• The best assistant for Android. Analogue of "Siri" for "Android": review of voice assistants

    What is it

    "Assistant" is a program for Android OS that will help you in any situation. How can she help? Yes, very simple. Using your voice (or keyboard), enter the information you are interested in, and the “Assistant” will answer any questions and fulfill all your wishes.


    The program was carried out according to the spirit Material Design with convenient user interface. The assistant is optimized for both tablets and smartphones. While assigning any command, you will always be accompanied by a picture of an assistant.

    Changing Theme: Character and Background

    Using the application, you can change the character and background (either long press on the character, or in the profile settings, or using the voice command “Change hairstyle”). On the bottom panel you can see in the center there is a microphone button, on one side there is a keyboard button (for setting commands using letters) and on the other side there is a “Settings” button.



    So, we have come to the very interesting section review - to the application's capabilities. What your personal assistant can’t do! But everything is in order.

    One of the simplest commands is weather. In order to find out whether to take an umbrella with you, just ask the assistant about it - “Should I take an umbrella?”

    Weather forecast

    To which you will receive a weather forecast for several days in your region. Let's imagine that you need to find out what the weather is like in another city, for example, in St. Petersburg. The assistant can handle this easily. You need to ask him: “What’s the weather like in St. Petersburg?” and that’s it, the weather forecast for St. Petersburg will be shown in the application.

    Launching applications
    With the help of the assistant, you can launch any program or game that is on the device or in Google Play. To do this, just say: “Start Radio” - the program immediately opens this application.

    Launching applications

    But what if you don't have the app you need on your device? No problem, the assistant will ask you about searching for him in Play Market.

    When launching applications with English names, it is better to use keyboard input, since the assistant will not always understand what you told him.

    One more useful feature- translator. Translate words, sentences and even entire texts with the help of your Assistant. It’s enough to say “Translate into English I want to sleep.”

    Translator from Russian to Chinese

    And you will receive a response in the form of text: “I want to sleep.” In the same way, you can translate into Chinese, Japanese, French and many other languages.

    In more earlier versions The assistant had a directory function. You say “What is [word]” and immediately receive a short answer in the form of text, which the Assistant voices.

    I asked "What is a monopoly." This is what the Assistant gave me

    In new versions there is no such possibility, but with such a question you immediately find yourself in Google Search, where the results of the request are displayed.

    Need to call someone? No problem, tell your Assistant your phone number (or name from your phone book) and he will dial it! Dictate directly: “Call eight nine one six four nine three three four zero eight” and that’s it, the assistant will do the rest himself.

    Executing a call command

    If you don’t want to dictate by numbers, speak in whole numbers, for example: “Call eight nine hundred sixteen four hundred ninety three thirty four zero eight,” he will understand.

    Traffic information
    Don't know which road to take faster? Is there a traffic jam on Yegoryevskoye Highway or not? Ask your Assistant, he will definitely know the answer.

    To do this, you can say “Traffic accidents” or “Traffic jams in Moscow”, it doesn’t matter, your true assistant will always understand and show a map with information about traffic jams.

    Do you need a map of a city or just want to see where Lake Baikal is? So ask your assistant, who will not be too lazy to show you a valid map of the area. For example, I asked “Show Lake Baikal on the map.”

    The Kremlin, Lake Baikal and me on the map

    The assistant instantly complied with my request. It is possible that it will help you too)
    Commands such as “Where am I” also work (screenshot above).

    Photo album
    Your assistant is able to find any image in a search engine Google Images. To search the desired picture necessary before search phrase say the word “show” or “show pictures.” After this, the Assistant will give you search queries and will say “Look, here are some great pictures on request...”.

    My queries: “Baikal soda” and “Lake Baikal”

    For example, I said “Show me Lake Baikal.”

    One of interesting features The assistant is sending messages. That's enough simple procedure. First we tell him “Write a letter.” He replies: “Okay. What do you want to write in your letter?” You say the text of the message.

    This is how I divided 573 by three

    Just tell him “What is five times five” or “Multiply five by five” and get the answer. Easy and simple!

    World news
    The system is capable of working with the Yandex.News news service. Thanks to this you will be aware of the latest news.

    Latest news from Yandex

    In order for the Assistant application to show the news feed, you just need to ask it: “Show news.” In addition, you can immediately specify the topic of the news: “Show music news.”

    YouTube video player
    From the application you can easily view a variety of videos located on YouTube.

    Videos for the requests “trashbox” and “break”

    This is very easy to do by telling the Assistant the command “Clip [request].” For example, you say “Show trashbox clip”, it shows videos for the request “trashbox”.

    The application has the ability to record phrases. For example, you told the Assistant “Write down” and then some phrase.

    The program immediately recorded what you said in a notebook, the entries of which can be viewed by saying “Records.” You can also clear your notepad with a few words: “delete all entries.” That's how easy and simple it is!

    Too lazy to set the alarm manually? Tell your personal Assistant to set the alarm for you. Use the simple phrase “Wake me up at 06:30” [wake me up at six thirty in the morning].

    We must remember that this is not all the capabilities of the system; the Assistant is constantly updated.

    Bottom line

    The program copes with its tasks quite quickly and correctly; I personally did not find any problems. There were, of course, cases when voice commands were not correctly recognized when the Assistant did not understand something. But it's tolerable.
    In conclusion, I would like to say about the premium account.
    IN paid mode Several new features are being added, including training. For example, you tell him, “When I say birdie, turn on the camera,” he will remember this and follow this rule. Another way to activate the application will also become available - by voice. The cost of a monthly subscription is 100 rubles, the cost of an annual subscription is 600 rubles, the cost of a premium account forever is 400 rubles.

    Well that's all for today, good luck everyone!
    P.S. Thanks to the user for the title picture!

    Every day, smartphones help us in everyday life (Internet, navigation, etc.) and almost every year this goes to a new level. For example, smartphones have learned to perform tasks using voice commands. This week’s selection is dedicated to voice assistants that will make using all the functionality of your smartphone more convenient.

    Google Now - say “Okay Google”

    Google Now comes pre-installed on many Android devices, but not all of them. In most cases, to launch Google Now you need to hold down the Home button or click on the application icon. In some cases, this can be configured; it depends on your smartphone, or rather on its firmware. It is also possible to launch using that famous phrase “Okay, Google”, after which you immediately need to voice the command to it.

    The main advantage of Google Now is communication with others Google services. It will tell you the weather forecast, your location, get directions, dial a number, help you write an SMS, create a note or reminder, set an alarm, open an application, perform a mathematical operation, or simply make a query in your search engine.

    Google Now

    Assistant Dusya– cheerful and smart

    Assistant Dusya is one of the smartest of this kind. The functionality of this assistant is really impressive. Using Dusya, you can forget about tapping on the screen, since all actions can be performed using your voice.

    After installing special scripts, the application will also be able to tell you jokes, play cities, search for the right VK music, write to WhatsApp and much more, you can also create your own scripts.

    The design of the application is standard, everything is clear and there is nothing superfluous. You can view the list of functions that Dusya can perform (they are divided into categories: calls, navigation, places, messages, etc.), and also change their settings.

    When installing the application, the developers give time to test this assistant; after the expiration date, you need to purchase the unlimited version.

    Assistant Dusya

    Assistant in Russian

    Assistant in Russian is a multifunctional assistant in your phone that will simplify the use of your smartphone. Here you can instantly go to the browser page with necessary information, open the right application, set an alarm, check the weather in your region, know everything about sports and cinema, find the nearest cinema or cafe, ask to be reminded of an important event.

    This application will come in handy even when you are bored. After all, you can play a game with an assistant. To do this, you need to offer to play cities. In addition, the assistant has a pleasant voice.

    Inside, the application is quite simple. On the left side of the application you can open the camera and immediately edit the photo you took, in the middle there is a voice recording button, on the right there is a menu and settings button.

    You can use all the features of this assistant for only 6 days, after which you have to extend the term or purchase an unlimited version.

    Assistant in Russian

    Okay, Notepad- will remind you of everything

    This application is not as functional as other voice assistants, but nevertheless does an excellent job. It's great for creating reminders and notes by voice. With the “Okay, notepad” application, it’s enough to say what needs to be done and when in the form that is familiar to us. For example: “Remind me to buy a cake tomorrow evening” or “The series will start on October 18 at 18:00, remind me 1 hour in advance.” The notebook will understand everything and remind you of an important matter. You can create reminders for both every day and every year, for example, birthday reminders.

    On latest versions Android, starting with Lollipop, you can change colors and themes. You can also expand the functionality of the application using additional plugins, for example, adding synchronization with Google tasks.

    Okay, Notepad

    Robin - faithful assistant every driver

    Robin will never let you get discouraged on the road, he will always show you the right way, will allow you to find this or that establishment and much more.

    With Robin's assistant you won't have to search long for a long time your phone has a calculator, browser, desired contact in the phone book. You will only need to say the desired command.

    The application interface is quite simple; you communicate with the assistant in the form of messages on the desktop. On the left is the maps button, in the middle is the voice and command recording button, on the right is the menu button where you can select help or change settings.

    Developers of leading companies in the IT industry have been working toward the implementation of artificial intelligence for decades; ever since the advent of the first computers, the idea of ​​creating smart assistant, capable of learning and knowing about everything in the world, in order to provide any information upon the user’s request. Technology has shown strong growth in recent years and today as phones have evolved into smartphones and smart technology gradually penetrates into every home, virtual assistants no longer a fantasy from a science-fiction movie, but part of the everyday life of users.

    The capabilities of already smart smartphones are significantly expanded when installed useful applications, especially such as assistants, which can also be downloaded on different devices without taking up a lot of memory. Of course, progress has not yet improved AI enough to replace a living person, but, apparently, the moment is already close, since assistants and assistants can already conduct a meaningful dialogue with the user, taking into account the context, adapting to his interests, and learn, and not just . In addition, assistants, supported by the world's largest corporations, are mastering more and more new functions and are no longer as primitive as before.

    A breakthrough in this direction was made Apple company, known for its innovative solutions and is already considered a trendsetter in the IT industry. In 2011 year Apple as part of the iOS 5 OS, the now popular Siri was revealed to the world (a year earlier it was purchased from Siri Ink, before which it existed as separate application V App Store). Since then, Siri's functionality has expanded greatly. This is not to say that Siri is perfect, like a real woman, but she is undeniably smart, jokes and skillfully adapts to the user’s interests. By the way, it is now possible to select a voice engine; the personal assistant also speaks in a male voice.

    Integration options have also expanded; interaction with third-party applications is surprising, since such decisive actions do not resemble Apple’s policy. Perhaps these steps are provoked by great competition. An undoubted advantage of modern Siri is support for the Russian language. Before the purchase of the project by the Apple giant, it was planned to launch the application for Android, but now Siri is a built-in product in iOS systems. Fortunately for Android owners, today there are other personal assistants that are no worse, and in some ways better, than the famous Siri.

    Top 5 voice assistants for Android

    The eternal race of technical giants ensures that the market is regularly replenished with new products from well-known corporations. The development of Siri prompted the minds of other companies to create similar projects. Neither Google nor Yandex could stand aside and not contribute to the development of AI. Long wait for Android, the most popular operating system for smartphones and tablets, it was not necessary, this is a completely expected phenomenon, and today the tools for “communicating” with the device are presented in different variations. The rating includes the best assistants in the world today, which can speak and recognize speech in different languages, including in Russian. For domestic consumers, this is the main detail, in the absence of which the presence of an assistant in a smartphone loses its meaning.

    A young but promising assistant, which is a Russian-language development, and therefore is maximally adapted to Russian speaking user. Alice was officially born on October 10, 2017, but has already managed to impress the masses. She does convenient to use functionality of a smartphone, tablet or PC and allows users to access it for important or not so important information. Since the project is the brainchild of the developers of the most popular search engine Yandex, its significant advantage is integration with all Yandex services, including the navigator. To answer complex queries, Alice uses redirection to search page Yandex, but can tell you a lot on your own.

    Basic functions include a calculator, games, currency converter, calendar, weather forecast, etc. and the functionality is constantly expanding. Playful and funny Alice is constantly in the learning stage; users also help her acquire new skills. This is not just a bot, virtual girl understands the context in some topics, jokes, flirts, gets offended, but is not rude, you can play and talk with her. Today this is the best for a Russian-speaking user.

    Who doesn’t know the now legendary phrase “Okay, Google”, which is a command to address the voice assistant. You won’t have to chat about various topics with the assistant; the developers didn’t bother to “humanize” him, but he responds properly to clear commands. Google Now integrates with all services of the Corporation for Good; with its help, you can search for information on the Internet, activate a timer or stopwatch, dictate a message and send it to the recipient from the phone book, and much more. Google's Android voice assistant is not built into every version of the system, but it can be installed separately. Google Now can also be used on iOS by downloading it from the app store.

    Having abandoned the Google Now project, the developers rushed to develop a new Google Assistant Assistant, it is smarter, more functional and more talkative than its predecessor. A more advanced version of artificial intelligence from Google involves conducting a dialogue with the user, and there is a logical chain in the conversation. A personal assistant can help you find the nearest cafes, tell you the weather, order a taxi or a table in a restaurant, etc. It is able to manage device settings, and integration with the search engine Google system allows you to use Google Assistant for any information. Now the virtual assistant is available in Russian. The assistant collects personal data and also stores all conversations on its server for its own development and adaptation to human speech, and can recognize up to six different voices, which is convenient if the device is used by several people.

    Another assistant in Russian, using natural speech processing from Russian developers. The service can be integrated into third party applications and performs many actions, issuing various information. The basic functionality is similar to the set of standard options of other tools for “communication” with the device, that is, the assistant will perform voice request various commands, such as get directions, dial telephone number, write a message on WhatsApp, find the music you want in social network VKontakte, etc.

    Dusya understands spoken language and does an excellent job of translating into other languages. The assistant's functionality is regularly updated, and any user can contribute to the development of the virtual Russian girl's intelligence by presenting their ideas on the programmers' forum. It is noteworthy that Dusya does not have an interface, she works in the background, and you can start the service by waving or shaking your voice. The only drawback of the application is the need to pay for the full version.


    The brainchild of the South Korean company Samsung has recently appeared on the market and is present on Galaxy smartphones S8, S8 Plus and Galaxy Note 8. Bixby is not yet available in the Russian version, but the developers have ambitious plans for integration and development, so it is possible that very soon we will see Russian Bixby. The voice assistant is under development and will gradually acquire new skills. The main emphasis is not on searching for information from the network, but on making it easier to control inside the smartphone. Bixby perfectly recognizes human speech and understands even people with speech impediments, which is inaccessible to other similar assistants. In addition to basic functionality, Bixby is capable of scheduling reminders for certain time, image recognition, device camera control, etc. The functionality of the assistant, of course, is not perfect, but the developers are striving for this, so Bixby will still have time to surprise users.

    Talking about what voice assistant is the best, you need to understand that personal preferences still play a big role here. Of course, for the Russian consumer, domestic developments will be closer, since foreign assistants often simply do not understand us. Even applications that support the Russian language will not be as adapted as those originally created in Russian. Virtual assistants are designed to perform various tasks that you assign to them by issuing commands with your voice. This allows you to free your hands, which is very important when driving. Artificial intelligence, implemented in modern devices, has not yet reached the pinnacle of progress, but is actively striving for it. And if the world's leading corporations get down to business, then soon we will see something much more than what virtual assistants are capable of now.

    Assistant Dusya for Android

    Topic: Voice Assistant
    Developer: UseYoVoice
    Requirements: Android 4.1 and higher

    Assistant Dusya- Android application, voice assistant. Voice assistant Dusya carries out your commands in Russian and can learn!
    Download and create new ones voice functions in the Scripts directory. OVER 150 DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS ALREADY! This is the only voice assistant in Russian for which you can create your own functions of any complexity, as well as publish and download them in one click!
    And you can also control your voice directly from your PC - thanks to the new service DUSYA ONLINE. Or even send commands by text from SKYPE and TELEGRAM from any device or computer!
    Control your assistant using a beautiful interface or using activations in the background.
    Dusya does not pretend that she is “communicating” with you. She knows how to learn by asking you what to do if she didn’t understand something from your phrase. At the bottom of the screen you will see tips.

    There are many functions at your disposal:
    Calls, sending SMS by voice, navigation, contacts, transport search, notes, place search, VKontakte, home cinema, smart home, Google calendar, notes, weather, translator, news, shortcuts, calculator, Tasker integration, settings management, the ability to create your own functions (Scripts) and many others.

    Dusya can work with bluetooth headsets. But some models and connections may not work. Try using the "Use headset" setting in the activation settings.

    ATTENTION!!! THIS VERSION HAS A TRIAL PERIOD - 1 WEEK! Some assistant functions are only available in the full version.

    The assistant in Russian combines a range of functions voice control to perform everyday tasks. The voice assistant is capable of performing voice commands given in natural speech. The user is not required to raise his voice or pronounce words abruptly for adequate recognition by the device. The application has a shareware distribution model with a free period of use of 7 days. For inexperienced users There is built-in training. The program requires the presence of the Google voice search module.

    Application features

    The interactive assistant allows you to combine access to multimedia and search functions of a smartphone or tablet. The assistant is responsible for the following:

    • Voice launch of programs on the device.
    • Search for a contact in the phone book.
    • Organizer functions.
    • Widget 1X1.
    • Search functions with results displayed in the browser (integrated voice search Google).

    The main advantage of an assistant is the presence of a city guide. The program is capable of providing information about city posters, detailed weather forecasts, etc. The “Places” service will be able to find entertainment establishments at the address specified by the user, down to the street. The function will be able to display bars, restaurants, cinemas, leisure centers, billiards and bowling clubs located in the search area.

    The film poster will be able to show current screenings in cinemas of the desired locality. The poster is currently available for Moscow and St. Petersburg. The assistant can provide up-to-date reports from the most popular sports competitions. The application has a built-in small encyclopedia containing information about historical milestones, people and various phenomena.

    The program is integrated with satellite maps from Yandex and Google and can generate routes to a specified point. Another advantage: the application is able to learn new commands, for example, perform delayed launch of applications. The developers managed to build in a translator that can translate phrases spoken by voice into several European languages.