• Pros and cons of computerization and robotization. Computer Based Education (CSE)

    Informatization and computerization of education is the call of the time, a fact that must be taken into account, which must be recognized regardless of whether one likes it or not. After all, when they appeared railways, there were also different opinions, but no one denied the very fact of the entry of railway transport into the life of mankind. Informatization and computerization of education did not arise from empty space. Back in the 50-60s. 20th century was popular so-called "programmed learning" Our task is to soberly see the pros and cons of informatization and computerization of education, so as not to fall into “hypocrisy,” on the one hand, and naked skepticism, on the other, and remembering a sense of proportion in any matter.

    First of all, about terms.

    By informatization of education we mean the implementation of a set of measures aimed at ensuring the full and timely use of reliable knowledge in the educational process, satisfying the demand of participants in this process for information products and services.

    By computerization of education we understand the process of introducing computer products and services into educational process, increasing the general educational level of students in the use of computers.

    Since knowledge, in addition to our natural memory, is stored in artificial computer memory and on removable computer media, and information products and services are implemented mainly through computer technologies, we will not clearly distinguish between informatization and computerization of education. Let's consider them together.


    1. The speed and memory of a working computer provide almost instantaneous (from a human point of view) access to significant amounts of information (knowledge). Access is individualized in accordance with the needs (interests) of the user (student) and, if necessary, is under the unobtrusive control of the teacher. Control is carried out via a computer (stand-alone or via a computer network). Unlike people, a working computer does not get tired.
    2. The computer can be used to entrust all the routine part of the academic and partly extracurricular work of the teacher and student. Testing and monitoring automated courses (AC), covering all stages of initial, intermediate and final control, coursework and partly diploma design at a university, issuing, using the “task generator”, versions of the initial data for all tasks, storing in memory the correct calculation results for the final control tasks and projects, course – consultant, course – laboratory work in any subject, memorizing, storing and issuing educational, reporting and planning information with its processing according to specified indicators, searching for literary and documentary sources, issuing annotations and certificates at the request of users, shifting part of the lecture load to AC during students’ self-study hours in favor of seminar ones, laboratory and practical classes - all these and other types of routine and semi-routine work of participants in the educational process can be performed by computers, computer networks, information Technology. “A machine must work, a person must think” (IBM principle). To implement this principle, we need comprehensive informatization and computerization of education, when everything that is reasonable to do on a computer should be assigned to it. The creative function must remain with the person.

    3. Informatization and computerization of education make it possible to implement fundamentally new teaching methods that are inaccessible or require an irrationally large amount of time with traditional teaching methods.

    This is, first of all, an interactive form of learning, and the activity and content of dialogue with a computer is not limited by anything other than the structure of the automated course. It is the periodic dialogue between teacher and student that has at all times been the most intense and deep form of learning - deeper than self-study from a book or by passively listening to lectures. It was dialogues (in combination) with action as a teaching method that underlay most of the ancient Greek schools, the physical schools of Rutherford, Bohr, Kapitsa, Landau. It is the dialogue form of learning that keeps tutoring thriving.

    With automated training, the adaptation of AK to students is successfully implemented, both in terms of the pace of information delivery (regulated by the student) and in its content [regulated by the student and/or automatically by the course itself based on the results of the analysis of the student’s responses to test questions(tasks)].

    Dialogue and adaptation, combined with the speed and memory of a computer, make it possible to fully realize the principle of an individual active learning process in a mass learning environment.

    Implemented on computer basis mathematical modeling, business games, computational experiments in virtual laboratories, which allows you to implement the problem-based, business principle of learning, bringing learning as close as possible to modern methods work of a creative engineer, scientist and production manager, to instill in students the skills independent work in study, science and production.

    Correspondence and additional distance learning can take on a completely new meaning ( distance learning, Internet education), which, in our opinion, will allow us to raise the level of these forms of training to the level of inpatient education (full-time training) and attract a wider contingent of production specialists to educational institutions, both for training and teaching. With distance learning in off-line mode, there is no requirement for a class schedule that determines the place and time of the classes. Each participant in distance learning (teacher-tutor or student) can work at a convenient time and in a convenient place equipped with a computer. This is especially important for people with disabilities(disabled, sick).

    1. The best teaching and scientific personnel can be involved in the development of automated courses. Being recorded on computer (network) media (in databases, knowledge bases, separate files), these courses can be replicated to all interested educational institutions. This makes it possible to convey to each student advanced knowledge in the taught discipline, regardless of the educational institution in which this discipline is taught. This is how the principle of fundamentalization of learning is implemented (of course, not completely, but to a certain extent). Let us note that it is precisely the fundamental nature of education that has always been an advantageous feature of domestic education (in comparison with the implemented “Bologna” education system, which has an applied orientation - according to Western models).
    2. How to computer technical means The learning (tool) is characterized by versatility and flexibility. On the same machines (workstations), in the same classroom local network You can teach almost all taught disciplines, which are programmed in the form of automated courses. This creates the prerequisites for the rapid payback of automated teaching systems (ATS), provided that they are widely used in the educational process.


    1. The introduction of AOS is possible only with the appropriate technical equipment of educational institutions. And this, as domestic practice shows, leads to the differentiation of educational institutions into “rich and poor”, “metropolitan and peripheral”, “privileged and secondary”, when in some institutions there are no problems with VT, while in others there is a struggle for each workplace and for machine time. A staff of engineers, programmers, system administrators, operators (for dialing AK).
    2. AOS-based training does not teach independent expression of thoughts out loud, it focuses the student on an electronic cheat sheet (including via the Internet), dulls his creative thinking, and does not allow him to identify talented people (“trained”, “smart” - yes, talented - no) .
    3. The effectiveness of AOS is directly dependent on its technical characteristics(on power supply, reliability and noise immunity of hardware and software). There are frequent cases of disruption of classes due to power outages, " virus attack"on file system computers or networks, failures in computers and programs.

    4. Excessive automation depersonalizes the educational process and alienates its participants from each other. No amount of “hard” or “soft” can replace live communication between teacher and student, live communication between the students themselves. The educational function of education—the education of thinking—is being emasculated.

    The point is that in modern education the main thing is to “light the torch” of thinking, and not to “fill the vessel” of memory. To do this, you need to instill primary skills:

    • the ability to learn (i.e. to assimilate knowledge, optimally using one’s psychophysiological capabilities - attention, memory, thinking, intuition);
    • ability to communicate;
    • ability to choose values.

    Informatization and computerization are not aimed at developing these skills. Maybe artificial intelligence will turn to face them - we can only hope with a sense of cautious optimism.

    5. Informatization and computerization of education in their modern form accustom trainees to template, routine skills of technologies and interfaces. Special scholarship, especially higher education, is not required to learn such skills; secondary school-level knowledge is sufficient. Such standardization “saves” thinking, driving it into a subordinate attitude to action. But it is thinking that must precede any rational action. Action ahead of thought is already the degradation of homo sapiens.

    Computers and other information technology, of course, free us from routine, input errors, paper, etc., helping to save our time and work comfort. But technology interrupts the direct physical and spiritual connection with nature and other people, and alienates thought from the meaning of natural objects, phenomena, and processes. But this meaning is hidden, and technology in best case scenario helps to explain it, but not to understand it. The physical external information of the explanation knocks on our ears and gets into our eyes, but this is just a rough copy of the subtle, extra-sensory internal information of understanding the world we are questioning (for external and internal information, see lecture 3).

    Information explosion of the last decades is an avalanche-like increase in the amount of external information of explanation, but not the quality of internal information of understanding. Before this “explosion” we had to think more often, but with it we stopped thinking. What will happen after? “Our path is the path of thought” (M. Heidegger).

    Humanization of technical education in modern world

    Technical education around the world is extremely developed. Technical colleges, schools, institutes, and universities graduate technicians and engineers “like baking pancakes.” In the middle of the 19th century. The concept of “technical sciences” arose, after which academic degrees in the field of technical sciences began to be awarded (in our country – candidates and doctors of technical sciences). The presence of trained personnel contributed to the unprecedented development of technology in literally all spheres of human activity. But technology, as a rational product of inhumanized technical education, made by a “handicraft man,” but not by a “reasonable man,” is alien to “love for every living being” (L.N. Tolstoy), the ethics of “reverence for life” (A. Schweitzer), “living ethics” (E.I. Roerich), like any ethics in general. Humanization of technical education is required, it is required technoethics regulating ethical (moral) limits technical progress, just as bioethics and ecoethics regulate the moral limits of human penetration into the depths of living nature and, in general, all of nature.

    Scientific and technical research itself appears to many to be ethically neutral, and the inhumane use of its achievements is supposedly entirely determined by those social forces that control the practical application of the results of this research. But it does not at all follow from this that the scientist and engineer are absolved of all responsibility for how and to what anonymous “social forces” scientific and technological achievements are served.

    Legal analogue: The Nuremberg Tribunal found responsible those doctors and scientists who, “in the name of the progress of science,” conducted inhumane experiments on prisoners of Hitler’s concentration camps and called themselves only instruments in the hands of the Nazi regime.

    In our age global problems and crises, scientists and engineers will more than once have to turn to their conscience, call on a sense of responsibility in order to find the right way to overcome emerging threats, so as not to be involved in the emergence of certain global problems and cataclysms.

    But where do we get moral scientists and engineers? First of all, from a thoroughly humanized education, and technical education is no exception. The most important example of humanized education is noospheric education (about the noosphere, see lecture 6).

    It is useful for people prone to technocratic thinking to persistently remind them of spiritual values ​​- humanism, humanity, conscience, compassion, that the artificial world of technology surrounding modern man has no right to suppress human nature, the human spirit: “the heart... cannot live in a metallic environment" (N.A. Berdyaev). Machines should help a person, and not turn him into their slave and not force a person to justify what the machines have done.

    Greetings, dear readers! The 21st century is the century of computer technology, so now you won’t find a single home where there is no computer. Laptops, processors, tablets - all this creates noise in the house, and also helps with work and communication.

    Now the Internet actively controls all areas of human life, but this is a reality from which there is no escape. Let's discuss what harms and benefits of a computer accompany us in life today, as well as ways that will reduce the negative impact.


    This does not depend on what you are using the unit for - it could be writing a business report, preparing for a test, mental rest or communication - large number The time you spend on your work machine has a detrimental effect on your life.

    High screen brightness and flickering when moving the cursor, creating glare, make the eyes more strained. The lens of the eye is under stress for a long time, vision decreases, and dry eyes appear. All this leads to cataracts in the future.

    Working at a computer for a long time, eye strain, frequent flickering different pictures leads to fatigue, headaches and sleep disturbances.

    While surfing the Internet, the brain becomes saturated a large number unnecessary information, which makes you get tired quickly and reduce productivity.

    Sitting in one place for a long time means getting scoliosis or osteochondrosis, as fluid stagnation occurs. This causes headaches and nervous disorders.

    The movements we make with the mouse are monotonous, so blood stagnation, tingling in the hand, pain in the fingers and swelling begin.

    A large amount of time spent on the computer leads to disorders of the nervous system, which is characterized by insomnia, apathy, lethargy and severely reduced immunity.

    A strong addiction arises when communicating on the Internet, as a feeling of “need” is created. The real world fades into the background, and the desire to communicate with real friends is also removed, because there are virtual ones.

    Uncontrolled use of the Internet in children causes addiction, mental disorders, emotional turmoil, and so on.


    Despite the negative factors, computers bring undoubted benefits to people's lives.

    1. Special computer programs optimize labor and the work process, which increases the efficiency of workdays.
    2. “Clouds” and file storage allow you to store a large amount of information in the form of a document, photograph or some other format.
    3. There is a large amount of information on the Internet that will allow you to broaden your horizons, find what you need and quickly learn lessons.
    4. A large amount of entertainment will not let you get bored: listening to music, watching movies, a playground, and most importantly, free access to it.
    5. The Internet is a platform for communicating with people who gather from all over the world.

    Reducing negative impact

    You shouldn't put your computer on the same level as real life, you must always remember that this virtual network. There are simple rules that will help cope with harm from technology.

    Buy modern monitor which will allow you to have high resolution, which reduces the strain on the eye muscles, purchase a flat keyboard and a comfortable chair to sit on. The LCD monitor is the safest for vision.

    If you bought new screen, but you feel that your health is deteriorating and your eyes hurt, you should adjust the color texture. Call a professional or look for lessons online. Correct setting flowers will help relieve tension.

    Also, use the guide “Excellent vision without glasses! How to restore vision without surgery" to minimize eye strain.

    When sitting at the computer, take the correct position.

    To do this, position yourself 60 centimeters from the monitor, straighten your back, relax your shoulders, and at night place it on the floor at a right angle or on a special platform, do not strain your hands, keep them at the same level.

    Every 60 minutes, take a 10-minute break to rest your eyes from work. Do squats, walk around the room, get some air, but don’t change your activity to watching TV or a cell phone.

    Be sure to walk outside for an hour every day. Organize a de-load of unnecessary information once every seven days. Turn off the computer, meet with friends and go for a walk in nature. Don't pollute your memory with unnecessary information from the Internet.

    Follow a proper nutrition system, take vitamins and minerals.

    Once an hour during a break, do special eye exercises, for example, look into the distance and then up close. Apply chamomile or tea masks at night. A cold ice cube will quickly relieve fatigue.

    At long work use glasses that are suitable for a computer, selected based on price or functionality. This will protect your eyesight.

    How to use a social network to receive not only moral satisfaction, but real earnings? He will tell you about this and much more. course "Blue Ocean VKontakte" Alexandra Novikova.

    We have already described the details of the course in more detail in the section.

    What other precautions should be taken to reduce harmful effects computer? Share your thoughts in the comments.

    It is impossible to give up a computer in the modern age, but it is possible to reduce its harm. Follow the advice and stay healthy. See you soon!

    The computer and the child - the pros and cons of this communication.

    Goal: To expand the information field of parents about the benefits and harms of children using the computer.


    1.Identify the main harmful factors when working on a computer.
    2. Consider the elements of health-saving technologies when working at a computer at school and at home.

    Equipment: multimedia projector, questionnaires, instructions for parents.

    Preparatory work for the meeting:

    Survey of class students.

    How many hours a day do you usually play on the computer? (check the appropriate box.)

    Progress of the meeting

    Dear parents! Today we are gathered to discuss the topic “The computer and the child - the pros and cons of this communication.” A distinctive feature of the time in which we live is the rapid penetration of information technology into all spheres of life; at school and at home, the computer accompanies our children. Modern children are able to master the skills of working with various electronic computer innovations with enviable ease. But we need to ensure that “communication” with a computer does not harm the health of children, so that our children do not become dependent on their “computer friend.”

    Discussion of survey results

    (A preliminary survey of class students is carried out, and the results presented through a presentation are summed up.)

    Question to parents:

    – What is a computer for a child? (discussion)

    Discussion of all the "pros" and "cons" of the computer.



    1. generates positive interest in technology;
    2. develops creative abilities;
    3. completely captures the child’s consciousness;
    4. eliminates fear of technology;
    5. forms psychological literacy for PC mastery;
    6. develops imagination by modeling the future;
    7. promotes attentiveness and concentration;
    8. helps to master reading, writing, etc. at a fast pace;
    9. trains memory, attention;
    10. develops speed of action and reaction;
    11. fosters determination.
    1. negative impact on physical development;
    2. increases the state of nervousness and fear when striving to achieve victory at any cost;
    3. the content of games provokes children's aggression and cruelty;
    4. obliges the child to act at the pace set by the program;
    5. promotes the development of physical inactivity;
    6. reduces intellectual activity;
    7. impairs vision.

    Thus, the computer is effective remedy development of the child, but at the same time it is very important what is inside the computer (i.e. what programs the child uses, what pages on the Internet he visits, what computer games plays) and how the child relates to the organization of the workplace, time management, and the use of simple exercises to relieve fatigue and tension.

    Memo for parents:

    ■ It is necessary to properly organize lighting computer desk, sunlight should not fall on the monitor, as glare on the screen contributes to eye fatigue.

    ■ Monitor the cleanliness of the screen and monitor settings (brightness, contrast, etc.).

    ■ Select a table (it is optimal to use a special computer table with a retractable board for the keyboard, allowing you to change your position) and a chair (it is advisable to use a special swivel chair with adjustable height) so that the child can maintain the optimal distance from the screen to the eyes (50-70cm) and the gaze is would be aimed at the center of the monitor.

    ■ When working on a computer, you must ensure correct posture.

    ■ The optimal duration of continuous classes with a computer for students in primary school is 20 minutes, in high school – 25-30 minutes. After this time, it is necessary to interrupt “communication” with the computer, do mini-exercises and exercises for the eyes.

    ■ In the room where the computer is located, you need to frequently do wet cleaning and wipe off dust. When you finish working at the computer, it is advisable to wash your face with cold water.

    ■ To reduce the stress on the psyche, you should select quieter games (educational, horizon-expanding games), focus on the capabilities of the computer (the computer is not only for games and entertainment, the use of text and graphic editors, spreadsheets and other similar programs bring a lot of benefits).

    ■ You need to try to protect the child’s psyche as much as possible from the impact of violent scenes in games (if the child is still very keen on “shooting games”, you need to try to distract him from such games by finding another interesting activity, or at least agree on reducing the time spent playing these games) , in reality, the child must be in demand, he must feel his importance, feel the love of loved ones (if the child “goes” to virtual world, which means he is missing something in the surrounding reality). There should be more “live” sincere communication in life, you need to communicate, pay attention to what he is doing and what worries him.

    A set of gymnastics exercises for the eyes.
    1. Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to 3. Repeat 4-5 times.
    2. Close your eyes tightly (count to 3), open them and look into the distance (count to 5). Repeat 4-5 times.
    3. Extend your right arm forward. Follow with your eyes, without turning your head, the slow movements of the index finger of your outstretched hand to the left and right, up and down. Repeat 4-5 times.
    4. Look at the index finger of your outstretched hand for the count of 1-4, then move your gaze into the distance for the count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.
    5. At an average pace, make 3-4 circular movements with your eyes to the right side, and the same amount to the left side. Relax your eye muscles and look into the distance while counting 1-6. Repeat 1-2 times.

    Summing up

    1. PC is an integral attribute of modern life;
    2. It must be remembered that people with low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence fall into dependence on a PC faster than others, and these problems are most common among teenagers. A PC makes it possible to compensate for all these complexes, but not in the real world, but in the virtual one;
    3. Most best vacation after classes on the PC, these are outdoor games;
    4. The time allocated to TV, videos, video games and the Internet should not exceed two hours a day. Televisions steal time that could be devoted to exercise, mental exercise and socializing.
    5. It has been proven that conversations in the family circle have a beneficial effect on the psychological climate in the family and strengthen the nervous system, making children more balanced and calm.

    The psyche and character of the younger generation have been debated for a long time. Some experts insist that this influence is purely negative. Others, on the contrary, convince us that there are only positive aspects to a child’s communication with a computer.

    In this article, I do not undertake to analyze their opinions and arguments - I am sure that both sides tried to make them weighty and convincing. I will not try to win you over to the side of any of the disputing parties, because you are smart person and a developed personality is able to determine for himself what is good and what is bad and decide for himself all the pros and cons of a computer.
    But as a person who has a first higher technical (specifically computer) education and has been living inextricably with a computer for almost fourteen years (since childhood), I will say that a computer can become both an enemy of education and personal development and best assistant in these processes. The main thing is to be able to correctly use this intellectual and psychological weapon (or better yet, a tool) of the twenty-first century.
    Therefore, I want to draw your attention to the abundance of programs for schoolchildren that the industry offers today software. And among them there are many very useful products.

    These are, firstly, numerous and varied dictionaries and reference books.

    Today at electronic form you can find any encyclopedic publication, biographical dictionaries, all the most famous dictionaries of the Russian language (Dal, Ozhegov and Shvedova, explanatory, morphological and others). There are also numerous different dictionaries of foreign languages. Well-established companies "Promt", "Cyril and Methodius", "ABBYY" and "Ectaco" have produced many multilingual dictionaries. And rather than clutter the shelves with huge, heavy, and therefore not very convenient for a child to use, Talmuds (which, moreover, cost a lot of money - the price of a good dictionary can range from 500 to 1000 rubles), in my opinion, it is better to purchase an electronic one - elegant and modern, with plenty of additional options and functions, the purpose of which is to make working with the publication as easy as possible. In addition, electronic reference books and dictionaries are much more mobile than their printed counterparts. The CD is compact and lightweight. It won't take up much space in a handbag, not to mention a child's briefcase. But, unfortunately, not all schools today are computerized to the required extent.

    Secondly, these are a variety of electronic libraries.

    On the shelves you can easily find impressive collections of works included in the required school curriculum. I remember well how much work it sometimes took to find this or that book! And one disc can more than contain not only all the works that may be needed throughout all years of school, but also a lot of other interesting literature. I foresee your counterarguments. Yes, reading from a monitor screen is not only inconvenient, but also harmful. But there is a printer. I am sure that in this case the price of a printed work will not be more expensive than its cost on the bookstore counter. But how much precious time you will save! As an example, the collections “Russian Literature of the 19th Century. Reader for grades 5-11 of secondary school” by the company “IDDK”, “Schoolchildren’s Library” by the company “ASU-Impulse”.
    Cheating is definitely not good. You can endlessly collect the pros and cons of a computer. For example, I basically wrote and write all the essays, essays and coursework myself. But, given the new trend of creating banks of other people’s essays and abstracts, it would be a mistake not to mention electronic collections of them. In addition, they can provide some benefits. After all, sometimes you just need to look at someone’s work simply as a model, an example. And the abstracts contain a lot of useful and processed information. In this regard, the collection “To help students. Diplomas, coursework, reports” by the Adept company is not bad. Also noting

    Thirdly, training programs will be very useful.

    A personal tutor is certainly a good and effective thing. As well as very expensive - not every family can afford such a luxury. And here numerous people come to the rescue training programs-tutors. Developed with the participation of professors and associate professors of leading Russian universities, such programs contain not only general educational material, but also many tests, tests, and tasks assessing the level of knowledge. A rich palette of similar programs for common name"1C: Tutor" is offered by the company "1C", which has proven itself in the software market. Among its products you will find programs that teach the Russian language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, various tests, etc. So, for example, "program" 1C: Tutor. Biology" contains a presentation of the entire school biology course (botany, zoology, human anatomy and physiology, general biology). It is a textbook, problem book and reference book, united by a hypertext structure. Includes 1000 interactive illustrations, 50 video clips and computer animations, 1000 tests and tasks, 30 minutes of narration, biographies of famous biologists, a reference book, a dictionary of basic terms, a program for entrance exams at Moscow State University and a list of basic and recommended literature. The authors of the educational and methodological material are leading researchers of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, candidates of biological sciences.
    A variety of training programs are also offered by the companies “Cyril and Methodius” (a leader among developers of training programs and reference books), “Interactive Line”, “Laboratory of Multimedia Systems MapSTU”, “YDP Interactive Publishing” and others.

    In addition to general education subjects, the software market offers a range of programs teaching foreign languages. For example, "Bridge to English" from Intense Educational. This English language teaching package, in addition to the grammar and vocabulary course, contains many exercises, dialogues, dictations, a spelling and pronunciation trainer, exam tasks and many others useful features. Also, you may be interested in the programs "English Platinum" from "1C", "Professor Higgins. German without an accent!" from "IstraSoft" and, designed for children, programs for teaching English, French and other languages ​​under the general name "Learn words" from the company "EuroTalk Interactive". At all, modern technology Speech recognition has made it possible to create very effective packages for teaching languages. The only thing is that they will require the appropriate capabilities from the computer. You will definitely need a good supply RAM, fast processor, sensitive microphone and high-quality acoustics. But the result is worth it.

    And speaking of training programs, one cannot help but recall keyboard trainers."Baby Type", designed to work with seven standard layouts keyboards (American, English, German, French, Swiss, Russian, Hebrew) will turn your lessons into an exciting game.
    And if you want to teach a child computer literacy, then they were developed for this case too special programs. It may sound funny to learn how to use a computer, but LOGO Studio was not afraid of this and created the program “How to work... on a computer.” It clearly explains the hardware of a computer and the basic principles of its operation. Particular attention is paid to training to work in operating system Windows, the MS Office package, the basics of working on the Internet (setting up connections, email programs, dialers, even various chat rooms, such as ICQ and creating your own website), as well as training in other useful programs.

    Here's a little about the pros and cons of a computer. As you can see, a computer can be of great help to both you and your child. The main thing is to remember the measure and observe simple rules work on the computer, by teaching your child how to use it, you will reduce the negative risk to a minimum: do not spend more than two to three hours a day at the computer, do not correct malfunctions yourself, sit straight and at arm's length from the monitor, and after working on the computer do simple exercise for the eyes.

    2 years ago

    As is known, in the broad sense of the word, computerization is the process of introducing electronic computing technology into all spheres of human activity. This process is happening so rapidly that it is now difficult to imagine at least some area in which computers would not be used.

    The process of introducing robots, that is, robotization, is going on in parallel, and it also covers all areas. And now you shouldn’t be surprised that someone in an apartment, in addition to a computer on the table, has a laptop or tablet, a mobile phone and a robot vacuum cleaner. And some can even afford to live in a “smart home”, in which almost all everyday chores are taken care of by electronics and automation.

    The rapid development of these processes, of course, is explained by the desire of man to reduce the need for manual labor. And, above all, this concerns production. As for computerization, the process of increasingly widespread use of computers in a variety of industries makes it possible to increase labor productivity, improve product quality, and increase efficiency scientific research, improve management and maintenance systems.

    As computers improve, their scope of application expands.

    Computerization and informatization have taken one of the leading places in the modern infrastructure of the entire planet. Every year, the demand for information technology, modern computers and office equipment has an increasingly significant impact on the dynamics and structure of the world economy.

    It must be recognized that the real revolution in this area was the emergence and intensive development of the Internet system. Nowadays, it has become one of the leading sectors of the world economy. It employs millions of people. The use of more powerful and fast computers allows us to constantly increase the number of Internet users.

    The onslaught of computerization and informatization does not mean the complete disappearance of the need for the services of the usual wired communication. Mobile communications and the Internet only complement them. And therefore, for example, traditional voice communication is still in demand.

    Since they appeared personal computers, then a new type of learning process has appeared. The appearance of the computer in the pedagogical system has changed and will continue to change its functions. It will allow you to achieve a new pedagogical effect.

    Computer technology Learning is the process of preparing and transmitting information to the learner, the means of which is the computer. With its help you can get a wide variety of information, including video and audio. There was also such a thing as distance learning. And all because the computer provides rich opportunities for learning and self-education.

    The successes of astronautics, physics, biology, medicine, geology, as well as other sciences, cannot be imagined without computers. Computerization means missile defense systems, space systems, as well as solving weather forecast problems. These are queuing systems and information and reference systems. For example, systems for reserving and selling railway and air tickets. These are banking and stock exchange computer systems, as well as bibliographic computer systems.

    Digital audio and video recording, as well as computer layout and preparation for publication of newspapers, magazines, books, as well as arrangement of musical works, color music - all this is a consequence of the computerization of our lives. Computers have found widespread use in management technological processes and production in general. Without them it is impossible to create machines with numerical program controlled and industrial robots.

    Application industrial robots, like the use of computers, increases equipment productivity and product output, improves its quality, replaces people in monotonous and hard work, and helps save materials and energy.

    Unfortunately, robots are not able to completely replace humans. In particular, they lack the ability to respond intelligently to unexpected situations and changes in the work environment. They are also unable to learn independently from their own experiences. They do not have the ability to use fine coordination of the hand-eye system.

    And yet they have considerable potential. Gripper robots, for example, can perform a variety of manipulation tasks. Such as casting, ingot cleaning, forging, heat treatment, machine handling handling, molding, packaging, warehousing. And much more that has always been the responsibility of man.

    Instead of grippers, robots may have various tools in their hands to perform work. That is, the robot is capable of spray painting, applying adhesive and insulating coatings, drilling, countersinking, tightening nuts, and grinding. Robots will be able to perform spot and arc welding, heat treatment and cutting using flame or laser. Now robots are becoming painting robots, welding robots, assembly robots. That is, they acquire specialization.