• What you need to know to overclock your processor. How to overclock a processor - the right way

    Avid gamers, people who work with bulky media, and those who require complex computing processes often find their hardware underpowered. And if they don’t want to spend money on upgrading equipment, or there is no need for a dramatic increase in performance, then overclocking or overclocking the processor, video card or RAM.

    Overclocking or overclocking – increasing the performance of components personal computer software or physical manipulation.

    All devices operate at 50-80% in normal mode maximum power. Restrictions are imposed by manufacturers and are designed to extend the life of the device. There are several ways to remove or bypass these restrictions. True, this will significantly increase the load and, consequently, reduce the service life of the device.

    Thus, by taking the right actions, you can increase the performance of your processor, video card or RAM by 20-50%. Achieving the highest possible performance is quite difficult - this is already an area professional activity. But 20-30% growth can be obtained without delving into the constructive jungle.

    IMPORTANT: Overclocking the processor on a laptop is an extremely risky step and is strictly not recommended. weak system cooling does not prevent the consequences of rising temperatures. Therefore, you need to think carefully before overclocking your laptop processor.

    The following will provide tips on how to properly overclock your processor. It is difficult to damage your computer on motherboards with built-in overclocking utilities. Special software fuses when overshoot is detected normal temperature, reset the settings to their original state.

    Despite all precautions, it is better to play it safe and provide additional cooling before overclocking the processor.

    Proper processor overclocking

    For effective increase There are two ways to adjust the processor clock speed: BIOS settings and special software. Both methods are relatively safe and accessible to users with modest knowledge of computer technology.

    IMPORTANT: Before increasing processor performance, it is better to think carefully. If you have doubts about the successful completion of the overclocking procedure, then it is better not to start it. Incorrect actions can result in device damage.

    Correcting BIOS settings

    Before overclocking the processor through the BIOS, you must carefully study the instructions for the motherboard. You can find all the necessary values ​​in it. In addition, it indicates the presence on the board special switches responsible for increasing productivity. Their use can also improve system performance.

    The clock frequency is increased using the BIOS by changing the FSB bus multiplier. This feature is only supported by processors with an open multiplier. Otherwise, you will have to resort to software overclocking or soldering contacts. IN technical documentation The motherboard must include information about the FSB bus multiplier.

    To overclock the processor through the BIOS, you must perform the following steps:

    If after loading the operating system the blue screen or discs are not recognized, sound cards or other elements, it means that the acceleration threshold has been exceeded. You need to reduce the coefficient and try again.

    After completing these steps, you need to check the processor temperature (special programs like Everest or HWmonitor will help). The maximum permissible value at peak loads is 900C. If the indicator exceeds the permissible value, then it is necessary to reduce the coefficient or ensure sufficient cooling.

    It is better to gradually increase productivity, increasing the final value with a certain step. Once you reach the required frequency, you can stop, or you can continue to increase it. When will it be reached maximum value, the computer will stop turning on.

    For recovery normal operation needs to be reset BIOS settings. This can be done by removing the battery on the motherboard for ten seconds. If the computer still does not turn on, you need to remove the battery and close the jumper marked CCMOS. It is usually located next to the battery socket.

    Having found the optimal value, you need to work at the computer for half an hour. If during this time the temperature did not increase and there were no system failures, then everything is in order - overclocking was a success. Now you don't have to worry about how to speed up your processor.

    Software overclocking of the processor

    The debate about how best to overclock hardware continues. Security advocates blame the unreliability of the software, while those who prefer overclocking the processor through the program argue that it is easy to use. At correct actions any method will be effective

    There are several manufacturers of motherboards. Overclocking programs are also aimed at various manufacturers. Overclocking an Intel processor with the wrong utility can cause serious harm to the system. In places where such programs are downloaded, information about the list of supported processor models and motherboards is usually posted. Therefore, before overclocking your intel processor, it is better to check the above-mentioned list.

    ASRock OC Tuner

    Simple and functional program to overclock the processor. OC Tuner combines overclocking and monitoring functions. With its help, you can not only overclock the processor, but also obtain information about the state of the system and monitor the voltage in various elements of the system.

    To change the processor frequency and bus frequency multiplier in the “Over Clocking” section, just set the necessary parameters in the appropriate fields and click the “Go!” button. Along with the processor performance, you can also adjust the PCIE bus frequency. Voltage control works on the same principle, only there are more input fields (CPU, RAM, VTT, chipset bridges). Suitable program to overclock an Intel processor.

    MSI Control Center II

    The program is designed to monitor the state of the system and its overclocking. The entire utility interface is divided into two main sections: “Oveclocking” and “Green Power”. Functions for overclocking the system are grouped in the first section. It also contains information about the status of devices: temperature, power consumption, etc.

    The second section, “Green Power,” contains information about the overall energy efficiency of the system. You can also turn the motherboard LED indicators on and off from this menu.

    ASUS TurboV EVO

    Program for overclocking boards released by ASUS. Owners of motherboards from this manufacturer can instantly overclock their devices without studying the BIOS and other subtleties. To do this, just install TurboV EVO. Moreover, in some versions of EFI BIOS utility sewn in.

    Using TurboV EVO you can control the processor clock speed and adjust the RAM frequency. The program also supports voltage control functions in various system elements. It is possible to automatically overclock the system.

    AMD OverDrive

    How to overclock an AMD processor? There is an excellent AMD OverDrive utility for this. The program has several levels of settings. They adapt to the user's level of awareness. Not experienced users access to monitoring the operation of the system will be opened. Those with a sufficient level of knowledge will be able to adjust the bus frequencies and clock multiplier.

    Besides fine tuning frequency of each core, OverDrive allows you to test the system with the selected settings. Monitoring functions make overclocking much easier AMD processor. OverDrive turned out to be a powerful utility for fine-tuning systems to suit your needs.

    Another useful program for overclocking a processor is CPU-Z. This good remedy monitoring the system status. The AMD processor overclocking program provides information on its operation. His model, general clock frequency and the frequency of each core, bus multiplier and much other information.

    CPU-Z portable program, which does not require installation. System information becomes available immediately after startup. In addition, the utility has a function for publishing and comparing the results obtained, which allows you to monitor the progress of other users who have decided to overclock the processor.

    Overclocking a computer will be relevant for those who do not have the opportunity to upgrade or purchase new equipment. With proper overclocking of the processor, overall performance can increase by an average of 10%, to a maximum of 20%. However, it is important to remember that overclocking may not always produce tangible results. For example, if your computer has 1 GB of RAM installed, then simply increasing it to 2 GB can give a more noticeable increase. Therefore, real growth can only be determined experimentally. Below we will tell you how to properly overclock, but first about precautions.


    Attention! Overclocking a processor can damage the processor. If you do not have overclocking skills, we strongly do not recommend overclocking yourself. Before you begin, read the specifications of your processor, and also visit thematic forums dedicated to overclocking.

    Below we have compiled tips to help you overclock safely:

    1) If you are a beginner, only increase the processor frequency. It is better not to change the core supply voltage.

    2)Increase the frequency gradually, by 100-150 MHz. This will avoid critical errors and processor overheating.

    3) After each promotion, perform system testing. This includes stability testing and continuous temperature monitoring. The temperature must be monitored throughout the entire overclocking process! If you exceed the permissible frequency, the protection will work and the settings will be reset. As the CPU frequency increases, its heat dissipation also increases. Long term exposure critical temperatures may damage the processor crystal.

    4) If you also decide to increase the core supply voltage, then you should do this in the smallest possible step (usually 0.05V). However, the maximum limit should not exceed 0.3 volts, since increasing the voltage is more dangerous for your CPU than increasing the frequency.

    5)Overclocking should be stopped after the first failed stability test or when exceeding permissible temperature. For example, there is a processor with a frequency of 2.6 GHz. Its stable operation was observed at a frequency of 3.5 GHz. At 3.6 GHz the first glitches appeared. In this case, the overclocking stops and the last stable frequency is set, that is, 3.5 GHz.

    Note: if at maximum frequency your computer is running stable, but the CPU is overheating, you should consider adding additional cooling or about replacing an existing one.

    Note 2: laptops are not very good candidates for overclocking, since their cooling capabilities are very limited. In this case, it would be more advisable to replace components with more powerful ones.

    Now we can move directly to overclocking.

    CPU overclocking

    Step 1. Download necessary utilities. You will need benchmarking and stress testing software to properly evaluate the results of overclocking. It is also worth downloading programs that allow you to control the temperature of the processor crystal. Below we have provided a list of such programs:

    CPU-Z is simple program monitor that will allow you to quickly see the current clock speed and voltage.

    Prime95 is free program benchmarking, which is widely used for stress testing. It is designed to run long-term stress tests.

    LinX is another stress testing program. A very convenient and flexible program for stress testing the processor. This program loads the CPU at 100%. Therefore, sometimes it may seem like your computer is frozen. Best suited for stability testing.

    CoreTemp is a free program that allows you to monitor the temperature of the CPU die in real time. Can be used on an ongoing basis together with the CoreTemp gadget. It also displays in real time the current processor frequency, FSB bus and its multiplier.

    Before you start overclocking, run a basic stress test. This will give you a baseline for comparison and will also show you if there are any stability issues.

    Step 2. Check your motherboard and processor. Various boards and processors have different capabilities when it comes to overclocking. The first thing to look at is whether your multiplier is unlocked. If the multiplier is blocked, then overclocking will most likely not be possible.

    Step 3. Open BIOS. It is through it that your system will be overclocked. To launch it, press the “Del” key during the first seconds of computer startup (when the POST screen appears).

    Note: Depending on the computer model, the BIOS entry keys may vary. Basic ones: “F10”, “F2”, “F12” and “Esc”.

    Step 4. The tabs may differ in new and old BIOS versions. Typically, older computers have AMI (American Megatrend Inc.) and Phoenix AWARD BIOS versions installed.

    In Phoenix AWARD, open the "Frequency / Voltage Control" tab. This menu may be called differently, for example, “overclock”.

    In AMI BIOS this tab is called “Advanced” - “JumperFree Condiguration” or “AT Overclock”.

    New computers come pre-installed BIOS version UEFI with full graphical interface. To find the overclocking menu, go to advanced mode and look for the “AI Tweaker” or “Extreme Tweaker” tab.

    Step 5. Reduce memory bus speed. This is necessary in order to avoid memory errors. This option may be called “Memory Multiplier” or “Frequency DDR”. Switch the option to the lowest possible mode.

    Step 6. Increase the base frequency by 10%. This corresponds to approximately 100-150 MHz. It is also referred to as bus speed (FSB) and is the base speed of your processor. Typically it is more low speed(100, 133, 200 MHz or more), which is multiplied by a multiplier, thereby achieving full frequency kernels. For example, if the base frequency is 100 MHz and the multiplier is 16, the clock speed will be 1.6 GHz. Most processors can handle a 10% jump without issue. A 10% increase in frequency will correspond to an FSB frequency of 110 MHz and a clock speed of 1.76 GHz.

    Step 7 Run operating system and then a stress test. For example, open LinX and run it for a few loops. At the same time, open the temperature monitor. If there are no problems, you can move on. If the stability test fails or a sudden increase in temperature is observed, then you should stop overclocking and reset the settings to default. Don't let your processor reach 85°C (185°F).

    Step 8 Continue steps 5 and 7 until the system becomes unstable. Run a stress test every time you raise the frequency. Instability will most likely be caused due to the processor not receiving enough power.

    Increasing frequency through a multiplier

    If your motherboard has an unlocked multiplier, then overclocking can be done using it. Before you start increasing the multiplier, reset the base frequency. This will help you make more precise frequency adjustments.

    Note: use lower base frequency and a large multiplier makes the system more stable, a higher base frequency with a low multiplier gives a greater performance boost. Here you need to experimentally find a middle ground.

    Step 1. Reset the base frequency to default.

    Step 2. Increase the multiplier. Once you have lowered the base frequency, start raising it in minimal increments (usually 0.5). The multiplier may be called "CPU Ratio", "CPU Multiplier" or something like that.

    Step 3. Run the stress test and temperature monitor exactly as in the previous section (step 7).

    Step 4. Continue increasing the multiplier until the first crashes appear. Now you have the settings at which your computer runs reliably. While your temperatures are still within safe limits, you can start adjusting voltage levels to continue further overclocking.

    Increasing core voltage

    Step 1. Increase the processor core supply voltage. This item may appear as "CPU Voltage" or "VCore". Increasing the voltage beyond safe limits can damage not only the processor, but also the motherboard. Therefore, increase it in increments of 0.025 or the minimum possible for your motherboard. Excessive voltage surges can damage components. And let us remind you once again: do not increase the voltage higher than 0.3 volts!

    Step 2. Run a stress test after the first promotion. Since you left your system in an unstable state with a previous overclock, it is possible that the instability will disappear. If your system is stable, make sure that temperatures are still at an acceptable level. If the system is still unstable, try reducing either the multiplier or the base clock speed.

    Step 3. Once you have managed to stabilize the system by increasing the voltage, you can return to increasing either the base frequency or the multiplier (same as in the previous paragraphs). Your goal is to get maximum performance from minimum voltage. This will require a lot of trial and error.

    Step 4. Repeat the cycle until you reach maximum voltage or maximum temperature. Eventually you will reach a point where you can no longer achieve any productivity gains. This is the limit of your motherboard and processor, and it is likely that you will not be able to get past this point.

    The processor is one of the most expensive components in a computer. The price of modern CPUs can exceed the cost of all other computer components, especially when it comes to server models.

    When the user is faced with the task of slightly increasing productivity central processor, for example, for a more stable frame rate in a particular game, you can not replace the CPU, but overclock it. Intel and AMD processors can be overclocked, also called overlocking.

    Overclocking allows you to increase the processor clock speed, which increases the number of instructions that the chip executes per second, that is, it increases CPU performance. In this article, we will consider the option of software overclocking of Intel and AMD processors, but it is also possible to carry out overlocking by replacing the BIOS.

    We recommend reading:

    Is it safe to overclock a processor?

    The essence of overclocking a processor and video card is the same - the user, by replacing the original software “at a low level,” increases performance. If you look at this question from the technical side, it simply increases the voltage on the key components of the board, which allows for an increase in power.

    Almost every processor is native software operates only at 50-60% of its maximum power. Accordingly, it can be overclocked, bringing this figure closer to 100%. But it is worth remembering that overclocking the processor is accompanied by:

    At correct overclocking The risk of burning out the processor is minimal. It is important to understand that the possibilities specific model CPUs are not unlimited, and it will not be possible to increase performance by 50-100%. It is recommended to overclock by no more than 15%.

    Please note: Overclocking the processor also increases the performance of the RAM, which may negatively affect it.

    Preparing to overclock the processor

    Before you start overclocking the processor, it won’t hurt to read forums on the Internet with information from “experienced” specialists on a specific CPU model. The fact is that some processors, such as the basic i3, i5 and i7 series from Intel, do not respond well to overclocking, and it is better not to increase their power by more than 5-8%. At the same time, the line of K-series i-processors from Intel, on the contrary, is designed for overclocking, and the performance of such CPUs can be increased by 15-20% without any particular risks.

    It is also important to know the overclocking potential so that clock cycles do not skip. With a strong increase in performance and signs of overheating, in order to reduce the temperature, the processor may begin to skip cycles. In this way, it will protect itself from failure, but the quality of its work will be significantly lower than before overclocking.

    • Update Motherboard BIOS boards;
    • Test the stability of the processor in normal mode. To do this, you need to install and use a diagnostic application, for example, S
    • Determine the processor clock speed using the CPU-Z utility.

    Once the preparation is complete, you can begin overclocking the processor.

    Please note: Processor overclocking techniques for desktop computers and laptops are no different from each other. Despite this, when overlocking the CPU on laptops, you must be extremely careful and not raise it to high values system bus frequency on the motherboard.

    How to overclock an Intel processor

    Overlocking Intel processors can be done with several applications, each of which has its own pros and cons. Some of the programs are not suitable for certain processor models, others are not recommended for use by amateurs, and are suitable for professionals. Below are three of the most popular programs for overclocking Intel processors, of which at least one should be suitable for your CPU model and motherboard.

    Important: To overclock Intel processor you need to know the model of the clock generator of the motherboard installed in the computer. The easiest way to determine it is to take it apart system unit(or laptop) and study the inscriptions on the motherboard. Some experts argue that when overclocking, you can use the brute force method, selecting all available clock generator options in the program until the correct one is found. We strongly do not recommend acting in this way; you must take care of determining the clock generator model in advance.

    Overclocking an Intel processor with CPUFSB

    One of the most common and convenient programs for processor overlocking it is CPUFSB. It is compatible with almost all modern CPUs from Intel, including support for overclocking i-series processors, that is Intel Core i5, i7 and others. At CPU overclocking The CPUFSB application acts on the clock generator to increase the system bus reference frequency. Among the advantages of the application, one can also highlight the presence of the Russian language, and the disadvantages include its cost, since the program is not officially distributed for free.

    To overclock a processor using the CPUFSB utility, you must:

    Please note: After restarting the computer set values overlocking will be reset. To prevent this from happening, you can set the value of the overclocked frequency in the “Set CPUFSB at next startup” column. Due to this, the application will automatically raise the frequency by a predetermined amount when starting. If you need to constantly keep the processor overclocked, you can put the CPUFSB program in startup.

    Overclocking an Intel processor with SetFSB

    The operating principle of the SetFSB application is identical to that used in CPUFSB. The program also increases the system bus reference frequency by influencing the clock generator, which causes an increase in processor performance. Unlike CPUFSB, the SetFSB program does not support the Russian language. The utility is distributed for a fee on the developers' website.

    Before you start overlocking using the SetFSB program, you need to look at the website of the application developers for a list of motherboards with which it works. If the board used on the computer is not listed, the application will not work.

    It is worth noting: Unlike CPUFSB, the SetFSB application works well with relatively old processor models - Intel Core Two Duo. If you plan to overclock just such a CPU, you should give it preference over its competitors.

    To overclock the processor using SetFSB, you must:

    As with the CPUFSB program, overclocking results will be reset after rebooting the computer.

    Overclocking an Intel processor with SoftFSB

    SoftFSB is a well-proven program that is available for free and allows you to overclock your processor with ease. This utility has one significant drawback - its developers stopped supporting it in the mid-2000s. As a result, the program can only work with relatively old motherboards and Intel processors. It is often used system administrators in enterprises where computers have not changed for decades, and demands on their performance are growing even from standard applications.

    SoftFSB works on the same principle as SetFSB, as well as CPUFSB, that is, by influencing the clock generator. Overclocking the processor in the application is performed according to the following algorithm:

    The above describes the operating principle of the three most popular applications for overclocking processors Intel different generations. Dozens of other programs designed for CPU overlocking work in a similar way.

    How to overclock an AMD processor

    As in the situation with overclocking a video card based on an AMD chip, you can use standard software from the manufacturer to overlock the processor. This allows the risk of chip burnout to be brought closer to zero. In this case, there are two options - use the program Catalyst Control Center, which is installed along with the drivers on the computer, or downloaded from the official AMD website special application for processor overlocking - AMD Overdrive.

    Please note: Despite the fact that overclocking software is used from the chip manufacturer, AMD disclaims warranty obligations if overlocking is performed. This is indicated when the Overdrive function is activated, which is responsible for overclocking the processor.

    To overclock an AMD processor using the Catalyst Contol Center program, you must:

    As you can see, the Catalyst Control Center application does everything for the user, depriving him of the ability to control the process, which not everyone will like. The AMD Overdrive application allows you to take part in overclocking an AMD processor in more detail.

    It's probably no secret that the performance of a computer can be increased not only by replacing a part with a more efficient one, but also by overclocking the old one. If it’s still a secret, then I’ll explain.🙂

    Overclocking, overclocking- this is an increase in the performance of PC components (processor, , and), due to an increase in their standard characteristics. If we are talking about a processor, then this means increasing the frequency, multiplier coefficient and voltage thereof.

    2 Frequency increase

    One of the main characteristics of a processor is its frequency. .

    Any processor also has such a parameter as a multiplier (number), which if multiplied by the FSB bus frequency, you can get the real processor frequency.

    Therefore, the simplest and safe way Overclocking a processor through bios is an increase in the frequency of the FSB system bus, due to which the processor frequency increases.

    In all variants the processor frequency will be 2 GHz

    — bus 166 and frequency multiplication factor 12;

    — bus 200 and frequency multiplication factor 10;

    - bus 333 and frequency multiplication factor 6.

    The simplicity lies in the fact that the FSB frequency can be changed directly in the BIOS or programmatically in 1 MHz steps.

    If earlier, this method could easily end sadly for the processor (burning out). Then for today kill multi-core processor, simply increasing the frequency is very problematic.

    As soon as a novice overclocker goes too far with the processor frequency, the system will immediately reset its settings to default and after a reboot everything will be fine.

    To change the bus frequency you need to go to BIOS and find the CPU Clock value there, as shown in the picture.

    Press Enter on this value and enter the bus frequency. next to it you can see the processor multiplier and the effective processor frequency of 2.8 GHz.

    Please note that the processor multiplier in the example is quite high - 14x at FSB 200MHz; in this case, I would recommend increasing the FSB in steps of no more than 5-10MHz (that is, the frequency will increase by 70-140MHZ).

    In the case of other multiplier and frequency values, increase the bus frequency in increments of no more than 10%. There is no need to rush when overclocking, and with this step it will be easier for us to calculate the most optimal frequency for your CPU in tests.

    If you want to achieve tangible results when overclocking. Then you cannot do without a good cooler, pay attention to the Zalman cooler.

    We carry out tests with temperature measurements and maximum load per processor. This can be done with programs such as Everest, 3D Mark.

    If the temperature at maximum load is above 65-70 C, then it is necessary to either increase the cooler speed to the maximum or reduce the FSB frequency.


    The processor multiplier can also be changed. This will affect the increase in CPU frequency. For example, at frequency:

    - bus 133 and frequency multiplication factor 10; (1.33 GHz)

    you can change the coefficient to 15 and as a result get 2.0 Ghz instead of 1.33 Ghz. Not a bad increase, right?

    There is just one thing, your processor must be unlockedmultiplier, such processors are usually labeled as Extreme if the processor is Intel and Black Edition AMD processor.

    But even if you don’t have the extreme version, you shouldn’t be upset. After all, when the right approach The first option can achieve excellent results. Although, most likely, you cannot do without...

    4 Voltage increases

    The principle is simple. If you apply more voltage to a light bulb than it needs to glow, it will burn brighter. A processor is a more complex thing than a light bulb, but the meaning is approximately the same.

    Increasing the voltage allows you to more seriously overclock the processor. To achieve stable processor operation, with more than high frequencies, it is necessary to increase the voltage on it. There are several points to consider here:

    - be sure to install a good cooler.

    - do not increase the voltage by more than 0.3 V.

    To do this go toBIOS (Del key when starting the PC), then go to the Power item Bios Setup=> Vcore Voltegeand increase the value by 0.1 V. Next, set your cooler to maximum and set the FSB frequency higher.

    We test, if everything is fine and the performance suits you, then you can stop there.
    When you reach a critical level of processor performance (that is, if you increase the frequency by 3-5%, a reboot will occur), I advise you to reduce the frequency by 5%, this way you will secure your overclocking stable work for a long time.

    AMD produces processors with extensive upgrade capabilities. In fact the CPU is from of this manufacturer operate at only 50-70% of their actual capacity. This is done to ensure that the processor lasts as long as possible and does not overheat while working on devices with bad system cooling.

    There are two main ways to increase the CPU clock speed and speed up the computer's data processing:

    • Using special software. Recommended for less experienced users. Development and support is handled by AMD itself. IN in this case you can see all changes immediately in the software interface and in system performance. Main disadvantage this method: There is a certain chance that the changes will not be applied.
    • Using BIOS. Better suited for more advanced users, because... all changes that are made in this environment greatly affect the performance of the PC. Standard BIOS interface on many mother maps completely or mostly English, and all control occurs using the keyboard. Also, the very ease of use of such an interface leaves much to be desired.

    Regardless of which method is chosen, it is necessary to find out whether the processor is suitable for this procedure and, if so, what its limit is.

    Find out the characteristics

    To view the characteristics of the CPU and its cores, there is large number programs. In this case, let’s look at how to find out “suitability” for overclocking using:

    Method 1: AMD OverDrive

    Method 2: SetFSB

    - This universal program, equally suitable for overclocking processors from AMD and Intel. It is distributed free of charge in some regions (for residents of the Russian Federation, after the demo period you will have to pay $6) and has simple management. However, the interface does not have Russian language. Download and install this program and start overclocking:

    Method 3: Overclocking via BIOS

    If for some reason through the official, as well as through third party program, you can’t improve the characteristics of the processor, then you can use the classic method - overclocking using the built-in BIOS functions.

    This method is only suitable for more or less experienced PC users, because... the interface and controls in the BIOS can be too confusing, and some errors made in the process can disrupt the operation of the computer. If you are confident in yourself, then do the following:

    Overclocking any AMD processor is quite possible through special program and does not require any deep knowledge. If all precautions are followed, and the processor is accelerated within reasonable limits, then nothing will threaten your computer.