• How to indicate a person in a contact. Mentions on VKontakte

    With the help of this article, users will be able to learn how to tag a person on a VK wall, how to tag a person on a VK wall using a phone or computer. We will answer these and many other questions here and now. After familiarizing yourself with the proposed materials, anyone can learn how to tag people in social network.

    How to tag a person on a wall in VK?

    So, you need to tag a person or community on the wall. This is quite simple to do, but you need to adhere to some plan of action. In turn, the person you need to tag must be your friend, and you must be subscribed to the community. Only if these conditions are met can anything be done. It is impossible to tag a friend who is simply not on the social network

    To tag a person or community, you need to click on “Create an entry.” The user will see a panel in which he can write, attach documents, photos, music, GIF files, and so on.

    1. First you need to enter the “@” or “*” symbol. One of two, this step is not difficult to complete.
    2. Then the system will ask you to specify a user or community
    3. You should enter information about your friend, his first and last name, or the name of the community

    VK will find him in your friends list and display him on the panel. In a situation with a community, the system will find the group among your subscriptions and display it on the panel. All you have to do is click on a friend or community and it will be marked on the post.

    How to tag a person on a VKontakte wall from your phone?

    To tag a person on a VK wall using a phone, you need to perform slightly different manipulations. Go to the page, click on “ New entry" A panel appears where the user can write and attach something. There will be a “Human” icon on the bottom field; it will be difficult to confuse it with something else. By clicking on it, a list of friends will appear; you will need to select the user you want to tag in the entry. You can tag an unlimited number of friends.

    How to tag in a post on VK?

    To tag a person or community in a post on VK, you need to follow the instructions given above. First, “New post”, followed by “@” or “*”, enter the name of the community or the name of a friend, and successfully attach it to the post.

    So, tagging a user in a post is quite simple, just follow the sequence of actions and remember that you first need to add the “@” or “*” symbol. If all steps are completed correctly, you will be able to tag a user or community. At first glance, this may seem like a very complicated and incomprehensible process, but with the first practice everything will fall into place and you will be able to use this function without looking at the monitor or phone screen.

    Virtual communication is at the peak of popularity these days. Social networks perform for modern man so many useful functions. If you want to meet your long-awaited soulmate, make friends with like-minded people, find classmates who have dispersed to different parts of the world, or just chat, then you have a direct route to the vastness of the most popular social resource, Vkontakte. Perhaps it is here that you will notice in someone’s photograph someone whom you have long dreamed of finding. In this article we will look in detail at all the pros and cons of photos - tagging and how to tag a person in a photo in a VK album.

    Quick navigation:

    Why do they tag a person in a VKontakte photo?

    Due to automation, the VKontakte engine will send notifications to all citizens on whom you put tags. Once the flagged person receives notification of the flag, he can confirm or deny it by deleting it. This function available only to registered visitors of the social network.

    In most cases, this technique is used to congratulate on holidays, as a reminder of an event, or to notify friends about the fact that their photos have been posted on their pages. After confirming that the photo has been published, friends have the opportunity to look at it. If someone does not like the published image, they can ask for the photo to be removed. If you respect your friend, then it is better to comply with the request in order to maintain friendly relations and comply with the rules of netiquette. Now you know How to tag friends on VK.

    How to tag friends in a photo on VK

    How to tag a person on VK ? Simple enough! The functionality of the options of this network is very convenient and understandable. In order to tag a person in a photo, you need to open the necessary photo, which should already be uploaded to the VK photo album. Below, under the photo, the inscription will open: “tag a person.” Click on the button. The screen will become a little darker, and a “done” mark will appear at the top of the window, and the system will prompt you to select an area in the photo where the mark will be located. Then you need to select the person (entirely or just the face) whom you want to “sign”.

    A window will open next to the highlighted area, containing a list of all the friends on your account. You can select marks from the list or write a different name and nickname.

    The new version of VK involves highlighting even your own photo with your own mark! In addition, the new version of VK is different in that you can tag not only people here. Let's say it is possible to select any object and sign its name.

    The marks of those you have already designated will be located on the right. If necessary, you will have the opportunity to remove unnecessary marks from the list. The person you tagged in the photo can do the same.

    After clicking on the “Done” button, you will see a congratulations message that you have successfully completed the task! Now anyone who hovers the mouse cursor over a mark about a person will be able to recognize who it is. Now you are aware of how Tag the person in the photo.

    The World Wide Web also makes it possible to tag all your friends at once. You can find a lot of notes online about techniques for tagging all your friends in a photo at the same time. They all boil down to the use of several third-party scripts that can do this instead of the account owner. All websites promoting this tagging method ask you to copy the code and paste it after the page address in your browser. So you can understand how to tag friends on VK , all at once. No one can stop you from using this method. But at the same time, it is important to understand that the introduction of similar scripts can equally help in one matter and annoy in another. Here everything directly depends on the script developer and the goals pursued by him.

    Remember: all kinds third party programs and scripts for social networks and instant messengers can lead to sad results. With their support, scammers can steal data such as login/password from public network, and even more important data (information about bank cards and electronic invoices, if you have one on your PC). It wouldn't hurt to know simple tips on protection (See.

    Tagging a friend on a VKontakte photo using a phone is also not difficult. To do this you need to do the following:

    1. Let's go to . Go to the left row of the menu in My Photos. And open the photo in which you will tag your friend.
    2. The text “tag a person” will appear on the right under the photo. Click on the text.
    3. Choose the right person and click on its image, without releasing it, but moving it to the side. This creates a rectangular area that needs to be placed on the person being tagged.
    4. In the resulting list of friends, you need to select a tagged person or enter a name in the field yourself. Then click add.
    5. Thus, the person is marked. Whether the mark is preserved or refuted depends on the person who was marked, since he has the right to cancel the mark.

    Now you know that It’s not difficult to tag a person in a photo from your phone.

    How to tag a person on VK on the wall

    In addition to tagging a person in a photo, VKontakte makes it possible to highlight the desired person on the wall. This process has no difficulties. First of all, you need to select the person you want to tag and the place where you will tag him; in our case, this is the wall where we post our news.

    Now we begin the actions that will create a post tagged with a friend:

    1. You must enter the * or @ sign in the field for posting news on the wall. The system will prompt us to enter the name of a friend or the name of a community, because better system VK no one knows how tag the person in the photo and on the wall.
    2. Add the id of the selected user or the name of the community. It is important to know that you only need to add the id (for example, /id1) without extraneous links.
    3. After the username appears, you need to click on it.
    4. Now you can enter text or write a message. Please note that you can enter text both before and after the instructions described above. This process depends only on your wishes.
    5. Only your friends will receive notifications about posts tagged. Now you know about how to tag a person on VK on the wall.

    How to tag a person in a VK photo who is not a friend

    Sometimes you want to tag a person in an image who is not on your friends list. Some people think that it is not possible to realize the idea.

    But this is not true at all. How can you tag a person in a photo on VK if he is not on your friends list? You need to do everything exactly the same as in the case of tagging friends. Log in to personal profile, open the images in the photo album and click on the “Tag person” button. What's next? After the square pointer is configured, you need to enter the first and last name (nickname, nickname) of the tagged user in the field above the list of friends. All you have to do is click on the “Add” and “Finish” buttons. Now a mark will appear on the image. However, it is not possible to redirect a tag to a profile via a link.

    How to tag a person in a VK photo if there is no button

    It often happens that VKontakte users simply do not have the opportunity to tag people in the photo. The inscription we need under the image is missing. She is not there and after several attempts she still does not appear. Honestly, this is not something to be afraid of.

    How to tag a person in a photo on VK if there is no button “Tag a person”? In such a case, we can advise you to duplicate the image (save and upload it again to the album on your page) and try again. This phenomenon occurs quite often among sociable users, because the VKontakte website provides for a limit on marks. One photo should be limited to no more than 50 redirect links. There is a limit, and exceeding it is not allowed. If you have already tagged 50 people, the inscription: “Tag a person” disappears. If it is missing and without exceeding the limit, just try refreshing the page. You may have to do this several times. No one can deny that this is a very common glitch in the system that prevents all menu options from being displayed to everyone.

    Knowing how to tag a person in a post on VK, if used correctly, can become good and useful tool not only to develop and promote the community, but also to connect with friends and strangers. Using this function, you can mention any person in a VK post, which will attract his attention to the community and make him a potential subscriber to this resource. But first things first.

    • If the user is your friend.

    This option is the simplest and allows you to make a mention in just a few seconds. To do this, when creating a post, you need to put “*” and start writing your friend’s name after it. The VK search will immediately return a list of the names of your friends that match the entered query.

    Now all that remains is to select the appropriate user and click on him, receiving a ready-made link in the format *adres _polzovatelya (User Name) - by the way, the name in brackets can be changed as you like, naming the hyperlink in any desired way.

    After publishing this post end user a notification will come with its mention.

    • If the user is not your friend.

    Here everything is a little more complicated, but the whole process will also take a minimum of time.

    To create a mention, we need the address of the user's page. To find out, you need to go to this person’s profile and look at the address bar of the browser. The characters coming after the address of the site itself vk .com / will be the very information that we need.

    Example: vk .com /oldschul 1245, where oldschul 1245 is the same address given user.

    Copy the address and paste it into a future post on the wall, first adding the “@” symbol. Next, put a space and enter the text in parentheses that will serve as the visual part of the mark - when you hover the cursor over it, the page of the specified profile will pop up. Let's return to the previous example, using it further for a visual demonstration. The end result may look like this: @oldschool 1245 (Arseniy Petrov), or like this: @oldschool 1245 (Just some kind of phrase), - both examples are completely equivalent and differ only in text design links.

    We save the result, and it looks something like the screenshot below.

    Thus, we tag the user in the most common way. For those who want to delve even deeper into the issue of mentions, here is a list of completely equivalent ways to create active links (again, using the previous example):

    @oldschool 1245 (Arseniy Petrov);

    *oldschool 1245 (Arseniy Petrov);

    @id 159872576 (Arseny Petrov);

    *id 159872576 (Arseniy Petrov);

    The below examples require a user id. If in address bar instead of id there is a login, it can be obtained from any post or photo from the page by opening them and copying the numbers that come after the word “wall” or “photo”, respectively.

    Effective use of user tags

    This tool can be used in a very diverse way by making it good addition for the development of the VKontakte community. With the help of tags, you can notify the winners of sweepstakes about their luck and congratulate birthday people on their birthday, attracting additional attention to your resource.

    Tags in posts can help focus the attention of subscribers on certain individuals, for example, scammers and swindlers. Or, on the contrary, push to help people who need it. The scope of this tool is almost unlimited, and how you use it depends only on you and the ideas you come up with.

    Is it possible to find posts of a specific person?

    Sometimes there is a need to find posts on VKontakte a certain person, both throughout the entire network and in a specific community. For many years now, users have been asking again and again the question “How to find a post specific person?”, but the answer is still the same - if you find them, you will simply break the entire VK system, since at the moment such a search is impossible (at least if you are not the same person who is friends with the vk API). VKontakte management has not developed this function and, apparently, is not planning to.

    However, you can find references to a person in a specific public page (you won’t be able to do this with communities). To search you need to open the wall pub personal page, click on the “Community Posts” tab and in search bar enter the id address of the user we are interested in in the format id 123456789. The results will show all mentions of this user both in comments and in posts. An example is shown in the screenshot.

    From words to deeds

    The mechanism for tagging people in posts gives community administrators a unique opportunity to use all their genius and enter this method to the topic of your group as efficiently as possible. Consider how this tool can be used specifically for your project. Don't be afraid to experiment and test new methods of interaction and promotion. The existence and growth of your VKontakte community directly depends on you, so never stop creating and developing it.

    Internet services for business.
    A link to the material is required!

    When communicating on a social network with friends using private messages or leaving notes on our wall, in some cases we leave links to other VK users or communities. At the same time, copying and pasting a link in the form of a URL is not difficult, even inexperienced user. Just copy the link to the page or group from the address bar, as it is, for example: .
    But we are not interested in a simple link, but in a hyperlink. When a user clicks on one or more words (part of a hypertext document) and is taken to another page. If you want to leave a link to the community for your friends, you can format it in the form of one word or a whole phrase that characterizes it. For example, write “Music” and put a link to: . By clicking the word "music", your friends will be redirected to this group.

    The functionality of VKontakte allows you to place links not only to internal pages social network (on accounts, communities, events), but also on external web resources. But it’s not always possible to insert a working hyperlink. To create it, VK provides special codes. If you learn to use them correctly, you will succeed. And we will tell you what these codes are and how to use them correctly to create a hyperlink.

    How to make a link to a person on VKontakte?

    To insert a link to a VK user page, non-text formatting is used with using HTML, but a special syntax reminiscent of BB code. It is also possible to use * (asterisks) And @ (dogs). This way you can format personal messages, other people’s or your own comments on posts, notes, descriptions of groups or videos.

    How to insert a link to a person in VK using BB codes

    So that part of the hypertext document becomes a link to the user’s social account. VKontakte network, you must formalize it correctly. The first step to this hyperlink design is two square brackets, separated by one vertical bar and located inside. To paste this design onto the page, switch to the English layout and press the corresponding three keys on your keyboard or simply copy the following:

    A word is added to the vertical bar before the closing square bracket, which will become a hyperlink. But you will see it only after the entry is published. If you need to insert a link to a user's page, write their real or online name after the vertical bar. IN in this case its name will be the link text (anchor or anchor).

    But our hyperlink has not yet been created, because we need to indicate the address of the user’s page. To do this, immediately after the opening square bracket, before the vertical line, indicate the account ID without a space. The page address can consist of both a set of numbers and letters, if the user has chosen beautiful name for the page. Since we only format internal addresses this way, there is no need to write the full URL; the system itself will convert the user ID and redirect to his page in Contact.

    First design

    Second design

    In both the first and second cases you will be taken to the same page. The text can be different: first name, last name, title, any phrases.

    The anchor text can be diluted with emoticons or put them instead of words.

    You have already figured out how to insert the ID of the account you need or its short address to create a hyperlink. And to find out it, you need to go to the page and copy it from the address bar. Everything after vk.com/ is an ID or name.

    For example, this is what the user page ID looks like:

    To find out the address of your personal page in Contact, go to “ My settings" and copy the data from the corresponding field.

    As you can see, everything is simple.

    How to quickly make a hyperlink to a VKontakte page?

    The method we described above is somewhat tricky. If you want to create a quick and easy hyperlink with a word or phrase, try another method. In this case, the design of two square brackets, separated by a vertical bar, is not used.

    We will use one of two symbols: * (asterisk) or @ (dog). There is no need to put a space after such a symbol, but immediately write the account ID or its address if the user has changed it. This social network has a hint system: start typing the person’s last name, and the system will immediately offer you options. All you have to do is indicate the desired name.

    Click in your post on the page, for example, the symbol @ and follow the prompts.

    Want to try it? Put * (asterisk) and you will see the inscription: “Start typing a friend’s name or group name.” Enter " durov” and you will be asked to put a link to its page.

    At the same time, you will not need to add anything: just click on the name of P. Durov, and the hyperlink will be created without your participation. If the user you are linking to has more than one page or community, you will need to select one of the options.

    You send a note and see the design converted into a hyperlink. Your friends clicking on a word or phrase will be redirected to desired page. And if special BB codes are used to create hyperlinks on forums and websites, then on the VKontakte social network you can do without the structures.

    Or you can simply indicate your account number after the “asterisk” or “dog”.

    You can also do this:

    As you can see, the result is the same.

    How to insert a link into the text to a community with the necessary words

    There is nothing complicated here either, even for an untrained user. The method is no different from where we created a hyperlink to the page. You can link not only to the page individual user, but also a group, an event. The only difference is that there is no ID. Instead, you will have to indicate the names: public, club, event. And just as when creating a hyperlink to a page, after the words you need to add the number or short address of the community, group, or event. The numbers or names of communities are taken from the same place: from the address bar.

    If you place links from other people's communities to a group that you own, do not overdo it. Such links are fraught with blocking, especially if you leave them in comments and posts on someone else’s wall. If you provide hyperlinks, choose anchor text that is relevant to your community. Otherwise, such a link will be considered spam and it will be good if it is simply deleted. The community can also be blocked for spreading spam on VKontakte.

    It's even easier to create a hyperlink using the following symbols: * (asterisk) And @ (doggy). This method is similar to the previous one, when we created hyperlinks to user pages. Write @ and start entering numbers or letters of the address of the community, event. The system itself will offer you options. All you have to do is select the desired community, and the link will be generated automatically.

    Try it, there is nothing extremely complicated in creating hyperlinks to internal VKontakte pages.

    Is it possible to make any word a hyperlink in VKontakte?

    As you already understand, only pages of users, groups, and events within a social network can be formatted as verbal hyperlinks. If you want to link to an external resource, you will have to write it in full. Some words from the text cannot lead to an external site - the functionality of VK does not allow it. For example, this construction would be erroneous:

    If hyperlinks from words to external resources are not possible, leave regular links, where instead of text “ All about social VK networks» use the full address of the site or page. The user will simply go to the site by clicking on the URL.

    VKontakte not only allows you to link to external sites, but also offers to design the link beautifully by adding a small announcement to it. An interested user will definitely visit your website if he reads the information that interests him in the announcement.

    This way you can advertise your new publications. The announcement and pictures, if any, are added automatically. All you need to do is provide the address external page, Contact will do the rest.

    If the page you are linking to is too long, the system will truncate it, and in an unfortunate manner. You can fix this by using a service, for example, vk.cc to convert long addresses. You will receive a short address for your site/page and do not have to worry about crooked links.

    As you can see, hyperlinks in VKontakte are possible, but only within social networks. networks. And to create a link to an external web resource, you will have to specify the address. Create personal messages, wall posts, and comments using a variety of links.

    Quite a lot has already been written about the huge functionality that makes it possible to conduct full communication, listen to your favorite tracks, and watch videos. But there are some tricks to working in this social network that the average user is not aware of.

    One of these “tricks” is creating a mention, or in other words, active link per person, which can be posted on the user’s wall or in a message. So, today we will learn how to make a link to a person on VKontakte.

    How to make a link to a person on VKontakte?

    Now in more detail. The value “Address of active link” is nothing more than the address of the profile of the personal page of the person to whom you want to make a mention. I would also recommend that you read my articles:

    In other words, this is the user account identification number, which is displayed in the search engine’s address bar after the value “http://www.vk.com/” and looks like this:

    IN lately the VKontakte network now has a unique feature identification number user by selecting a login in Latin. In this case, the link to the page profile will look like a set of Latin letters and numbers. Or, for example, like this:

    After you have copied the page profile id of the required user, first insert an asterisk, then type the required text.

    *id17621930 (Dmitry)

    The result should be the following design:

    This is exactly how, with the help of a simple script, the question of how to make a link to a person in a contact is resolved.

    In addition, taking this opportunity, I would like to recommend that you read the article:

    Moreover, this script allows you to make not only a link to a specific network user, but also to a specific group and even to a music album of your favorite artist or a favorite photo. To do this, first copy the entire identifier of the social network page “VKontakte” required for mentioning.

    Concluding today’s article, all I can do is tell you to try these simple manipulations and surprise your friends with your deep knowledge of the intricacies of working on the VKontakte social network.

    In the next article I will tell you

    That's all for today! See you all in the next article.