• Speeding up Windows XR. How to increase the performance and performance of Windows XP

    1. Bringing back the classic Start menu style: Right-click on the taskbar, “Properties”, “Start Menu” tab, select “Classic Start Menu”, “OK”.
    2. Right click on empty space screen, menu item "Properties", tab "Appearance". Select the "Classic style" of windows and buttons. Click the "Effects" button. Uncheck all the checkboxes except the last one.
    3. In the "Control Panel" select "Folder Options". In the window that opens, select "Use regular Windows folders" - this will save us from unnecessary decorations that slow down the navigation process. Go to the "View" tab. Check the box "Do not cache thumbnails" - otherwise, when viewing folders with graphic Windows files will litter it with miniature copies of pictures, check the box "Display Control Panel" in the "My Computer" folder; uncheck the boxes "Remember display settings for each folder" (optional) and "Hide protected system files"; select the option "Show hidden files and folders."
    4. In the "Control Panel" select "System". In the "Advanced" tab, in the "Performance" frame, click on the "Options" button. In the window that opens, select “Visual effects” and uncheck all the boxes.
    5. Disable error reporting. Call "System Properties" and on the "Advanced" tab - "Error Reporting", select "Disable Error Reporting".
    6. Uninstall Windows Messenger. Every time you boot the system, Messenger also starts, slowing down the boot process, consuming system resources. IN command line Start - "Run" print the following: " RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove" and click "OK". After reboot Windows You will no longer find Messenger on your computer.
    7. Setting the optimal paging file value. "System Properties" - "Advanced" - "Performance" - "Advanced" - "Virtual Memory" - "Change". Original size and the maximum is recommended to be set the same. For regular work It is enough to multiply the available memory by 1.5. Games require two, two and a half times more memory.
    8. Reducing the delay time before expanding submenus. Start - "Run" and type "regedit". In the registry we find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. Change the MenuShowDelay parameter from 400 to 0.
    9. Delete unnecessary programs from startup. Start - "Run" and type "msconfig". "Startup" tab - uncheck the boxes next to those programs that you do not need.
    10. Clearing the "prefetch" folder- C:\windows\prefetch. This folder contains links to launched applications and programs. Some of the links are no longer used or are rarely used, but when loading, the system checks for the presence of links in this folder. Over time, the number of links in this folder increases so much that the system takes more time to scan. Cleaning out this folder will speed up your system performance. It is not recommended to reboot the system after cleaning the folder. This will degrade performance.
    11. Disable indexing. Open “My Computer”, right-click on the icon hard drive and select “Properties”. In the window that opens, uncheck “Allow disk indexing for quick search" After clicking the “Apply” or “OK” buttons, a new window will appear in which you will be asked whether to apply the selected attributes only to the current drive or to attached files and folders too. As a result, the system will run a little faster. Applicable only to discs with file system NTFS.
    12. Windows XP considers "Zip" files to be folders- this is convenient if you have fast computer. On slower systems, you can force Windows XP to disable this feature (if you have another archiver, such as "RAR") by typing "regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll" at the command line. You can return everything back with the command "regsvr32 zipfldr.dll".
    13. Changing the priority of interrupt requests (IRQs). If you increase the priority of CMOS memory and real-time clock, you can increase the performance of all elements motherboard. Open "System Properties" - "Hardware" button "Device Manager". Now open the properties of the device you are interested in and select the "Resources" tab. Here you can see which IRQ number is used by the selected device. Note the interrupt number and close all windows. Run RegEdit. Find a section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/PriorityControl. Create a new DWORD key IRQ#Priority (where "#" is the IRQ number) and set it to "1". For example, in our case, IRQ08 is reserved for System CMOS. Therefore, we created the IRQ8Priority key.
    14. Disabling an unused POSIX subsystem may increase operating speed slightly. Launch "Regedit". Open the branch in the registry editor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control SessionManager\SubSystems and remove the Optional and Posix lines.
    15. Do not record last accessed files (NTFS only). Speeds up directory access a large number files. In the registry editor "Regedit" HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate parameter, value "1"
    16. Do not use a page file to store the system kernel. By default, WinXP unloads the kernel and system drivers to the swap file if they are not used. Using this option, you can tell WinXP to keep the kernel and system drivers always in memory. Launch "Regedit" HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management parameter DisablePagingExecutive , "1" - do not use the paging file to store the system kernel, "0" - use
    17. Automatically unload unused libraries. This feature will help free up memory. Launch "Regedit" HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer AlwaysUnloadDLL parameter, value "1" - unload libraries, value "0" - do not unload. value 1 - unload libraries, value 0 - do not unload, value 1 - unload libraries, value 0 - do not unload. Note: possible unstable work systems when the option is enabled.
    18. Use fast switching users. If the option is enabled, then when switching to another user, the current user's programs will continue to work. Otherwise, programs will automatically turn off when the user logs out, and the computer will work faster with the next user. Launch "Regedit" HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon AllowMultipleTSSessions parameter, value "1" - use fast user switching
    19. Disable the built-in debugger Dr. Watson. If the option is disabled, then if there is an error in the program, a corresponding error message will be displayed with the OK and Cancel buttons; when you click OK, the application ends, and when you click Cancel, the debugger is launched. In the registry editor "Regedit" HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug The "Auto" parameter is set to "0"
    20. Do not keep track of document opening history. Do not keep a history of "Recently Used Documents". Windows XP creates shortcuts to launched programs in the Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Recent folder. You can disable this opportunity if you don't use them. Run "Regedit" parameter NoRecentDocsHistory, value "1" - history is not maintained
    21. Automatically terminate frozen applications. This option is used to automatically close all hung programs without any warning. Convenient when shutting down your computer; if the application is not responding, you don’t have to press a button to shut it down. Run "Regedit" HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop parameter AutoEndTasks , value "1" - automatically terminate frozen applications, "0" - wait for user input
    22. Disable low disk space message. Do not display a message about low disk space. It makes sense to use this option on small disks. Launch "Regedit" HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer parameter, NoLowDiskSpaceChecks, value "1" - message disabled, "0" - enabled
    23. Lock automatic update on Windows Media Player . Windows Media Player periodically establishes a connection via the Internet to check the existence of new version programs (Tools-Options-Automatic updates frame). You can disable this feature in Windows Media Player. Launch "Regedit" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsMediaPlayer parameter DisableAutoUpdate, value "1".
    24. Release of the channel (bandwidth) reserved for the QoS service. Windows XP by default allocates part of the Internet channel for Quality of Service (QoS). The purpose of QoS is to improve the traffic distribution of programs written with the QoS API in mind. You won’t find these programs, so reserving a channel for an unnecessary service is an unaffordable luxury. In order to free up the already narrow channel of the domestic Internet connection, in the Start menu -> Run, launch the editor group policies gpedit.msc. To run, you need to be a system administrator. In the "Computer Configuration" section, select "Administrative Templates", then "Network" and then in the right pane, select "QoS Packet Manager" and double-click on it. Select the option "Limit reserved throughput" and again double-click on it. In the window that opens, turn on Enabled, and then specify the channel limit in percentage equal to zero, click "OK" and exit the program. Open " Network connections"In the Control Panel, open the properties of your connection and on the Network tab, make sure that the QoS Packet Scheduler protocol is enabled. If it is not there, add it from the list and restart your computer.

    What affects Windows XP performance

    Many have noticed this paradox - on two computers with similar hardware characteristics, the loading speed and operation of the same Windows versions XP differs significantly. It would seem that this should not happen - since the hardware and operating systems are the same, then the performance of these two PCs should be equal. However, practice shows that this is not nonsense, but a completely ordinary phenomenon, because Windows operation is influenced by many factors, and they all affect its performance.

    What does it depend on? Windows performance XP? To more accurately highlight a number of important points, let’s discard the influence of the hardware component and focus on the system itself and its contents.

    So, to the decline Windows performance gives the following.

    • Active use - installing and uninstalling applications, creating and deleting files, etc., etc. After you remove programs, in directories and Windows registry What usually remains is garbage—data that is no longer used or needed. Often this garbage is found in startup, and the system at startup is forced to look for files on the hard drive that are not there. The more debris accumulates, the greater the decrease in performance will be felt.
    • Irrational distribution of hard disk space. You can often see attempts to save money disk space by reducing system partition. Do not forget that from the moment Windows installations XP, the size of system directories increases several times. It’s all to blame, so to speak – installing programs and system updates, filling temporary folders, creating restore points, user files in the “Downloads”, “My Documents”, “Desktop” directories, etc.
    • Excessive system decorations and various visual effects when designing the user environment: animation on the desktop, complex screensavers, styles that simulate three-dimensionality, shadows, transparency, etc.
    • Adware and viruses. What malware Everyone knows that they can negatively affect computer performance, but in addition to them, applications for displaying advertisements (adware), often disguised as various utilities - browser panels (toolbars), desktop widgets, etc. also create a lot of problems. They don’t just get in the way their presence, but also actively use PC resources in background– collect information, transmit data to the network, download and play advertisements. This significantly slows down the system's response to your actions.
    • Insufficient size and incorrect location of the paging file, especially with low capacity RAM.
    • Data fragmentation - parts of one file scattered throughout hard drive, the computer takes much longer to process than if the entire file were in one place.
    • Refusal to install Windows updates XP. Releases of new versions of applications, especially gaming, multimedia and specialized - resource-demanding ones, are designed to work with updated system components, which with each new version improve the interaction between Windows and programs. And, accordingly, they give an increase in performance.
    • Intense background activity of the system, for example, maintaining the history of opening documents, writing to event logs, indexing files for faster search. If the computer is not the fastest, this significantly affects its speed.
    • Background activity of programs, especially downloading or distributing torrents.

    We understand the reasons for the decrease in system performance

    How can you determine what is causing the problem in your case? What will help speed up Windows XP? We will find out based on the specific situation.

    Windows XP computer boots slowly

    Possible reasons

    • A large number of automatically launched programs.
    • Accumulation of garbage in startup.
    • Viral infection.
    • “Heavy” design theme.


    • Disable autorun of unnecessary and especially missing programs using the system setup utility. To do this, press the “Windows” and “R” key combination and enter the command in the “Open” line of the “Run” program Msconfig and click OK. Open the Startup tab and uncheck the applications that you want to disable from starting automatically. Be careful, you don’t need to disable something you don’t know the purpose of.
    • Next, open the “Services” tab. Check “Do not display Microsoft services.” Only application services and Windows components, the disabling of which is not particularly important for the operation of the system. Uncheck the boxes next to the services of programs you do not need. Be careful, disable antivirus, Plug and Play(Microsoft) and what you don't know is not recommended.
    • You can also use the following method to determine which programs and services affect your boot speed the most: completely disable autostart of applications and services (except Microsoft) and restart your computer. If the system starts up faster after this, enable the disabled part and reboot again. This way you can easily find the culprit.
    • If the described methods fail to find the source of the problem, and also if there are files or services unknown to you in the startup list, perform a full anti-virus scan.
    • If you don't have the most powerful computer, you can speed up its operation by not using non-standard themes. To improve the performance of Windows, disable additional “decorations” that do not provide any benefit other than aesthetic ones. Right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut and select “Properties”. Open the “Advanced” tab. Click the “Options” button in the “Performance” section of the window. To disable all visual effects, click “Ensure best performance" You can disable only some of the parameters by unchecking the checkboxes in the “Special Effects” list.

    Overall system performance is reduced and your Windows XP computer runs slowly

    Possible reasons

    • The system is “cluttered” with the remnants of not completely deleted programs.
    • A lot of unnecessary stuff in startup.
    • File fragmentation.
    • Excessively full system partition.
    • Wasted virtual memory (swap file).
    • Viral infection.
    • Excessive background activity of the system and programs.
    • Switching the IDE controller of the hard drive on which the system is installed to PIO mode.

    Speed ​​up your system by cleaning up junk and disabling unused features

    • Remove unnecessary items from startup using the method described above.
    • Perform a disk cleanup regular means Windows XP: Open the “My Computer” folder, right-click on the C drive and select “Properties”. On the General tab, click Disk Cleanup. From the list provided, select files to delete (from the Recycle Bin, temporary folders, old system recovery files, logs, index directories, etc.). You can check “Compress old files” - this will slightly increase the space on the system partition.
    • By going to the “Advanced” tab, disable unused Windows components, uninstall unnecessary programs and delete old system restore points.
    • To clear the registry of unnecessary entries, use third party applications, such as CCleaner, Auslogics Registry Cleaner, JetClean, Registry Optimizer and similar ones. Using the same programs, you can clean temporary folders, search for and delete duplicate files, manage startup, and otherwise optimize the system. It is only important to understand that using such tools without proper experience and knowledge can lead to the crash of Windows, and do not forget to create control points recovery.
    • To reduce the load on PC resources and thereby cause some acceleration of the system, do not forget to close programs that are in given time don't use it and turn it off background services, affecting performance. Such as event log, shadow copying volumes and other things that are listed, for example, . Also in the properties of local disks (opened through context menu each drive in the “My Computer” folder) on the “General” tab, uncheck “Allow disk indexing for quick search” - this option, in addition to causing faster data search, reduces the overall performance of Windows XP.

    Rationalize disk space allocation

    • Defragment the files on your hard drive. From the “Start” menu – “All Programs” – “Accessories” – “System Tools”, select “Disk Defragmenter”. First, click the “Analyze” button, and if the system informs you that the volume needs to be defragmented, click the “Defragmentation” button.
    • If your problem is caused by a lack of free space on the partition where the system is installed, move some of the user data to other places so that at least a third of the system partition space remains empty.

    Optimizing Memory Usage

    • To use memory efficiently, configure the paging file (pagefile.sys) - a special place on the hard drive where the system transfers part of the data from RAM for temporary storage. This is especially true if your computer is equipped with only one to two gigabytes of RAM. To configure the paging file, right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut and open the “Advanced” tab. Click the Settings button in the Performance section. Here also open the “Advanced” tab and click “Change” in the “Virtual memory” section. Set the size of pagefile.sys to 1.5 - 2 times the amount of RAM you have. Higher magnification or complete shutdown swap files are unlikely to speed up your computer.
    • If hard drive has more than one logical partition, it is advisable to move the paging file from drive C to where Windows is not installed. To do this, on the same tab, select a non-system partition in the list of disks (in our example, drive F), specify the size of the paging file and click “Set”. Windows XP performance should improve.

    The mode in which the controller operates also has a strong impact on computer performance. hard drives(applies only IDE drives). Normally it operates in the mode direct access to memory (DMA) bypass central processor– this ensures high performance. In cases of various problems, the controller can automatically switch disks to PIO mode (in other words in simple language- this is memory access using a processor), which is several times slower. And although the problem is not directly related to Windows XP (it is usually a hardware problem), in some cases it can be dealt with using system settings.

    • Launch Device Manager through the properties of “My Computer”, “Hardware” tab.
    • In the list of “IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers”, find the primary IDE channel.
    • Using the context menu, open its properties and go to the “ tab Additional options” – section “Device 0” (this is your system disk).
    • If the “Transfer Mode” line is “PIO Only,” switch it to “DMA if available.” This action can speed up the performance of your PC several times.

    Over time, the performance of any operating system, even if it is fully functional. This process can be compared to the natural aging of the body, during which “toxins”—biological debris—accumulate in cells throughout life. It’s the same with Windows XP: despite periodic cleaning, after one or two years its performance is already noticeably reduced. This is due to the fact that standard methods system cleaning tools are not effective enough - even after correct uninstallation of programs, some of the garbage remains, gradually reducing performance. The computer, accordingly, loses its former agility, and the user cannot understand why this is happening.

    Of course, you can completely reinstall the system every year or buy new hardware for your computer, but we still believe that increasing productivity using such methods is not very rational.

    To speed up your PC and slow down the system slagging process, do the following at least once every 2–3 months:

    • full anti-virus scan of all hard drives and removable media, you can additionally use tools to combat Trojans and adware, such as Ad-Adware, Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware, etc.
    • periodically cleaning temporary folders - you can use the standard one Windows feature“Disk Cleanup”;
    • checking the file system for errors with a correction function using the utility Windows utilities chkdsk.

    And for better uninstallation of programs, use third-party applications, such as Revo Uninstaller, Uninstall Tool and analogues. Then the system will accelerate naturally and your computer will maintain good performance for a long time.

    Today we will look at how you can optimize Windows XP and improve computer performance. You can work quite comfortably even on an old and weak computer. The main thing is to optimize Windows XP and you will notice that the computer begins to work much faster than before.

    The tips that we will describe below also apply on powerful computers, but the result will simply not be as noticeable, because powerful computer and it works very quickly, but we can be quite sure that the computer’s resources are not wasted.

    So, let's start improving the performance of the computer.

    1. We remove unnecessary things on the desktop.

    If there are many different shortcuts, folders and files on the desktop, and a picture is installed, then this takes up a certain amount of memory. And if the computer is weak, then the first thing you need to do is clean the desktop, remove unnecessary shortcuts, move folders to disks, etc. It is highly advisable to remove background picture from the desktop.

    2. Reduce color quality.

    In order to reduce the color rendering quality in the screen properties, you must go to the “Options” tab and select “Color rendering quality” Medium (16 bits). Almost nothing will be noticeable to the eye, but the load on the graphics subsystem will be greatly reduced.

    3. Customizing the user interface.

    On a weak computer, it is advisable to choose a classic design style. To do this, go to the screen properties and on the “Design” tab, in the “Windows and Buttons” list, select “Classic style”.

    And one more important point. In order to further reduce the load on the computer, you need to go to the computer properties, on the “Advanced” tab, in the “Performance” parameters, on the “Visual effects” tab, set the switch to “Ensure the best performance.” All these disabled effects allow the computer to work even faster.

    4. Disable autorun programs.

    One of the reasons for the slow operation of the system, and its slow loading when the computer is turned on, is a lot various programs in startup. During installation, some programs are added to startup and are constantly launched along with the computer, these are programs such as ICQ, Skype, torrent and others.

    All unnecessary programs from startup just need to be removed. To do this, we go to “Start”, then click the “Run” button and in the window that opens, write msconfig and press enter on the keyboard.

    In the window that opens, go to the “Startup” tab and uncheck the boxes next to programs that we do not need when we turn on the computer. The next time you start the computer, you can see that in the “Taskbar”, this is where the clock is, we have fewer icons. Now Windows will load a little faster, and there will be more RAM.

    5. Clean the system disk.

    It happens that there is not enough free space on the disk where Windows is installed. And it’s impossible to create a paging file or the system is constantly slowing down, prompts to perform disk cleanup constantly appear.

    In such cases, you need to remove unnecessary files, clean temporary folders Temp files etc.

    By following the above tips, you can significantly improve computer performance.

    How to speed up Windows XP. How to optimize Windows XP. How to improve Windows XP performance

    1) How to speed up (optimally
    optimize) the work of Windows XP

    1. Bringing back the classic style of the Start menu.

    Right-click on the taskbar, "Properties", "Start Menu" tab, select "Classic Start Menu", click "OK".

    2. Remove design effects.

    Right-click on an empty area of ​​the screen, menu item "Properties", tab "Appearance". Select the "Classic style" of windows and buttons. Click the "Effects" button. Uncheck all the checkboxes except the last one.

    3. Turn on the display of hidden and system files and folders.

    In the "Control Panel" select "Folder Options". In the window that opens, select "Use regular Windows folders" - this will save us from unnecessary decorations that slow down the navigation process. Go to the "View" tab. Check the box "Do not cache thumbnails" - otherwise, when viewing folders with graphic files Windows will litter it with miniature copies of pictures, check the box "Display Control Panel" in the "My Computer" folder; uncheck the boxes "Remember display settings for each folder" (optional) and "Hide protected system files"; select the option "Show hidden files and folders."

    4. Remove visual effects.

    In the "Control Panel" select "System". In the "Advanced" tab, in the "Performance" frame, click on the "Options" button. In the window that opens, select “Visual effects” and uncheck all the boxes.

    5. Disable error reporting.

    Call "System Properties" and on the "Advanced" tab - "Error Reporting", select "Disable Error Reporting".

    6. Remove Windows Messenger.

    Every time the system boots, Messenger also starts, slowing down the boot process and consuming system resources. In the command line Start - "Run" type the following: "RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove" and click "OK". After restarting Windows Messenger you will no longer find Messenger on your computer.

    7. Set the optimal value for the paging file.

    "System Properties" - "Advanced" - "Performance" - "Advanced" - "Virtual Memory" - "Change". It is recommended to set the initial size and maximum to the same. For normal work, it is enough to multiply the available memory by 1.5. Games require two, two and a half times more memory.

    8. Reduce the delay time before expanding submenus.

    Start - "Run" and type "regedit". In the registry we find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. Change the MenuShowDelay parameter from 400 to 0.

    9. Remove unnecessary programs from startup.

    Start - "Run" and type "msconfig". "Startup" tab - uncheck the boxes next to those programs that you do not need.

    10. Clear the "prefetch" folder - C:\windows\prefetch.

    This folder contains links to launched applications and programs. Some of the links are no longer used or are rarely used, but when loading, the system checks for the presence of links in this folder. Over time, the number of links in this folder increases so much that the system takes more time to scan. Cleaning out this folder will speed up your system performance. It is not recommended to reboot the system after cleaning the folder. This will degrade performance.

    11. Disable indexing.

    Open “My Computer,” right-click on the hard drive icon and select “Properties.” In the window that opens, uncheck “Allow disk indexing for quick search.” After clicking the “Apply” or “OK” buttons, a new window will appear in which you will be asked whether to apply the selected attributes only to the current drive or to attached files and folders too. As a result, the system will run a little faster. Applicable only to drives with the NTFS file system.

    12. Archive files do not represent folders.

    Windows XP considers "Zip" files to be folders - this is useful if you have a fast computer. On slower systems, you can force Windows XP to disable this feature (if you have another archiver, such as "RAR") by typing "regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll" at the command line. You can return everything back with the command "regsvr32 zipfldr.dll".

    13. Change the priority of interrupt requests (IRQs).

    If you increase the priority of CMOS memory and real-time clock, you can increase the performance of all elements of the motherboard. Open "System Properties" - "Hardware" button "Device Manager". Now open the properties of the device you are interested in and select the "Resources" tab. Here you can see which IRQ number is used by the selected device. Note the interrupt number and close all windows. Run RegEdit. Find the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/PriorityControl. Create a new DWORD key IRQ#Priority (where "#" is the IRQ number) and set it to "1". For example, in our case, IRQ08 is reserved for System CMOS. Therefore, we created the IRQ8Priority key.

    14. Disabling an unused POSIX subsystem can slightly increase the speed of operation.

    Launch "Regedit". Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control SessionManager\SubSystems branch in the registry editor and delete the Optional and Posix lines.

    15. Do not record the last access to files (NTFS only).

    Speeds up access to directories with a large number of files. In the registry editor "Regedit" HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem parameter NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate, value "1"

    16. Do not use a swap file to store the system kernel.

    By default, WinXP dumps the kernel and system drivers into the page file when they are not in use. Using this option, you can tell WinXP to keep the kernel and system drivers always in memory. Run "Regedit" HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management parameter DisablePagingExecutive, "1" - do not use the paging file to store the system kernel, "0" - use

    Setting up the paging file. Right-click "My Computer" - "Advanced" - "Performance Options" - "Advanced" - "Change"

    For Windows XP:

    512 Mb 2048 Mb
    1024 Mb RAM – optimal size swap file 1312 Mb
    2048 Mb RAM – optimal paging file size 1024 Mb
    4024 Mb RAM – optimal paging file size 512 -512 Mb
    6 GB(or higher) RAM – no page file (those 0 Mb, i.e. disabled)

    The swap file, like any other, tends to become fragmented, which raises the question of the need to defragment it in order to return to its former performance. However, there is a way to reduce the speed and severity of file fragmentation. To do this, you just need to set the maximum and minimum sizes to be the same:

    17. Automatically unload unused libraries.

    This feature will help free up memory. Run "Regedit" HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer parameter AlwaysUnloadDLL, value "1" - unload libraries, value "0" - do not unload. value 1 - unload libraries, value 0 - do not unload, value 1 - unload libraries, value 0 - do not unload.

    Note: the system may become unstable when this option is enabled.

    18. Use fast user switching.

    If the option is enabled, then when switching to another user, the current user's programs will continue to work. Otherwise, programs will automatically turn off when the user logs out, and the computer will work faster with the next user. Run "Regedit" HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon parameter AllowMultipleTSSessions, value "1" - use fast user switching

    19. Disable the built-in debugger Dr. Watson.

    If the option is disabled, then if there is an error in the program, a corresponding error message will be displayed with the OK and Cancel buttons; when you click OK, the application ends, and when you click Cancel, the debugger is launched. In the registry editor "Regedit" HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug set the "Auto" parameter to "0"

    20. Do not keep track of document opening history.

    Do not keep a history of "Recently Used Documents". Windows XP creates shortcuts to launched programs in the Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Recent folder. You can disable this feature if you do not use them. Run "Regedit" HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer parameter NoRecentDocsHistory, value "1" - history is not maintained

    21. Automatically terminate frozen applications.

    This option is used to automatically close all hung programs without any warning. Convenient when shutting down your computer; if the application is not responding, you don’t have to press a button to shut it down. Run "Regedit" HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop parameter AutoEndTasks, value "1" - automatically terminate frozen applications, "0" - wait for user input

    22. Disable the message about low disk space.

    Do not display a message about low disk space. It makes sense to use this option on small disks. Run "Regedit" HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer parameter, NoLowDiskSpaceChecks, value "1" - message disabled, "0" - enabled

    23. Block automatic updates in Windows Media Player.

    Windows Media Player periodically establishes a connection via the Internet to check for the existence of a new version of the program (Tools-Options-Automatic updates frame). You can disable this feature in Windows Media Player. Run "Regedit" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsMediaPlayer parameter DisableAutoUpdate, value "1".

    24. Release of the channel (bandwidth) reserved for the QoS service.

    Windows XP by default allocates part of the Internet channel for Quality of Service (QoS). The purpose of QoS is to improve the traffic distribution of programs written with the QoS API in mind. You won’t find these programs, so reserving a channel for an unnecessary service is an unaffordable luxury. In order to free up the already narrow channel of the domestic connection to the Internet, in the Start menu -> Run, launch the group policy editor gpedit.msc. To run, you need to be a system administrator.

    In the "Computer Configuration" section, select "Administrative Templates", then "Network" and then in the right pane, select "QoS Packet Manager" and double-click on it. Select the "Limit reserved bandwidth" option and double-click on it again. In the window that opens, turn on Enabled, and then specify the channel limit as a percentage equal to zero, click "OK" and exit the program. Open "Network Connections" in the "Control Panel", open the properties of your connection and on the "Network" tab, make sure that the "QoS Packet Scheduler" protocol is enabled. If it is not there, then add it from the list and restart your computer.

    2) How to increase the performance (speed) of Windows XP

    Over time, computers become slower as file layouts become less organized and resources are wasted on unused software. Microsoft Windows XP offers tools to clean up your computer and restore its performance.

    1.Removing unused programs

    First, remove unused programs. Programs take up space on your computer, and some of them run in the background without your knowledge. Removing unused programs will restore your computer's performance.

    2.Installing and running anti-spyware programs

    Most programs can be uninstalled using Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel, but antispyware programs are more difficult to uninstall. These programs can be detected and removed using Windows Defender (available for free download from Microsoft) or another anti-spyware program. You should always have an anti-spyware program installed on your computer, since spyware can install itself on your computer without your knowledge. After installing an antispyware program, run it to detect and remove unwanted programs.

    Good day, dear readers. Today I would like to look at how to speed up your computer.

    For a long time now, productive, multi-core computers have come into our lives, with which there seemed to be no bugs or glitches. Windows XP is not scary.

    But this did not save users from the most basic problem: the brakes and instability of the system itself.

    I also want to note that any computer, from old single-core ones to more powerful four, six and eight-core ones, can be optimized for stable and relatively fast operation.

    The same applies to slow work, any computer can slow down greatly due to overload, incorrect installation, uninstallation and use of programs.

    It's not uncommon for me to watch a 5-minute download Windows XPSP3, despite the fact that the computer is equipped with a powerful 4 nuclear processor and 4 GB of RAM. At the same time, the users themselves say:

    - The computer is probably weak, maybe add more RAM.

    Yes, probably, if instead of 4 GB of RAM there were 16 GB, then everything could be shoved onto the processor🙂

    This article will be designed for two categories of computers.

    1. Multi-core.

    2. .

    Later you will understand why I drew such a parallel. Now let's look at“Optimizing Windows XP to speed up multi-core computers” .

    2 Speed ​​up your computer

    2. A rare, but quite unpleasant situation is when you purchased a computer with a pre-installed operating system, but Windows optimization XP is frankly lame.

    For example, drivers are incompatible or not all OS (Operating System) components work normally.

    In this case, either reinstall the operating system yourself or contact the store. Personally, I am inclined to the first option because... it is faster and more efficient.Because in a store, it is unlikely that they will reinstall the system for you normally if they gave you a computer with such an OS.

    To reinstall Windows correctly, I recommend that you read the article -.

    Initially, the computer may take a long time to boot due to incorrect settingsBIOS.To get everything back to normal, reset the settings toBIOSdefault. More about the correct ones.

    3 Speed ​​up loading windows xp sp3

    3. Now the situation is more common, when at first everything was in order, but after some time (usually 3-6 months) the computer begins to slow down, takes a long time to load and produces some errors.

    1) The first thing to do is check the list installed programs and if you don’t use some, you should completely remove them. article on how to properly conduct a complete .

    2) The next point is to check the disk for fragmentation and errors.

    If you have a lot of fragmented files on your disk, you should immediately do this, then check your hard disk for errors; if there are any, they need to be corrected.

    3) Keep it under control free space your HDD, especially this applies to your system disk. Conduct an audit every month for unused programs and other files. Any excess must be removed immediately.

    Very often, after uninstalling unused programs, a bunch of unused files accumulate in the registry. will help speed up your computer.

    Remember, the fewer files on your hard drive, the better. Try not to let the system partition of your hard drive become more than 90% full.And also don't forget about optimization of hard disk - .

    4) Reboot your computer more often. Perhaps for some unexpected advice on the topic of how to speed up a computer, but this is very important.

    If you have 1-2 GB of RAM on your computer, and at the same time you are working in resource-intensive applications, you have several dozen windows open at the same time, etc. If there is not enough RAM, it will be taken from the hard drive.

    And this really slows down the work of the HDD, and everyone running programs using its swap file. Perform Reset (reboot) more often, give your computer and your eyes a rest.

    5) If your computer has 2GB or more of RAM, I recommend disabling the page file.

    To do this, go to the properties of my computer, go to the advanced tab, and click on the first button settings in the performance section.

    In the new window that opens, click on the additional tab, and at the very bottom, in the virtual memory section, click change.

    Here you are prompted to configure the settings virtual memory, you can increase its volume, change its location, but now we are interested in something else. At the very bottom, you need to check the “No paging file” option, then click set and OK.

    After this, you will be prompted to restart your computer. We reboot and now the swap file will not slow down your system.

    And if you overdo it with windows, you will receive a warning that there is not enough memory, this will mean that you need to reboot the system, turn off and then turn on the program again, or.

    In any case, now your HDD will have no reason to growl🙂due to heavy load, and the computer will work faster.

    By the way, if the paging file cannot be completely disabled, since there is not enough RAM, then I advise you to read the article on how to set it up.

    6) Turn off visual effects. It is possible that after disabling the paging file when running just a few programs, a low memory signal may pop up, although you have 2 GB, and the programs require only 1 GB, well, 1.5 GB at most.

    What then eats the rest? The answer is simple. Visual effects. Those who completed the previous procedure to eliminate the page file probably noticed the visual effects tab, which we bypassed.

    This is exactly what interests us now. I recommend leaving only two visual effects, these are styles and shadows.

    This way the design will not suffer much, and the memory will feel more comfortable. You can remove them all altogether, but then Windows design XP will be no different from Windows 2000. In general, experiment and see what you like best.

    7) No more startup programs. Since we touched on the question of where the memory goes. Then we simply have to control autoloading.

    The thing is that most programs, after installation, have the property of auto-launching every time you start them Windows without our permission.

    At the same time, the loading time of the OS increases, because you need to load all the programs that are available in startup.

    Then each of these programs takes over a certain amount of RAM and waits for people to access it. Which is most likely unlikely.

    To disable programs from startup, you need to click on the start button, select run and enter the command "Msconfig". If everything is done correctly, then such a window will open for you.

    and disable everything except the antivirus (we will need it later).

    Click OK. We will be asked to reboot, to which we confidently answer yes. If you had a lot of programs in startup, then you will immediately feel an increase in the speed of loading the operating system.

    In fact, these are just the basics fast increase productivity. I hope optimizing Windows XP will benefit your computer.

    In the future, we will look at a lot of interesting tips that will allow you to speed up your computer significantly. If you don't want to miss the next article,

    Expert: Victoria