• When 20 digital channels are connected. Digital terrestrial television

    Most apartments and even private houses within any even small city have problems with the quality of reception TV signal now there is almost none, since it has been carried out almost everywhere cable television. Most apartment buildings in cities with a population of over a million may have several cable TV operators, which gives residents a pretty good choice.

    But as you move away from city centers, the availability of cable TV high quality gradually “reduces to nothing.” And outside the city, as a rule, cable television completely absent.

    Therefore, most summer residents are content with watching at most a few channels terrestrial television, which manages to be caught on . Moreover image quality often leaves much to be desired. Especially if the summer cottage is located far from the emitting terrestrial television station, then on the TV screen you can see a lot of interference from "snow" to "streaks" and black and white image instead of a color picture.

    In most of Russia, terrestrial television is still transmitted to analog format. This method of signal transmission has one significant drawback: the signal-to-noise ratio drops significantly with distance from the emitter.

    With distance from the television center, noise (interference) begins to dominate more and more over the main signal. This is precisely what manifests itself in the appearance of “snow” on the screen. If the cottage or village is very far from the transmitting station, then the noise will eventually interrupt the signal completely, and It becomes impossible to watch a TV channel at all.

    Now the country is introducing the transmission of TV signals in digital format, and over time it is planned to completely abandon the transmission television programs in analog format.

    What is the advantage of digital TV over analogue?

    Transmission of a signal “digitally encoded” compared to direct transmission in analog format gives a number of advantages:

    • Increasing the noise immunity of transmission and recording paths of television signals.
    • Reducing transmitter power.
    • Significant increase in the number of TV programs transmitted in the same frequency range.
    • Improving image and sound quality in TV receivers.
    • Creation of TV systems with new standards of image decomposition (high-definition television).
    • Creation of interactive TV systems, when using which the viewer has the opportunity to influence the transmitted program (for example, video on demand).
    • Function "To the beginning of transmission".
    • Archive of TV programs and recording of TV programs.
    • Transmission of various additional information in a TV signal.
    • Select a language (more than the usual two) and subtitles.
    • Extension functionality studio equipment.
    • Possibility of adding radio to multiplexes

    But there are also some flaws:

    • Fading and scattering of the picture into “squares” when the level of the received signal is insufficient, the data is either received with 100% quality or restored, or is received poorly with the impossibility of restoration.
    • Almost complete signal fading during thunderstorms.
    • Even a transmitter with a power of 10 kW and a transmitting antenna height of 350 m provides confident reception over a distance of 50 km, and as a result, the need for a larger number of transmitting centers than with analog TV (more frequent placement of transmitting antennas).

    Since we are discussing from the point of view of an ordinary user mainly only image quality, then we can highlight only one main feature of digital terrestrial TV over outdated analogue:

    Digital TV is very resistant to interference. To do this, the signal is encoded with some redundancy. Digital tuner will produce an ideal picture even in the presence of a lot of noise. And it will do this until the signal-to-noise ratio drops to a minimum, when the signal arrives at the very edge of the equipment’s capabilities.

    That is, in analog broadcasting, as the signal level drops, you will see the picture worse and worse. In digital broadcasting, you won't notice the signal drop until the tuner is no longer able to recover the lost pieces of the image, and it "disintegrates into squares" and then disappears completely.

    Types of digital television

    Based on the transmission channel, digital TV can be divided into four types:

    • Cable (DVB-C)
    • Terrestrial (DVB-T2)
    • Satellite (DVB-S)
    • Internet TV (IP TV)

    We will not consider cable TV and IP television in the country due to their great rarity. But satellite and terrestrial digital television broadcasting in the countryside is relevant.

    Moreover, satellite DTV has been used by consumers for quite some time, and in particularly remote areas there are no alternatives to it at all. We will look at it in our separate article.

    But on-air DTV began to enter the lives of gardeners and summer residents relatively recently. Let's talk about him in more detail today.

    Terrestrial digital television in the country

    The terrestrial digital television network in the Russian Federation is still in the process of construction and currently available mainly near large cities. But it already covers a significant part of the dacha areas. Therefore, the issue of connection has become very relevant lately.

    How to connect to terrestrial DTV?

    If you want to try connecting digital television to your dacha, first you need to determine does your site fall within the coverage area of ​​one of the DTV transmitting antennas?. The location of the site will determine how your TV receiver will pick up the digital signal.

    Most reliable way to find out, ask your neighbors in your dacha area, perhaps some of them are already watching TV channels in digital form. Then you can be completely sure that “the signal is reaching you.”

    If no one in the area has ever heard of digital TV, then you need to try to find out whether your site falls within the boundaries broadcast radius of a local emitting DTV station.

    Coverage area

    The broadcast radius of a DTV station usually lies within 20-50 km, depending on the terrain and building density. On average about 30 km is reliable reception zone.

    Each region has its own local organization - DTV operator, which is responsible for building and maintaining the network. On their website you can usually see the locations of broadcast stations and even coverage maps. Or you can get information from them by phone or written request.

    The DTV network in the Russian Federation is being built by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network.

    Each region has a division of this organization.

    You can call and find out everything by phone numbers in your region from the page.

    If you are lucky and you find out that your dacha is located in the digital broadcast zone, then it’s time to decide necessary equipment for DTV reception.


    So, you already have a TV in your dacha, a plot in the DTV broadcast zone. Let's start installation digital television at the dacha. What else is needed to receive a signal? At a minimum you need an antenna.

    Antenna for digital television reception

    Universal HF/UHF antenna for digital TV reception

    If a digital TV tower is nearby, then it is enough indoor antenna. I will say even more, I personally confidently caught a DTV signal in the city of Ufa on a meter-long piece of wire.

    If the signal level is not so ideal, then you will need to install an antenna at the dacha for reception digital channels. Nowadays, most antennas on sale are well suited for this, since they support reception of signals in the decimeter range (UHF/UHF).

    For example, you can install the antenna “GAL”, “Locus”, “Zenith”, “Meridian”, “Ether”, etc. I bought my antenna in Auchan for 1000 rubles.

    If you know the exact location of the DTV tower, then everything is simple: point the antenna on her and that's it. Usually this is enough to catch a signal and watch digital TV without problems.

    If the exact direction is not known, then you need to gradually rotate the antenna until you find the best position. Most digital set-top boxes have signal level and quality indicator, which is displayed on the TV screen and from which you can find the best antenna position. This is usually done by two people: one person rotates the antenna, the second monitors the signal level.

    When you have found the maximum possible signal level and the antenna is installed in the desired direction, you need to search for channels on the set-top box.

    Setting up digital television at the dacha

    The easiest way is to find the “Auto search for channels” item in the set-top box menu, and then the set-top box will do everything itself: it will find all available digital channels and number them in order.

    List of digital terrestrial television channels

    Now the interesting part: what channels does digital television show for free??

    Since my dacha is in the suburbs of Ufa, and I am writing from my own experience, it means that I am considering digital terrestrial television in Ufa. But as far as I understand, list of channels throughout Russia will be the same with rare exceptions, so the information will be useful to everyone, and not just residents of Bashkortostan.

    At our dacha the DTV shows 20 channels: 10 at each multiplex.

    List of digital television channels

    Here full list channels in Ufa:

    1 "Channel One"
    2 "Russia 1"
    3 "Match TV"
    4 "NTV"
    5 "Petersburg-5 channel"
    6 "Russia K"
    7 "Russia 24"
    8 "Carousel"
    9 "Public Television of Russia"
    10 "TV Center - Moscow"
    11 "REN TV"
    12 "SAVED"
    13 "The first entertainment STS"
    14 "Home"
    15 "TV-3"
    16 Friday
    17 "STAR"
    18 "WORLD"
    19 "TNT"
    20 "Muz TV"

    I hope I helped you understand all the nuances of digital TV. If you have any questions, write, I will definitely try to help you.


    Firstly, all people who want to connect have a question: do they need some kind of special TV? Where can I get it? And how much does it cost? The answer will please everyone. You don't need any special TVs. An ordinary modern “box” will do, having a standard antenna input, scart input, low-frequency input (tulips), S-Video input, etc. With their help, a set-top box-decoder is connected to the TV.

    The process of installing a set-top box is as simple as connecting an antenna to the TV, and you can do it yourself without overpaying for installation. Simply insert the cable with one end into the special input on the set-top box, and the other into the corresponding input on the TV.

    Secondly, people ask what additional equipment will you need to connect digital? It depends on your TV and the provider from which you will connect the service. As a rule, you need to purchase a receiver of one of the types. This will depend on what type of DH you will connect and what will serve as the signal source. The receiver can be connected to a cable satellite dish, computer networks(WiFi, Ethernet). The source can also be on-air digital. Based on the above, we can conclude that in addition to the receiver, you may also need a satellite dish, analog cable television, or an Internet connection using one of the above. There should also be a UHF antenna. Here, in fact, is all the equipment.

    As for payment, you will have to pay for the purchase necessary equipment one-time This will be the biggest cost. You can also use the service of installation, connection and configuration of equipment. Or you can do it yourself. In addition, you will have to pay monthly for the channel package you choose, which generally does not cost much at all.

    Even before connecting, you need to choose a service provider. Check out all the DH operators in your city. Ask for a consultation. Ask the opinions of your friends who are already using this service. Watch their TV for yourself to get a more accurate picture. In addition, some suppliers may give you a presentation and explain and demonstrate the benefits of their equipment. This, of course, needs to be agreed upon in advance. Now, knowing what you need, you can safely go to the store or to various online sites and choose exactly the digital television that you need.

    To watch digital channels, additional customization not required. It will be enough to select the AV input or HDMI input as the signal source, depending on which method of connecting the set-top box you chose. How to choose the right signal source will be written in your instructions for the TV. Most often, the selection is made by pressing the AV or SOURCE button on the remote control remote control. You can change channels and adjust the volume while watching using the remote control and TV. To be able to view not only digital, but also analog programs, connect the antenna input of the TV to the Cable Out (or RF Out) connector on the digital set-top box and configure analog programs on the TV, as written in the operating instructions for your TV.

    To configure, you can use a number of functions. Most often, the set-top box is already configured upon purchase, but if desired and necessary, you can reconfigure it. To set the language of the menu, sound, subtitles, go to System Setting and click on the Ok button. In the System Setting menu, select the Language Setting line and click the Ok button. Using the arrow buttons, navigate through the menu and select the language you need. Confirm your choice by pressing the Ok button.

    Before you start watching digital television, you need to search for channels. To do this, select the appropriate line and click Ok. In the channel search menu, set required parameters. Search mode – Manual, frequency – 386000 kHz, bit rate – 6750 kB/s, QAM type – 256 QAM. Turn on network search. After setting all the settings, start the search by clicking the Ok button. If you enter all parameters correctly, a colored signal level indicator will appear. After finishing searching for channels, press the Ok button, and then Exit until you completely exit all menus.

    Even as a child, living in the village, I always tried to tune the TV to good welcome a large number of channels. The only option that I understood for myself from these attempts is that the higher the antenna is, the better quality channels and more. But there is a limit to the height of the antenna mast. Therefore, some channels were always shown well, some were shown not so well, and some were not shown at all. Nowadays, living in the city, you don’t experience any problems with the quantity and quality of the TV channels provided, but when visiting a village, sometimes you want to turn on the TV and change channels by choosing interesting program. But in the countryside, time moves slower and modern technologies arrive there late, and sometimes don’t arrive at all.

    In this regard, I set a goal to configure as many as possible television channels in the village. To begin with, I propose to consider what options are available today for obtaining a high-quality signal and picture on the TV:

    1Cable television- television, in which the signal is distributed through tv cable, which directly connects to each TV

    Pros: high-quality TV.

    Cons: Subscription fee, available only in large cities.

    2 Satellite TV. Satellite television broadcasts using a satellite suspended in low-Earth orbit. The signal is received by TV viewers on an individual dish antenna.

    Pros: high-quality TV.

    Cons: Cost of equipment, subscription fee.

    3 Terrestrial television. Terrestrial television distributes the signal using terrestrial repeater stations; in order to receive this signal, you must use an antenna.

    Pros: minimum costs.

    Cons: often low level signal, display and quality of channels depends on the weather, distance from the tower, mast height, etc.

    You can also say that TV channels can be watched via the Internet, but in this article I would like to talk about watching channels without using a computer/laptop, and especially the Internet.

    Of all the methods described, it worked for me only-use satellite TV, but I really didn’t want to spend money on buying equipment and then pay a subscription fee. After scouring the Internet, I found an alternative way - terrestrial digital television. The essence of digital television is the following - the transmission of television images and sound occurs using digital encoding of the video signal and sound signal using digital channels. Digital coding, unlike analogue, ensures signal delivery with minimal losses, since the picture and sound are not affected external factors(interference). Of the nuances of using digital television, I will note the following - a television channel in digital television has two situations, it will either work in good quality, or it will not work at all. Unlike analog TV, there is no borderline state and interference, the only exception is if the channel has very poor communication quality, it can slow down, turn off and turn on again, to avoid this you need to use another antenna, raise the existing one higher or turn towards the TV tower .

    What you need to watch digital television:

    TV antenna;

    TV or set-top box(Set Top Box) with tuner DVB-T2(namely DVB-T2, the outdated DVB-T will not work), support for the MPEG4 video compression standard and the Multiple PLP mode.

    You do not need to buy an additional antenna, just use the antenna for analog signal. But the antenna itself is not enough, to watch digital TV you need a set-top box with a DVB-T2 tuner (some modern TVs do not need such a set-top box, since it is built into the TV, this information can be obtained from the documentation for the TV or on the manufacturer’s website, which discusses a similar case ). Set-top boxes are not expensive, on average from 1500 to 2000 rubles. In fact, you don’t need to buy anything other than this set-top box. Another plus is that you don’t need to pay a subscription fee for terrestrial digital television.

    It is important to note that digital TV allows you to view a limited number of channels; at the time of writing there were 20 (possibly less depending on the region of residence).

    Digital television is not configured according to the principle - the higher you raise it, the more you catch. You can only tune these 20 channels, plus you can add more analog channels that your antenna will pick up (if your DVB-T2 set-top box or your TV has such a function). To learn more about the number of channels and the possibility of using digital television in your region, you can call hotline RTRS: 8-800-220-20-02 (calls within Russia are free) or on the website: www.rtrs.rf.

    So, I propose to move from theory to practice. In my case, I used a regular television antenna, which was very popular about 15 years ago. With this antenna I managed to catch about 3 analog channels in good quality, 2 in satisfactory quality and a couple more channels appeared in poor quality in good weather.

    I purchased a DVB-T2 set-top box. Regarding the choice of consoles, I didn’t rack my brains, since technically they are all as similar as two peas in a pod. Most of them have two outputs - tulip (some SCART) and HDMI, there is a USB connector for viewing content USB media. I got the impression that they are all made at the same Chinese factory, only they are equipped with different boxes and labels. When purchasing, pay attention to the control panel of the set-top box, since you will use it constantly (switch channels, turn the volume lower, higher, etc.).

    I connected the antenna to the DVB-T2 set-top box, and connected it to the TV using a tulip (it usually comes with the set-top box).

    Tulip- RCA connectors for video signal and stereophonic sound. Yellow is for video, white is for monaural or left channel of stereo two-channel audio, red is for right channel of stereo two-channel audio.

    Let me make a reservation right away: I connected the set-top box to an obsolete CRT TV, so I chose a tulip cable if you have an LCD or plasma TV With HDMI output, then you should connect it with a designated HDMI cable (it must be purchased separately), since the image quality will be much higher.

    I switched the TV to AV mode and got to the DVB-T2 set-top box interface. Setting up the set-top box requires minimal effort; all default settings will satisfy most users. The main thing you need to do is set up the channels. To do this, I went to the channel search menu and selected Auto search.

    A few minutes later, the DVB-T2 set-top box found those same 20 channels + 3 radio stations. But a few days later, channels 11 to 20 disappeared, on the website rtrs.ru I saw that the towers to which I connected did not support 2 multiplexes (from 11 to 20 channels), and the fact that they worked for a couple of days was most likely tests. As a result, I purchased a high-quality, “strong” antenna to watch all 20 channels. Test video below.

    Antenna test video ANT-T2-MAX

    In order to understand the capabilities and settings of this set-top box, I offer a photo of each of the menu items (I apologize for low quality photo).

    A digital set-top box, as I wrote earlier, can play files from USB flash drives. To do this, insert USB device into the set-top box, go to the menu, select "USB" - "Multimedia", select the playable format (music, pictures, video).

    In addition, digital set-top boxes have the ability to record images from the TV to a flash drive. To do this, just press the “Rec” button on the control panel of the DVB-T2 set-top box, after which the recording will begin on a USB device.

    To summarize, I am very pleased with the quality and quantity of digital TV channels (of course, more channels are possible, but not all at once). In my opinion, for remote places, dachas, villages, towns, where people are not ready to spend 10,000 rubles on purchasing satellite TV + pay a subscription fee, I consider this option the most suitable.

    Good afternoon dear readers of the blog site I’ll start with a little background. Some time ago my daughter was born and accordingly she began to grow up. By the summer, our whole family moved out of town, where, as it turned out, it was simply necessary to have a TV to watch cartoons and, accordingly, for parents to relax their brains by watching a movie or the news. Before our arrival, an old antenna was installed on the roof of the house, which made it possible to view at most three channels, and then in very poor quality with constant ripples and disappearance of the picture.

    Looking at the neighbors' roofs installed antennas, and after talking with the owners personally, I realized that you can’t do without certain equipment here. After reading on the pages of our vast Runet, I identified for myself two main options for watching free digital terrestrial television:

    • Tricolor TV Very common equipment in suburban areas. But the cost of installation seemed overpriced to me (you won’t be able to set up a satellite dish on your own without special tools; you definitely need specialists). And the annual subscription fee was somehow annoying, because, in my opinion, outside the city, a TV is not a thing for which you need to shell out so much money (unless, of course, you live there all year round). Tricolor naturally has its advantages, allowing you to view a much larger number of channels than using a regular one.
    • Digital terrestrial TV using . If having a huge number of television channels in your dacha is not important for you, then I suggest you consider the option of purchasing and installing inexpensive equipment that allows you to receive about twenty channels in excellent quality.

    A huge role when choosing the second option is played by the choice of a high-quality antenna and receiver, as well as distance from television towers.

    Let's first figure out step by step what digital television is, what format the antenna and set-top box should support, and also consider a simple installation option.

    What is digital terrestrial television dvb t2

    Recently there has been a nationwide transition to digital standard broadcasting. In fact, dvb t2 is a transmission and reception technology compressed image and sound in best quality, with subtitles output and the use of digital channels (where DVB is European standard). Government Russian Federation It was decided to widely distribute digital signal broadcasting by 2015, thereby providing every home with high-quality and stable reception. On at the moment Most towers have already been converted to broadcast in this format, but analog signal transmission is still working.

    However, at the moment not all TV towers allow you to transmit the number of TV channels that are included in the main packages for free digital terrestrial television. When installing an antenna and a set-top box at home, you must understand that you will not receive more than twenty channels, and if the distance from the transmitting tower is quite high and there are tangible obstacles, then in the end you can only watch ten main channels on your TV. In fact, this issue is resolved by purchasing more powerful antenna And good receiver with an amplifier, but we’ll talk about what’s needed for digital terrestrial TV a little later.

    Multiplex – combining television channels into a single digital package.

    The first digital terrestrial television multiplex:

    Second digital TV multiplex (list may change):

    Before we move on to the next parts of this article, I advise you to go to the official website of the Russian television and broadcasting network http://rtrs.ru/dtv/ determine the distance of a particular tower from your home and, accordingly, determine the possibility of viewing one or two multiplexes. The figure below shows a map displaying information posted on the site, the link to which I provided above.

    If you look closely, there are several tabs at the top of the map. When you select the “RTRS-1 TV Channel Package” tab, you will determine which towers broadcast exactly the first multiplex, and by selecting the other “RTRS-2 TV Channel Package” tab, accordingly, the presence of the second multiplex. When switching from tab to tab, the color of the towers will change and accordingly inform us about this or that opportunity. You can read more about how to choose a suitable direction and tower in a separate article on my blog.

    For example, my suburban area is located near the village of Pervomaiskoye. The first thing I did was point the antenna exactly there, but as it turned out later, the second multiplex on this tower had not yet been launched and I had to turn the antenna towards St. Petersburg.

    I think we have figured out a little what dvb t2 digital terrestrial television is, now let's talk about what you need to purchase to get a clear picture and good reception.

    What is needed for digital television

    So, in order to organize quality reception signal, it is necessary to understand that the equipment must be of no less quality. There are cases when people located close to the relay tower managed to catch both multiplexes simply on a bare wire coaxial cable. We will consider a more serious approach to choosing everything you need to watch free digital TV.

    Antenna selection

    I won't go too deep into the descriptive parts of the advantages and disadvantages of all varieties. television antennas, since I wrote about this in some detail in a separate one, but I will try to talk about the main nuances.

    Terrestrial digital terrestrial television is broadcast on decimeter waves, the same as analog television. Accordingly, any antenna to which you previously received a signal may be suitable for you. The only thing is that it is not a fact that it will be able to provide high-quality digital reception at a great distance from the TV tower.

    But from my own experience I can say that it is better to purchase a high-quality receiver in advance so as not to have headaches later.

    If you settled on the second option, then I suggest you make a choice aside active antenna. In most cases, this type is suitable. You can read about other varieties in the article I linked to earlier.

    I also advise you to pay attention to the presence of the inscription “DVB T2” on the packaging, informing that this device is intended specifically for the purposes that you are going to implement.

    Selecting a receiver or the ability to connect directly to a TV

    Recently, a huge variety of televisions with all sorts of functions have appeared on sale. In one of the articles on my blog I already talked about this, but this opportunity opens only if you have direct connection to the Internet.

    Often, such TVs have the ability to directly receive a digital signal and include a so-called decoder that allows you to convert the received signal into a high-quality image without connecting third-party equipment. After connecting the cable from the antenna, it is enough to start automatic search channels.

    However, what to do if you have old TV, and this most often happens at the dacha, where people take outdated equipment from the city? In this case, special equipment called a receiver or, in common parlance, a television set-top box comes to the rescue. This device allows you to convert the received signal and transmit a high-quality picture, and will not be difficult for anyone.

    Additional components

    We have more or less figured out the basic equipment, but we shouldn’t forget about the little things that we can’t do without.

    Cable – It is worth paying considerable attention to the choice of cable, since the quality of reception and protection from possible interference depend on it. When installed near power lines, the image may be distorted. So it’s worth paying attention to the cable screen so that it is not made of cheap foil, as well as the cost, which is in this case directly proportional to quality.

    Plugs, connectors, splitters – In order to complete the connection, you also need to purchase the required number of plugs from the store, one for the TV, one for the antenna, and, if necessary, for connecting a splitter.

    The splitter is designed to divide the signal between several devices, which makes it possible to watch free digital terrestrial television on several TVs at once.

    As with the antenna, pay attention to the quality of the product and its cost. These components can also help with cable breakage and its further extension, and read about how to do this in a separate section.

    So we figured out what is needed for digital TV and at the same time came to the end. If something remains unclear to you, then do not hesitate to leave questions in the comments field where I, or the readers of my blog, will help you understand your problems.

    The new broadcast format is supported by everyone modern TVs, but the digital standard is not available to owners of older models. To get it without buying a new TV, you need a TV set-top box for watching digital television. The function will improve the quality of broadcasting, pictures, and sound.

    What is a digital TV receiver

    It is a small-sized device that is designed to capture a digital signal and then transmit it to any TV. The standard has the abbreviation DVB-T2. A digital TV receiver is an inexpensive device that turns your analog cable signal into a digital one. The device has wide functionality, which may vary depending on the manufacturer and cost of the tuner.

    The most simple models can't offer much additional features, but expensive options not only receive the TV signal, but also help control it. You can install this equipment at the dacha, and regular antenna will give you channels in HD ( high resolution) quality and more. Installation of the equipment is simple: you just need to connect a few cables to the TV, and the data will immediately begin to be transmitted in the new format.

    What functions does a digital television receiver perform?

    Each tuner has its own set of capabilities. All of them pick up an on-air digital signal and are capable of showing large number channels, but additional functions are only available on more expensive set-top boxes. The premium digital television receiver has the following features:

    • video compression in MPEG-4 format.
    • there is a card reader.
    • DBV-S2 digital standard is supported.
    • there is an HDMI connector, which helps transmit the best possible signal quality (1080p);
    • for connecting to the Network (Internet) there is LAN input;
    • support for “picture-in-picture” mode, you can view two streams on one screen, for example, the channel changes during advertising;
    • You can connect an HDD to the tuner ( hard drive) to record broadcasts and store them;
    • There are several USB connectors.
    • can play audio, show photos;
    • you can record 3 channels at once in HDTV quality;
    • There is a full-fledged Internet browser.

    How many channels does a digital set-top box show?

    When a person purchases a digital television receiver, he wonders how many channels he will have at his disposal. In Russia, streams of the first and second multiplex will be available, which contain all the main broadcasts:

    • Russia TV channel;

    Entertainment channels (Muz-TV, Carousel, TNT) will be available free of charge. As a rule, up to 16 broadcasts are opened without payment. If you use the services of a cable provider, then this number increases to 250. For example, Beeline provides its subscribers with access to 100-200 broadcasts. The price for the package will differ depending on the region of residence or the operator company. To gain access to encrypted channels, you need a “cam module” and a special card for access to closed broadcasts.

    How to choose a digital set-top box for your TV

    Before you buy any of the tuner options in an online store, you should understand that each country has its own standards. For example, a set-top box for digital television in Russia works with the following broadcast options:

    1. DVB-S2, DVB-S – satellite broadcasting. The receiver connects to satellite dish, while the prefix from it is no longer used. If you need to decode closed channel, you will have to purchase a card.
    2. DVB-C. Broadcasts channels from a regional cable provider's package. The TV must be connected via a cable provider (this can be any company).
    3. DVB-T2. The set-top box works with ethereal digital broadcasting. To receive the signal you need a regular indoor antenna. None additional devices no purchase required.

    When purchasing suitable equipment, do not forget that you need to select the option for the appropriate broadcast standard. All consoles have a certain list of characteristics. To do right choice To avoid overpaying for features you don't need, you should know what to look for. Below is a list of basic requirements for a digital television tuner:

    1. Resolution, standard. It is necessary to take into account the type of broadcast and the supported standard.
    2. Multimedia format. Set-top boxes can not only receive a digital signal, but also act as a player from USB drives. You record your favorite programs, movies and then watch them at a time convenient for you. The choice should be made in favor of models that support the maximum number of video and audio formats.
    3. Control. All models include remote control, but you should pay attention to the presence of buttons on the device itself. You should be able to switch channels, turn the set-top box on and off from the device body.
    4. Interface. The standard set of interfaces is the same for most models, but it will be an advantage if there are USB and HDMI jacks. This way you can watch programs in maximum quality.
    5. Additional features. This is not a required setting, but it is useful for people to be able to use TimeShift. You can stop a movie (not recorded) or a football match at any time, and continue watching later. In fact, you simply pause the broadcast.

    Price for a set-top box for digital television

    Catalogs of modern online stores offer a tangible selection in the line of tuners. Many companies are engaged in production, so it will be difficult for an inexperienced person to decide on suitable option. You should rely on the acceptable cost and the set of necessary functions. A set-top box for digital television can only serve its intended purpose or be multimedia center. As a rule, people choose inexpensive options. Here's a review of the most popular models:

    1. BBK SMP136HDT2 is the “simplest” version of the set-top box from the Chinese manufacturer. In addition to receiving television broadcasts, it supports connecting flash drives and plays almost all possible video file formats. Price – from 1400 rubles.
    2. Telefunken TF DVBT201 is another inexpensive option. After setup, you need to rename the channels. Supports connecting USB devices. Costs - from 1700 rub.
    3. Tesler DSR11. The set-top box can play media files. Users cite the advantage of being able to buy a device in white or blue color. The disadvantages are the absence of the AC3 codec, which deprives all films of MKV format sound. Price – from 1500 rub.

    Video: DVB-T2 digital set-top box