• How much does an academician earn on YouTube? How much can you earn on YouTube for views: real numbers

    How much can you earn from You Tube videos? How much does YouTube pay for views? You will be surprised, it doesn’t pay anything! Why? Read all the details in this article!

    Hi all!
    Today's article will be about You Tube.
    YouTube is on at the moment the most popular video hosting in the world.
    In general, this is not surprising, since YouTube is owned by a global giant Google search engine.
    Filming videos has become much easier than, say, 10 years ago.
    Guess what). Now even mobile phones are equipped with video cameras, i.e. the first videos can be shot from your phone.
    I covered this topic in detail,

    It is not surprising that every year there are more and more people who want to make money on YouTube.
    Of course, no one wants to work for free and no one will - this is logical).
    The first question that comes to mind...
    How much does YouTube pay for views?
    You Tube does not pay anything for views of the videos you make.
    It pays for people to watch ads on your channel.
    In recent years, income has dropped significantly.

    In general, the life of a blogger (I’m a blogger) and a video blogger are very similar, we’re all the same. Although I know YouTube firsthand, the payments you’re expecting are not the same, your video is blocked in some countries, background music turns out to be someone's... =).

    (In the future in this article I will refer to video bloggers as bloggers for brevity.)

    Let's look at how much You Tube pays, what you can earn from and how many views you need to earn more or less decent money, say 30 thousand rubles.

    How much does YouTube pay for ad views on your channel?

    Starting to make money on You Tube is not at all difficult.
    To do this you need to shoot video around the clock
    so that your channel has at least 10 videos.
    Do not violate the rules of copyright holders (the video must be filmed by you).
    Good viewability of your videos.

    Everything seems simple, but another question.

    Let's immediately make it clear that you can make money on you tube in essentially only 2 ways.
    1. Advertising Google AdSense(ad clicks and views).
    2. Affiliate programs (you will be paid a certain % of purchases)

    Yes, there are many more ways to make money on your YouTube channel, for example, you may be offered to make a video where you talk about some product or service, but for this your channel must be popular, have a large number of views, or you have a narrow topic, Let's say you're a fisherman, you're making a video about fishing, you might be offered, say, to advertise spinning.

    Most often, a video is monetized (earning money from it) using Google advertising AdSense.
    What is the essence of this income?
    An advertisement from Google (at the beginning or end of the video) or a banner is usually inserted into the video at the bottom, right side of the video.
    You will be paid for clicks on the banner, but only if the visitor follows the link and spends some time on the site, otherwise the transition will not be counted.

    In addition, the theme of your channel is important; let’s say porn will collect hundreds of thousands, or even millions of views, but this does not mean that you will be allowed to make money on such a channel.

    The business topic is in great demand, and the cost of clicking on an advertisement is very high.
    True, it will be troublesome to bring such a channel to a decent number of views.
    What would be better would be an entertainment topic, say jokes or a review of videos or online games.

    Guys, you will be surprised). everything sucks

    How much do bloggers earn on YouTube, top average earnings

    How much do views on YouTube ads cost?
    In general, the cost of a click depends very much on the subject of the channel - it can be 1 cent, 10 cents or 1 dollar per 1 ad view.
    In addition, it affects how many people watch ads on your channel.
    For example.
    You have 100 thousand views and 1000 clicks on advertising, and someone has 50 thousand views and 2000 ad views.

    How much can you earn on YouTube?
    I must say, I noticed in lately YouTube bloggers' earnings have dropped dramatically.
    What is this connected with?
    There are a lot of reasons.
    Competition, crisis in the country (affects the solvency of advertisers and the amount of advertising).
    In addition, the cost per click on advertising in different countries will be different, In Russia the cost of clicking on advertising is not quite high.
    Which countries are in the top by cost per click for advertising on YouTube?
    USA, Great Britain, as well as many non-rich countries.

    Now many even top bloggers cannot earn a decent income.
    Experienced producers stand behind young, well-promoted channels.
    Nowadays it’s very difficult to get to the top.
    In order for the video channel to key queries reached the top, you need to shoot videos every day.

    So, how much does 1000 views on a YouTube ad cost?
    On average this is 20 cents, at the current exchange rate 66 rubles per buck = 13 rubles.
    How much does 1,000,000 views on a YouTube ad cost?
    200 dollars = 13 thousand rubles.
    Accordingly, in order to earn 30 thousand rubles per month, your channel must be viewed by more than 2 million people per month.
    These are the numbers).


    It's possible, it really is pitfalls, in particular.
    Half of what you earn YouTube money will take it for himself.
    Advertising is ordered only on promoted videos, with a large number views or on a channel with a large number of subscribers.
    How much do popular YouTubers earn in Russia?
    On average, about 100 thousand rubles.

    Making money on your YouTube channel is real!
    To do this, you need to come up with something new that doesn’t exist yet. You need to get into this trend, for example, if you had made a video about the game Pokemon a few months ago, it would have been very popular, now, I’m sure thousands of videos have already been made on this game.
    Finally, a video from a popular You Tube blogger about how much he earns.
    Take a look, you won't regret it).

    That's all for today, good luck to everyone!

    The twenty-first century is the century of the Internet. And in many advanced countries, a huge number of people make money using the World Wide Web. One of the main tools for making money is YouTube video hosting. Seeing expensive cars nice houses and other signs of a comfortable life among bloggers, probably half of the users are wondering how to make money on YouTube. This is exactly what will be discussed further.

    Earnings from the channel

    The most obvious, longest and the hard way. But if successful, the profit will be guaranteed and constant, you just need to learn how to maintain an audience, increase or at least not decrease the number of subscribers. First you need an idea, a topic. It doesn’t matter what it will be - entertainment, sports, politics or something else, the main thing is that the topic is interesting to the author, since he has a long job ahead of him.

    Next comes the promotion of the channel. The easiest option is to find a blogger with the same topic and pay him for advertising (usually prices start at 500 rubles per insert for few popular channels and ending with hundreds of thousands of rubles for million-plus channels). If you choose a hot topic, sometimes paid advertising may not be necessary, since the recommendation system on YouTube works well. Users receive videos close to their requests, no matter how big canal(this fact is confirmed, for example, by blogger Yuri Dud).

    How will a blogger earn money by developing his channel? YouTube offers the following advertising platforms:

    1. Contextual advertising from Google. When watching a video on YouTube, you can sometimes notice how a bar with an announcement appears at the bottom of the video. This is it contextual advertising. The channel owner is not involved in approving ads; they appear automatically upon approval in your personal account.
    2. Advertising videos inserted at the beginning and end of the video by YouTube itself. Again, they appear after the owner agrees to this in the video manager.
    3. Banners on the channel page. Connect using a special program - Google Adsense.

    Video income

    Sometimes you don’t need to develop an entire channel to generate income; you can simply produce video materials upon request. To put it simply, a person must make a promotional video and post it in social networks or in places where the customer requests.

    Of course, for this you need to have good skills in video editing and rendering, be able to find the right customers and know how to sell your skills. However, you need to keep in mind the fact that good but unknown editors are often used by various unscrupulous financial organizations (pyramids, etc.) and political associations.

    Affiliate program

    Upon reaching a certain number of subscribers and views, the owner of the YouTube channel becomes possible connection to the affiliate program, or, as bloggers simply call it, “affiliate program”. Usually representatives of a particular program write to the channel owners themselves, but very often the “imposed” offers turn out to be unprofitable. Therefore, it’s worth looking for yourself suitable program on the Internet or through consultations with experienced bloggers.

    This is where the concept of “monetization” comes into play. This means receiving funds through an affiliate program that will insert various advertising videos or banners into the video. Again, YouTube has the right to disable monetization of videos that violate hosting rules.

    But how much does YouTube really pay for views? Despite the fact that the program takes part of the proceeds from advertising for itself, popular bloggers receive a lot. For every thousand views you can earn around one or two dollars, but everything will depend on what affiliate program was chosen and how high-quality the channel’s audience is (meaning there are no markups).

    Live broadcasts

    Streams – online broadcasts on YouTube – are gaining more and more popularity. A person can film an event, for example, a concert (the main thing is not to get banned for copyright infringement), or simply sit at his desk and talk with people about a certain topic - political, social, etc. During the broadcast, viewers send money (donations) so that the stream host can answer their questions or just to support him.

    For example, the famous journalist Leonid Parfyonov, who opened his channel on YouTube, earned more than one hundred thousand rubles in one stream. Another well-known blogger on his channel (banned by Roskomnadzor) simply read out the news live every evening and commented on it - he could earn up to ten thousand rubles from donations for an issue.

    Live broadcasts are technically complex - must be installed special program, established stable internet, and the blogger must have at least minimal skills to present himself on the air.

    As you can see, there are a lot of ways to make money on YouTube. But, unfortunately, luck plays a big role in this matter. Many channels became popular without any special financial or time investments; a randomly successfully posted video just helped. You also need to remember about one of the most unfair laws of the Internet - the most views are received by freaks, clowns, Let's Players (reviewers computer games), and not intellectual, educational, social, political and similar channels. Therefore, before entering YouTube with a certain good idea, you need to be mentally prepared:

    • to waste of time;
    • to the flow negative reviews from Internet trolls;
    • to a long absence of popularity.

    Only at first glance, the profession of a blogger can be called simple and carefree. In fact, constantly keep the audience, invent new content, going through fire, water and copper pipes on the path to success is not an easy task. And we need to remember this.

    YouTube video hosting was founded in February 2005 and belongs to Google. At the beginning of 2019, it has several billion active users. Among which a considerable part already have their own channels.

    Lately everything more people begins to create vlogs and videos and then post them on video hosting sites. For some it’s just a hobby, for others it’s a way to earn money on the Internet from 5,000 rubles per month. Whoever is there, children and pensioners are already involved. In our age, it is difficult to find a person who does not know that all this, in addition to entertainment, can bring money. Yes, not just a few thousand rubles, but for some of the most successful ones, millions of dollars a year! But we’ll talk about this at the end of the article, where you can also look at reviews about this direction on the Internet.

    Let's take a closer look at YouTube video hosting, because it is the most popular in the world and hosts millions of videos on which authors have been making money for a long time.

    How do you make money on YouTube?

    5 steps, instructions for making money on YouTube

    1. The first thing you need to do is if you don’t have an account, then register on the site www.youtube.com. Anyone can do this without special problems, registration there is of course free.

    2. Work on the channel, that is, shooting/creating videos. This is the main and most difficult. To make money from a video, you need people to watch it, subscribe to the channel, put likes (like the rating) or dislikes (dislike the rating). The video should be interesting, educational and original. You can only upload your own video! By the way, you can only use music in your videos that is in the special “Music Library” section. You cannot use everything in a row; they will not be allowed for monetization.

    You can shoot live using a video camera or a camera with video recording capabilities, or you can shoot from the monitor screen, showing and telling something. No matter what you're shooting, the video quality should be high and the sound clear and understandable.

    3. The third step is monetization of the account, that is, taking certain measures without which online earnings on YouTube will be impossible. Until you have the required number of views, namely 4,000 hours over the last 12 months + at least 1,000 subscribers, it will be impossible to sign up for an affiliate program.

    From the YouTube help section:

    To check the connectivity, you need to go to the section on your channel: “Video Manager” then to “Channel” then to “Status and Functions” and enable monetization if possible. The reputation of your channel plays a huge role in this.

    4. The next step is monetization is approved for you, great! This means that earnings will not take long to arrive!

    As for Adsense, everything is quite simple. There you need to register, add your channel (it’s better to follow the recommendations of YouTube itself, it will be easier).

    An important point - Adsense will pay you your earnings only after you receive a letter from them with a code and enter it on their website. Not electronically, but physically mailbox it will arrive (some take 2 months). Checking the address, you know? My letter is from 4 years ago, the design may be different now...

    As you already understand, everything is more than serious! Therefore, when registering, please enter correct information everywhere. I’ll also add to the payments account - there are two options for receiving money earned on YouTube through Adsense.

    1. To a dollar account opened in a bank. All you need to do is take your account details for international SWIFT transfers and enter it all in your Adsense account in the payments section.

    2. Through the Rapida payment system - this is the same payment system like Yandex Money. The funds will be transferred to it, and then you can do whatever you want with them - pay for the Internet, withdraw to cards, buy something on the Internet, etc. There is even a special section on their website dedicated to withdrawing money from Google Adsense.

    5. The last step is the most important and is to systematically shoot the video. You need to shoot constantly. A couple of times a week is best to start with. This is the only way to attract large number subscribers and get thousands of views. People won't be interested in subscribing to a channel where new videos appear every six months. Please take this into account important point. All uploaded videos must be optimized for key queries and created correct description. By keywords search engines and the video hosting itself will display the positions of your video.

    These are the basic actions and rules, without which you definitely won’t be able to make money from your video.

    How much does YouTube pay for views: 9 steps to create a YouTube channel + what you can and cannot make money on YouTube + 5 affiliate program requirements + 5 ways to increase profits.

    The popularity of the YouTube video server has not subsided for many years.

    Its main purpose is to display a wide variety of videos. You can also register on the site and communicate with other users, just like in a simple chat or social network.

    In addition, in order to watch other people’s videos, absolutely everyone is free to create their own channel and show the world videos of their own work.

    Perhaps everyone knows that you can make good money on this server!

    Another question how much does YouTube pay for views?? It turns out that here a person earns not just for creating his video. Advertising plays a significant role, as always. Your “bonus” will depend on it.

    How to create your own YouTube channel?

    Before you can calculate your income, you need to create your channel. Only registered users have the right to add videos, leave reviews, “like” other people’s works, etc.

    Step-by-step instructions for creating a channel

    Everything is very simple and does not require any additional knowledge. But now you can figure out how much they pay for views on YouTube.

    What and how much does YouTube pay?

    Everyone watches videos on YouTube. This popular service, the topics of the videos are varied, the site is easy to use, has a good design and other advantages. Millions of people watch various clips every day.

    That is, there is a high probability that at least a few people will be able to see your video.

    On some earning sites you can see that for 1,000 plays of a video you can actually get $1,000, but this is absolutely wrong!

    Earning money from the YouTube affiliate program

    If your channel is really popular online, you can enter into an official contract with the YouTube administration.

    The essence of the agreement is that you allow your videos to be used for hosting advertising purposes. After this, advertisements will start appearing in your videos.

    There are a number of rules by which funds are awarded for ad views:

    • Only registered users should watch the video;
    • if the video is not watched to the end, the money will not be credited;
    • the viewer needs to go to the site to which the advertising link leads and stay there for some time (usually 3 seconds, but sometimes up to several minutes).

    At first glance, it may seem that making money this way will be unrealistic.

    This is wrong!

    In reality, many people make transitions to sites, and thereby help you earn money.

    If your page already has more than 10,000 viewers, then you can demonstrate different brands and products during the video itself.

    Moreover, you can earn much more this way, because you don’t have to give part of the profits to YouTube, and the payment will be higher.

    How much does YouTube pay per views (1000)?

    As already indicated above, on YouTube they pay not for how many times your video is watched, but for the advertising in it. But if there are no views (read – activity), no one will want to promote their products or services on your channel.

    Income on the channel depends on the following parameters:

    1. How many subscribers are there on the channel?
    2. What kind of activity do they have?
    3. Number of plays per month?

    How much do they pay for views on YouTube (1,000,000)?

    According to rough estimates, at least 30 people out of a thousand will definitely see an advertisement or go to the site via a link. This way they will earn you money.

    Is it possible to make money from likes?

    Some people believe that for (thumbs up - the equivalent of “I like” in this social network) you also get paid. Unfortunately, YouTube only pays for views of the ads themselves.

    This begs the question, why then do many tearfully ask for a “thumbs up”?

    Likes are needed for the clip to be included in the top list. With this you can increase the number of subscribers and the number of views. And we already know that the more people see the clip, the greater the amount of the fee.

    How to earn income from your Youtube channel?

    Above we described what and how much they pay on YouTube. Now it’s time to figure out where to start to earn this money.

    First of all, obviously, you need to create your own channel (you received instructions at the beginning of the text). Before doing this, think carefully about the thematic direction. It should be interesting to everyone.

    Viewers should be looking forward to your new videos.

    You can shoot videos on any device, but the quality must be high. It was 10 years ago that we all looked at the blurry footage and had nothing against it. Now the demands have increased.

    Advice: before you start filming, read articles or even books about what the frame, composition, plot, idea and theme of videos/films are.

    Here are some interesting books on the topic that will help you:

    Title and author of the bookSummary
    “Cinema without a budget. How to conquer Hollywood at 23 with $7,000 in your pocket,” Robert Rodriguez.
    This book was written by an American director, cameraman and screenwriter.
    On its pages, he shares his experience of working in Hollywood and reveals the secrets of how to make a good movie.
    "How to remove great video the envy of the professionals,” Steve Stockman.The author of this book is confident that video can change history and save society.
    According to him, a brilliant movie can be made even on a phone.
    “How to become first on YouTube: Secrets of explosive promotion”, authors: Andrey Parabellum, Nikolay Mrochkovsky, Timur Tazhetdinov.This step by step instructions about how to become a famous blogger.

    It will take you the first month to fill your channel.

    To begin active promotion, you need to have at least a few interesting videos on it. It is desirable that they are united by a common theme. Then it will be easier for you to increase the number of viewers.

    The next step is promotion.

    To increase the number of viewers, repost your videos on social networks. At first, your friends and acquaintances will do the viewing.

    But if the videos are really worthwhile, people will start sharing them, the videos will be shown as recommended to other users, and the number of views will quickly grow upward.

    What influences how much people pay on YouTube?

    In addition to how much they pay for views on YouTube, you need to know the requirements of the affiliate program to conclude a contract.

    You will be paid if the channel meets the following requirements:

      In order for them to make a deal with you, you must have at least 3,500 views per month.

    1. The number of subscribers must be more than 100.
    2. All videos must be of high quality and interesting to the public.
    3. The conclusion of an agreement is permissible only after there are at least 10 videos on the channel.
    4. The last but not least requirement is age.

      The blogger must be 14 years old. Otherwise, you must have parental consent.

    The requirements are simple and justified. After all, if the affiliate program is available to anyone, advertisers may lose interest in it - there will be no effect from such promotion.

    If you really have interesting idea, then you can take a risk. At least you won't lose anything.

    5 ways to increase your income exponentially on Youtube

    The desire to earn more is natural. We already understand how much YouTube pays. It remains to be seen how this profit can be increased.

    You can increase your income in the following ways:

    How can you “increase” the view counter?

    Today there are many ways to increase statistics. But of course, the administration of the resource is not fools either. No one will pay for deception and, perhaps, you will even lose your channel.

    There are 2 ways to cheat:

    • natural,
    • artificial.

    The natural method involves accompanying the video with small text.

    The trick is that the “cover letter” must be drawn up taking into account the rules of SEO optimization, that is, contain keywords, which users can type into the search bar.

    The number of characters should not exceed 2,000. Remember that YouTube is a video hosting service, not a forum for readers.

    If you are writing a description on the topic of the video, then such “cheating” will not entail punishment from the administration.

    Also included in the list of permitted methods is that you can watch your video yourself, as well as ask friends and family for help.

    After replenishing your balance, you will receive views.

    • http://addmefast.com
    • http://nakrutka-youtube.com
    • http://like-social.net

    We warn you: a sharp increase in activity on your YouTube channel will arouse suspicion, the channel will be checked and, most likely, banned.

    Income from a YouTube channel can be developed and increased!

    We found out how much do they pay for views on YouTube and how to increase income. You just have to figure it out good topic for the channel, invest energy in its promotion and you will be able to create a source of stable profit.

    YouTube video hosting is familiar to every Internet user. Millions of people use it: here you can not only watch countless videos, but also post original videos yourself on your YouTube channels. And although most people perceive YouTube as a purely entertainment resource, for the owners of many popular channels it is a source of stable and high income.

      • What does YouTube pay for?
      • Main Factors
      • Additional factors
      • Types of advertising on YouTube
      • Cost of 1000 and 1000,000 views
      • How to find out the amount of earnings of a YouTube channel
      • Youtube Affiliate Program
      • How to increase your income on YouTube?
      • Video seeding: how to buy a lot of views for little money

    In this article you will learn how much 1000 or 1,000,000 views on YouTube cost and how much money is needed to buy back 1 million real views. In addition, you will learn 4 sources where you can buy inexpensive views in such large quantities.

    By the way, be sure to check it out how much can you earn on 1000 views if you connect to affiliate program Youtube, or to one of affiliate networks who place advertisements on videos. This way you can easily calculate the approximate profit - if you buy views cheaply and earn more on advertising than you spend on video seeding. We call this technique video traffic arbitration.

    What does YouTube pay for?

    YouTube is developing very rapidly and actively uses advertising: it is logical to assume that a lot of money is involved here. So what do you need to do to start making money using YouTube? How much does 1,000, 10,000, 1,000,000 views on this channel cost?

    People who are far from this topic do not always understand what kind of income this is? What is sold on YouTube and who pays for it? How much work do you need to do to get good results?

    First of all, you need to know that YouTube does not pay anyone anything for views of your video: only views of advertisements on your channel are paid. That is, advertisers order advertising on YouTube video hosting, YouTube places these advertisements and pays channel owners for the number of views of advertising videos and/or for clicks on them.

    Channel owner earnings is 68 percent of the cost paid by the advertiser for the same views or clicks; the rest is YouTube commission. Below we will look at what types of advertising on YouTube exist, how exactly they are paid for, as well as other options for making money on this resource.

    There are several factors that influence the possibility of making a profit.

    Main Factors

    • number of ad views and ad clicks. If a person watches the advertising insert to the end while watching the video, the viewing is considered commercial and is paid for by YouTube. If you pressed the button "skip"- not paid. For other types of advertising, only clicks on advertising links are counted.
    • cost per view or click. YouTube sets this price independently, depending on the topic of the channel, its audience and other factors. For example, foreign traffic may cost more than Russian-language traffic.

    Additional factors

    • thematic direction of your channel. The price of each advertising click depends on the topic: topics such as business, medicine, construction are considered “expensive” and are paid better than humor. On the other hand, attracting many users to a humor channel can be much easier than to a construction-related channel.
    • number of video views per month. The more views you have, the more you will earn. Although the views themselves are not paid, their number is usually proportional to the number of ad views on your channel.
    • audience. If you are watched only by schoolchildren or pensioners, that is, people with low purchasing power, all other things being equal, this channel brings in less profit than a channel that is watched mainly by businessmen or at least ordinary people working age. And again, the country of residence of your subscribers matters, since advertising costs more in the USA and Europe. For this reason, Western YouTubers earn more than their colleagues from Russia and the CIS.
    • number of subscribers. YouTube also doesn’t pay anything for subscribers, but the channel’s rating is determined precisely by this indicator. And then, subscribers, unlike random visitors, are your “army” that will return to the channel and watch your videos more or less regularly, thereby ensuring income for the channel owner.

    Today YouTube has more than one hundred million channels with an audience of one billion. This is very actively used by advertisers who use it as a platform for distributing advertising.

    YouTube is becoming a global information machine. It offers payment for content that is in demand and has high quality. And he really pays for it.

    Types of advertising on YouTube

    • InStream. One of the most popular types of advertising, which takes into account the number of views of advertising inserts before the video. Almost all users of this channel see such advertising: before the start of the video, an advertising video is played, which can be turned off after 5-10 seconds from the start of viewing.

    If the user clicks on the “skip ad” button, then the channel’s earnings are zero. An ad watched to the end provides the channel with the opportunity to earn a small amount. InStream is not the only advertising on YouTube; there are several other types.

    • Overlay- it “moves out” under all the videos in the form of a banner located at the bottom of the video. This advertisement is not paid video hosting YouTube. The payment will be credited only if the person clicks on it, goes to the site provided by the advertiser and stays there for a while. If, after visiting the advertiser’s website, the user immediately left it, YouTube channel does not pay for this, no matter how many such visits there are.
    • Order advertising directly from the advertiser. In this case, earnings do not depend in any way on YouTube itself - you directly negotiate the amount and receive it from the advertiser. Some people shoot entirely advertising videos, others make small advertising inserts into their videos, another option is to use the advertiser’s symbols (a cap, a mug with a logo), or put advertising links in the description under the video.
    • E-mail newsletter. Quite an exotic method, but it can also be used. Subscribers leave their addresses to the channel owner - letters advertising a particular product or service can be sent to these addresses.
    • Placing banners on your page. Payment can be calculated for every thousand impressions or for conversions.

    Cost of 1000 and 1000,000 views

    Here we can see the dependence on the thematic direction of the channel. If the topic is quite common, the number of advertisers increases and the price also increases. In simple terms- the wider the topic of the channel, the higher the cost per click.

    There is no answer to the question of how to calculate the cost of a thousand views - there is probably some kind of calculation algorithm, but YouTube does not disclose it. Some manage to earn a dollar per thousand, others more.

    On average, revenue per thousand impressions ranges from one to four dollars. Let us again clarify that this is the cost of 1000 ad views, not 1000 views of your video. The amount is insignificant, but if the channel has more than 10 thousand subscribers, earnings per month can be decent.

    How to find out the amount of earnings of a YouTube channel

    A large number of services have been developed that allow you to see how much different channels earn. For example, the SocialBlade service, which will show the money earned by any channel. Foreign bloggers, judging by statistics, receive $250-4,000 for 1,000,000 views

    If you enter the channel name into the search bar in SocialBlade, the service will calculate the approximate amount of earnings. These are the statistics provided by SocialBlade on the channel of the world’s most famous YouTuber, Swede PewDiePie, who has more than 57 million subscribers on YouTube,

    Monthly income - from 54 to 868 thousand dollars.

    It is impossible to determine a specific amount of earnings on YouTube, but to earn decent money on this resource, you need to get at least a million views within a month.

    Youtube Affiliate Program

    To start earning money from views, you need to connect to the channel’s affiliate program. This can be done if the channel has existed for at least 10 days and has at least 5 videos uploaded to it.

    Your channel must comply with the following rules:

    • your videos are filmed by you or you have received permission from the copyright holder for their commercial use;
    • the video does not contradict the rules of the service;
    • the content will not cause rejection among advertisers;
    • you have in your hands all the receipts and documents necessary to confirm ownership of video and audio material.

    You can activate monetization in “ Creative studio” of your channel, by connecting to an affiliate YouTube program

    How to increase your income on YouTube?

    Remember that any success is a combination of many factors

    1. High-quality and interesting content. Do video good quality , choose interesting stories.
    2. Regularity. Videos need to be posted regularly, preferably at least 2-3 times a week.
    3. Optimization. Invent original titles and write descriptions for the videos.
    4. Advertising and promotion. Without them, you will spend a lot of time before you get at least the first thousand subscribers.
    5. Selecting a topic. The more profitable topic you choose, the more income you can get from the channel in the future. On the other hand, you must understand this topic, and it must be interesting to you - without this you will not be able to post interesting videos.
    6. At least sometimes shoot long videos (10 minutes or longer) and make small advertising inserts.

    Video seeding: how to buy a lot of views for little money

    Sometimes channel owners need to get a large number of views on their videos. In this case, views can be bought - this is called video seeding. There are several options for video seeding:

    You need to understand that sometimes the cost of such video seeding can be more than the potential earnings from YouTube. And if the service’s moderators suspect cheating, they can disable monetization or block the channel altogether.

    This method may be good for initial stage, when you need to collect a certain number of views/subscribers in the first weeks or months of the channel’s existence in order to facilitate the promotion of the channel in the future, because people are extremely reluctant to subscribe to newly created channels. If you want to use video seeding to earn money, it is important to carefully calculate your expenses and compare them with the amount of earnings from YouTube.

    If you want to know more about making money on YouTube and other ways to make money online, here you will find the most useful information 50 ways to make money online

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