• Tips for choosing a high-quality and inexpensive tablet. How to choose an inexpensive but good tablet

    How to choose an inexpensive but good tablet? It has long been known that price does not always equal quality. Sometimes technology is expensive, but in practice it does not offer the most best opportunities. Therefore, users do not want to overpay. What tips and tricks can you follow to find a tablet with a reasonable price and quality? What features and characteristics should you pay attention to? What do experts and buyers themselves think about this? Is it even possible to choose an inexpensive but good tablet? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. Especially if you carefully approach the choice.


    How to choose an inexpensive but good tablet? Customer reviews will help judge the quality of most devices. After all, manufacturers usually praise even low-quality equipment.

    In order not to overpay for this or that tablet, you can make your choice during the period of promotions and discounts. It is noted that sometimes it is possible to purchase even an expensive device at low prices. Don't neglect discounts and promotions. This advice will not answer how to choose an inexpensive but good tablet. Rather, he will help you find something you like and at reasonable prices.

    Matrix type

    Now you can pay attention to some tips for choosing specific devices. For a tablet, the type of matrix plays a huge role. The most common models are with IPS or TN matrices.

    The first type of components differs in quality, color rendering and viewing angle. But on inexpensive tablets, as a rule, the second type is installed. TN matrices are practically in no way inferior to IPS, but significantly reduce the cost of the device.

    Some tablets come with their own types. For example, Samsung has Super Amoled. It is somewhat reminiscent of IPS. Retina is a branded product from Apple. Therefore, devices with such matrices will not be so cheap.

    If a person is wondering how to choose an inexpensive but good tablet, then you should pay attention to reviews about specific models devices. And pay special attention to the matrix. Otherwise, you may be disappointed in the quality of the screen.

    Method of use

    How to choose the right tablet that is inexpensive but good? Modern devices have a huge number of different characteristics. Therefore, the first stage, even before studying the matrix installed on the equipment, will be to determine the purposes for using the gadget.

    For example, for reading books, you can pay attention to outdated models. Working with electronic books does not require any special power from devices. It is enough that the tablet has good matrix with a large viewing angle.

    The same goes for watching movies, videos, and listening to music. In fact, if you plan to use your tablet as a player or player, you should also pay attention to older device models. Even those that were released about 5 years ago will do. The cost of such tablets is almost always low.

    But if you plan to work with applications and programs, as well as graphic files and the Internet, you will have to give preference to models with large screens. It is advisable to choose not the newest devices, but also not outdated ones.

    Gaming tablets tend to be expensive. Therefore, if a person is wondering how to choose an inexpensive tablet with good characteristics, the majority can be excluded gaming models. In this case, it is advisable to give preference to devices with big screen and a good amount of memory.

    operating system

    How to choose the right tablet that is inexpensive but good? Important role plays the operating system installed on a particular device. Sometimes it increases or decreases the price of the tablet.

    There are several operating systems used in the mentioned devices. Namely:

    1. Android. The most common scenario. This operating system is installed on both expensive and cheap tablets. Easy to use, especially due to the service Google Play. With its help you can acquire many programs, games and applications.
    2. Windows. IN lately and this operating system is found on phones and tablets. Its main advantage is its compatibility with a large number programs and games. Windows tablets sync easily with your computer. The cost of devices is not too noticeable, but increases if Windows is installed on them.
    3. Apple iOS. The latest operating system that can only be found on phones and tablets. It is a branded Apple product. Typically, devices with such an operating system are distinguished by their high cost. You won't be able to save money with this OS - most programs need to be purchased. Therefore, models with Apple iOS can be excluded if you want to figure out how to choose an inexpensive but good tablet.

    Depending on the user’s needs and preferences, you can choose one or another tablet model. Most often, budget models are found in operating rooms Android system. They should be given preference.

    Tablet dimensions

    What else should you pay attention to? How to choose an inexpensive but good tablet (2016 or any other - it’s not so important)? The next important nuance is the selection of the device according to the screen size, as well as the tablet itself.

    There are only 2 size standards in the world - the aspect ratio is 16:10 and 3:4. The second model is almost square. The first aspect ratio of the device is ideal for widescreen videos and movies, and at 3:4 it is convenient to surf the Internet and play games.

    Office applications It is more convenient to use on square tablets than on rectangular ones. Every buyer should take this fact into account before choosing one model or another.


    How to choose an inexpensive but good tablet? Reviews indicate that the screen diagonal of the device plays a huge role. It doesn't matter how much it will be. The main thing is that tablets with a diagonal of 7 inches are considered universal models. This size is sufficient to complete most tasks.

    As a rule, the cost does not depend too much on the diagonal of the device. You can even find budget models with a 10-inch screen. It is perfect for Internet surfing, reading, and working with games and applications. How to choose an inexpensive but good tablet (2016 or any other year)? You should pay attention to other components of the devices.


    For example, to peripheral devices. The cost of tablets and phones is significantly influenced by the camera. She's on the majority modern devices has high quality parameters. And therefore, even tablets that are not the most powerful, but have a good camera, will be expensive.

    On average, the camera can offer shooting quality of 3.2-5 megapixels. But this is not at all necessary. For budget tablets, 2 megapixels is enough. If the device was not initially planned to be used as a camera, then a not very powerful parameter is sufficient.


    An important point is the device processor. It is responsible for the speed of the tablet, as well as its power. How to choose the right tablet that is inexpensive but good? To do this, it is important to pay attention to the device’s processor.

    Typically, preference is given to models with 2-4 cores. A couple of cores don't provide much power. Typically, such processors are used on tablets with low performance. You shouldn't expect anything special from them.

    But processors with 4 cores are the most common products in 2016. Devices with such components are ideal both in terms of user requests and in terms of cost. It is processors with 4 cores that are used in inexpensive but high-quality tablet models.

    Recently, devices with 6-8 cores are becoming more and more common. These are extremely powerful tablets and phones. Such processors are enough even for new games. But the cost of devices increases significantly because of this.

    Relatively recently, tablets with a 10-core processor appeared on the technology market. We can say that these are the most powerful and fast devices. They are, accordingly, quite expensive. Therefore, if you want to choose the right inexpensive tablet with good parameters, it is better to give preference to models with a 4-core processor.


    Of course, every characteristic of a tablet is important. And it affects the cost of the device. The next parameter you should pay attention to is memory. Need a tablet? Today you can choose an inexpensive and high-quality (2016 or any other year of manufacture - it’s important) gadget, but you still shouldn’t neglect the device’s memory.

    It comes in two types. The first is operational. Acts as link between the processor and the operating system. Stores all the files and documents necessary for the tablet to operate.

    Cheap devices now most often have 1 GB of RAM installed. You can even find tablets with 512 MB. In the first case, you can still pay attention to this or that device. But in the second case it is better to refrain from buying. Tablets with 512 MB of RAM are suitable for children who have just begun to get acquainted with technology.

    It is ideal to use models with 2-4 GB of RAM. Today you can find many budget tablets that have 2 gigabytes of RAM. If you plan to play games, it is better to give preference to models with 4 GB. All other tablets are more expensive due to the fact that they have more capacious RAM. But that's not all.

    It is also worth paying attention to the memory allocated for storing user data. Not the most important component, but it significantly affects the cost of tablets and phones. What should every buyer know? How to choose a good tablet that does not have the highest price?

    To do this, remember that today the minimum space available on the tablet for user data is 8 GB. You can pay attention to models with 4 GB, but in this case you should remember that you won’t be able to download a lot of data to the device. Many people recommend giving preference to tablets with 16 GB of memory. If you want to play games, you will have to take a closer look at models with 32 GB, but in this case you cannot count on the low cost of the device.

    Availability of memory card

    How to choose an inexpensive but good tablet? Each buyer must, before purchasing, mandatory pay attention to the presence or absence of the ability to connect a memory card to the device. It allows you to increase the amount of space allocated for user data for little money.

    Typically, a micro-SD port is found on most modern tablets. It does not increase their cost, which is a significant plus for the user. You can give preference to tablets with small built-in memory and the ability to connect an additional card to expand the space on the device.

    An important point is also the limit on the amount of connected memory. For tablets, it is best to choose models with 32-64 GB. However, it all depends on the buyer’s requests.


    Choosing an inexpensive tablet for a child or adult is not as difficult as it seems. Modern devices have many characteristics, pros and cons. Buyers are willing to put up with some shortcomings, but one point requires special attention. We are talking about the battery that is installed in the tablet.

    The device must work for a long time and stably. This is what a good battery does. Unfortunately, most tablets in this area are the same.

    It is worth considering that the battery power of a budget device should be approximately 4,000 mAh. These are the tablets that are suitable for normal work. Some models offer batteries with 10,000 mAh. We will have to take into account that manufacturers often embellish this indicator. After all, the cost of the tablet often depends on the battery power.

    You can notice a simple pattern: the more actively the device is used, the faster the battery will run out. And this is regardless of how good the battery it is equipped with. Therefore, if you want to figure out how to choose an inexpensive but good tablet, it is recommended to simply give preference to models whose battery “endurance” is around 3000-4000 mAh. That's enough. And if we are talking about a children's tablet, then you can take a closer look at devices with less performance. Children often use tablets to play games at home. You can simply connect the device to the network, and it will not discharge.


    Which brand of tablet should I choose? An inexpensive and high-quality gadget will often be made in China. This is not at all a reason to refuse the purchase. However, often the price depends on the manufacturer. Therefore on this feature worth paying attention.

    How to choose the right tablet that is inexpensive but good? Among the main manufacturers of such devices are:

    1. Acer. A company that has long been famous for its devices. It produces tablets, phones and computers. The ideal combination of quality and price.
    2. Apple. The most famous brand in America and Russia. It offers high-quality devices, but such tablets stand out for their cost. Only some models from of this manufacturer can be called budget, and even then very conditionally.
    3. Asus. Manufacturer specializing in computer components. More recently, it began producing tablets. They are not yet on the leaderboard, but they stand out for their quality. Tablets from Asus have different prices.
    4. Lenovo. A company that was founded in China. Already for a long time it produces affordable equipment. Often budget smartphones can be found from this manufacturer.
    5. Samsung. It is the most popular manufacturer of tablets and phones. It stands out for the quality of its devices and offers a variety of prices. Among budget tablets you can find many models from Samsung.
    6. Microsoft. Almost every resident of developed countries is familiar with this organization. It produces high quality tablets, but they are not affordable. Finding a budget device from Microsoft is almost impossible.
    7. Xiaomi. Chinese tablet manufacturer. In Russia it became widespread thanks to inexpensive smartphones. It also offers many budget tablets, but buyers do not trust the manufacturer too much.
    8. Chuwi. It is far from the most popular manufacturer operating in China. It produces good budget smartphones and tablets. Among the shortcomings, one can highlight the fact that Chuwi is difficult to find in Russia. Therefore, tablets have to be ordered through online stores.

    How to choose an inexpensive tablet for the Internet in this case? Elementary. Almost all manufacturers have some kind of budget tablets that are suitable for many.

    For 7 inches

    Now a little specifics. It’s already clear how to choose an inexpensive tablet with good characteristics. To do this, you will have to take into account many features and parameters. What budget device models are recommended to pay attention to first? Which company should I choose an inexpensive but good tablet with a screen diagonal of 7 inches? There is a huge selection, but it is recommended to take a closer look at specific options.

    Among the most common models are:

    1. Asus ZenPad. It is worth paying attention to the model with 8 GB of memory. The cost of the device is about 6,000 rubles. The tablet allows you to run 3D games and watch videos in FullHD. You can expand the amount of space for user data using a microSD card. The Asus ZenPad is very comfortable to hold.
    2. Lenovo Idea Tab 2. Costs about 7-7.5 thousand rubles. The capabilities of the device, according to reviews, are impressive. The buyer gets 16 GB of data space as well as 1 GB of RAM. Optional Expansion no memory is provided, but it is noted that it will not be required. There are 2 cameras. The front shoots with a quality of 0.3 megapixels, the rear - with 2 megapixels. Standard performance for most budget tablets.
    3. Acer Icon Tab. Don't know which tablet brand to choose? An inexpensive but good option is the Icona Tab from Acer. The cost of the tablet is about 5,000 rubles. The model is equipped with a 2-core processor that works great with 3D graphics and an Internet browser. The downside is the lack of 3G.

    In fact, there are still a lot of models. But these devices are most often recommended if you want to purchase a universal budget tablet with a 7-inch screen. Which option should I choose? It depends on the buyer's preferences.

    At 10 inches

    Need to choose an inexpensive 10-inch tablet? It's not like that big problem, as it may seem. It is recommended to pay attention to:

    1. Prology Evolution Tab-970. Its cost is about 6.5-7 thousand rubles. A relatively inexpensive device with a 2-core processor with a frequency of 1.5 GHz. There is no 3G, but there are 2 cameras with 2 MP shooting quality.
    2. Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. This model cannot be called completely budget, but it offers good opportunities. The tablet has 2 cameras - the front one shoots with 2 megapixel quality, the rear one with 8 megapixel quality. 16 GB for user data, as well as 3 GB of RAM allow many to choose this model.
    3. Sony Experia Tablet Z. An excellent tablet from Sony. It offers its owners great cameras, as well as excellent screen resolution (1,920 by 1,200 pixels). Equipped with a 4-core processor. A distinctive feature of the device is its water resistance.

    It is very difficult to answer unequivocally which tablet to choose that is inexpensive but good. After all, all buyers have their own concept of low prices. And the requests are also different. From now on, it is clear what features and characteristics you should pay attention to first. We also managed to get acquainted with some budget device models. The rest depends only on the buyer.

    Why you need it: seven reasons to buy a tablet

    Before talking about the advantages of tablets, it is worth deciding what exactly this term means. Traditionally, a tablet is a type of laptop that allows you to enter handwritten information using a touch screen. In other words, you can imagine that a tablet is either a much larger smartphone with a touch screen, or a netbook without a traditional keyboard. This is why the tablet is so often compared with the first or the second, but this is not entirely true. Tablets usually run on dedicated operating systems, such as Android, iOS, webOS, and so on.

    What reasons prompt us to buy a tablet?

    Reason one: it makes the job easier

    Tablet computers make simple everyday tasks much easier: checking email, surfing the Internet, viewing and simply editing documents, viewing graphs and drawings, reading e-books. The diagonal of most tablets usually ranges from 7 to 10 inches, which is quite comparable to netbooks. A screen of this size allows you to fully load web pages and view office documents almost no scrolling. Tablets are quite convenient for displaying, for example, your own portfolio, graphs, diagrams and so on. The presence of a touch screen significantly reduces the time for such small movements as scrolling through files or changing the scale, and the finger-oriented interface is much more convenient than a mouse or touchpad on laptops.

    Thanks to the abundance of programs for tablets, it can become a real professional tool. Office applications let you create and edit documents and spreadsheets on the go. Available for iOS and Android devices, Photoshop Express is a great tool for mobile image retouching. The well-known Garage Band application for the iPad tablet is a real mini-studio for music lovers.

    In a word, thanks to application markets for tablets, you can solve almost any problem. Nevertheless, former Apple CEO Steve Jobs very accurately described the essence of tablets at the presentation of the iPad 2: “A tablet and a desktop computer are like a car and a truck. A passenger car copes with many tasks, but for more difficult work you need a truck.” So the tablet should be perceived as handy tool for simple work and do not expect more serious functionality from it.

    Reason two: it is suitable for home

    You can find a lot of uses for a tablet at home. When tablets first appeared, many considered them just a prestigious photo frame, but this is far from the case. It’s much more convenient to read the latest news, check your email or select photos from your next trip while sitting on the couch rather than at your desk. In addition, many tablets today have the function of connecting to a TV via HDMI, that is, it is possible to play videos or photos on the TV screen through the tablet. For example, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablets, Apple iPad 2, Acer Iconia Tab 501 and others are equipped with similar outputs, but connection will require special adapters and cables. Again, thanks to the application market, the tablet can become a convenient planner of current affairs and purchases, an alarm clock, an adviser and a true friend.

    Reason three: it's easy to travel with

    Perhaps the main advantage of a tablet is its mobility, the ability to always have it at hand without unnecessary problems. The average weight of tablets ranges from 600 to 900 grams, which is significantly less than most netbooks. The tablet will easily fit into a briefcase or a handbag and will become an excellent companion on the road. The memory capacity of most tablets today is at least 16 GB, which is enough for a collection of your favorite tunes, a good hundred e-books and a couple of videos to pass the time on the road.

    Using your tablet, you can immediately create photo galleries (for example, Acer Iconia Tab A500 has a reading connector microSD cards and a USB connector for flash drives). Time battery life tablets ranges from 6 to 10 hours (for example, the well-known iPad tablet from Apple works for at least 10 hours), which means you don’t need to constantly carry a charger with you. In this regard, the tablet is much more like mobile phone, which today you simply cannot do without.

    Many tablets are equipped with a GPS navigator and contain maps, which can be convenient when walking or driving in unfamiliar places. Of course, when large size The screen of the tablet will not be as convenient to use as a traditional GPS navigator, but in difficult times it will tell you the way.

    Reason four: it is also interesting for children

    The good thing about a tablet is that there can be many scenarios for its use. However, as practice shows, tablets are much more accessible to children than computers or laptops due to their simple design.

    According to numerous user reviews, two-year-old children can easily learn to work with a tablet on mobile system iOS on which it works popular tablet iPad 2. More and more companies today are developing new educational and developmental applications for children - interactive alphabet books, bright books, fun games. In this regard, tablets provide more freedom for creativity, more interactivity in games and applications due to touch capacitive screens and support for multiple touches (multi-touch). Thus, a tablet can become one of the most original ways of teaching and developing children, especially since currently mobile technologies there's no escape.

    Reason five: it is easy to modify

    Bluetooth Keyboard Case and Keyboard Dock

    The good thing about tablets is that most of them can be easily modified depending on the user's needs. The ability to connect tablets to a TV to watch movies has already been mentioned above. For those who type a lot, suitable option tablets with a removable keyboard (for example, Asus EEE Pad Transformer). Many tablet models also come with a Bluetooth keyboard; in this case, it’s worth purchasing a docking station to fix the tablet in a certain position. For the iPad 2, for example, there is a keyboard with a docking station that also charges the tablet computer. Accessory manufacturers have even gone so far as to create special cases with a keyboard already built into them, which quite elegantly solves the problem of typing on the road or when moving privately.

    Case with notepad

    By the way, the range of cases for tablets is incredibly diverse, and you can choose convenient options exactly for your needs. There are even somewhat redundant hybrids: for example, a tablet case contains an additional block for traditional handwritten notes. In a word, with the help of additional accessories you can turn your tablet into a truly functional and convenient device for you.

    Reason six: tablets are different

    HTC Flyer Asus EEE Pad Transformer and Sony Tablet P

    Despite the fact that the tablet market is currently just gaining momentum, many manufacturers are already delighting users with a variety of options that are completely different from each other.

    Already mentioned above Asus tablet The EEE Pad Transformer features a detachable keyboard that, when connected to the tablet, makes it feel incredibly similar to a regular laptop.

    HTC's Flyer tablet is an interesting combination of mobility and functionality - a seven-inch screen, light weight and a special stylus for taking notes in almost any application. Due to its size, such a tablet is suitable for those who travel frequently and want to be constantly in touch. The tablet is comfortable to hold in your hand and work with it on the move.

    Samsung offers a compromise option between seven and ten inches - 8.9-inch Galaxy tablet Tab 8.9. Recently, an elegant solution for ladies appeared on the market: the Sony Tablet P tablet in the form of a clamshell with two screens based on operating system Android.

    All this diversity indicates that manufacturers continue to look for new forms and variations of tablets for different categories of users, which means choosing something suitable will not be difficult.

    Reason seven: he looks impressive

    Whatever you say, a tablet is a fashion device, effective in almost any environment. Undoubtedly, your friends and colleagues will appreciate and envy the convenience and portability of your tablet, and will also feel the benefits of this device when demonstrating its capabilities.

    In conclusion, it is worth noting that a tablet is not a full replacement for either a laptop or a cell phone, so it can hardly be called one of the most necessary devices. Nevertheless, the positive aspects of the tablet are quite obvious, so it can become a quite useful assistant in your mobile family.

    These days, tablet computers are no longer new. They have thoroughly gained a foothold in the electronics market and continue to gain popularity among users, primarily due to such an important advantage as compactness. Manufacturers (and these are not only well-known brands) are releasing more and more new models of tablets, as they are popularly called. To navigate your choice, you need to take into account many criteria so as not to get confused when purchasing and not to be upset if your choice does not meet your expectations.

    What is a tablet computer? First of all, it should be noted that its main difference from other computers is the touch screen, with which the tablet is controlled. That is, the owner of the tablet will not need a mouse or keyboard. Technological progress does not stand still and now models are already appearing that can be controlled using several fingers (multi-touch gestures).

    Of course, it’s hard to disagree with the fact that a tablet’s capabilities are inferior to a regular desktop computer or laptop. However, it can also be useful:

      1. If you need to browse pages and websites on the Internet (web surfing).
      2. If you need to work with programs and applications that require an Internet connection.
      3. If you read e-books.
      4. If you are browsing graphic files, photo albums and galleries, etc.
      5. If you want to listen to music or watch a video, the tablet plays multimedia files.
      6. If you like electronic games.
      7. If you use email.
      8. If you want to be always available for communication, for example in ICQ, Skype, M-agent and other similar chat programs.
      9. If you use IP telephony and video communication.

    How to choose a tablet computer?

    Before you make a choice, you need to know that a tablet computer refers to several types of devices. The most common options are two: a tablet personal computer and an Internet tablet. The first is practically full-fledged computer, that is, if necessary, you can connect a keyboard and mouse to it, and it will be no different from a laptop. In addition, a familiar, full-fledged operating system is installed on the tablet personal computer: Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.

    And the second is nothing more than a symbiosis of a smartphone and a laptop. It is compact and designed primarily for viewing websites and working with various web applications. Unlike the former, it is not compatible with IBM PC computers. Operating systems on Internet tablets are installed the same as on mobile devices: Android, Apple iOS or other systems that are suitable for working with web applications: Google Chrome OS, Jolicloud.

    Naturally, Internet tablets are inferior in functionality to tablet personal computers. As a rule, users perceive a tablet computer as an Internet tablet. And if they are wondering how to choose a tablet computer, then they have the second option in mind. The popularity of tablets is growing for several reasons: because of their low cost, convenient and uncomplicated interface, because of their focus on working on the Internet, and also because of the possibility of long-term battery life.

    Now let’s figure out what parameters you need to consider when choosing a tablet computer.


    Quite often, when choosing a tablet, people attach the greatest importance to its appearance, but the most important thing in a computer is the processor. It is clear that a tablet computer’s processor is not as powerful as a desktop or laptop computer, but it does not need more power. If you plan to use it for web surfing, then a processor with a clock frequency of 600 MHz is quite suitable for you, but it would still be nice to have some headroom, for example, 800 MHz. But if you want to watch video files in good quality or play video games, then you will need a processor with a frequency of at least one gigahertz. However, the more, the better.

    It should be noted that the processors installed on tablets consume less energy than on conventional PCs. It is best to purchase a tablet with a new generation processor, since the newer the processor generation, the more current the operating system it supports. That is, the choice of processor for a tablet should be based on its newness and frequency.


    This is the second important selection criterion. We are now talking about two types of memory: RAM and built-in. Random access memory (RAM) determines the speed of your computer and the number of applications you can work with simultaneously. So: 512 MB is the minimum amount of memory at which the tablet will work, but slowly and sadly; from 768 MB to 1 GB – the amount of memory for trouble-free work with several programs at the same time; more than 1GB - the amount of memory with which your tablet will cope with tasks that require large resources, for example, new generation video games. But, as a rule, one gigabyte is enough.

    Built-in memory is the memory of the computer itself, that is, it is the determining factor in the amount of information that you can store on it. This indicator is also, in general, the higher the better. But it’s worth clarifying that tablets have a slot for an additional memory card, so if you made a mistake when purchasing, then this matter can be corrected, the memory capacity can be increased. Modern tablet computers accept memory cards up to 64GB inclusive.

    Operating system.

    The operating system installed on the device is also sufficient important point. You won't find the Windows we're all familiar with here. On tablet computers The iPad is installed, of course, operating Apple system iOS, which has a huge disadvantage, namely: all Apple devices are much more expensive than other similar devices, and in addition, you will have to pay extra for many of the programs that you will need to install. The majority of tablet computers have an operating system installed Google system Android, also used on various mobile devices. When choosing it, try to purchase the version with the most new firmware.

    There are a number of operating systems for tablets, but they are much less common. This is Windows RT OS, part of the Windows 8 family, created specifically for tablets. And Windows 8 itself, the most popular operating system for desktop computers and laptops. The listed operating systems differ in the interface and organization of work with the tablet.

    Screen size and resolution.

    After all of the above, you can pay attention to the appearance, that is, the screen. Tablets are available with screens ranging from 4 to 11 inches, but the most popular are from 7 to 10 inches. The larger the diagonal screen, the more convenient it is to work with it, that is, the image quality will be better and the interface elements will be larger. However, as the screen diagonal increases, the size of the tablet also increases. If you do not plan to carry it with you all the time, then for you optimal choice there will be a diagonal of 9 to 10 inches. For those who need to keep a tablet at hand at all times, it is better to choose a model with a screen diagonal of 5 to 7 inches. Such a device is not only compact, but also much cheaper in price.

    The next screen parameter is its resolution, that is, the number of vertical and horizontal dots, of which, in fact, it consists. These dots are called pixels, and screen resolution is measured in pixels. For example, if the documentation states that the tablet screen is 800x600, this means that 800 pixels fit vertically and 600 horizontally. The higher this value, the better the image you can get, the easier it will be to read small text.

    Screen size and resolution need to be considered simultaneously. For example, if the screen diagonal is 7 inches and its resolution is 800x600, then this combination will be comfortable for work, but if the diagonal is larger at the same resolution, the image will be somewhat blurry and the text less readable. One more point that I would like to mention: the higher the resolution of the tablet’s screen, the less time it can work without recharging.

    Touch screen.

    As mentioned above, all tablets have a touch screen, which comes in two types: capacitive and resistive. Capacitive touchscreens are very sensitive and respond to light finger touches, but do not respond to stylus touches. Resistive touch screens, on the contrary, respond to styluses, and if you use your finger, then the pressure on the screen should be decent. The choice of screen here depends on how you prefer to work with the tablet: with your finger or a stylus.

    Autonomous work.

    It is clear that battery life, that is, battery life, is also an important indicator for a tablet, because, as a rule, you take it with you. If we compare two tablets with equal battery capacity, then with the same operating mode, the one with a smaller diagonal screen will last longer. Opt for a battery with a capacity of 2000 mAh or more. The weight of your tablet also matters since it is a portable device. For tablets with a screen diagonal of 7 inches, the optimal weight is up to 300 g, and for 10 inches - up to 700 g.

    Additional devices.

    Since a tablet computer is most often used to surf the Internet, it must have Wi-Fi and 3G adapters. To be able to connect external devices, For example, USB flash drives, it should have USB connectors for them, and to increase memory - a slot for a memory card. There are others useful devices, maybe not so important, but sometimes necessary, are a webcam, GSM receiver, Bluetooth, Ethernet connector and HDMI connector for connecting a monitor.


    Pay attention to the material from which the tablet body is made. If the case is metal, then it is more durable, there are fewer scratches on it, and it looks solid. But models with a plastic body weigh less, and Wi-Fi works better in them. Actually, the plastic is also different, depending on the model. Regardless of the case material, the tablet needs a case to prevent damage to the screen.

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    For many people, a good tablet is not just entertainment device, but a real assistant in work, study and everyday life. Unfortunately, more often than not, buyers purchase the first gadget they come across that will not satisfy the user’s needs. To prevent this from happening to you, today in this article we will look in detail at main question buyer on how to choose the right tablet, inexpensive, but good in 2017 in terms of basic parameters and characteristics, so that you do not overpay and are satisfied with your choice.

    Purposes of using the device

    Before you try to choose a high-quality and inexpensive tablet, you should decide - why is it needed at all? For working with documents and the Internet, for games or for studying? If you need a device for games, then you will have to buy a powerful and expensive gadget that has a powerful processor, good screen, capacious battery, a sufficient amount of operational and internal memory. Need a reader? Here you can limit yourself to a budget model that will have a good display and battery capacity. For watching TV, a tablet with a large screen, a capacious battery and an average-power processor is perfect. The same applies to devices purchased for watching movies.

    If you choose a tablet that has high power and using it to read books, then this is, to put it mildly, unreasonable - a waste of money. This is comparable to if you constantly carry only 1-2 people on a large bus - you can buy a much smaller car for a lower price.

    The main secrets of the right choice

    In order for you to understand how to choose the right tablet, you only need to know a few technical parameters. Based on our experience and so that you do not waste your time on a lot of useless information, we have compiled several rules, knowledge of which will help you choose accurately best tablet according to your wishes and according to your financial capabilities. And let's start with the most important thing - the operating system.

    Which operating system is better to choose?

    Today there are three main operating systems that are used in different devices: Windows, Android and iOS. I would like to point out right away that there is no absolutely ideal operating system. iOS has some advantages, while Android has some advantages. But still, judging by the reviews, users prefer Android, because it’s not for nothing that this operating system has conquered the market so quickly. But let’s decide which operating system is better for you to choose and still consider all the pros and cons of each of them.


    The Android operating system can rightfully be considered the most common OS. An Android tablet is convenient, simple and affordable. The thing is that this OS is quite flexible and has an unimaginable number of the most different applications, which can be downloaded both from the official content store and simply on the Internet. Android also provides great opportunities for working with this OS, as well as a huge factory set of programs.

    Top best tablets for Android 2016-2017

    • Lenovo TAB 2 A10-70L 16Gb
    • Samsung Galaxy Tab A 9.7 SM-T555 16Gb
    • ASUS ZenPad 8.0 Z380KL 16Gb
    • Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8.0 SM-T355 16Gb


    iOS is also a very popular operating system that was created by Apple. All tablets that run on iOS are called iPads. The main advantages are a simple and intuitive interface, ease of use and much more. In addition, iPads are considered very high quality, but, unfortunately, extremely expensive tablets. For iOS there is also a content store - AppStore. Here you can choose a huge number of all kinds of applications. One of the most unpleasant disadvantages is that the device must be hacked in order to be able to install unlicensed software and applications simply downloaded from the Internet. If you don't use a hack, users will have to pay for almost everything.

    Top best tablets for iOS 2016

    • Apple iPad Pro 12.9 128Gb Wi-Fi + Cellular
    • Apple iPad mini 4 16Gb Wi-Fi


    operating room Windows system, which is installed on almost all computers and laptops, is also very popular for tablets. However, I would immediately like to exclude it from consideration, since their main advantage is the ability to work with familiar office programs. I still think that working in office programs and using Word, Excel is much more convenient on regular laptop. In addition, the battery life of a Windows tablet is 2-3 hours, while an Android tablet is 6-12 hours, depending on the model and what you do on it.

    • ASUS Transformer Book T100HA 2Gb 32Gb dock
    • Acer One 10 Z3735F 32Gb
    • Lenovo Miix 300 10 32Gb

    From the listed list of popular operating systems, Android ranks highest in popularity in the world, due to its ease of use and a large number free apps!

    Which processor is better to choose for a tablet?

    The main component in any tablet device is the processor chip (CPU). We will consider the most important criteria by which we will determine which processor is better to choose for a tablet so that it fully provides multitasking, speed and power. The processors installed in gadgets have low energy consumption compared to computer chips. Also, “mobile” processors are built on a slightly different architecture. It is worth saying that before choosing an inexpensive tablet, so as not to waste your earnings, you should find out what kind of processor is installed - the newer its generation, the newer the operating system it will support. It is worth saying that the latter applies mainly to Android devices.

    When choosing a processor for a tablet, you should pay attention to:

    • Processor frequency (from 1 GHz and above);
    • The number of core crystals (make sure there are at least 4 of them).

    The undoubted leaders in the characteristics of processors for gadgets are companies such as: Apple, Samsung, Nvidia, MediaTek, Qualcomm. See the processor from Apple possible only in devices of the same company. The chips have excellent optimization and will provide the device with excellent performance. Processor chips from Qualcomm, Nvidia, Samsung, MediaTek are most often used in tablets with the Android operating system (they can also be used in Windows gadgets). It is worth noting that in public sector employees they most often use MediaTek chips. The processors are not bad and will provide above average performance. Tablets also have Intel processors, which are well known in the computer world. They are quite productive and will not disappoint your expectations. If you need power (working with powerful graphic applications or games), then you should pay attention to the new processor chips from Qualcomm and Nvidia.

    • Samsung Exynos 5433
    • Intel Atom x5 Z8300
    • Apple A9X
    • HiSilicon Kirin 930
    • MediaTek MT8161

    Communication and high-speed Internet

    It is very important to decide whether communication modules are needed in the tablet, and what standards they will support. But if the device does not “go beyond” the boundaries of the home environment, surrounded by a high-speed Wi-Fi network, then you can abandon the remaining communication modules. The tablet, of course, is most often transported somewhere (to work, school, on a long trip), then it would not be a bad idea to use 3G or 4G (LTE) mobile Internet, or even call friends, relatives, acquaintances if the device has a telephone function . The vast majority of tablets provide such opportunities.

    The Bluetooth module is necessary to transfer data between devices and the higher its version (2.3 or 4), the faster the transfer will be. 4G (LTE) and 3G modules provide the ability to use the Internet anywhere, regardless of Wi-Fi. Models with a SIM card provide availability cellular communication. Considering that mobile internet V modern world more than available, then these modules are very good addition to the gadget. The most advanced is the LTE network, through which the browser will become the place where files and programs are downloaded faster. But it’s worth considering that 4G coverage still leaves much to be desired. But for Internet surfing, 3G is quite enough.

    What screen size should I choose for my tablet?

    Naturally, the larger the tablet screen, the more convenient it is to watch movies on it, read a book, surf the Internet or play games. But here the question arises: what screen size to choose for the tablet and where to put the gadget when carrying it? There are pocket-sized gadgets, these are more likely smartphones with reduced functions, and a device with a 10-inch screen is more suitable for carrying in a bag or backpack. By the way, according to statistics, the most convenient and popular devices are those with 7- and 10-inch screens.

    Screen resolution

    Of course, the higher the screen resolution, the clearer and more detailed the image will be. But higher resolution also leads to higher cost of the device. For a tablet with a diagonal of 10 inches, a resolution of 1280 by 800 pixels will be just right. It's bright IPS display With wide angles review, you can watch high-quality photos and films. And if you want a more colorful picture and your budget allows you, you can purchase a gadget with more high resolution, for example 1920 by 1200. For tablets with a smaller diagonal, a lower resolution is quite acceptable, but for comfortable use, look at 1024 by 768.

    Screen manufacturing technology

    Regardless of the purposes for which your device will be used, the better the screen that is resistant to accidental touches is installed in it, the better. When choosing a tablet with a good, high-quality screen, you need to pay attention to the matrix. After all, she is responsible for the quality of the picture. The most popular are the following:

    • MVA - has such advantages as excellent performance, deep black tint. In addition, there is no magnetic field and a helical crystal structure.
    • IPS is considered to be of higher quality than TN+Film, but the matrix is ​​characterized by high energy consumption and long response time.
    • TN+Film is one of the most simple technologies. Its disadvantage is a slightly distorted display of black tint.
    • Super AMOLED – characterized by high contrast, large viewing angles and low power consumption. Installed in a screen that responds to finger touch at a high level.

    The best tablets with a good screen

    • Lenovo TAB 2 A10-70L 16Gb
    • Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact 16Gb LTE
    • Lenovo Yoga Tablet 3 PRO LTE
    • Huawei MediaPad X2

    Which camera is best for a tablet?

    Tablets with good cameras are not uncommon. The gadget must have two cameras – front (front) and main (rear). The purpose of the front is to make video calls. The main camera is great for video and photography. Camera quality is usually measured in megapixels. To decide which camera is best for a tablet, just pay attention to its resolution; the higher it is, the more saturated and bright the photos and videos will be. To get high quality pictures, you should choose a camera with 5 megapixels or higher.

    If you are a fan of taking high-quality photos, you should also pay attention to the presence of autofocus, flash, and other things.

    The best tablets with a good camera

    • Lenovo TAB 2 A10-70L 16Gb
    • Lenovo Phab Plus PB1-770M 32Gb LTE
    • Apple iPad Pro 9.7 128Gb Wi-Fi + Cellular
    • Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet 32Gb LTE

    Key points when choosing memory

    There are only 3 types of device memory: RAM, built-in and additional. One of the important factors when choosing a tablet is RAM. It determines the speed of the operating system. And of course, in order for the tablet not to slow down, it needs significantly more than 512 megabytes of RAM. For regular tablet, designed for standard functions, that is, watching movies, photos, the Internet, and so on, about 1 gigabyte of memory is enough. Well, if you are a fan of 3D games, it is highly advisable to have at least 2 gigabytes of RAM. Internal, that is, built-in memory - this parameter determines how much information you can directly store on the tablet, the volume of this memory varies, as a rule it is 8, 16 or 32 gigabytes. When choosing, you should take into account that the price of the gadget depends significantly on the memory capacity. We advise you to prefer golden mean 16 GB, but always with the ability to install an additional external memory card on it.

    Battery life and device weight

    The battery is also an important criterion when choosing. A tablet is, first of all, mobile device, so you need the battery to last a long time and not have to be charged all the time. To prevent this from happening, you should be careful when choosing a battery. It all depends on the size and power of the device. For example, a seven-inch gadget requires a battery with a capacity of at least 3200 mAh. As for ten-inch models, in this case you will need a battery with a capacity of 7500 mAh or higher.

    If, when choosing a tablet, you plan to use it mainly at home, or in the office, etc., then in this case, the weight of the gadget does not matter much. It’s a completely different matter when you need to carry the device with you all the time and conveniently use it on the road. A device that weighs about 1 kg or more can hardly be called mobile, so it is better to buy a more compact and lightweight gadget.

    Communication capabilities and navigation

    The ability to connect to the Internet, as well as to other devices, is one of the main advantages of the gadget. The presence of a Bluetooth module in the tablet is of great importance, HDMI output, USB and Ethernet ports. Some buyers prefer models with a navigator. The presented modules provide the opportunity to fully use all the functionality of the tablet. As for the ports, you can use them to connect storage devices, a mouse, a modem to the device, work with a keyboard and other accessories.

    Which tablet company is better to choose?

    Most buyers are inclined to have the device with a “name”, but it is worth saying that Chinese tablet may turn out to be much better. Which brand's tablet models are in greatest demand? We can highlight the current 2017 rating of popular tablet manufacturers and the main features of these devices:

    • Aser– the manufacturer produces a wide range of gadgets with different dimensions, parameters and in different price categories. Extensive model range provides an opportunity to choose a good device.
    • ASUS– the company has established itself in the market as a developer of thoughtful, elegant, multifunctional tablet computers. The company regularly pleases its fans with interesting new products.
    • Microsoft manufactures modern gadgets under the Surface brand. Models from this manufacturer are practically no different in technical parameters from a PC, having all its advantages. The transformer model is not uncommon for this company.
    • Samsung is a well-known company that supplies a huge range of tablets in different price categories.
    • Apple is a famous manufacturer of stylish, powerful devices with modern capabilities.
    • Lenovo Tab 3 Business X70F 32Gb
    • ASUS ZenPad S 8.0 Z580CA 64Gb
    • Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 SM-T819 LTE
    • Apple iPad Air 2 64Gb Wi-Fi + Cellular
    • Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 SM-T719 LTE ​​32Gb

    Some buyers are interested in which tablet will last longer? It is advisable to purchase a tablet with protective glass. If there is none, then it is best to provide protection from scratches and dirt using a film. To avoid mechanical damage, it is also recommended to buy a case. Can be studied detailed information about which shockproof accessory is best to purchase for your device. The tablet should be regularly cleaned of unnecessary files that fill up the RAM and built-in memory, thereby slowing down the performance of the device. You should install only proven software to avoid virus files.

    It is impossible for a modern person to hide from technology. Newfangled gadgets are coming at us from all sides, designed to make life easier. The tablet is one of them. This device has a touch screen and is different high performance and wide functionality. A huge advantage of these products is their portability - you can easily take it on the road by placing it in a small bag. Many people know that this device allows you to read documents, watch videos, listen to music. But what else might you need a tablet for? Let's try to figure it out!

    Using a Tablet PC can make many tasks much easier

    Experts highlight a lot of advantages of this portable gadget. Let's take a closer look at the most important of them.


    With this miracle of technology, you can conveniently use various multimedia files. We are talking about videos, photographs, pictures, music. Having graphics tablet, you can conveniently and easily show your photos to friends. In addition, this option will be useful in your work, especially if you are a seller, insurance agent, architect, artist or decorator. Such people often have to give important presentations to a small audience, and with the help of a graphics tablet they can show their portfolio without lugging around a stack of paper or a heavy laptop.

    In addition, these products often come in handy on the road to keep a bored child occupied - show him a funny cartoon on YouTube or download an educational game.


    Another advantage of tablets is ease of reading. Of course, it is very difficult to replace books, because their smell and touch feel are priceless. But by using gadgets, you can solve many practical issues, regardless of the “aesthetics” of the process. One device can fit a huge amount of printed materials, and this, you see, is a significant advantage.

    Planning, work

    A graphic tablet computer makes it possible to distribute plans and various tasks, draw up a schedule, work with mailers, etc. Today, a mobile phone can also act as a personal assistant, but it is tablets that provide real comfort in this area.

    The device is also a great help at work - in particular, at various kinds of meetings. Its participants will pay more attention to you with such an assistant; any question can be described more interestingly and demonstrated clearly. By using various programs, you can greatly simplify your work.

    To understand why you still need a tablet, you can ask designers and architects - such equipment is simply irreplaceable for them. Using a stylus (a special pen for touch screens), you can draw a real masterpiece! It is used to create layouts, sketches, cartoons, to make calculations and create drawings.

    Parameters and price

    Many users claim that a graphics tablet is a more profitable device than laptops (the latter look very bulky compared to compact gadgets). In addition, tablet computers allow you to work with a large amount of information and make it possible to use the latest games and utilities.

    In terms of cost, such equipment is cheaper than a laptop. To purchase a modern, powerful graphics tablet, $500 is enough (for the same amount you are unlikely to find a laptop with