• I lost my phone, what should I do? Procedure if you lose your mobile phone. What to do if your switched off phone is lost

    A lost cell phone turns into a serious nuisance for the subscriber - it is impossible to contact the right people and colleagues, go online or use mobile payment applications to pay for services. How to find a lost mobile phone and what is needed for this purpose? In our high-tech time of information and communications, the search for a missing phone has every chance of being successful when using all existing search methods.

    Working methods for finding a missing phone

    My mobile phone is missing - how to find it? This is one of the most popular queries in Internet search engines. The main reason is not even the cost of the gadget, but the volume and value of the contents of the phone's memory. Users value contact lists, photos and videos taken and carefully stored on the phone, as well as account logins and passwords, often linked to payment details. In addition, the absence of a number linked to a bank card makes it impossible to use it for online payment.

    Of course, restoring most of the data is possible, but First, we recommend trying to find the missing phone. What are the ways to find a missing mobile phone?

    • Visiting the last places of residence before the disappearance;
    • Checking the pockets of things and bags;
    • Dial yourself from someone else’s number - if the handset is nearby, you will hear a call;
    • Order location tracking (not supported by all models).

    Any of these methods may or may not be successful.

    Searches in recent places

    Today, few people part with a mobile phone for at least a few minutes, so the disappearance is noticed within 5 to 30 minutes from the moment of loss. Scroll through the last half hour in your memory - the place, the activity, whether there was a conversation, where they could have hung up.

    One of the most likely options is to leave it at the cash register of the store where you paid for the purchase. If you just left the parking lot, then most likely your cell phone remained in the car or fell out on the seat or near the car door. When leaving the office, come back and double check workplace– the phone quite possibly remained on the table or in a drawer. If you were in a crowded place - transport, stops, etc. – returning does not make sense, since he is no longer there.

    If you were in nature, one of the likely chances is to find a dropped mobile phone among the grass. You can make your search easier by dialing your number and focusing on the call.

    You should not dial your number when you are far from the possible location of the mobile phone. His signal may attract unnecessary interest from others who may appropriate the find. Return to the expected place of loss and only then dial. Or call the operator and turn on the number blocking so that no one calls phone light prey.

    Pocket inspection

    One of the simplest and most effective search options is an inspection of clothing pockets. Many pockets and holes in the lining do a good job of hiding small pipes from the owner. Also a popular place to go missing are spacious handbags filled with a bunch of necessary little things. It is in their wilds that ladies most often lose their cell phones.

    Search by subscriber number

    Is it possible to search mobile gadget using subscriber number? Technically everything is possible. But to do this, you need to report the theft to the police. If the reason for the urgent search is really important, then the phone will be found. But the majority of such cases are not moving forward.

    If there was no theft, but only an ordinary loss, then the application will not be accepted and will not be searched for. Note: the police search for stolen handsets through IMEI, not the mobile operator number. An attacker can change the SIM card, but the IMEI does not change, and when a stolen handset is detected, a new user is easily installed. Also, the police can find out the location of a mobile phone, but not using satellite technology, but by requesting data cell towers operator.

    You won’t be able to find out the coordinates yourself; to obtain this data, the provider needs to submit a police request.

    Searching with the help of a satellite

    You can find out the location of a lost mobile phone both by geolocation of the mobile network and using satellite technologies. For this purpose, a mobile device is installed special program, V constant mode monitoring her geographical coordinates. In case of loss, you can track the location of the loss on the Internet using the services of application authors. Using them, you can remotely lock your phone.

    Don't forget that GPS quickly drains your device, so basic search operations are based on network operator data. Connecting the handset to the Internet increases the chances of success. Finding a turned off mobile device becomes much more difficult.

    For modern man loss mobile phone is a serious nuisance. There are at least two reasons for frustration in this case. Firstly, the device itself often costs a lot of money. And secondly, its memory contains information that is extremely necessary for the owner and is not intended for prying eyes. This can be personal correspondence, photos and videos, as well as secret data, for example, passwords from payment services or working papers. How can I find my phone if it is lost or stolen? This article describes effective ways to search mobile devices even when they are turned off.

    If your phone is lost at home

    How to find a mobile phone if you know for sure that it is lost in a house or apartment? The most in a simple way search will, of course, call your number from another device. In this case, the gadget must be turned on.

    If your phone battery is low, you can only rely on your own memory and attentiveness. In this case, it is recommended to try to remember in detail the events that preceded the loss of the mobile device. You should follow this route, carefully examining everything around you. After all, the gadget could, for example, fall behind the sofa, or it lies unnoticed on a shelf, covered with another thing. It could even end up in the refrigerator or trash can.

    If you have an alarm clock set on your phone, this can greatly facilitate the search, because the alarm almost always goes off even when the device is turned off. Ensure silence at the time when the mobile phone is about to ring, and listen carefully, while following the sound.

    If your phone is lost on the street

    Obviously, the chances of finding a mobile device lost on the street or in a public place are significantly lower than in the previous case. But don't give up. How to find phones under such circumstances?

    First of all, you should call your number. The mobile device could be picked up by a person who, free of charge or for a certain reward, would happily return the gadget to its rightful owner.

    If this action does not bring results, you need to strain your memory and try to determine the place where the mobile phone was lost. You should remember where the gadget was last used and thus try to narrow down the search area. It is worth posting notices about the loss of the device along the entire travel route with a request to return the mobile phone for a reward. Also in an efficient way may be posting notes in relevant social network groups.

    And if the device is turned off, how to find the phone? Using the IMEI number, which is unique for each mobile and does not change when changing the SIM card, you can search for the gadget even when it is not working. This process will be described in detail below.

    If the phone is stolen

    If it is known for sure that the phone was stolen, a reward should be offered for the return of the gadget. After all, this thing was stolen precisely for the purpose of profit. From a mobile device that belongs, for example, to your friend, you need to send a message to your number indicating the amount you are willing to pay the thief for the phone.

    You should also check with your family members and loved ones to see if any of them are using applications that determine your location on your mobile phone. If this is the case, then you need to report the available phone coordinates to the police so that their employees can find and return the gadget to the owner.

    How to find phones that are stolen if the above methods were ineffective in your case? Should be submitted To do this, you need to collect evidence that will confirm that the device belongs to you. That is, find the package of documents received upon purchase. Next, you need to go directly to the police and write a corresponding statement. Then you need to report the device theft to the operator mobile communications. After providing the necessary package of documents confirming that the phone is indeed stolen and you are its rightful owner, permission will be issued to access information about this device. The operator will need to notify you if anyone uses the device.

    Are there other ways to find a phone? You can also try to find the device using the IMEI number. To do this add this unique code mobile to the worldwide database. And if someone finds your phone, they will be able to contact you using the specified coordinates.

    Depending on the operating system with which the mobile device is controlled, there are several ways to find the phone. Android, iOS and Windows Phone support various applications, which have similar operating principles. More follows below detailed description such search methods.

    Finding a phone with iOS operating system

    How to find phones if they have iOS installed? It won't be difficult at all. After all, the iPhone initially has a function for determining the location of the device. The main thing is that it is activated before the gadget is lost or stolen.

    In order to detect such a phone, the owner should log into iCloud using his account and click “Find iPhone”. After this, the screen will display a list of your devices controlled by iOS help. If the gadget search function is active and the phone itself is turned on, the service will determine the location of the iPhone.

    If you select the “Information” icon on the location panel, you can send an SMS, play the selected melody, lock the device, or delete all existing data from it.

    After determining the location of the phone, you need to analyze the information received. If the specified area is not familiar to the owner, his friends and acquaintances do not live there, then the device is in the hands of a thief. You need to immediately block the gadget before an ill-wisher has time to use your personal information or disable the Find iPhone function.

    The specified coordinates of the device’s location must be reported to the police so that their employees can find and return the phone to its rightful owner.

    Finding a phone with the Windows Phone operating system

    If control lost device carried out with using Windows Phone, how to find a phone? You should run a special application from Microsoft through your computer, which allows you to determine the location of your mobile device.

    Also in this program there are other useful features. If you press the “Call” button, the phone will ring until the corresponding key on the device is pressed.

    When you press the “Block” button, a blocking message will appear on the device screen, which can be removed by entering a password known only to the owner.

    If you press the Erase key, all data contained in your phone will be deleted. It should be remembered that after this it will not be possible to use even the location function.

    After establishing the coordinates of the device’s location, you need to report them to the police, reporting the theft.

    Finding a phone with Android operating system

    If the missing device has this installed operating system how to find a phone? Android supports an application such as PlanB. This program compares favorably with its analogues in that it can be installed on a phone that has already disappeared.

    To do this you need to log in Android Market using your account. Afterwards you need to install the specified program to the missing device and launch it. A letter indicating the location of the gadget will be sent to the owner’s email account. Then all that remains is to provide the received coordinates to the police, and they will help return the phone to the owner.

    Finding a phone by SIM card

    You can try to find the device by contacting directly mobile operator. This is another one of effective ways how to find a phone number. Based on the owner's last name and SIM card number, the mobile communications company is able to determine the location of the device using own channels. The main condition for this search method is that the phone must be turned on.

    Finding a phone by satellite

    How to find phones via satellite? To do this, one of the special applications must first be installed on your mobile device. Programs can notify you about current location gadget and SIM card replacement, allow you to control the camera of the missing mobile, block or delete the information contained on it. There are a number of such applications, each of which is supported by a specific operating system.

    If your mobile device is equipped with a receiver GPS systems, then there are also certain programs. In order to see the location of such a phone, you need to register on a special website, and after that you will be able to determine the necessary coordinates at any time.

    How to find a switched off phone? It is impossible to do this via satellite, because prerequisite When searching for a device using this method, the mobile phone must be turned on.

    Find a phone by IMEI code

    This is the only way that can help you find a missing phone that is turned off. The IMEI code consists of 15 digits. It is individual for each device and does not depend on the SIM card used.

    How to find a phone via IMEI? First, you need to write a statement to the police indicating the code. And secondly, you need to register IMEI number in the worldwide database. If someone discovers your mobile device, they will be able to contact you using the coordinates you left on the site.

    If the location of the stolen phone has been determined, it is not recommended to try to return your mobile phone yourself. You should contact the police.

    All documents confirming that you are the legal owner of the device must be stored in a safe place for the entire time you use the phone.

    If you still cannot find the gadget, block your account and restore the SIM card by contacting your mobile operator. The IMEI code of the stolen phone must be blacklisted. After such actions, the attacker will not be able to use the device, even using a different SIM card. These are extreme measures that should be used if you are sure that the phone will not be found.

    The owner of the gadget should install required applications to determine the location of the device in advance, without waiting for loss or theft.


    There are several ways to find a missing phone. They vary depending on the location where the device was lost or stolen, the operating system installed on the gadget, and other factors. The owner of the mobile phone should install in advance special applications, which will help determine the location of the phone if it is lost, protect the device with a password, use not the smartphone’s memory card to save data, but act quickly after identifying the fact of loss, because time plays a key role here, and prolonging the situation only plays into the hands of attackers.

    Cases where someone lost their phone and returned it safely occur much more often today than in the days of ordinary mobile phones. Thanks to your Android smartphone being equipped with geopositioning technologies, bearing in and across Wi-Fi zones, you have a good chance of avoiding potential troubles even on the most distracted day.

    Follow these instructions to find your lost phone right away

    This guide will help you connect to your device remotely and even lock it if it's stolen. Moreover, it is not so important what condition the gadget is in. Google Company took care of the situation when the owner lost a phone that was turned off or had a dead battery. And here's where to start.

    1. Find any device with Internet access (another smartphone, laptop, computer, tablet).
    2. Go to search engine Google.com.
    3. Enter " Where is my phone" or in English " Where's my phone" and select the first result in the search " Find your phone - Google Account».
    4. Or use the direct link to speed up the process.
    5. Next, in the form that opens, select “Log in to your account” and enter your Google account information (this data represents gmail address and the password for this email box, which are entered when you first start your Android smartphone and are usually written down somewhere).

    Further steps to restore access to your mobile device may vary depending on the model and equipment.

    An example is where to A-GPS system orientation in Wi-Fi networks of the IEEE 802.11n standard is added, allowing more accurate positioning of the module in space. Or with the Helio P25 processor, which saves battery power when GPS/GLONASS is activated, as well as Android 7.0 Nougat, where provided large number software Google services to protect your device from loss and theft.

    This guide will help you find out exact location an Android smartphone accidentally left in an unknown place, provided that it is or has recently been connected. Moreover, it has a battery charge, an operating system version no lower than Android 4.4 KitKat, and the settings do not prohibit detection by GPS, Wi-Fi or mobile networks. But what to do if your phone is lost and you can’t find it via satellite?

    Google has provided detection options in other circumstances:

    • if the device does not have active GPS, then detection via Wi-Fi and mobile communications is enabled;
    • when all communication functions are disabled or absent (for example, in the subway or the basement of a building), the phone's last known location is displayed;
    • You can also find a disconnected phone by the last point it was detected on the network (provided that you did not prohibit Google from recording location history).

    If you were still unable to restore the last location of the device, then there are other ways besides official service Android.

    If you have lost a switched off phone on which GPS and Wi-Fi are forcibly prohibited

    Check them all out existing options below and try to complete them sequentially. This will increase your chances of getting your digital companion back.

    1. Call your carrier from another phone and ask to block your SIM card, stating that there is a threat to your personal data and the risk of losing access to mobile banking. You will be asked for IMEI (the 15-digit number is unique for each phone and is indicated on the package box). Learn about the ability to determine the location of a phone using cell tower cells.
    2. Contact the nearest police station if there is even a minimal risk of theft.

    What you will need to contact the Belarusian police:

    • phone purchase receipt, which will be documentary evidence of ownership;
    • a completed loss application indicating the last name, first name and patronymic of the person who lost the device;
    • In the application, be sure to indicate the date and time of the noticed loss, a description of your situation in your own words.
    1. Ask your acquaintances and friends to spread the post about your missing phone in social networks. This very often helps to detect a loss “among our own” or even find a device at flea markets, especially if it is . Don’t miss the opportunity to track the appearance of the same phone among other recently posted used items on the Internet.

    The best prevention of such trouble is to prepare for the situation in advance, so that in the rush and nerves you never wonder how to find lost phone. Already for free and without unnecessary nerves, you will immediately get access to your Android device if the geographic positioning function via A-GPS, Wi-Fi and cellular networks. To do this, it is recommended to get a smartphone with modern processor And good battery, like (lithium-polymer with a capacity of 4200 mAh) or (in addition to the frameless design, it has an energy-efficient configuration of a compact 5.3-inch screen with a 3000 mAh battery).

    Mobile phones have ceased to be something outlandish for ten years now, but the interest of thieves and robbers in them is still high: according to analysts, mobile phones are the target of more than 80% of street crimes. This means that you need to protect your pipe almost first of all.

    We've put together tips that will increase your chances of getting your phone back after it's stolen and reduce the damage if it's completely lost.

    1. Find out your IMEI code

    This is the step that needs to be taken before your phone goes missing. Right now.

    IMEI ( International Mobile Equipment Identity) – International identifier mobile equipment. It is assigned to the phone at the factory, so the code is tied to the device, and not to its owner.

    IMEI is stored in the phone's firmware and identifies your device before making a call, regardless of what SIM card is in it. You can find a phone by IMEI only if it is not turned off.

    How to find out your IMEI code?

    1) Dial *#06# on your phone - most mobile phones display the IMEI code for this request.

    2) Turn off the phone and remove the battery. The IMEI code should be indicated below it on a white sticker

    3) The IMEI code is also indicated on the phone packaging and its warranty card. If your phone is lost and you haven't written down the IMEI code in advance, this is the only way to find it.

    Write down your IMEI code and do not lose the sheet or file with these numbers. If you have a dual SIM phone, it will have two IMEI numbers.

    2. Block your SIM card

    The thieves have the phone, which means they have access to your:

    1. Money deposited on the number. You don't want anyone to make calls abroad at your expense, do you?

    2. Contacts. It is quite possible that the thieves will turn out to be hooligans and will send a couple of not very pleasant SMS to your colleagues and loved ones.

    To prevent this from happening, you need to block your SIM card. Call subscriber service your operator - after that you will have the opportunity to come to his office and pick up new SIM card, to which your old number will be linked.

    Specific actions depend on your operator: MTS, Beeline, MegaFon.

    If calls were made from your SIM card, your operator can provide information about the numbers the thief spoke to, which will be useful to the police - especially if the call was made to a home phone.

    3. Change passwords in online services

    If you check email on your phone or use other online services, change their passwords. Surely the phone remembers all your access codes (which is quite reasonable), which means you are opening the door to thieves on your Twitter, Dropbox, Instagram, and so on.

    It is unlikely that they will start posting frames processed by Instagram from your account, but still in this case it is better to be on the safe side.

    4. Go to the police

    If you are ready to go to the end, then it’s time to start the most difficult thing - go to the police and write a statement. Some tips:

    Write an application addressed to the head of the RO;

    Describe in detail the circumstances of the phone loss – where, what and how;

    Make it clear that the phone is expensive and is stored on it important information- no one will look for your Nokia 1100;

    Enter all the information about the phone: brand, model, color, IMEI code and even price;

    Attach to your application copies of documents that confirm that you are the owner of the phone.

    Assist as much as possible in finding your phone and hint to the employee who is handling your case that you will not be in debt - this will make things go faster. You need to understand that in the case of mobile phones, the police are more actively investigating robberies rather than thefts - firstly, the crime is more serious, and secondly, the officers have a good clue in the form of signs of a robber.

    Remember that if the phone is not found within the first week after it is lost, your chances of getting it back are close to zero.

    5. Find the thief yourself

    For this you will need:

    The device under iOS control or Android;

    Phone finder application;

    A certain amount of luck.

    The first and third points are clear, let’s focus on the second.

    Do you have an iPhone?

    Happy fifth iOS update on your phone by default it is Find app my iPhone. How does it work?

    1) You have lost the phone on which the application was installed.

    2) You go to icloud (or launch the application on iPhone 5s, iPad or iPod touch your friend), open the Find my iPhone tab and make a request to determine the location of the phone. iCloud will contact your device and show its location on the map. It is quite possible that your phone is nearby under some pile of papers - in this case, you can remotely make it beep (even if the phone is in silent mode).

    3) Okay, the phone is not nearby. But suddenly he fell into the hands good people? Through the same iCloud, we can display a missing message on the phone’s home screen.

    4) If you suspect that your iPhone is in the wrong hands, then you can also remotely set a four-digit password on it. Leave a friend to monitor the phone's location and follow the directions.

    5) And the final minor chord - if you understand that the phone can no longer be found, then you can at least save your personal data and erase it remotely. There's nothing wrong with that: the files still have backup on iCloud.

    You have an Android phone

    A complete analogue of Find my iPhone on Android – Where’s My Droid. The application is absolutely similar to the iPhone one, the only thing is that the ability to remotely erase information from the phone is only available in the Pro version (125 rubles).

    Returning a stolen or lost iPhone-based smartphone is much easier than regular phone. IN modern models SIM card is built in, remove it in the usual way is impossible, and to find your lost phone if it is turned off, you need to follow simple steps. To do this you need:

    On the Internet, go to the search site Apple devices, enter your password and login in the windows that appear;

    After opening the menu account select the “find iPhone” tab, which will result in a map appearing with a green or gray.

    A green dot indicates that the phone is in present moment is turned on, and if attempts to call to it are unsuccessful, then the SIM card was simply pulled out of it.

    A gray dot means that the phone is turned off, and its location indicates the location of the smartphone. If the area is familiar, and the owner of the phone had to be there, then perhaps the phone really could have been lost. This may mean that the phone may actually have been lost rather than stolen. If the area is unfamiliar, then there may be two options: the phone was stolen or someone found it and took it home.

    When you have managed to locate and find your lost phone on the map, if it is turned off, you need to block the device using the Lost Mode function. This is a service that allows you to block your smartphone. You must write a message indicating the reward for the lost device, as well as the fact that it is impossible to use the phone for its intended purpose. If no one responded to the message, then it’s time to contact the police.

    How to Find a Turned Off Android Phone

    Most mobile devices are quite easy to find when they are turned on, but finding a lost phone if it is turned off is not always possible. Fortunately, this problem no longer concerns mobile smartphones with Android OS, for which the Signal Flare application has been developed, which uses a special built-in low battery warning function to operate.

    The Signal Flare program allows you to record the location of your phone at the time it is complete discharge or battery disconnection. The signal received from the application activates the wireless service devices located in the device. Wi-Fi capabilities, GPS and transmits the received data about the location of the phone to a common server. However, if the battery is completely discharged or is removed from the device, then you will not be able to find the lost phone if it is turned off.

    How to find a switched off phone by imei code

    There are a large number of offers on the Internet to find a lost phone if it is turned off using the imei code. However, by sending a request or SMS message to such dubious companies, there is a high probability of not only the lack of results in the search for a mobile device, but also the loss of money and precious time.

    The corresponding request to search for a phone by imei in mobile companies only served law enforcement agencies based on a missing report from the owner of the phone. And the operator, using a unique assigned number and using special high-tech equipment, sets the search for the missing device.

    In order not to waste time while official structures are looking for a lost phone, you can use the services of service sites that collect data from imei codes of lost mobile devices into a database. The sites contain information about the type of mobile phone, its imei code, type of reward and method of return, so that a person who is lucky enough to find a lost phone, if it is turned off, can contact the owner to return it.