• What program for controlling coolers. What programs are suitable for cooling a laptop?

    - this is usually enough powerful computer in a compact package. This combination of power and compactness often leads to overheating of the laptop, especially if the laptop is not used very carefully.

    Diagnosing an overheating laptop is very simple. As a rule, when overheating, the laptop case becomes too hot, which makes it uncomfortable to work with. Also, the laptop begins to heat up the table and nearby objects, which is also not very pleasant. In particularly serious cases, this results in decreased performance, freezes, sudden reboots, or even failure.

    Faced with a similar problem, many users ask the question of how to cool a laptop. In order to solve this problem, first let's look at the main reasons that lead to cooling problems.

    1. Weak cooling system. IN different laptops The cooling system works differently. Some laptop models have better cooling systems than others. Therefore, some models are more susceptible to cooling problems. This must be taken into account when choosing a laptop. As a rule, it is enough to read the reviews and reviews in order to understand whether the laptop will be susceptible to overheating. But, if you have already purchased a laptop, then it’s too late to think about it.
    2. Dust in the laptop cooling system. Like desktop computer, the laptop suffers a lot due to the dust that inevitably collects in the laptop cooling system. When too much dust accumulates, the cooling system simply stops coping with its tasks.
    3. Cooling system failure. A breakdown of the cooling system inevitably leads to overheating problems. One of typical problems is the separation of the heat-conducting surface from the surface. This can happen due to vibration, shock, or simply a manufacturing defect.
    4. Incorrect operation of the laptop. Using a laptop in unsuitable conditions can lead to cooling problems.

    So, if you have any suspicions about your computer overheating, then the first thing you need to do is check the temperature using the HWmonitor program. There are other programs for checking temperature. However, it is the most reliable and simple among the free ones.

    In order to find out to what temperatures your laptop heats up, you need to run the HWmonitor program and create a load. For example, play a demanding game.

    Temperature limits for laptops are slightly higher than for desktop PCs. Under load, normal temperature values ​​can be considered:

    • : up to 75 degrees;
    • : up to 85 degrees;
    • : up to 50 degrees.

    If these values ​​are seriously exceeded, then you have problems with cooling your laptop.

    How to cool a laptop

    Correct installation of the laptop. When installing the laptop, you need to make sure that nothing interferes with the suction and exhaust of air. Most laptops are designed in such a way that they suck air from the bottom. Therefore, the laptop should only be placed on a hard surface. You also need to make sure that no objects block the outlet openings. Typically, they are located on the side or back of the laptop.

    Raise the laptop above the surface. In order to improve the cooling of the laptop, it must be raised above the table surface. To do this, you can put something under back devices (behind the screen). This way the laptop will be placed at an angle. This will improve the cooling of the laptop and will not interfere with your work.

    Using a special stand. You can find special cooling pads for laptops on sale. The stands are equipped with one or more fans that circulate air around the bottom of the laptop. These stands are powered by USB port and can significantly improve laptop cooling.

    Cleaning the cooling system. In order for it to accumulate in the laptop cooling system, you will have to disassemble it. It is best not to engage in amateur activities and give the laptop into the hands of qualified specialists. Otherwise, repairs may cost much more.

    Diagnostics and repair. If the cooling problem cannot be solved using the methods listed above, then most likely the cooling system has failed and the laptop needs to be sent for diagnostics and repair.

    How to increase the speed of the cooler on a laptop if over time it starts to work a little slower, more noisy and sometimes even overheats. Overheating is one of the most inconvenient and harmful incidents for a computer because it causes additional wear and tear on the hardware and increases the chances of failure.

    To eliminate this situation, you can replace the thermal paste and increase the cooling. If replacing thermal paste is not a very difficult matter, then in order to strengthen the cooling system (CO) you need to either buy a cooling pad or increase the speed of the cooler. The cooling pad is quite noisy, costs extra money, and takes up space, but you can speed up the standard cooling system absolutely free.

    There are two options for how to speed up the cooler speed on a laptop:

    1. Using software
    2. Using BIOS\UEFI

    Before overclocking

    First, let's determine what the speed of the cooler will affect:

    • The higher it is, the more noise the laptop makes when operating, the faster it discharges (slightly), but at the same time the temperature of the CPU and the system as a whole is lower, which means there are fewer freezes and slowdowns due to throttling (lowering the processor frequency to reduce the thermal load). Power supply circuit used High performance.
    • The lower, the quieter the laptop runs, the slower the battery discharges, but when high loads there is a possibility of the device overheating. The power supply scheme is Energy Saving.

    In most cases, cleaning the cooling system and replacing the thermal interface solves the problems of overheating and throttling. But if these manipulations are difficult to perform due to the complexity of disassembling or the warranty of the laptop (which prohibits disassembling the device), then to obtain the desired cooling it is better to speed up the cooler.

    Overclocking a cooler via software

    One of the most popular programs to control and track system temperature - Speedfan - will answer the question of how to increase the speed of the cooler on a laptop. You can download the program on the website or via a direct download link.

    Please note that not all laptops are supported by this program. It is likely that very old devices, or, conversely, new generation devices, may not display information on temperature and cooler speed. You can view the list of supported buses or axles (BUS) on the utility website.

    Install and open the SpeedFan application. The main window will display main information on the temperature and rotation speed of the coolers. Click on Configure, which will open the configuration window. Select necessary component tracking - for example, this is the CPU (CPU) and set the desired temperature, the cooling system will work in priority on this parameter.

    The next parameter in the Speeds tab determines the speed of the coolers.

    1. Minimum value – minimum value (%)
    2. Maximum value – maximum value (%)
    3. Automatically varied – automatic selection based on temperature

    After using the utility, check the temperature readings; if they have not changed within a few minutes\hours, try changing them through the BIOS.

    How to increase the fan speed on a laptop via BIOS

    BIOS allows you to configure various device parameters - from boot parameters to login password and regulation of processor or memory frequency. Not all laptops have the ability to overclock CO, so you need to check this option on your laptop.

    To enter the BIOS\UEFI of your computer when rebooting, press the corresponding key:

    Manufacturer Key Manufacturer Key
    Acer DEL, F2 Lenovo F1, F2
    Asus F9, DEL, F2 Lenovo DEL
    Dell F2 Samsung F2, F10
    Fujitsu F2 Sony F1, F2, F3
    HP ESC, F10, F1 Toshiba F1, F2, F12

    If you have a classic BIOS, open the Power tab and select Hardware Monitor

    Then, if you have the ability to control minimum speed cooler or set a target temperature value, set the necessary settings.

    • For temperature - the lower the better - 40-55 C°
    • For speed - it is better to test on your device - select from 100% to 35% in steps of 5-10% to determine the acceptable noise level and temperature.

    For owners of laptops with UEFI interface a little different, but the functionality is much richer.

    The desired settings will be in the Monitor, Hardware or Advanced tabs. Settings may vary depending on manufacturer and UEFI version.


    How else can you increase the speed of the cooler on a laptop:

    • May be suitable for older devices special utilities AMD OverDrive or Riva Tuner. The list of supported devices is extremely small and these are mostly outdated laptops with Windows based XP, Vista or sometimes 7 versions.
    • There have been cases where dust interfered with the cooling system so much that the bearings needed to be lubricated
    • Don't rule out the possibility of replacing the cooler if the speed is very different from the advertised speed.

    Have a great day!

    High performance modern computers has and reverse side: increased heat generation from chips installed on the motherboard, video adapter, and even in the power supply. That is why almost every PC is equipped with a fairly powerful cooling system. The most inexpensive, simple and common option is to cool devices using radiators installed directly on the chips and fans that cool them.

    But three or more installed fans produce enough noise loud noise. You cannot turn off the coolers, as the computer will overheat with all the ensuing troubles. But how then to deal with noise, which becomes stronger over time due to wear and tear of the mechanical part of the fan and production of lubricant? There is only one answer: take control of your computer fans into your own hands. Our publication will discuss how to achieve this.

    Ways to solve the problem

    Today, all motherboards, chipsets, video adapters and CPU, V mandatory equipped with temperature sensors, thanks to which the temperature of these elements can be monitored using PC hardware or software. By reducing the speed of the coolers, preventing overheating of the processor and the system as a whole, you can effectively combat the noise generated by the fans.

    There are several other ways: replace the fans with quieter ones, or upgrade the entire PC cooling system by installing the existing Peltier elements. You can purchase expensive cooling at liquid nitrogen, having invested quite a large amount of hard-earned money in this enterprise. Next, we will talk about the simplest and cheapest way - controlling the speed of the processor cooler and other elements of your PC.

    There are several options to control your PC's fans:

    1. Use special software.
    2. Adjust fan speed from BIOS.
    3. Use a device under the incomprehensible name “Reobas”.
    4. Reduce the supply voltage of coolers artificially.

    Which fans are adjustable?

    Before you start choosing a certain way fan control, you should know that you can control the rotation of devices from 2 - wired connection is possible only by changing the power supply, but it is impossible to obtain information about its rotation speed.

    Three-pin coolers have feedback to the control board. But to solve this issue, it is necessary to turn on the device in order to obtain reliable data on the engine speed. Only some controller models can do this.

    In 4-wire fans, in addition to the power wires, feedback and ground, there is a PWM input that allows linear fan power control, which allows you to change the fan speed on the processor, setting up to 10% of the maximum.

    Setting the fan speed from the BIOS

    • Restart your PC and press DEL to enter Bios.
    • Find the item responsible for setting the fan parameters. On most motherboards this is the Advanced Chipset item. The Always Fan function must be Enabled.
    • Select 50-70% for each available cooler and press Esk.
    • Save the settings by highlighting Save & Exit Setup, then click Ok.
    • After rebooting, the noise from the coolers should disappear.

    After changing the settings, monitor the temperature of the processor and motherboard.

    Setting fan rotation using third-party software

    To all those who haven't found the desired option In Bios, a huge amount of specialized software is dedicated. In this publication I would like to consider in full free utility Speed ​​Fan. This computer fan control program allows you to very quickly reduce the speed of some coolers and is guaranteed to rid you of annoying noise.

    Important! This utility, like most similar ones, is useless for some motherboards. You should try another program.

    Mechanical control of PC fans

    For mechanical control, you can use a device called Reobas, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article. This device is mounted in the front panel of the PC, in the CDRom compartment. It has one or more manual controls on its panel, with the help of which the processor cooler and other elements equipped with fans are controlled. .

    This device can connect directly to PCI slot. Additional connection to FAN connector motherboard will make it possible to control the rotation speed of the coolers of their operating system.

    It should be understood that Reobas is quite expensive toy, so before purchasing this device, try to use software that is faster to install and is distributed absolutely free to developers.

    Almost every person nowadays has a computer. And many people sometimes get tired of the annoying noise of coolers. Noise interferes with work and sometimes causes a deterioration in a person’s emotional state. And we need to fight this. But the question is “how?” I will be happy to answer this question.

    Computer cooler management program

    Now there are many various programs, which are capable of controlling the operation of coolers. One of the more popular is SpeedFan program.

    Download the program for controlling coolers - http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php

    So let's talk about it in more detail. This program is quite multifunctional and, most importantly, it is completely free. At first I may disappoint you a little because this utility Doesn't work with all laptops. But this is rather the exception than the rule, because I have not yet met a laptop on which it would not work. An important point is the fact that the program can control coolers if they can be controlled by your computer's BIOS. There are times when it will be possible to enable the SmartFan cooler control option in the BIOS only for the central processor.

    Now I’ll tell you about very important point. Before installing this program, be sure to disable fan control in the BIOS! This is all because the following situation may arise. At the first moment of loading, the SmartFan program reads the rotation speed of the cooler and takes it as the maximum. And if your cooler at this moment was not overclocked to maximum values, the program itself will also not be able to do this.

    I had one like this once sad experience. The processor cooler was spinning at low speeds, and when its load increased, the program was unable to overclock the cooler, which is why the processor became very hot. To avoid repeating this, keep this point in mind.

    When you start the program, you will see an initial window that will display the values ​​of many sensors and a list with the speed values ​​of your coolers.

    Go to the “Options” tab and switch the language to Russian.

    Now I’ll tell you what the main window of the program is. In the left corner there is a block of RPM values ​​of our coolers, and on the right are indicators of temperature sensors (GPU, HDD, CPU). Below you can see the percentage of maximum frequency set their rotation speed.

    To manage coolers, you need to go to the temperature tab. There you can automatically set the temperature, upon reaching which the cooler will operate at minimum speed. It also sets the danger temperature, upon reaching which the program will accelerate the cooler to the maximum possible rotation speed under certain circumstances.

    But do not forget that the system is capable of managing only those coolers that have this management. On the “Speeds” tab we can set the minimum and maximum rotation threshold.

    The SpeedFan program also has the ability to receive a detailed report on its work, in which we can see all the work statistics for a certain period. It has the ability to view all data on the cooler (frequency, voltage) and disable viewing of coolers that we do not need.

    To summarize all of the above, I will say that this program has a lot various functions with the help of which a person can control the operation of the cooler, as well as make the operation of his computer longer.

    SpeedFan is a utility that dynamically takes temperature readings from sensors built into a video card, motherboard, disks and other equipment, maintaining acceptable temperature regime maintaining a certain number of revolutions per minute of coolers (RPM) in the PC cooling system. To get powerful tool diagnosing problems and monitoring performance, heat generation and noise, we recommend downloading the SpeedFan utility for free in the Russian version via a link from the website without registration and SMS. SpeedFan can interact with all common temperature monitoring chips for PC components and smart coolers.

    For many users, a real godsend will be a program for monitoring overheating computer components(CPU, GPU, HDD, MB chipset, power supply and other components) located inside the PC case. If the computer's degrees Celsius rises for unknown reasons, we recommend downloading Russian SpeedFan for free for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10. The program for adjusting fan speed automatically or according to user-specified parameters controls the heating of the video card, processor, hard drive, motherboard chipset, power supply and other components by setting a certain value for the rotation speed of coolers of cooling systems.

    Interface and advantages of the SpeedFan utility

    The SpeedFan interface is in Russian, despite large number information, simple and clear. When the default is English, switching from English to Russian is not difficult. This is done through the Configure button, in the Language checkbox of the Options tab. Simple interface elements such as indicators help you instantly deal with a situation when it threatens to get out of control.

    It is worth downloading SpeedFan for free in order to monitor temperature changes in your computer to get a convenient means of displaying the values ​​of temperature sensors and fan speeds. All parameters can be easily converted into a chart or graph. Constant monitoring of heating and cooling system performance allows you to control, on the one hand, performance, and on the other, the noise emanating from system unit.

    Seize the opportunity today latest version Download SpeedFan programs for Windows 10, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP to get the following benefits:

    • dynamic change in cooler speed,
    • correction of bus frequencies on compatible motherboards,
    • support for S.M.A.R.T technology with consideration of HDD errors,
    • maintaining data statistics and logging,
    • displaying graphs and diagrams of the dynamics of voltages, temperatures and cooler speeds.

    Functionality of SpeedFan

    Despite its small size, the SpeedFan program is endowed with powerful functionality and can cope with the most problematic situations related to overheating inside the case of a computer, laptop or netbook. The program automatically, within the programmed parameters, increases airflow when the component heats up or reduces the fan speed at lower loads to reduce noise.

    The following information is used to monitor and control performance:

    • processor temperature (CPU),
    • CPU cooler RPM,
    • heat GPU(GPU),
    • speed of rotation of the heat dissipation unit of the graphics processor (GPU),
    • warming up the hard drive (HDD),
    • rpm of fans of the hard disk drive (HDD) cooling system,
    • overheating of microcircuits motherboard(MB),
    • performance of the cooling unit on the motherboard (MB),
    • information on voltage and temperature of the power supply unit (PSU),
    • number of revolutions per minute of fans in the power supply (PSU),
    • readings of other sensors and cooling systems.

    In addition to current data in real time, it is possible to construct corresponding charts and graphs over time.

    Use cases for SpeedFan

    If the question arises of how to increase the speed of a processor cooler or make a laptop fan spin faster, a cooler management program will help. SpeedFan Russian version you can download for free without leaving the site without registration. With this small cooler management utility, CPU temperature control, graphics card and the hard drive will become accessible even inexperienced user. You can use SpeedFan both at the user level and at the expert level. The program is successfully used in finding the causes of breakdowns, to increase productivity and reduce noise, and helps prevent overheating and equipment failure. Advanced capabilities for professionals are indispensable for load testing, testing computer components and testing non-standard configurations. Monitoring the temperature in real time and controlling the speed of rotation of all coolers inside the system unit is extremely necessary when overclocking. It is difficult to find such a simple and convenient tool for checking the stability of a computer as SpeedFan, which monitors sensor readings and rotation speed in the computer in real time.

    It is enough to download SpeedFan for free in Russian for Windows 10, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP, install the utility on your computer and the application will take control of all components of the computer, naturally, within the limits of what is permitted. The program for controlling SpeedFan coolers can work both in default mode and with advanced settings. The user can program a change in state or certain events, for example, such as entering a range, overheating, or decreasing relative to a given temperature range or speed. When a certain event occurs, SpeedFan starts application program, outputs text message, signals or sends to email notice.