• Speeding up your Windows computer: a selection of the best programs for optimization and cleaning. How to speed up your computer: Optimization tips

    Some time after installing the operating system, situations may arise when the computer begins to work noticeably slower than before. It may be work related individual programs or games, or a drop in performance in general.

    There are several reasons leading to this effect; they should be divided into two large groups.

    1. The hardware cannot cope with the increased load. For example, new computer game or an installed editor for creating animations requires large resources. This problem can be solved by hardware improvement (replacing the video card, central processor, increasing the size of RAM), and increasing performance using special utilities to “overclock” the system. In the latter case, it is possible to use standard settings through the menu “ BIOS Setup».
    2. During the operation of the operating system, a fair amount of “garbage” has accumulated on the hard drive; too many programs are running in background, Windows registry needs cleaning. All this can greatly slow down work.

    To initially determine the performance of the system, a small program called SiSoftware Sandra Lite is useful; in addition to the commercial version, a lightweight, free version is available. It is quite enough for a general assessment.

    1. The program needs to be installed and launched; a window will appear with icons indicating groups of real and virtual devices, present in the system.

    2. By double-clicking on the “System Information” icon, we get a detailed summary of the hardware characteristics: model of motherboard, processors, video cards, RAM and others. Not really powerful computers Data collection will take some time.

    3. A window with characteristics will appear. At the bottom there will be a list with recommendations.

    The same actions can be done with all elements of the computer. The data obtained will help determine further steps to optimize your computer.

    Upgrade Strategies

    There are several solutions to speed up your PC.

    1. Complete replacement. The latest computer toy or program may require such changes to the hardware configuration that the logical solution would be to build a new system unit. And try to sell the old one for at least a little money.

    2. If possible, reduce the program (game) settings to medium or minimum. This, of course, is a temporary measure; in 1-2 years you will still have to solve the problem of outdated components.

    3. Partial replacement of parts. Suitable if the computer as a whole has sufficient power, but one of its elements cannot withstand the load from new software (games). Most often, such devices are a central processor or video card. In some cases, to speed up it is enough to add RAM modules.

    4. In some cases, the situation can be saved by installing previous version OS. This is true for outdated computers or laptops, which, for example, will handle Windows XP just fine, but will be quite slow on Windows 7 or 10.

    Advice! If there is insufficient RAM, upgrading other components may not have much effect. Therefore, you should start improving your PC with it. Before increasing the memory capacity, you must ensure that the RAM limit for a given motherboard is not exceeded, otherwise the excess memory will not be available to the system.

    The search for the part “to blame” for the sluggishness is carried out by comparing the recommended system requirements software developers with real characteristics of the component.

    During the modernization, do not forget about physical cleaning system unit. Dust that accumulates for years on PC boards and heatsinks, inside the power supply, does not have the best effect on performance, so it is necessary to remove it.

    One more additional method is “overclocking” the processor (or video card). The fact is that the factory settings of the motherboard assume a safety margin of at least 15-20% for the clock frequency of the system bus. This is done to ensure system stability.

    Most CPUs easily overclock by up to 20%, this is a noticeable increase even when the OS is loaded.

    “Overclocking” the CPU and video cards

    The easiest way is to increase the clock frequency using utilities; most motherboard and video card manufacturers provide them along with drivers or post them on official websites.

    But the fact is that the settings will only work after loading the OS, and some systems (for example, Linux, *BSD) are not supported by the utilities.

    Attention! Applying settings related to changes in clock speeds and CPU multiplier may result in system inoperability.

    Adjusting the BIOS Setup settings will allow you to immediately evaluate the changes that have occurred: for example, the system will boot faster.

    Advice! For stable PC operation with increased clock frequency The CPU may require more efficient cooling: replacing the radiator and cooler with more powerful ones or implementing fluid system cooling, the most advanced at the moment.

    Changing settings via BIOS Setup

    In this case, you need to reduce the operating frequency of the RAM to avoid errors.

    Advice! If after the next change of parameters the computer stops turning on, you need to turn off the power to the PC system unit, remove the battery that powers the BIOS chip, it is located on motherboard, and put it back in place. After this, the settings will be reset to factory settings.

    Important! It is strictly not recommended to disable CPU thermal protection in BIOS settings. If it overheats, it may fail. If you are not sure of the correctness of your actions, then the most reliable way is to use utilities in Windows.

    Acceleration of video cards occurs using appropriate software. For example, NVidia cards can be “overclocked” using the program Nvidia Inspector.

    To overclock a video card with using Nvidia Inspector should:

    Asus devices on Nvidia chips are similarly “overclocked” using the GPUTweak utility.

    Video - Overclocking a video card NVIDIA/NVIDIA Inspector

    Five ways to increase PC performance

    Method 1

    You can open the “Services” tab in the same “msconfig” utility. Here is a list of system services that start simultaneously with the system and occupy RAM.

    In order to avoid problems with disabling system programs and prevent stable work OS, it is recommended to check the box “Do not display Microsoft services”.

    Some of the remaining services can be disabled. For example, the Remote Registry service, which usually runs by default, is not needed. Some installed programs can also register their own services in Services; you need to understand in detail which of them can be safely disabled.

    An incomplete list of services that you can safely disable:

    • print manager if the printer is not in use;
    • Tablet PC input service;
    • scheduler Windows Media Center;
    • Bluetooth support;
    • Windows Search;
    • Remote Desktop Services;
    • Windows archiving.

    More full list services that can be deactivated can be easily found on the Internet.

    Method 2

    We exhibit optimal size swap file. This is the hard drive space system reserved for temporary storage of files, to help RAM when its size is not enough. That is, this is a kind of addition to the OP.

    1. To change, go to “Control Panel”, “System and Security” item.

    2. In the window that appears on the right, click on the “Change settings” link, thereby activating the next “System Properties” window.

    3. In it, select the “Advanced” tab. Under the first item “Performance”, click on the “Options” button.

    4. Activate the “Advanced” tab and click the “Change” button in it (the “Virtual Memory” item).

    5. This last window sets the size of the paging file ( virtual memory).

      Note! The “Automatically select paging file size” option is only suitable for office PCs. The most the best option will set the range by checking the “Specify size” checkbox and filling in both fields: “ Original size" and "Maximum size".

    The choice of a specific amount of virtual memory in modern PCs depends on the maximum load of running programs.

    It's easy to find out:

    Note! It is best to set a certain average value, selected experimentally, as both a minimum and a maximum. A fixed size is more convenient, since the hard disk space will be strictly reserved by the system.

    Method 3

    Method 4

    During system operation, files are distributed in chunks throughout the entire space hard drive(fragmented). Reading them slows down as a result of the magnetic head of the hard drive (HDD) wandering along the surface of the disk. To optimize the work, you need to overwrite the files and collect them in order. This is called defragmentation.

    If possible, it is better to use the Diskeeper program; it is paid, but there is a trial version.

    Staff Windows defragmenter activated from the My Computer window.

    The system will analyze the disk and defragment it if necessary. Repeat the action with the remaining logical drives.

    Advice! When reinstalling the OS, you need to create at least two logical drive: for the system and for other data (programs, documents, videos, etc.).

    Method 5

    Using ReadyBoost technology. Windows supports using flash drives to speed up the system. On low-power and medium-sized PCs it gives some performance increase. Especially with many tabs or windows open in the browser in Windows, loading speeds up slightly.

    The way ReadyBoost works is that the flash drive begins to work as an intermediary between RAM and hard drive. Part of the OP cache is reset to flash memory, and due to the fact that data exchange between solid state drive and the OP is higher than in the OP-hard drive combination, faster data exchange is obtained.

    But flash memory has a limited number of read-write cycles, so it will last less in this mode than in normal mode.

    There are restrictions:

    • for the Fat32 file system – up to 4 GB of memory can be used;
    • in NTFS – up to 32 GB;
    • In total, up to 256 GB (8x32 GB) can be used for ReadyBoost mode.

    PC optimization programs

    Three most popular programs to remove garbage, filter the registry, remove programs that cannot be removed regular means, searching for duplicates various files and other functions.

    ProgramFunctionsTerms of distributionLanguage
    CCleanerRemoving programs.

    Cleaning the registry.

    Deleting temporary files.

    Securely erase disks. Managing Browser Add-ons

    Advanced System CareRemoving malware. Speed ​​up your Internet connection. System optimization. Cleaning the registry.PaidRussian
    Wise Registry CleanerDeleting files. Defragmentation, elimination of registry errors. System optimizationSharewareRussian

    Setting the computer shutdown timer

    There are two simple ways turn off, restart or sleep your PC.

    Note! Where 300 is the time in seconds. After 5 minutes the computer will turn off.

    The second method involves writing an entire script.

    You can use the following switches (put them instead of /s):

    Several Windows 10 programs you can remove right now

    1. Metro applications take up space on your hard drive, and their functionality is questionable.
    2. Software installed along with drivers. For example, laptops are often sold already with an OS, most additional programs You can safely remove them from the manufacturers.
    3. Internet Explorer is not needed. There are many browsers to suit every taste.
    4. Windows Media Player not needed. Eat K-Lite Codec Pack for watching movies and a lot of players for listening to music.
    5. Windows Games. They also take up space.

    PC acceleration to increase fps in computer games

    Too low frames per second (FPS) can be caused by either excessive high load system, or outdated PC components.

    Before you start replacing components, it is recommended to try the following methods:

    • close all other programs, including those running in the background;
    • update video card drivers;
    • try experimenting with the settings of the video card and the settings of the game itself.

    Sometimes games downloaded from suspicious sources may not work correctly. Licensed editions must be purchased.

    If all else fails, then it's time to think about upgrading your video system.

    Video - 5 ways to speed up your computer

    To provide fast work programs without delays and freezes, you need to know how to speed up your computer. Quite often the computer starts to slow down.

    In the future, this leads to overheating of the central processor and deterioration in the performance of other hardware components.

    To establish stable operation, it is necessary to take steps to speed up the operation of the device.

    Let's take a closer look at everything available methods improving the performance of a computer running an operating system Windows system latest versions.

    Various additional extensions, plugins and loaders can be installed on your computer along with other programs. Most often, such applications are viral and harm the device.

    In this case, the installation program may not even inform the user about installing third-party components.

    All these utilities not only can infect your computer with malware, but also fill up space in RAM, constantly working in the background.

    Common causes of PC problems

    Let's consider point by point all the basic rules that will help optimize your computer as much as possible.

    All options are suitable for Windows 8.1 and newer versions.

    • Hardware problems. They occur if the wrong drivers for the video card are installed. You should not install driver software that the system automatically detects.
      You need to download this software only from the official website of the manufacturer. If any of the hardware components in lately began to get very hot, it is necessary to quickly begin work to restore normal operation.
      Remember, if you are using a relatively old device with a new OS, slowdowns in operation are quite normal;
    • Infection of a personal computer with viruses and other types of malicious software.
      At the next stage of acceleration, you should make sure that the computer is not infected with any viruses, because they use operating system resources and can receive unauthorized access To personal information user;
    • Availability of extra background processes, which take up space in the device’s RAM and slow down the entire OS. There are programs that, even after they are disabled, take up space in startup.
      It is necessary to clean the device from such unnecessary processes and check the startup mode. We’ll look at how to do this later in the article;
    • Hard drive problems. Slow operation of this hardware component occurs when it is full or the HDD drive is broken.
      If you hear strange sounds sounds that come from the chassis rather than the speakers, most likely this indicates that this hard drive needs to be replaced.

    All the main reasons for computer slowdowns are named. Now you can move on to detailed description solutions for each of the reasons.

    About availability too large quantity applications in startup indicates debt bootstrap OS.

    If the computer's startup time has increased significantly, the first thing you need to do is clear unnecessary programs from this mode.

    The user may not even know that the application or game is in startup.

    For example, Malwarebytes and Antimalware applications.

    They can be downloaded absolutely free, and they are able to very accurately scan the system, display and remove detected pests.

    Using such applications, you can very quickly clean your computer and significantly speed up the operating system by freeing up additional resources that were previously used by viruses in the background.

    By the way, malware is not displayed in automatic download, so you can only find them using specialized utilities.

    Applications to speed up PC performance

    Examples of such software can be CCleaner, Razer Game Booster and others.

    Main functions:

    • Ability to remove applications from computer startup;
    • Fast and effective removal unnecessary system software.

    Let's look at the functionality and main features CCleaner applications.

    This is a small program that can quickly clean the computer of programs that the user has not used for a long time.

    The utility cannot directly speed up performance.

    Its main function is to analyze the use of applications and remove them. The user can also clear the system and browser cache.

    You will also be able to perform a system restore (needed if the basic OS configuration has been damaged).

    In the registry tab you can track all unnecessary entries from programs and delete them.

    In the cleaning tab you can delete unnecessary programs, and also clear RAM from extra load.

    Uninstalling programs using built-in OS functions

    You can also analyze the use and removal of applications that are not needed and have not been used for a long time using standard OS components.

    To do this, go to the control panel window and find the installation and uninstall utility icon there.

    Click on it to open the following window:

    Wait a few seconds so that the system can create a complete list of all components installed on the computer.

    Destroying unnecessary software will free up space on your hard drive, so your computer will run a little faster.

    If your computer is constantly low on RAM, it is best to install a slightly larger amount.

    This option is suitable if you regularly remove programs from startup, scan your computer and remove viruses and other programs, but the RAM is still full.

    Perhaps your computer has too little OP for stable operation of the installed operating system.

    You can increase the RAM from 2GB to 4GB or from 4GB to 8GB.

    To make programs run faster, you should purchase an additional SSD and connect it to the system hard drive.

    Important! It is worth noting that if you want to improve performance only in games, it would be more advisable to buy a more powerful video card.

    Options, How:

    1. Optimize autostart.
    2. Reduce the amount of garbage on disks.
    3. Replace hardware components.
    4. Defragment the HDD.
    5. Use special programs.
    6. Check the registry.
    7. Update device drivers.
    8. Do not use unlicensed versions of the OS.

    Why is my laptop or PC slow?

    When you buy a new device, there are no problems with it - it doesn’t freeze, responds quickly to commands, the memory is not loaded. So why does the laptop’s performance leave much to be desired after just a couple of months?

    Reasons for a slow computer:

    • Malware attacks.

    This is the first thing you need to pay attention to, although it can be difficult. If your device constantly freezes, files or folders are no longer deleted, the number of ads in the browser has increased, or the processor is loaded at 100% when closed applications– There is a threat of infection hanging over your computer.

    • Hard drive full of files or applications.

    When your system storage is full, you will receive notifications that you need to free up disk space before installing new programs. If your HDD is incorrectly divided into subsections (there is not enough space on C:\ for updates and new programs), slowdown is inevitable.

    • Overheating of the PC hardware during operation.

    Check the temperature of your laptop components if it starts to reboot or freeze when launching games or a browser. Overheating is a dangerous thing because you risk losing all the information stored on the hard drive.

    View the status of the RAM by opening the Task Manager (simultaneously pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del on the keyboard), the Processes tab (in the screenshot) and Performance → Memory.

    • An outdated processor that can't cope with tasks.

    The processor is tested in the same way as RAM, but look at "CPU" instead of "Memory".

    • There are many utilities in autorun.

    Some programs installed on a laptop are marked in Startup, so cleaning it of everything unnecessary speeds up the work.

    • System registry clogged.

    Incorrect uninstallation of applications leaves data about them in the registry, and over time it grows to obscene sizes.

    • Slowdown while surfing the browser.

    An open tab on the Internet is a new process that eats up RAM. If you have a dozen or two tabs open, a game is downloading and a video is loading in HD quality at the same time - the processor slows down.

    How to speed up your computer?

    Install one of the following utilities: AeroTweak, PCMedic, CCleaner or Auslogics BoostSpeed. Follow the instructions offered by the programs and speed up your PC.

    It is important to understand here that downloading “hacked” programs will not lead to anything good. You can download software supposedly for free, but along with the programs you will receive a virus that can make changes to operating system. For example, in 2018, a mining virus was popular. If you are familiar with electronic currency Bitcoin, then you know what we're talking about.

    So if you don’t want the power of your computer to be used by attackers, then buy programs to optimize your computer on the official websites of the developers.

    Speeding up your computer using the Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​program as an example

    Download the program from the official website and install it on your computer. There will be no difficulties here. Auslogics installation is intuitive. Let's launch the program and get acquainted with the interface.

    If you downloaded the program from an official source, then it should be Russified and Russian should be the default language.

    The software will immediately prompt us to perform a scan upon first launch. BoostSpeed ​​will check your computer completely and give its verdict.

    If you do not need a full scan, you can select the computer cleaning mode (the “PC cleaning” button). Will be deleted junk files, invalid registry data, unnecessary Windows cache- don’t be afraid, it won’t be cleaned in browsers, this is done as a separate option. Also, the program will sweep up all the garbage behind the messy Windows after the update. Just click the “remove all” button and wait for the computer to clean up.

    In addition to the general cleaning function, you can clean the registry in more depth. To do this, select the appropriate item in the menu.

    Click on the button and in the window that opens, check all the boxes on the left.

    Click the “scan” button and wait for the results. After the scan is completed, you can select which files you need. The program will put the registry files in order and, as a result, the speed of the computer will increase. For security, you can check the “archive changes” checkbox. In this case, you can revert back the changes made by the program.

    Among the main ones, there are also functions of disk defragmentation (Disk Defrag), disk scanning for errors (Disk Doctor) and registry defragmentation (Registry Defrag).

    All functions are easy to use. Just click on the appropriate item and follow the instructions. It is recommended to perform defragmentation once every two weeks.

    Updating components

    No need to purchase new laptop, if the speed of the old one is no longer satisfactory. But you can replace some components to save money and increase productivity computer.

    • Replacing the processor.

    An effective method, but not cheap. Buy new processor, but select it so that it is at least a third faster than the installed one. Otherwise you won't feel the difference. Extreme enthusiasts can try to overclock their processor, but this option is not for beginners - there is a risk of permanent breakdown.

    • Adding RAM.

    If the RAM is fully loaded, purchase more. , and the cost of replacing RAM is low.

    • Updating the hard drive. HDD has its own data processing speed, therefore, no matter how you tune your computer, if your hard drive has a low data processing speed, then you will not be able to speed up much.

    Also, the size of the HDD matters than more memory You have free space on your hard drive, the faster your computer runs.

    The disk has its own service life. On average, a hard drive functions properly for 3 years, then performance begins to decline. So if your local disk has been in use for a long time, then this step should be completed first, and then add power with RAM and a video card.

    Look not at size, but at speed (revolutions per second). Adding new revolutions increases performance.

    • Replacing the video card.

    This is an important point for gamers - the more megabytes of video card memory, the faster the computer works. Since the load is distributed between the processor and video card. This is especially true for laptops, since a discrete (built-in) video card uses processor power when processing data. If the laptop has a weak video card or it is installed incorrectly, then it slows down very noticeably.

    How to improve computer performance?

    • Checking and updating drivers.

    Non-original video card, chipset or SATA drivers (this is especially important for laptops and netbooks) slow down the performance of the device. In Windows 10 the problem is not so common - when automatic update The OS downloads updates for the original drivers, while simultaneously checking existing drivers.

    To check, right-click on the Win logo in the lower left corner, then “Device Manager”. View the main drivers (double-click on the driver → “Information”) and install components from the manufacturers’ official websites where the original is not listed.

      • Fixing startup applications.

    One of the common reasons for slowdowns is the placement of utilities in startup that are unnecessary for the user. Upon entering account Startup programs are launched without user intervention, so the computer startup time and response speed during operation leave much to be desired.

    The list of programs that are in startup, but are not useful during constant operation:

    1. Printer and MFP applications (scan + copier). Manufacturers office equipment Along with the devices, they supply programs that are included in startup. Remove them from the list to increase computer performance, since the printer or scanner will start on its own when called through office applications.
    2. Download managers, torrent clients. They are not needed every time you turn on the laptop, and will open automatically when you start downloading something from the Internet. A torrent client running on distribution overloads the HDD, which slows down processes in the system.
    3. Cloud storage. Windows 10 comes with OneDrive pre-installed. standard. If you do not use the cloud constantly, there is no need to keep it on your startup list.

    Optimizing Windows 10

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    • Setting up sounds and graphics.

    For modern computers adjusting graphic and sound effects will slightly increase the response speed to tasks, but this solution will help outdated laptops or personal computers.

    Right-click on Start (Windows logo in the lower left corner of the display) and select “System” → “ Additional settings systems." In the dialog box that opens, click on the “Advanced” link. In the “Performance” area, click on the “Options...” button.

    If you check the box next to “Provide best performance", the system will turn off all animation options in Windows 10. However, working in this mode is not very convenient, so check a few necessary points below, "Animation of windows when minimized and maximized."

    Simultaneously hold down the key with windows logo and the I key (or go to Settings through the Start menu). Follow the “Accessibility” link, then “Other options”. Uncheck the box next to “Play animation in Windows.”

    In the same Accessibility section, open Personalization, then Colors, and turn off transparency for individual elements interface. That's possible too increase computer performance.

    Set up sound alerts. Right-clicking on the start button opens a window additional parameters, where you need to select “Control Panel” and “Sound”. In the window, select the “Sounds” area, the “Silent” scheme (in the drop-down menu). The response speed of the hard drive will increase slightly, since the system will no longer consult it at each event in search of a suitable sound notification.

    • Optimizing tiles in the Start menu.

    Live tiles consume device resources to change and display information. If you don't use some system applications, remove the corresponding tiles (right-click on the tile → “Unpin from home monitor”). The tenth version has many built-in applications, but not all of them are needed by the user; unnecessary ones can be uninstalled so as not to take up memory.

    • Disabling tracking in Win 10.

    Even if the problem of user surveillance itself does not concern you, this mode consumes device resources. Turn off tracking to increase computer performance.

    What should you not do when speeding up your computer?

    1. Disable services that seem unnecessary.

    Do you know which service is responsible for connecting to the Internet, for the operation of a particular program? If not, it’s better not to disable services, so that you don’t have to figure out why applications don’t launch, sound doesn’t work, or video files don’t play, etc.

    1. Defragment your hard drive daily or use utilities like Boost Speed, Glary Utilities.

    This includes daily attempts speed up your computer With using CCleaner. The CCleaner utility clears the browser cache during operation, but as a result, the loading speed of web pages, on the contrary, slows down: the cache is responsible for saving frequently used pages and it is recommended to clear it only when another problem can be solved in this way.

    1. Disable SSD indexing.
    2. Attempt to change, move, or uninstall the page file.

    Some applications will not start if the page file is disabled, and inexperienced user will not guess that this is the reason.

    Computer "gurus" can advise how to speed up your computer in some of these ways, but the harm from such actions will be more than good.

    Windows 7 is the most common operating system today. And this is understandable, because it works much faster compared to more earlier versions Windows. But after installing it on your computer, you may not be able to say that: it will start to slow down, think longer, and freeze. It's all about the hardware - the requirements for it are slightly higher for Windows 7.

    Considering that most of the parameters that are installed by default in this operating system, to the average user may not be useful, can be used various ways to speed up your computer or laptop running Windows 7. Let's start getting to know them.

    Disabling visual effects

    The first thing to do is turn off visual effects and gadgets on your desktop. They undoubtedly decorate the operating system, but at the same time, they slow down its operation. Right-click on the “Computer” shortcut and select from context menu"Properties" .

    On the tab "Additionally" in section "Performance" Click on the “Options” button.

    A window will open on the tab "Visual Effects". Mark the item with a marker "Special Effects". Then leave the four checkboxes as shown in the image below, click "Apply" and "OK". If you don’t like the display of fonts, folders or anything else on the desktop, you can always check the desired box back.

    Removing gadgets from the desktop is quite easy. Move your mouse cursor over the desired one and from additional menu select Close. You can leave a couple of the most necessary ones, but the more of them on the desktop, the more RAM they take up.

    Watch the video:

    Disabling system sounds

    The second thing we will do is turn it off system sounds . Click on the speaker icon in the tray and select Sounds from the menu.

    Disabling the Aero theme

    Third, disable Aero Theme. This beautiful design desktop with a choice of color and transparency for the window, changing the background on the desktop, uses not only the computer’s RAM, but also the video card. Right-click on the desktop and select "Personalization".

    Select any topic from the "Basic" section. It will consume less computer resources.

    Disable search

    Fourth is disabling the search function. It will be very useful for those who do not use search in the operating system at all. This service monitors files on the computer so that later it is possible to quickly find them, and accordingly uses a certain amount of RAM. To disable search, right-click on the “Computer” shortcut and select “Manage” from the menu.

    Now in the menu on the left, expand the section "Services and Applications" by clicking on the small black triangle and select “Services”.

    A list of available services will open in the window, select “Windows Search”, and double-click on it.

    In the “Startup Type” field, select “Disabled”, in the “Status” field, click “Stop”. Then “Apply” and “OK”.

    Cleaning startup

    Watch the video:

    Using utilities

    Tenth – this point will be the last. He means usage various programs to optimize computer performance. You can use CCleaner, which will clean up file system and a registry from all kinds of garbage. Another free program is Auslogics BoostSpeed. It also finds various junk in the system and allows you to remove it. By clicking on the links, you can download the programs and read about their installation and use.

    Use the methods listed above, and this will allow you to speed up your computer or laptop with the Windows 7 operating system installed.

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    Webmaster. Higher education with a degree in Information Security. Author of most articles and computer literacy lessons

      Over time, a huge number accumulates on the computer unnecessary files, resulting in reduced hard drive performance. How longer computer is in operation, the lower its performance. Although some responsibility slow work As your computer reaches the end of its useful life, you can take a number of steps to speed up data processing and loading of the operating system.


      Part 1

      Disable autostart programs
    • The tabs are at the top of the Task Manager window; The Startup tab lists the programs that start when the OS boots.

    • Click on the process you want to disable. Please note that disabling a process will not completely block the corresponding program - its autorun will be disabled.

      Click Disable. This button is located in the lower right corner of the Task Manager window.

      • Or right-click on the process and select Disable from the menu.
    • Repeat the described steps for each program whose autorun you want to disable. For example, the following programs take up a considerable amount of RAM: Skype, Steam and most antiviruses.

      • If you don't know which programs to disable, look at the Startup Impact column, which is located on the right side of the Task Manager window. It is recommended to disable any program with the High or Medium setting.
    • When you're done configuring startup programs, close Task Manager. To improve efficiency changes made, clear the Hidden Icons menu.

      Open the Hidden Icons menu. To do this, click on the upward arrow, which is located on the right side of the taskbar (to the left of the clock).

      View the Hidden Icons menu. Often this menu contains icons for programs that run in the background (for example, Dropbox or Google Drive). Terminating such programs will free up RAM, which will improve your computer's performance. You can close programs directly from the Hidden Icons menu.

      Right-click the icon of the program you want to close. For example, if you do not use the service client program cloud storage data, close it.

      Click "Exit" (at the bottom of the context menu). In most cases, you need to confirm the decision to end the process; To do this, click “Exit” again. Repeat these steps for each program you want to close.

      Part 2

      Disable visual effects
      1. Open the Start menu. It is located in the lower left corner of the screen. Visual Windows effects 8/10 are designed taking into account the performance of modern computers; If one of these versions of Windows is installed on an older computer, its performance will be significantly reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to turn off visual effects.

        • Or press the key ⊞Win to open the Start menu.
      2. In the Control Panel search bar, type "settings" appearance». The search bar is on the right top corner Control Panel windows.

        Click "Adjust the look and performance of Windows." This option is located in the System group (in the upper left corner of the Control Panel window).

        Review the visuals. The menu that opens has several options:

        • "Provide best view" Enabling this option will cause all visual effects to be activated, which is the opposite of what you want.
        • "Provide the best possible performance." Most visual effects will be disabled and your computer's performance will improve.
        • "Special Effects" In this case, uncheck the boxes for the effects you want to disable. To ensure optimal performance on an older computer, it is recommended that you turn off all visual effects.
      3. Select the option that in the best possible way matches your computer. In the case of an older computer, check the "Special Effects" option and turn off all visual effects; Keep in mind that the "Get the best performance" option will work for most mid-range computers.

        Close the Performance Options window. You will notice that the design of the system has become poorer, but its performance has increased.

        Part 3

        Clean your hard drive

        Part 4

        Remove unnecessary programs
        1. Open the Start menu. In this menu you can find a list installed programs; just scroll through the list to see all the programs.

          • There are also folders in the list; They usually include several programs at once, so open each folder and view its contents.
        2. Remove unnecessary programs. For example, programs for reading the news or listening to radio programs are usually not needed because they can be replaced with better programs or web browser extensions.

          • If the operation of the OS depends on a certain program, it will not be possible to remove such a program. However, most system programs consume a minimum computer resources.
        3. Right-click on the application you want to remove. A context menu will open.

          Click "Delete" and then confirm your choice. The program will be uninstalled immediately (that is, you do not need to open the Programs and Features window).

          • You may have to click the Next button (at the bottom of the context menu) to access the Remove button.
        4. Remove any unused programs. Typically, computers are Windows control come with a large number pre-installed programs, utilities and plugins, some of which can be safely removed.

          Change the preinstalled programs to others. For each preset program There is at least one alternative program:

          • Replace your browser Microsoft Edge on Chrome or Firefox. These browsers are fast and simple alternatives to Edge.
          • Replace Groove with iTunes. Groove cannot be uninstalled, but the program consumes much more computer resources than iTunes.
          • Replace the pre-installed media player with VLC. VLC processes data faster, plays almost any video format, and has a simpler and cleaner interface than Microsoft media players, which are installed by default.
        5. Restart your computer. The described methods should lead to increased computer performance.

        • Treat your computer properly, such as charging the battery regularly (in the case of a laptop) and turning off the computer regularly. This will extend the life of your computer and improve its performance.
        • Scan your system at least once a week for viruses or malware; do this using an antivirus and other appropriate programs. This way you will not allow viruses and malware load the processor.
        • Make sure your computer is running in high performance. If the power saving mode (or similar) is activated, the system will not cope with powerful programs or games. To find out the operating mode, click on the battery icon on the right side of the taskbar.
        • If the computer is more than two years old, it is quite difficult to install a new operating system (for example, Windows 10) on it. As a rule, latest versions Windows are optimized for the most modern technologies, not equipment from three or four years ago.
        • Although the browser is not computer components, clear its cache and delete cookies to improve web page loading speed.