• Detailed comparison of iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Which is better Android or iOS

    Currently, the most popular mobile operating systems are Android and iOS. You can still remember mobile version Windows 8, which, according to analysts, will soon leave iOS far behind, but this has not happened yet, so we will not take it into account.

    Android is much more popular than its main competitor. Why? If only because this axis can be used in almost any smartphone, while it is intended exclusively for Apple devices. Perhaps the latter will someday allow third party companies install this operating system on their smartphones, but this is unlikely to happen in the near future.

    Does all this mean that Android, due to its popularity, is a better and more convenient operating system than iOS? No, sales don't mean anything. Actually both operating systems They are both good in their own way and it would be wrong to say that one of them is definitely better than the other. No, each of them has its own pros and cons, which I want to tell you about today. By the way, on at the moment I use smartphones on both operating systems, so I know what I'm talking about.

    Why is iOS better?

    • It's worth starting with the fact that smartphones in the form in which we see them now may not have been the same if not for Apple company, which introduced its first phone in 2007 named iPhone 2G. What was unusual about it? Yes, absolutely everything! All those people who once used a PDA with a stylus will probably understand me - the gadget had a screen that worked with a light touch of a finger. And this is not to mention the mass of various functions that previous PDAs could not boast of. Perhaps, if the iPhone had not appeared on the scene, Google would not have come up with its Android...
    • Cupertino workers (the so-called Apple employees who work at Apple's headquarters, which is located in the American town of Cupertino) focus on functionality and simplicity. What does this mean? The user simply does not need to suffer with a bunch of settings, trying to choose, for example, the optimal value clock frequency processor. Of course, there are a lot of settings here, but not as many as in Android. On the one hand, this simplifies the use of the same thing, on the other hand, it is not always possible to configure exactly what you need.
    • The design of the operating system can also be considered as a plus. It is simple, laconic and even beautiful. True, we are talking about earlier versions firmware I didn’t like iOS 7 either in design or functionality.
    • Apple is constantly working to optimize its devices and components. This is expressed primarily in the characteristics of the devices. For example, experts compared the iPhone and a top-end smartphone from another well-known brand, which in fact was approximately twice as powerful. So what do you think? The iPhone won precisely because proper optimization devices!
    • Continuing the topic of optimization, we cannot help but remember that developers of games and applications for iOS actually test them on only two devices - iPad and iPhone. This is a huge plus, since there is always the opportunity to correct some defect. Now let's take Android application developers - the game they offer can be used on a hundred or two smartphones and tablets, many of which may have various bugs. Do you feel the difference?
    • And a little more about applications. As you know, Apple has its own game and application store for iOS - it’s called App Store. It has such a huge number of applications that it makes your eyes wide open. True, in Google Google Play no less applications. The difference is that in the App Store all applications are pre-moderated, so it’s much more difficult to stumble upon “fraudulent” games there than on Google Play, where there are frankly a lot of applications trying to send paid SMS without your knowledge.
    • The undoubted advantages include the operating time of Apple gadgets. Have you noticed that with the release of each new generation of smartphones or tablets, they last longer? You will probably be surprised, but the Cupertino people do not strive to install longer, and therefore larger, batteries in the device. No, they work on current batteries, making them even thinner each time without losing power. In addition, Apple is currently actively working on the possibility wireless charging, which will allow the device to be charged when it is simply in the room or apartment.

    Why is Android better?

    • First of all, I would like to say about the cost. Of course, this is not entirely correct in the context of our conversation, because the cost of devices is set by their manufacturer. However, it has long been noted that Android devices are cheaper than their iOS competitors, and are often more powerful than the latter. And smartphones from Chinese craftsmen can be bought for two to three hundred dollars versus 800 for an iPhone. I repeat, the comparison is not entirely correct, but still very interesting.
    • Wide selection of devices. Just look at the huge number of devices coming out today on Android - thousands and even tens of thousands of all kinds of gadgets for every taste and budget. What about Apple? In fact, only three devices: iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
    • The second point is about the openness of the platform, which means a huge number of functions that iOS simply does not have. True, everything is not so simple here. In the case of Android, it is often necessary to do the so-called root, which in turn removes the warranty from the device. In the case of iOS, there is a so-called jailbreak, which also allows you to change various settings using add-ons and also voids the device’s warranty. However, Android is still more open and more functional.
    • It may seem strange, but the advantages include the presence additional buttons on the phone. As you know, the iPhone has only two of them - Home and Power, and smartphones based on them have more - “Back” and “Settings”. Very convenient, I must say. However, often the buttons are located in such a way that they hinder the use of the gadget rather than help - it depends on the specific model of the device.
    • Phones running Android OS allow you to use additional flash memory and change the battery, while iOS does not support flash memory at all, and battery replacement is only possible through a service that costs a lot of money.
    • Panel quick access. Of course, you can laugh, but for me this panel is really very important point, because with its help you can turn on Wi-Fi, GPS, BlueTooth, 3G and so on with one tap on the screen. A similar panel finally appeared in iOS7, but its functionality is not impressive.

    What's better?

    But nothing, both of our operating systems are interesting in their own way and each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. What should you choose? Try, test, gain impressions... As for my choice, lately I gave my preference to a smartphone on Android based, because this operating system is closer to me.

    Today we will not give further subjective opinions of individual people about who is the queen of mobile operating systems. Disputes between fans of the bitten apple and the green robot often lose sight of such an important thing as facts. What do the facts say?

    Whose smartphones sell better in the US

    Despite the fact that the American market is very far from us, it is still one of the largest in the world, which means it makes a decisive contribution to the global distribution of smartphone sales, so let's start with it. In mid-November 2012, Kantar Worldpanel Comtech presented data on sales of smartphones on Android and iPhone, and then the shares of these OSes turned out to be 51.2% and 43.5%, respectively. Despite subsequent jumps in performance, when competitors took turns rushing into first place, big picture in the period from November 2012 to February 2013 remained unchanged:

    Next comes a study from ComScore MobiLense, which took into account all smartphone users over 13 years of age. An important note: here the statistics do not go for a period, but cover the entire past up to the current moment. That is, over the years of development and distribution of smartphones, by January 2013 the ratio Android owners and iOS in the US looks like this:

    Whose smartphones are selling better around the world?

    We have dealt with the USA, and now the figures that are more important from the point of view of objectivity are global indicators. According to IDC, in the fourth quarter of 2012, Android accounted for 70.1% of all smartphones sold, while Apple accounted for 21%.

    Whose tablets are selling better around the world?

    Who sells more in the world

    From all the variety of manufacturers Android smartphones we single out only Samsung as the only “dominator”. The rest of the Android manufacturers go by the same name as “and Co.,” but they all also make Android devices. Here's how things stood in the 4th quarter of 2012 on a global scale.

    Who sells more in the USA?

    Strategy Analytics reported that in the 4th quarter of 2012, Apple won the American market by a small margin.

    Who makes more money

    Data based on Canaccord Genuity research. In fact, this point has little to do with operating systems, but still.

    Who has more apps?

    Even if Company X released the best OS in the world tomorrow, it still wouldn't attract anyone until it could boast an app store... a big app store. Please note that by now both operating systems have more than 800 thousand applications, and with such a number, further comparison is generally pointless - both have everything you could want.

    We will not write anything about the ratio of applications tailored for tablets, because we could not find the necessary data on Android.

    Who has the best apps?

    The uTest company collects ratings and reviews of all applications from Apple App Store and Google Play Store. The data is then transferred to a 0-100 scale, and by January 2013 the situation was like this:

    In other words, some average general iOS app 5.3% better than the Android app.

    Which OS users download more apps?

    Canalys provides statistics according to which in the first quarter of 2013, every second application downloaded was an Android application.

    Who makes more money from apps

    Money again - again Apple is out of competition. Data from Canalys for the first quarter of 2013:

    Who is there more on the Internet?

    NetMarketShare publishes monthly reports on the shares of various operating systems and browsers on the Internet, including mobile ones:

    And this is where funny things begin. Research from StatCounter suggests that in March 2013, there was more Android on the Internet than iOS.

    Perhaps the whole point is the incorrectness of the information collection technologies used by this or that company, but in general the moral is this: do not believe the statistics.

    Who is there more in the business sector?

    Citrix showed the distribution of mobile OS in the corporate sector for the 4th quarter of 2012:

    Bottom line

    What's the result? We see that in various aspects the advantage passes from one giant to another, and it is still not possible to give an objective answer to the eternal question. Topic closed?

    Which is better Android or iPhone? We will look for answers to this eternal question in today’s article.

    When buying the most fashionable gadget, many are guided by their personal motivation - some choose by cost, others by design, functionality, brand. And someone according to all these criteria at the same time. Modern smartphones and tablets have different software(software), the most popular of them: Android, iPhone (iOS platform), Windows OS. The latter is not so popular among our compatriots; most often users prefer Android and iOS.

    Side by side comparison

    For anyone who cares about the design of a smartphone, you can find many designs from manufacturers with the Android system. There is certainly room for your soul to wander here - a variety of display diagonals, number of speakers, case material, protection against shock and moisture, etc.

    Speaking of the iPhone, the laconic design here has not changed dramatically for a very long time. The body shape is the same back cover up to version 4 it was round, but then it “leveled out”. The sides of the case with version 4 also became smoother. But further, no significant difference was noticeable externally. Only the diagonal of the display increased, the material of the case and the color scheme changed. As before, this smartphone retained a universal design that looks harmonious on both a successful businessman and a glamorous diva.

    Photo: iPhone 5S model
    Photo: Android smartphone model

    It cannot be said that the iPhone is more beautiful, and other smartphone manufacturers (Lenovo, Samsung, Sony, Moto, HTC and others) have not finalized the models. Among the assortment of smartphone designs, you can find a very worthy model. Therefore, at this point we do not single out the leader.

    Assembly and parts

    Since iPhones have been improving their internal components for quite a long time, the quality of their parts and assembly is excellent. Many manufacturers using the Android operating system are more focused on the number and variety of models than on build quality. Rarely do models come out that adequately represent gadgets in their class. But their cost is much higher than other common models (often on par with iPhones).

    Can't even compare example iPhone 7 and Lenovo K5. Of course, here the Apple smartphone wins many times over in terms of build quality. But the price also differs significantly (almost 5 times). But the Samsung S7 could compete with it in terms of quality of parts and assembly. And the price of Samsung is slightly lower than the price of iPhone.

    According to statistics, iPhones last much longer than devices with the Android system. Selling an iPhone is much easier and more profitable than selling Android smartphones. This is due not only to the build quality, but also to the software.

    And yet, the build quality of the “apple” must be given due credit. In this it succeeds compared to competitors with Android OS. Therefore, when figuring out which is better android or iPhone in terms of build quality, we give preference to the latter.

    Software, applications

    Before moving on to this comparison, it is worth noting that only iPhones use the iOS operating system, but many devices from different companies use Android. Therefore, the comparison will take place precisely of these two platforms, rather than specific models smartphones.

    1. Platform protection. iOS is a fairly closed platform that does not have any alternatives. iPhones and software for them are produced by one manufacturer, so it is easier to control the compatibility of devices than with Android. Android is open to all sorts of updates that are not suitable for all devices. This may affect system performance and stability.

    2. Apple App Store very carefully selects applications that can get onto the device. That's why they work more stably on iPhones than on the Android system. Only a small percentage malware and applications can get onto the iPhone. The Android store is more clogged with all this and the chance of “picking up” spam and viruses on it is much higher. iOS does not support multimedia platform Adobe Flash, which provided viewing of flash videos and flash applications online on Internet resources. It is Adobe Flash (according to unconfirmed data) that can lead to the entry of “harmful substances” into the system and increased energy consumption. According to rumors, it will soon be abandoned and this will equalize the capabilities of these two platforms.

    3. Games have become quite popular on smartphones. Available on iPhones with iOS platform and on gadgets with Android large number games. True, in both cases there is a fragmentation problem (application/game extensions do not match the display extensions and performance).

    4. Navigation capabilities. In both cases, the device has GPS navigation, which works exactly by connecting the device to the Internet. Here the Android platform has succeeded over iOS. For iPhones, cards are a fairly new phenomenon. Therefore they are not as perfect as Google Maps, which are often used by Android owners.

    5. User-friendly interface. Android is a little more difficult to understand than iPhone iOS system. Much more convenient and easier to understand. But at the same time, “apples” do not have as many functions for changing themes, wallpapers, and widgets as Android does. Therefore, those who like to adjust everything to their needs will be delighted with the latter.

    By all accounts, we can conclude that iOS for iPhone is more adapted, secure and reliable than Android for smartphones.


    The iPhone manufacturer slightly underestimated the energy consumption of its smartphone and awarded 7 Plus version lithium-ion battery capacity of 2900 mAh. For this type of smartphone with a 5.5’’ display, this is clearly a deficiency. By latest reviews About the 7th iPhone, with moderate use it loses its charge in just over a day. And if you use it regularly, you will have to recharge the device much more often. Service life is measured in battery life. With normal use it will last up to 3 years.

    Android smartphones have a wide variety of batteries. For example, Lenovo P2 with a 5.5" display has a battery capacity of 5000 mAh, and Meizu M3 with a 6" display has a battery capacity of 4100 mAh. These are more realistic indicators that are necessary for full maintenance of the OS and display. The service life is no different from an iPhone. But not all smartphone models have such a significant capacity, so it is impossible to say for sure based on this parameter that Android or iPhone is better.


    If we take into account the number of devices that have Android software, then among them you can find a wide variety in display diagonals, number of colors, and screen resolution. On iPhones this range is more limited. Only latest versions increased in size. Before this, there were 3.5" and 4" formats, at that time Android smartphones were produced 1-1.5" larger.

    Also, the popular Samsung brand has released a smartphone - s7 edge, which for the first time uses the side curves of the display instead of their borders. Among the buyers of this gadget you can only find positive reviews. Many even say that it is much cooler than the latest iPhone.

    As for the display, it must be said that you can find much best characteristics in smartphones with Android, fortunately the choice of manufacturers and models allows.

    Accessories and spare parts

    In this matter without unnecessary words You can immediately give the palm to iPhones. Due to the relatively small model range, accessories are produced for them in very large volumes. If your headset is lost or damaged, finding a new original one is not a problem. The same applies to charger. The abundance of covers, overlays, and bumpers is simply amazing.

    This cannot be said about Android smartphones, which, due to the wide model range don't have as many accessories. The charging sockets in them have the same format, the headset jack is also standard 3.5 mm. Moreover, non-original options are also suitable. But if it comes to a banal bumper or protective film, then it is not always possible to find them for the desired model. Manufacturers of such accessories simply cannot keep up with the pace of release of new Android devices.

    Also, if your smartphone breaks down, you can easily find any part for your iPhone. Almost all repairmen and service centers. Android devices do not boast of this. Finding, for example, a display on any Meizu is almost impossible. This makes rare smartphone models practically disposable. If it broke, I threw it away. Only popular ones, which have been put on sale in a decent volume, have a chance of at least getting Chinese spare parts.

    Connectors and SIM cards

    What a shame, having 2 SIM cards in use, knowing that when buying an iPhone, you will have to forget about one of them. Or buy another phone. Nowadays this is absolutely not practical.

    Among smartphones on the Android platform, you can rarely find copies that have only 1 SIM card slot.

    Although not everyone needs to use several SIM cards, but one is enough. In this case, these devices are on equal terms and it is impossible to say that an Android or an iPhone is better.

    The charger connectors in iPhones and smartphones on another platform are radically different. For Apple there is a unique Lightning connector, and for Android smartphones there is another, very common one. micro USB. For the headset in both cases the jack is the same.

    Photo: iPhone charging connector
    Photo: Android charging connector

    It’s impossible to say that the connector is better in some places and worse in others. Therefore, here they are equal.

    Camera and speakers

    As for the camera in iPhones, it has amazing characteristics. Especially when it comes to latest models. Even the iPhone's 12 megapixel camera is superior to many Android options different manufacturers. Unless only Sony can create healthy competition, and then not all models from this manufacturer.

    Macro photography with an iPhone looks much sharper and has better color rendition. The same applies to shooting in backlight. Portrait photography also looks very impressive. The noise level when shooting at dawn, sunset, or in a dim room is acceptable low. Not all smartphones from well-known manufacturers that use the Android platform can boast such characteristics.

    Photo: iPhone 6s camera
    Photo: Android camera

    Therefore, if you choose which is better, Android or iPhone, then the latter is a big plus.

    Photo: iPhone 5 speakers
    Photo: Android smartphone speakers

    Manufacturer service

    Arriving anywhere in the world you can find specialized service or a store to service your iPhone. They are located in almost all major cities. The service is so good that the owners of this gadget have virtually no problems with it - any issues are quickly resolved.

    To service your Android smartphone, you need to find a representative office of a specific manufacturer. For example, Samsung can also be found in almost every corner of the world. This also applies to LG customer service centers. Recently, Lenovo has been trying to improve the service.

    Consequently, Apple cares more about customer service than other manufacturers.

    Comparison results

    When choosing between two smartphone platforms, you need to cast aside all doubts and follow your intuition. The times when you won’t surprise anyone with an iPhone have long come. And before choosing your smartphone, think about whether you want to surprise others or just use a reliable and feature phone, and for adequate money. Do you want to be the most original? Buy push-button telephone! What, as an option...

    Dear readers! If you have any questions or comments on the topic of the article, please leave them below.

    Many users, when choosing a gadget, cannot decide whether to buy an expensive Apple device or opt for one of the many relatively cheap devices running Google’s operating system. Therefore, next we will try to figure out what is really better - Android or iOS, and for whom one or another system is more suitable.

    Often, the primary factor influencing a user’s choice of a device with Android or iOS is the issue of safety of its use, data safety and protection from viruses. Compliance with these conditions is ensured if several requirements are met at once:

    1. Continuous improvement of the OS, rapid elimination of vulnerabilities;
    2. Regular release of system and software updates, making them available to all users;
    3. Availability of sufficient quantity antivirus solutions, including free ones.

    Let’s say right away that new versions of both Android and iOS are released quite regularly, and with accessibility effective antiviruses For both systems there are practically no problems either.

    True, the ubiquity of Android does it a disservice - most viruses for mobile OS are written specifically for the “green robot”.

    But to be fair, malicious applications It’s also not uncommon for IOS today, however, it is quite difficult to pick up an infection on a standard, unlocked device, even if there is no third-party antivirus installed on the system.

    This smoothly leads to another advantage of iOS security - regularly released system updates immediately reach end user, who can immediately install them on any of his iPhone or iPad. According to statistics collected by Apple based on user visits App store Store, about 60% of Apple device owners use the current secure version iOS firmware 10.32% also use modern iOS 9.x.

    On the contrary, more than 30% of Android smartphone users are still running the outdated and insecure KitKat 4.4 and lower, without even receiving security updates. And the latest Android Nougat 7.0 OS is used by no more than 0.3% of gadget owners. In short, updates for various Android smartphones reach the user very late, and new versions of the OS sometimes take up so much memory from old systems that users are forced to roll back updates in order to restore the previous functionality of the device.

    Therefore, the use of antiviruses, which, by the way, additionally load the mobile OS, is extremely desirable for Android gadgets, especially if the owner uses them to carry out transactions with wallets, bank deposits, etc. This problem is not so relevant only for users who regularly change their devices on flagship models- they get the most fresh Android along with the new device.

    Why iOS is safer

    So, in terms of security, iOS is superior to Google's OS for the following reasons:

    1. Android updates are released frequently, but they need to be adapted for each device, which is something manufacturers often don’t do. As a result, smartphones even a year old are mostly controlled outdated versions OS. Apple, on the contrary, has a regulated period of support for older devices - 48 months, so owners, for example, old iPhones 4s can be updated to iOS 9.x., iPhone 5 – to the latest iOS 10.
    2. Apps for the App Store are more secure because they undergo rigorous testing when they enter the Apple store. Google Play does not have such comprehensive censorship, as a result of which malicious code can often be embedded in official utilities.

    Moreover, according to forecasts, the number of viruses for Android will grow at an ever-increasing pace, so it will be increasingly difficult for users of fairly old Android devices to take care of their own information security. Therefore, in this regard, the comparison between iOS and Android does not look in favor of the latter.

    Often, iOS applications look prettier, are more convenient to work with, and they function on the device without the “brakes” that are sometimes inherent in their Android counterparts. Moreover, when adapting their products to mobile operating systems, serious developers almost always write utilities for iOS first. This happened, for example, with Instagram, when, if there was a working iOS version, Android users waited a whole year for a similar utility to be suppressed.

    However, when it comes to device functionality, the advantages of Apple products are not so obvious:

    Another inconvenience of Apple gadgets, oddly enough, is associated with the updates discussed above. The fact that these devices receive 3-4 updates over their lifetime brings not only benefits in the form of eliminating security holes, but also obvious inconveniences due to the fact that the quality of the latest “Apple” updates (with the exception, perhaps, of the last 10 -th version of iOS) is worse than that of competitors from Google. They do not make the devices much more functional or faster; on the contrary, many note that applications start to launch more slowly.

    Unlike iPhones, not the cheapest Android devices with powerful hardware work quickly and after large-scale updates (of which no more than two are usually released for each device) receive new functions. Therefore, many users prefer to take care of their own security themselves, working on these gadgets with not the latest software, but fast and functional.

    Purchase for them better than android than using an iPhone for years, which becomes slower with each update. Therefore, in the competition of functionality and ease of use, the leader for many are devices with modern versions“green robot” - 6th and 7th.

    These useful features available on some Samsung devices and LG. Running two applications at once running on the same screen allows Android users to simultaneously, for example, read documents and communicate on the Internet, and perform other tasks. On an iPhone, two applications cannot run on the screen at once. Therefore, in this situation, the device owner is forced to switch between applications.

    Selecting a source for installing utilities

    On Apple devices, all applications without exception can be installed only from the App Store, unless, of course, the system is hacked. In Android, downloading applications is also initially available only from the Google Play store, but nothing prevents you from telling the system to do possible download from other sources in the settings. After this, the already wide range of available applications can be expanded with utilities from other developers not represented on the Market.

    Android or iOS? A question that interests many who want to purchase a quality device. But it’s high quality new gadget with many practical functions makes work much easier modern world. It's not so easy to decide which ios device vs android is better.

    More recently, it was believed that there was no point in comparing these two gadgets. The iPhone was intended for those who wanted an emasculated operating system, and Android is for those who like a free choice of devices and the ability to customize the gadget’s system for themselves. But that time has passed and the two operating systems have become very similar. And iOS comes to the forefront among ios versus android, because it is distinguished by its aesthetics, simplicity and convenience. In addition, there are many functions and opportunities to individually customize the device for yourself. Let's pay attention to the features of the iOS gadget and determine which choice is better. Photos of operating systems: on the left – Android, on the right – iOS.

    iPhone and iPad - main advantages

    It is impossible not to pay attention to high quality applications on this device. After all, they look more attractive and are easier to use. And although applications for Android vs iOS are the same, they look completely different - they have different icons. It is also worth remembering fast update devices. After it comes out new version iOS, there is no need to wait long for the update to be ready. But for Android this is a problem. It may be that the new version is already ready, but it cannot be purchased for a year. In iOS this is solved in one moment. In addition, updates are constant here. It is worth noting the long-term support for the old device. So for Apple it will be 48 months. Previous releases of iPhones may use the operating system that was just released. And even after 4 years, you can switch to newer types of operating systems.

    We continue to find differences between iOS and Android. The next one is quick installation new applications. iOS has excellent tools. Some social media, for example, Instagram, were available only for this device for a year. Only after a while Android time I was also able to obtain this version of the program. Initially, the developers of some of the popular programs They are developed for iOS, and only after a while are modifications made for other platforms.
    iPhone - pros and cons.

    Other Features

    So what's better iOS or Android? We will look into this issue further. Let's note what the ecosystem is like at Apple. The choice of a smartphone now largely does not depend on what its technical specifications. Much of the focus is on the mobile ecosystem. And it’s no secret that the iOS ecosystem is more developed. Among other things, it is presented in Apple Watch, MacBook, iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2. Many successful people choose the iPhone.

    And it's not about fashion. It's a matter of convenience. For busy people, time is precious. And thanks iPhone selection time is saved. The very use of the device is a pleasure. With him there is a greater desire to do something. It is easy to negotiate with people, send messages, and use social networks. In this case, the work occurs without obstacles or any breakdowns. The device itself looks great and the software is just as good. As you can see, the battle between iOS and Android is quite serious and the first competitor is taking the leading position. After all, everyone can use it - from entrepreneurs to students.
    Android - pros and cons.

    Reliability and safety

    There are other criteria to determine which is better: ios or android. This is reliability and safety. In these moments, Android is inferior to iOS. After all, iPhone devices are famous for their reliability. After all, each model is improved every year. And therefore, all iPods are becoming more and more reliable, simple, powerful and productive. Since devices are selling like wind, Apple has managed to improve its software technology. Every little detail is taken into account here. For comparison - old iPhone device It works quickly and you won't find any glitches in it. The same cannot be said about Android, because after two years it starts to slow down. The hardware reliability of the iPhone is at a high level compared to other reliable smartphones. And although their cost is high, it is better to purchase once reliable device, rather than through short time have a broken device.

    Android is inferior to iPhone in terms of security. After all, iOS has a reliable, secure platform. She is not afraid of attacks. It will not be affected by malware, which is so common on Android. But every year there are more and more malicious programs, so it’s worth purchasing a device with high level security. So, ios or android what to choose? It's up to you to decide, of course. You just have to weigh the pros and cons of each option.