• How to remove full screen in browser. Full screen mode in the Opera browser

    Sometimes when working in Photoshop there is a shortage free space on-screen image processing can be a real challenge for you, especially if you're not one of the lucky ones who has a dual-screen monitor. All kinds of tools, menu windows, parameters, panels that make up the program interface can greatly clutter the screen and significantly limit the space available for working with images. Add to this the ever-increasing size of images as digital technology advances, and you can see how important it can sometimes become to find ways to maximize the working area on the screen.

    Fortunately, when working with Photoshop, overcoming the problem of lack of working space is quite easy, thanks to the presence of various screen display modes. Screen display mode determines how much of the interface should be displayed on the screen, and ranges from standard mode, which displays the entire interface, to full screen mode, which only shows the image itself. In this tutorial, we'll take a closer look at the three screen display modes and how to switch between them. I'll also show you some useful keyboard shortcuts for working with screen modes. I will use the CS6 version of Photoshop, but this tutorial will also work for the version Photoshop programs CC.

    Screen display modes

    1. Standard screen mode

    Below is the image opened on my screen in at the moment(photo of a woman in a mask from Shutterstock):

    Standard screen display mode in Photoshop

    This image is open in my standard screen mode, installed by the program default. This mode displays the entire program interface, including the toolbar on the left, the control panel on the right, the menu bar at the top, various options, scroll bars, and other information about the document window. Since standard mode screen provides us with fast and easy access to all the necessary elements, it also takes up the largest area on the screen.

    We may not now see how an interface can make it difficult to work with an image, since in present moment I have the option set to “Fit on Screen”, which means placing the image on the screen so that it can be fully visible. To get a visual idea of ​​the benefits of different screen modes, I'll press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+1 / Command+1 to quickly jump to 100% image zoom (you can read all about resizing an image in Photoshop in our lessons "Scaling Basics" and "Tips" and hotkeys for scaling").

    At 100% zoom, the image is too large and does not fit entirely on the screen. In this case, displaying the entire interface can become a problem for us, since the image viewing area is blocked by all kinds of panels, especially if we work on small monitors with low resolution:

    When enlarging the photo, displaying the entire interface may become a hindrance for us

    2. Full screen mode with menu bar(Full Screen Mode With Menu Bar)

    If you want to increase the size of your workspace, you can switch to the second of three screen modes, called Full Screen with Menu Bar. This can be done in several ways. First, you can select the View section from the menu bar at the top of the screen, then Screen Mode and Full Screen Mode with Menu Bar (View > Screen Mode > Full Screen Mode With Menu Bar):

    Select “View > Screen Mode >Full screen mode with menu bar"

    More quick way Switching between screen modes in Photoshop is to click on the screen mode change icon at the bottom of the toolbar and hold the icon pressed for a while, which will result in a pop-up window with three screen modes appearing. From the list that appears, select “Full screen mode with menu bar”:

    Click on the screen mode change icon, hold the button, and select “Full screen mode with menu bar” from the list

    When you select full-screen mode with a menu bar, all interface elements that were part of the document itself become hidden: the document title at the top, the minimize, expand, and close buttons, scroll bars on the right and bottom, the zoom button, and other information related to document itself, usually located in the lower left area of ​​the window. Also, if you have multiple images open in separate windows, only the selected document remains visible. At the same time, we continue to see all other interface elements (toolbar on the left, control panel on the right, menu bar at the top) on the screen:

    Full-screen mode with menu bar increases the size of the work area while maintaining visible individual elements interface

    3. Full Screen Mode

    To maximize the size of your workspace, switch to the third screen display mode, which is simply called Full Screen Mode. You can select it either by going to the “View” section in the menu bar at the top of the screen, then “Screen Mode” and “Full Screen Mode” (View > Screen Mode > Full Screen Mode), or simply pressing and holding the mode change icon screen at the bottom of the toolbar and selecting “Full Screen Mode” from the list that appears:

    Click on the screen mode icon, hold the button, and select “Full screen mode” from the list

    When you select full screen mode for the first time, a dialog box will appear in the program, which will briefly describe how it works this mode. If you don't want to see this message every time you switch to full screen mode, check the "Don't show again" box in the dialog box and then click the "Full Screen" button:

    The program warns you in advance that the full-screen mode is different from the currently active mode

    When you select full screen mode, the entire interface becomes invisible except for the image itself, and the screen turns into a work area:

    It seems incredible, but the image is still open in Photoshop. Full screen mode hides the entire interface.

    Working with the interface

    1. Working with interface panels along the edges of the screen

    You might be thinking, “This is all great, but how am I supposed to work with an interface that is not visible?” On the one hand, you can always rely on key combinations and use them, provided you remember the desired combination on the keyboard. But in reality, you don't have to be a "power user" to work with full-screen mode. Eat easy way if necessary, make the interface visible. To temporarily bring back the toolbar and select your desired tool in full screen mode, simply move your mouse cursor to the left edge of the screen. Once you select the tool you want, move your mouse away from the edge and the toolbar will disappear:

    In full screen mode, move your mouse to the left edge to view the toolbar.

    To view the panels that normally appear on the right side of the screen, move the mouse cursor to the right edge of the screen. After working with the panels, move your mouse cursor away from the edge and the panels will disappear:

    In full screen mode, move your mouse to the right edge to view panels

    2. Show and hide interface panels from the keyboard

    You can also temporarily hide and show panels by pressing certain key combinations, and this doesn't just apply to full-screen mode. These key combinations work in any of the three screen display modes and make it possible to increase the working area if necessary. In any screen mode, press the Tab key to hide or show the toolbar on the left, the menu bar at the top, and the panels on the right. In my case, I pressed the key while in full screen mode, but you can also try using the key in both standard mode and full screen mode with the menu bar:

    In full screen mode, press the tab key to display the toolbar, menu bar, and panels located on the right side of the screen

    To show and hide panels located only on the right side of the screen, press Shift+Tab. Again, I'll use this combination for full screen mode, but this combination also works in other screen modes:

    Press the keyboard shortcut in full screen modeShift+Tab to show panels on the right

    We looked at how you can switch between screen modes using the View menu bar and the screen mode icon in the toolbar. But the fastest way to switch is to press the F key on your keyboard. By pressing the F key repeatedly, you will switch from standard screen mode to full screen mode with menu bar, then to full screen mode, and back to standard mode.

    If you want to switch modes in the reverse order, press the key combination Shift+F. Finally, in full screen mode you can click Esc key to exit the mode and return to standard screen display mode (pressing the F key will have the same result).

    And so we did it! We looked at how you can clear the screen in Photoshop and increase the size of the work area by using different screen modes and useful combinations keys! To further explore the program, visit our Photoshop Basics section or jump to tutorials that may interest you!

    Translation: Ksenia Rudenko

    operating room Windows system- a complex multi-component structure, all the options of which are not known to all “advanced” PC and laptop users. These are all kinds of Easter eggs, jokes from the creators and, of course, hotkeys. The last one is probably the most useful and the most mysterious. Even programmers don't know all the keyboard shortcuts that can be used to control the entire operating system without using a mouse. However, in order to learn all the combinations, you need to train for more than one month, because there are a lot of them. It is worth noting right away that this is a long and difficult task. Not everyone has the patience to learn all the keys. Therefore o hidden possibilities This operating system is known to a very limited circle of the most persistent.

    We will look at the most useful key combinations that can come in handy in everyday work. Having learned them, you will be able to amaze even “experienced” programmers with your speed of work.

    Why do you need to know this?

    First of all, you need it yourself. This knowledge will broaden your horizons and help you work on the computer faster and more productively. After all, many key combinations lead to functions that are deeply hidden in the depths of the Control Panel. Searching for them and clicking the mouse takes much longer than holding down a couple of keys. By the way, there is also a full-screen mode key in Windows. And we will talk about it, since this issue is of great interest to many users. In less than a month you will feel that controlling a PC or laptop using hot keys is much more convenient than using a mouse. This is why you need to know their combinations.

    Opinion of "experts" about hot keys

    Many computer "gurus" and pseudo-programmers deny the effectiveness of this method of managing the operating system. But this is only because they are terribly afraid to admit their incompetence in this matter. However, anyone who professionally processes photographs in Adobe program Photoshop will not underestimate the effectiveness of keyboard shortcuts, as they improve productivity and speed up work.

    Don't forget about those who love games. For them, playing in windowed mode is pure torture. Therefore, it is vital for them to learn key combinations that allow them to enable full-screen mode in the game without unnecessary hassles. However, most advanced users simply ignore operating system and program hotkeys, considering them a useless addition. They are fundamentally wrong. It's worth studying them. And this is what we will do now.

    Keys in various applications

    Each program has its own hot keys. Including the keyboard shortcut to enter full screen mode. Needless to say, some programs do not support this very mode. For example, utilities such as Microsoft Office. They just don't need this regime. In the Daum PotPlayer, the full-screen mode key is Enter. In the browser - Alt plus F12 buttons. But not all applications have similar parameters. Therefore, you should study the documentation for a particular program. They will show you how to make full-screen mode using keys.

    It is worth noting that in some programs you can assign the desired combination for one action or another. Such utilities include audio and video players, graphic editors, file managers, specialized and video and some other products. It's quite convenient. Therefore, the developers provided users with this opportunity. For which honor and praise be given to them.

    Full screen mode in games

    Here, hotkeys will not help you set full-screen mode. You'll have to go to the graphics settings and check the appropriate box there. This is where things get a little complicated, because in different games these settings are in different places. So you just have to search here. However, the vast majority of games have quite adequate Russian translations, so there shouldn’t be any problems with this. However, some novice users cannot even cope with this task. Then you should try to simply expand the game window to full screen. Enough for the first time. How to switch to full screen mode? The keyboard shortcut Alt plus F2 will expand the window to full screen. But this is not 100% full screen mode.

    Full Screen Mode in Photoshop

    This software product is intended for professional processing photographs, has many interesting features. Including full screen mode. The keys in Windows 8 (and in any other OS) are Shift plus F. This will expand the program to full screen with a menu bar on which will be located necessary tools. However, the capabilities of this software product in this mode are very limited. To exit full screen mode, just click on Esc button. In general, a separate article could be written about keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop. But this is not part of our plans now.

    When working in Photoshop, you can't live without hotkeys. All professionals working in this field know this very well. Keyboard shortcuts significantly improve productivity. Indeed, it is easier to press the Ctrl-Alt-Z combination in order to roll back the changes made than to look for the “Back” tool. Other combinations are also effective. Although those who have specifically studied the techniques of working in Photoshop are already well aware of the wonderful properties of hot keys.

    Full screen mode in Google Chrome browser

    This internet browser is considered one of the best in terms of speed and performance. Millions of people use it. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the huge number of requests on the topic of how to make full-screen mode using keys in Chrome. People can be understood. Constantly going through the browser settings just to switch the view is a complete pain. So, in order to expand Chrome to full screen, just press the F11 button. Then the browser will appear before you in all its glory. To exit full screen mode, you need to press the same key again. Then the browser window will return to its normal form.

    In general, Chrome has a huge number of hotkeys. It’s just that not everyone knows about them. For example, on previous page can be accessed using Backspace buttons. To enable a particular add-on, you need to click Alt key and some number. Any addition will start. The main thing is to remember what number everything is on. And so on. Hotkeys unleash the full potential of this Internet browser. So it’s definitely worth studying them.

    What if I have a laptop?

    There may be some nuances here, because the laptop keyboard has a special function key, which includes hotkeys provided by the manufacturer. Therefore, key combinations for laptops may differ from those used on personal computers. However, keyboard shortcuts for laptops can be determined by eye. The fact is that each functional button has an inscription or image in a color different from the main one. That is, the image shows what will happen if you press this key in combination with a function key.

    Thus, laptops look much more convenient in this regard, since they already have own system hot keys. The user just needs to carefully study the device's keyboard and practice a little. After this, controlling your laptop using hot keys will seem as simple as using a mouse. You just need to make sure that these commands will not conflict with standard keyboard shortcuts in Windows. Otherwise, not a single command (neither “laptop” nor “system”) will work.


    So, we understand which full-screen mode key is in the operating system"Windows" and in various software products. If everything is more or less clear with the system and there is at least some stability, then with utilities everything is not so simple. Each program has its own set of hotkeys. Therefore, the key combinations that enable full-screen mode can be completely different. There is only one way out: study the documentation that comes with software product. You can, of course, try the “scientific poking method,” but nothing good will come of it. So stock up on the necessary literature and patience.

    Since each program has its own differences in interface, it may not be obvious to users what to do to perform a particular function. Below we will talk about the most popular problems with exiting full screen mode.

    How to exit full screen mode in Firefox

    Most often, you end up in full-screen browser mode by accident. Having encountered an unusual display, users rush to return to the familiar, without having tried all the advantages of an undeservedly ignored function. It is noteworthy that Firefox supports full-screen mode on any device, from miniature netbooks to huge HD displays, allowing you to use all the functionality of the device to the maximum. If you miss the usual toolbar, just move the cursor to the edge of the window and the menu items will appear.

    • to return to the usual view, go to “Settings” in the right top corner browser and click on the “Full Screen” button inside (clicking again will return full screen mode);
    • alternative way exit - press the F11 button on the keyboard (for laptops it can be Fn + F11, if there is a compact type of button placement).

    How to exit full screen mode in Google Chrome

    Popular browser from Google, which has proven itself among Windows users, may spontaneously go into full screen mode on Ubuntu OC. This causes a lot of inconvenience to PC owners and requires additional clarification. So, in order to “wean” Chrome from opening in full screen mode (it will also work on Windows), we will perform the following sequence of actions:

    • launch Chrome browser;
    • if the window expands to full screen, switch to another monitor;
    • on the latter we launch another copy of the browser;
    • return to the first monitor and close the first copy by right-clicking on the bottom panel with the list open windows;
    • we go to the next monitor, with a “double” of Chrome, which should launch in a regular window (or we switch it to windowed mode through the settings\buttons in the upper right corner);
    • close the windowed copy, launch Chrome again - the problem should disappear, the browser remembers the last windowed launch and restores it in each new session.

    How to exit full screen mode in games?

    Switching to windowed mode can make a gamer's life easier in many ways. This makes it easier to interact with others at the same time running programs. In windowed mode, games require less PC resources, some stop displaying " dark screen", "slow down" or create other problems. Switching the game to windowed mode is as easy as shelling pears - usually this feature is turned on and off in the options by simply checking the checkbox. If the developers, for various reasons, did not provide this opportunity, for Windows there are universal key combinations that put any program into windowed mode. Try pressing Esc, F11, or Alt+Enter one at a time to determine which buttons work with specific software.

    Despite the fact that only two browsers were discussed in the article, all other programs function in a completely similar way. To switch to windowed mode and back from any program, use the specified hotkey combinations or carefully examine the program settings to find the desired option.


    How to exit full screen mode in the browser?

    Hello everyone! You are on the webmixnet.ru blog page! And today in this short article I will tell you how to exit full-screen mode in the browser?!

    Read also: How can you stop loading a web page in your browser?

    In fact, it is no coincidence that I brought up this topic. It just happened yesterday that I actually pressed something on the keyboard in combination with the touchpad. And as a result, my Chrome browser went into full screen mode. After that, to be honest, I made several attempts to return everything back, so to speak, to the original state. this type. But, alas, nothing worked out for me!

    Fortunately, more than one browser is installed on the computer; we managed to find a solution on the Internet. But of course, it is not a lifesaver for everyone. Perhaps it will suit you.

    So, to exit full screen mode, you just need to press the F11 key on your computer. Hope this helps you! At least it helped me!!! If it doesn't bring you desired result, try pressing the Esc key.

    After doing this, the problem should be resolved and you will be back to your favorite browser! Well, that's all I wanted to tell you today. Of course, the article turned out to be short, but you will immediately understand what you need to do to exit full-screen mode! Good luck!

    How to exit full screen mode in any browser in a second?

    style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-4066320629007052" data-ad-slot="6126629122"


    Hi all! Dmitry Kostin is with you, and today I want to tell you how to exit full-screen mode in the browser. I know firsthand that people, having accidentally clicked something, end up in full-screen mode, where there are no buttons to close the browser, and the ESC button is not your help here. And this, I want to tell you, can lead to panic. This has happened to me at work more than once. The employees literally ran headlong so that I could fix the problem faster.

    But in reality there is nothing wrong with that. If you suddenly have such a problem, then you can do the following (no matter what you have - Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera):

    style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-4066320629007052" data-ad-slot="7184559928"


    Well, that's basically all. Even though the article was short, I am sure that it will be incredibly useful for many people. So now you know how to exit full-screen mode in the browser, and you shouldn’t have such problems anymore.

    Well, with this I say goodbye to you. Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog, and of course I’m waiting for you again. Good luck, bye-bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin


    How to make the browser window full screen?

    View sites in full screen mode without any toolbars or browser menus by pressing the F11 key. To restore the window back to normal mode Press the F11 key again.

    IN Opera browser You can enable full-screen viewing mode by right-clicking and selecting “Full Screen” from the menu that appears. Also in Opera, you can exit full-screen mode by pressing the “Esc” (Escape) key.

    This feature works in all major browsers including Opera, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

    Page zoom changes

    Ctrl+0 changes the page scale to the original (100%). Ctrl and the "+" (plus) and "-" (minus) keys zoom in and out of the page. You can also press Ctrl key and spin the mouse wheel.

    See also: How to force a shortcut to open a program in full screen?

    Date: 01/20/2013 00:00

    Date: 03/11/2013 00:00

    no, that's not what I need

    Date: 05/18/2013 00:00

    I did the same thing, but I still have exactly the same. Tell me what to do?

    What exactly did you do and in which browser? Everything should work fine.

    Date: 11/23/2013 07:06

    Thanks a lot!!! My child was pressing something and I didn’t know how to fix the problem.. Your advice was very helpful

    Date: 12/18/2013 17:32

    I go to YouTube and everything is there small print, and in others Yandex, etc. Everything is fine. Tell me what to do

    Date: 01/02/2014 01:14

    Opera browser. Pressed F11, but no changes. What should I do?

    Date: 02/19/2014 17:53

    help so that my computer screen is the main screen

    Date: 05/05/2014 07:30

    I succeeded, but when I left full-screen mode and for some reason black things appeared on the sides of the screen and the screen narrowed a little. These bugs are similar to those that usually appear when you turn on the game. What should I do? How to remove them?

    Date: 05/05/2014 12:08

    Dina Try checking the screen resolution, are you on a laptop?

    Also try resizing the browser window manually, moving it, turning it on or off full screen mode again.

    Date: 05/22/2014 11:26


    Date: 08/10/2014 11:45

    Date: 08/15/2014 00:25

    Please tell me how to restore the screen size! I was sitting in classmates, the child pressed something on the keyboard and the screen narrowed, I went to VKontakte screen normal size, but my classmates are small1 What should I do?

    Date: 10/15/2014 15:05

    Thank you very much. I clicked F11 and there was no problem! Google Chrome

    Date: 02.11.2014 13:25

    Not visible bottom panel tasks, in all others programs works, and nothing helps here. What should I do?

    Date: 11/11/2014 10:58

    Masha, ask your question more specifically, no one will understand you like that. Where is it? In what programs? Are you even writing about the browser?

    Date: 11/11/2014 14:54

    To change the font size on the screen while viewing pages in any browser, press and hold Ctrl and use the other hand to turn the mouse wheel. There are, of course, cases when the font is programmed and does not change, but rarely.

    Date: 11/15/2014 11:30

    Please tell me. Reinstalled Google to latest version, installed several. users, now the browser page began to open incompletely, with shifts to the right (there is no full screen button) I tried: 1) Enter in address bar chrome://plugins/ and press Enter 2)Deleted 1 flash player

    Date: 12/28/2014 11:37

    enlarge computer screen

    Date: 12/28/2014 11:39

    enlarge computer screen

    Date: 02/02/2015 16:07

    When I connect to the remote desktop, it turns out at the edges of the arrow, the start is visible, but you need to move it so that it is visible, i.e. the screen is visible, but to see what is written at the end, you have to move it. How can I remove this so that the screen becomes normal?

    Date: 02/13/2015 18:16

    nooooo it doesn’t work, it worked before but now it doesn’t

    Date: 02/23/2015 12:24

    Oksana, collapse all the tabs, click on the desktop mouse button, go to the screen resolution, set the penultimate number combination, exit and click (you can already find it, the screen will expand a little) on the top right there is an icon to the left of the cross, and voila!! !

    Date: 02/23/2015 14:20

    how to add a video to a comment in Odnoklassniki in full screen?

    Date: 03/06/2015 08:04

    in Firefox you need to do the following to enter top menu in the help tab and click restart without add-ons, the browser will reboot and thus restore full-screen mode for viewing photos in Odnoklassniki

    Date: 04/20/2015 09:32

    The same question as above from Olga... the screen became small, apparently she accidentally pressed some button? I pressed both F11 and Ctrl and it doesn’t increase??

    Date: 04/20/2015 09:54

    OLGI Everything, I did it myself, you need to press 2 buttons - 0 and Ctrl

    Date: 04/20/2015 18:25

    Add. information for Olga and Aleftina.

    Ctrl+0 changes the page scale to the original (100%). Ctrl and the "+" and "-" keys increase and decrease the page scale. You can also hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel.

    In the Opera browser, you can simply press + and - to change the scale.

    Date: 05/01/2015 17:42

    At first I lost the full-scale mode, and then the language switching panel

    Date: 07/21/2015 07:11

    When I put the movie in full screen mode I can't see what to do?

    Date: 09.23.2015 16:53

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Date: 10/09/2015 08:18

    I use Opera. Recently (literally from the beginning of this week) on YouTube videos in VK, the button with arrows that controls the expansion and collapse of full-screen mode simply disappeared. F11 works, the mouse mode works, but the video window itself remains not stretched to fill the entire screen. Has anyone encountered this and what is the reason?

    Date: 10/30/2015 22:32

    In opera, in full screen mode, the video is not viewed on websites. Why?

    Those who have been working with the Google Chrome browser for a long time have probably noticed more than once that the system sometimes functions in a rather incomprehensible way. Chrome can take a long and tedious time to ask the user for permission to activate full-screen mode on absolutely any site (especially on YouTube, where a similar message appears when watching every video). Well, we can’t even talk about other Internet resources.

    How to remove full screen mode in the Google Chrome browser

    The setting responsible for display resolution in full screen mode is written into memory by the program separately for each resource. An incredibly huge amount of time must pass before this type of message stops bothering the user with endless notifications asking them to confirm their own action.

    Thus, in order to completely stop further occurrences of a request of this kind, you will have to type the following value in the address line:

    chrome: // settings / content Exceptions # fullscreen

    Or you can do this: go to the settings menu, then go to the personal data section, go to Fullscreen or Full Screen, and then go to the section responsible for controlling the exception system.

    A small window will appear in front of you, where each individual exception for full screen mode is registered. In order for the web browser to consider almost every site visited by the user as being on the exclusion list, you will need to edit absolutely any line located in the list. All you need to do is left-click on the host:

    This screenshot shows the only allowed host - YouTube. You'll have to edit that one.

    Instead of an address name that looks something like this:

    [ * ] www. youtube. com

    You can only enter the value:

    After that, click on the button to complete the process and save the entered data. The entry that was being edited will instantly disappear, which means that Chrome will no longer prompt for all actions that are associated with activating full-screen mode.

    But, alas, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the message that provides the user with information that a certain site will activate full screen mode upon startup. However, a message of this kind is not at all the same as what they represent. annoying inscriptions“normal action mode”, as well as “allow action”.

    Problems with full screen mode in the Google Chrome browser

    There are cases when the user is unable to view the video in popular service YouTube in full screen mode. Decide this problem There are several available ways:

    • To begin, we recommend that you review all additional materials, as well as browser extensions. You need to make sure that those add-ons or extensions that are already installed in the browser system do not prohibit turning on and viewing video material in full screen mode. If necessary, you will have to change the settings of the appropriate type.
    • You can also restart Google Chrome or your device. If the full screen mode refuses to be activated, you can restart the Chrome browser or the device itself. It may also be that your browser does not support full screen mode.

    Latest Windows versions 10 include a new feature for gamers. It's called "Full Screen Optimization Mode". When enabled, the feature allows the operating system to optimize the performance of games and applications when they are in full screen mode. However, some users have noticed that this optimization may not work as expected and does not improve application performance as expected. If you are getting side effects such as decreased performance for specific games with the feature enabled, you may want to try disabling it.

    By default, the full-screen optimizations feature is enabled and is available starting with Windows build 17093.

    As you already know, Windows 10 has special function game mode, which is created specifically for gamers. The feature improves performance and priority of games. It prioritizes CPU and graphics processing unit (GPU) resources to make the game faster and smoother. New feature "Full Screen Optimization Mode" is part of gaming optimization in Windows 10.

    If you are having performance issues while gaming and Full Screen Optimization Mode is enabled, there are several ways to disable it. You can use Settings, a registry tweak, or compatibility settings for classic games (not from the store). Let's take a closer look at these methods.

    To disable "Full Screen Optimization Mode" in Windows 10, follow these steps.

    1. Open the application "Options" by clicking on the gear icon in the menu "Start" or the keyboard shortcut Win + I.
    1. Go to the section " System" → "Display".
    1. Scroll to the bottom of the page, find and click the link - "Advanced Graphics Options".

    1. On next page disable (uncheck) the option "Enable optimization in full screen mode".

    All. This change will apply to all apps you run under your Windows 10 user account on that PC.

    Additionally, this setting can be enabled or disabled using a registry tweak.

    Enable or disable full-screen optimization mode using a registry setting.

    1. Open the application.
    1. Go to the next registry key.


    1. On the right, change or create new parameter DWORD (32 bits) with name - GameDVR_FSEBehavior .

    Note. Even if you are using 64-bit Windows, you must still create a DWORD (32-bit) value.

    1. Set to parameter GameDVR_FSEBehavior value equal 2 , this will allow you to disable it. To enable the feature again, set the value to 0 .
    1. For changes made using a registry tweak to take effect, you need to sign out and sign in to your account user.

    Finally, you can disable the full screen optimization feature for individual applications. This applies to classic games that are implemented as desktop applications.

    Disable full screen optimization for a specific application.

    1. IN context menu select "Properties".
    1. Go to the tab "Compatibility".
    1. Enable the option by checking the box for "Disable full screen optimization".

    This will disable full screen optimization for specific application for the current user.

    To disable optimization for all users.

    1. Right click on executable file application or game for which you want to disable optimization.
    1. From the context menu, select "Properties".
    1. Go to the tab "Compatibility".
    1. Click the button "Change settings for all users".

    ...Change settings for all Windows 10 users button

    1. And enable the “Disable full screen mode” option.