• Windows 10 exit to safe mode. We use the reset key to get into SafeMode. Managing Safe Mode from the Command Line

    In Safe Mode, the OS loads the minimum set of system files, drivers, services necessary for the startup and operation of the system. This type of download is used to diagnose a computer (laptop) and troubleshoot various problems.

    The Safe Mode tool comes in three variations:

    1. Standard – system startup with minimum set Windows elements.
    2. With loading network components– in addition to the standard version, they are loaded network drivers and services needed to access the Internet and other computers on the network.
    3. With Cmd - instead graphical shell The command line will be launched.

    If you are not an IT specialist, do not use option 3, but select mode 1 or 2 depending on the problem that arises. In the material we will study how to enter a secure Windows mode 10 several methods on a computer ( Asus laptop, Acer, Lenovo, HP).

    Entering Safe Mode through the system configuration window

    Type msconfig, then click OK (Enter). As a result, the system configuration window will launch.

    Click OK. As a result, a warning about restarting the system will pop up, click “Restart”. After restarting you will be in safe mode.

    Important! After working in this mode, go back to the system configuration and uncheck the “Safe Mode” option. Click OK, restart your PC.

    Launching Safe Mode through Special Boot Options

    IN this method Let's look at 4 situations in which special boot options open, and safe mode is activated from them. Situations 3 and 4 are used when Windows 10 cannot start.

    1. Combination Shift + reboot. In the Start menu, press the Power button. Clamp Shift button, and hold it. Then click on “Reboot”.

    Note: You can also reboot with Shift from the login screen.

    2. Special download options Windows settings. Use the combination + I to open the parameters. Go to Update & Security.

    Select "Recovery" on the left. In the area special options download, click on “Restart now”.

    3. Launch from system recovery media. Download via Boot Menu A USB drive created using the Recovery Disk Creator tool. Next, select the Russian keyboard layout.

    4. Interruption of the download process. When Windows 10 fails to start several times in a row, the mode is turned on automatic recovery. If this doesn't happen, then this mode can be called manually. During the OS startup, when the Windows logo is displayed, hold down the power button until the PC (laptop) turns off. Next, turn on the computer and repeat the shutdown procedure again. Do this 2-3 times. When everything works out, you will be transferred to the screen for preparing automatic recovery with subsequent diagnostics. Wait until the Automatic Repair Options selection screen appears and select Advanced Options.

    All 4 situations above will lead to the opening of special download options. To enter safe mode in Windows 10, follow these steps.

    Go to the troubleshooting section.

    In diagnostics, open advanced options.

    In the advanced options, you will need to select "Download Options".

    In the boot options, click on “Restart”.

    Wait for the restart to occur. You will have 9 launch modes. We are interested in numbers from 4 to 6. Depending on the option for starting safe mode, press the F4, F5, F6 buttons.

    Enabling Safe Mode Using the Command Line

    On behalf of the administrator in a way convenient for you. When it is not possible to start the system correctly, boot from installation USB media (disk) with Windows 10.

    Select Russian language by clicking “Next”. Click the System Restore link.

    Scroll down to the troubleshooting (diagnostics) section. additional parameters. On the Advanced Options screen, select Command Prompt.

    In Cmd, enter the command bcdedit by clicking Enter. Pay attention to the “Loading Windows” block, remembering the identifier. Usually it is called (current), but when launch Cmd from the installation USB storage, the identifier has a name (default). Be careful.

    How to start Windows 10 safe mode via Cmd? Use the required command with your ID. After writing the command, press Enter.

    1. Standard Safe Mode:
    1. With network drivers:

    bcdedit /set (ID value) safeboot network

    1. With Cmd support. First, enter the first command, then the second command. Don't forget to click Enter after writing each command.

    bcdedit /set (Identifier value) safeboot minimal

    bcdedit /set (Identifier value) safebootalternateshell yes

    1. To start the OS in normal mode, use.

    bcdedit /deletevalue (Identifier value) safeboot

    If you are in Safe Mode with Cmd support, then after entering the command above, use an additional command.

    bcdedit /deletevalue (Identifier value) safebootalternateshell

    For example, to load standard safe mode, having an identifier (current), the command looks like this.

    Restart your computer (laptop). If you are using Cmd from the installation USB drive, close the command prompt. In the action selection menu, select “Continue” to subsequently reboot and launch Safe Mode.

    Enabling additional boot options using the F8 key

    Called from a special section additional options boot, called by pressing the F8 button before starting the system. You will not be able to enable Safe Mode on Windows 10 from the F8 menu, due to its disabling and fast system startup (UEFI BIOS + SSD). It is possible to disable quick start in UEFI BIOS and enable the call menu via F8. If you have a classic BIOS, skip the BIOS steps below (steps 1-3). Follow these steps.

    bcdedit /set (Identifier value) bootmenupolicy Legacy

    Where instead of “identifier” you enter your value, which you learned in step 6.

    1. Click Enter.

    For example, the command in our case will look like the screenshot below.

    Now, before loading Windows 10, quickly press F8. Next we get to the menu where we select using the arrows the right option Safe Mode.

    Now you know how to enter safe mode in Windows 10 different options. You can also use this troubleshooting tool in different situations, be it running from the OS itself or powering on from bootable flash drive Windows 10 when the system cannot boot.

    Comparing a PC with a separate country, it becomes clear that we are only guests there. Someone else's soul is darkness. For us, the operating system is a mystery. How it works is not clear to us, users. It loads - we are happy - we write, play, listen to music. But suddenly it broke. Should I immediately call a specialist and give the money? No, you can fix it yourself. And for this you need safe mode in Windows 10.

    This is a special boot during which the OS diagnoses and heals itself. Windows does not use externally installed programs during this login. Only your own, and those in limited quantities. Autoloading is not available at all. Use to check the software's impact on your system. At the same time, you will find out how much startup programs slow down your computer. There will be a reason to think about cleaning it.

    How to enter Safe Mode in Windows 10? Find out and become the master of the situation! You will be able to carry out a complete maintenance of your PC, remove harmful programs, deal with unruly equipment, remove the password, launch the admin, etc.

    Outside intervention is acceptable, but must be done carefully. If the OS itself offers Safe Mode or does not boot without it, this is a bad sign. So somewhere big problems. What is good about Windows, given its complexity and severity, is its ability to self-diagnosis and recovery.

    How to start Windows 10 in safe mode

    So, everything loads, but does not work correctly. Or you decided to compare how much memory is consumed by different software. Or the device refused to work. First, we'll show you how to boot into Windows 10 safe mode through the config settings. Please note that with this method you will constantly boot in this configuration.

    After a reboot, which you must initiate yourself, Windows 10 will boot into safe mode. And every time you turn on your PC, you will be in Safe mode. It's not convenient and gets in the way. To avoid this, uncheck the box and it will disable rebooting your computer in Windows 10 Safe Mode.

    Method No. 2 - how to start safe mode in Windows 10. Both the above and this method work when the system actually starts - keep this in mind!

    We succeeded in enabling safe mode on Windows 10, now we are waiting for it to load.

    These are options that allow you to boot Windows 10 in safe mode with a working OS. When it initially loads and at least works. Let's look at how to enter Windows 10 safe mode if the system crashes and hangs. You will need a bootable flash drive or laser disc. We recommend creating one of these during the tens installation phase. If it’s too late, everything’s broken, take it from friends.

    1. We need Boot Setupboot menu. You will find it when you boot your computer. The start button may vary. On a PC it’s F12, but on laptops it’s different. Read carefully what is written on the screen upon startup.
    2. If there is no such window, go to BIOS. It's either DEL or F2 - whichever it is. And there select the Boot option. In Lenovo, for example, the BIOS loads at all separate button(with a curved arrow). IN different models look near the main button or at the power connector.
    3. Set up boot from USB. Use the "" and "↓" keys to go to First Boot Device and press Enter. Select the device as shown in the screenshot.
    4. Then save (F10) and the computer will reboot.
    5. A window will appear with big button in the middle. And at the bottom there will be a small option “System Restore” - you have already seen it if you tried the previous options. Click.
    6. "Diagnostics".
    7. In this case, entering safe mode is done through the command line Windows string 10. Choose.
    8. And in it we type one of two commands:
    1. Following command after successful completion of the operation: bcdedit /set (default) safebootalternateshell yes
    2. Let's reboot.

    The computer will start in a safe manner. Windows mode 10. Now you can calmly exhale - the system is alive. Let's give a little advice.

    In any case, go to “Device Manager” (RMB on the main button) and check all the drivers. If you saw yellow exclamation mark- this is a failure. Update. And run your antivirus. Malware usually puts itself in startup. Since it is disabled, no one will interfere with the antivirus.

    To exit Windows 10 Safe Mode, restart your computer. If you specified loading in Safe Mode in the config settings, then go into it again and do the opposite.

    If you used the command line with boot device and everything is fine, then you need to turn it off. Type bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot at the command prompt.

    Windows 10 Safe Mode on a Laptop

    There is no difference in how to run it on a laptop or on a PC. You can find advice online on how to get into safe mode in Windows 10 - press shift+F8 when booting and hold. After this, a window for selecting an action should appear with the “Diagnostics” item. However, testing on three devices showed that this method does not work. Give it a try, the sample was small. Maybe you'll get lucky.

    Another strange tip on how to open safe mode on Windows 10 is to crash your PC or laptop. In the second case, remove the battery during operation. After 3-4 times, the menu for calling actions appears (again, “Diagnostics”). But if the computer already boots, use the first two methods to call up safe mode in Windows 10. And if the computer doesn’t boot at all, you’ll still have to search boot disk. In general, the method of entering safe mode in Windows 10 is controversial, and the equipment can be completely killed.

    Let's summarize. There are three ways to enter Safe mode:

    1. Configuration settings. Works when the system is functioning and boots properly.
    2. Command line. The same applies to a working operating system.
    3. Boot from installation device. You need a flash drive or CD/DVD with an OS image or a recovery device (if you bought the OS, look in the box with the documents).

    We also disable loading from Safe mode in three ways. For No. 1 – reverse actions with unchecking. No. 2 and No. 3 – command on the command line. Be careful and careful.

    Hi all! In the last article we learned how. In today's article, we will learn how to enter Windows 10 safe mode if the system does not boot due to any errors.

    Friends, as a result of what usually our operating system stops loading? That's right, because of damaged system files and critical drivers, but most often Windows does not boot due to programs and drivers we have installed that are not designed to work in our operating system. I'll explain in a little more detail.

    How to enter Windows 10 safe mode if the operating system won't boot

    Recently, one person contacted me; he successfully updated his Windows 7 to Windows 10, but after the update, the drivers for his video card and TV tuner were lost. I updated the drivers for the video card, but with the TV tuner it turned out to be more and more difficult; on the official website of the device, drivers were posted only for Windows 7, there were not even drivers for Windows 8.1. The support told me that there are no 100% working drivers for Win 10 yet, but there are beta drivers and they are suitable for some and not for others.

    I downloaded and installed the drivers along with the software on the TV tuner, without even creating a restore point just in case. The driver was installed and asked to reboot, after the reboot it appeared on the monitor blue death (blue screen), several reboots led to the same effect - the system boot ended with a blue screen.

    What happened. The blue screen of death is Windows’ protective reaction to incorrectly working code, that is, the system was automatically protected by a blue screen from a malfunctioning TV tuner driver. To delete incorrect driver I decided to take advantage safe mode.

    • Note: everything would be easier if I had installed the driver before installing .

    We all know that safe mode is specially designed to fix various problems. operating system. In Safe Mode, Windows 10 starts with a minimal set of processes that are Microsoft-owned and can be trusted. Therefore, we can use safe mode to remove incorrectly working drivers or programs that lead to a failure Windows boot or its unstable work.

    All this is clear, but how to enter safe mode if Win 10 does not boot!?

    In the initial system installation window, click keyboard shortcut Shift + F10.

    A window will open command line, enter (suitable for any computers, including laptops with UEFI interface and option Secure Boot command:

    bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

    The command will make a change to the boot store configuration file (BCD).

    The operation was completed successfully.

    Reboot your computer and the Special Boot Options window will open.

    Press the key F4 or 4 to enter safe mode, you can also use other special modes used when troubleshooting Windows 10.

    If you want to log into the operating system in the usual way, then press Enter on your keyboard.

    Here we are in Windows 10 safe mode.

    We remove an incorrect driver or program in the usual way.

    Typically, drivers are installed into the operating system along with the software.

    Open the Computer window and click Uninstall or change a program.

    We find the name of the non-working one, properly, software and click Delete.

    If you installed the driver manually without an installer, uninstall it directly in Device Manager - right-click on it and select Uninstall.

    If you want to prevent the Special Boot Options window from appearing when loading, then boot from bootloader Windows flash drives 10 into the recovery environment, launch the command prompt, enter the command:

    bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions

    This command will undo previously made changes to the boot store configuration file (BCD).

    For insurance, before work, you can do.

    Safe Mode in Windows is a kind of “cure” for the ailments that plague your computer. Its essence is to load the operating system, and preferably nothing more. All programs from automatic start, all services, drivers, and possibly viruses will not run in safe mode so that you can identify and fix the cause of your computer's malfunction. In Windows 10, the developers removed convenient function entering safe mode using the F8 key, so I decided to tell you how to enter safe mode in Windows 10 in other ways:

    • Through the reset button;
    • Through the system configuration utility (msconfig);
    • Advanced method using the command line;
    • Using special download options;
    • Using installation disk with Windows 10.

    Attention! If you do not understand how to perform these methods, then there is a video below that will help you understand this issue.

    Safe Mode with Restart Button

    This method is convenient and simple, so I decided to talk about it first. You need to click on “Start”, then on the “Shut down” button. A menu will pop up with three ways to shut down; hold down the “Shift” key and select “Reboot”.

    The monitor image will turn blue and the message “Please Wait” will appear. After loading, we will see three possible options further actions. The first allows you to continue working on the computer, the second takes you to a further selection menu, and the third shuts down the operating system. You need to select the second option “Diagnostics”.

    The Diagnostics menu appears. Now you have to click on “Advanced Options”.

    If we click on it, we will see a menu with many icons, select the “Boot Options” item, which will allow us to configure the Windows boot settings to get into safe mode.

    Here you will find system boot options that will allow you to select safe mode. Now you need to click on “Restart”:

    After fast reboot you will see a blue screen with boot options. We are interested in the options that are under points: 4, 5 and 6. They differ from each other in the loaded drivers and services that can allow network mode or command line. But we need to select the mode number 4, to do this, press the F4 key.

    Starting Safe Mode with msconfig

    The utility is very useful tools in working with the operating system. Using it, we will now launch safe mode in Windows 10.

    To run this program You need to press the key combination “Win” + “R” on your keyboard and enter “msconfig” in the window that appears, click “OK”. You can also launch the “Run” window more in a simple way– right-click on “Start” and select “Run”.

    The system configuration window appears. It contains five tabs, each of which is responsible for specific functionality. Go to the “Boot” tab, it contains settings for safe mode. The first step is to choose an operating system that will boot safely.

    In the group of elements called “Boot Options” you need to check the box next to “Safe Mode”, under it you can use the switch to select the boot type, minimal – standard mode, another shell - allows you to use the command line and network - allows you to work with local network and the Internet. We will also set a parameter that defines the timeout, i.e. a time delay before selecting a boot type before starting the operating system.

    If such boot settings for a given OS should be made permanent, you can check the box next to the corresponding item. Done, all you have to do is click apply and the next time you reboot you will be asked to choose which mode to start Windows 10 in.

    Once you are in safe mode and have done all the necessary steps, you can go to msconfig and do normal download systems.

    Using the Command Prompt to Enter Safe Mode

    I find this method quite advanced and interesting. We will need a command line, to launch it, right-click on “Start” and select “Command Prompt (Administrator)” from the menu that appears.

    A small black window appears in which you can enter various commands, which the program will execute with given parameters. Let's enter the following line: bcdedit /copy (current) /d “Safe Mode”(or any other name) and press Enter. You can now close the command prompt.

    The above command will create new parameter in the msconfig program (we looked at it earlier). In the "Download" section you will see new opportunity launch the operating system, which will be called “Safe Mode”.

    When you go to “System Configuration” and go to the “Boot” tab, you need to click on the 2nd item - “Safe Mode (C:/Windows)” and check the box next to “Safe Mode”. Also pay attention that the timeout is at least 10, since if it is less, you may not have time to select the parameter you need.

    Now this option will always be present on your system, if it interferes and creates some inconvenience, then this function can be disabled. To do this, you need to run the utility - press the “Win” + “R” keys and enter “msconfig” and press Enter.

    A familiar window will appear, go to the “Download” tab. To delete, select the desired item with the left mouse button and click on the “Delete” button.

    Now when you turn on the computer, everything will happen without delay.

    Special download options

    To use this method, click on the notification icon in the lower right corner of the desktop. And select “All parameters”.

    The next stage and all subsequent ones are the same as in the first method described in this article, we confirm the reboot.

    The computer will begin shutting down before starting Windows A window for selecting a download method will appear. Options 4,5 and 6 correspond to the F4, F5 and F6 keys. All these modes are briefly described in the first method discussed in this article.

    Bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minima l and press Enter. Now restart your computer and you will automatically be in safe mode. If you need to return to initial state(as it was), then enter bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot.

    You can also use another method, enter bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true into the command line and then reboot the system. Next, the system will show boot options, where there will be a safe mode. To disable this option, you need to enter in the command line bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions. Attention! This command can be entered into normal mode Windows.