• Blank line on Instagram. How to make a paragraph on Instagram in the description

    IN lately It has become very popular among Instagram users to blog. People tell their subscribers not only what is happening in their lives, but also engage in advertising activities. An integral part of blogging is the periodic publication of posts on various topics. Beginners who are just starting to promote their page very often have problems with how to make a paragraph on Instagram. But, in fact, everything is extremely simple, you just need to devote a little time to this issue.

    On Instagram, you need to indent your post because:

    • Users who read it will find it easier to digest the information.
    • If you divide the post into several parts, then visually it will look much more pleasant, and the likelihood that the photo will simply be closed is significantly reduced.
    • If a person has lost the place where he read, it will be easier for him to find it if the post is divided into several parts.

    Features of writing texts on Instagram

    First of all, it must be said that paragraphs on Instagram are not provided for by the system, since the social network was created not for long posts, but for publication beautiful photos. What can you write under the photo? Just small notes about what kind of place this is, or what emotions it brought.

    But Insta users went a little wrong, and they are trying in every possible way to make their texts based on photos more pleasant to read. There are a lot of ways to replace paragraphs:

    • use emoticons as separation;

    • delimit text with empty lines;

    • use asterisks, dashes, underscores, dots, etc.

    And below you can see what the text looks like where the author neglected the paragraphs and replaced them with empty lines or left everything as intended by the developers. Agree, the techniques used in the examples above significantly decorated the text. But we know a secret that will make you stand out from the crowd.

    The secret gap for creating beautiful Instagram posts

    To prevent the text from sticking together into one continuous sheet of text when publishing, use special character, which will allow you to structure the text. The secret problem poses invisible symbol, which must be copied and placed in an empty line, “⠀” is the element that is indicated between the quotes. Yes, we understand, it seems that there is nothing there, but take our word for it and copy what is between the quotes.

    So, for your text under an Instagram post to have a beautiful structure, you need to:

    • copy symbol;
    • tap at the beginning of the paragraph where this symbol should appear;
    • paste a copied symbol from the clipboard.

    After completing these steps, you will receive a post like this:

    Hello, dear readers of the ilife.ru blog!

    In this article we will talk about how to design your Instagram profile so that people pay attention to it. more people. Correct, beautiful and original design is the first thing a user will see when they land on your page.

    Therefore, it is worth taking 10-20 minutes of time to read this article in full and edit important points in your account.

    Making a profile on Instagram

    Let's start, as always, with basic psychological things. We will answer the questions that the person who lands on the page wants to see.

    Your profile design should answer 3 simple questions:

    1. Who are you?
    2. What are you doing?
    3. How can you be useful to your subscribers? The user must understand at first glance why you will be interesting and useful to him in order for him to subscribe to you.

    If you run a business account where you sell some product or service, then rephrase these questions a little to suit them.

    What can you write:

    • What's your name?
    • Where are you from, where do you live?
    • Who do you work for, what do you do, what project are you leading, what do you know?
    • What are you interested in, your lifestyle, hobbies?
    • What have you achieved?
    • What do you write about on your Instagram?
    • How can I contact you? Link to a website or other social network.

    Don't forget that the number of characters is limited. You need to be brief, original and, most importantly, something that the visitor will remember. So that “this guy who...” is imprinted in his brain and he remembers you. You can capture it with just one detail.

    Nickname on Instagram (username)

    The username (nickname), which is initially specified when registering in English or transliterated, will be displayed everywhere during your activity. Therefore, it also needs to be made as simple and memorable as possible. So that you can be easily found in search.

    As you can see, the description and first name with last name in the profile are also shown in the search results.

    "Name" field in profile settings

    The one that is highlighted in bold.

    As you can see, it affects search results, as in search engines, and searching for Instagram itself. Therefore, here you can indicate not just your first and last name, but search query, by which they can find you.

    For example, if you are a photographer, you can indicate in the line:

    “Photographer of Perm - Vasily Blinov”

    Well, or somehow formalize it with various emoticons.

    Of course, a real first and last name works better than some commercial request. Especially if you use . People will see that this is not a living person, but some kind of company trying to sell them something, then you yourself will understand their reaction.

    What photo should I put on my avatar?

    The photo works exactly the same, it is displayed in many places. If there is any picture there, and not your photo, they will consider you a bot and pass by without paying attention.

    Post a good, cool photo of yourself where you can be seen in this little round circle. I generally have one photo on all social accounts. networks, it’s easier to find and remember. Above I gave a link to my page, you can go and look at it for an example.

    Now let's move on to technical issues registration

    How to make description text on a new line?

    IN at the moment My profile is designed this way. It is impossible to do this through the application, because there is no “Enter” button that opens a new line.


    Step 1.

    Step 2.

    Step 3. We write a new text in the “About yourself” section or separate the old one with the “ENTER” button.

    Step 4. Save the settings and check on the phone.

    Such text is better perceived and read than simply in one sentence.

    How to center the description (bio) on Instagram?

    It's just as easy to do:

    Step 1. We go to Instagram from a computer through a browser.

    Step 2. Click “Edit Profile”.

    Step 3. In the “About Me” section, you must insert space characters (⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀) before the lines of text. Here they are in brackets, just select and copy.

    Step 4. Adjust the number of space characters to make it even. Check on your phone.

    This is how it worked for me, but I had to delete some of the text, because spaces are counted as characters, the number of which is limited. There is no way to move the link.

    How to make a "Contact" button and page category

    In order to activate this function on Instagram, you need to create public page on Facebook. If you already have such a page ( here is an example of my page), then all that remains is to link it to your Instagram account.

    Step 1. Linking the pages. Log in from your phone (via mobile application Instagram) in editing your profile and click “Try tools for the company” there.

    Step 3. Enter the information through which users can contact you.

    The address will also be displayed in the profile data and, when clicked, shown on the map.

    Who doesn’t want users to be able to call a phone number and see the address (relevant for personal pages, bloggers), you don’t have to indicate them.

    How to add emoticons?

    After you make the description text with new line and save, you can go through the application on your phone to edit and put in the usual way necessary emoticons.

    Active link in profile

    If the URL is long and looks ugly, then it should be shortened using . For example, like mine, a short abbreviated link.

    About accounts that are hidden from view

    After a person views your profile, they proceed to rate the content. Therefore, the account should not be closed.

    No one follows a private account, and with this setup you are unlikely to become popular.

    How to open a private profile?

    This cannot be done through a computer, only through a mobile application.

    Go to the application itself on the phone and in the right top corner Click the “Settings” gear. Drag the slider " Closed account"to the left.

    That's it, guys, this is where I finish the article about creating a profile on Instagram. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. And please write, is it necessary to talk about the design of posts on Instagram?

    I will be waiting for feedback.

    For any person, be it a blogger or regular user, it is important to know and understand how social networks work. This is especially important for people who maintain active accounts for selling any products, information products and motivational blogs. This article will present a clear algorithm of actions that will help you understand how to work, structure and create best text on Instagram.

    How to create a space on Instagram

    For users social networks You should always provide convenient and structured information. Regardless of whether you are selling something or running a thematic blog. A well-developed text is the key to long-term cooperation between and the audience, especially in view of the growing competition now. Well-designed and worded text will help you bring the reader back to your page again and again. But many users who write informative ones don’t even know how to create spaces in the text on Instagram. Therefore, the first section is dedicated to this.

    The photos below show the post with and without a space.

    This is what a post looks like without a space. Solid text written in the Instagram editor.

    This is what a post looks like using spaces. A more elaborate structure is immediately visible, even taking into account that the post itself does not carry much information.

    Now let's figure it out. There are two options for adding a space so that the text does not appear continuous. Let's look at both.

    First option:

    1. Write in notes if you use iOS.;
    2. Next, copy and paste into Instagram.

    The text will look exactly the same as you visualized it in your notes. This rule will be especially useful topics who writes long narrative texts.

    Second option:

    1. If you write text in the Instagram editor when adding a photo, do not put spaces in the description after the period;
    2. After the period, immediately go to a new line using the Enter key.
    3. We save the recording.

    What is the difference between iOS and Android

    Further, it is worth noting that on the iOS and Android platforms, spaces are placed slightly differently. And if with the Apple operating system you have to tinker a little and try the steps indicated above, then with Android it’s very easy to set a hidden or empty space for Instagram.

    All devices designed for this platform place spaces with one click. In general, this applies not only to Instagram, but even to regular messages. To start on a new line at Android platform– just press Enter.

    Depending on your version operating system When you press “Enter” (in the shape of a rounded arrow with a smiley face), to set a paragraph or a space, you may have to hold down the press for several seconds. seconds

    How to use Secret Space?

    In the photo you can see what the secret space looks like.

    In this photo we see a blank line between paragraphs. Putting such a space is even easier than just moving to another line.

    You just need to copy the space to your phone in these quotes – “⠀”

    1. Delete extra space between sentences;
    2. Press Enter/Enter;
    3. Paste the space you copied;
    4. Press Enter/Enter;
    5. We save the recording.

    How to make a paragraph or space on a computer

    If you are working with a PC, your algorithm of actions will be similar to the previous ones.

    The advantage of this method is that you can work in any text editor, be it Word or regular notepad.

    By typing text in any of the editors and copying it to Instagram, you can use the same algorithms described earlier.

    Using a Telegram bot to split text

    One of the most interesting and provocative messengers also has an assistant that will create spaces between paragraphs for you.

    This option is suitable for those who do not have time to copy different characters and layout of the text yourself.

    If you don't have this application, you can download it at Google Play or AppStore.

    In order to put this magic space, you need to find a bot in the messenger search @text4instabot . Go to the search for messages and people (it’s just above all your chats), enter the profile name and select the one in the photo official logo Instagram.

    1. Click Start;
    2. We insert required text. Where you want to see the division, leave a blank line with the Enter key;
    3. The bot will very quickly send back your text tailored for Instagram;
    4. Copy the text and paste it into Instagram WITHOUT CHANGES;
    5. We save the recording.

    How to split text with other characters

    There are many different ideas on how to present text in a post in an interesting way. Several such options are presented in the following photos:

    The first is a division with a solid line. In the first case, it looks quite objective, since it is easier for the user to distinguish basic information about the product from additional information (the address of the presented store), but in the second photo there were obvious problems with enumerating the continuous separation.

    The second is a dot or many dots/broken lines. This is also comparative bad idea. And it's probably better to keep the regular white space. Or use lists if your text is quite long.

    Also about features of the narrative that have not yet been mentioned. If your writing style allows it, you can separate your text. This is a relatively recent method, since previously the developers did not foresee such a development of events. But now, using emoticons, the algorithm for moving to another line will be like this:

    • We write the text;
    • Put the selected smiley;
    • WITHOUT A SPACE go to another line using the Enter key;

    The main thing is not to overdo it with emoticons, otherwise the user may get the impression of excessive emotional imposition from your account, and he will simply leave.

    And the last one is more interesting option use of emoticons – stylization of emoticons for lists. In the next photo - good example use of graphic emoticons.

    Yes, emoticons can be used in completely different contexts. For example, black squares, which, by the way, fit into the general style of the profile, separated the name of the training and then used these same squares in the list. You can also experiment and choose more interesting options for yourself.

    To summarize, it’s worth saying that you can choose any space character for Instagram that you like best, but the usual hidden spaces that were discussed earlier look more stylish and attractive. Remember that instead of continuous text, you can always use lists or regular text division. You can also download Spacebar to your notes and use it constantly.

    Every “experienced” Instagram user knows that beautiful design profile and posts are a guarantee of special attention from other community members to your account. To generate interest in their page, bloggers use a lot of tricks and tricks, among which the invisible space method is very popular. From this publication you will learn what the “secret” space for Instagram is, where to get it and how to use it for original design your publications and bio in your profile.

    Who needs invisible people on Instagram?

    It should be noted right away that the usual indents in Insta do not work - the text is glued together into a single sheet. An empty space is an invisible (in mobile version Insta) is a symbol that allows you to move text to the center.

    The space symbol for Instagram is often used by users to create paragraphs, without which the post turns into a meaningless set of characters. Any “canvas” is read with great difficulty (or not read at all). If the participant social program doesn’t know, then his page will look unreadable, and publications will not bring the desired response from subscribers.

    So, who needs invisible spaces in their profile description or Insta posts? The answer is obvious: everyone who wants to beautifully design their own page, attract users’ attention to posts, and make their Instagram more popular.

    How to make a paragraph at the beginning of a line?

    A paragraph (as you know) should contain one, but completely complete thought. So, to indicate a paragraph in the text, you need to indent the beginning of the line. As noted above, a regular space will not help with this, which means you need to put an “invisible” character at the beginning of the line.

    The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    • open Instagram;
    • insert a double space (- Here it is, immediately after the bracket and before the dash) before the main text at the beginning of the line;
    • check the result from your smartphone.

    According to the rules, there is one blank line between paragraphs. To do this, remove the indentation after the point at the end last sentence before the paragraph and insert a “transparent” symbol on the next line. This way the text will be divided according to all the rules of proper formatting. In terms of quantity empty characters you can easily move the text to the center, which will make it stand out among the total mass of “boring” information.

    Important! The invisible character is taken into account by the system in the total text length in the same way as other characters.

    Where can I get the “secret” symbol for Instagram?

    In principle, everything is simple: I inserted an “invisible” word before the beginning of the sentence, thereby marking the paragraph. Where to copy space for Instagram? The simplest option is to “take” it from the user profile description, whose text is located in the center. In the mobile version of Insta, the “invisibility” is not visible, forgive the tautology, but in the WEB version of the application, they are displayed as empty squares.

    You can go the “other way”, without copying the “squares” from the browser version of Instagram. We do them ourselves directly on the phone.

    • open “notes” on your smartphone;
    • using standard keyboard, put some spaces;
    • copy them to the clipboard;
    • open the text to be edited on Instagram and select where to create the paragraph;
    • remove the space after the period of the last sentence (before the future paragraph);
    • press “enter” and paste the copied characters from the clipboard;
    • press enter.

    The paragraph is ready and separated by a blank line.

    Read our special article.

    As a conclusion

    In this article, we tried to figure out what the secret (invisible) space for Instagram is, learned how to use it to make paragraphs and place information in the center of the text field. As you can see, there is nothing “top secret” or “super complex” about this method No. We recommend you try it this method designing posts, and you will see how the interest of your subscribers in your publications will increase.

    Anyone who knows how to write on Instagram from a new line has a much better chance of gaining popularity on a social photo network and attracting the attention of a large number of subscribers.

    After all, beautifully designed publications will bring much more benefit to account owners than carelessly posted photos. While many people figure out how to take a colorful shot without any problems, many people have problems with the description. At the same time the largest part difficulties associated with transfer. Users do not always understand how to format entries correctly, and as a result, their signatures become almost unreadable. After all, making sense of an endless, continuous set of words can be extremely difficult.

    Understanding the peculiarities of writing a sentence on a new line in the Instagram photo network is not difficult. To do this, it is enough to devote this issue a little time to look at everything existing options and choose the most convenient one. There are 3 ways to hyphenate words in text:

    • using a variety of text editors and programs;
    • using a special space;
    • inserting additional characters between different parts of the description.

    Each proposed approach has its own pros and cons. In this case, the first option is most effective, and the last one is more convenient. But in order to choose the appropriate method, you need to understand why these methods are good. This is the only way to stop at the ideal point and understand how to divide what is written.

    Using third party programs

    Those who don’t yet know how to make paragraphs on Instagram should use any text editor. Word, Notepad, and numerous similar programs are suitable for this purpose.

    The use of these approaches is as follows:

    The main disadvantage of this approach is the inconvenience of using it when publishing from a phone.

    Alternative Methods

    If using editors seems inappropriate, go to new line necessary, you should use a special space. It is practically no different from a standard skip, but allows you to make a separation between thoughts in your notes.

    It will be even easier to use special characters and symbols. To separate paragraphs, you can put several hyphens, periods, or underscores between paragraphs. In each case, readers will understand that the old idea is finished and a new one is being written. And a creative approach will help make the highlight stylish.

    An additional advantage that all iPhone account owners will appreciate is the ease of applying this approach. Adding multiple hyphens doesn't require complex steps or extra time.

    What is important to know

    To those who managed to try listed options, but haven’t figured out how to make a paragraph on Instagram on an iPhone, you should pay attention to a few the most important conditions allowing you to write correctly and beautifully.

    The first thing to remember is that you cannot use extra spaces before the hyphen. They will prevent you from achieving the desired effect (you can put emoticons).

    Do not be afraid of errors during registration, since they can be quickly corrected later. But in order not to disappoint your subscribers with sloppy captions, it’s worth checking what the published photos and videos look like.

    It is not difficult to do the above, and the result is so simple actions will turn out to be instant. All shortcomings and shortcomings will instantly become a thing of the past.

    How to write on Instagram from a new line

    There are several ways to start each new thought in the descriptions of publications with a new paragraph. The best results can be obtained by using third party utilities, but this is not always convenient when using a photo network via a phone.

    Anyone who wants to separate thoughts and ideas in posts without leaving their profile can use additional symbols. Not only do they add neatness to text, but they can also be used as a stylish embellishment for signatures if used wisely.