• Why do you need a blog or How to change your life for the better? What is a blog, how to create it and make money

    A blog is the same site, but with some features. First of all, this feature is that on a blog, each article is called a post, which has an author and publication date.

    Essentially, a blog is a constantly updated site with a news feed. It is most often called RSS feed. Previously, many people used it, but now this topic is no longer popular.

    What does the word "blog" mean?

    Blog is formed from the English words “web log” which means “entries in a network log”. On at the moment A blog is more likely to be associated with a regular website whose entries have a creation date.

    What is better - a website or a blog?

    It is impossible to give a precise definition of which is better. It all depends on the purpose of the site. If you need a business card website, then creating it on the basis of a blog does not make sense. A blog is needed for those who want to regularly share news and events with other users.

    How is a website different from a blog?

    The main thing that distinguishes a blog from a website is the presence of a news feed, or rather posts. A blog consists of posts that are published one after another. Old records are a thing of the past. Each entry has its own author (usually). It is possible to comment on posts (as a rule).

    What can you write on a blog?

    A blog usually writes about current affairs and events. Therefore, information can quickly lose its significance. This is the main problem with blogs. As a rule, articles are written on the site that will be relevant, if not forever, then for a long time. You can also write such articles on a blog, but it will look as if you are describing some subject/thought for the 10th time.

    Interest in the blogosphere dropped significantly in 2012-2016. Few people read blogs, and therefore few people write them.

    Types of blogs

    1. Personal

    The simplest type of blog is personal. When you write about everything that interests you. Such blogs are little popular and it is almost impossible to make money on them. Such activity is more likely to be similar to entertainment and the desire to speak out in front of someone, hear a different opinion, and become famous in some way.

    2. Professional

    Professional blogs usually publish strictly thematic articles. For example, about photographs. Some photographer teaches how to do this and shares his experience with other participants.

    Such blogs attract both traffic and attention. Especially if the person who writes useful information and responds to comments on posts. You can make money on such blogs, but usually not much. Depending on the topic of the blog and its popularity.

    3. Branded

    A brand blog is the height of fashion, especially for companies engaged in Internet services and online sales. Featured articles are created to attract traffic. As a rule, the articles are of very good quality, written with soul. Usually rarely updated, but there are exceptions.

    4. Microblog

    Microblog is a blog on

    I remember those times when I didn’t even know why do you need a blog. It is clear that then I also did not know. Now the time has come, and I will try to popularly explain what it is and what it is intended for.

    Blog– this is the same site, only a special version of it. There are different sites: news, forums, online stores. There is also a type of website called a blog.

    Why do you need a blog? Why do people have them?

    In order to answer this question, you need to know that blogs are divided into 5 types. And depending on the type of blog, you can find out the purpose of its creation

    Types of blogs:

    1. Personal blog

    2. Professional blog

    3. Brand blog

    4. News blog

    5. Non-traditional blogs

    Now let’s take a closer look at each type of blog.

    Personal blog

    You may have heard that online diaries exist. This is the same as a regular paper diary, in which we write whatever we want. Only it will be in electronic form. Everything related to the life of its author is written on personal blogs. There you will find notes like “how I went to the cinema yesterday”, or “how I chose jeans”, etc.

    As a rule, such diaries do not serve any special purpose. It is simply important for the author to pour out his soul. Well, and chat with friends. Therefore, such blogs will be read by a couple of the author’s friends, and so on, random people. True, you don’t need to think that if the blog is personal, then it will not be of interest to absolutely random people. No. The author can write things that will be interesting not only to him, but also to many other people.

    Professional blog

    As a rule, such blogs always attract a large audience that is interested in what the author writes about. They read it, comment on it, discuss various issues, etc.

    Of course, at first the author of such a blog does not receive income, but over time, when the blog gains momentum, it will begin to bring profit to its owner. Moreover, tangible profits. The author makes money from advertising, or by placing Yandex.Direct or contextual advertising blocks.

    Of course, you can earn money in other ways. For example, you can sell your information materials. The same photographer can sell photographs through his blog. So it turns out that initially the author simply shared his experience with his readers and communicated on the blog, but over time the blog begins to bring him serious profit. Moreover, initially the blog becomes only an additional line in the author’s income, but gradually it turns into the main source of income. Today there are plenty of such bloggers in the West. But gradually we have more and more such guys.

    Here's an example of a professional photographer's blog -

    This blog is owned by world famous Australian Daren Rose. This is an example of a person living solely off the profits they make from their blogs. Pay attention to the right top corner his blog. It will say: “Join ****** Subscribers.” There will be a number instead of asterisks. It means that so many people read Daren Rose's blog. For example, today this figure is 564,409 people. This suggests that the blog is very popular.

    Brand blog

    These types of blogs are usually created with the purpose of promoting the brand of a person or company. I know a lot of people who use these types of blogs in their work. Such people already have their own sites that generate profit. And when they are asked why they need a blog, they answer that it is to share more personal information with readers.

    Here another question arises: is it possible to share this information on your websites? Why not do just that?

    The answer is quite simple. The posts on the site are very different from the posts you see on blogs. For example, if the site contains information about website promotion in search engines ah, then the blog will contain more personal information regarding promotion. The websites will contain materials about the technical nuances of promotion, the cost of this service, etc. And the blog will write about what problems arise when promoting sites, or about the nuances of communication with customers, etc. That is, the difference, I think, is clear.

    Blogs of this type are well suited for promoting the name of the author. The author, for example, is engaged in the promotion of websites to order, and thanks to the blog, many people begin to learn about him, some of whom will gradually “mature” and also become clients of the blog author.

    There is another option for using a blog brand. This is an opportunity to use it as your main site. Here's an example - http://www.michelfortin.com. This is the blog of a well-known copywriter in the West. His name is Michel Fortin

    Michel, i.e. writes custom selling texts for various products and services. But he uses his blog to promote his name. Well, and, of course, a decent profit comes from his blog. The bottom line is that Michel writes interesting articles on his blog. An interested audience gathers around the blog, among which there will certainly be potential clients. And when one of the readers of his blog needs to order interesting texts, they will already know who to contact

    News blog

    Such blogs, as a rule, are written by not one, but several authors. They choose one topic, for example, “all about Apple,” and write several blog posts a day. Mainly various news related to Apple.

    The popularity of the blog will depend on how interesting the authors write. If it is interesting, then over time the blog will become the center of niche news, and a certain audience will gather around it, which will regularly visit the blog to find out Apple news.

    Blogs of this type can also be monetized (earn income). True, this is not done right away. First they are promoted, and then monetized. Authors are looking for direct advertisers + hang up or Google AdSense+ use various affiliate programs. Here is an example of such a blog - http://www.iphones.ru/

    Other types of blogs

    Some blogs are created on free blog hosting sites like LiveJournal. But still, the vast majority of blogs are created using the free WordPress engine.

    This is a very functional engine, and with its help you can create a wide variety of blogs. That is why on the Internet you can come across video blogs, catalog blogs, and any other blog options that run counter to the classic blog version.

    How to create your own blog?

    Now that you already know why you need a blog, there is only one thing left to know - how to create one. But the point is that technical points creating blogs is a very broad topic, so I will not touch on it in this article. Let me just say that the leader among blogging engines today is WordPress + Movable Type script, which has been confidently holding a leading position for several years now.

    Well, that's all I wanted to tell you about blogs. I am sure that now this information vacuum has been filled, and you understand how promising it is to create blogs.

    Greetings, friends, Pavel Yamb is in touch. Have you ever been asked the question of how a blog differs from a website? Do you know what a blog is? How to make money with a blog and how to do it? First things first. A blog is a type of website, such as an online store or news site.

    Different blogs are important

    The word “blog” comes from the phrase “web log”, that is, an online diary. These are many small entries published by one or more authors in chronological order. The most recent publications are at the top. Readers can leave comments on each entry.

    A blog can exist with virtually no traffic from the search engines Yandex or Google. This is its main difference from the site. There are five types of blogs:

    • private;
    • brand blog;
    • professional;
    • news;
    • non-standard.

    Each species has its own creation goals.


    Personal – online diary. It records personal events: “Check out my new jeans I bought yesterday,” that sort of thing. Authors of personal blogs who constantly spend time on thematic forums and social networks are part of the circle of popular bloggers. Without paying attention to either promoting their project or optimizing it, such people gather a lot of readers due to their own, ever-growing popularity.

    They keep similar blogs for themselves, and are visited by the author and his friends who keep such diaries. Public people, whose magazines contain many interesting notes, attract a large number of readers who are not personally familiar with them. An example is the blog of Evgeniy Grishkovets. Personal blogs available on LiveJournal or LiveJournal, and on other free services.


    Its audience is people interested in this topic. They read publications, leave comments, and suggest new ideas. Gaining momentum, the blog begins to bring profit to the owner. Money comes from placing advertisements or information products on the blog topic.

    A professional blog becomes a source of additional income, and ideally, the main activity, generating the main income.

    Brand blog

    Brand blogs are necessary to promote company brands or specific people. They post their training courses, publications of a more personal nature about important events in their lives. Such blogs are the main sources of profit for their creators. Usually what is posted here is not general recommendations, but reports on participation in an event on the topic of the blog with photos.

    Brand blog materials are statements of the author’s point of view or his useful experience. The resource does an excellent job of promoting the name of its creator. Many people learn about it, and the person becomes the owner of new clients in his business.

    You can use a brand blog as your main website, using the resource to promote your own name and generate additional income. To do this you need to post it on your blog. useful materials. He will gather around him potential clients who know who to turn to for services.


    It is impossible to do without news. News blogs are written by several authors. One niche is selected, for example “All about Apple”. On on an ongoing basis Notes are written on the blog only on the chosen topic, several publications per day. With high-quality work and a considerable number of notes, the blog becomes a leader in the news niche, and the number of visitors interested in it increases.

    After the stage of promotion and recruitment of the target audience, the owners begin to work on making a profit from the resource. They select advertisers, place affiliate programs and contextual advertising.

    Custom blogs

    There are other types of blogs. Most of them run on the free WordPress engine. With its help, they create blog portfolios, blog catalogs, photo blogs and other variations that are different from the classic ones. But any blog is a dialogue between the author and his readers. Without this connection, the existence of a blog is meaningless.

    Without which a blog cannot develop

    As the resource develops, its own audience is formed, with similar interests and problems. Readers will learn about the appearance of news on the blog from the RSS feed. Without it and its setup with Fitburnet, it is difficult for the resource creator to maintain constant communication with readers.

    Feedburner is an objective assessment of your audience. When creating a project on the WordPress engine, use this useful service no point.

    It is common practice on social networks to promote blogs to attract traffic. From there, authors receive an influx of new visitors. To attract them, they use buttons like “Share this article” to popularize the publication on the Internet.

    Driving force of the blog: engine

    But creating a blog is not only a desire and communication on forums, it is certain actions. And they start with choosing an engine. It is better to use not a free platform, but an autonomous resource: the blog belongs only to the creator, and you will earn very good money. But this is only with hard work. Serious profits can be expected no earlier than in a year or two.

    Blog engine or CMS, content management system - a program for a web server that makes it easier to create and maintain a blog. The information content of the blog will have to be updated and supplemented constantly.

    Why does a blog need an engine?

    Without engines, the creation task would be very complicated: a content specialist, a designer for the project layout, a developer for uploading the project to the server and setting up its work…. Yes, it would also be nice to hire a promotion professional...

    This is what they do during development. major projects. But if you create your own blog, such expenses are unjustified. The services of a web designer and developer will not be superfluous, but to a much lesser extent. And all thanks to the engine.

    • It enables the user to create and edit blog content seamlessly.
    • No knowledge of CSS or Html is required. Everything is visual and clear.
    • Thanks to the engine, all texts are stored in the database.
    • When accessing the server, the requested pages are created quickly, information from the database is included in them “on the fly.”

    It turns out that the main advantage of the engine is to reduce the level of necessary knowledge of the future blog owner. Using the editor and pressing a few buttons are all the requirements.

    Paid and free engines

    To change the theme, you don’t need to worry about the safety of the content: one click and the design is different. No knowledge of layout is needed. It is clear that such conveniences have led to the emergence of paid and free engines.

    Choosing the right one is not an easy task. And the reason is not that free is worse or better. You can create a good project on a free one, but you can create a low-quality one on the most expensive one, paying a lot for it.

    The only advantage is technical support in paid engines. Therefore, if there is a complete lack of time and an unwillingness to understand all the complexities on your own, there is only one solution: a paid CMS.

    To create your first blog, you will have to choose based on financial and time requirements. If you have the skills to work with a free engine, then there is no point in spending money on a paid one. And it’s not always better than free.

    The best free engines

    Among the free ones, the leaders are WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. But the latter is much more difficult to work with, and its popularity is lower. But if you have the skills to work with it, there are more opportunities. But that depends on how you look.

    Ideally, it is recommended to use a well-known CMS. The reason is that the operation of the blog engine must first be studied. And it takes time to study. There are solutions that are easier to master, and there are also more complex ones.

    In terms of quality and convenience, WordPress for blogs is number one. Everything is clear and simple, developers constantly update versions. Although Joomla engine has its advantages. Read here what you need to create a blog on WordPress.

    The main feature of WordPress is the speed of indexing. After publication new article WordPress automatically sends an invitation to the search robot.

    WP is clear and simple: everything is logical, no pitfalls unlike Joomla. To protect against hacking, it is advisable to constantly update WP, and not display the version number you are using for public viewing. But this is in the future. First, you need to download and install WordPress on your hosting. At first, you can use free hosting to decide whether you need to start blogging.

    The simplest of the paid ones is S.Builder, but only if you have experience working with any CMS. Then it's very good option: saving time, effort and nerves. Paid options I don’t consider it at all, because I think that you can make a thing with a free engine, if we are not talking about an online store or a huge portal.

    "Finishing" the blog

    After downloading, work begins on technical and visual settings, there are no trifles here. And, most importantly - unique content, interesting posts for readers. Only after its appearance can the blog be considered created. It will begin to attract visitors. Their number is determined using a visit counter. But without design and customization, a blog looks unfinished.

    Design and setup

    To design a blog, we choose a suitable template; for WordPress there are a huge number of them. But before publishing, you will have to think about human-readable URLs, CNC. What is it? Address, link to an article with a letter designation, and not in the form of a set of numbers and symbols that are impossible to pronounce.

    This action will help to take search results higher positions: search engines take into account keywords in urls. Therefore, it is important to set them up before publishing. The easiest way is to use the appropriate plugin to configure it.

    Not to forget, you need to create a clear 404 error page in your online diary so that visitors don’t leave after receiving an unclear message.

    Now is the time to go through the WP settings, understand the plugins and start collecting those that are necessary for the blog. There are two ways to manage blog indexing: a robots.txt file and a blog map in xml format.

    Most often, the Google XML Sitemaps plugin is used to create it. We add a link to it to your Yandex webmaster account and to Google panel webmaster tools. Search robots will learn about new publications in a timely manner. The Dagon Design Sitemap Generator plugin creates a sitemap that is visible to readers.


    Here I will speak in general terms. This is a huge topic, not just one article. I’ll just bring you up to date: setting up a created blog is not enough, it needs to be optimized to appeal to search engines. This is done with the help of plugins - special extensions for WordPress that close existing holes in it and adjust your site to modern requirements.

    For example:

    The Yoast plugin will make internal optimization easier, all you have to do is polish it up additional settings and install a plugin for automatic internal linking.

    Hyper Cache to speed up the blog and reduce the load on the server.

    RusToLat, WordPress Database Backup and other plugins that I will talk about in my articles

    Let's summarize. Create good blog It’s possible without any programming or layout skills. With persistence and regular filling of new useful information for the reader, the created project will become a source of profit. It’s not difficult to make money on a blog, but you shouldn’t expect instant income. It will take time.

    Pavel Yamb was with you, see you again! Read articles, subscribe to updates and leave comments. And don’t forget: even beginners can create a blog and make it their main source of income. You need desire, self-confidence, perseverance and hard work, and experience will appear while working on the project.

    Hello, today we will talk about what a blog is and why it is needed, and whether you specifically need it. If you have landed on this page, then one way or another you have asked yourself these questions. First, let's look at the very concept of a blog. Let's see the difference between a blog and a static site. Let's look at how you can manage a blog. We’ll also try to understand whether you need your own own blog and what benefits it will open to you.

    What is a blog, definition and comparison with other sites, how to maintain and fill it

    A blog is a site, rather of a news or informational nature, on which regularly appear latest posts. A blog is created mainly within the framework of one or several similar topics, which are revealed and analyzed throughout the life of the blog. The definition of a blog can be different, and in different sources you can find different concepts about a blog, but the essence is the same for everyone.

    A blog is usually run by one or a group of people. A group can mean a set of specialists in different fields, for example: a programmer, designer, layout designer, copywriter, author or ideologist. But basically blogs are run by one person, replacing all additional specialists with various purchased tools (website design, program code, articles) or doing all the work independently.

    Don't be afraid of this right away large quantity knowledge necessary for blogging, nowadays there are many mechanisms for solving these problems, one of them is. Using this platform, you can make all the settings you need and only deal with filling your blog.

    What is the difference between a blog and a regular website?

    We figured out what a blog is, and what is the difference from other sites. A blog is a website, but not every website is a blog. From this we conclude that a blog is just a type of website. In other words, a blog is a site with certain characteristics that distinguish it from other types of sites, such as forums or online stores, social networks, etc.

    What are the key points characteristic of a blog?

    • The blog is mainly run by one person.
    • A blog, unlike other types of site, has a more personal nature of notification and is mainly conducted in the first person.
    • Blog articles, unlike website pages, have a comment function, thanks to which you can reveal the author and understand whether he is telling the truth or whether what is written is just his imagination.
    • All blog articles are published in chronological order.
    • The form of presentation of the material is more accessible to readers.
    • The blog design is different from the design of most network sites.

    How to manage and fill a blog?

    How to manage and what to fill your blog with depends only on your knowledge, capabilities or desires. You choose for yourself the degree to which the blog depends on you, whether you want to publish articles once a month, or post dozens of articles every day. Today you can blog through mobile phone or tablet, direct publications with personal computer or through email, there are many options.

    Why do you need a blog? What can you get by running your personal blog?

    Do you need your own blog?

    You must answer this question for yourself. Why you should start your own blog and what you will publish in it is up to you. I suggest answering a few questions for yourself, after which you can draw conclusions about what a blog is and why it is needed:

    1. What do I know or what do I want to know about in order to write an article?
    2. How much time are you willing to spend per day, week and month filling your blog?
    3. What do you expect in the future from your project?
    4. How many visitors and readers are interested in your chosen topic?
    5. Are you ready to learn something new?

    If your answers to these questions are something like this:

    You answered questions asked in a similar way? Then you definitely need a blog and you will keep it well and for a long time.

    If you understand what a blog is, but don’t want to learn anything and you don’t have a few hours of free time a week to write interesting material, then ask yourself again - why do you need a blog? If you are completely indifferent to what people will think about your work and whether anyone needs it at all, then you don’t need a blog and it’s not worth wasting time that you think you don’t have anyway.

    But let’s not talk about sad things, but think about how your blog can be useful for you personally.

    To relax, you can listen to the song “Mom, why do I need this?” After watching, we’ll return to our questions.

    We figured out what a blog is, how you can manage it, and whether you need it at all. Now it’s time to answer the question of what it promises us and what benefits we can get from running our own interesting blog.

    What benefits will you get from blogging?

    If you decide to start a blog, then the following benefits will fall on your head:

    1. A large number of new acquaintances.
    2. Continuous communication with people.
    3. Studying a huge amount of information that may be useful to you in the future.
    4. Blogging can become your hobby for the rest of your life.
    5. Gain recognition and authority in your niche.
    6. Opportunity to benefit financially from blogging.

    These are not all the benefits you can get from your blog; you can also sell your products or services. Promote your website through a blog, gather subscribers and like-minded people, and much more.

    I’ll tell you honestly, it’s very easy to maintain your own blog that you love and adore, it brings such a lot of pleasure that it’s very difficult to convey and imagine. Only those who know themselves in this matter will be able to truly enjoy all the delights of running their own page on the Internet.

    I hope that you understand what a blog is and why it is needed, otherwise you should look at the rest of the articles in the block, in which you will find all the information you are interested in about blogs, writing articles and much more, and most importantly, learn.
    If you are ready to start creating and setting up your project, then start studying and plunge into the world of Internet blogs.

    Have you also heard the news that another 17-year-old blogger earned 20 million rubles in one year? For a second, to an ordinary person With an average salary, you need to work 55 years (that is, your entire life) to earn the same amount.

    What is a blog, why is it needed and how to create one? And is it possible to earn a few lyams a month from this? Or maybe everyone is lying to us?

    In this article we will look at all the options. in simple words. Maybe you will eventually become a successful 17-year-old millionaire blogger, who knows =)

    To warm up, let’s take a brief look at what a blog is “in general” and why it is needed.

    What is a blog in simple words, why and who needs it?

    The word "blog" comes from the English " weblog" This literally translates as “a diary/magazine posted on the Internet.” That is, in Old Slavonic it would be called “zhurnet” or “interviewnik”. But let's use the term "blog" better.

    The point is simple. You create an account for yourself on one of the platforms to create electronic journal, and start posting something there every day. Depending on the site, these can be short text posts, long articles, videos, pictures, or all at once.

    People don't become bloggers because they have a good life. If a person decides to start a blog, then he has at least two goals. The first is to become popular. The second is to make money on your popularity.

    Each blogging platform has its own mechanism for collecting subscribers or “followers” ​​(followers/readers). The more interesting your posts are, the more people gather around you to read you again and again.

    1. Advertising
    2. Affiliate programs
    3. Selling your goods or services

    Below we will analyze all these methods in detail, in the context of each specific site. For now, you just need to understand the direct connection - the more subscribers you have, the more money you can earn.

    And in order to gather many subscribers, you need to create content that would appeal to a very wide range of people. How to do this correctly? This depends on the specific type of blog you will be running. For micro-blogs, topics and content need one type, but for YouTube they need a completely different type.

    And let's, by the way, look at what types of blogs exist today and what their features are.

    Classic text blogs – graphomania in its purest form

    Initially, there was only one type of blog – text. People wrote quite large texts on these blogs. Today there are two main platforms for those who love to write. This is the good old LJ (Live Journal) and the new fashionable Yandex.Zen.

    These platforms are best suited for expressing your personal opinion on some controversial issues. For example, you can write analytical articles about what is happening in society today. Or keep a blog with text notes about your (or someone else’s) family life.

    Advantage text format is that you don't need any additional resources to start blogging. If you have a computer and you know how to type, then this will be enough for a start.

    If you doubt your writing abilities, take our free training (opens in a new tab).

    Please note - you don’t even have to be some kind of expert in the topic you are writing about. The text blog format means that you express your opinion on a particular issue.

    Which is better – LiveJournal or Yandex.Zen?

    If you choose between LiveJournal and Yandex.Zen, then I would personally choose the second option.

    Unfortunately, LiveJournal is almost not developing today. There is an established audience (since 2007), its own stars, who have already gained popularity with their posts. But it will be very difficult for a new author to break through there. Simply because the mechanisms for distributing content are poorly developed.

    Yandex.Zen is a completely different story.

    Here Yandex itself takes over the promotion of your new blog. You just need to start writing articles on some topic, and Yandex will show them to those people who might be interested (from its point of view).

    In just a week, tens or hundreds of thousands of people may start reading your notes. Of course, Zen has its own characteristics. Read more about this in the article (opens in a new tab).

    How to make money on a blog in Yandex.Zen

    Yandex.Zen offers you a very simple and transparent way to monetize your blog. When you reach 7,000 reads of your articles in one week, you will have the opportunity to show ads to readers.

    You won’t have to negotiate with advertisers or take money from anyone. Yandex has already taken care of everything. You simply check the box next to the “Simple monetization” option in the channel settings, and from that moment contextual advertising will begin to appear in your posts.

    Every 1000 reads of your articles will bring you an average of 50 rubles. At first glance, not very much. But with an increase in your audience, you can reach quite decent incomes (say, from 30 thousand rubles per month).

    Yes, not millions. And you will have to sweat a lot. Writing every day is not like moving bags (in the sense that writing is much harder). Thank God there are other interesting blog formats today.

    Micro-blogs - for those who do not like to write, but love money

    Micro-blogs are a conventional name for sites where it is not customary to write long texts. Today there are two main such platforms - Twitter and Instagram.

    Based on the features of this format blog, the audience gathers there accordingly. These are people who don’t like “a lot of books”. Bright pictures, short entertaining videos shot on an iPhone - this is the basis of all content on such blogs. And, of course, beautiful girls in outfits that leave almost no room for imagination =))

    Accordingly, the best topics here are about travel, beautiful lifestyle, sports lifestyle, healthy nutrition (with the obligatory photos of containers with this very healthy nutrition).

    Yes, by the way, all this now mainly applies to Instagram. Because nothing has anything to do with Twitter anymore)

    Which is better - Twitter or Instagram?

    The story here is about the same as with LiveJournal and Yandex.Zen. Twitter is more of an echo of the past than real way promote your blog.

    Previously, it was really interesting to subscribe to a couple of dozen of your idols and receive news from their lives “first-hand.” Twitter was also often used as a kind of social “messenger”. Any news that appeared on Twitter immediately became very widespread, thanks to the peculiarity of the “following” structure.

    But then Instagram appeared with its bright photos. Twitter came under close surveillance by intelligence agencies (to ensure that only the right news was spread). And in general, as it turned out, it is very difficult to make money there. The 140 character limit per post is strict.

    Here you can’t even express one thought properly, and you still need to somehow squeeze in an advertising message (if suddenly someone orders you an advertisement). In general, boring and inconvenient.

    Another thing is Instagram. There you can literally gather tens of thousands of subscribers in just six months and become a local star yourself. And here I will order advertising for you a lot and with pleasure.

    This will be direct advertising from direct advertisers. That is, you will just have to independently negotiate the price, timing, formats, etc. But “Insta-chicks” today charge 10–100 thousand rubles for one advertising post in your feed. There is something to try for.

    For more information on this topic, see the articles - and (will open in new tabs).

    To be fair, it must be said that creating a high-quality channel on Instagram is not as easy as in article blogs. This is where we need to do it beautiful photos in beautiful and interesting places(at least).

    But there are even more demanding blogging platforms.

    Video blog - here it is, big money

    If you don’t like writing or taking photos at all, then perhaps the video blog format is suitable for you. Unfortunately, there is no choice here at all - there is only YouTube.

    Today, viewers are becoming more and more demanding of the quality of content. For video this means - good sound, bright picture, high resolution, dynamic video sequence. That is, you won’t be able to take pictures of yourself on Instagram using the front camera of your iPhone, post it on YouTube and collect millions of views (of course there are exceptions, but we’re not talking about them now).

    If you enter the world of video blogging, you must be prepared to bear the associated costs. You need a room for filming, you need powerful equipment for video processing, you need professional lighting. Yes, a lot of things are needed so that your video does not look like footage from a family archive, shot on film in the 90s.

    Just keep in mind that not all topics are suitable for the video blog format. It should be something that people would rather “see once than hear a hundred times.” Travel - yes. Review technical innovations- yes too. Review of new products on the car market - yes again. But for example, “the general political situation in the world” is probably not the case anymore.

    When is it better NOT to start a YouTube channel?

    If you can simply write about something without losing its meaning, then it’s better to write. I'll tell you a secret - people don't really like watching videos (surprise!) Do you want proof?

    Why do you think videos have practically disappeared from entertaining public pages on VKontakte, and only “GIFs” with automatic switching on? Yes, because no one turned on the video anymore. The same explanation is why in all social networks the video now starts automatically when scrolling. This is the only way to preserve the chance that at least someone will watch this video (since it has already been played for them).

    This is how it turns out that they watch videos only if they absolutely cannot do without it. Keep this in mind when choosing a topic for your vlog.

    As for making money on YouTube, this is a separate big topic. In short, you can enable monetization through contextual advertising (as in Yandex.Zen). But this is a cheap method. Direct advertising will bring in the most money.

    For starters, here are a couple of options for creating blogs that aren’t actually blogs.

    Blogs that aren't really blogs

    Today there is a little confusion in the concepts of what is a platform for a blog and what is a social network. Actually, these are different things, and they have different tasks and tools.

    It's the same with Twitter and LiveJournal. They all have some characteristics social network, but they are not. It also works the other way around.

    Why VK and FB are not platforms for blogging

    Formally, you can also write some notes there, post photos, even videos. But in fact, the number of your subscribers does not guarantee that all of them will see your new posts.

    For example, VKontakte introduced a new algorithm “Prometheus”, which shows people only those posts that may be interesting to them (from its point of view).

    That is, if you have, say, 10,000 “friends,” but the topic of your new post is interesting to only 5% of them, then only these 5% will see it in their feed.

    1. Communication with friends (or with those they want to meet);
    2. Entertainment.

    Of course, there is an option to create your own community (public) or separate page on Facebook. Then your regular posting of new posts will become more like blogging. There are people who even manage to write blogs on their VKontakte wall (see in the new tab -). But think about whether you should fight all the restrictions of social networks if there are other, more convenient options.

    Do you want to go free and not depend on any blogging platform at all? There is one cool option.

    The coolest way to create your own blog and make money (hardcore!)

    Do you know what the main disadvantage of all these blogging platforms is? You will have to create a really lot of content every day. If you decide to “rest”, you will very quickly lose ratings and subscribers. Blogging requires you to work every day.

    In addition, each site has its own limitations. And your content doesn't actually belong to you. With your efforts, you promote the platform you have chosen to work on. For violating the rules, you can simply be banned - and you will lose everything you worked for so long on.

    It's another matter if you make your own website. It's that simple - buy something unique domain name, buy a place on some quality hosting, install regular WordPress (an engine for creating blog sites) there, and write a couple of dozen high-quality articles.

    The main advantage of your own website

    If you write the right articles for specific search queries– people will start coming to you from search engines (such as Yandex and Google). You won't have to write every day anymore to stay afloat.

    You write 30-40 articles once - and this will be enough for your site to become a “thousander” in just six months or a year. That is, more than a thousand unique visitors will read it every day.

    And here you will set your own rules - which advertisements to place and which ones not to. What to write about, what format to choose. This is my favorite version of work, when the result of your work accumulates.

    Important! If you now have a vague idea of ​​what it’s like to make your own website (why, on what topic, how to make money from it later) - download my free book. There I tell you my experience of creating a popular and profitable blog.