• Fast browser. Fast browser for an old computer - myth or reality

    When choosing a program to work on the World Wide Web, many are mainly interested in what is the fastest browser for Windows 7 today.

    Although there are simply a huge number of other criteria for choosing a browser.

    Today you can find and download many “homemade” browsers, that is, those that were developed by novice programmers, and not by teams of professionals.

    So, their main drawback is the speed of work.

    There is no talk about data security and safety.

    In any case, today we will look at all the main characteristics that will help you choose a program for accessing the Internet, and the main one will be the speed of operation.

    As for how this very speed will be tested, a very simple method will be chosen, which consists of launching a browser or performing other operations with a stopwatch on it.

    In particular, the speed will be tested on such operations as launching the browser itself, opening a website, logging into a Google email account, launching a video and installation speed.

    The tests will not be conducted on a new computer.

    This choice is due to the fact that we want to achieve maximum objectivity of the research.

    Yes, usually “clean” machines are used in such tests, but we all don’t have the opportunity to reinstall the operating system every month.

    This would make it possible to turn a used computer into a completely “clean” machine.

    In general, the conditions will not be as close to reality as possible; they will be quite real. Let's go!


    This browser was released in 1994. Until 2013, I worked on my own engine, then I switched to Webkit+V8, which is familiar to many developers, which, by the way, is also used a little in Google Chrome.

    According to research by some sites, it is the fifth most popular browser in the world. Users like it mobile version, which is called Opera Mini.

    The main advantage of this program is its excellent ability to save traffic. This allows many users to pay less for the Internet.

    You can download this browser absolutely free of charge on the official website www.opera.com/ru.

    There is one on this site big button“Download Now”, which allows you to start downloading.

    For our tests we will take the most recent one at the moment version downloaded from the official website.

    Speed ​​tests yielded the following results:

    • Browser launch time – 3 s;
    • Website opening time – 2 s;
    • Video start time – 2 s;
    • Installation time – 1.3 minutes (from launching the installer program to closing it).

    By the way, the design of the installation window for this program is very beautiful, but at the same time minimalistic.

    The installation process itself takes very little time.

    The user only needs to press one button and nothing else - he does not select a path, does not read a bunch license conditions, does not watch presentations, and so on.

    On the one hand, this is, of course, good, because a simple user does not need all this.

    But some will say that this is bad, because “who knows what they write in the license.”

    But since we are assessing speed, Opera performs excellently in this regard.

    Other advantages and disadvantages of Opera

    In addition to speed when choosing a program to access the Internet, it will also be useful to know about the following advantages of Opera:

    1. Traffic savings. Signature trait of this browser.
    2. The presence of a Turbo mode, which allows you to work even faster on slow computers and still save traffic.
    3. Its own express panel with bookmarks. In other browsers, this function must be installed additionally. Yes, there are bookmark bars, but they are not as functional.
    4. Hot control keys. In fact, this browser can be operated without a mouse.
    5. Ease of use. Opera is not loaded with plugins for privacy and other similar functions, so it can work many times faster.

    The disadvantages of Opera include the following:

    1. On old machines it may not work at all. On the other hand, nothing from the modern standard user set already works for them. And who uses such old computers now?
    2. Incorrect operation some scripts. In defense of Opera, we can also say that not all scripts that exist today work on other browsers.
      Complaints about instability - it restarts, throws out, and so on. It also doesn’t happen very often - if you’re unlucky, you’ll have to restart.

    Google Chrome

    This browser was released in 2008 - relatively recently.

    Its direct ancestor is Safari browser, which they then also tried to adapt for Windows, but these attempts were unsuccessful - it turned out to be too slow, and it was often restarted.

    Safari was originally intended for Mac computers. Google Chrome runs on its own engine called Chrominium.

    Last year, this browser was first in many polls in RuNet.

    You can download Google Chrome on the official website - www.google.ru/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html (a very non-standard link that could be shortened).

    There is also a single button that you need to press.

    By the way, here on the download site you can read the license agreement, as well as set Google Chrome as the default browser and check the box to send work reports to Google.

    By the way, many people refuse the latter.

    To do this, you just need to uncheck the box highlighted in Figure No. 4 green.

    Testing the speed of this browser gave the following results:

    • Browser launch time – 4 s;
    • Website opening time: 5 s;
    • Authorization time in mail account Google – 1 s;
    • Video start time – 1 s;
    • Installation time – 1.5 minutes.

    When installing here, by the way, another one is downloaded additional content, which makes the whole process a little longer.

    Otherwise, Google Chrome performs really well, but still a little worse than Opera.

    And this despite the fact that many authors of similar articles call this browser the fastest.

    As we can see, tests in real conditions gave a different result.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Google Chrome

    It will also be very useful for users who choose a program to access the Internet to know about the following advantages of Google Chrome:

    1. Safety. Great attention is paid to this here. Google Chrome has a huge number additional programs and scripts that protect against various types of attacks and viruses. In addition, this browser has own base with these same viruses and malicious sites.
    2. “Incognito” mode, which allows you to be unnoticed on various sites. This means that the site will not leave cookies or any other information about the stay of the user working in Incognito mode.
    3. Stability at work. It is very rare to hear about Google Chrome that it reboots or crashes large quantity sites.
    4. Your own “Task Manager”, which makes it possible to see how many resources a particular site consumes, as well as a plugin.
    5. Normal operation with extensions. It is also very rare to hear complaints about this.
    6. Voice control search.

    The disadvantages include the following:

    1. Lack of support for NPAPI plugins starting from version 42.0. A lot of modern plugins work on this platform. And users are faced with difficulties in installing them or even with the inability to complete this task.

    Otherwise, Google Chrome performs just fine.

    As you can see, its operating speed is not too much inferior to Opera, therefore, taking into account all the other advantages, it is not surprising that this particular browser is called the best today.

    Mozilla Firefox

    In 2014, this browser took a strong first place in all foreign surveys. But then the two programs described above took away the leading positions from Mozilla Firefox.

    Still, the contribution that the “sly fox,” as many users call him, made to the development of browsers as a whole deserves respect.

    The fact is that Mozilla Firefox became the first browser in the world that had its own extension base. It was for him that the first extensions and plugins began to be written.

    It is not surprising that as of 2017, Mozilla Firefox has the largest extension base.

    In addition, it was in this browser that the privacy mode first appeared.

    Today this idea is actively used by Google specialists, including in the development of the aforementioned Google Chrome.

    The first version of this program was released in 2004 on the Gecko engine. To this day, nothing has changed in terms of the engine.

    But this does not prevent the program from constantly improving and gaining new positions in the market.

    Although, of course, since 2014, Mozilla Firefox has lost a lot in popularity.

    It is also most convenient to download this browser at official page- www.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/new/ .

    According to good tradition, the site has one large “Download for free” button.

    There are no longer any on the site licensing agreements. And in general, loading occurs in automatic mode and this process is not delayed by anything.

    In the installer window you can use additional settings. The settings window is shown in Figure 6.

    As you can see, you can specify where program shortcuts should be installed, the installation path, and whether this browser should be made the main one.

    Advice: Be sure to use the window when installing additional settings, because otherwise, program shortcuts will appear on the taskbar, on the desktop and in the Start menu, which is often not needed by users! In addition, installation information will be sent to Mozilla specialists, and the browser itself will become the default browser.

    To open this very window of additional settings at startup, click the “Settings” button highlighted in Figure No. 7.

    The installation itself also begins with downloading additional files. This of course does this process longer.

    Tests of time Mozilla works Firefox was given these results:

    • Browser launch time – 5 s;
    • Website opening time – 3 s;
    • Authorization time in mail Google account– 1 s;
    • Video start time – 2 s;
    • Installation time – 1.35 minutes.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Mozilla Firefox

    The benefits of Mozilla Firefox are as follows:

    1. Reliability in operation. There are plugins that can “kill” absolutely all browsers except Mozilla Firefox.
    2. Security and privacy at the highest level. This is the only browser of its kind that can block the collection of information about a particular user by sites, including Google. This makes it possible not to see annoying advertising, which is generated based on the requests of this user.
    3. Versions are updated in background.
    4. In addition, this also includes the widest base of plugins and extensions mentioned above.

    The disadvantages of Mozilla Firefox are:

    1. Immunity of some modern scripts.
    2. Frequent complaints about slow work, especially under high loads.

    From all this we can conclude that Mozilla Firefox clearly cannot be considered the fastest browser for Windows 7.


    This is the youngest modern browser of those that are used by several million people. Users first heard about this browser in 2012.

    Now, in 2017, Yandex is actively promoting its product using contextual advertising. Here, of course, everything is aimed at working directly with Yandex services.

    So, by default, this browser already has mail, a translator, a disk, money and everything else that the most popular Russian search engine offers.

    By the way, the engine in Yandex Browser is the same Chromium. Many users say that this program has its own panel quick launch, which is called “Scoreboard” here.

    This is considered a feature of Yandex.Browser, but for the average person it is practically the same bookmarks bar that is in Opera.

    True, there it is much more functional.

    You can host 20 different sites on Tablo.

    Interesting feature This browser is designed to work with mouse gestures.

    This means that there is a certain set of gestures that are formed by certain cursor movements and perform certain functions.

    There are also a huge number of extensions and plugins, most of which are taken from the already beloved Google Chrome.

    This is due to the fact that these two browsers are running on the same Chromium engine.

    You can download Yandex Browser on the official website - browser.yandex.ru.

    Although, if you visit the website yandex.ru several times, you will definitely see an advertisement for this browser and can follow the link to download it.

    This site also has a nice big “Download” button.

    The results of testing the speed of this browser gave the following results:

    • Browser launch time – 11 s;
    • The website opening time is 4 seconds (the first launch, by the way, gave the result in 24 seconds);
    • Authorization time for a Google email account is 4 s;
    • Video start time – 2 s;
    • Installation time – 2.10 min.

    During installation, it is also possible to make Yandex.Browser the default browser and make it possible to send data to Yandex specialists.

    To do this, you need to check the boxes highlighted in green in Figure 9.

    Most users prefer to uncheck these boxes, which is not at all surprising.

    As you can see, in terms of speed, Yandex Browser is clearly inferior to Mozilla Firefox.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Yandex.Browser

    The advantages of Yandex.Browser are as follows:

    1. Developers pay great attention to security. So the program automatically checks a particular site for suspicion. It has its own criteria for suspicion (Web of Trust), as well as programs installed by default to block phishing attacks and advertising.
    2. Its own system for viewing documents in formats such as .pdf, .doc and others.
    3. Your own translator.
    4. Turbo mode, like in Opera.

    The disadvantages include the following:

    1. Imposing Yandex services, which many users do not like. Although, on the other hand, this is exactly what this browser was created for.
      Many people don't like the interface.
    2. Difficulty setting up. Many functions that are available in Opera or Mozilla are simply not available here in Yandex Browser.

    In general, from all this we can draw a conclusion, which is that Yandex.Browser is far from the fastest and most optimized browser.


    Now let's move on to some somewhat exotic browsers that are not as popular as Yandex.Browser, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome.

    One of the rather promising browsers in this direction is Maxthon.

    Its main feature is the combination of two engines at once - Webkit and Trident. Some parts of the first are used in Yandex Browser, Opera and Google Chrome.

    And the second one was used to create the very first browser in history Internet Explorer. Thanks to this combination, in fact, it was possible to achieve very high speed.

    At least, this is what the developers of this program say.

    In principle, people write on forums that in some cases it works even faster than the vaunted Google Chrome.

    But to check this, there is only one way, which we will use now.

    The Maxthon speed test readings look like this:

    • Browser launch time – 0.7 s;
    • Website opening time – 1 s;
    • Authorization time for a Google email account is 0.6 s;
    • Video start time – 0.8 s;
    • Installation time – 1.17 minutes.

    As you can see, Maxthon really shows phenomenal results! But speed is not the only advantage of this browser.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Maxthon

    The advantages of the Maxthon browser are:

    1. Working with cloud storage- All personal settings, records and authorization data are not saved on the hard drive, but in the cloud. This prevents the user from losing it all.
    2. The browser requires few resources to operate.
    3. It is possible to remove ads without additional plugins.
    4. A huge number of extensions.
    5. It has its own security system, which, judging by the reviews, works quite well.
    6. Notepad for notes.
    7. Night browsing mode, which optimizes those pages that have dark background, too many advertisements or other nuances that make reading the information inconvenient.

    In general, we can say that Maxthon is a very, very multifunctional thing.

    On the side there is a toolbar on which the same notepad, a download manager, a tool for working with RSS, as well as several Yandex services are located.

    Its only disadvantage is that it also promotes these same Yandex services. But Yandex.Browser is still very far from Maxthon!

    So every user should definitely try using Maxthon in their work.

    No. 11. Maxthon browser appearance

    The Internet without a browser, a web browser, is nonsense! To work on the Internet, you need a program with which the user finds in global network information in the form of Internet pages. The browser opens the found pages in work area, organizes work with them. And by work we mean working with text information, and playing various computer games, and viewing, listening to media content, music, videos and calculations, and much more! So, in front of you modern computer running the Windows 7 operating system and the desire to work with the very best web browser. So which browser is better for Windows 7? We will tell you about this right now.

    What do users pay attention to?

    • Attractiveness appearance programs, user-friendly interface;
    • Speed ​​of searching and opening web pages on the Internet;
    • The program's demands on computer resources, including the type operating system;
    • Functionality, richness of the browser with options, the ability to use additional extensions;
    • Ability to synchronize data between different devices;
    • Ensuring the security of the user's personal data.

    Any choice is subjective, just like the rating! From the point of view of possibilities, Buridan’s donkey (sorry for the cattle!), when choosing a feeder, was in a less tense state than modern user Internet when choosing a browser. Unlike the legendary animal, which stood between two approximately identical haystacks, a website surfer needs to choose between a dozen great programs. The choice is yours; you need to compare information on at least the most common browsers for Windows 7.

    Which browser is faster for Windows 7?

    Working in Yandex Browser

    Standing out from a number of browsers in recent years, the browser of Russian programmers with the Webkit engine combines security, speed and ease of use. Despite the external similarity with the popular Chrome, which, by the way, has the same engine, even short work with

    Yandex. The browser hijacks the user. Conquers with its advantages:

    • convenient work with “smart” address bar, combining search functions;
    • fast ;
    • Increased security for downloading content using the SafeBrowsing$ algorithm
    • automatic page translation service;
    • availability Opera modes Turbo;
    • Adobe built-in programs.

    Among the disadvantages, we can note a possible slowdown in work legacy systems. It can be stated that this browser combined best solutions competitors, having received a wide range of plugins as add-ons. The program deserves to be downloaded and installed on computers under Windows control 7

    Opera - free browser

    The old man in the browser family. It has been carrying its burden regularly since 1994. In 2013, I changed my engine to a Webkit+V8 hybrid, the same as Crome. Developed Opera versions Mini and Mobile.

    Despite its advanced age, it holds third place in popularity on the RuNet. This is guaranteed:

    • good speed of working with websites, the ability to use Turbo mode, and the use of cloud technologies;
    • the presence of an Express panel that provides the fastest possible access to selected pages;
    • presence of a proven Opera Link synchronization process;
    • extensive use of hot keys;
    • operation of Opera Unite's own web server.

    The disadvantages include:

    • high resource consumption RAM, when opening several tabs, work slows down greatly;
    • insufficient stability, violation of script execution, possibility of failures and glitches;
    • a problematic, unique solution to the “Piggy Bank” bookmark system.

    Overall, Opera is a worthy contender for the role favorite web browser.

    Choosing a Google Chrome browser

    Appeared on the Internet in December 2008. Created based on the Safari browser. It was named Cromium. Google Company finalized their version faster than other participants in the development of the project, and the browser they presented quickly began to gain a leading position among browsers. In the spring of 2015, Chrome already occupied a leading place in the RuNet. To be fair, it must be said that the pre-installation of the browser in mobile devices running Android.

    Positive properties:

    • high speed of working with resources;
    • increased security, additional protection from virus attacks;
    • the ability to use the “Incognito” mode, protection from transmitting information about your work to the network;
    • simple, uncluttered interface, page quick access, the search bar is combined with the address bar;
    • stability, no glitches, ;
    • if problems appear, they can be tracked using your own task manager;
    • a large selection of additional extensions;
    • There is Google menu Translator;
    • and even voice control capabilities.


    • ended Flash support Player;
    • requires more than 2 gigabytes of RAM;
    • many extensions with English interface;
    • wasteful energy consumption due to the heavy load on the iron.

    Internet Explorer Benefits

    IE has been integrated since 1995 software product Windows operating systems. Before Google Chrome entered the arena, it ranked first in popularity. Today it is losing its position to the more advanced Yandex.Browser. This is the reason for the termination of development and support of Explorer.

    And, although the latest version of IE is approaching the leaders in terms of speed, stability and security, it is falling further and further behind in the race for the user.

    Network hardware developers use Internet Explorer as a reference, but for working with media content it is better to choose a different browser.

    Working with Mozilla Firefox

    The Fire Fox browser, developed in 2004 by Mozilla Corporation, deservedly took leading positions in the rankings among European users. The popularity of Mozilla Firefox currently occupies the second step of the podium in Runet.

    Equipped with the Gecko engine, the program is still being improved. And the range of additional extensions is second only to Chrome!

    TO positive qualities include:

    • simplicity and ease of use, user-friendly interface of this program;
    • the opportunity is very fine tuning browser;
    • more than one hundred thousand different plugins and extensions;
    • ability to work with any operating system;
    • excellent reliability of the program;
    • convenient organization of bookmarks;
    • ensuring security and protection of personal and account data on various sites;
    • service background update software.

    Disadvantages of the program:

    • insufficient response speed to user actions, some “freezing” of processes;
    • not very high program performance;
    • some scripts are executed with errors, content display failures may occur;
    • demands on RAM.

    If you have any questions about the topic " Which browser is better for Windows 7? ", then you can ask them in the comments

    if(function_exists("the_ratings")) ( the_ratings(); ) ?>

    Choosing an Internet browser is easy: you just need to download one of popular browsers, and after a while you will definitely get used to it. But in order for the process of getting to know the browser to be as comfortable as possible, you still need to know a little about each of them. There are actually a lot of Internet browsers, but the most popular are Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer.

    Internet Explorer and Opera

    Users often joke that Internet browser Explorer was created to download other browsers. It has few advantages, but for regular user who needs to find information or download various content, this browser will be quite enough. This browser is available in every Windows and does not need to be installed. It also saves battery power and requires less RAM than all other browsers. A huge minus is that the browser is very slow. Although in latest versions The developers have started solving this problem.

    Opera is the easiest browser to learn. Opera handles a lot of things very well open bookmarks, has a convenient download manager, all popular ones are built into the search bar search engines, it is possible to change design themes, etc. Among the disadvantages - low speed hardware acceleration and poor script processing speed.

    Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome

    The Firefox browser (also called “chanterelle”) has a simple and user-friendly interface. Initially, the browser has only the most necessary functions, but they can be expanded using applications. There are quite a few plugins and extensions for Firefox, and some were created just for it.

    The advantages of this browser include: high level data security (including saved passwords), data synchronization between Firefox browsers on other devices and hardware acceleration when loading a video. In various tests (performance, loading speed, support for web technologies, etc.), the Mozilla Firefox browser shows results above average in almost all respects.

    Regarding Google browser Chrome, it has no equal in speed. This is the fastest and most resource-intensive browser. The browser has an unusual design, which is devoid of almost all interface elements, except for a few inconspicuous buttons. But the number of extensions and games is simply huge.

    Among advantages of Chrome You can note a single line that is used to enter site addresses and to search for information, failure control, which keeps the browser working during an error in one of the bookmarks, warning the user about malicious sites, etc. Among disadvantages of Chrome it is worth pointing out poor performance with a large number open bookmarks (in this case, the browser “eats” a lot of RAM).

    So, if you need the fastest browser for Windows 7, then this is definitely Chrome. But don’t forget that the browser that is a leader in one thing will definitely fail in something else. So when choosing a browser, you should consider not only its speed.

    Of course, the best browsers are fast, modern and functional solutions. But how can you choose among dozens of browsers the one, the only, the unique, and the best? In this article we will not tell you about the 10 best browsers, since there is no need to compare such a volume; it is enough to focus on the TOP 3 best browsers for Windows.

    Browser overview

    Before we move on to the best browsers, let's discuss the major browsers available for Windows. The following browsers are popular today:

    • (in new version)

    As you may have noticed yourself, all of the above browsers are foreign developments. But if you want a domestic browser, then you have little choice, only two options:

    • from Mail

    These 7 browsers account for 95% of the total number of browsers used worldwide. There are unusual options, such as , or , but the share of such browsers tends to zero.

    The best browser for Windows 7

    We advise you to choose best browser regarding where you will be using it. Built-in solution - browser Microsoft Edge, a good browser, but it's far from the best. All browsers are similar to each other, but in the case of the Microsoft browser, the developer did not take into account that Windows 7 is often used on touch screens, and as a result their browser turned out to be inconvenient.

    The browser for Windows 7 is either or. Both browsers allow you to fully exploit the potential touch screens, and at the same time very nimble.

    TOP 3 best browsers

    It doesn't matter if you're using Windows 10 or old version Windows, and on which device - tablet, computer or laptop, we advise you to choose a browser using any of the following three solutions:

    Third place: Yandex.Browser

    We are glad that domestic development was able to enter the TOP. This browser is suitable for those who want to get an Internet solution integrated with Yandex products.

    Considering that Yandex is a leading search engine and postal service in RuNet, many will appreciate that the browser has a built-in feature quick check almost, and hot tips right in the search bar.

    Second place: Google Chrome

    This is a classic. Convenient interface for computers and nothing less user-friendly interface for touch screens.

    The browser can be significantly expanded in its functionality by downloading additional extensions. And this is not only the notorious, or add-on, but also dozens of unusual solutions.

    First place: Opera

    We are sure that many will now be surprised why we named Opera browser, the best browser. The functionality of all leaders is similar; for each utility there are additional extensions that allow you to further expand their functionality.

    But to become the best, you need to be different in some way, and the Opera browser has this. This browser is the best for two reasons:

    • Allows you to significantly save Internet traffic;
    • Allows you to access blocked sites;

    Yes, Opera browser in Turbo mode allows you to access sites blocked by Roskomnadzor without any restrictions. To do this, you do not have to configure IP and other smart Internet technologies. And saving traffic is important not only for tablet users, but also for users of desktop versions - after all, it affects the speed of loading pages, and therefore the overall productivity of the user.

    Could be in the top 10 best browsers, but not in the TOP 3. This browser, according to browser reviews, is overloaded unnecessary elements what prevents you from receiving necessary information. Otherwise, this browser is also quite good. The list of the best browsers of 2016 is no different from the list of the best browsers of 2015, and we think that over the next few years, there will be no significant changes in the TOP.

    Which browser is the fastest?

    Many people equate the word “best” with “fast”. But the browser must also be stable and secure. Any browser from our TOP 3 fits each of these definitions. It’s difficult to determine which browser is the fastest; they all work quickly if you don’t have problems with your own device. If you notice that your computer has started to slow down, then find out. Or just clean it. For more information about browsers, watch the video:

    Today, perhaps, not a single person can imagine life without the Internet, without the ability to communicate, the ability to download what you need, video chat for free, watch videos for free and much more. Life modern man split into two parts. The first is real, the second is virtual. The Internet has become one of the main sources of information. Without it, it is quite difficult to imagine the life of a modern person, so the efforts of programmers and physicists are aimed at constantly modernizing the Internet space and creating high-quality free Internet resources.

    Without what will Internet access be impossible? For example, you installed a router at home or connected a dedicated network of an Internet provider, but all this can be called a waste of money if you do not have a browser installed on your computer.

    The browser is special program, which provides access to Internet pages. Today there are a whole variety of browsers from different manufacturers, most of which you can download for free from us. There are so many browsers that choosing the best browser from all of them is incredibly difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. Each of the web browsers that can be found with us has advantages and disadvantages, so what to be happy about when you decide to download this or that browser for free, and what to put up with, everyone chooses independently. Of course, first of all, manufacturing companies release new browser programs for the operating system. Windows systems, since its users are the absolute majority.

    Since you are reading this article, it means you want to download new browser free on your computer. In order to find the best browser for yourself and download it for free, you need to decide which functions for Internet surfing are your priority. For example, if speed is most important to you, then the best thing for you would be to download the fastest browser for free. If your first priority is not speed, but, say, the convenience of the interface, the best thing for you would be to download a free browser, which contains a huge number of widgets, an express panel and fairly flexible interface settings.

    On our website you can find a special section that contains all existing browsers for Windows, each of which you can get completely free. Among them you will find and be able to download for free the most popular ones, such as Opera, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, as well as lesser-known browsers such as Chromium, Pale Moon, Maxthon, Byffox and many others, which you can also download from us for free. All of these Internet browsers have their pros and cons, so the choice is always up to each of you what you want to download and what to use.

    You don't have to worry that you may not be downloading the latest product. Our site presents only new browsers, so do not waste time searching for more latest versions. All browsers that can be downloaded from us are provided only with the latest versions.

    Absolutely every browser contains detailed description, in which its main capabilities and shortcomings are explained in a language that everyone can understand. After reading this description and looking at the screenshots, you can easily decide whether it’s worth downloading this browser or whether it’s better to look for another one. All that remains for you then is to download and install the selected browser on your desktop computer or laptop.

    It is definitely worth noting that you can download each browser without registering on the site, which significantly saves your time. Moreover, downloading an Internet browser from our website is not only fast, but also absolutely free. We do not require money from you, just as the manufacturers themselves do not require it. Free browsers are free in everything, both to use and to download, so be careful and do not fall for the tricks of scammers.

    This page presents more than two dozen browsers that are freely available. Absolutely every Internet user will be able to download a free browser of their choice, download it for free to their computer, install it and surf the World Wide Web!