• Disabling system applications in Android (and not only system applications, but almost all), and deleting unnecessary applications from your Google Play account. What applications can be removed on Android

    Device manufacturers build programs into their devices. Sometimes comfortable, sometimes not. Alas, it is impossible to remove unnecessary pre-installed applications. Therefore, they needlessly take up invaluable space on the hard drive, sometimes making it difficult for the processor and RAM. However, this problem also has a solution. How to remove useless programs?

    Is it possible to remove system applications on Android

    Firstly, it is indeed possible to remove built-in programs. Secondly, this doesn’t even require special skills. You will only need to install root rights on the device. In other words, bypass the system’s internal protection and gain access to all Android functions.

    Why you may need to remove pre-installed programs

    In addition to the obvious - freeing up disk space - there are more important reasons: sometimes an error appears in system applications, an unpleasant bug due to which the Android cannot work normally. To the point where the device cannot be turned on. In such cases, an alert appears about problems in a specific regular program. One option is to delete it.

    It is worth considering that not all applications can be removed without harm. operating system. Root access allows you to use anything you want, but it can also do a lot of damage.

    Important and useless stock apps

    Without consequences, you can remove programs built not into Google Android itself, but into the shell of a specific manufacturer.

    For example, at Meizu smartphones with their proprietary Flyme OS shell, there is a “Tools” application, which has a ruler, compass, level, etc. Similar programs can be found in many shells like TouchWiz from Samsung or Xperia from Sony.

    It is much more dangerous to get rid of Android programs itself. They all depend on each other. And even third party applications use them for their own purposes. For example, if you delete Google Maps, you will not be able to play the popular Pokemon GO.

    On the 4pda.ru forum, users have compiled an extensive list of built-in applications:

    1. Visit this page.
    2. Expand the spoiler “Description of stock programs.”
    3. Make sure that the application you are planning to remove does not have functions important for the OS:
      • if the name says “YES”, it means you can erase the program;
      • If “NO”, then you perform all actions at your own peril and risk.

    How to get rid of unnecessary factory programs


    To disable some stock programs, you don't even need root access. You can turn them off, the effect will be the same (except that they will continue to take up disk space).


    Installing root access using a computer

    Please note that obtaining administrative rights will void your warranty service. Root makes the system more vulnerable to viruses and internal errors.

    Manufacturers do not want to take on unnecessary responsibility, so the terms of use strictly state that rooting is a reason to deny you warranty service.

    Uninstalling a program

    It is highly advisable to save copies of the deleted files somewhere. Because your actions may have unintended consequences. And if errors or failures subsequently arise, simply return the application to its place - the problems should disappear.

    For backup it is recommended to use the program Titanium BackUP. With its help, you can either make a complete backup copy of the device and in the future restore a non-working device to its saved state, or freeze separate application, which you want to remove so that you can defrost it and put it back later.

    How to remove standard programs on Android - video

    Possible problems

    After removing system programs, system malfunctions may theoretically occur. Therefore, it is best to back up a copy of the files in a safe place in advance so that they can be reinstalled.

    But if a backup was not made and problems arise, flashing the device will help.

    1. Go to the official website of the manufacturer of your smartphone or tablet and download the required version firmware.
    2. For each device there is separate instructions to reinstall the system. Find it and act according to the recommendations.

    All applications you deleted will be installed with the firmware, so any problems caused by deleting system programs will be solved.

    How to get back deleted stock apps

    If you have disabled them

    If you simply disabled the program, then just launch it again in the “Settings” -> “Applications” -> “All applications” menu. To do this, find in the list the right application, select it and click “Run”.

    You can also do Hard Reset, that is, resetting the settings to factory settings. This will remove all settings and return the phone or tablet to initial state, and at the same time will start the switched off standard processes. There are two ways to do this.

    Hard Reset via Settings

    1. Open “Settings” -> “About phone” -> “Storage” -> “Reset settings”.
    2. Check the required boxes:
      • “Deleting data” will destroy program settings, contacts, messages, etc.;
      • “Formatting the built-in memory” will erase all data from hard drive devices other than those initially installed, that is, photos, videos, third-party applications.
    3. Click the "Restore" button. After a few minutes, the device will reboot in its original form.

    Recovery using Recovery Mod

    How to reset your smartphone to factory settings on Android - video

    If you deleted them

    If you saved a duplicate deleted files, then simply return them to their original place in the device. That is, place the .apk and .odex files in the /system/app folder, and the update files in /data/app (even if the updates are lost, the program itself will restore them).

    If backup no, there are two options:

    • or you find files from other users;
    • or reinstall the Android OS.

      Search missing files only from reliable sources, as it is very easy to catch a virus. Ask to look for data, for example, friends who also use root rights, or download information from trusted sites. Many Android forums have dedicated threads where users share files with each other standard applications. All materials are checked by forum moderators and the participants themselves, so the chance of infecting the device is minimal.

    The last and always working method is to reflash the device. Download official version system from the manufacturer’s website and install it via Recovery Mod.

    Many built-in programs, especially from the device manufacturer rather than the developers Google Android, are useless. At the same time, they take up a lot of space, interfere with the system, eat up battery power and slow down the OS. Getting rid of them is not difficult, but it will require root access. And it is highly advisable to save copies of the deleted files in order to protect yourself in case of failures and possible errors.

    After purchasing the smartphone, I tested it and installed many different applications. Now I need to clean it, can I delete only the applications I installed, or can I also delete system applications that were immediately on my smartphone?

    Answers (2)

    1. System Google apps, such as Gmail, Google Maps, Google+, Gtalk can be demolished, but it is better to leave the services, as their absence will lead to malfunctions Play Market, games and other programs, frequent errors.

      In addition, you cannot delete Addresses and Navigation if you plan to use Google Maps, but you can get rid of Street View, since it is not included in this application.

      To delete system applications you need superuser rights, that is, the device must first be rooted so that you can make changes to system folders and files.

      Native programs are located in the /system/app folder and are represented by files with apk extensions and odex. If the firmware is deodexed, then only apk is available. To get into the folder you need to use a third-party file manager, For example, Root Explorer.

      You can remove applications manually or through additional programs. In the first case you need:

      • via Root Explorer go to /system/app;
      • Click on the “R/W Rights” button at the top right, remounting the recording folder;

      • check the boxes for deleted apk and odex application files that have the same name;
      • Select the scissors icon at the bottom;

      • go to the folder on the flash drive;
      • then “Move here”.

      It is necessary to use movements, because files can be returned if necessary.

      To simplify the procedure, you can install Uninstaller pro.

      Use it like this:

      • after the first launch, you need to grant him superuser rights;
      • press the back button;
      • Find the one you need in the list of programs and click on it;
      • then “Delete” and agree.

      In addition, here you can first make a backup just in case.

      If standard program has been updated, you need to uninstall the update first in a standard way:

      • go to “Settings”;
      • "Applications";
      • select what you need;
      • "Uninstall update."

      After erasing the main files, the remaining files are located in the following folders:

      • /system/lib contains the .so libraries that are needed for work related applications, they do not correspond to the name of the main file and should not be touched under any circumstances, as this can kill the device;
      • /data/dalvik-cache - they need to be deleted, for this it is better to do a hard reset.
    2. Here apk files, which can be deleted without consequences:

      • AccuWeatherDaemonService.apk, AccuweatherDaemon.apk - can be deleted, works in background, needed to update information on the weather widget, takes up memory;
      • DigitalClock.apk, AccuweatherWidget.apk, AccuweatherWidget_Main.apk, AnalogClock.apk, AnalogClockSimple.apk, DeskClock.apk - weather widgets, regular, digital clock and alarm clock;
      • audioTuning.apk - reduces the sound volume when listening to music;
      • Browser.apk, SecBrowser.apk, Layarsamsung.apk, Chrome.apk - custom browsers, they can be called differently, before deleting it is better to install another one first;
      • ChromeBookmarksSyncAdapter.apk, CalendarProvider.apk, SecCalendarProvider.apk - synchronization of bookmarks of the “native” browser and calendar with a Google account;
      • Dropbox.apk, DropboxOOBE.apk - dropbox;
      • FMRadio.apk - built-in radio;
      • Geniewidget.apk, Days.apk - weather, news and task planning widget;
      • GmsCore.apk - Google Play services, delete only together with other Google programs and services;
      • GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk - Google search widget;
      • LiveWallpapers.apk, LiveWallpapersPicker.apk, MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk, DeepSea.apk, Aurora.apk - these are live wallpapers, they do not affect anything, but will greatly save battery power;
      • MobilePrint.apk - used for printing documents, it is better to delete and replace with a similar one;
      • MyFiles.apk - “native” explorer;
      • PlusOne.apk - Google service;
      • PressReader.apk - for reading news;
      • SnsAccount.apk - synchronization with Twitter and Facebook;
      • Street.apk - street view can be deleted, does not affect the operation of Google maps and other services;
      • Calendar.apk, SecCalendar.apk, TouchWizCalculator.apk, TouchWizCalendar.apk - custom calculator and calendars;
      • VideoPlayer.apk, VideoEditor.apk - video editor and built-in player, if there is another one, you can delete it, since you will not be able to view the video;
      • VoiceRecorder.apk is a native voice recorder, the recording quality is poor, so you can replace it with an alternative one;
      • Kobo.apk, Zinio.apk - online magazines.

    Android OS (version 4.0 and higher) has very convenient function- disabling applications. Not everyone knows about it, although this feature allows you to get rid of a bunch of unclaimed and unwanted programs. By the way, you can even disable system applications, except those vital for the OS, for example: ConfigUpdater. It is impossible to remove the necessary system applications if the user does not have root rights.

    Step-by-step instructions for disabling unnecessary system programs and viruses on Android

    Required condition: the Android version on your tablet or phone must be 4.0 or higher.
    - the names of some menu items may differ slightly, depending on the manufacturer of your device and installed firmware. But understanding the menu and disabling applications is not difficult; the principle of performing the actions does not change.
    - If unwanted programs(viruses) do not have a disable option in the settings, it is better to get rid of them by uninstalling updates.

    1. Go to the settings menu of your phone or tablet.
    2. Find and open “Applications”, select the “All” tab.
    3. From the list that appears installed applications select the one you want to disable, click on it.
    4. B top corner On the right, find the disable option. If the application is not a system application, then the button will say “Delete” (it is better to delete it immediately), for system applications it will say “Disable”.
    5. Click "Disable".
    6. The system will ask you to confirm the shutdown, click “Ok” in the pop-up window that appears.
    7. Disconnection is complete, you can exit the settings menu. It is not necessary, but it is advisable to reboot the device.

    With these simple steps, you can easily unload the system, getting rid of unused applications and viruses, and thereby significantly increase the performance of your Android device. One of the illustrative examples of the effectiveness of this technique was the shutdown (as a result of updating Android versions to 4.2) of the Google Media application, which caused tablets to slow down.

    Shutdown function unnecessary applications once again demonstrates the flexibility of the operating room Android systems, ease of working with it.

    There are also system applications that cannot be disabled. For example, the application Common Data Service cannot be disabled; without it, your device simply physically cannot function:

    If you have malware, then the disable button may be hidden. For this option, you need to click “uninstall updates”.

    Perhaps each device has its own little subtleties, but in most cases this method works.

    Any Android smartphone comes pre-installed large number applications, many of which we never use. Initially, they do not take up space in application memory, but after automatic update sometimes it even goes so far as to update pre-installed applications They fill up all the memory and prevent you from installing any new applications. In addition, most pre-installed applications have a permanently running resident part, which slows down the smartphone and consumes battery power.

    Today I will tell you how to quickly and easily get rid of unnecessary applications and free up memory.

    Pre-installed apps cannot be removed standard means, but you can disable them without forgetting to uninstall the updates. Once disabled, applications will disappear from the menu and will not consume system resources.

    So, go to “Settings-Applications” and look for candidates for removal. The “downloaded” tab will contain those pre-installed applications for which Android has installed updates.

    Click on the application. First of all, click the “uninstall updates” button.

    We agree to the proposal to replace the updated application with the original version.

    Then click “Turn off” and confirm your action.

    Click "Stop" to unload the application from memory (if this is not done, it will work until rebooted).

    We do this with all unnecessary applications. Next, go to the “All” tab.

    Here you can see those applications that have not been updated. You just need to turn off and stop everything you don't need. This tab also contains important system applications, so disable only those that you are absolutely sure of.

    I always disable the following applications:

    Drive (Google Drive)
    Maps (Google maps)
    News and weather
    Google Calendar Sync
    Movies (Google movies)
    Google Keep
    Google Play Press
    Google Play Movies
    Play Books
    Play Music

    Of course, if you use any applications from this list, you do not need to disable them.

    To prevent Android from installing updates on everything, it is better to turn off auto-update: run " Play Store" and click on the three stripes in the upper left corner.

    Let's go to settings. "Auto-update applications - never"

    At the same time, turn off “Notifications about updates”.

    This is how you can make your smartphone work faster, simply, quickly and using standard means, the application memory will not run out longer and the battery will last for more for a long time work.

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    When you turn on any tablet or smartphone on Android, many widgets and system background processes are launched along with the desktop. Over time, the phone, crammed with many simultaneously enabled processes, begins to slow down and even reboot spontaneously. Let's look at how to disable unnecessary applications on Android, as well as in what cases this is necessary.

    You bought new smartphone, but in addition to background processes, it also contains some unnecessary programs or games pre-installed by the developer? IN in this case They can be removed quite simply by going to the main Android settings menu and selecting the “applications” tab. But what about those system programs, which cause you inconvenience and cannot be removed in the usual way, without rooting your mobile phone? These utilities mainly include various applications to optimize the system, save charge battery. Also, some programs may be needed only in certain cases, and their constant use loads the processor, RAM and drains the battery.

    A striking example of how a program preinstalled by the developer affects performance mobile device, is the Google media service on Nexus 7. After 4.2, many tablet PC owners experienced lags in operation. And all this is not on a Chinese dual-core chip, but on a quad-core NVIDIA Tegra 3 with a Gigabyte of RAM. By disabling the Google media service in the settings, the tablet's performance returned to its previous level.

    Applications infected with a virus, whether it is a worm or a Trojan, can become a big problem. At first glance, they work the same as before infection, but in fact, their presence in the background can block the functionality of other programs. In some cases, the virus even blocks the button to disable the application from processes, and therefore it must be safely removed.

    What processes can be disabled on Android

    Among factory applications and processes, there are many that are rarely used, but consume a large amount of system resources. Background processes such as Launcher, Home screen, the Android platform and various auxiliary services cannot be disabled, since they are necessary for the operation of the OS. The following applications may be considered prime candidates for disabling:

    • Google drive.
    • Google maps.
    • Weather and news.
    • Calendar synchronization.
    • Various Google services play.
    • Postal services, etc.

    Almost all of them either start when the OS boots, or while using the mobile phone. Their presence in the background takes up from 100 to 500 MB of RAM, which can be spent on opening several applications or browser pages.

    Algorithm of actions

    It is worth noting that you may need superuser rights to disable some applications. This is in to a greater extent refers to system processes, however, “some services unnecessary for the operation of the OS” are also not possible to disable in the standard way.

    For all other applications you need to do the following:

    • Go to the main settings menu of your mobile phone or tablet. To do this, click on the icon with the gear icon on the desktop or release the information curtain by swiping across the screen.
    • Select the applications tab, which is located in the “device” section.
    • In it we find the “all” item. To do this, click on the corresponding section or go to it with a side swipe across the screen.
    • The list presented will display absolutely all services, processes and applications. Just select the required one and click on the “Disable” button at the top of the screen. If instead of disabling there is a delete button, then this is not a system application and can simply be deleted in the usual way.
    • Confirm the selected action.
    • Reboot your mobile phone in any way.

    In addition to disabling some applications and online services, it is also advisable for them to turn off the ability to search for updates. This can be done in the same menu with settings, or by going to the Playmarket brand store, if we are talking about Google services.

    For more details about this, see the video below.

    Please note that some services and applications may be in demand only in certain situations. In this case, you can turn them off and, after performing a similar operation, turn them back on if necessary. Also, before disabling, it is worth understanding what this or that program is intended for and what functions it performs. If you stop the OS necessary for operation background process, then the phone may stop responding to presses or show empty home screen. In this case, you need to restart your mobile phone.