• Windows boot securely. Windows Safe Mode. Safe mode

    If significant computer problem, you may need to sign in through Safe Mode. If launched correctly, this function will make it possible to boot the PC with a set of basic drivers - mouse, monitor, keyboard, video adapter, disks. Standard services are also included to help function. system support. Using this method, as a rule, it is possible to eliminate most failures associated with computer work. Find out how to carry out this procedure correctly.

    What is Windows Safe Mode

    Safe Mode is diagnostic in nature and helps identify problems with device drivers. If problems occur when starting your PC normally, you should try turning it on with a basic set of services. If the device operates normally with these parameters, the essence of the failure should be sought in the recently appeared additional elements. Such Windows download allows you to delete software that interfere with the adequate functioning of a laptop or desktop PC.

    If the computer turns on immediately in safe mode, then there is a problem preventing the launch operating system. This is usually affected by the programs you have installed in lately. To fix the problem, you can use the “System Restore” function, which you will find in the “Start” tab, “Control Panel”.

    How to boot Windows 7 in safe mode: instructions

    There are two methods for launching in safe mode; they differ fundamentally from one another. In the first option, the procedure occurs at boot, and Windows installed the seven does not start, so you can easily make changes to the operation of the devices. In the second case, the inclusion of a basic set of services occurs from the OS environment, which imposes some restrictions and will not make it possible to fully carry out repair procedures. However, both of these methods can solve some problems that arise during operation. Read more about them further.

    Entering Windows 7 safe mode when starting the OS

    If problems arise in the functioning of your PC, you need to know how to enter Windows 7 safe mode. If the device is turned on, click the “Restart” button in the “Start” tab. You need to switch to the special mode when the computer is turned off. Before the icon appears indicating that Windows is starting, you must click the F8 key several times. Try not to miss the moment, otherwise the OS will start and you will have to reboot the device again. A window should appear on the screen with the following connection parameters:

    • Safe mode. With it, you can launch using a set of standard driver programs. Only those services that are needed to start and operate the computer are enabled.
    • With loading of network drivers. You will need to select this method if you want to use the Internet or connect via local network.
    • With support command line. Familiar interface desktop will not start. Selecting this option causes a command prompt to appear instead.

    In addition to the tabs described above, you will see other options. For example, enabling boot logging creates special file, which records all the drivers that are in Autorun. This helps to detect broken program. Launching VGA will help you set your monitor's ideal resolution. Selecting the Last Known Good Configuration will allow you to restore Windows with the settings that were in place when booting properly. The remaining options (directory service restore, defer) are intended for IT specialists.

    Use the arrow keys to select the tab that best suits the task at hand. Once the selection is made, press the Enter button on your keyboard. Then you can log into Windows and figure out the causes of the problems. Using this method, you will be able to restore the system by rolling back to the moment when the device worked normally, remove virus programs, broken drivers and much more.

    Possible problems when turned on:

    • A window will open indicating turn on Windows. This can happen if you press F8 too slowly or not enough times. Repeat the procedure by restarting your computer.
    • Buttons F1 to F12 are disabled. If this happens, you need to know which key turns them on. Hold down the Fn button, and then press F8, and the device will boot.

    How to get into safe mode from the OS environment

    In some cases, system logon may be accomplished using a minimal number of services from the operating system environment. This method can help in solving many problems, although it is less popular. If Windows malfunctions are too serious, enabling it from the OS may not bring the desired results. How to get into the mode you need (safe) using the operating system:

    • Find the Win key on your keyboard (it may have a Windows icon that appears when you turn it on). Hold it together with the R button.
    • The command line will appear. Enter the following letters there without the quotes "k". Press the "OK" key.
    • This way you can open the settings window. Among the tabs, open the section called "downloads".
    • Select your operating system. As a rule, most computers have one OS - yours. case windows 7, loaded by default.

    • Below you will see a section called “Boot Options”. Select “Safe Mode”, check the box next to the “Minimal” value.
    • Click "Apply", then "OK".
    • Next, a small window will appear where you will see two tabs “Reboot” and “Exit without reboot”. If you want to restart your computer now, select the first option. In the second case, the next time you turn on the PC, the device will start basic set programs.

    What to do if safe mode does not start on your laptop

    On some laptop models, there is a problem that prevents you from turning on the device with minimum set services Then, after several presses of F8, the window in which you can select such a function does not appear, and the operating system begins to start. This may be due to the default key combination, which involves simultaneously pressing the Fn + F8 button. If this option does not work, the problem may be due to a broken keyboard.

    At normal loading operating system, you can enable the minimum set of services necessary for operation using the command line:

    1. To do this, press “Win ​​+ R”, enter the combination of letters “msconfig” without quotes. Click OK.
    2. Next, you can go to the tab where you need to select “Download” and mark the desired OS.
    3. In the Boot Options section below, find Safe Mode and select Minimal. Finally, click “Apply”, “Ok”.
    4. Select “Reboot” or “Exit without reboot” if you need to start with a minimal set of programs later.

    Video: how to enable safe mode on windows 7

    If you have never entered safe mode using an operating system, then the first time you may not understand how to do this according to the instructions. Explore below step by step video experienced user A PC that will help you solve this issue and resolve the problem. The presenter of the video tells you in a few minutes how to enable the basic software set without effort. The method is simple, even those people who have never encountered such a problem can cope with it. Look step-by-step video instructions:

    How to start your computer safely Windows mode 7 and what is it for?

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    When starting a PC, users may often encounter a problem in the form of Windows freezing. This can happen for various reasons, but most often the freeze is due to the fact that in addition to the components required for normal operation of the OS, additional components are turned on various programs and drivers.

    All this ultimately leads to this problem. However, the system developers have provided users with the ability to start their computer in safe mode.

    What does this give? Safe PC startup mode allows activation only of those components and drivers without which the OS would not be able to work at all.

    However, other programs will not launch automatically. Accordingly, the possibility of successfully launching the OS increases.

    In addition, using it, you can diagnose the system to identify and eliminate various problems, and also, if necessary, restore the system.

    This is especially important in situations where Windows work glitches occur. The most important thing is to choose exactly the date when everything worked fine.

    Launch methods

    When faced with the question of how to start a computer in Windows 7 safe mode, it should be noted that there are two options for this:

    1. Boot in this mode immediately when starting the PC;
    2. Using OS configurations.

    In the first option, it is possible to diagnose and troubleshoot problems, even if the OS is not working well or there is no way to log into it.

    As for the second option, it implies mandatory inclusion PC and login, which is not always possible, and therefore this method is not very convenient.

    Starting safe mode when you turn on your PC

    When you turn on your computer, you must wait until the BIOS appears on the screen ( basic system I/O), then press the F8 key (in some devices you need to press the Delite or F2 key) several times.

    You can find out which keys on your computer allow you to interact with the BIOS in the manual for your motherboard.

    After opening the BIOS you will see various ways downloads, where you select the option that is necessary specifically for your case.

    There are three safe mode options:

    1. Normal, in which only the components necessary for normal operation of the OS are loaded;
    2. With downloading network drivers, which means connecting and downloading everything you need via the Internet;
    3. With command line support, differs in that in normal appearance absent GUI. Instead, a command line will appear where you can write various commands required by the user.

    It is worth noting that the first and second options are the most frequently used, since with the latter you need to be very careful and know which specific command to use.

    That is, the last option can be used by users with professions related to the IT field (programmers, etc.).

    Starting safe mode after logging into the OS

    If for some reason it was not possible to enter the BIOS, you can use the configurations to resolve the issue of how to start the computer in Windows 7 safe mode.

    Logging into it is possible only after loading the OS. To do this, you will need to simultaneously press the Win key with a flag and R on it.

    Thus, the system window is called to carry out quick search inside the OS and it is called “Run”. In it, enter msconfig and click on “OK”. Go to the “Downloads” section and set “Safe Mode”, click on “OK”.

    You will be given two options to choose from:

    1. Reboot the system (starts automatically after clicking);
    2. Exit without rebooting so that it happens later.

    How to exit safe mode?

    To exit safe mode, you just need to reboot the OS. However, sometimes, even after this action, this mode continues to operate after starting the PC.

    Thus, if, when the computer boots, safe mode is automatically turned on, then exiting it occurs in the same way as entering the configuration.

    Only now on the “General” tab, select “Normal startup”. Open “Downloads” and uncheck “Safe Mode” and restart your PC.

    Possible problems and how to avoid them?

    If a flag pops up on the screen, you will need to reboot the system, since this means that you did not have time to open the BIOS. After this, press the F8 key several times in a row, as the BIOS window appears for a few seconds.

    If you have locked all the keys from F1 to F12, then to remove it, press the Fn key together with F8. Let me remind you once again that your device may have other hotkeys installed by default; you can find information about them by referring to the motherboard manual.

    When entering safe mode through the BIOS, if you are using a mouse or keyboard connected using a USB cable, then it is worth checking the operation of the USB input.

    That is, when booting a personal computer, at the moment when the BIOS message appears, press F1 or Delete. Then find the line “Peripherals” and see if the USB compatibility mode is enabled; if not, then set it to “Enabled” and click on “Save&Exit”.

    You can encounter the same problem using the configuration after the computer has booted, then you will have to exit the OS in emergency mode. Therefore, first check the USB connector so that in the future, when working with the BIOS or configuration, there will be no problems.

    Safe mode cannot solve all problems related to system operation. However, in most cases, its use helps to fix a lot of things and speed up both the process of loading the OS itself and its operation in general.

    Now you know how to start your computer in Windows 7 safe mode, and why you need it. Be careful when working in the BIOS; you should not change the settings there.

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    A new smartphone or tablet based on Android always works without failures or glitches. But what to do if, in further use, the device suddenly “slows down”, its speed slows down, applications do not work correctly, the sensor reacts unstably? Such problems can be resolved by enabling Safe Mode. On a device running Android, Safe Mode will make it possible to determine why problems are occurring.

    If the phone works normally in safe mode, then “glitches” with it occur due to some application.

    How to enable: 3 ways

    Of all the inclusion methods, the most relevant, perhaps, are the following:

    Method 1

    Method 2

    1. Turn off your phone.
    2. When an inscription corresponding to the name of the smartphone brand appears on the display or inscription Android, then you need to press the volume up button.
    3. In this case, after turning on, the words “Safe Mode” will appear at the bottom of the screen.

    Method 3

    If the above methods do not work, then try this:

    1. The device needs to be turned off.
    2. While booting, hold down the Volume Down button.
    3. After this, safe mode will be activated.

    Note: in some versions of Android, to switch to Safe Mode you need to restart your smartphone manually, and when the operating system logo appears on the screen, you need to press the volume up and down buttons and hold until full load devices.

    How to disable: 2 options

    No less pressing is the issue of disabling safe mode. Before this, you need to restart the device, and then use one of the suggested options.

    First shutdown option

    1. The phone turns on, after rebooting, Safe Mode is automatically disabled.
    2. If automatic reset of safe mode does not occur, then you need to remove latest apps, which has been installed, to do this, select Settings from the application menu.
    3. When you select this application, you will be offered the Delete option. This is precisely the point that needs to be touched upon.
    4. After completing these steps, reboot your device.

    Second shutdown option

    If the first method did not work desired result, then you can try the second method - resetting to factory settings:

    1. First, you need to select the Settings item from the menu, and in the expanded menu, touch the item Backup and reset settings.
    2. In the proposed menu, select Reset to factory settings, then Reset smartphone/tablet.
    3. Delete everything. After this, the device will be as good as new. But keep in mind that everything installed applications and personal data will be deleted. Only the factory settings installed by the manufacturer will remain.

    Thus, Safe Mode loads only the required number of programs and utilities, only the necessary components. It is for the security of user data that the manufacturers developed the above mode, and applications will only work those installed by the device manufacturer. All other programs that were installed by the user themselves may pose some threat and will therefore be disabled.

    Even if serious problems occur in the phone, and in standard mode it no longer performs its basic functions, it can still work in safe mode. For example, if the battery starts to discharge too quickly or the call button does not work, before sending such a device for repair, you can check its functionality in this service mode.

    Being a special type of computer diagnostics, safe mode involves starting the operating system with the exclusion of virtually all unnecessary components. This mode It is very common during the process of restoring the functionality of a user’s computer after the occurrence of certain breakdowns and malfunctions of various types. Problems with the system occur quite often, so proper knowledge of the procedure for starting safe mode will be a significant advantage for the computer owner.

    How to start Windows 7 safe mode

    There are two commonly used options for opening safe mode in Windows 7. The first involves logging in during system startup, the second is enabled while it is running. The first option will work even in cases of serious computer malfunctions, because there is no need to fully load the OS, the user enters safe mode and carries out the required repair and recovery operations. Required condition of the second option, the OS will be running and active, so this method is not applicable in all situations, let’s look at how to start Windows 7 safe mode:

    • When the computer is turned on, you should restart it (if the PC is turned off, you need to turn it on).
    • Before the operating system starts, data about BIOS version, it is at this moment that you need to press the F8 key several times (pressing more than two or three times is recommended).
    • A screen will open with a window for selecting additional OS boot options.
    • Using the arrow keys, select the “Safe Mode” section and press the “Enter” button.

    When, instead of a special window with a choice of system startup options, the inscription “Windows 7” appears, meaning normal download OS, the user should try to enter security mode again. It should be noted that the F1-F12 keys may have been disabled previously, in which case the F8 button should be pressed while holding the Fn key (often happens on laptops).

    Consider the option of launching during the active OS environment:

    With the OS running, press the key combination “Win+R” and enter the query “msconfig”.

    The above settings will present the user with an interface in which it will be prompted to restart the PC. The computer owner can enter safe mode by clicking “Restart”. If you select “Exit without rebooting,” the required mode will be entered after turning off/on the PC or after its first restart.

    1. Features of Windows 10, how to enter safe mode?

    The innovative modification of Windows 10 did not include the outdated method of opening safe mode by using the F8 key. There are three ways to activate it, the first pair of which are used during OS boot. The latter option involves the system refusing to start in the user’s usual operating mode.

    Starting safe mode using the "msconfig" configuration:

    Safe mode can also be started using the command line:

    If your PC refuses to boot, you can activate safe mode as follows:

    • You must have a boot disk or flash drive with Windows 10.
    • Download from of this disk or flash drives, select the required interface language and other parameters.
    • In the window that appears, which will prompt you to install the OS, you need to press the “System Restore” button located at the bottom of the window.
    • Go to the “Diagnostics” section and in the subsection “ Additional options", run the command line.
    • In the window that opens, enter “bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true.”
    • Wait for a message that the operation was successful and deactivate the command line, then click “Continue”.
    • After the PC restarts, a menu with available operating modes will be displayed, select “Safe Mode”. (It can be disabled using the command “bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions”).

    2. Windows 8, how to enter safe mode in order to correctly troubleshoot problems?

    The specifics of the Windows 8 interface suggest that the method of launching safe mode is not the most familiar compared to other systems. Let's look at the main options for entering this mode.

    The first option is to enter using the F8 button.

    However, this method may not work on all modifications of computers; its sequence is as follows:

    How to start Windows 8 safe mode by changing boot options?

    The method is considered quite effective; the following series of actions are used to implement it:

    • Press the “Win+R” key combination and enter the “msconfig” command.
    • Go to the section called "Download". In the “Boot Options” item, check the box next to “Safe Mode”.
    • Place the selector next to the “Minimum” entry, and then click “OK.”
    • A window opens in which the user needs to confirm restarting the OS.
    • After rebooting, Safe Mode will become active. After solving and troubleshooting, it is important to uncheck the previously selected “Safe Mode” option in the boot settings.

    Another common way to activate Safe Mode in Windows 8 involves the following steps:

    Using bootable media.

    Of course, including the possibility of a complete failure of the operating system, there is the option of entering safe mode using boot disk or flash drives:

    • Insert bootable USB flash drive in the PC and launch from it.
    • Select date, time and other parameters.
    • In the installation window that appears, click on “System Restore”.
    • Go to “Diagnostics” and select the section called “Advanced Settings”.
    • In the “Command Prompt” section, enter the task “bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true”, then press “Enter”.
    • Close the Command Prompt, and then click Continue.
    • After rebooting the OS, press the F4 button in the window that opens.
    • Login in safe mode. To window with possible options system startup did not appear after each subsequent shutdown/on or restart of the PC, you must enter the following into the command line: “bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions”.

    3. How to enter safe mode in Windows XP?

    Considering the version of Windows XP, which is outdated but still relevant for many users, let’s consider the process of launching safe mode on it:

    How to run secure Windows mode XP from the system? In some cases, this option may be an alternative to the above. Consider the sequence:

    This article is for those who have ever heard the concept of “Windows Safe Mode” in the computer field, but are not aware of what it even means, what it is for and how to enter this very mode. And the thing, in fact, is sometimes very useful and can help out in case of problems with your computer. It is, in general, designed as a diagnostic mode and, moreover, launching this mode is not at all difficult. Let's take a closer look at what this mode is, what it's for, and how to launch it!

    What is Safe Mode and why you might need it

    Safe Mode is available in every Windows operating system and normal operation system, without any failures, you will not see this mode anywhere. You won’t be able to switch to it just like that by accident. This mode is one of the Windows diagnostic modes, of which there are several.

    When you start Windows in safe mode, you will see the normal operating system, but with a simplified graphical shell, i.e. all kinds of design themes, desktop backgrounds and other complex graphics will not work. But the most important thing is that only the most basic, vital for Windows services, and all programs that start automatically when Windows starts will be turned off. Here's an example of Windows 7 running in safe mode:

    In others Windows versions fundamental differences there won't be any.

    What will running the system in this mode with severe functionality limitations give us? After all, most of the services will not work, which means that even many programs will not be able to start. But you need all this if Windows won’t start in normal mode. Reasons not Windows startup in standard mode can be completely different, from ordinary errors in the operation of the system, to all sorts of viral infections and glitches/failures of computer components. If Windows does not start due to a malfunction or malfunction of some device inside the computer, then safe mode is unlikely to help you, because in this case it will most likely not start either. However, it’s still worth a try, especially since you can’t immediately determine what the problem is: the computer’s hardware or its software part!

    In cases of failures in the computer software, safe mode can often help out. Suppose you installed some incompatible driver on some device and after rebooting, Windows stopped starting in standard mode, for example, it displays blue screen death (as the window is usually called blue with incomprehensible inscriptions when trying to boot Windows) or something else. In this case, first of all, you can try to boot the computer in safe mode, because, as I wrote above, only everything that is most basic and necessary for the system will start there, and as a result, Windows can start in this mode. Well, then all that remains is to use this safe mode to find the reason why Windows refuses to start in standard mode. For example, remove a faulty driver or some program, clear viruses, etc.

    In safe mode you can start your antivirus scanner, in order to clean your computer from viruses, you can run the built-in Windows program to restore the system to one of its earlier states (for example, a few days before the crash occurred), as well as use other programs and built-in Windows tools.

    How to enter Windows Safe Mode

    Now that you understand in general what safe mode is for, it’s time to move on to the process of entering this mode. There is basically nothing complicated here, but the process for entering this mode may differ depending on the version of Windows you are using.

    Typically there are 3 types of safe modes:

      Safe Mode. This is the standard version of safe mode, in which the most necessary programs are launched. Windows operation services and programs and even network drivers do not load, i.e. in this mode you will not be able to access the Internet;

      Safe mode with loading network drivers. It differs from the standard safe mode in that network drivers are additionally loaded, which will provide you with access to the Internet through this mode;

      Safe Mode with Command Line Support. It differs from standard safe mode only in that immediately after its launch the command line will also be launched. Windows string(i.e. console).

    In case of problems, I recommend using first of all the standard safe mode (in the window it will be called “Safe Mode”), since the network-enabled mode can again cause a failure, because you don’t know what exactly is wrong, maybe just network drivers. Well, launching the command line can’t help much; perhaps only administrators can use it, knowledgeable majority service commands.

    Entering Safe Mode on older versions of Windows: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

    To enter Safe Mode on Windows XP, Vista or 7, you must first restart your computer. If it's off, just turn it on.

    In this window, your mouse will not work and you will only be able to move around the window using the arrow keys on the keyboard. So, use the Up and Down arrows on your keyboard to select Safe Mode and press the Enter key to launch.

    In a few seconds, safe mode will start!

    Entering Safe Mode on Windows 8 and 10

    On Windows 8 and 10, entering safe mode is implemented a little differently. If something happens to your computer and it does not boot in normal mode, then these systems will automatically offer one of the solution options, including starting in safe mode. That is, for example, your system suddenly did not start in standard mode. In this case, the computer will reboot and a special program will start utility program Windows, where to launch Safe Mode you need to select "Boot Options":

    Your mouse should work in this window, so you can use it to select menu items.

    In the next window, click the reboot button:

    The computer will reboot and a window will appear where you need to use the F1-F9 keys to select desired mode launch.

    Safe mode is numbered 4, so to launch it, press F4 accordingly.

    That's the whole process of starting safe mode if your Windows system 8 or Windows 10 something is wrong and it does not boot in standard mode.

    But for some purposes you may also need to start safe mode even when your system successfully boots in standard mode. For example, you want to scan your computer for viruses from safe mode, which is more in a reliable way checks or want to delete something that cannot be deleted through standard mode. In this case, you need to activate the launch of special Windows boot options directly from its interface.

    Enabling special boot options in Windows 8

    Press the key combination WIN + I. The settings panel will appear on the right, where at the bottom we click “Change computer settings.”

    In the next window, select “Update and Recovery”.

    After the system reboots, a window will appear where you need to select “Diagnostics”.

    In the next window, select “Advanced options”.

    Select the “Download Options” option in this window and follow the steps described above.

    Enable custom boot options in Windows 10

    This system is even simpler. Press the WIN+I keys and select “Update and Security”.

    In the next window, on the left, select “Recovery” (1) and on the right, click “Restart now” (2) under the heading “ Special options downloads".


    Now you have learned what safe mode is in Windows and how you can start it on different versions this operating system. This mode can sometimes be very helpful, because you can try to fix something in it if the system does not boot in normal mode.

    Have a nice day and good mood! Bye;)