• Security threat Your connection is not secure. Fixing Firefox error "Your connection is not secure"

    A pop-up message telling you that your connection is not secure is a fairly common occurrence online. It does not depend on which browser you are using - Chrome, Opera, Mozilla or Yandex. It also does not depend on what device you are using – desktop (computer or laptop) or mobile.

    As soon as such a failure occurs, the browser immediately warns you to be careful so that attackers cannot steal your personal information (for example, your number bank card, series and passport number, etc.). About how dangerous the message is"Your connection is not secure“What are the reasons for its appearance, and how to fix the problem, we will talk later in the article.

    What does "Your connection is not secure" mean?

    So, let's try to find out what is hidden behind such a scary message at first glance. First, calm down - all your information is still securely protected. This is just a warning - you have not been hacked and nothing has been stolen from you. In addition, you should not blame the router or the quality of the connection - these aspects have nothing to do with this situation.

    Message " » is always displayed only on those pages that operate using the https protocol. Such web resources use a special . It helps protect all information that users enter on the site for one reason or another (bank card number for purchasing in an online store or login and password to log into an account). Today there are a lot of sites using such a certificate. These are also popular social media, and online stores, and pages of banking organizations.

    It would seem that an SSL certificate should only be useful. But not everything is so simple. Sometimes the system fails when checking SSL. In such cases, the browser or personal computer cannot cope with processing the information and after a certain amount of time produces an error.

    Reasons for failure

    Reasons why the phrase “» huge amount. A few years ago, the main reason for such a notification was a failure in the date and time settings. Today, when devices automatically set such parameters, the problem has solved itself. However, various types of failures occur periodically, requiring manual establishment of the correct dates and current time of day. In this case, a notification pops up on the website stating that the clock on the device is lagging behind.

    To fix the problem, hover over the time (in the lower corner) with the mouse and open the settings, where you can set the date, month, year and exact time in your region.

    So, date and time are no longer the reason for the lack of security when connecting to a web resource. So what then precedes the appearance of such a message? Here are some of the main factors you should pay attention to:

    1. Availability of antivirus or firewall. Such services, as a rule, filter all SSL certificates. Failures in the operation of programs can cause the problem of lack of protection when connecting to the network.
    2. The absence of an antivirus, as well as its presence, may cause a lack of security when connecting to the network. The fact is that with the advent of viruses on personal computer the entire system suffers and suffers constant failures. So be sure to check this aspect.
    3. You haven't installed security updates on your computer for a long time operating system? Well, this may be the reason for the pop-up window. In some cases, such extensions are installed automatically. However, you still need to keep your system updated regularly.
    4. Crashes in the browser itself. Over modern browsers Thousands of people work every day. They will improve programs and get rid of various bugs and failures. However, situations still occur when messages like “"is precisely a failure when starting the browser itself.

    Sometimes the web resource itself is to blame for this problem. It was in his system that something happened that prevented a secure connection. In this case, you just have to wait until the developers fix all the bugs on the site and launch it updated version. But for all of the above reasons, there are several ways to solve the problem. Let's figure out how to resolve the message about no connection security?

    Ways to resolve the “Your connection is not secure” error

    Solve the pop-up message problem "your connection is not secure» can be done both using a browser and outside of it. First, let's look at a simpler option for fixing the error, which involves working exclusively with a computer. Above we talked about several reasons for the occurrence of notifications of this type. Now we will try to find a solution for each of the described points. In this case, experts identify several options for the development of events:

    1. Make sure the message "Your connection is not secure» did not come to you from the site. That is, the problem is not always the network or browser settings. In some cases, a web resource malfunctions, resulting in a similar alert appearing on the screen. This especially happens with new and less promoted pages. To check whether the site is “sagging”, you can try to access it from devices located outside your home (for example, at work from a laptop), or using the mobile Internet from a phone or tablet.
    2. Experienced users, through trial and error, have come up with another method of dealing with this problem. Just try going to the “Internet Connection” section on your personal computer. There you will need to go to properties and write down the new DNS – / In some situations this method really works.

    3. Some installed programs may cause messages like “Your connection is not secure" Check what programs you installed in lately, and check if there are any suspicious applications among them. For example, many users systematically complain about the Research Bar extension.
    4. By bookmarking a site, you are more likely to access it through them. And if, after going to the bookmark, the web resource notifies you that your connection is not secure, you should try to simply search the site through any search engine and go to it in this way. In some cases, this helps fix the problem.
    5. If you use an antivirus, try disabling it and clicking on the link you need again. The fact is that some security programs do not allow web resources to pass through using the https protocol. Antiviruses are configured to thoroughly scan and filter out unnecessary things. However, they do not always succeed in this - and in this case you can see the message “Your connection is not secure" Let's look at methods to resolve the problem using antivirus programs such as Avast or Kaspersky. In the first security software, you need to open the system settings and open the section “ Active protection" or the "Components" section in more earlier versions. This is where we will work. By clicking on “Configure”, you will need to disable the HTTPS scanning process (just uncheck it). After this, you should save the changes in the settings.

      With antivirus Kaspersky program everything happens according to a similar principle.

    6. Sometimes setting up a proxy server helps solve the problem. In order to implement it, you will need to go to the “Control Panel” section, find the “Internet Options” menu there and click on “Connections” (for a faster transition, you can simply enter the word “proxy” in search bar– the computer will immediately give you desired result). In the “Connections” window that pops up, there will be a “Network Settings” section at the bottom. There you need to select the “Automatic detection of parameters” option.

    7. Everyone knows that viruses are the enemy of any device. And often they are main reason alerts " Your connection is not secure" . There are programs that can quickly scan your personal computer for viruses. (for example, AdwCleaner, Dr.Web). Install them and perform a deep scan to make sure the system is secure.
    8. Make sure VPN is disabled on your device. This is convenient to do if you have downloaded the server separate program. However, sometimes it is built into the browser and works unnoticed by the user. This is what can cause a network failure.
    9. If you are using Windows XP and notice, try installing SP3. What is this? A system update package that will help correct some shortcomings in the operation of the device. If you use other operating systems (Windows 7, 8 or 10), also pay attention to system updates. Most often they are downloaded and installed automatically. However, sometimes failures occur and you need to configure update packages manually.

    If none of the above tips worked for you, and the error does not disappear, there is one simple way to go to the desired site. However, it should be taken into account that this option is not safe. As soon as you receive a message stating thatyour connection is not secure, find the inscription “Advanced” and click on it. The browser will allow you to go to the site, having previously warned that these actions are dangerous to the operation of the system.

    By agreeing to this, you sign that you take full responsibility for your actions and their results. Of course, such manipulations are not dangerous on all web resources. Think of it as a way to bypass some restrictions set by the site owner, your browser or PC.

    You should only be suspicious of pages that ask you to enter some personal data (phone number, address, bank card number, etc.). Under no circumstances provide information about yourself to unverified sites!

    Before you begin to fix the problem, you should understand how serious the system failure was. To do this, experts recommend simply opening the site that generates the error using an anonymous tab. This can be done both on a personal computer and on a mobile device. Incognito mode exists in all modern browsers.

    If the web resource is functioning normally in the anonymous tab, you have several options for solving the problem. All of them are common to all browsers and allow you to quickly solve a similar problem:

    1. Disable any browser extensions that may block certain sites.
    2. . This can be done directly in the program itself.

    Another way to clear the cache is special programs. The most common option among users is considered CCleaner application. It is freely available and works for all browsers. Once you open the program, you will see two tabs: Windows and Applications. By clicking on the second, all downloaded programs will appear in front of you. Select the browser you need and click delete:

    • browser cache;
    • page visit log;
    • download history, etc.

    However, do not forget that each individual browser has its own operating characteristics and its own reasons for system failure. Therefore, in addition to universal methods elimination similar mistake, there are also more specific techniques for a particular program. Let's take a closer look at how to get rid of the message "Your connection is not secure" in Google Chrome , Mozilla, Opera and Yandex Browser.

    Your connection is not secure in Google Chrome

    Google Chrome is one of the most common browsers today. It is used by millions of people around the world. Therefore, the developers work every day to improve the program. They come up with more and more more ways protect users' personal information. During the startup process, Google Chrome scans every site you are about to go to. If no problems are found on the page, the browser immediately redirects you to the desired link. But if the program has even a slight suspicion about a web resource, you will see a notification"The connection is not secure".

    There can be many reasons for such a problem (we described them a little higher). This and incorrect settings date/time, and dangerous extensions that you install on your personal computer.

    To begin with, as mentioned above, try opening the page you need in Incognito mode. To do this, you need to go to the program menu (three dots or bars at the top of the screen) and select the appropriate section.

    An anonymous tab will immediately open in the next window, in the corresponding field of which you will need to enter the address of the desired page.

    If the problem is resolved, then you will be able to freely use all the information on the resource. If the message remains, then let’s figure out how to remove the “Your connection is not secure” window in Google Chrome on various devices.

    On a personal computer

    If you work on a computer or laptop and encounter this problem, there are several ways to fix it:

    On a mobile device

    As practice shows, people are increasingly using tablets and smartphones to search necessary information. Some even use their phone for work. Therefore, of course, the Google Chrome developers did not ignore mobile version browser. Let's figure out how to fix the problem of messages appearing "Your connection is not secure" on Google Chromefrom a phone running the iOS operating system.

    There is only one principle for solving the problem here, namely clearing the cache. It's quite easy to do this:

    By the way, if all of the above methods have not brought a positive result, try digging into the settings of your iPhone or iPod to fix the problem with going to the site.

    Your connection is not secure in Mozilla

    According to the latest data Mozilla browser is in second place in popularity after Google Chrome. However, like all other programs, it is not immune to malfunctions, which lead to the inability to navigate to a particular site. So,The connection is not secure - what to do??

    Your connection is not secure in Mozilla

    Here it is important to work on a principle similar to working with Google Chrome. However this browser has several features:

    Don't forget to check first basic parameters. Make sure the date and time on your device are set correctly. In order to prevent the site from malfunctioning, try accessing it, for example, with mobile device(using mobile internet). If the page does not work, then the problem is not in the browser, but in the web resource.

    Your connection is not secure in Opera

    The entire algorithm for solving the problem (if it lies specifically in the browser, and not in the site or your device) is quite simple. Its principles have already been described above. That is, your first action after reading a message from the program should be clearing your browser cache. Just do the following:

    By the way, you can perform this action even faster. You just need to simultaneously hold down three keys: Ctrl+Shift+Delete. They will also be able to issue a command to delete the cache.

    Don't forget about one more way– disabling some extensions. You can do this by opening the menu and selecting “Extensions” in it. You will see a list of all installed services, and in the corner of each there is a cross for deleting the program. If you don't want to completely get rid of extensions, you can simply disable them temporarily and try visiting the site again.

    You can also remove the browser and install it again. Opera is free program, therefore, all you have to spend is a few minutes of your time.

    Your connection is not secure in Yandex Browser

    Last but not least popular browser– Yandex. In it, like in all previous programs, this kind of notification also appears. So if you sawthat your connection is not secure in Yandex Browser, Try to resolve this using any of the methods below:

    1. Delete the cache. This is quite simple to do - go to the program settings and click on the “Settings” section. There you will see a command that allows you to delete your entire browsing and download history.
    2. The browser will prompt you to delete several types of files. In this situation, you will need to clear the program from files that are stored in the cache and from cookies along with other web page data.
    3. To confirm, click on “Delete”.

    You can also temporarily remove Yandex Browser along with all its failures and install it again using any other browser. This will take no more than five minutes. However, sometimes uninstalling and reinstalling is the only way to fully restore the program.

    What to do if another browser is installed?

    Above we gave examples of the most common browsers. However, not all users install them. There are also several dozen other programs that, for one reason or another, become favorites of many people. What to do ifno internet connection secure, and you don’t use Google Chrome, Mozilla, Opera and Yandex Browser?

    In fact, as you already understood from the information above, all browsers work on approximately the same principle. Therefore, you should not be afraid that some other program is installed non-standard settings. Just try to find the section that is responsible, for example, for clearing the cache or managing extensions. Don't forget that the problem is not always with the browser, so you should definitely check all the settings on your computer.


    The first thing users think about when they see the message “Your connection is not secure” - what to do? Well, we hope we have given you the most comprehensive answer possible. As you can see, you can fix the problem both on your personal computer and in the settings of each individual browser.

    The main thing is to determine what caused such a notification. Remember that the device is not always to blame, third party programs, viruses or browser. Sometimes this problem occurs due to the fault of the site. Unfortunately, in this situation you are powerless. All you can do is just wait until the site developers fix the problem in the resource. To speed up the process, you can submit a complaint (provided you know where to send the message).

    If you are not worried about your personal data, you can try to bypass the browser warning and still go to the page you need. However, in such situations you are putting yourself at great risk. This is especially true for online stores or sites that require you to indicate your email, physical address or telephone number. In most cases, this is how scammers work, so be extremely careful when going to an unverified and unprotected web resource.

    In principle, most information today is duplicated in one way or another on many sites. Therefore, if it is not important for you to use this particular page, try to find its analogues on the Internet. It's much easier than digging through your computer or browser settings. However, if for certain reasons you need this or that site, try small. Open it in another browser or in an anonymous tab, disable antivirus programs and other permissions. We are sure that after spending a little time, you will definitely be able to fix the problem and go to the required site.

    Google Chrome is considered the most functional and convenient browser, the success of which is confirmed by the statistics of its use. Unfortunately, using this web browser does not always go smoothly, and one of the most common problems is the “Your connection is not secure” error.

    First of all, you need to say a few words about what causes this error. Some sites that require confidential user data have a secure connection type of HTTPS. In order to guarantee the user that his personal information will not fall into the hands of intruders, the site mandatory must receive a special security certificate.

    Thus, when visiting a secure site, Google Chrome must check the presence and relevance of security certificates. And if the verification was not carried out successfully, the error “Your connection is not secure” appears on the user’s screen.

    How to resolve the “Your connection is not secure” error?

    In turn, the occurrence of problems with certificate verification can be influenced by various reasons, and, accordingly, the browser provides more than one way to solve the problem.

    Please note that you should only resolve the “Your connection is not secure” error for a site that you are absolutely sure is secure. If you encounter a similar message when going to a site that you are opening for the first time and which makes you suspicious, it is better to immediately close such a site and not access it again.

    Method 1: Set the correct date and time

    This method has almost lost its relevance, since if the wrong date and time are set on the computer, the browser will directly indicate this to you.

    The fact is that the safety certificate has a certain expiration date. And if this period does not coincide with the date and time set on your computer, the web browser blocks the transition to the site and displays a connection error.

    Pay attention to the lower right area of ​​the computer window and check whether the date and time on the computer are correct. If not, then for Windows 10 press the key combination Win+I to open the window "Options" . For lower versions of this operating system, you will need to go to "Control Panel" . In this window you will need to open the section "Time and Language" .

    Make sure that you have the toggle switch for automatic date and time detection activated. If automatic detection There is no time to activate, please enter the correct data manually.

    Method 2: disabling the antivirus

    If the problem occurs when you go to an apparently safe site, such as Google, then it is almost certain that the problem is caused by the antivirus installed on your computer.

    To check this, you will need to temporarily deactivate the work installed antivirus and then check for the error. If the error has successfully disappeared, you will need to go to the antivirus settings and adjust the operation of some parameters, in particular, we are interested in network settings and parameters network scanning(SSL). If possible, reset your antivirus settings.

    Method 3: Disable extensions

    The problem can only occur in Google browser Chrome. In this case, you might think that the browser has extensions running that block the connection. As a rule, the work of such extensions is initially aimed at working with the network, for example, these can be VPN plugins.

    To check this, click on the right top corner on the menu button of the Internet browser, and then go to the section “Additional tools” – “Extensions” .

    Opening the menu with installed extensions, disable the maximum number (and it is advisable to deactivate them all). After that, check for the error "Your connection is not secure" .

    Method 4: Outdated version of Windows

    If you are Windows user, which clearly needs updating, it is recommended to install them. If you are a Windows 7 user, open the "Control Panel" menu, and then go to the section "Center Windows updates» . Check the system for updates, and if they are found, install them (this applies to both mandatory and optional updates).

    If you are a Windows XP user, then we can only advise you to upgrade to Windows 7 and higher - this operating system has not been fully supported by Microsoft for quite a long time, which means you can easily encounter problems with the Google Chrome browser, whose development has gone far ahead.

    Method 5: Check for viruses

    Many problems associated with working on the Internet arise due to virus activity on your computer.

    IN in this case you should definitely check your system for threats using your antivirus or a special cleaning utility. If the scan results found threats on your computer, you will need to eliminate them and then restart the operating system.

    Method 6: Checking the hosts file

    In theory, the problem could also arise due to a modified hosts file, which is usually negatively affected viral activity. On the Microsoft website, using this link, you can find out in more detail what the hosts file should look like in the original, as well as how you can return it to its original form. appearance. Don't forget to restart your computer after making changes.

    Method 7: Clear DNS Cache

    For Windows 10, right-click on the Start button and in the displayed context menu select the item "Command Prompt (Administrator)" .

    For any version of Windows, call the search bar and enter a query into it "cmd" . Right-click on the result and select the item "Run as administrator" .

    In the window that appears, run the following command:

    ipconfig /flushdns

    Method 8: Manual DNS Setup

    As a rule, the user's Internet connection settings are set to automatic DNS detection. In this way we will try to set a specific one.

    To do this, call the menu "Control Panel" , and then navigate to the section "Network and Sharing Update Center" .

    On the left side of the window, open the section "Changing adapter settings" . and then try setting DNS And . Save your changes.

    Method 9: Reinstall Google Chrome

    As a final step, we suggest you do reinstalling Google Chrome. The peculiarity is that it is recommended to remove Google Chrome from your computer not through the control panel, but using special application Revo Uninstaller, which allows you to completely remove the problematic program from your computer without leaving a single file behind.

    Once Chrome removal is complete, you will need to restart your computer for the system to fully accept the changes, and then proceed with downloading and installation new version, which you can download from the developer’s official website using the link provided immediately at the end of the article.

    And in conclusion. As a rule, these methods allow you to completely solve the problem with the “Your connection is not secure” error. If in your case, after trying all the methods, the error is still relevant, leave your comments, preferably describing the problem in more detail.

    One of the most common Google errors Chrome, is "Your connection is not secure" or "ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID". This error occurs when connecting to another Wi-Fi networks, opening a website. It indicates that Internet scammers may try to steal personal data for the purpose of enrichment. However, is this true?

    Ways to fix the unsecured connection error

    If, when opening a website in the Google Chrome browser, an error appears about an unsecured connection, it is worth checking to see if the same message does not appear in incognito mode. To do this we do the following:

    • Open the browser and press the combination “Ctrl+Shift+N” or click “Settings”, then “New window in incognito mode”.

    • If the site opens, then the problem lies in the extension. Open the settings, select “Extensions” and disable all extensions one by one to determine which one is blocking access to the site.

    • You can also reset your browser settings.

    It is also worth noting that previously this error appeared on those PCs that had the date and time set incorrectly. Therefore, it is worth checking these settings on your device.

    If the date and time are set correctly, everything works in incognito mode, you need to check your antivirus settings. SSL scanning or protection may be set HTTPS protocol. We disable this function and check the browser for functionality.

    You can also solve the problem in the following way:

    • Click on “Network and Sharing Center” and in the left menu select “Change” additional options public access."

    • You need to disable all detected networks and general access for the profile being used.

    • In the “All networks” section, set the setting to 128-bit encryption and enable shared access with password protection.

    After making all the changes, it is worth checking the functionality of the browser.

    It is also worth checking the network properties. To do this we do the following:

    • Click “Start”, “Control Panel”, “Internet Options”, “Manage Browser Settings”.

    • A new window will open. Go to the “Connections” tab and click “Network Settings”.

    • In the new window you need to uncheck all the checkboxes.

    • After making changes, it is advisable to restart your PC.

    If these methods did not help solve the problem, you should run clearing the cache via command line"ipconfig /flushdns".

    The most recent way to solve the problem could be complete removal and reinstalling the browser.

    Some users of the Google Chrome browser may encounter problems opening a website while surfing the web. In this case, a message appears on the screen indicating that your connection is not secure. As a rule, this warning can appear not only on fraudulent sites, but also on resources in which you are absolutely sure are safe.

    If you are absolutely sure that the site you are opening is safe, then the problem can be resolved using the methods below.

    Method 1: Check date and time on PC

    Pay attention to the lower right corner of the screen. There you will find the system date and time. You need to make sure that the date and time are set correctly, because... this is the most probable cause There are problems opening websites in Google Chrome.

    If you note that the date and time are set incorrectly, then click on them once with the left mouse button and select the item in the window that appears "Date and Time Settings" .

    If you have automatic date and time detection, check the time zone, which should be set according to your region. If everything is fine with the belt, deactivate the item "Set time automatically" , and then enter the correct date and time yourself.

    Method 2: The certificate of the requested site is out of date

    When switching to protected Google connection Chrome always checks for an up-to-date certificate. If the certificate is outdated, then the security of the site being opened is questionable, which means the browser will block access to the resource being opened.

    If you are sure that the site will not harm your computer and the safety of your information, you should not Chrome window click on the item "Additionally" and then go to the option "Go to site" . The browser will then load the site.

    Method 3: Blocking with an antivirus extension

    Some browser extensions aimed at ensuring computer security may block access to the resource.

    Open the menu in Google Chrome “Additional tools” – “Extensions” and check for antivirus add-ons, such as those from Kaspersky Lab. If such an extension is available, pause it and try to access the site again.

    Method 4: Check for Windows Updates

    Not relevant Windows version can also lead to a similar problem. Open menu “Control Panel” – “Windows Update” and check that the updates are up to date. If the updates are fixed, install all important updates.

    Method 5: Google Chrome crashes or the version is out of date

    First, check for updates for Google Chrome. To do this, open your web browser menu and go to “Help” – “About Google Chrome Browser” .

    In the window that appears, the browser will automatically begin searching for the requested updates and, if they are found, be sure to install them.

    If this does not solve the problem, open "Control Panel" and go to menu “Remove programs” (“Program and Features”) . Find Google Chrome in the list and remove it.

    Once the uninstallation is complete, reinstall the browser by downloading it from the link at the end of the article.

    Mozilla Firefox is a more reliable browser that doesn't lack stars in the sky, but still gets the job done beautifully. Unfortunately, very often Firefox users may encounter various types of difficulties. In particular, we will talk about the problem “Your connection is not secure.”

    The message “Your connection is not secure” that appears when you try to access a web resource means that you attempted to switch to a secure connection, but Mozilla Firefox was unable to verify the certificates for this website.

    As a result, the web browser cannot guarantee that the open web resource is safe, and therefore blocks access to the site you have chosen.

    Bug fix

    Setting the date and time

    If the problem with the “Your connection is not secure” window has become relevant for many web resources at once, then the first thing you should do is start checking the correctness of the date and time set on your computer.

    If the date is entered incorrectly, click on it with the left side of the mouse and open menu select the "Date and Time Settings" section. In the open window, you should activate the sections “Set time automatically” and “ Automatic installation time zones." If after enabling these settings the date and time are still not displayed correctly, disable these options, and then manually enter the desired date and time.

    System Scan

    Very often this important message may appear due to spyware on your computer.

    • In this option, you should enable a full system scan mode on your computer for the presence of virus software. This can be done either using your antivirus or using special utility, for example, Dr. Web CureIt.
    • If viruses are found at the end of the scan, cure them or remove them, then reboot the system.

    Destroying the certificate store

    On the computer, the browser profile folder contains all the information about using the browser, including certificate data. You can understand that the certificate store is slightly damaged, and therefore we will delete it.

    • First, click on the browser menu button in the upper right corner and open window select the icon with a question mark. In the same area, auxiliary menus will open, in which we need to click on the “Problem resolution information” item. In the window that appears, in the “Profile folder” column, click on the “Show folder” section.
    • Going to the profile folder, close Firefox completely. In the same profile folder we need to find and delete the cert8. db.
    • After this point, you can start Firefox again. The browser will do it itself new copy cert8 file. db, and if the problem was a corrupt certificate store, the problem will be fixed.

    Antivirus settings

    Many antivirus apps that provide online security have this feature enabled. scanning SSL, which can cause the “Your connection is not secure” window to appear in the browser.

    To find out if your antivirus or other protection program cause this problem to appear, stop it, and then try refreshing the page in the browser and check whether the error disappears or not.

    If the error disappears, then the problem is only in the antivirus program. In this case, you only need to disable the function in your antivirus that is responsible for SSL scanning.

    Working with antiviruses

    Setting up Avast

    Let's open the menu antivirus program and go to the “Settings” item. Open the “Active Protection” section and near the “Web Shield” part, click on the “Configure” item. Uncheck the “Enable HTTPS scanning” checkbox and then save the changes.

    Setting up Kaspersky Anti-Virus

    Open the menu of the Kaspersky anti-virus program and go to the “Settings” item. Click on the “Advanced” tab, and then go to the “Network” section. When opening the “Scan encrypted connections” tab, you will have to check the box next to “Do not scan encrypted connections”, and then you can save settings.

    For other antiviruses, the manipulation of disabling scanning of protected and unsecured connection you can see on the creator's website in the help section.

    Operating system update

    The certificate verification system is performed by certain services that are built into the operating system Windows system. Such services are always changing, and therefore, if you do not immediately install updates for the system, you may encounter problems with SSL certificate checks in your browser.

    For Windows checks To check for updates, open the “Control Panel” menu on your PC, and then go to the “Security and System” tab - “Windows Update”.

    If certain updates will be found, they will immediately be shown in the window that appears. You will need to install all updates, even optional ones. So we found out how to remove a secure connection, and why this problem occurs.