are simultaneously connected to one tower and using the Internet, then its speed for each subscriber drops.
    • Weather conditions - during rain, radio relay communication channels sharply lose their capacity.
    • Building density and other obstacles to the signal path. It happens that, due to obstacles, the device cannot catch the signal from the nearest telephone exchange and connects to a more distant one.
    • The quality of your smartphone - purchasing budget device, you must understand that it does not have the best components installed.
    • Some cases also negatively affect the quality of the received signal.

    How to boost the signal on Android

    To strengthen the signal in populated areas and beyond, so-called GSM/3G repeaters are used. The device is amplified antenna, which is capable of capturing weak signal and enhance it for use by subscribers. There are also applications designed to improve the quality of communication. They don't improve the signal itself, but they scan nearby cell towers and connect to the one with the best signal. If you are experiencing connection problems, you can try the Network Signal Information Pro app