• The phone does not see Wi-Fi, what should I do? Why doesn't my phone see the wifi access point? Why doesn't Android see WiFi?

    Articles and Lifehacks

    Modern remedy mobile communications It is very difficult to imagine without the ability to browse the Internet. This function can be used using a connection under the Wi-Fi Alliance brand - this service is wireless. That is why such a connection is considered the most convenient and advantageous. It is implemented on the foundation of the IEEE 802.11 communication standard. The abbreviation Wi-Fi is derived from two words “Wireless Fidelity”. This phrase can be translated from English into Russian as follows: high accuracy of wireless transmission of information. A huge set of standards for streaming data transmission has now been widely developed. They are transmitted over a variety of radio channels. However, not all communication subscribers can use Wi-Fi. Firstly, mobile phone or must be equipped with the appropriate chip. Secondly, not all users know how to use Wi-Fi, even if their smartphone has this function. They often complain that they are the phone does not see wifi. What to do when the device does not see Wi-Fi?

    The mobile phone did not see Wi-Fi - why is it needed?

    First you need to figure out why you need a Wi-Fi connection? To answer this question, you need to have an understanding of the simplest benefits of Wi-Fi communication. Only then will it be possible to answer why the phone does not see wifi? It is wireless communication that allows you to use the network without cable. There are excellent savings on the cost of installation, deployment and expansion of the Internet network. After all, there are many places on Earth where it is impossible to install or lay a cable at all. Wi-Fi allows mobile device users to have the most convenient access to the Internet almost anywhere. Also, Wi-Fi can fully guarantee the compatibility of several equipment of different directions. Wi-Fi is valued primarily for its portability and convenience. If the user wishes on the beach, then he receives it via Wi-Fi. This communication opportunity is even more valuable due to the fact that several users of mobile phones, computers, tablets and laptops can access the Internet in one Wi-Fi zone. Today even powerful Wi-Fi device has radiation much less than one mobile phone.

    The phone did not see Wi-Fi - look!

    Users often complain that the phone does not see Wi-Fi. Although it finds various other access points. Even checking the Wi-Fi router doesn't help. The fact is that the router selects the channel in an automatic way. If the phone does not see Wi-Fi, then you need to go to the router via the web interface and change the local IP in its settings, and specify the appropriate IP and channel.

    Nowadays, more and more often, to access the Internet, they use not a computer or laptop, but mobile gadgets, such as a tablet or smartphone. And there is an explanation for this - most of the Internet is used to visit sites, versions of which are designed specifically for small screens ( social media VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Instagram), and you can’t put a laptop in your pocket. It’s good when the smartphone connects to the network via 3G or GPRS connection, then he doesn't need additional equipment, but if through a wired provider (for example ADSL or local network with shared access to the Internet), then the mobile phone first needs to connect to the router, and at times the router does not see the phone or another error is displayed, solutions for which will be discussed further.

    By the way, mobile devices have several modes of accessing the Internet, some of which are for distributing it to other connected devices (access point mode).

    Smartphone hotspot mode

    There is also a 3G modem mode, in which the smartphone connects to the computer using USB cable, and thus the computer gains access to the network via a 3G connection.

    But this article will discuss the mode of connecting a smartphone to a wireless Wi-Fi router, and in rare cases related problems.

    Connecting your phone to the router

    In order to successfully combine into computer network phone with a router, the first thing you need to do is make sure that the router is turned on, the Wi-Fi module is active, and the WPS function is enabled (if available).

    Found Wi-Fi networks

    If the network is password protected, a window will open in which you must enter that password.

    The password is entered only once, the phone remembers it and does not require entry during subsequent connections.

    If there are no errors, the “Connected” status will appear under the network name. That's it, the phone is connected to wireless network router.

    If you can't connect

    But everything is not always so easy and simple, and for a number of reasons you cannot connect to the network.

    Let's look at the most common cases:

      1. In the router settings, check the “Hide SSID” checkbox.

    Hiding a Wi-Fi network

    If a ban is set, the router does not broadcast the name of the network, and to connect to it you need to enter the network name manually in your smartphone;

      2. Standards do not match. For example, a router operates in the IEEE 802.11g 2.4 GHz standard, and a smartphone operates in the IEEE 802.11n 5 GHz standard. In this case, they will not be able to work in pairs; the standards must either match or be compatible;
      3. The router settings may have a limit on the number of subscribers you can connect, and your smartphone simply turns out to be superfluous.

    Limiting the number of subscribers

      4. And, as practice shows, it’s enough common reason, it's just a router hangup. Turn it off and on again, it may help, but it won't make it worse. In this case, try updating the router firmware to a more stable one.

    Third party software

    We looked at how to connect your phone to a router without help third party programs, only using the phone’s own operating system. But there are programs aimed at helping this issue. Let's give an example of one of these.

    Appearance of the program

    The program is called WeFi, you can download it on the program’s official website completely free of charge: http://www.wefi.com

    I am very pleased with the multi-platform nature of the program. Choose operating system our smartphone and download the program to the computer, and then to the phone.

    Selecting an operating system

    For example, choose Android version. After installation on the smartphone, launch the application and see the initial window.

    Initial program window

    A big plus of this program is its funny animation. The little man at the bottom of the screen is frankly happy when he can connect to the Wi-Fi network without any problems.

    But, nevertheless, the purpose of the program is somewhat different, namely to facilitate connection, and WeFi copes with this task perfectly.

    Connecting the program

    One of the main features of the program is automatic connection to the network with the most highest level signal. Of course, it can be configured for a specific network, but still the program is designed specifically for automation. The only thing is that you will have to enter the network password once, but without this there is no way.

    Also very useful feature, as continuation of Wi-Fi activity after the smartphone goes into sleep mode.

    Setting up the program

    The only small drawback of the program is the absence of a blacklist; in some cases it may be needed (for example, in public places with paid but not blocked access).

    The full operation of the program can be seen in the video review:

    In this article we will look at why your Android device does not see WiFi ctmn in the list of available networks, although you are sure that it should be there.

    This article is suitable for phones and tablets of all Android device manufacturers: Samsung, LG, Sony, Huawei, Xiaomi, HTC, ZTE, Fly, Alcatel and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

    In this article we will consider a solution to the problem in which a tablet or smartphone on Android system suddenly stopped detecting Wi-Fi networks or one specific network. For example, let's take a smartphone that runs Android. Here he is perfectly connected to home network, but at one point he simply stops seeing this network Wi-Fi.

    This network is not in the list of categories available for connection. Other devices see and also connect to this network without problems. There may also be situations when no products see the wireless network at all. In such situations, you should check the router, then reboot it and see if it flashes Wi-Fi indicator.

    Similarly, there are cases when in public places (shop, cafe, restaurant) other devices see and join a certain (often open) network, but your tablet or smartphone simply does not find it.


    It doesn’t matter here whether you use a smartphone, tablet or even a TV set-top box. Let's consider the situation specifically for devices on the Android system. There is a possibility that if your gadget has stopped seeing the Wi-Fi network that it previously connected to without problems, then there may be a problem with the router (access point). If this is not your network (there is no access to the router), then it is unlikely that you will be able to do anything.

    To avoid confusion, you should first find out the following:

    • When a gadget does not see any Wi-Fi networks at all, but there are wireless networks in a given radius and other devices see them, then the problem lies only in the device itself. In this situation, you can do the following: turn off and turn on Wi-Fi again, reboot the gadget, remove the case. In extreme situations, you can reset the gadget settings to factory settings or flash the firmware. If even after resetting the device, no wireless available network does not see, then most likely the problem is related to hardware. The device must be carried in service center.
    • The second case is more popular, which we will consider in detail. We are talking about a situation when Android does not see one specific Wi-Fi network, but other devices find it and connect without problems.


    First, let's look at the most simple solutions which should be done first:

    There are very few options for a solution on the device. Rebooting, resetting settings, turning off, turning on the Wi-Fi network - this is the maximum that can be done directly on the Android device. There is another option - changing the wireless network settings on the router.

    Changing settings on the Wi-Fi router

    You can experiment with changing the Wi-Fi network channel, check the network operation mode, and change the channel width. Of course, these settings may vary depending on the router you have. Often they are located on one page in the router control panel menu: “Wireless”, “Wireless mode”, “Wi-Fi”.

    In the settings, you can, for example, set the 6th static channel or specify “Auto” if a static channel was already installed previously. Then we save the settings and reboot the router. We take the gadget and check the visibility of the Wi-Fi network.

    In the settings you can immediately check that the “11bgn mixed” mode is specified. You can change the "Channel Width". You should also check whether the region is specified correctly if the router has such a setting. The screenshot below shows an example of TP-Link router.


    If after the first change of settings the gadget does not see the wireless network, then you can do it again. We set other settings. For example, a different operating mode (only n), channel. If there are no results, then it is better to return to the factory settings that were set before changing the parameters. You also need to return all the settings back when problems arise when connecting on other devices.

    Setting up a virtual access point on a laptop to determine the network

    There are also questions about why Android does not detect the Wi-Fi network that is created on the laptop. This is because creating a virtual access point is not enough. After this, you need to enable discovery and open access to it.

    It's easy to do. First, you should request to go to the Network Control Center. To open this center, you need to find the network icon in the tray (at the bottom right corner of the desktop). Right-click on it, then a window will open, and in the menu that appears, select the required item.


    A menu will open where you need to enter the “Edit” section additional options for general access." There you just need to enable network discovery and give permission to general access. The menu at the bottom should be disabled network access with password protection. You can also use software to create a wireless network on a laptop Virtual Router Plus.


    Quite often people are interested in the question of why the phone does not find Laptop WIFI. Its settings are no different from the router, since their operation is similar in principle.

    Their only difference is that the router has the most extensive parameters. Also, the access point can be configured only for connecting computers. Thus, any other device simply will not see the network.

    Why WI-FI network Android doesn't see it?

    There are quite a few reasons for this. If the network is through a router, then you need to go into the settings, if through a laptop, then into the OS settings, while on another device there is no need for settings.

    This is because the settings in Android are automatic. It's all pretty simple. That is why the reason should be considered in the router or laptop.

    Setting options:

    Most often the error is quite simple. It's all about incorrect settings. In order to correct it, it is necessary to change and make some amendments. It is important to register the computer’s IP in any convenient browser.

    The IP can be found on the sticker with all the information about the laptop, but if there is none, then just look at the user manual or follow the following steps:

    Press simultaneously Windows buttons and R. A window will appear on the screen in which you need to enter CMD, which will launch command line after clicking "OK".

    Here you can see all necessary information. By writing ipconfig, it will be possible to view the connection. In the “Default gateway” column there will be information that should be entered in the browser.

    Next you need to enter the data: login and password. Basically, “admin” should be entered in both fields; this is the initial data. If they have been changed, you must make your own. This way you are logged into the router.

    All settings depend on the model, but they look approximately the same. Sections and item names may vary slightly.

    To access additional settings, click “Advanced settings”. You need to select WI-FI and find the basic settings.

    First of all, you need to check whether the connection is enabled, that is, the presence of a checkbox in the required window with saving parameters. After this, you should check the location of WI-FI.


    The channel needs to be checked and, if necessary, replaced. You should also install automatic detection. Next, select a mixed network. This will allow you to see WI-FI not only on computers, but also on other devices that support WI-FI.

    Every user sooner or later is faced with the fact that for some reason Wi-Fi does not work on the phone. This article is intended to help identify the sources of these common problems and find the fastest and most effective way their elimination.

    Malfunction wireless communication, as a rule, caused by several reasons:

    • Incorrect Wi-Fi settings.
    • Errors in the operation of the router itself.
    • Incorrect mobile device parameters.
    • Action malware or antivirus software.

    Below we will look at each item in detail and formulate recommendations for troubleshooting. All of the following is true for Wi-Fi on Android phone, iOS, and for other operating systems.


    You can cope with the problem only if you accurately determine its cause. To do this, you do not always need to contact specialists. Many errors that concern, for example, parameters wireless mode, you can identify it yourself. If the Internet slows down or works slowly, this may be due to third-party factors: for example, network overload when many gadgets are connected to it. Sometimes slow Wi-Fi is a reason to check the computer itself or the communication line of your Internet provider.

    Incorrect Wi-Fi setting

    First of all, you should pay attention to how the point is configured Wi-Fi access. To do this, you need to access the router menu through a browser: but you will need to enter address bar a series of symbols, the combination of which is individual for each device. Typically this data is located on back side router, look for the Login and Password lines, they will be needed in the next step.

    Enter your username and password. If you managed to gain access to the menu, first of all you should pay attention to the wireless mode parameters. There are a few simple options here:

    • Channel - Auto, but you can try setting a different channel.
    • Mode - 11 bg Mixed, but changing the parameter to 11 bg only can give a positive result.
    • Channel Width - auto.
    • The transmission speed, if any, is set to the maximum value.
    • Region has little effect, but theoretically it can be a source of malfunction.

    If everything is configured correctly, but the Internet still does not function correctly, you should contact a service center or look for the problem elsewhere, for example, by contacting your ISP. The device may be technically faulty, so it is recommended to check it immediately after purchase.

    Router settings

    You should check whether it is possible to access the Internet at all. If she doesn't exist, what about personal computer, and from another device, it is advisable to check whether the router itself is turned on and whether it is working correctly. Indicators signal this.

    The power indicator should be green. Next to it is a system indicator that should blink. The next indicator, WLAN, shows whether wireless is enabled on the router itself or in its menu. Next are numbered LAN ports, to one of which a cable must be connected. Ideally, it should also blink. After them usually comes WAN, the indication of which indicates that the router is connected to the Internet.

    In some cases, reconnecting helps.

    Incorrect time or date

    Wi-Fi on mobile device may not function well due to such a small thing as an incorrect date - this is one of the first on the list of common causes of problems with the Internet. You just need to go to the time settings section and set the correct values. It is important to take into account the time zone correctly.

    Wi-Fi password error

    Other possible reason- password. If the phone connects to the hotspot automatically, this error occurs when the user changes the password. In other words, the password has been changed, but the gadget itself “does not know” about it and automatically enters the old one. The solution, again, is simple - create the connection again and enter the correct password.

    Malware and antivirus programs

    Interfere correct operation Wi-Fi can also be caused by viruses that the smartphone “caught” on the network. If you suspect an infection, it would be advisable to install antivirus program and conduct a check. There are many such programs, but they usually use established brands like Kaspersky and ESET Nod.

    The other side of the coin: antivirus and others protective programs, for example, a firewall, can themselves be a source of problems. The antivirus creates a kind of “shield” to filter traffic, which sometimes affects communications. If after removing the anti-virus software the connection works correctly, in this case you will have to try another software or abandon it.

    Software glitches

    Many users experience wireless connection problems due to incorrect operation software. For example, when a user installs alternative firmware or any other interference is carried out with the factory characteristics of the software.

    Problems with the Android system are also evidenced by other errors in the operation of the gadget - constant, systematic freezes, random shutdowns, and others.

    In this situation, you can do a Hard Rest - it will return the system to factory settings.

    If the problem is with the phone's firmware, this will help solve it. But you need to know that “non-native” firmware is not deleted in this way.

    When the source of incorrect operation lies in the router, you often just need to reboot the router. This is not always easy to do, since some models are not equipped with an on/off button.

    If the device itself does not have a reset function, you can simply unplug the cable for 10-30 seconds.

    It can also be done through the device menu. The procedure for entering there is described above. This method This is relevant if it is difficult or impossible to get to the router itself. "Reboot" option in different models routers is located in different parts menu, but usually in the system settings tab.

    If an error in Wi-Fi operation is due to failures in software, you can try rebooting the device. In addition to the standard “Restart”, there are several more radical and thorough methods:

    • Through the menu: “restore and reset”.
    • By entering the number *2767*3855#.
    • Through Recovery Mod- it can be called by simultaneously pressing “Home”, “Power” and volume down. Next, select the “Wipe data” section.

    Other problems

    If these recommendations did not help restore the normal functioning of the wireless connection, it may be due to a technical malfunction of the Wi-Fi module itself. In this case, only a qualified specialist can help.

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    Issues with the functioning of Wi-Fi, as a rule, can be resolved easily and without the involvement of specialists. But it is worth remembering that independent technical intervention can damage the machine to the point of complete loss of functionality. If connection difficulties are not resolved accessible ways, it is better to contact the service center.
