• How to set up a D-Link Wi-Fi router: step-by-step instructions

    Routers under the D-Link brand are among the most popular in Russia. Their main advantages are low price, reliability, sufficient provision high speed Internet access.

    The series routers have gained particular popularity in the Russian Federation. D-Link DIR: 620, 2640U, 320, 615, 300, equipped Wi-Fi module. In turn, among wired devices it is popular D-Link device DIR 2500U. How is the D-Link DIR router configured depending on the modification? Are there noticeable differences in working with devices of different series?

    It can be noted that, regardless of which specific modification the router released by D-Link belongs to, the device is configured using similar algorithms. At the same time, setting required options when working with almost any modem D-Link series- sufficiently simple procedure. However, there are specific features for each device. And therefore, we are exploring them, studying the specifics of working with each device of the marked series.

    Router D-Link 620

    Let's look at how to configure the D-Link 620 router. In this guide, we will connect the Internet, which is accessed via an Ethernet channel. First of all, we connect the appropriate cable to the appropriate port on the router.

    The next step is to configure the software part of the connection interface on the PC. To do this, you need to enter the “Control Panel” of the operating room. Windows systems, then select “Network connections”. Then we find the network card (or select the one that is used to connect to the Internet), right-click and select “Properties”. Next, left-click on the “TCP/IP Protocol” item. Select “Properties”. We set the settings to “automatic” in all points.

    The next step is to connect the PC’s network card and one of the free ports of the router using an Ethernet cable ( this type cable is typical when connecting to the Internet via network card).

    Next, open a window in any browser, for example, Internet Explorer, Opera or Google Chrome- not important, the functionality of the required interface does not depend on the type of program used. Enter the following command into the address bar -, press Enter. After this, the user is taken to the router management window. You will be required to enter a username and password. In most cases, when setting up a D-Link router, you must enter admin in both fields. This is a universal login and password programmed at the factory for devices of the type in question.

    After entering the router management area, select the tab called “Network”. Next, click on “Connections”, then on the WAN connection icon. On the page that will load after clicking on WAN, you will need to make sure that the boxes for obtaining a DNS address and IP are checked. In general, you don't need to change anything on this page. Most modern Russian providers do not require any adjustments this setting D-Link router. Rostelecom, for example, is among them.

    Next, return to the “Network” and “Connection” tab. Click “Add”. After this, you will need to enter the settings that must be provided by the provider operating in a particular city (moreover, they may differ for houses located in different parts locality). After entering the required values, click “Save”.

    Wi-Fi setup specifics

    As a rule, if you are setting up a D-Link router, WiFi can also be activated. In order to use wireless module device, you must select the “Network” tab again, then “Wi-Fi”. In the window that opens, enter the network name - any convenient for the user, in Latin letters. You can also set the maximum number of devices (“clients”) simultaneously connected to the router. For example, if a person uses three devices - say, a PC, a laptop and a smartphone, then you can enter the number 3.

    Next, select the “Security Settings” tab. We install authentication using the WPA2/PSK mixed standard (mixed type of security) - it is considered one of the most reliable. We choose TKIP+AES encryption, since this option is considered by many IT experts to be optimal from the point of view of network protection. After that, enter the password. Its minimum length is 8 characters. However, IT specialists recommend entering a longer password. It should also be, if possible, complex - so that it is difficult to guess. Using a password, you can control access to a Wi-Fi network, sharing it only with those people who have the right to use the Internet to which the owner of the router is connected.

    Note that Wi-Fi setup, the main nuances of which we noted, is generally carried out according to the same principles also when working with other routers of the series in question.

    After all the settings, click “System”, then “Save and reboot”. This completes the setup of the D-Link 620 router. In a few minutes you can start using the Internet. If something doesn't work, it is advisable to contact the provider's support service.

    As a rule, if the connection to the network was successful, then once the router settings are fixed, they should ensure the proper operation of the entire system subsequently. At the same time, in some cases, one or another type of technological upgrade may occur on the Internet provider’s side, which may predetermine the need to adjust the operation of the router. In this case, the user will likely have to communicate with the service provider to determine the most optimal device settings.

    Setting up the D-Link 2500U device

    Let's now look at how to configure the D-Link 2500U router, another popular device. From the point of view of working with software interfaces Windows, the algorithm of actions is the same - you need to make sure that in the network card settings there are checkboxes next to the items about obtaining a DNS address and IP automatically.

    Just as in the case of the previous router, we connect all the wires, and then enter into the browser line. The username and password will be admin. In most cases, the menu of a router of this brand is in English. To start setting up your Internet connection, click the WAN tab. Select the Add button, after which we get to the settings page itself. Here, as in the previous case, we will need data from the provider. The values ​​of both VPI and VCI can thus vary not only between different cities, but also between areas of the same locality. After the user has entered the necessary settings, you can click Next.

    On the page that opens, select the correct type network protocol, also consulting with your provider. For many Russian providers of Internet access services, the PPP over Ethernet mode is typical, regarding Encapsulation Mode ("encapsulation format") - the LLC/SNAP-BRIDGING option. Click Next.

    The next window, of course, will also require knowledge of data that can only be provided by the provider - this is the login and password. The remaining options on the page, as a rule, do not need to be adjusted (unless the provider's support service advises otherwise). Click Next.

    Setting up a D-Link router of the series in question usually does not require adjusting the items on the page that opens, but it doesn’t hurt to consult with your provider about this issue. If technical support specialists do not give any recommendations, click Next. After moving to the next page - Apply (“apply settings”). After loading the next interface, click the Finish button and wait until the device reboots. After a few minutes you can try using the Internet. If something doesn’t work out, call technical support.

    Despite the fact that this router is not equipped with a Wi-Fi module, many experts consider it to be a reliable and easy-to-use device. At the same time, as is the case with many other devices from D-Link, if the technology for providing Internet access on the part of the provider changes, the user may need to find out new settings directly from the communication service provider.

    Working with the D-Link 2640U modem

    Let's now study how to configure the D-Link 2640U router. The first steps in working with this device will be the same as in the case of previous devices - install through the “Control Panel” of the operating system Windows automatic obtaining a DNS address and IP.

    Next, as when setting up previous routers, we enter the modem settings panel through the browser. The address will look like this - The login and password will be the same - admin. Router configuration interface in this case, will probably be Russian-speaking. Select “Network” and then “Connections”. Click the “Add” button.

    The most likely “connection type” is PPPoE. Connection in the “Bridge” format is much less commonly used.

    Next, we specify the VPI and VCI settings - we, as in previous cases, will find them out from the provider. Similarly, we ask the service provider for a login and password (by the way, they are often indicated in subscription agreement— you can try to find them there). It is recommended to activate the Keep Alive option. Regarding indicators for LCP, it is also recommended to find out their optimal values ​​from the provider. But, as a rule, it is optimal to set the number 15 in the “interval” option, and 2 in the “gaps” option. Also, activate IGMP. Click the “Save” button.

    Now let's move on to working with another the most important function, which includes setting up the D-link router - WiFi. To do this, press, respectively, Wi-Fi button, then “basic settings”. We write the desired name of the network, then set the encryption standard - just like in the case of the D-Link 620 modem, this is WPA2-PSK, enter the password for the network. Save the settings. Then click “System”. Next is the “Save and Reload” item. After a few minutes we try to use the Internet.

    Setting up a D-Link 320 and 300 modem

    Let's study how to configure the D-Link 320 router. It is noteworthy that the model with index 300 is configured in almost the same way. First steps - as usual, connect the wires, set the Windows settings to automatically obtain a DNS address and IP. Open the browser and enter in the address bar. The login and password, as in previous cases, are the same - admin, we get to the web interface of the router control panel. As a rule, you are immediately prompted to change the factory default password to a custom one. If desired, an appropriate replacement can be made.

    Next, select the “Network” menu item, then “Connections”. Click “Add”. The main settings window will open. There we select the desired connection type (usually PPPoE). In paragraph " PPP setup» enter your login and password, which, as in previous cases, can be requested from the provider or, alternatively, found in the subscription agreement. The MTU value will also need to be checked with your network access provider; in many cases this figure is 1492. In general, these are all the settings that need to be made. We save the parameters.

    Next we need to configure Wi-Fi. Select the appropriate item in the menu. Enter the desired wireless network name and configure security. As in previous cases, select the WPA2-PSK encryption standard and enter the password. Click “Change”. Then select “System”, then “Save”. As we noted above, setting up the D-Link 300 router is performed using almost the same algorithms. This device and D-Link 320 are actually devices from the same line.

    Setting up a D-Link 615 modem

    Let's look at how to configure the D-Link 615 router. First, we do everything that we did when working with previous modems: we connect the wires, set the automatic acquisition of the DNS address and IP in Windows interfaces. Next, go to the browser and enter in the address bar. Enter admin in the “login” and “password” fields. The system may offer to change the relevant data - if desired, we will carry out the replacement.

    The distinctive specificity that characterizes this router released by D-link is that setting up a wireless connection is desirable first of all. To do this, you need to press the SETUP button in the start menu of the device control panel. Next, select Wireless Settings. After - Manual Wireless Connection Setup.

    Next, it is important to set the correct wireless connection parameters. So, regarding the PROTECTED SETUP item, it is advisable to uncheck the Enable option. At the same time, you should make sure that the checkbox next to the Enable Wireless and Always options (“ constant mode") is installed. In the Network Name item, enter the name for the network. Set the mixed type for the 802.11 communication protocol. Regarding the security settings, Security Mode, it is optimal to set the WPA-Personal parameter. In the Cipher Type item, select AES. Next, enter the password (Pre -Shared Key) for the wireless network. After checking that all parameters are correct, save the settings by clicking the “Save” button.

    Having configured the wireless network, you can move on to working with options related to connecting to the Internet. Press the SETUP button, then Internet, then Manual Internet Connection Setup. In the menu that opens, we have to indicate the communication protocol used (most likely it will be PPPoE), login and password (we ask the provider, look in the subscription agreement). Can also be customized additional parameter by clicking on Clone MAC Address. For the Connect item Mode Select Always On mode should be set. The recommended MTU value should be obtained from your provider; most likely, it will be 1472. After checking that the settings are correct, click Save Settings, after which the router will save the settings and reboot. After a few minutes, you can try to start using the Internet.

    Features of setting up D-Link modems

    If we have at our disposal a router manufactured by D-Link, the configuration of this device, as a rule, is performed within the framework of very simple algorithms, which are generally similar for all device models. What features can be highlighted regarding the configuration of the types of devices we have considered?

    First of all, we note that information from the provider will be no less useful for us, along with knowledge of the router configuration algorithm - and this main feature working with devices. Step-by-step setup D-Link router in any modification requires the appropriate data. If they are not at hand, then connecting to the Internet will be problematic, since the spread of indicators that determine the technological specifics of connecting to the network can be very large in practice, and it is not easy to guess the right one. Knowing the specifics of the standards used by the provider is an extremely important aspect; without it, it will be difficult to correctly configure a D-Link router. Beeline, Rostelecom, other large suppliers, as well as various operators may be characterized by noticeable differences in technological approaches. But, as a rule, the provider’s support service is open to communication with the user. Her specialist usually always tells you the necessary settings.

    What other features does a router released under the D-Link brand have? Setting up devices within the series we reviewed, as we found out, at the very first stages of working with the devices requires entering a login and password. They are usually standard and sound like admin. But it may well turn out that the user will have at his disposal a device with changed login and password settings. Which he may not even know. But that's not a problem.

    Reset settings

    It is enough to perform a hardware “reset” of all settings of the router. To do this, press the RESET button, which is located on the back of the case. That is, in the same place as the connectors for connecting cables. Before pressing it, be sure to turn off the power to the device. After pressing, you should wait about a minute before working with the device again. After the user has reset the settings of the D-Link router, the factory login and password - admin - should work.

    Please note that when you return to factory settings using the RESET button, all settings are canceled, including, in particular, those responsible for access to the wireless network. Therefore, if, for example, in the process of restoring working options, the user installs New Password on Wi-Fi, then he may need to communicate it to people who have used the network before, knowing only the previous one. Also, if, for example, devices such as a TV with Smart TV support or a set-top box were connected to the device via Wi-Fi, then the corresponding settings in them will also need to be updated if the password is set in the router.

    Saving settings

    The devices of the series in question have useful function saving settings (with the possibility of their subsequent restoration in case of failures). To do this, you need to set the correct settings via the router management web interface and make sure that the Internet works with them. You can then save these settings. To do this, in the main menu of the router control panel, select the TOOLS button, then SYSTEM. To save the settings to a file on your computer disk, click Save Configuration and then select right place V file system. It is also useful to make a copy of the saved file on another medium, such as a flash drive. In order to, in turn, restore the settings, then, having entered the same area of ​​the router control panel, click the “Browse” button (if the operating system version is Russian), and then specify the settings file that was previously written to disk or to a flash drive. Afterwards, click Restore Configuration Settings. Then you need to reboot the router by clicking the Reboot button. Also, through this interface, you can restore the factory settings by pressing the Restore Device button - the effect will be the same as when pressing the RESET button on the device body.

    Reboot required

    The peculiarity of the devices in the series under consideration is that when changing the settings, the device must be rebooted every time. That is, if, for example, some kind of important file, and at the same time, a loss of connection is undesirable - it is better not to make changes to the router settings, but to wait until necessary information will load. Also, it may turn out that some other person is connected to the network via Wi-Fi, and a forced Internet shutdown may also be undesirable for him. Therefore, we wait until the router is free from use, and only after that we make the necessary adjustments in the settings.

    Select product 7200-1200AC 7200-1200DC 7200-2000AC 7200-2000DC 7200-24 7200-24G 7200-24G2XG 7200-24GE 7200-2XG 7200-48 7200-48P 7200-4XG 720 0-512RAM 7200-ASE3 7200-CM1 7200-CM2 7200-CM3 7200-CM4 ANT24-0800 ANT24-0801 ANT24-0802C ANT24-1200 ANT24-1201 ANT24-2100 ANT24-CB01N ANT24-CB03N ANT24-CB06N ANT24-CB09N ​​ANT24-ODU03M ANT24-OD U1M ANT24-ODU3M ANT70-0800 ANT70- 1000 ANT70-1400N ANT70-1800 ANT70-CB1N ANT70-CB1RN ANT-SP CWM-100 DAP-1325 DAP-1360U DAP-1420 DAP-1513 DAP-1520 DAP-1610 DAP-1620 DAP-2230 DAP-2310 DAP-2330 D AP -2360 DAP-2660 DAP-2695 DAP-3310 DAP-3320 DAP-3410 DAP-3662 DAP-3760 DAP-3860 DAS-3216/RU DAS-3248/EA DAS-3626 DAS-4192-20 DAS-4192-30 DAS -4192-40 DAS-4192-50 DAS-4192-60 DAS-4672 DAS-4672-10 DAS-4672-20 DAS-4672-30 DAS-4672-40 DAS-4672-50 DAS-CB1 DCH-M225 DCM- 202/RU/C DCS-100 DCS-210 DCS-3010 DCS-32-1 DCS-32-2 DCS-32-4 DCS-33-1 DCS-33-2 DCS-33-3 DCS-34-2 DCS -3511 DCS-37-3 DCS-4602EV DCS-4603 DCS-4622 DCS-4701E DCS-4703E DCS-4802E DCS-56 DCS-56P DCS-6510 DCS-6513 DCS-6517 DCS-6616 DCS-6915 DCS-7000L DCS -700L DCS-7110 DCS-7413 DCS-7513 DCS-8000LH DCS-8100LH DCS-825L DCS-960L DEM-210 DEM-211 DEM-220R DEM-220T DEM-302S-BXD DEM-302S-BXU DEM-302S-LX DEM-310GM2 DEM-310GT DEM-311GT DEM-312GT2 DEM-314GT DEM-315GT DEM-330R DEM-330T DEM-331R DEM-331T DEM-410CX DEM-410X DEM-412CX DEM-421XT DEM-422XT DEM-423XT DEM - 424XT DEM-431XT DEM-432XT DEM-433XT DEM-434XT DEM-435XT DEM-436XT-BXD DEM-436XT-BXU DEM-CB100 DEM-CB100QXS-4XS DEM-CB100S DEM-CB300 DEM-CB300CX DEM-CB300QXS 0S DEM -CB50 DEM-CB50CXP DEM-CB50ICX DEM-CB700S DEM-PB1S-OLT DEM-QX01Q-SR4 DEM-QX10Q-LR4 DEM-X10CX-1271 DEM-X10CX-1291 DEM-X10CX-1311 DEM-X10CX-1331 DEM-X40CX- DEM-X40CX-1491 DEM-X40CX-1511 DEM-X40CX-1531 DEM-X40CX-1551 DEM-X40CX-1571 DEM-X40CX-1591 EM-X70CX- 1511 DEM-X70CX-1531 DEM-X70CX-1551 DEM-X70CX-1571 DEM-X70CX-1591 DEM-X70CX-1611 DES-1005C DES-1005D DES-1005P DES-1008C DES-1008D DES-1008P 08P+ DES-1016A DES-1016C DES-1016D DES-1018MP DES-1018P DES-1024A DES-1024D DES-1026G DES-1050G DES-1100-06MP DES-1100-10P DES-1100-16 DES-1100-24 DES-1210-08P DES -1210-10/ME DES-1210-28 DES-1210-28/ME DES-1210-28P DES-1210-52 DES-1210-52/ME DES-3026 DES-3028P DES-3200-10 DES-3200- 28 DES-3200-28F DES-3200-28P DES-3200-52 DES-3526 DES-3528 DES-7206-Base DES-7210-Base DFE-520TX DFE-551FX DFE-560FX DFL-870 DGE-528T DGE-530T DGE-550SX DGE-560SX DGE-560T DGS-1005A DGS-1005D DGS-1005P DGS-1008A DGS-1008D DGS-1008MP DGS-1008P DGS-1010MP DGS-1016A DGS-1016C DGS-1024A DGS-1024C DGS-102 6MP DGS- 1026X DGS-1052X DGS-1100-05 DGS-1100-06/ME DGS-1100-08 DGS-1100-08P DGS-1100-08PD DGS-1100-10/ME DGS-1100-10MP DGS-1100-10MPP DGS- 1100-16 DGS-1100-16/ME DGS-1100-24 DGS-1100-24/ME DGS-1100-24P DGS-1100-24P/ME DGS-1100-26MPP DGS-1210-10 DGS-1210-10/ ME DGS-1210-10MP DGS-1210-10P DGS-1210-10P/ME DGS-1210-12TS/ME DGS-1210-20 DGS-1210-20/ME DGS-1210-26 DGS-1210-28 DGS-1210 -28/ME DGS-1210-28MP DGS-1210-28MP/ME DGS-1210-28P DGS-1210-28P/ME DGS-1210-28X/ME DGS-1210-28XS/ME DGS-1210-52 DGS-1210 -52/ME DGS-1210-52MP DGS-1210-52MP/ME DGS-1210-52MPP DGS-1210-52MPP/ME DGS-1210-52P/ME DGS-1500-28 DGS-1510-10L/ME DGS-1510 -20 DGS-1510-20L/ME DGS-1510-28 DGS-1510-28L/ME DGS-1510-28LP/ME DGS-1510-28P DGS-1510-28X DGS-1510-28X/ME DGS-1510-28XMP DGS-1510-28XMP/ME DGS-1510-28XS/ME DGS-1510-52 DGS-1510-52L/ME DGS-1510-52X DGS-1510-52X/ME DGS-1510-52XMP DGS-3000-10L DGS- 3000-10TC DGS-3000-20L DGS-3000-26TC DGS-3000-28L DGS-3000-28LP DGS-3000-28SC DGS-3000-28X DGS-3000-28XMP DGS-3000-28XS DGS-3000-52L DGS- 3000-52X DGS-3120-24PC/*RI DGS-3120-24SC/*EI DGS-3120-24SC/*RI DGS-3120-24TC/*RI DGS-3120-48PC/*RI DGS-3120-48TC/* RI DGS-3130-30PS DGS-3130-30S DGS-3130-30TS DGS-3130-54PS DGS-3130-54S DGS-3130-54TS DGS-3420-26SC DGS-3420-28PC DGS-3420-28SC DGS-3420- 28TC DGS-3420-52P DGS-3420-52T DGS-3427 DGS-3610-26 DGS-3610-50P DGS-3620-28SC DGS-3620-52P DGS-3620-52T DGS-3630-28PC DGS-3630-28SC DGS -3630-28TC DGS-3630-52PC DGS-3630-52TC DGS-3710-12C DGS-6600-24SC2XS DGS-6600-24SC2XS-C DGS-6600-48S DGS-6600-48S-C DGS-6600-48T DGS- 6600-48TS DGS-6600-8XG DGS-6600-CM DGS-6600-CM-II DGS-6600-FAN DGS-6600-FAN-II DGS-6600-PWR DGS-6600-PWRDC DGS-6604 DGS-6608 DGS- 703 DGS-707 DGS-711 DGS-712 DHD-131 DHP-1220AV DHP-1565 DHP-208AV DHP-209AV DHP-329AV DHP-346AV DHP-P308AV DHP-P309AV DHP-P338AV DHP-W310AV DIB-110 DIB-200 DIB -360 DIR-516 DIR-615 DIR-615/GF DIR-620S DIR-640L DIR-651 DIR-806A DIR-815 DIR-815/AC DIR-822 DIR-825 DIR-825/AC DIR-825/ACF DIR -841 DIR-842 DIR-853 DIR-860L DIR-878 DIR-879 DIR-882 DIS-100G-5PSW DIS-100G-5SW DIS-100G-5W DIS-200G-12PS DIS-200G-12S DIS-PWR180AC DIS- PWR40AC DIS-RK200G DIS-S301SX DIS-S302SX DIS-S310LX DIS-S310R DIS-S310T DIS-S330LH DIS-S330R DIS-S330T DIS-S350LHX DIS-S380ZX DKVM-4K DKVM-4U DKVM-CB DKVM-CB/1.2M DKVM -CB3 DKVM-CB5 DKVM-CU DKVM-CU3 DKVM-CU5 DKVM-IP1 DKVM-IP8 DKVM-IPCB DKVM-IPCB5 DKVM-IPVUCB DMC-1000 DMC-1001 DMC-1001/DC DMC-1002 DMC-1910R DMC-1910T DMC -300SC DMC-515SC DMC-530SC DMC-700SC DMC-8

    Quick search

    See also

    Question: Setting up PPPoE (Dual Access) connection DIR-300

    Connect the device to the computer using the cable supplied in the kit. Opening Internet Explorer and type in the address bar . Connecting wirelessly to your device or attempting to open settings through any other Internet browser may not always be successful.
    Login: admin
    Password: (leave field blank)
    On the tab Setup, select a tab InternetSetup.
    Press the button Manual Internet Connection Setup.

    Go to the next menu.

    Dynamic PPPoE

    In the field My Internet Connection is: select Russia PPPoE Dual Access.

    1. Select a connection with dynamic address assignment by your provider - Dynamic PPPoE.

    Select Static IP

    1. IP Address - IP Address issued to you by your provider.
    2. Subnet Mask – provider subnet mask.
    3. Gateway – provider gateway.
    4. Primary DNS Address – the preferred DNS Server of the provider.
    5. Secondary DNS Address – alternative DNS provider server.

    8. If your provider uses a dynamic IP address:

    Static PPPoE

    1. Select a connection with a static address assignment by the provider - Static PPPoE.
    2. User Name – user name for authorization in the provider’s network.
    3. Password – password for authorization in the provider’s network.
    Retype Password – repeat the password to log in to the provider’s network.
    4. Service Name – name of the provider’s service (only if specified by the provider).
    5. MAC Address– if the provider’s network has a MAC Address binding, then click the Clone MAC Address button.
    6. Connect mode select - connection setup mode. In the figure, "Always-on" is selected for a permanent connection. "Connect-on-Demand" - establishing a connection when necessary - that is, when traffic directed to the Internet appears, the device will establish a connection, and if there is no activity for more than the time specified in "Maximum Idle Time", it will disconnect. If you select "Manual", the connection is established and terminated manually.

    Select Static IP
    a) IP Address - IP Address issued to you by your provider.
    b) Subnet Mask – provider subnet mask.
    c) Gateway – provider gateway.
    d) Primary DNS Address – the preferred DNS Server of the provider.
    e) Secondary DNS Address – alternative DNS server of the provider.

    Save the settings by pressing the Save Settings button.

    7. If your provider uses a dynamic IP address:

    Select Dynamic IP. Save the settings by pressing the Save Settings button.

    After these settings, the Internet should appear.

    D-link DIR-300
    Wireless router wifi networks.


    To successfully work with settings and control via a web browser, it must have active JavaScript support ( this instruction does not have this information, please refer to your browser manual).

    1. Turn off your computer.
    2. Connect the Ethernet cable to the LAN ports on the back panel of the D-link DIR-300 router, and to the Ethernet adapter of the computer.

    Sockets for connecting a router

    1. Connect the PSU (power supply) to the power socket on the back of the router, and then to the outlet.
      Turn on your computer.

    Login to the interface

    Having established the combination of the computer with the D-link DIR-300 router, you can go to the web interface where the settings and management of the router are located. To do this, launch your browser and enter in the address bar. Then press Enter.

    NOTE: If your browser shows a "Page cannot be displayed" error, make sure your router is connected correctly.
    The web interface of the D-link DIR-300 router is implemented in several languages. To select the Russian language, hover over the English inscription at the top of the page and click Russian in the drop-down menu.

    Language selection

    • Go to System/Administrator Password page
    • Enter the secret word you created in the Password and Confirmation fields.

    You can set any word except admin. It is allowed to write Latin letters of both registers, numbers and symbols that can be written on the keyboard. Finally, click Apply.

    Changing your password

    NOTE: Write down a new secret word or combination of numbers. If you lose your password, you can return the factory settings by pressing the RESET button for 20 seconds. Remember, this procedure will overwrite all the parameters you specified.
    After the password has been changed, the web interface login page will open again. Enter the name admin and your secret word, and then Login.

    Setting up the router

    • To ensure an Internet connection, go to the Start menu - Click’n’Connect.

    Start setting up the router

    • Connect the Internet access cable to the WAN port on the D-link DIR-300 router.

    INTERNET socket

    • To check the connection, look at the INTERNET indicator, it should be lit. To continue, click Next.
    • On the page with connection types, select the one that your provider uses.

    Different connection types

    Wired WAN connection


    Connection type PPPoE

    • In the Connection name field, enter its name.
    • In the Username, Password and Confirm Password fields, enter the data provided by your Internet provider, respectively.

    If you need to further configure the router, go to the expert settings mode by clicking the Details toggle switch at the bottom of the page.

    Static IP

    Connection type Static IP

    • In the Connection name field, enter its name.
    • Fill in the values ​​for the IP address and Netmask.
    • In the gateway IP address column, enter the address of this connection.
    • In the Primary DNS Server cell, enter the appropriate information.

    As a rule, these parameters are sufficient.

    Dynamic IP

    Connection type Dynamic IP

    • In the Connection name field, enter a name.
    • If your provider has provided DNS server addresses, uncheck the Obtain DNS server address automatically checkbox and enter the data in the Primary DNS server field manually.

    As a rule, these parameters are sufficient.

    If you need to further configure the router, go to the expert settings mode by moving the Details toggle switch at the bottom of the page.

    Checking Internet availability

    Here you can check access to Internet resources.

    Checking Internet access

    In the Result section, the result of the WAN connection check and the reasons will be displayed possible problems. To recheck, click the Recheck button. When finished, click Next. The Wireless Connection Wizard setup page will then open.

    Setting up a wireless connection

    The D-link DIR-300 router has three wifi wireless network modes.

    Router operating modes

    • If you do not plan to use a wifi network, check the Turn off box. Click Next and then the Apply button.
    • If you plan to use a wifi network to connect devices, you need to set the label to the Access Point position.
    • If you planning to connect the router to another wifi network then check the client item.

    Access Point Mode

    In the SSID field, come up with and insert your network name. You can use numbers and Latin letters for input.

    In the next step, you can change the security settings of your wifi network.
    IMPORTANT: Basic settings will not provide sufficient protection for the local wireless network. We recommend setting up security in your own way.
    In the “Set Security Mode” window, in the “Network Authentication” list, leave active value“Secure network”, and in the “Security key” field, enter a secret word or a combination of letters and numbers - a password for accessing the wifi network distributed by your router. Latin numbers and letters are suitable.
    If you select the value Open network, the “Security Key” field is blocked, and you can connect from the wifi network without entering a password.

    Wi-Fi network security

    The next page will display the settings you have specified for the D-link DIR-300 router. Check that they are correct, and then click Apply.

    Setting up IPTV

    The D-link DIR-300 router allows you to set up IP television. To do this, go to the IPTV Setup Wizard section.

    On the settings page, select the LAN port to which you are going to connect the IPTV set-top box.
    It happens that in order to organize access to the Internet and IPTV services, the provider uses virtual networks(VLAN ID). In this case, configure access to IPTV service as further instructions advise.

    • In the left menu, select Advanced, VLAN sub-item.
    • Create a port group with a VLAN ID value and set the type to Transparent.
    • Specify the port for the connected IPTV set-top box.

    The D-link DIR 300 router has two interface themes. The article described the light theme. We invite you to watch the video on how to configure the same router, but in usual topic interface.

    Routers under the D-Link brand are among the most popular in Russia. Their main advantages are low price, reliability, and provision of sufficiently high speed Internet access.

    Routers of the D-Link DIR series have become especially popular in the Russian Federation: 620, 2640U, 320, 615, 300, equipped with a Wi-Fi module. In turn, among wired devices, the D-Link DIR 2500U device is popular. How is the D-Link DIR router configured depending on the modification? Are there noticeable differences in working with devices of different series?

    It can be noted that, regardless of which specific modification the router released by D-Link belongs to, the device is configured using similar algorithms. At the same time, setting the necessary options when working with almost any D-Link series modem is a fairly simple procedure. However, there are specific features for each device. And therefore, we are exploring them, studying the specifics of working with each device of the marked series.

    Router D-Link 620

    Let's look at how to configure the D-Link 620 router. In this guide, we will connect the Internet, which is accessed via an Ethernet channel. First of all, we connect the appropriate cable to the appropriate port on the router.

    The next step is to configure the software part of the connection interface on the PC. To do this, you need to enter the “Control Panel” of the Windows operating system, then select “Network Connections”. Then we find the network card (or select the one that is used to connect to the Internet), right-click and select “Properties”. Next, left-click on the “TCP/IP Protocol” item. Select “Properties”. We set the settings to “automatic” in all points.

    The next step is to connect the PC’s network card and one of the free ports of the router using an Ethernet cable (this type of cable is typical when connecting to the Internet via a network card).

    Next, open the window of any browser, for example, Internet Explorer, Opera or Google Chrome - it doesn’t matter, the functionality of the required interface does not depend on the type of program used. Enter the following command into the address bar -, press Enter. After this, the user is taken to the router management window. You will be required to enter a username and password. In most cases, when setting up a D-Link router, you must enter admin in both fields. This is a universal login and password programmed at the factory for devices of the type in question.

    After entering the router management area, select the tab called “Network”. Next, click on “Connections”, then on the WAN connection icon. On the page that will load after clicking on WAN, you will need to make sure that the boxes for obtaining a DNS address and IP are checked. In general, you don't need to change anything on this page. Most modern Russian providers do not require that this setting of the D-Link router be adjusted in any way. Rostelecom, for example, is among them.

    Next, return to the “Network” and “Connection” tab. Click “Add”. After this, you will need to enter the settings that must be provided by the provider operating in a particular city (moreover, they may differ for houses located in different parts of the locality). After entering the required values, click “Save”.

    Wi-Fi setup specifics

    As a rule, if you are setting up a D-Link router, WiFi can also be activated. In order to use the device’s wireless module, you must again select the “Network” tab, then “Wi-Fi”. In the window that opens, enter the name of the network - any convenient for the user, in Latin letters. You can also set the maximum number of devices (“clients”) simultaneously connected to the router. For example, if a person uses three devices - say, a PC, a laptop and a smartphone, then you can enter the number 3.

    Next, select the “Security Settings” tab. We install authentication using the WPA2/PSK mixed standard (mixed type of security) - it is considered one of the most reliable. We choose TKIP+AES encryption, since this option is considered by many IT experts to be optimal from the point of view of network protection. After that, enter the password. Its minimum length is 8 characters. However, IT specialists recommend entering a longer password. It should also be, if possible, complex - so that it is difficult to guess. Using a password, you can control access to a Wi-Fi network, sharing it only with those people who have the right to use the Internet to which the owner of the router is connected.

    Note that setting up Wi-Fi, the main nuances of which we noted, is generally carried out according to the same principles when working with other routers of the series in question.

    After all the settings, click “System”, then “Save and reboot”. This completes the setup of the D-Link 620 router. In a few minutes you can start using the Internet. If something doesn't work, it is advisable to contact the provider's support service.

    As a rule, if the connection to the network was successful, then once the router settings are fixed, they should ensure the proper operation of the entire system subsequently. At the same time, in some cases, one or another type of technological upgrade may occur on the Internet provider’s side, which may predetermine the need to adjust the operation of the router. In this case, the user will likely have to communicate with the service provider to determine the most optimal device settings.

    Setting up the D-Link 2500U device

    Let's now consider how to configure the D-Link 2500U router, another popular device. From the point of view of working with Windows software interfaces, the algorithm of actions is the same - you need to make sure that in the network card settings there are checkboxes opposite the items about obtaining a DNS address and IP automatically.

    Just as in the case of the previous router, we connect all the wires, and then enter into the browser line. The username and password will be admin. In most cases, the menu of a router of this brand is in English. To start setting up your Internet connection, click the WAN tab. Select the Add button, after which we get to the settings page itself. Here, as in the previous case, we will need data from the provider. The values ​​of both VPI and VCI can thus vary not only between different cities, but also between areas of the same locality. After the user has entered the necessary settings, you can click Next.

    On the page that opens, you should select the correct type of network protocol, also after consulting with your provider. For many Russian providers of Internet access services, the PPP over Ethernet mode is typical, regarding Encapsulation Mode (“encapsulation format”) - the LLC/SNAP-BRIDGING option. Click Next.

    The next window, of course, will also require knowledge of data that can only be provided by the provider - this is the login and password. The remaining options on the page, as a rule, do not need to be adjusted (unless the provider's support service advises otherwise). Click Next.

    Setting up a D-Link router of the series in question usually does not require adjusting the items on the page that opens, but it doesn’t hurt to consult with your provider about this issue. If technical support specialists do not give any recommendations, click Next. After moving to the next page - Apply (“apply settings”). After loading the next interface, click the Finish button and wait until the device reboots. After a few minutes you can try using the Internet. If something doesn’t work out, call technical support.

    Despite the fact that this router is not equipped with a Wi-Fi module, many experts recognize it as a reliable and easy-to-use device. At the same time, as is the case with many other devices from D-Link, if the technology for providing Internet access on the part of the provider changes, the user may need to find out new settings directly from the communication service provider.

    Working with the D-Link 2640U modem

    Let's now study how to configure the D-Link 2640U router. The first steps in working with this device will be the same as in the case of previous devices - we set up the automatic acquisition of a DNS address and IP through the “Control Panel” of the Windows operating system.

    Next, as when setting up previous routers, we enter the modem settings panel through the browser. The address will look like this - The login and password will be the same - admin. The router configuration interface in this case will probably be in Russian. Select “Network” and then “Connections”. Click the “Add” button.

    The most likely “connection type” is PPPoE. Connection in the “Bridge” format is much less commonly used.

    Next, we specify the VPI and VCI settings - we, as in previous cases, will find them out from the provider. Similarly, we ask the service provider for a login and password (by the way, they are often indicated in the subscription agreement - you can try to find them there). It is recommended to activate the Keep Alive option. Regarding indicators for LCP, it is also recommended to find out their optimal values ​​from the provider. But, as a rule, it is optimal to set the number 15 in the “interval” option, and 2 in the “gaps” option. Also, activate IGMP. Click the “Save” button.

    Now let's move on to working with another important function, which includes setting up a D-link router - WiFi. To do this, press the Wi-Fi button, then “basic settings”. We write the desired name of the network, then set the encryption standard - just as in the case of the D-Link 620 modem, this is WPA2-PSK, enter the password for the network. Save the settings. Then click “System”. Next is the “Save and Reload” item. After a few minutes we try to use the Internet.

    Setting up a D-Link 320 and 300 modem

    Let's study how to configure the D-Link 320 router. It is noteworthy that the model with index 300 is configured in almost the same way. First steps - as usual, connect the wires, set the Windows settings to automatically obtain a DNS address and IP. Open the browser and enter in the address bar. The login and password, as in previous cases, are the same - admin, we get to the web interface of the router control panel. As a rule, you are immediately prompted to change the factory default password to a custom one. If desired, an appropriate replacement can be made.

    Next, select the “Network” menu item, then “Connections”. Click “Add”. The main settings window will open. There we select the desired connection type (usually PPPoE). In the “Setting up PPP” item, enter the username and password, which, as in previous cases, can be requested from the provider or, alternatively, found in the subscription agreement. The MTU value will also need to be checked with your network access provider; in many cases this figure is 1492. In general, these are all the settings that need to be made. We save the parameters.

    Next we need to configure Wi-Fi. Select the appropriate item in the menu. Enter the desired wireless network name and configure security. As in previous cases, select the WPA2-PSK encryption standard and enter the password. Click “Change”. Then select “System”, then “Save”. As we noted above, setting up the D-Link 300 router is performed using almost the same algorithms. This device and the D-Link 320 are actually devices from the same line.

    Setting up a D-Link 615 modem

    Let's look at how to configure the D-Link 615 router. First, we do everything that we did when working with previous modems: we connect the wires, set up automatic acquisition of the DNS address and IP in the Windows interfaces. Next, go to the browser and enter in the address bar. Enter admin in the “login” and “password” fields. The system may offer to change the relevant data - if desired, we will carry out the replacement.

    The distinctive specificity that characterizes this router released by D-link is that setting up a wireless connection is desirable first of all. To do this, you need to press the SETUP button in the start menu of the device control panel. Next, select Wireless Settings. After - Manual Wireless Connection Setup.

    Next, it is important to set the correct wireless connection parameters. So, regarding the PROTECTED SETUP item, it is advisable to uncheck the Enable option. At the same time, you should make sure that the checkbox next to the Enable Wireless and Always options is checked. In the Network Name section, enter the name for the network. We set the mixed type for the 802.11 communication protocol. Regarding security settings, Security Mode, it is optimal to set the WPA-Personal parameter. In the Cipher Type item, select AES. Next, enter the password (Pre-Shared Key) for the wireless network. After checking that all parameters are correct, save the settings by clicking the “Save” button.

    Having configured the wireless network, you can move on to working with options related to connecting to the Internet. Press the SETUP button, then Internet, then Manual Internet Connection Setup. In the menu that opens, we have to indicate the communication protocol used (most likely it will be PPPoE), login and password (we ask the provider, look in the subscription agreement). You can also configure an additional setting by clicking on Clone MAC Address. The Connect Mode Select item should be set to Always On. The recommended MTU value should be obtained from your provider; most likely, it will be 1472. After checking that the settings are correct, click Save Settings, after which the router will save the settings and reboot. After a few minutes, you can try to start using the Internet.

    Features of setting up D-Link modems

    If we have at our disposal a router manufactured by D-Link, the configuration of this device, as a rule, is performed within the framework of very simple algorithms, which are generally similar for all device models. What features can be highlighted regarding the configuration of the types of devices we have considered?

    First of all, we note that information from the provider will be no less useful for us, along with knowledge of the router configuration algorithm - and this is the main feature of working with devices. Step-by-step setup of a D-Link router in any modification requires the appropriate data. If they are not at hand, then connecting to the Internet will be problematic, since the spread of indicators that determine the technological specifics of connecting to the network can be very large in practice, and it is not easy to guess the right one. Knowing the specifics of the standards used by the provider is an extremely important aspect; without it, it will be difficult to correctly configure the D-Link router. Beeline, Rostelecom, other large suppliers, as well as various operators may be characterized by noticeable differences in technological approaches. But, as a rule, the provider’s support service is open to communication with the user. Her specialist usually always tells you the necessary settings.

    What other features does a router released under the D-Link brand have? Setting up devices within the series we reviewed, as we found out, at the very first stages of working with the devices requires entering a login and password. They are usually standard and sound like admin. But it may well turn out that the user will have at his disposal a device with changed login and password settings. Which he may not even know. But that's not a problem.

    Reset settings

    It is enough to perform a hardware “reset” of all settings of the router. To do this, press the RESET button, which is located on the back of the case. That is, in the same place as the connectors for connecting cables. Before pressing it, be sure to turn off the power to the device. After pressing, you should wait about a minute before working with the device again. After the user has reset the settings of the D-Link router, the factory login and password - admin - should work.

    Please note that when you return the factory settings using the RESET button, all settings are canceled, including, in particular, those responsible for access to the wireless network. Therefore, if, for example, in the process of restoring working options, the user sets a new Wi-Fi password, then he may need to tell it to people who used the network before, knowing only the previous one. Also, if, for example, devices such as a TV with Smart TV support or a set-top box were connected to the device via Wi-Fi, then the corresponding settings in them will also need to be updated if the password is set in the router.

    Saving settings

    The devices in the series under consideration have a useful function for saving settings (with the possibility of later restoring them in case of failures). To do this, you need to set the correct settings via the router management web interface and make sure that the Internet works with them. You can then save these settings. To do this, in the main menu of the router control panel, select the TOOLS button, then SYSTEM. To save the settings to a file on your computer's disk, click Save Configuration and then select the desired location in the file system. It is also useful to make a copy of the saved file on another medium, such as a flash drive. In order to, in turn, restore the settings, then, having entered the same area of ​​the router control panel, click the “Browse” button (if the operating system version is Russian), and then specify the settings file that was previously written to disk or to a flash drive. Afterwards, click Restore Configuration Settings. Then you need to reboot the router by clicking the Reboot button. Also, through this interface, you can restore the factory settings by pressing the Restore Device button - the effect will be the same as when pressing the RESET button on the device body.

    Reboot required

    The peculiarity of the devices in the series under consideration is that when changing the settings, the device must be rebooted every time. That is, if, for example, some important file is downloaded from the Internet, and a loss of connection is undesirable, it is better not to change the router settings, but to wait until the necessary information is downloaded. Also, it may turn out that some other person is connected to the network via Wi-Fi, and a forced Internet shutdown may also be undesirable for him. Therefore, we wait until the router is free from use, and only after that we make the necessary adjustments in the settings.

    Equipment DIR-300 NRU B6

    The model turned out to be really good, and many people liked it at the time. This may be why several modifications, or, as they say, revisions, were later released. Let's take a closer look at each.

    DIR-300 A1

    The very first router, which was produced since 2007. Started the series. It was equipped with 1 external antenna, 1 WAN port and 4 LAN. The processor used was Atheros AR2317 with a frequency of 182 MHz. It had 16 MB of RAM, and 4 MB of memory for data storage.

    One of the first routers was very simple

    DIR-300 B1, B2, B3, B4

    Produced since 2009. The same A1, with a new Ralink RT3052F processor at 384 MHz and twice the RAM. Connectors and appearance remained unchanged. By the way, it was these revisions that were sold in Russia under the label DIR-300NRU.

    DIR-300 B5, B6, B7

    New hardware, relatively previous versions: Ralink RT5350 processor at 360 MHz. There is the same amount of RAM and flash memory. The devices do not differ in hardware from each other. Externally, B5 and B6 are similar to the previous ones, but B7 came out in a new design and was produced only for Russian market since 2012. Also marked NRU.

    The rear panel has a standard set of ports

    DIR-300 C1

    Externally, the ventilation grille has changed slightly. Internally - appeared new processor Realtek RTL8196C at 400 MHz. Ports, connectors and capabilities remain the same.

    Increasing the ventilation grille - that’s the whole “restyling”

    DIR-300 D1

    The processor index has changed - Realtek RTL8196E, but the frequency remains the same - 400 MHz. The appearance and, in fact, the form factor have undergone radical changes. The router received a “standing” position. Produced since 2013. Buy now D-Link router DIR-300 D1 is available for 800 rubles.

    The transition to a new form factor was a fresh decision

    DIR-300 S/A1

    Completely new look. The device got the processor from D1. The amount of flash memory has been increased to 8 MB. Otherwise the characteristics are the same as the D1. Produced since 2013

    Bends and non-standard shapes have already appeared here.

    DIR-300 A/A1A

    Hardware full copy DIR-320 with 4 MB of memory and without USB port. The design breaks out of the classic “box” and is a cylinder.

    The cylindrical shape surprised users a little at first

    In a special publication on our portal, we will talk in detail about how to choose a router. You will learn what a router is, what router Wifi is better, or the nuances of choice, how to choose and how to connect the router yourself.

    How to connect a D-Link DIR-300 router

    In fact, there is nothing complicated about this. First you need to study the controls and connectors a little. The front panel usually contains LED icons that are responsible for indicating processes inside the device:

    Front and back sides of the router:

    • power indicator. Standard icon for all types of devices;
    • Internet connection indicator. Usually this is an icon in the form globe;
    • Wi-Fi indicator. Several waves. Lights up - connected, blinks - data is being transferred;
    • LAN port indicator. Can be numbered according to ports. By analogy with Wi-Fi, if it blinks, it is transmitting data, if it lights up, it is connected.

    There are 4 LAN ports on the rear panel (black or blue) and 1 WAN port. The latter is yellow and can be labeled as internet or wan. On the back panel there is also a power connector, a reset button, and on some revisions a WPS button. Usually included with the router special cable blue color. It is already crimped on both sides and is ready for use. It is with its help that it is carried out initial setup router.

    It connects to one of the LAN ports, it makes no difference which one. The second end must be inserted into the computer's network card connector. Connect the power and turn it on. On this physical connection D-Link DIR-300 router is completed. After it is configured wireless network, you can disconnect the cable and use the Internet over the air.

    How to reset a D-Link DIR-300 router

    The router has an emergency system for returning to default settings if something suddenly goes wrong. There are two ways to do this - through the web interface, which we will talk about later, and physically - using Reset buttons on the back of the device. To activate the reset process D-Link settings DIR-300, you need to take a thin object - a paperclip, match or the like, press the button and hold it for more than 10 seconds. All settings will be reset to default.

    How to set up a D-Link DIR-300 router

    All configuration of DIR-300 takes place in the router’s web interface. But in order to get into it, you need to connect the router to the computer via a network connection. To do this, at the beginning of the article we inserted a special cable into both devices. Now let's see how to set it all up.

    Preparatory stage - setting up a connection to the operating system

    After the cable has been inserted into the LAN ports of both devices, operating system should detect and automatically create a network connection with the router. At this stage, a small nuisance may occur: network connection No. This usually happens due to incorrect installation IP addresses in the network connection protocol settings. The fact is that the router, using DHCP technology, distributes IP addresses at random every time you turn on or connect a new device. That is, one may get, and the other - And in the computer settings there may be an address specified manually, and even from a different subnet. Therefore, if there is no connection, you need to check this parameter first. To do this, go to the control panel and find the “View network status and tasks” item.

    Control Panel

    Then in the list of networks select “Connect via local network" In the window that appears, click “Properties”.

    Properties and Networks

    In the new window, select “Internet Protocol Version 4” and click the “Properties” button. Finally, what you need will open. Here you need to check whether the switch is in the “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically” mode. If not, then enable both modes.

    IP properties

    How to configure the D-Link DIR-300 router

    Once the connection has appeared, you can begin setting up the router itself. All manipulations will be carried out in its web interface. Therefore, you need to start from the entrance.

    Login to the router interface

    To log in we will need any browser. Having opened it, you need to enter the IP addresses of our router in the address bar. By default, this is Less common is

    Login to the admin panel

    The login window will open. Here you need to enter your username and password. Usually this is the pair admin-admin, less often - admin and an empty field or 12345. After entering the password and login, we will be taken to the holy of holies - the administrative panel of the router.

    By default, the device information page opens. Here you can view various service data: revisions, firmware versions, network name, MAC address. The sections on the left define the categories of settings.

    First admin page

    Setting up an Internet connection

    To configure the network, oddly enough, we need to go to the section of the same name. Here you need to select the “WAN” subsection. There is an “Add” button in the lower right corner. It activates the process of creating a new Internet connection.

    Adding a network

    The system will immediately prompt you to select the connection type. For most cable providers this will be PPPoE. Next for easy connection Internet connection, we need only three points: the already mentioned connection type, username, password and its confirmation. In the login and password fields we indicate the data provided by the provider. They can be found in the contract or annex to it. Click “Apply”. After this, the globe icon on the front panel of the router should blink.

    Creating a connection

    Setting up a D-Link DIR-300 Wi-Fi router

    Now you need to distribute wireless traffic. There is a special Wi-Fi section for this. The first part of the wireless network configuration will take place in the “Basic Settings” subsection.

    First, you need to turn it on if it is suddenly turned off. Therefore, we check whether the “Enable wireless connection" Then you need to set the network name, which will be visible in the list available networks. The SSID field is responsible for this. The default router can substitute its own name, which can be used without changes.

    In this menu you can pay attention to two more items: “Hide access point” and “ Wireless mode" Using the first one, you can hide your network so that it can be accessed only by name, that is, it will not appear in the list of available networks. The second determines in which modes the router will operate. Recommended - mixed to different types devices could connect to the network. Essentially, modes are options for data transfer rates.

    Wi-Fi Settings

    After specifying all parameters, click the “Apply” button.

    Checking connection status

    Checking network availability is now very easy. Disconnect the cable from the router. We turn on Wi-Fi on the device, find our network and try to connect. If the “Hide access point” flag was set, you will have to find the “Connect to hidden network" and manually specify the network name.

    If the Internet becomes available, it means everything is configured correctly. However, there is a problem - the network does not have a password. This means that anyone can connect to it. Including attackers. We need to set it up.

    Setting a password for the Wi-Fi router D-Link DIR-300

    The “Security Settings” subsection of the Wi-Fi section of the router’s administrative panel is responsible for the password. By the way, you can also access the panel via a wireless connection by again typing in the browser address bar.

    Security Settings

    There aren't many settings here. First, you need to set the authentication type. WPA2-PSK is considered the most secure today. Then you need to enter the password in the field. All. Now all that remains is to remember the entered password and click “Apply”.

    How to back up your router settings

    Sometimes you may need to restore already saved settings after unsuccessful firmware, accidental reset or system error. To do this you can create backup copy, which will be stored in a secluded place hard drive, and if necessary, restore the system. The “System” section and the “Configuration” subsection are responsible for this. The items for the operation of creating a file and downloading it are called that way. Click the button, specify the path on your computer and save. In order to recover data, we perform the same operation. It's simple.


    What to do if router firmware is required

    Firmware is a rather serious operation on a router. Its necessity may arise in cases where the device begins to malfunction, loses Wi-Fi, or reboots itself. And if even resetting to factory settings does not help, then perhaps the salvation lies in the firmware.

    Another reason for updating the firmware may be the desire to use the router to its full potential. The fact is that the original software uses hardware in a balanced manner, without requiring maximum performance from it. Custom firmware accelerates it to its full potential. However, this approach has a significant disadvantage - it is overheating and failure of the power circuits.

    We will not describe the firmware process, since each revision uses its own approach and its own tools. But a few recommendations can be given. You shouldn’t rush to reflash your router right away, because you can first try resetting it to factory settings. Almost all models have a built-in update mechanism that can be activated manually. Before updating your D-Link DIR-300 router, do not forget to make a backup copy.

    System update

    And if you decide to reflash your router, then use the instructions from authoritative sources. For example, the official website has basic tips and guides. Also, the 4PDA forum has a huge knowledge base, firmware and tools for each of the presented revisions of DIR-300.

    Features of setting up the D-Link DIR-300 router using the example of the Beeline provider

    Beeline uses the L2TP type to connect to the Internet. Accordingly, the technique for creating such a connection will be slightly different. However, all procedures performed before logging into the admin panel can be taken from the normal router settings. Next we will need to get to the WAN subsection of the “Networks” section. Here you need to specify L2TP + Dynamic IP. You can enter anything you want in the name field, but you will still only see it here in the admin panel.

    Beeline setup

    Then you need to find the “VPN server address” field and specify the address. Usually it is the same - tp.internet.beeline.ru. Next you need to specify a username and password. They must be specified in the contract.

    Beeline setup

    The rest of the settings can be left as is. We have already written about how to set up Wi-Fi above, the methodology is the same.

    Features of setting up the D-Link DIR-300 router using the example of the Rostelecom provider

    The setup instructions are completely the same as setting up a PPPoE connection described at the beginning of the article. However, it is worth checking when creating a connection that the Keep Alive checkbox is checked. Along with the Internet, Rostelecom allows you to set up IPTV. This is also done in the WAN subsection of the “Networks” section. We need to find an item here in connection types called IPoE. However, it is not present in new firmware. But there is a static IP. We choose him. Set the MTU field to 1492.

    Setting up IPoE for Rostelecom

    Then you will have to go to the “Advanced” section, the “Miscellaneous” subsection and make sure that the checkbox is checked in IGMP, version 2. That’s all.

    Prices for DIR-300 routers available for sale

    Photo Characteristics Price (as of April 2018), rub.


    Transfer speed: 150 Mbps. Frequency range: 2.4 GHz. 990

    Transfer speed: 150 Mbps. Frequency range: 2.4 GHz. 1 000

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