• OK Google - Android voice assistant. “Okay Google” or a complete guide to Android voice control

    Relatively recently it was introduced new development from the largest Russian search engine - voice search Yandex.

    This function allows you to enter search commands using your voice, that is, it works similarly to the long-implemented system from Google.

    How to use this function on a computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet will be discussed in this material.


    Although this function While it does not have many fans and is not very widespread, some users have already appreciated its convenience and functionality. What are the advantages of Yandex voice search?

    • This is a free module for normal operation which does not require installing Yandex. Browser. An extension from Yandex is enough, which can be installed in any browser;
    • This module is distributed free of charge;
    • It is well compatible with any browsers, and works properly even on old computers with low hardware resources;
    • The module exists in several variations - for correct operation on a computer, laptop, modular devices, etc.;
    • The module works quite correctly, voice commands are recognized clearly and correctly (although a lot depends on the hardware, for example, on the quality of the microphone);
    • Typing a search query by voice saves a significant amount of time, and is also convenient when your hands are busy (or in the cold).

    From the above we can conclude that this function is suitable for everyone who is used to using the function voice input search query, but prefers to use Yandex rather than Google.


    The most significant drawback of this service– its rather high dependence on microphone parameters. If you pronounce your request too far from it or the sound quality is poor, the system will not be able to correctly recognize your request (while this happens quite often).

    In this case, it will replace it with a phrase that is closest in sound to those that are often used from your computer. Or popular among users. After such incorrect recognition, the only way to make a request is to enter it manually from the keyboard.


    The module discussed above is a Yandex extension. Line. After installing this extension on your computer, a field for entering a search query in Yandex will appear on the bottom panel of the desktop. It will be present not only while the browser is running, but also when working offline.

    This line is convenient in itself for users who often use search queries. In addition, Yandex voice search is implemented only with its help.

    Yandex. Line

    How to install this extension. To do this, follow a simple algorithm:

    • You can download it from official page developer, to do this you need to follow the link;
    • Find the yellow Install button on the left side of the page and click on it;

    <Рис. 2 Установка>

    • Confirm the download (click the Save button in the pop-up window);

    <Рис. 3 Скачивание>

    • Wait for the download to finish and start the installation;
    • Complete the installation by following the prompts of the Line Installer;
    • After the installation is complete, it should appear at the bottom of the screen, in the panel with shortcuts and program buttons;
    • If this does not happen, restart your computer.

    After you installed the Yandex.Strova program, voice search automatically became available to you using this extension. Search, just like string, will work as if open browser, and when working with programs offline.

    As mentioned above, you do not need Yandex Browser for the line to work properly. This module is not a browser extension and works completely isolated from it.


    If you work on a personal PC, then for the module to work correctly you need to connect external microphone. Connect your device and configure it through Device Manager. On laptops, sometimes you also need to make some adjustments to the microphone and allow it access to external applications.

    How to use this application and the line as a whole? First of all, the line can be used as a standard search engine. That is, enter a search query into it from the keyboard.

    After pressing the Enter button, the system will automatically open your default browser, and in it - the results of the search query in Yandex. Of course, this requires that the Internet be connected to the computer.

    Voice search is multifunctional. It allows you to enter not only the usual search queries, but also search for applications, website addresses, etc. In order to ask any query, follow the algorithm:

    • Find the microphone icon button on the right side installed on the bottom panel, search string Yandex, and click on it;
    • Say key phrase;
    • The module engine processes the voice command, after which it appears in the line (this happens very quickly);
    • Next, press the Enter button and use the results in the same way as with a regular keyboard request.

    Search algorithms through a string are no different from standard Yandex algorithms. In the same way, a list of results for a query is built. And all other search parameters are also completely characteristic of the Yandex system.

    A convenient feature is its own automatically created bookmarks bar. It is formed from the most frequently visited sites. You can see it by clicking on the search bar at the bottom of the window.

    Also at the bottom of the window you can find your last request to search through the Yandex.Stroke system. It also presents his most popular interpretations received from other users.

    <Рис. 4. Закладки>

    To get acquainted with the main functionality this application, you need to press the microphone button and say “Listen, Yandex.” After this, a window will open listing the main functionality of this application.

    After this, for example, it becomes clear that the line interacts not only with the Internet, but also with the computer. For example, you can restart your computer, open Word or another program using this application.

    <Рис. 5 Функционал>


    The application does not require complex or lengthy settings. To call me settings, place the cursor on the search line and right-click on it. A small menu will open, the first item of which will be “Settings”.

    • Here you can configure hotkeys for calling Yandex Strings. The default combination is CTRL+е, but you can set more convenient option. To do this, enter it manually in the Search string field in the Hot Keys section;
    • The Working with Files section helps you determine what exactly the system will do with the file you request via line. If you want the file itself to be launched, place a marker in the box opposite the inscription Open found file. If it is more convenient to see it in a folder, place a marker opposite another line;
    • In the Opening web search results section, you can choose whether you want to see search results in a browser or in a special Yandex window. Strings;

    We are all used to searching necessary information in the browser, entering queries from the keyboard, but there are more convenient way. Almost every search engine, regardless of the web browser used, is equipped with such useful function, like voice search. We'll tell you how to activate and use it in Yandex Browser.

    It's no secret that the most popular search engines, if we talk about the domestic segment of the Internet, are and. Both provide opportunity voice search, and the Russian IT giant allows you to do this in three different options. But first things first.

    Note: Before you begin the steps below, make sure that you have a working microphone connected to your computer or laptop and that it is configured correctly.

    Method 1: Yandex Alice

    Alice – voice assistant from the Yandex company, which was released quite recently. This assistant is based on artificial intelligence, constantly trained and developed not only by developers, but also by the users themselves. You can communicate with Alice both by text and voice. It is precisely the last opportunity that can be used for what interests us in the context of the topic under consideration - voice search in Yandex.Browser.

    We have previously written about how to install this assistant in Yandex.Browser and on a Windows computer, and also briefly talked about how to use it.

    Method 2: Yandex String

    This application is a kind of predecessor to Alice, although not as smart and functionally rich. The line is installed directly into the system, after which it can only be used from the taskbar, but this option is not available directly in the browser. The program allows you to search for information on the Internet by voice, open various Yandex sites and services, as well as find and open files, folders and applications located on your computer. In the article provided at the link below, you can learn how to work with this service.

    Method 3: Yandex Voice Search

    If communicating with Alice, who is growing wiser before your eyes, does not interest you, and the functionality of the String is not enough, or if all you need is to search for information in Yandex.Browser by voice, it would be wise to take a simpler route. The domestic search engine also provides voice search capabilities, although it must first be activated.

    1. By go to Yandex home and click on the microphone icon located at the end of the search bar.
    2. In the pop-up window, if it appears, grant your browser permission to use the microphone by turning the corresponding switch to the active position.
    3. Click on the same microphone icon, wait a second (a similar image of the device will appear in the top search bar),

      and after the word appears "Speak" start voicing your request.

    4. The search results will not be long in coming; they will be presented in the same form as if you had entered your request using text from the keyboard.
    5. Note: If you accidentally or mistakenly denied Yandex access to the microphone, simply click on the icon with its crossed out image in the search bar and move the switch under the item to the active position "Use microphone".

    If you have more than one microphone connected to your computer, you can select the default device as follows:

    Method 4: Google Voice Search


    In this short article we talked about how to enable voice search in Yandex.Browser, having considered everything possible options. Which one to choose is up to you. For a simple and quick search for information, both Google and Yandex are suitable, it all depends on which of them you are more accustomed to. In turn, you can chat with Alice on abstract topics, ask her to do something, and not just open sites or folders, which String does quite well, but its functionality does not extend to Yandex.Browser.

    What is voice search

    Entering text from the keyboard is not always convenient. Moreover, there are a number of situations when it is easier and faster to enter a command by voice, through a microphone.

    Voice search is one of the innovations that allows you to speed up your interaction with the search engine. Google was one of the first to teach its search engine to respond to voice commands received from a computer or mobile device.

    OK Google Voice Assistant Features

    Using the application " Okay Google", the phone user can

    • set a wide range of voice commands to the Android system
    • search on the Internet and search engine Google system
    • receive accurate answers to queries in audio format
    • manage applications and services on a mobile device

    It is important to know that the service fully works in Russian, that is, it recognizes speech. Therefore, a Russian-speaking user will not have any difficulties in mastering the search tool.

    How to enable and configure the "OK Google" voice application on your phone

    In the majority mobile phones and tablets on Android, the search bar from Google Search is already available and is located on the main screen. Therefore, for the OK Google function to work on the device, it was enough to update the system at least once in the last three months.

    So that all the requests mentioned above, as well as some others additional commands worked more correctly (that is, with a voice response or more accurate information) You will need an Android assistant called (aka Okey Google), which can be downloaded from us.

    If the application Google already present on your device (but disabled), to enable OK Google

    • in the left top corner you should press the menu icon (three horizontal bars)
    • Settings -> Voice search -> "OK Google" recognition.

    Enabling Okay Google on a mobile device

    Launch OK Google:

    1. depending on the version of Android, click on the Google search bar or the microphone next to it
    2. say one of the available commands into the microphone

    This is how you enable OK Google.

    For the most part, Okay Google queries are simply typed into the search bar after being spoken into the microphone. In some cases, the response to a voice command may be spoken in a synthesized voice. For example, to the question “Where was Pushkin born?”, the robot will answer you in Russian: “Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born in Moscow.” This will display information about the mentioned city on the phone screen (in search results Google). If you say “what does it look like…” before a phrase or command, then, as a result of a voice search, the Google search results will display the result of a search for photographs of the item mentioned in the request.

    Installing OK Google on your computer. Unlike mobile devices, there are no steps to installing the OK Google voice add-on on your computer. additional programs not required. The only condition is installed browser on your PC and a microphone connected to the PC. For voice control, it is advisable to use: the search feature is best implemented in it.

    Until 2015 in settings Chrome browser There was a corresponding option in the "Search" parameters section. However, now she is gone. Therefore, to use Okay Google (i.e., voice search function), just go to Google page and click the button to the right of the search bar to pronounce the command.

    Voice commands Okay Google and application functions on Android

    The traditional way to communicate with an Internet search engine is to enter text queries. In the "Okay Google" application, you access the Android OS directly, the applications installed on your phone, and control them through the microphone. A wide range of functions are available - voice commands for the organizer, calls and messages.

    • By contacting the organizer with the phrase “wake me up tomorrow at 6.30 am”, you will open the alarm setting in okey google, where the time and date will already be indicated.
    • To set a reminder, just say “remind me... (do something)” into the microphone.
    • The function of voice creation of meetings and events works in the same way - “make a meeting... (anywhere, with someone at a specified time).”
    • To check existing events, you can say the command-question “what is planned for tomorrow?”
    • To create a note, say "Note:...".
    • Okay Google on Android can also work with contacts. To make a call, enter the command “call (name from contacts)”
    • The request for sending SMS sounds similar - “SMS (name from contacts) (message itself).”
    • “working hours (of an establishment)”
    • “how much are the shares (of the company) worth”
    • "who is..."
    • “how tall (for example, the Empire State Building)”
    • “how to get to (destination)”
    • "where is..."
    • "Where's the closest..."

    Interface of the OK Google application on Android

    Voice launch of Android applications

    To others functionality The "Okay Google" application works closely with the Android OS. To open a program via okey google, use the command “open (application name)”, start playing music in the player - at the request “listen...” or “play (name of song)”. You can use commands to open the most popular applications on your mobile device (for example, the " " command will open the corresponding widget). There are a great many options for using OK Google, it all depends on your desire to use the potential of the OK Google application in conjunction with Android.

    Resume. Voice search technology is quite young and presented by Google recently. But the usefulness of the auxiliary application is felt from the very first minutes of testing on Android. Over the short period of its existence, an impressive number of recognizable voice commands in Russian have been developed for the Google service. Their number is growing every month.

    If you are connected to the Internet and don’t have time to spend a long time entering queries into a search engine in text form, setting reminders or writing notes, the Okey Google application for Android will simplify your life. Enabling OK Google and then setting up the application on your phone is not at all difficult. Voice Google quickly responds to commands from the user of a mobile device, and instantly. This is another reason to download Okay Google on your Android phone or computer.

    Answers to readers' questions

    Please ask any questions related to the use of the OK service, Google and voice search in general (via the contact form in the sidebar of the site).

    I have Philips Xenium V387. At first, the “OK Google” application worked. Then I accidentally clicked “Delete Voice Sample” and now I can’t record it again. OK Google says “speak.” I say this command - and nothing. Voice search only works when you press the microphone. How do I set up OK Google so that voice search works correctly? OS version – Android 4.4.2. The main language is English (US), the additional language is Russian.

    Answer. We wrote above about how to set up OK Google on Android. In your case, if nothing helps, try the following steps:

    1. Download the latest version of the application (download Okay Google is easier with just Google Play). Or update current version applications.
    2. Launch the application.
    3. Go to the Settings menu – Voice search – Recognition “OK Google”.
    4. Record your voice sample for recognition using a microphone.

    OK Google doesn't work. When you press the microphone it works, but without pressing it does not respond to the voice. Everything is enabled and configured in the settings. Meizu phone m3 max. Android 6.0. Tell me what to do, how to enable OK Google?

    1. Install the Application Google search
    2. Enable the option in your phone settings Google History audio.
    3. The primary language of voice search must be English.

    I have Samsung Galaxy A3 2017, the OK Google voice function does not work when the display is sleeping, the settings are disabled automatically. How to enable ok google from standby mode? What launch programs can I use?

    Answer. Indeed, it cannot be turned on voice assistant ok google from sleep mode. This is easily explained by the fact that otherwise the phone will quickly discharge.

    In the Android settings you can increase the sleep interval. To do this, go to Settings – Display – Sleep mode and specify the desired interval. This will increase the opening interval of Google Assistant. There is also an app called Stay Alive! Keep screen awake, which disables sleep mode.

    In the Samsung Galaxy, Okay Google was in the form of a ribbon on the main screen. I accidentally deleted it. Now voice search only works in the form of a microphone icon. Can you tell me how to return the search feed and enable ok google?

    Answer. To return the Google search widget to home screen, in the menu select Screen - widgets - Google search. If you have , the method for enabling OK Google may be different, but the principle is the same.

    Communication with your device is no longer a dream or a fragment of a science fiction film. Every year, Android voice control expands its capabilities. But this trend also applies to gadgets with other operating systems, such as iOS. Thanks to voice commands, you can find out the location of the nearest cinema, schedule public transport, weather forecast, exchange rates and many others useful information. In addition, they help the user control the device. Today, using speech on many modern devices, you can activate an alarm clock, turn on Wi-Fi, play audio and video, send text message, . On devices trademark Apple voice control is carried out using the well-known Siri question-and-answer system. There are several methods of voice control on Android devices.

    Technologies do not stand still, and today they give us the opportunity to control gadgets through voice commands

    Voice control applications are not yet fully integrated with the Russian language. For devices operating on Android platform, the most popular and in a simple way To control your smartphone using speech, use the “OK, Google” command. But, unfortunately, it does not always meet the needs, since it was originally developed for English-speaking users. Compared to the English version, the command has fewer features.

    In addition, the Russian-language “OK, Google” is not as effective due to insufficient penetration modern technologies into various areas of life. For example, a search might not find movie times playing at a movie theater in a small town, or information about the pizzeria closest to your home.

    Similar difficulties with Russian language integration are observed on Apple devices, where Siri is widely used. However, if you do not plan to look for something familiar, for example, interregional train schedules, information about a famous hotel, or an apple pie recipe, then voice control can make the task much easier. Users face difficulties when it comes to making smart queries that require logic and a comprehensive approach.

    How to customize the "OK Google" command

    The "OK Google" command is active if the Google application is running or Google browser Chrome. For correct operation it is necessary to check. This can be done in open application Google. In the upper left corner there is an icon that will allow you to go to settings. It represents three parallel horizontal lines and is probably familiar to all fans of Google products. After this, you should run a simple command: Settings - Voice search - Recognition of “Okay, Google”. Next, you should activate the “From Google App” option.

    Thanks to this setup, the command can be used in any operating mode of the gadget, for example, in active mode or battery charging mode. After this, the system will record your voice, after which there should be no problems recognizing requests.

    If the "OK Google" command does not activate on your smartphone, then you are using outdated version Android. Need to update version software your smartphone. Before activation, make sure that you have installed the latest version Google apps. Make sure installed version Android no lower than 4.4 and Google application no lower than version 3.5.

    After all settings are configured, you can test voice control. You need to say: “Okay, Google” and formulate your question or task for a mobile device. Active users of such a service can easily find the necessary information. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with full list voice commands that this voice control method supports.

    Review of the application "Assistant in Russian"

    The disadvantage of the voice control program for Android called “Assistant in Russian” is the presence paid version. Many people consider this application a worthy answer to Siri. You can install it from the store without any problems. Users are given seven days during which all functions of the application will be available. Thanks to the test period, everyone will be able to evaluate the merits of the program in order to decide how important it is to have it on their smartphone.

    The application communicates with you in a female voice. It will fulfill any request, be it searching for the necessary information or activating built-in phone functions such as alarm clock, translator, reminders. Such a program can open other installed applications according to your request. The software can be installed on most different versions Android starting from 2.3.

    Many users highly appreciate the capabilities of the Assistant in Russian. You can verify this by reading the rating and number of downloads of such software. Before you can start using it, you need to install Voice Search/Typing by Google. If you are looking for convenient assistant, we advise you to test “Assistant in Russian”.

    Popular Assistant app

    If you want to find a voice assistant that can support multiple languages, then you need Assistant. You will be able to use German, English, Spanish, Portuguese along with Russian. The developers promise the integration of new languages ​​into the Assistant. The program has received high marks from experts. The New York Times magazine ranked her among the top ten. Forbes included her in the top ten for performance.

    In addition to searching for information on voice requests, "Assistant" remembers important information, for example, the name of frequently used applications or frequently visited places. The advantage will be that the program takes into account information about your location to display relevant search results. The application can be customized taking into account individual characteristics, for example, set special voice commands.

    An uninterrupted Internet connection is required for the application to perform its functions. Offline voice control technology is expected to appear soon, which will completely enable the activation of phone functions using a single phrase without an Internet connection. It is important to note that “Assistant” today is a convenient paid application.

    Voice control is a technology of the future that is evolving every day. The era of voice commands began with the Siri assistant, which can be installed on the iPhone 4S and later models. Today, voice applications not only allow you to quick search on the Internet, but also manage phone capabilities, such as making calls, sending messages, activating alarms. Many users will find these features useful. In addition, such artificial intelligence arouses genuine interest among the average person. Many people perceive such communication with a smartphone as entertainment.

    To activate the command, you need to update the search engine settings and allow the application to recognize and remember your voice.

    If previously the search was exclusively in English, today Okay Google began to recognize commands in Russian, and it became possible to add your own commands.

    Google voice commands: installing a voice assistant on your computer

    Installing the OK Google command on a PC is quite simple - in Chrome you just need to install the extension and allow its use.

    If you want to deactivate the “OK Google” command, you need to select the extension section in the settings and uncheck the GNow Voice Search extension.

    Installing and setting up Google voice assistant on your smartphone

    Google Now - new convenience virtual assistant for mobile phone owners Android based.

    With its help, you can quickly obtain any necessary information - traffic jams, weather, the nearest ATM, etc.

    To get started using Google Now, your smartphone must have Android Jelly Bean OS installed.

    1. If your device has old version Android, update it to Android Jelly Bean.

    To do this, you need to go to the “Settings” of your smartphone - this section is indicated by a gear icon.

    In the section about operating system installed on your phone, you will read detailed information about the Android version.

    The update is necessary if the Android OS version is lower than 4.1. To update, you only need access to high speed Internet.

    Once the update is complete, you must restart your device.

    A page with personal information about Google Now will open in front of you.

    To do this, press the “Menu” key and select settings for the calendar, weather, transport schedule, traffic situation and other things.

    Sections or cards in Google app Now you can change according to your own needs.

    To have current and up-to-date information regarding traffic stops, weather and the location of nearby public transport stops, you must activate the “Location History” function.

    3. Google Now Cards. In order to get to home page application, you need to swipe up on the Chrome browser icon.

    You should immediately select “Show example cards” - as you use it, the screen will become filled with cards.