• Engineering menu Android 7.1 2. In the “About the battery” section. A few important points

    Modern smartphones are not only an opportunity to make calls, surf the Internet and try out various games. Devices running the Android OS have a fairly large number of different secrets and extensions. Some of them are available in the engineering menu. But what is it? How to enter the engineering menu? Are there any risks in working with this part of the gadget’s firmware? Let's start with the question of why this menu is not in open access.


    The fact is that everything that the user has access to, even if mishandled and deleted, will not cause irreparable harm to the smartphone. This same menu, if used incorrectly, can lead to the fact that the gadget is not much different from a simple tin can, which belongs in the trash can.

    In addition, everything that the user really needs is always available to the public. Hidden functions are more intended for those who are professionally involved in software repair of smartphones. By the way, many experts recommend taking a piece of paper and a pen before entering the Android engineering menu. For what? Just in case, record all the stock data. This comes in handy when something goes wrong.

    What is this menu?

    The engineering menu refers to a special program used by developers at the end of the formation of the gadget’s software platform. It helps at the final stage to change the performance of the device and correct it various functions at the software level. The same menu is used for testing.

    Before using this menu, you should make sure that your smartphone runs on a MediaTek processor. Why is this so important? On other chipsets, for example, Qualcomm, the engineering menu is noticeably truncated and may be completely absent. How to enter the Samsung engineering menu is not a question at all, since all devices of this brand run on other types of processors.

    Android version

    Is there a difference between how to enter the engineering menu “Android 5.1” and a younger or old version platforms? Note that there is a difference even in brands and models of gadgets. As mentioned above, for Samsung there is no entry to the engineering menu, although some claim that in this case the following commands work: *#*#8255#*#*, *#0011# or *#*#4636#*#.

    How to open the menu

    And now we come to the main question: how to enter the engineering menu? This is possible if you enter a special code. This can be done through the dialer. What should I enter?

    • *#*#3646633#*#*
    • *#*#4636#*#*
    • *#15963#*

    After entering the command, most smartphones are automatically redirected to the engineering menu. In rare cases, you need to press the call button. If nothing happens after this, check that your input is correct. If there is no error, but no result, then the entered code does not suit you.

    If you have a tablet that does not have a dialer, or none of the codes worked, you can download a special application from the Market. For example, MTK Engineering or MobileUncle Tools. The apps are free.


    After you have succeeded in entering the engineering menu, you need to find the department for which all the procedures described above were performed. There are three options to test and determine any indicators. Let's figure out what's what.


    Let's start, perhaps, with this part of the gadget. Through the engineering menu you can configure almost all camera parameters. In another mode, you can turn it on to determine operating current indicators. Few people are interested in this, but in some cases it helps solve certain problems associated with auto-correction or focusing.


    Often, the question of how to enter the phone’s engineering menu interests the user precisely because he wants to make his gadget louder. If the manufacturer has not set the maximum settings, you can independently adjust the sound in both the speakers and microphone.

    These operations can be carried out in several separate modes:

    • Sip. This item is intended to set up calls via the Internet according to parameters convenient for you.
    • Mic. In this section, you can change the sensitivity of the microphone in any direction, for example, make it so that the microphone does not pick up breathing, and so on.
    • Sph. This section is responsible for auditory speaker. It is recommended to use it if you have difficulty hearing interlocutors calling from different devices, and adjusting the volume rocker doesn't help.
    • Sph2. This function cannot be used in every smartphone, since it is intended for the second hearing speaker.
    • Sid. It is better not to change this parameter, since it is almost impossible to configure it correctly again. It is responsible for the echo effect.
    • Media. Use this section if you are not satisfied with the multimedia volume level. Here we are talking about music, video and so on.
    • Ring. The name of this parameter speaks for itself - ringtone or volume of an incoming call.
    • FMR - radio sound setting.

    When working in each of the sections, you should understand that you should not play with each of the parameters.


    In the connections section you can test and adjust all possible types connections that are in the gadget. These include Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Besides these obvious types wireless connection, you can check how well and stable the WLAN CTIA and even the FM receiver work.

    Interestingly, in a separate section “Disable detection” you can adjust the signal frequency.

    Display and touch screen

    These sections will help you test and configure your smartphone screen and backlight. The first is responsible for correcting the backlight, controlling the display lines and adjusting the backlight. When setting up the sensor, you can test it for broken segments, response to touch, and so on. You can also calibrate the sensor through the engineering menu.

    Memory and USB

    The question of how to enter the engineering menu is also asked by those who are faced with the disappearance of memory on the device. By the way, in a separate section you can test the SD card. As for the gadget’s memory, the menu contains all the information about the module. In the engineering menu you can test the functionality of the USB port.


    Quite a lot of people search for this section and get upset when they don’t find it. Maybe it's not in the engineering menu? In fact, you can see the condition of the battery, the percentage of its wear and the rating of the processes that most affect the device in the “In Degree” section and in the “Battery Log”. The reason for such a strange name is an incorrect translation from English. By the way, there is simply no transition from Russian to any other language in the engineering menu.


    As mentioned above, in most devices with such a processor, the engineering menu does not work or is significantly reduced. You can get into it through the regular menu. In it you need to click on the item called “Kernel Version” several times in a row. A new function will open to you, which contains five separate items. Which ones?

    1. Automatic Test. Fully consistent with its name, it carries out automatic testing of all necessary systems.
    2. Single Item Test. This section allows you to choose one of 25 tests.
    3. Test Report. Clicking on this option will allow you to view test reports.
    4. SW add HW version consists of various numbers that display the smartphone data.
    5. Device View. Here you can find information about the equipment.

    Not all Qualcomm smartphones will display exactly this menu, but it’s worth a try.


    Knowing how to enter the engineering menu “Android 4.4” and other versions of this operating system, it is worth understanding that if one of the settings causes the gadget to malfunction, the ability to restore it becomes very small. Therefore, as soon as you decide to change anything in the settings through the engineering menu, be aware that this could end the life of the device. If you are not satisfied with something in the operation of the gadget, it is better to contact an experienced technician and describe your wishes in detail. He will be able to soberly assess the possibilities and make a verdict.

    Often in Chinese (and probably not only Chinese) phones, the settings in the engineering menu are far from optimal settings volume of the speaker, headset (headphones) and microphone, their correction will be discussed in this article.

    How to get to the engineering menu of an Android phone

    To get to the engineering menu, open the dialer and enter a special code: *#*#3646633#*#*

    Also on some versions of Android the command may work *#15963#* and *#*#4636#*#*

    If your phone's processor is not MTK, then different options are possible.

    Here are the codes known to me for opening the engineering menu on different phones and tablets:

    *#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#* – smartphones based on MTK processor

    *#*#8255#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* –Samsung smartphones

    *#*#3424#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#* – HTC smartphones

    *#*#7378423#*#* – Sony smartphones

    *#*#3646633#*#* – smartphones TEXET, Fly, Alcatel,

    *#*#3338613#*#* or *#*#13411#*#* - smartphones Fly, Alcatel, Philips

    *#*#2846579#*#* or *#*#2846579159#*#* – Huawei smartphones

    *#*#2237332846633#*#* - devices from Acer

    Immediately after entering, the command should disappear and the engineering menu should open. But on some devices you will still need to press the “Call” key

    A list of sections of the phone's engineering menu will appear.

    Just in case, take a notepad and pen and take note of the settings that were set on your phone before your intervention. You never know, anything can happen.

    On my phone (based on an MTK processor), in order to get to the engineering menu I had to install free utility(program) from " Mobileuncle MTK Tools“, which opens access to the engineering menu (that is, it works similarly to dialing the magic combination *#*#3646633#*#*).

    I am sure that you will also find free applications for other phones there.

    Volume settings for the speaker, headset (headphones) and microphone of the phone through the engineering menu

    For clarity, let’s briefly look at setting the device’s volume level:

    We go into the program or dial the magic combination to enter the engineering menu. Next, in the menu that opens, select the section “ Engineer Mode»

    A section will open in which you can select the engineering menu of the Android system (we skip it), and the engineering menu of the phone itself.

    We need the phone’s engineering menu, so select the “Engineer Mode (MTK)” section. This point is circled in the figure with a red marker.

    A very long menu will open, through which you can get to almost any phone settings. But it’s not enough to get to them, you need to know how to manage them.

    Therefore, do not change what you have no idea about.

    At worst, write down the parameters that were before your intervention, so that you can return them back later. Let's continue!

    Since we are interested in adjusting the sound level, select the “Audio” item, I circled it with a red marker.

    And... magic! The menu of interest to us for setting the parameters of the speakers and microphone opens.

    Why did we actually go into this menu? Doesn't something work like that out of curiosity? Okay, let's continue to figure it out!

    It’s worth stopping here and figuring out what all these menu items mean.

    Normal Mode(Settings section in normal or normal mode) – this mode is active when nothing is connected to the smartphone;

    Headset Mode(headset mode) – this mode is activated after connecting headphones or external speakers;

    Loud Speaker Mode(speaker mode) – it is activated when nothing is connected to the phone or tablet and you turn on speakerphone while talking on the phone;

    Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode(speaker mode with a headset connected) – this mode is activated if you connect headphones or external speakers, and you turn on the speakerphone while talking on the phone;

    Speech Enhancement(phone conversation mode) – this mode is activated in the normal mode of telephone conversations, and nothing is connected to it (headset, external speakers) and the speakerphone is not turned on.

    Debug Info– it’s not clear why – information on backing up information or debugging it;

    Speech Logger– I haven’t fully figured it out, most likely it was logging during negotiations or recording the conversation. If you check the box next to “Enable speech log”, then after completion phone call The corresponding files are created in the root directory of the memory card. Their name and structure take the following form: Day of week_month_year__hour_minutes_seconds (for example, Friday_July_2016__time17_12_53.pcm).

    What these files serve and how they can be useful to us is unclear. The /sdcard/VOIP_DebugInfo directory (which is the storage location for files with backup information) is not created automatically; if you create it manually, it will remain empty after the conversation.

    Audio logger– used to record sound that supports quick search, playback and saving.

    When you enter any of the modes, you will have access to different volume settings (Type). Here is a list of basic settings you need to know:

    • Sip – settings for Internet calls;
    • Mic – microphone sensitivity settings;
    • Sph – earpiece speaker settings (the one we put on our ears);
    • Sph2 – settings for the second speaker (I don’t have one on my phone);
    • Sid – skip, if you change these parameters during negotiations on your smartphone or tablet, you can hear yourself instead of your interlocutor;
    • Media – adjust the multimedia volume level;
    • Ring – adjust the volume level of the incoming call;
    • FMR – FM radio volume settings.

    Under the settings selection item, a list of volume levels (Level) is available (see figure).

    There are usually 7 such levels, from level 0 to level 6. Each such level corresponds to one “click” on the volume rocker of your smartphone or tablet.

    Thus, level 0 is the quietest level, and level 6 is the loudest signal level. Please note that each level can be assigned its own values, which are located in the Value is 0~255 cell. They should not go beyond the range from 0 to 255 (the lower the value, the quieter the volume).

    To change this parameter, you need to erase the old value in the cell and write a new one, and then press the “Set” button (the one next to the cell) to assign.

    Finally, at the bottom you can see the Max Vol section. 0~255 (on my smartphone, for example Max Vol. 0~255, it all depends on the manufacturer). At this point it is specified maximum value volume level, it is the same for all levels.

    Dear friends. Item names may vary depending on different models. This is an MTK platform, so be prepared to rack your brain and look for a match in your menu. I have a Jiayu G3 phone.

    For me the changes were applied immediately, but someone may need to restart the phone for them to take effect.

    Although, it seems like you shouldn’t break anything, and if you don’t like the changes, you can always enter the old value..
    But still..
    YOU MAKE ALL CHANGES AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! Don't forget to turn on your thinking!

    P.S.: I found a font size setting on my phone. It turns out you can increase it MORE!
    P.P.S.: if something is still not clear, here is a video on setting up sound in the engineering menu:

    Manufacturers of Android smartphones implement and use the engineering menu to test devices. It contains all kinds of tests and device settings that are not available to ordinary users. However, today, knowing the USSD command or downloading the application from PlayMarket, anyone can go to the engineering menu.

    Why do you need a hidden engineering menu in Android?

    Engineering Mode is essentially a hidden application that developers use for testing and installation. optimal parameters mobile phone or tablet. Specialists check the operation of the sensors and, if necessary, make adjustments to the operation system components.

    When working with the Android technical menu, be careful - changing some functions leads to malfunctions of the device.

    How to enter the menu

    To open the menu installed by the manufacturer, activate the dial pad on your smartphone and enter one of the USSD commands presented in the table. After entering the command, the numbers will disappear from the screen, and a menu will open instead.

    In the dial pad, enter a combination of numbers and symbols to enter the menu

    Table: combinations for launching Engineering Mode

    Device manufacturer Team
    Sony *#*#7378423#*#*
    Philips *#*#3338613#*#*
    ZTE, Motorola *#*#4636#*#*
    HTC *#*#3424#*#*
    Samsung *#*#197328640#*#*
    Prestigio *#*#3646633#*#*
    LG 3845#*855#
    Huawei *#*#2846579#*#*
    Alcatel, Fly, Texet *#*#3646633#*#*
    Smartphones and tablets with a MediaTek processor (most Chinese devices) *#*#54298#*#*
    Acer *#*#2237332846633#*#*

    Video: how to work in Engineer Mode

    If the code does not work and you cannot launch the service menu using the standard method, use third-party applications - you can download them on PlayMarket. Recommended programs - “Launch the MTK engineering menu”, Mobileuncle Tools, Shortcut Master.

    The manufacturer menu does not work on some device models with Android 4.2 JellyBean (x.x.1, x.x.2), as well as on Android 5.1 Lollipop. The menu is also invalid when installed firmware Cyanogen Mod. In Android 4.4.2, when you reboot, changes made in the application are reset.

    “Launch the MTK engineering menu”

    The application allows you to open and configure the engineering menu without typing digital commands. Works correctly on MediaTek processors (MT6577, MT6589, etc.) and Android systems 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x. According to user reviews, the program successfully performs its functions, but after rebooting the smartphone, the settings made using the application are reset.

    Mobileuncle Tools program

    The functionality of the application is similar to the previous one, but, in addition to accessing the engineering menu, the user has the opportunity to view information about the screen, sensor and device memory, as well as update the firmware, restore the IMEI number and improve GPS. For stable operation, root rights are required.

    To enter the engineering menu, select Engineer Mode

    Shortcut Master utility

    The Shortcut Master program is designed to work with shortcuts and system applications: creating, searching, deleting. It does not have a direct function for entering the engineering menu. But with its help you can view the list secret commands, valid on your device. And by clicking on the name of the command, you will see a drop-down menu in which there will be an item “execute”. Convenient and does not require unnecessary actions.

    In the program, call up the additional menu and select Secret code explorer to see a list of codes

    Root rights to access the engineering menu

    To get to the service menu on some versions of Android, the user must have superuser rights (root). You can obtain rights using specialized applications: Farmaroot, UniversalAndRoot, Romaster SU and others. To get Root access to your device using Farmaroot:

    1. Install and run the program. Link to Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.farmaapps.filemanager&hl=ru.
    2. If the application supports installing root rights on your device, then you will see a list on the screen possible actions, among them - “Get root”. Select this item.
    3. Choose one of the preset root methods.
    4. The program will begin installation.
    5. At the end of the procedure, you will see a message about the successful installation of root access.

    Instructions for obtaining root access through the Farmaroot application

    Possible problems and solutions:

    • the application closed mid-installation - restart the device and try again;
    • root rights are not installed - try installing using a different method (select a new exploit in the application).

    What can be configured in the menu

    Appearance engineering mode and the ability to adjust parameters may vary depending on the tablet or smartphone model. In the menu, users most often adjust the sound, change the camera settings and use the recovery mode. Parameters for adjustment and procedure are given below. Be careful - the names of menu items may differ in different device models! You act at your own risk.

    Audio: Increase volume level

    If your phone does not ring loudly enough, in the engineering menu find Audio section and go to LoudSpeaker Mode. Select Ring. For each signal level (level 1–6), change the values ​​- set the numbers in ascending order, from 120 to 200. Increase the value in the Max item. Vol - maximum 200. Press the SET button to save the settings.

    Sequentially change the maximum volume values ​​for each level

    Audio: Increase phone call volume

    To enhance the speaker tone for conversations, in the Audio service menu section, select Normal mode and open the Sph item. Set the values ​​for signal levels (level 1–6) from 100 to 150, and the number for Max. Vol. – up to 160.

    By adjusting the speaker volume, you will be able to hear your interlocutor better during a call.

    To increase the sensitivity of the microphone, go to the menu Audio - Normal mode - Mic. For each level assign same values microphone sensitivity, for example, 200. Press the SET button, reboot and check whether the other party can hear you better.

    Increased microphone sensitivity will allow the other person to hear you better

    Video: adjusting sound parameters in the engineering menu

    Battery: Disable unused frequencies

    Smartphones quickly drain battery life running applications, maintaining cellular communications, and network connections. Using the engineering menu you can increase the battery life.

    Modern devices scan several GSM frequencies - 900/1800 MHz and 850/1900 MHz. In Russia there is a pair of 900/1800 MHz, which means there is no need to scan the network at other frequencies. The radio signal for the second pair can be turned off, which will significantly save the charge level.

    In Engineer Mode, open Band Mode. Disable unused frequencies by unchecking the corresponding items - PCS1900 and GSM850. If the device supports two SIM cards, open the SIM1 and SIM2 items one by one and perform the indicated steps in each. Press the SET button to save the settings.

    Disabled frequencies save battery power

    If your smartphone and SIM card operate in 3G networks, disable the networks that are not used in Russia: WCDMA-PCS 1900, WCDMA-800, WCDMA-CLR-850. Press the SET button again.

    You can enable scanning of disabled networks by returning to the same menu and checking the boxes.

    Camera: photo and video settings

    By default, Android devices save pictures in JPEG format. Meanwhile, photographers prefer to shoot and process material in RAW to gain more editing options. The technical menu allows you to select the desired image format.

    Find Camera in the menu and select Capture Type. Set the photo format to RAW and press SET. Also in the Camera menu you can increase the size of pictures, set the ISO value, enable shooting in HDR for higher photo detail, and set the frame rate for videos. After changing each parameter, remember to press SET to save the settings.

    Recovery Mode

    Recovery Mode(Recovery mode) - analogous to Bios on a computer, allows you to control the device without logging into the Android system. Recovery mode features:

    • resetting settings to standard;
    • firmware update;
    • access to root rights;
    • creating a backup copy of the OS;
    • removal of personal data from the system.

    In Recovery Mode, do not perform an action if you are not sure what it will lead to. Some commands may harm the device and system.

    If the settings are not saved

    Users who have access to the technical menu complain that the parameters changed in it are not activated or are reset when the device is restarted.

    To activate the settings after changing the parameters, tap on the SET button at the bottom of the screen. If the parameters are reset after rebooting the device, try accessing the technical menu not through the application, but using a digital command.

    After setting the settings, do not forget to press the SET button

    Service codes for Android devices

    Besides technical menu, secret USSD codes allow you to control the functionality of Android smartphones - combinations of numbers and symbols, by typing which the user performs an action. Secret codes for different devices are given in the table.

    Table: list of secret commands for Android

    Manufacturer Digital Team Meaning
    Codes for most manufacturers *#*#7780#*#* Rolling back settings and uninstalling user applications
    *2767*3855# Firmware change, total settings rollback.
    Checking wireless connections
    *#*#34971539#*#* Camera details
    *#*#232338#*#* View Wi-fi address
    *#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* Activating media backup on your phone
    *#*#1472365#*#* Express GPS test
    *#*#0*#*#* Checking the screen
    *#*#2663#*#* Viewing touchscreen information
    *#*#2664#*#* Touchscreen testing
    *#*#4636#*#* General device and battery data
    Audio tests
    *#*#7262626#*#* Checking GSM reception
    *#*#0842#*#* Vibration and display brightness test
    *#*#3264#*#* RAM information
    *#*#232331#*#* Testing Bluetooth Communications
    *#*#8255#*#* Checking Google Talk
    *#*#232337#*#* Bluetooth address information
    *#*#1234#*#* Device firmware data
    *#*#44336#*#* Device build date
    *#06# IMEI number information
    *#*#197328640#*#* Service activity test
    *#*#1111#*#* Free-to-air version of programs
    *#*#2222#*#* Iron number for free-to-air
    *#*#0588#*#* Checking the proximity sensor
    Sony (unified commands apply to devices) **05***# Unblocking a PUK code
    Motorola *#06# IMEI
    *#*#786#*#* Reverting settings to original
    *#*#1234#*#* *#*#7873778#*#* Opening applications with root rights
    *#*#2432546#*#* Checking for updates
    *#*#2486#*#* Entering the service menu
    HTC *#*#4636#*#* Service menu
    3282# EPST System Application
    *#*#8255#*#* G-talk monitor
    33284# Network status
    *#*#3424#*#* Functionality test
    3424# Device diagnostics
    7738# Protocol diagnostics
    8626337# Voice Coder
    Samsung (generic codes are effective) 778 (+call) Activation of EPST menu
    LG (working with codes is replaced by the technical menu) 3845#*855# International devices
    3845#*400# Chinese devices
    5689#*990# Sprint
    228378 (+ call) Verizon Wireless
    3845#*851# T-Mobile
    3845#*850# AT&T

    If for some reason the service code did not work, do not worry - install and run the Secret Codes application (Link on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.simon.marquis. secretcodes&hl=ru). The program will analyze the combinations active in the device and offer you a list. You can activate the combination directly in the application with one click on the name.

    There are many ways to improve your Android mobile device using the engineering menu. The menu structure differs in different device models, but the basic functionality is preserved everywhere. When opening and changing parameters in the service section, be careful - some commands lead to system failures and damage to the device.

    The engineering menu on Android devices is a special “built-in” application into the operating system that allows you to fine-tune the device. This is necessary to debug the operation of the hardware and, of course, the software. But often users want to change some settings at their own discretion. In this case, the question arises of how to enter the Android engineering menu. This can be done using special service codes or third-party software.

    Developer menu: what are the options?

    Settings and menu design on Android devices may vary depending on the phone manufacturer. In general, users resort to using the engineering menu for the following reasons:

    • Setting up audio on the phone (ringer volume, interlocutor’s voice during a conversation);
    • Changing camera settings;
    • Using recovery mode;
    • Setting microphone sensitivity;
    • Shutdown unused frequencies to save phone battery;
    • Obtaining information about the device's MAC address;
    • Setting up Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

    The Android engineering menu provides the user with almost limitless possibilities. But you should always remember that only advanced users can use it. Changing some settings may cause incorrect operation smartphone or tablet. If you don't know what each menu item directly does, simply leave it alone.

    The developer mode includes setting up Hardware Testing equipment and also contains the following items:

    • Audio – volume control in the phone speakers.
    • Camera – allows you to configure various camera parameters (image size, type, etc.).
    • Diving current camera shows the current of the camera.
    • CPU Stress Test performs a test load on the central processor.
    • De-sense is a device manager that manages configuration parameters.
    • Display – setting the frequency of the outgoing signal.
    • IO – setting up input/output operations.
    • Memory – key information about memory.
    • Power – information about the battery.
    • SD Card Test - testing a memory card.
    • TouchScreen – setting up the touch screen, checking sensitivity.
    • USB - operation testing USB port on your phone.

    In the Connectivity tab you can get information about devices that work with the outside world. These include Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and FM module. The Log and Debugging tab allows you to view the battery log, set the debugger level and run a special MTK log. In the Others tab, you can change fonts, as well as view the temperature of the processor and battery.

    Entering the menu: using code combinations

    To enter the engineering menu as quickly and easily as possible, you will need special engineering codes. Each manufacturer has its own combination, which opens access to the engineering menu in Android.

    To enter the menu you need to:

    In most cases, this technique allows you to open the service menu. Below are some combinations for the most popular phones:

    • Models from HTC - *#*#3424#*#*, *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#*;
    • Samsung devices - *#*#197328640#*#* or *#*#8255#*#*;
    • Sony smartphones - *#*#3646633#*#*, *#*#7378423#*#* or *#*#3649547#*#*;
    • Huawei phones - *#*#2846579#*#* or *#*#14789632#*#*;
    • Mobile from ZTE - *#*#4636#*#*.

    There is also a universal code that is suitable for most smartphones and tablets running on an MTK processor. You can look in the specifications of your device to see what processor you have installed. If this is a MediaTek (MTK) product, then try using the combination *#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#*.

    If it works, you will see the developer menu in front of you. Some engineering codes for Android do not work in operating versions 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.

    Using Third Party Applications

    How to enter the engineering menu on Android if the Android codes do not work? There is a way. To enter the engineering menu, you will need one of the applications that will allow you to enter developer mode without entering a combination. There are several similar programs in the official Google Play store. One of them is “Launch the MTK engineering menu”.

    To use it, you need:

    1. Go to the Play Market and enter the name of the program in the search bar.
    2. Download and install it.
    3. Launch on your phone.

    After that, you will see a couple of tabs with different settings.

    The application allows you to perform various tests (for example, a processor stress test), obtain information about the modem or memory, and much more. You can also make changes to the hardware. To do this, you just need to open the appropriate sections and configure the settings. In this case, the phone will be on all the time.

    An alternative option is the Mobileuncle tools program. You can download it on the Internet. Install the application, and then go to the “Engineer Mode” submenu. Almost all developer menu items will be available in it.

    Now you know how to enable Android developer mode. It will help you quickly make the necessary settings or monitor individual components of your smartphone.

    Smartphones and tablets running Android have many interesting features hidden from prying eyes.

    Why are they hidden? Firstly, to inexperienced user I didn’t break anything, and secondly, they are needed in very rare cases and are not used regularly. Today we will talk about the engineering menu.

    What is it and why is it needed?

    We are talking about a special program that developers use at the final stage of configuring the software platform of a mobile device. With its help, they make final changes to the operation of the device, check the functioning of various sensors and test system components. Hidden functionality is also used to obtain a large amount of system information and conduct various tests (about 25 pieces).

    Attention! This section is intended for experienced users who bear full responsibility for the consequences.

    The engineering menu is available on smartphones and tablets running on MediaTek processor . On the Qualcomm chipset it is either reduced or absent altogether.

    How to open the engineering menu?

    To enter the engineering menu, you need to enter a special command in the dialing application: *#*#3646633#*#*. On some versions the code *#*#4636#*#* or *#15963#* may work.

    If the code did not work or you do not have a dialing application (relevant for tablets that do not support calls), the MobileUncle Tools or MTK Engineering applications, which can be downloaded for free via Google Play, will help.

    Advanced users of modern smartphones and tablets take advantage of the numerous features that come with engineering Android menu. It allows you to obtain information about the mac address, check or configure the operation of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, update the software of the camera, and speakers. Very often, using such a menu you can improve the sound on your device and make other fine adjustments. For example, return the original settings Google account, specify parameters for blocking and turning off the device, set settings that allow you to create a backup copy of important information. Before entering the engineering menu, you need to understand that rash actions can lead to a malfunction of the device. It is advisable for the user to remember what changes were made to the system in order, if necessary, to return all settings to their previous state.

    How to enter the engineering menu using the standard capabilities of the device?

    The list of functionality can be opened by typing a specific combination of characters in the device call window. The Android engineering menu code varies depending on the brand of phone or tablet. Each manufacturer sets its own combination. Such information is usually indicated in the instructions for the phone and on official websites. Users of modern devices usually have no difficulty finding the required code.

    Below we provide a table of the most common combinations. It is not recommended to use them unless your device is one of the listed brands.

    The developers do not recommend executing such commands without certain knowledge and experience. But often only this method helps to quickly solve a number of problems associated with returning the device to original condition, obtaining additional information about the device. The engineering menu is presented in English, which makes it understandable for most users.

    Using additional programs

    It is not always possible to find out the combination that is suitable directly for your device. In such situations, you can install special software on your mobile device, which will allow you to open a list of the functionality of your smartphone or tablet with a few clicks. It is publicly available for different versions of Android and device models.

    The program for entering the Android engineering menu can be installed via a USB connection to a personal computer or laptop. One of them is called Mediatek Engineer Mode. It is a file EnMode.apk, which must be transferred to the device memory and installed in the usual way. This program is suitable for devices operating on the MTK processor. The user has the opportunity to download free and paid versions of the software.

    In the Google Play store you can download the Mobileuncle MTK Tools utility. It is designed for smartphones and tablets running Android 2.1. and later versions. The description says that such a utility is also only suitable for devices equipped with an MTK processor.

    The Mobileuncle Tools program is suitable for owners. There are other utilities, for example, Shortcut Master, MTK engineering menu, launching MTK engineering menu. Before installing them, we recommend that you read the application rating, reviews from other users, and also check your device for compatibility.

    Setting up optimal sound by opening the engineering menu

    One of the most common reasons, due to which users are looking for information on how to enter the engineering menu, is a necessity fine tuning sound. The following situations may arise:

    • Poor audibility when the speakerphone is on
    • Sudden changes in the sound of an incoming call while listening to audio
    • Insufficient signal volume
    • Quiet sounds while recording video
    • Quiet operation of the headset and microphone.

    This is just a small list of installed settings that can be changed through the engineering menu of a modern mobile device. Sound settings are done through the Audio section, which is displayed immediately after entering the menu. Then various tabs will appear on the screen, such as Headset Mode. This tab allows you to set sound parameters that are activated when you connect a headset. Normal Mode sets the sound in the normal state of the mobile device (without connecting headphones or speakers).

    LoudSpeaker Mode tab, which are activated when the loudspeaker is turned on. Headset LoudSpeaker Mode allows you to make settings for the active loudspeaker mode while a headset is connected to it. The Speech Enhancement tab provides settings that come into play when communicating over a mobile network.

    In any of the modes, you can fine-tune the microphone or increase the volume (see table).

    The volume of any sound parameter has seven levels - from 0 to 6. The higher the value, the louder your device will sound. We do not recommend setting the maximum settings, as this promotes faster performance. In many devices, setting the volume to maximum levels can result in unpleasant noise.

    The engineering menu is a mechanism for fine-tuning mobile devices operating on Android platform. For developers, the list of such features opens up new options when implementing applications. Of course, such a menu is used not only for adjusting sound parameters. It is an essential tool for keeping smartphones and tablets running optimally. But it's best not to make changes you're not sure about.

    Often in Chinese (and probably not only Chinese) phones based on Android in the engineering menu there are far from optimal volume settings for the speaker, headset (headphones) and...

    Often in Chinese (and probably not only Chinese) phones based on Android in the engineering menu there are far from optimal volume settings for the speaker, headset (headphones) and...

    To enter the engineering menu, dial the number *#*#3646633#*#* and click on Audio or install the program MTK Recovery and enter the engineer through the program menu.

    Description of service menu items:

    • BatteryLog- information about the battery (status, charge level, voltage, temperature, condition, etc.)
    • TouchScreen- contains several submenus
    • HandWriting- a simple drawing with your finger on the screen, serves as a test of screen responsiveness
    • Verification - PointVerification- screen calibration test, when you click on the marked point it shows the error
    • Verification - LineVerification- the same as PointVerification, only draws lines from one point to another
    • V verification - ShakingVerification- shake test
    • GPRS- GPRS performance tests, PDP (Packet Data Protocol) check
    • Audio- setting all volumes and everything related to sound contains the following submenus:
      • Set Mode- select the phone mode (Normal mode - normal mode, Headset mode - headset, Handfree mode - " hands free"most likely a bluetooth headset)
      • Normal Mode- settings for normal mode
      • Headset Mode- settings for headphone mode
      • Loud Speaker Mode- setting the speaker mode (the same Handfree mode?)
      • Speech enhancement- setting/correction of speech signals
      • Debug Info- debugging information, values ​​are set via Parametr 0-15 and what they are responsible for is unknown.
      • Speech Logger- recording of the conversation. When you turn on “enable” after a conversation, it creates a file in the root of the SD card with a name like this: Sun_Feb_2012__01_15_31.vm (Sunday_February_2012__time01_15_31.vm), I don’t know what these files are and how to open them. The folder /sdcard/speechlog (which is specified as File location) is not created automatically; if you create such a folder manually, after the conversation it will be empty. When you click the “play” button in the Speech Logger menu, all *.vm files created on the SD card are shown and after clicking on them, nothing happens.
    • Camera- contains several submenus
      • AF EM- select a test for the camera (AF - auto focus)
      • Raw Capture- runs Raw capture test
      • Start Preview- shows the camera image on the screen
    • WiFi- contains several submenus:
      • Tx- Wifi Tx Registers tests
      • Rx- Wifi Rx Registers tests
      • EEPROM- this is the firmware WiFi adapter and the ability to disable/enable its functions via addresses (h, byte). Once again, I categorically do not recommend trying to change anything, you can permanently kill the WiFi adapter and restoring it will be very problematic, even if you make a “save as file” backup (for some reason, all values ​​are saved as zeros - 0000). I personally don’t even suspect what kind of adapter we have installed.
    • Temperature Sensor- WiFi adapter temperature test during operation
    • MCR- it is possible to read/write Value(h) values ​​at the address Addr(h)
    • Bluetooth- contains submenu:
      • TX Only test- specify the values, click , then Done, passes the Bluetooth Tx Registers test
    • Test Mode- turns on test mode
    • NetworkInfo- information about RR (I don’t know what it is), select the checkbox of what we want to see information about, then press the button on the phone, select Check Information, look.
    • AutoAnswer- contains only the "enable/disable" button. This is auto-pickup incoming call(checked).
    • YGPS- tests and information about yGPS
    • AGPS- the only menu in Russian, AGPS settings

    Audio section menu:

    • Set Mode- profile selection
    • Normal Mode– standard (general, regular) profile
    • Headset Mode– headset mode
    • Loud Speaker Mode– loudspeaker mode
    • Speech Enhancement- speech signal correction mode

    Before selecting the highest possible values, make sure that this does not create any sound problems. It is usually not recommended to set it to 0, as this can cause rattling and other interference + puts unnecessary additional load on the speakers.

    Before changing the values, always write down what they were by default, so that if something happens you can return them.

    We use Normal mode:

    1. You will see a menu with four positions, where the first item is the profile number.
    2. We leave FIR - 0 and do not touch it. Let's go below to the following parameters.
    3. First, we set up the general volume modulation Tone, to do this, in the Type menu select the Tone item (if it is not selected by default), then below in the Value section we set the volume value and click Set.
    4. We set it to 1, but you can try different options from 0 to 100 - the higher the value, the quieter the sound, 0 is the maximum volume, however, it is not recommended to set it to 0, since the speakers will produce unpleasant side effects in the form of rattling and other bad things.
    5. Next, go to the Type Side tone menu and under no circumstances touch it, otherwise during a conversation you will hear yourself and not your interlocutor. Or change using the scientific method at your own peril and risk
    6. In the Audio item set to 1
    7. Set Speech to 1
    8. In FM set to 1
    9. Set Mikrophone to 12
    10. The Key tone is set to 70 by default - I didn’t change it.

    If it seems to you that the radio or music is playing quietly in your headphones, you can also edit the profile for the headset. Reboot your phone.

    Not many people know about the existence of a menu in the Android OS with advanced device settings - engineering menu . And someone knows, but doesn’t know how to enter it and what to do with it.
    In this article we will show how to enter the engineering menu and some of its capabilities.

    You can enter the engineering menu simply by entering a special command (but I must add that this method does not work on all versions of Android and not on all devices)

    Command to enter the engineering menu: *#*#3646633#*#*

    Also on some versions of Android the command may work *#15963#* And*#*#4636#*#*

    Immediately after entering, the command should disappear and the engineering menu should open. But on some devices you will still need to press the "Call" key

    If this method does not have any effect, you can use an alternative!

    And it consists of installing the program (which, by the way, is freely available on Google Play) " Mobileuncle MTK Tools 2.4.0"

    This program will open access to the engineering menu (that is, it will work similarly to dialing a combination*#*#3646633#*#*)

    There are a lot of settings there! There is huge scope for experimentation! Almost EVERYTHING can be debugged and adjusted!

    For clarity, let’s briefly look at setting the device’s volume level:

    Go to the program ---> select the "Engineer Mode" section

    Because We are interested in adjusting the sound level, select ---> "Audio"

    And voila, the menu we are interested in opens.

    Max Vol - the same for the entire subsection, as a rule, it is set to 150 (you can change 0-160 - it changes if you select the Media item in the subsection).

    If in some submenu, for example, Audio - Normal - Sph, the general level is not available for regulation, then enter another submenu, for example, Audio - Normal - Media - there will be an opportunity to adjust the general volume level.

    Sph - volume levels during telephone conversations,
    Mic - microphone sensitivity levels,
    Ring - ringer volume,
    Media - volume when playing music, movies, and games.

    Ring volume levels are set in Audio - LoudSpeaker - Ring
    Max Vol = 150
    Levels: 120 130 145 160 180 200 (starts to wheeze more)

    Phone speaker volume levels in Audio - Normal - Sph
    Max Vol = 150
    Levels: 100 120 130 135 140 145 150

    Microphone conversation volume levels in Audio - Normal - Mic
    Levels: 100 172 172 172 172 172 172

    Media volume levels are set in Audio - LoudSpeaker - Media

    Levels: 110 130 160 190 210 230 250

    All the same can be configured for the Headphone mode, by analogy:

    Speakerphone volume levels are set in Audio - LoudSpeaker - Sph
    Max Vol = 150 (it is the same for the entire section)
    Levels: 80 100 110 120 130 140 150 (more wheezing starts)

    Now all volumes are adjusted within adequate ranges.
    If you are not satisfied with the volume levels, you can set your values ​​(the higher the value, the greater the volume when adjusting with the volume keys, or the greater the sensitivity of the microphone)

    By analogy, you can configure most sections! Experiment!

    In order for developers and testers of software and mobile devices to obtain some system information and debug smartphone functions, the Android OS contains some hidden features. Among them are connecting to a PC in developer mode, viewing detailed information about networks and hardware, etc. One of the tools for this is the engineering menu.

    The engineering menu is a special settings menu that contains tools for testing and calibrating smartphone hardware. By default, it is hidden, and in order to get into it, you must perform a certain procedure. The appearance of the engineering menu is different different smartphones, depending on the SoC manufacturer and model. The customization options will also be different.

    There are several ways to enter the engineering menu, which differ depending on the smartphone manufacturer and chipset model. You can first try entering one of the codes in the dialer application:

    • *#*#3646633#*#* - smartphones with
    • *#*#6484#*#* - some smartphones with Qualcomm;
    • *#*#54298#*#* - some smartphones with MediaTek;
    • *#0*# - some Samsung smartphones;
    • *#*#7378423#*#* - some Sony smartphones;
    • *#*#4636#*#* - on some devices opens only the network menu;
    • *#*#2846579#*#* - some Huawei devices.

    If none of the codes help, on your smartphone with MediaTek you should install the program “Launch MTK Engineering Menu” from the market. On Xiaomi devices, you can enter the menu by going to “Settings”, selecting “About phone” and then clicking the “Kernel version” line five times in a row.

    What can be configured on a smartphone in the engineering menu

    Engineering menu on different platforms is different, in many cases it only allows you to test some parameters. On Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro and Note 4X, built on Qualcomm chips, the engineering menu allows you to test various functions. These include the screen, sensor, sensors, cameras, sound and microphone, communications, battery, navigation, etc. There is no way to change anything, you can only find out if everything is working correctly.

    There are much richer opportunities on the MediaTek platform. In Oukitel U7 Plus (MT6737 chipset), the engineering menu allows you to configure network, sound, communication modules, and other modules. On Redmi Note 2 with MTK Helio X10, the menu was identical, and on other devices with MTK it is not particularly different. We will use his example to describe the possibilities.

    Telephony tab

    This section is responsible for setting up a cellular modem. Here, interesting possibilities are provided by the BandMode, Network Selecting and GPRS options.


    In this menu, you can select communication standards that will be active on the phone when connecting to mobile networks. In the menu item, you can select frequency ranges for each SIM card, if there are two SIM cards - full list usually available only on the main page (usually the first one). Once you know exactly which frequencies your operator uses in the region, you can uncheck all the others. This will increase the time slightly battery life due to the fact that the device will not search for operator towers in these ranges, wasting extra energy on scanning the airwaves.

    Sometimes some communication standards (especially LTE) are supported at the chipset and core level, but are disabled in the firmware. By checking the box next to them, you can activate support for these networks. It is worth warning that it does not work everywhere: on the same Redmi Note 2 ( Chinese version) this way TDD-LTE was enabled, but on Oukitel U7 Plus these items are not activated.

    Network Selecting

    The name speaks for itself: this item is also responsible for selecting networks. Only in in this case the user can choose which types of networks to use. The goal is the same as in the previous paragraph: reduce the load on cellular modem, thereby reducing battery consumption. You can choose to work only in 2G, 3G, 4G, or combine several standards.

    If your operator does not have 3G or 4G at all, these items can be disabled so that the smartphone does not constantly try to search for LTE networks, thereby speeding up battery drain. You can also disable 3G and 4G if you need constant communication (for example, for correspondence over the Internet), but the traffic is limited and the use of WCDMA and LTE is uncontrolled background processes can spend it quickly.


    Despite the name, this item is not interesting because of the GPRS communication settings, which many people no longer need, and it is not recommended for “mere mortals” to change the settings themselves. The main feature is the ability to record the IMEI of the smartphone. In the appropriate paragraph you can enter identification number device and click Write to save it.

    The ability to write IMEI is often required after an unsuccessful flashing, when it “flies” and the device cannot register in the operator’s network. By copying this code from the smartphone box, you can restore functionality. Attention! illegally changing the IMEI of a smartphone in many countries (including Russia, Ukraine) is a crime! In addition, by rewriting this code to a random one belonging to another subscriber of your operator, communication problems may occur due to a hardware conflict. Therefore, we recommend that you always keep the box or sticker with IMEI in case unsuccessful firmware. After all, on devices with a non-removable cover, this identifier is not written under the battery.

    Connectivity Tab

    In this tab, the functions of testing and fine-tuning, radio receiver and Wi-Fi are available. The vast majority of users have nothing to do here, since there are no settings interesting for a layman, but it’s easy to disrupt the normal operation of Bluetooth by entering something wrong.

    Hardware Testing Tab

    This settings item in the engineering menu is responsible for the hardware configuration. The Audio and TouchScreen items are of interest to users. The latter contains HandWriting and MultiTouch items. It’s easy to guess what these parameters are responsible for.

    Using the first one, you can check the clarity of the touchscreen response and check for the presence of “blind spots”. This menu is especially useful when buying a smartphone, in particular, without a warranty. The second point allows you to do the same, but with the participation of several fingers. With it you can test how well the smartphone processes gestures of several fingers simultaneously.


    It is this treasured item that is needed by those who are looking for how to increase the volume in the engineering menu. The top items allow you to control the volume of the device and are responsible for different modes.

    Normal Mode is a mode for normal use, with music or video sounds output to the music speaker. Headset Mode is responsible for controlling the volume in the headphones. LoudSpeaker mode allows you to adjust the conversation volume when using the speakerphone. The last item is a combined one; it is responsible for speakerphone when headphones are connected. In order to change the sound in the engineering menu, you need to select which device you want to configure.

    • Sip - settings for Internet telephony;
    • Mic - microphone sensitivity
    • Sph - conversational speaker;
    • Sph2 - second earpiece (a rare beast among smartphones);
    • Sid - after changing this parameter, an echo of your voice may appear during a conversation, so you do not need to touch it;
    • Media - a multimedia speaker, what most people need.

    In order to adjust the volume, you need to go to the required mode (for the volume of a multimedia speaker this is Normal Mode), select the Media item and set the volume value in the specified range.

    The Level parameter is responsible for the volume value set by the rocker at each division. Level 0 is the minimum value (one division), the highest Level is all divisions, on Oukitel U7 Plus it is 14, on other smartphones it may differ. The value can range from 0 (speaker silent) to 255 (full volume). There is no particular point in changing the value, but if after a certain division it seems to you that the sound suddenly becomes much quieter, you can for this division (and more low levels) increase the values ​​by a couple of units. The main thing is that the conditional Level 6 does not turn out to be louder than Level 7 due to the value being too high.

    But to increase the maximum volume in general, you need to change the value in the Max Vol item. The maximum level corresponds to a value of 160, but manufacturers often set it lower (on the tested device it was 128). By setting a higher number, the volume will increase, but there may also be side effects such as gurgling, noises and wheezing. The optimal value should be selected using the scientific method: increase the value by several units, save, check the sound on video or music, and if everything is fine, increase it further.


    It’s worth repeating once again that the engineering menu is different on different smartphones. What is available on the MediaTek platform cannot be done on Qualcomm. Codes for entering hidden settings may also not be suitable in some cases; we cannot guarantee their 100% functionality. In addition, everything you do with your smartphone is done at your own peril and risk, since incorrect settings can affect its performance. In such cases, only a general reset or flashing will help. So if you really want to experiment with settings whose meaning you don’t fully understand, it’s advisable to take screenshots before doing so, so that if something happens, you can enter the factory values.

    For many people, buying a new tablet or smartphone is a real event. Every owner expects that new gadget will delight you for many years with its reliable operation and the absence of problems associated with its operation.

    Moreover, in this case, it does not matter who assembles the device and what operating system is installed on it. But it often happens that modern mobile devices can hardly be called ideal.

    Some time after the start of use, issues appear that the owner will probably want to correct in one way or another. Some are trying to improve software part mobile assistant to perfect condition. It all depends on what is considered ideal. One of the most accessible tools in the Android mobile operating system is the engineering menu.

    Android engineering menu: configuration secrets

    At the final stage of configuring the software shell of a mobile device running on the Android operating system, developers use the so-called Android engineering menu. The engineering menu refers to the interface of a special program that allows you to make changes to the operation of the device, as well as view information from sensors and perform technological tests. Careless use of this element can lead to unpredictable consequences. Most often, access to the engineering menu is hidden from users. However, his secret is essentially already known to many. To understand how to call up the engineering menu, you just need to spend a few minutes searching for recommendations.

    Important points

    Exiting to the Android engineering menu may not be possible on all mobile devices. In order to take advantage of its capabilities, you need to make sure that the gadget meets a number of requirements. First of all, the device's central processor must be manufactured by MediaTek. On many inexpensive Spreadtrum models, the popular Snapdragon from Qualcomm and various Tegra Nvidia and Intel, it is useless to try to launch the engineering menu, since it is missing. You will not be able to achieve functionality even if the corresponding application is provided.

    In addition, various modified operating systems, such as the popular CyanogenMod, do not allow the configuration program to run. This is due to the fact that these systems were originally developed for devices with a Qualcomm processor that do not support the Android engineering menu.

    It is also desirable that the operating system be original or at least created on a basic basis. The application file itself must be present among the programs, hidden from the standard Explorer. For example, some manufacturers mobile gadgets After making the necessary software settings, simply delete the Android engineering menu. In this case, recommendations for using the engineering menu are useless.

    Using secret combinations

    To get to the engineering menu settings in the operating room Android system, you can use several methods. It is impossible to say which one is better, since a direct comparison would be incorrect. Let's look at each of these methods in turn. One of the oldest options, which was used in “ancient” models of tablets and smartphones, is that in a special program - a dialer, the user had to dial the engineering menu code. The operation was carried out similarly to checking the account balance. If the device recognizes and accepts the combination, the setup application launches. Some mobile device manufacturers use their own modified code. Therefore, the standard set will not work here. In other situations, to call the engineering menu you need to dial the following combination of characters “*#*# 36 46 63#*#*”. That's it.

    The usual way

    Using a secret combination of characters may not be convenient in all cases. The user may simply forget correct order following numbers. In the case of a changed set, it will be easier to use the program instead of finding the correct order of the characters. One of the most famous applications is Mobile Uncle Tools. This application is distributed free of charge, so the user will not have any problems finding and installing it. At the time of writing this article, the current version was 2.9.9 or build 3.1.4, which has additional support for new processors.

    For the program to work correctly, the user will first need to obtain root rights on his gadget. To obtain root rights you can use various applications, for example SuperSu or KingRoot. This article will not talk about the specifics of working with a rooted device, since this is a separate, rather extensive topic. When the application is launched, you will need to select the third option, which is called Engineer Mode. Next, in the window that opens, you need to select “Work with MTK”. When a question appears about granting root access, you need to confirm the operation.

    Restoring access to engineering mode

    In the event that the manufacturer of the mobile device decided to prudently remove the configuration program in order to ensure the security of the operating system, it will be possible to install it again. To do this, the user will need to find an installer on the Internet that restores EngineerMode.apk. When you find this component, all you have to do is install it. Due to the abundance of analogue clones, we will not indicate the exact name. You can just copy specified file V system folder(system\app). After completing these operations, you can use any of the following methods to access the engineering menu: you can dial a number or call the menu directly from the program interface. It is worth noting that to perform this operation the user will need root rights.

    Miracle program and its capabilities

    Setting up Android through the engineering menu opens up the opportunity for the user to solve several important tasks at once. In particular, here you can adjust the microphone sensitivity and speaker volume, reduce power consumption, limit scanning of unnecessary ranges and reduce the satellite search time. Let's take a closer look at the above features.

    How to increase the volume?

    The ringer volume is increased quite simply using the engineering menu. To do this, select the “Audio” section. You will see a list of available modes. The Ring subsection of the LoudSpeaker Mode section is responsible for the system speaker in the system. You should not change the value of the parameter in the first window. In the second window you can set a higher value for the parameter. After editing is complete, click on the Set button, which is located here. Next, you need to reboot the device, while correctly exiting the program.

    Operator frequencies

    To optimize the power consumption of your mobile device, you can try disabling the scanning function for unnecessary frequency ranges. The standard frequencies when working in 2G and 3G networks in our country are 900 and 1800 MHz. The pair 850 and 1900 MHz is responsible for the American standard. To enable or disable a band you do not need, you need to use the Band Mode item in the engineering menu. Here you need to go into the settings for both SIM cards one by one and check the boxes next to the desired items. Pressing the Set button serves as confirmation.

    How to improve GPS?

    To improve system performance global positioning, you must select the Location item in the Android engineering menu. Next, use the Location Based Service item and open EPO. Here you need to make sure that the Download and Enabled items are checked. Then you need to return to the YGPA item, select the information section and click alternately “Full” - “Cold” - “Restart”. Then you need to select Satelites or “Satellites”. Until the answer is recorded on the card. This whole procedure will take from 2 to 5 minutes. All you have to do is exit the engineering menu, close the program and reboot the device.

    Almost all phones experience software glitches, the source of which may be in the firmware. To identify them and determine the type of failure, there is a special service menu through which you can test each module in the phone and identify the essence of the problem.

    In this article, we will tell you what the xiaomi engineering menu is, login methods, as well as the main functions that may be useful to you.

    What is the engineering menu and main functions

    These are hidden smartphone settings aimed at testing and correcting errors. These settings are not available in the regular menu, because... inexperienced users may mess up the correctly set parameters, after which the phone may stop ringing, the connection may be lost, etc. Therefore, be very careful not to harm the system.

    Engineering menu on xiaomi phone redmi 3 performs the following functions:

    • Setting the sound in the main speaker;
    • Setting the sound in the conversational speaker;
    • Microphone settings;
    • Setting up networks;
    • Camera setup;
    • Testing GPS operation;
    • IMEI repair;
    • Ability to optimize the system for less battery consumption.

    These are not all functions, but rather the main ones that are in greatest demand.

    How to enter the engineering menu

    Let's look at ways to enter the engineering menu using the example of Xiaomi Redmi note 3 pro. There are only two standard methods. The third option is through applications, which is worth using if standard methods don't work.

    Through settings

    Note that this method is universal; it is also suitable for xiaomi redmi 3s. So, let's go to the smartphone settings. Scroll down and tap on “About phone”. We look for the line “Kernel version” and slowly click on it three times. Perhaps the message “You only have to press two more times” will appear at the bottom. In the same way, slowly press two more times.

    The “secret settings” look like this (depending on the phone, the view may differ slightly):

    Using a special code

    Open the dialer and dial the code *#*#6484#*#*. The same thing will appear as above in the screenshot. This code should fit all devices from Xiaomi. If nothing happens when you dial this combination, you should try the following codes: *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#4636#*#*.

    On some other models, the engineering menu looks like this:

    If you can’t open the engineering menu

    If Xiaomi redmi note 3 pro does not enter the engineering menu, then you should use alternative ways login, namely with special software. Let's look at two programs that will help you: MTK Engineering and MobileUncle Tools. You can find many more similar applications on your own.

    MTK Engineering – fast and convenient program, it looks like this:

    IN point Android Testing contains Android settings, namely:

    • Phone information;
    • Battery information;
    • Usage statistics;
    • Wi-Fi information.

    We need the MTK Engineer Mode item - this is the engineering menu itself. The appearance may be slightly different, but the essence will not change.

    MobileUncle Tools – more powerful program than the previous one, in that it additionally allows you to perform many other operations with the system, however, only for devices with MTK processors, which are not found in all Xiaomi devices.

    To get started, you need to click “Engineering Mode” and then select “Engineering Menu (MTK)”. It is worth adding that this program requires root rights. Currently, this program has been removed from the Play Market, but it is not difficult to find on the Internet. Since this application is developed by a Chinese author, you may encounter an English or Chinese version.

    Conclusion and translation of functions

    Finally, we would like to caution you to be careful with your many system settings. If you need to repair or check any module in your phone, you should not immediately change the parameters of the engineering menu yourself; it is better to first look for instructions on our website or on the Internet specifically for your case. For convenience, we have translated all functions (the Xiaomi Redmi Three smartphone was taken as an example).

    We are all familiar with the rich settings of Android devices - each smartphone or tablet can be customized by activating or disabling certain functions, adjusting certain parameters. But few people suspect the existence of such a thing as the Android engineering menu. It is hidden from view, since there is nothing special for the average user to do here. But if you are an experienced user or want to gain experience in fine-tuning the device and operating system, then this menu will be useful to you.

    Service menu options

    Let's figure out why we need an engineering menu in a smartphone? The answer is simple - for very fine tuning of the device. For example, increasing the volume on Android is only possible through the engineering menu. Here you need to visit the audio settings item and play with the presented parameters. Here you can manually adjust the sound volume in different modes and at different volume levels. Let's look at an example:

    • You find that your smartphone's speaker starts to wheeze at maximum volume;
    • We go to the engineering menu using one or another command;
    • Go to the audio settings and change the volume in the specified mode and in the specified gradation;
    • We exit the engineering menu and check the results - the volume should decrease.

    Only such fine adjustments are possible through standard menu settings? Naturally, there is nothing of the kind here.

    Here you can adjust the sound in the headphones, adjust the sensitivity of the microphone, and perform other actions with the sound. Before getting into the settings, you need to find ones that will help you make adjustments as correctly as possible, without the risk of damaging the speakers with a microphone or completely depriving your smartphone/tablet of your voice.

    What other functions are there in the engineering menu? Checking network modules, adjusting the reception range, setting up auto-answer, testing the modem, setting up connections with other devices, setting up the receiver, testing the camera, sensor, screen, battery and other modules. Separately hidden menu geolocation settings have been made - here you can check the functionality of the GPS chip, enable/disable A-GPS, and check other settings. It is also possible to adjust fonts, play with USB settings and perform other actions.

    Please note that the service menu on Android is intended for professionals who are aware of their actions. If you came here out of idle curiosity, try not to touch parameters you don’t understand and don’t rearrange the settings sliders.

    How to enter the engineering menu on Android

    Entering the engineering menu on Android is most often done using special commands, similar to the most common USSD commands. The difference is that you don’t need to press the call button at the end - after typing the command, it will automatically transfer to the specified menu. The universal code for the engineering menu on Android is *#*#3646633#*#*. It works on many phones and allows you to instantly enter service settings.

    Some smartphones and tablets do not respond to the above command. So you can try the following options:

    Device manufacturer Team
    Sony *#*#7378423#*#*
    Philips *#*#3338613#*#*
    ZTE, Motorola *#*#4636#*#*
    HTC *#*#3424#*#*
    Samsung *#*#197328640#*#*
    Prestigio *#*#3646633#*#*
    LG 3845#*855#
    Huawei *#*#2846579#*#*
    Alcatel, Fly, Texet *#*#3646633#*#*
    Smartphones and tablets with a MediaTek processor (most Chinese devices) *#*#54298#*#*
    Acer *#*#2237332846633#*#*

    You can enter the engineering menu on Android immediately after entering the command. There is no dependence on the operating system version - the codes are valid for Android 2.2, Android 4.4 and other versions of Android OS. If the code does not fit, you should look for other combinations.

    Some commands lead not to the service menu, but to the testing menu - it allows you to check the screen, sound, wireless modules, microphone and much more. Menus for testing can be English or Russified.

    Some manufacturers deprive smartphones and tablets of access to the engineering menu, replacing it with numerous commands for testing modules or configuring certain parameters. For example, this is what Samsung does - many new models do not have a single service menu. Information about available service teams can be found on specialized resources and on the websites of service centers.

    To access the engineering menu, you can use special applications. A typical example is the Mobileuncle MTK Tools application. It will allow you to gain separate access to device settings and operating system settings. The application is really convenient, but it has a drawback - it only works on devices with MTK processors.

    If your smartphone/tablet runs on a different platform, you can try looking for alternative applications to access the engineering menu on Android.

    Setting up Android through the engineering menu is associated with certain risks. For example, beginners always have the opportunity to accidentally disable this or that functionality. When understanding the purpose of certain items, you need to familiarize yourself with the appropriate instructions. Otherwise, equipment failure may occur. If you are afraid of damaging or breaking something, do

    And interesting features hidden from prying eyes.

    Why are they hidden? Firstly, so that an inexperienced user does not break anything, and secondly, they are needed in especially rare cases and are not used regularly. Today we will talk about the engineering menu.

    What is it and why is it needed?

    We are talking about a special program that developers use at the final stage of configuring the software platform of a mobile device. With its help, they make final changes to the operation of the device, check the functioning of various sensors and test system components.
    Hidden functionality is also used to obtain a large amount of system information and conduct various tests (about 25 pieces).

    Attention! This section is intended for experienced users who bear full responsibility for the consequences.

    The engineering menu is available on smartphones and tablets running on a MediaTek processor. On the Qualcomm chipset it is either reduced or absent altogether.

    How to open the engineering menu?

    To enter the engineering menu, you need to enter a special command in the dialing application: *#*#3646633#*#*. On some versions the code *#*#4636#*#* or *#15963#* may work.

    If the code did not work or you do not have a dialing application (relevant for tablets that do not support calls), the MobileUncle Tools or MTK Engineering applications, which can be downloaded for free via Google Play, will help.

    When writing this article, I used a Lenovo TAB A10-70 tablet with the MTK Engineering application installed.

    The engineering menu opens up enormous opportunities, each of which we will consider in detail.

    • SAR Test - determining the level of harmful radiation from a smartphone or tablet.
    • Connections - testing available wireless connection types: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WLAN CTIA and FM receiver.

    • Audio - adjusts the sound in the speakers, microphone and headphones.

    • Camera - configure various camera settings.

    • Turning on the current camera - the operating current of the camera is displayed (in our tablet it is 2 mA).
    • Load test of the CPU (central processing unit) - checking the stability of its operation, identifying errors in the operation of the processor-memory channel, testing the cooling system and power supply of the processor.
    • Device Manager - activate automatic SMS registration, manage configuration parameters.
    • Disable detection - adjust the signal frequency.
    • Display - Sets the pulse width modulation indicator cycle, which affects the perceived brightness of the screen by quickly turning the backlight on/off; backlight adjustment; controller for vertical and horizontal lines display.

    • Wake mode - its activation will not allow the device to “go” into sleep mode.
    • IO - management of data input/output operations.
    • Memory - detailed information about the RAM module.
    • To a certain extent - detailed information about the battery (the strange name of the section is most likely due to errors in the automatic translation of names in the application, but there is no option to switch to English).
    • SD card test - the name of the tab speaks for itself.
    • Touch screen - checking the sensitivity and response of the display when pressed, as well as setting its additional settings.
    • USB - testing the operation of the USB port.

    • UART/USB switch - switching between two data transfer modes.
    • Sensor - calibration (adjusting clarity and sensitivity) of the touch screen. Standard Methods Here.
    • Location - testing the GPS performance and determining the exact location.
    • Battery log - detailed information about the battery and the ability to activate the recording of battery consumption information.

    • MTKLogger - collection of system logs (MobileLog, ModemLog and NetworkLog).
    • Temperature sensor - shows the temperature of the battery and processor.
    • Font parameter - change the font size.

    When installing the application, some functions may not be available without.

    Xiaomi engineering menu

    Even though our test Redmi 2 runs on Qualcomm processor Snapdragon 410, it also has the functionality that interests us. To enter it, you need to tap on the “Kernel version” item several times in a row.

    The menu is represented by five items:

    1. Automatic Test. Automatic test of all device parameters.
    2. Single Item Test. Each of the 25 tests is taken separately. We will talk about this in detail below.
    3. Test Report. Report on completed texts and their results.
    4. SW add HW version. Information about the smartphone version, IMEI and other numbers.
    5. Device View. Smartphone hardware data.

    Of course, the most interesting point is the Single Item Test, where you can take a huge number of tests.

    Let's make a reservation right away that there was no way to configure anything in the device we tested - only a functionality test. At the end of each procedure, you need to note its status: successful (success) or not (failed).

    • Key - performance physical buttons. Interestingly, it was not possible to complete it successfully, since when checking the power button, the smartphone turns off.
    • Backlight - display brightness.

    • TFlash. Testing a memory card with two results: either everything is fine, or the card is damaged.
    • Bluetooth. Searches for available devices.
    • SIM Card. Test for the presence of SIM cards.

    • Vibration. The gadget vibrates - everything is ok.
    • RTC (Real Time Clock) - operation of the built-in clock.
    • Speaker. Testing the conversational speaker. We didn’t understand how to get through it. We will be grateful if you can tell us in the comments.
    • Receiver. Translated as receiver, receiver, but music plays during testing.
    • Headset. Testing the 3.5mm jack to detect headphones, play sounds, and support headset control buttons.

    • Wi-Fi. Detection of nearby access points. There are no settings.

    • Torch (flashlight): shines/does not shine.
    • The loopback test includes a test of the spoken microphone. First, click Recording, then Playing.
    • LCD. Screen colors.
    • GPS. Detection of available satellites.
    • Gyro (gyroscope). Three parameters - X, Y, Z - change depending on the position of the device in space.
    • G-sensor (Accelerometer). Rotate the gadget in all planes and turn it over. The three parameters should be ok.
    • Proximity Sensor. It is usually located near the speaker and is designed to dim the gadget screen during a conversation, thereby eliminating accidental clicks.
    • Optical and Magnetic Sensor (optical and magnetic sensors) - points we don’t understand, share your knowledge in the comments.

    After passing all tests, you can go to the Test Report section. As you can see, our “animal” is in excellent shape and has passed all the tests, which is very pleasing.

    Above we have listed the main sections of the engineering menu available on the tested devices. Now let’s summarize what features the user receives during installation:

    • Formatting, restoring to factory settings.
    • Testing work individual elements smartphone or tablet, such as sensors, touchscreen sensitivity, and calibration accuracy.
    • Detailed information about the device and its parts. For example, you can track battery consumption since the last charge and view statistics on the programs used.
    • Energy optimization. Alternatively, unnecessary frequency ranges are turned off. In Russia, the standard indicators for working in 2G and 3G networks are 900 and 1800 MHz, while in the USA they are 850 and 1900 MHz.
    • Setting more, for example changing the font size or speaker volume.

    The engineering menu can serve well for experienced users and developers - it can be used to revive the device (for example, by returning the system to), solve the problem quiet speaker or microphone, and monitor and test various system components. But you need to use it extremely carefully and competently, so as not to turn your gadget into a “brick”.