• Effective ways to optimize Android devices. Android phone slows down: what to do

    Have you noticed that a fresh Android, right out of the box or after flashing it, just flies? But some time passes, and no trace remains of the former speed. The system interface becomes thoughtful, the launch of programs slows down, and even things that should not slow down in principle manage to slow down.

    Why does this happen and how to deal with it? Let's figure it out.

    Operating system and application updates

    Each device goes on sale with the then current version of the operating system, which most fully matches the characteristics of this gadget. If the manufacturer released a system update for your smartphone or tablet after some time, then you will undoubtedly acquire new functions, but it is not a fact that the device will work as fast.

    The same goes for some applications. Developers are constantly focusing on new devices and optimizing their programs for their capabilities. Therefore, some programs run slower after updates than before.

    How to fix this?

    You must make your own choice between functionality and speed. If you do not have a very powerful device, then it makes sense to abandon new versions of the OS and applications. Sometimes good results may provide a transition to alternative, “lightweight” firmware.

    Background processes

    Have you installed three dozen programs after purchasing your device and are not going to stop? Do you think that if an application is not active, then it does not consume system resources?

    This is not entirely true. Many installed programs are automatically loaded when the system starts, consuming processor resources and occupying the memory of your device. Separately, we need to remember the various live wallpapers and desktop widgets, most of which do absolutely nothing useful.

    How to fix this?

    Disable live wallpapers, desktop widgets and other bells and whistles that you don’t really need. Check out the list background applications and stop the ones you don't need. Remove programs you don't use. For those users who feel the strength to dive even deeper into the secrets of background Android processes, we recommend the Autostarts program.

    Lack of free space

    The built-in storage devices of your gadget are designed in such a way that, when almost completely full, their performance can slow down significantly. This is due to the methods used to record information to the internal flash memory of the device. Therefore, for fast work devices, it is very important that at least a quarter internal memory remained free.

    The presence of particularly power-hungry applications running in background, can actually cause a significant decrease in performance and battery life. All sorts of widgets on the desktop that update news or weather, background synchronization and push notifications can prevent your gadget from sleeping peacefully or cause noticeable lags from time to time when working in another application. It is usually quite difficult to figure out which program is the cause.


    To find out which applications are causing the problem, try using Wakelock Detector. After installing the program, charge your gadget to more than 90%, then disconnect the device from charging and let the program collect battery and processor usage statistics for 1-2 hours.

    After that, open Wakelock Detector and you can see the statistics of all your running applications. The apps at the top of the list are the biggest consumers of the device's resources.

    2. Background programs

    If you have applications that cause crashes Android performance, then you have the opportunity to dig deeper into their settings and disable some of their functions or, for example, set a longer synchronization period and so on. Another option is to freeze the application, which is close to deleting and is not suitable if you want to use the program occasionally.

    However, there is a third way.


    You can put the application into deep sleep. Sleeping programs will wake up and perform their functions as usual when you click on the icon. To use this method, try Greenify (required).

    After installing the program, click the + button and you will be redirected to the page App Analyzer. For applications listed in sections Running in background And May slow down the device when… special attention needs to be paid as these are potential brake culprits. Select the ones you want to euthanize and click Accept in the right top corner to send them to sleep.

    3. Not enough space

    Some devices suffer from low storage space and begin to perform horribly once the device's storage capacity is 80% or more full. If your smartphone is showing similar signs of slowdown, then now may be the time to do general cleaning. Please note that the files you deleted can actually still be recovered as long as you do not create empty files who will replace them.


    The famous one will help you clear your device of digital junk. The application was downloaded from Google Play more than 500 million times, and therefore there is no reason to doubt its effectiveness.

    After installing and launching the utility, you will see a program window, at the top of which information about the size is displayed free space on the device and SD card, and at the bottom there are the main function buttons. With their help, you can remove everything unnecessary from your mobile phone literally in one tap.

    However, in lately users complain of some congestion and weight Clean Master, and if you experience similar symptoms when using this application, then pay attention to

    Every day there are more and more users of the Android OS. This is not at all surprising, because the system really deserves attention. It contains all the necessary and useful attributes and functions for the user. It is designed in such a way that everything necessary programs are always at hand. Gadgets help us with work, study, or just to kill time or have fun. Even in comparison with the recently popular iOS, Android still occupies a leading position. The only problem that users often complain about is that the device can slow down. Why is this happening and what can be done?

    Why is the system slow?

    First, you need to pay attention to what exactly is slowing you down. If it is a browser or an online game, check your Internet connection first. Perhaps it is not the system that is slowing down, but the speed itself is so slow that loading is slowing down.

    Another common cause of this problem is virus software. The fact is that Android is very susceptible virus attacks. Of course on Play Market games are carefully checked. They wouldn't last a week in the store if they contained viruses. But developers can't keep track of all the apps. It is recommended that you install and scan your device periodically.

    My Android phone is slow, what should I do? Check if there is enough memory on your device. It happens that system lags are associated precisely with this. Try to revise your gadget and: applications, music, photos, documents. You can clear the cache. If you are in no hurry to get rid of the information you need, and there is still not enough space, insert a memory card of the size you need into the device. Please note that if you use an SD card with large memory and completely “load” it - the system can also slow down, because the processor will not be able to cope with such a volume of memory.

    What else can you do if your gadget lags?

    They interfere normal operation devices and:

    • resource-intensive applications, large applications with complex graphics;
    • various widgets, messengers from which notifications are constantly received;
    • programs with a huge amount of advertising;
    • live wallpapers that take up a lot of space.

    Pay attention to an application such as Clean Master. With it, you can optimize the system and get rid of everything unnecessary.

    Not only its performance, but even its durability depends on the correct and timely optimization of the operation of a device based on the Android OS. In addition, judicious use RAM helps to cope with such pressing problems as, for example, freezes. Why does the device start to slow down and get hot? How to optimize your Android phone or tablet yourself, what to do to speed up work and what methods are really effective? Let's find out!

    Why does my Android device slow down?

    Before moving directly to solving problems, it is worth pointing out their causes. Knowing what interferes with the normal operation of your device, you can prevent negative factors from occurring in the future. Please note that not all of the following may apply specifically to your case. Therefore, the problems in the list are given in order of decreasing frequency of occurrence.

  • RAM load;
  • Physical memory load;
  • Too many graphic elements (animations, “live wallpapers”, etc.);
  • Constant search for Wi-Fi and GPS networks;
  • Use of pseudo-optimizing applications.
  • Please note that the first two problems need to be addressed first. Even if the device works more or less normally, sooner or later it will start to slow down precisely because of memory load. Let us consider in detail how to cope with these problems and others described.

    How to optimize the performance of your phone, smartphone or tablet?

    How to optimize your Android device?

    So, let's start the optimization process. To do everything correctly and not introduce unnecessary changes to the operation of the device, follow the steps in the order shown. If one method helps, you don’t have to resort to the subsequent ones. However, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the entire list so that in the future you can quickly and without unnecessary problems optimize your device.

    Clearing physical memory

    Physical memory is all the files that are stored on the device or removable media. The first thing you need to pay attention to if your phone or tablet starts to slow down is the number used memory. And we are talking about both internal volume and SD cards.

    Clearing physical memory

    How more memory busy, the longer it takes to synchronize files, upload data, download applications, etc. If there are too many files on the memory card, operating system spends a lot of resources to download information about their content. All this is done for the convenience of the user: this way you can access the data instantly. However, it is clear that such actions consume a lot of CPU time. For example, if you listen to music, the player loads information about all songs at once. As a result, the phone slows down and freezes.

    Before you start cleaning up physical memory, you need to minimize its fill. If you have an SD card, set the file path for applications such as Browser, Camera, Voice Recorder, Skype or Viber to it (see below for an example of setting up the Internet browser). It was previously said that memory cards also consume device resources. However, the use of the phone's internal memory has a much more critical effect on its performance.

    Photo gallery: how to save files downloaded in the browser to a memory card?

    Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

    After specified settings done, you need to get rid of unnecessary files. These files may be those that you have not used for a long time. For example, a boring album from a band or a book that you don’t want to read. If you're sad to part with your data, you don't have to delete it. You can simply move them to your computer or cloud storage(for example, in Google Drive).

    Do not delete folders and files unless you know their purpose, as they may contain important system information.

    It makes sense to move installed applications to a memory card. This way, their entire cache, as well as some files, will not be so cluttered little memory the device itself. To do this, go to Settings and find Applications. Next, click on “Application Manager”. You will see a list of all programs installed on the device. Each program will need to be moved separately. Just click on its name and reconfigure the “Memory” item, as shown in the screenshots below.

    Photo gallery: move installed applications to a memory card

    Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

    Clearing RAM

    RAM is a resource that is used active applications. How more apps you have installed, the more RAM will be occupied. Even if you haven’t launched some programs for a long time, they continue background work in a “frozen” form (this is a feature of the Android OS). It is logical that to free up RAM you need to remove unnecessary applications.

    Clearing RAM

    First of all, remove the games. If you don't want to give them up completely, download something small (like the notorious "2048"). The more powerful the graphics component of a game, the more memory (and other resources) it requires. Even when turned off, apps will still download some data as soon as you turn on your internet connection.

    It is also worth getting rid of applications left “just in case”. For example, if you haven't watched movies on your phone or tablet for a long time, remove the video player. In the end, you can always download it again, if necessary.

    If you have deleted all the applications that you considered unnecessary, but the device still slows down, turn to the built-in cleaning system. This is a certain program that manufacturers usually load by default (the name may vary, for example, “Memory Cleaner” or “Clean”). If you don't have one, you can clear the RAM manually.

    Go to “Settings” -> “Applications” -> “Running”. You will see a list running programs. Go to any of them and click “Stop”.

    Stop some programs

    Among other things, you can use special programs to clear RAM, but we'll talk about them later.

    A large number of widgets on the screen, animated “live” wallpapers and other graphic excesses negatively affect the operation of the operating system. Of course, it's beautiful and convenient. But each such element requires RAM, CPU time, and graphics processor resources (which is commonly called a video card).

    Get rid of unnecessary widgets

    Thus, even the most powerful phone or the tablet may start to slow down only because of widgets and live wallpapers. Discard them, keep only the essentials.

    Remove unnecessary services and applications to speed up the processor

    If none of the suggestions above help, you can try disabling some operating system services that are cluttering up both the RAM and the processor.

    Please note that in this case the graphics component will be degraded to improve performance.

    First, you need to go to the “Developer Options” settings item. Don't worry, you won't do anything irreparable. All proposed settings can be rolled back. So, to access this item, go to Settings -> About Device. There, find “Build Number” and click on it 7 times in a row. You can now go to Developer Options. If nothing happens, this option was probably already enabled on your device. Just find it in the Applications section as a separate program.

    Go to “Options...” and do the following:

  • Check the box next to "Force GPU processing". Thus, GPU will be constantly on, which means the resources of the main processor will not be wasted on graphics.
  • Do the same for the “Disable hardware overlay” option.
  • For the items “Animator Duration Scale”, “Transition Animation Scale” and “Window Animation Scale”, set the values ​​to “Animation Disabled” (see screenshots below). This will be especially true for older models and weak devices.
  • Open the item " Background processes» and set a limit on the number of programs running in the background. No more than 2–5 is recommended.
  • Photo gallery: setting up Developer Options

    Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

    Do not change other settings unless you have proper knowledge. In addition to changing the parameters of these services, you can try uninstalling some system applications, for example, Google Play Games, etc. This should only be done if you know for sure that you or the operating system will not need the application.

    Don't worry: Android won't let you uninstall vital programs.

    Battery Optimization

    No matter how strange it may sound, a lot also depends on the correct operation of the battery. The point is that you need to charge your phone or tablet correctly. To do this, just follow the points below.

  • Always charge the device only after it has been completely discharged.
  • Wait until the device is charged 100%.
  • Try not to use apps while charging.
  • Charge your device from USB or the cigarette lighter as rarely as possible.
  • Additionally, lower your screen brightness whenever you can; Turn off apps instead of just locking the screen.

    Optimize your battery performance

    Disable Wi-Fi, GPS and geolocation

    GPS and Wi-Fi networks are often essential. Without them, smartphones would be deprived of many functional features, for which users love them so much. But this does not mean that these networks should be turned on all the time.

    Disable GPS and geolocation

    GPS and geolocation are functions that provide data exchange with satellites. The device spends a lot of energy and resources on organizing and conducting such an exchange. Thus, disabling GPS helps speed up the operating system. After all, you still don’t need to be constantly connected to satellites if, for example, you are at home. You can disable GPS and geolocation by going to “Settings” -> “Location”.

    When Wi-Fi is turned on, installed applications will exchange data with Google servers Play. This is necessary for constant synchronization and stable operation programs. But when you, for example, want to listen to music or watch a movie, you should turn off Wi-Fi network. This will not only help conserve battery power, but will also free up RAM.

    Getting rid of advertising

    Advertising in applications and in the browser is not only annoying, but also “eats up” some of the RAM. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to install applications to combat it. Why "sometimes"? Because programs for hiding ads also require memory. In addition, they are usually running constantly.

    Program interface AdBlock Plus

    You can optimize the operation of anti-advertising applications by disabling them when not needed. Try installing, for example, AdBlock Plus and compare RAM consumption with and without it. Draw the necessary conclusions. Also, you should not install such programs if you rarely access your browser or play games with a disconnected Internet connection.

    Firmware update

    Firmware is, speaking in simple language, operating version Android systems installed on your device. Moreover, we are talking not only about standard versions, but also about OS with additional software. For example, today many smartphone publishers add a number of programs to the original Android, change the interface and other graphic details. As you probably already understood from what was said earlier, the less unnecessary applications- the better the device behaves. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to change the firmware in order to get rid of such applications. Remember that reinstalling the OS without official update means a waiver of the factory warranty. That's why this method very radical. However, it can really help.

    Do not attempt the following steps unless you have sufficient knowledge. In this case, it is better to contact the service center.

    There are a number of programs for reinstalling the OS on Android. “Odin” is considered the most popular and stable. To change the firmware using it, you need to download and install the program on your PC. Please note that the original version is only available on English; all others are potentially dangerous. In addition, you will need the firmware file itself. There are many such files on the Internet, but be careful. Trust only trusted resources.

    Odin program interface

    Now you need to put Android into firmware mode. To do this, turn off the device and hold down the Volume Down, Home and Lock keys at the same time.

    Press the indicated keys at the same time

    The “Firmware” menu will open. Press the "Volume Up" key to agree to enter installation mode.

    Press the Volume Up key

    Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable. All that remains is to open the firmware file in the Odin program and press the Start button. The firmware will be updated.

    Video: example of firmware for Samsung J3 phone

    Applications for optimizing operation and increasing the performance of the Android OS

    All the methods discussed above require time and skill. If you do not want to manually clean the operating system and/or physical memory, it is worth installing one of the programs created specifically for this. The most common are:

  • CCleaner;
  • Power Clean;
  • Avira Android Optimizer;
  • SD Maid.
  • This list is far from complete. In fact, there are a lot of applications with similar functionality. Moreover, their interface is often very similar and is characterized by maximum simplicity. Let's take "Clean Master" as an example.

    Clean Master program

    By logging into the program (which can be downloaded from Google Play Market), you will see all the functions you are interested in on one screen. In one click you can clean your device from residual files applications, free up RAM, configure programs. In addition, Clean Master will automatically suggest cleaning every 3-5 days.

    All other applications mentioned are almost identical to the Clean Master program. So you can safely choose the one you like best.

    Remember that by getting root rights, you lose the factory warranty. In addition, an inexperienced user can harm the system with them. Therefore use this function Only worth it to professionals.

    Be careful when deleting certain files and programs, even if you are confident in your abilities. After all, now the responsibility for correct work The device rests entirely on your shoulders.

    Video: example of optimizing Android with root rights

    Hard Reset

    Hard Reset- complete reset of Android system settings. If none of the suggestions above helped cope with the slowdowns and freezes, this is the only thing that can be done. Moreover, all personal data, as well as installed programs will be deleted. So you should do a Hard Reset last.

    To reset the system, go to “Settings” -> “Backup and reset” (this item may have a different name). In the menu that appears, click "Data reset" and confirm it.

    Hard Reset - Step 4 Hard Reset - Step 5

    False optimization methods

    As you have already seen, there are quite a lot of ways to optimize the operation of Android devices. However, some software developers deceive their customers by offering non-existent methods to combat freezes. Protecting yourself from quackery is quite simple: download programs only from Google Play Market and only from trusted publishers. Also, remember the following:

  • Defragmentation for Android devices is a scam. Do not download applications that offer to defragment the memory or registry of the Android OS. IN best case scenario they don't do anything useful.
  • Don't install apps that offer automatic control processes (so-called task manager). As mentioned earlier, in Android all applications run permanently in a “frozen” form. Therefore, such programs (if they actually do what they suggest) will only slow down your device. After all, the operating system will automatically restart each application.
  • Be careful what you download. Don't forget to use an antivirus.

    What should I do if my device gets hot and starts to freeze?

    What should I do if the device gets hot?

    If your phone or tablet gets very hot, then the system needs optimization. In fact, overheating is a sign that something needs to be fixed. Moreover, this “something” can relate to either software or hardware.

    The device gets hot and discharges quickly

    The combination of these two factors means that the problem is in the software. All the above optimization methods are applicable in this case. After all, heating occurs due to excessive use of the processor and RAM. After optimization the problem should disappear. If this does not happen, proceed to the next point.

    Hardware problems

    If the phone or tablet itself is faulty, it will continue to overheat even after full reset settings. This means the problem may be with the battery. Soon a message will even begin to appear: “The battery has overheated, remove the battery.” In any case, the first thing to do is replace the battery, because it is most likely swollen. You can purchase it yourself, but it is better to contact a service center.

    Note that modern smartphones and tablets overheat extremely rarely. The point is that latest technologies Integrations between processors and cooling hardware allow developers to make their devices virtually immune to temperature changes.

    What should I do if my device overheats while playing games?

    How to prevent your device from overheating while gaming?

    If your phone or tablet usually works fine, and only starts to heat up when playing games, then you have very little free RAM. To prevent overheating, do the following before starting the game:

  • Close all open programs.
  • Clean up physical memory using optimization programs. Excess cache can interfere with the normal operation of applications.
  • Free up RAM using any of the methods presented.
  • Turn off GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile data.
  • In general, for your phone to function properly while gaming, no other applications should be running.

    The Android operating system is designed so that the user can independently manage almost all processes. Therefore, you need to manually optimize your phone or tablet at least once every two to three months. Even if the device works virtually without failure, cleaning will improve performance and extend the life of the device for many years.

    Some time after purchasing the phone, you may notice that during prolonged use the phone begins to glitch a little and slow down. Almost everyone faces this problem Android user. Considering that the device slowly performs its functions during use and often does not respond to simple queries, we can conclude that such a phone is simply difficult to work with.

    As practice has shown, the reason why a phone slows down using this operating system is often a lack of operational and permanent memory. The way out of this situation can be either clearing the phone’s memory or. So, let's figure out what to do if Android is slow.

    Freeing up your smartphone's internal memory

    Dimensions free memory your device greatly affect the performance of your smartphone. Small memory size protrudes main reason low smartphone performance. In particular, if we consider that the support regular updates applications require a certain amount of permanent memory, which is not enough, then the solution to this problem is to transfer some applications to . This process of transferring programs includes the following steps:

    It should be noted that not all applications support transfer to a memory card.

    Clearing the cache and then stopping services that are not in use

    One of the common solutions to the problem of phone slowdown is to clear the application cache and stop built-in services that are not necessary for normal use of the device. For this you can use standard features Android systems, which will make it possible to speed up the process of effective use. Mainly on modern smartphones A large part of the memory is occupied by the browser cache and social networks. We suggest you perform a number of actions that will resolve this problem:

    1. In accordance with the instructions above, you need to go to the page of all your applications.
    2. Next, you should identify the program whose cache takes up a lot of space.
    3. After this, you need to click on the active button “ Clear cache».

    To stop applications (and free up RAM), it is useful to use the " ", which shows programs that run in at the moment.

    You should also be careful based on the fact that the stop important programs leads to disruption of the smartphone. To avoid this, you must first familiarize yourself with the functions of each application.

    Emptying your downloads folder

    If you download files frequently different formats, then they all go into the folder " Downloads" After some time, the phone may begin to slow down due to memory shortage. In view of this, it is proposed to clean the folder from unnecessary documents. This can be done after going to the browser files. Then you need to clean yours, which is called “ Download».

    Third-party memory cleaning apps

    At the moment there are many different specialized programs, which perform the function of removing “garbage” in case your device continues to slow down after deleting the cache and clearing the downloads folder. But do not rush to use them, since loading them requires a certain amount of memory, which you may not have enough. To solve this problem, you should use standard functions.

    A fairly well-known and simple-in-functionality utility at the moment is the “Clean Master” application, which is distributed free of charge. It can be easily downloaded through the Play Market and used to delete the cache when your smartphone is slow. This is possible after following a few simple steps:

    To avoid future problems and incorrect operation your smartphone, you need to systematically launch this application.

    Extreme measures when braking Android

    If your operating system, such as Android, is still slow, then we offer you other ways to solve the problem. One of these is a complete OS update. To do this you need to do the following:

    1. First you need to go to general settings. Then click on the line “ About the phone" or " About the tablet».
    2. Next you need to click on the submenu “ System update».

    There is a fallback option that is based on the full . IN in this case your smartphone should be completely returned to its original state as when you bought the phone.

    As we can see from the methods suggested above, if your phone freezes, you can quickly clean it using different applications, or system settings. To avoid loss important information necessary . The reset feature is standard and located in your device's settings.