• The speed of information transfer. What are the maximum internet speeds?

    We live in an era of rapidly developing digital technologies. It is already difficult to imagine modern reality without personal computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones and others electronic gadgets, which do not function in isolation from each other, but are combined into local network and connected to the global network

    An important characteristic of all these devices is throughput network adapter, which determines the data transfer rate in a local or global network. In addition, the speed characteristics of the information transmission channel are important. IN electronic devices of the new generation, not only reading is possible text information without crashes and freezes, but also comfortable playback of multimedia files (pictures and photographs in high resolution, music, videos, online games).

    How is data transfer speed measured?

    To determine this parameter, you need to know the time during which the data was transmitted and the amount of information transmitted. Over time, everything becomes clear, but what is the amount of information and how can it be measured?

    In all electronic devices, which are essentially computers, information stored, processed and transmitted is encoded in binary system zeros (no signal) and ones (there is a signal). One zero or one one is one bit, 8 bits are one byte, 1024 bytes (two to the tenth power) are one kilobyte, 1024 kilobytes are one megabyte. Next come gigabytes, terabytes and larger units of measurement. These units are usually used to determine the amount of information stored and processed on any particular device.

    The amount of information transmitted from one device to another is measured in kilobits, megabits, gigabits. One kilobit is a thousand bits (1000/8 bytes), one megabit is a thousand kilobits (1000/8 megabytes), and so on. The speed at which data is transmitted is usually indicated in the amount of information passing in one second (kilobits per second, megabits per second, gigabits per second).

    Telephone line data transfer speed

    Currently, to connect to the global network via telephone line, which was originally the only channel for connecting to the Internet, predominantly uses ADSL modem technology. It is capable of turning analog telephone lines into means high speed transmission data. The Internet connection reaches a speed of 6 megabits per second, and the maximum data transfer speed over a telephone line using ancient technologies did not exceed 30 kilobits per second.

    Data transfer speed in mobile networks

    The 2g, 3g and 4g standards are used in mobile networks.

    2g replaced 1g due to the need for transition analog signal to digital in the early 90s. On mobile phones that supported 2g, it became possible to send graphic information. The maximum data transfer rate of 2g exceeded 14 kilobits per second. In connection with the advent of the mobile Internet, the 2.5g network was also created.

    In 2002, the third generation network was developed in Japan, but mass production mobile phones with 3g support began much later. The maximum data transfer speed over 3g has increased by orders of magnitude and reached 2 megabits per second.

    Holders the latest smartphones have the opportunity to take advantage of all the benefits of the 4g network. Its improvement is still ongoing. It will allow people living in small towns to freely access the Internet and make it much more profitable than connecting from stationary devices. The maximum data transfer speed of 4g is simply enormous - 1 gigabit per second.

    Belong to the same generation as 4g lte networks. lte standard is the first, the most early version 4g. Consequently, the maximum data transfer rate in lte is significantly lower and is 150 megabits per second.

    Fiber Optic Data Rate

    Transmission of information via fiber optic cable is by far the fastest in computer networks. In 2014, scientists in Denmark achieved a maximum fiber optic data transfer rate of 43 terabits per second.

    A few months later, scientists from the USA and the Netherlands demonstrated a speed of 255 terabits per second. The magnitude is colossal, but this is far from the limit. In 2020, it is planned to reach 1000 terabits per second. The data transfer speed over optical fiber is practically unlimited.

    Wi-Fi download speed

    Wi-Fi trademark, indicating wireless computer networks, united by the IEEE 802.11 standard, in which information is transmitted over radio channels. Theoretically, the maximum wifi data transfer speed is 300 megabits per second, but in reality best models For routers it does not exceed 100 megabits per second.

    The advantages of Wi-Fi are the ability wireless connection to the Internet using one router for several devices at once and low level radio emissions, which is an order of magnitude less than that of cell phones at the time of their use.

    With the flow technical progress The possibilities of the Internet have also expanded. However, in order for the user to take full advantage of them, a stable and high speed connection. First of all, it depends on the throughput of communication channels. Therefore, it is necessary to find out how to measure data transfer speed and what factors influence it.

    What is communication channel capacity?

    In order to familiarize yourself with and understand the new term, you need to know what a communication channel is. If we talk in simple language, communication channels are devices and means through which transmission occurs over a distance. For example, communication between computers is carried out using fiber optic and cable networks. In addition, a common method of communication is via a radio channel (a computer connected to a modem or a Wi-Fi network).

    Bandwidth is the maximum speed of information transmission in one specific unit of time.

    Typically, the following units are used to indicate throughput:

    Bandwidth Measurement

    Measuring throughput is a fairly important operation. It is carried out in order to find out the exact speed of your Internet connection. The measurement can be done using the following steps:

    • The simplest is to download a large file and send it to the other end. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to determine the accuracy of the measurement.
    • In addition, you can use the resource speedtest.net. The service allows you to measure the width of the Internet channel “leading” to the server. However, this method is also not suitable for holistic measurement; the service provides data about the entire line to the server, and not about a specific communication channel. In addition, the object being measured does not have access to global network Internet.
    • The optimal solution for measurement is the client-server utility Iperf. It allows you to measure time and the amount of data transferred. After the operation is completed, the program provides the user with a report.

    Thanks to the above methods, you can special problems measure the real speed of your Internet connection. If the readings do not meet your current needs, then you may need to think about changing providers.

    Bandwidth Calculation

    In order to find and calculate the capacity of a communication line, it is necessary to use the Shannon-Hartley theorem. It says: you can find the capacity of a communication channel (line) by calculating the mutual connection between the potential throughput, as well as the bandwidth of the communication line. The formula for calculating throughput is as follows:

    I=Glog 2 (1+A s /A n).

    In this formula, each element has its own meaning:

    • I- denotes the maximum throughput parameter.
    • G- parameter of the bandwidth intended for signal transmission.
    • A s/ A n- ratio of noise and signal.

    The Shannon-Hartley theorem suggests that to reduce external noise or increase signal strength, it is best to use a wide cable for data transmission.

    Signal transmission methods

    Today, there are three main ways to transmit signals between computers:

    • Transmission over radio networks.
    • Data transmission via cable.
    • Data transmission via fiber optic connections.

    Each of these methods has individual characteristics of communication channels, which will be discussed below.

    The advantages of transmitting information via radio channels include: versatility of use, ease of installation and configuration of such equipment. As a rule, a radio transmitter is used for receiving and method. It can be a modem for a computer or a Wi-Fi adapter.

    The disadvantages of this transmission method include unstable and relatively low speed, greater dependence on the presence of radio towers, as well as the high cost of use ( mobile internet almost twice as expensive as a “stationary” one).

    The advantages of data transmission via cable are: reliability, ease of operation and maintenance. Information is transmitted via electric current. Relatively speaking, a current at a certain voltage moves from point A to point B. A is later converted into information. The wires can withstand temperature changes, bending and mechanical stress very well. The disadvantages include unstable speed, as well as deterioration of the connection due to rain or thunderstorms.

    Perhaps the most perfect at the moment Data transmission technology is the use of fiber optic cable. Millions of tiny glass tubes are used in the design of the communication channels of the communication channel network. And the signal transmitted through them is a light pulse. Since the speed of light is several times higher than the speed of current, this technology allowed to speed up the Internet connection several hundred times.

    The disadvantages include the fragility of fiber optic cables. Firstly, they cannot withstand mechanical damage: broken tubes cannot transmit a light signal through themselves, and sudden temperature changes lead to their cracking. Well, the increased background radiation makes the tubes cloudy - because of this, the signal may deteriorate. In addition, the fiber optic cable is difficult to repair if it breaks, so it has to be completely replaced.

    The above suggests that over time, communication channels and networks of communication channels are improved, which leads to an increase in data transfer rates.

    Average capacity of communication lines

    From the above we can conclude that communication channels differ in their properties, which affect the speed of information transfer. As mentioned earlier, communication channels can be wired, wireless or based on the use of fiber optic cables. The last type of creating data networks is the most effective. And its average communication channel capacity is 100 Mbit/s.

    What is a beat? How is bit rate measured?

    Bit rate is a measurement of connection speed. Calculated in bits, the smallest units of information storage, per 1 second. It was inherent in communication channels in the era of “ early development» Internet: at that time, text files were mainly transmitted on the global web.

    Currently, the basic unit of measurement is 1 byte. It, in turn, is equal to 8 bits. Beginner users very often make a grave mistake: they confuse kilobits and kilobytes. This is where the confusion arises when a channel with a bandwidth of 512 kbps does not live up to expectations and produces a speed of only 64 KB/s. To avoid confusion, you need to remember that if bits are used to indicate speed, then the entry will be made without abbreviations: bit/s, kbit/s, kbit/s or kbps.

    Factors affecting Internet speed

    As you know, the final speed of the Internet depends on the bandwidth of the communication channel. The speed of information transfer is also affected by:

    • Connection methods.

    Radio waves, cables and fiber optic cables. The properties, advantages and disadvantages of these connection methods were discussed above.

    • Server load.

    The busier the server is, the slower it receives or transmits files and signals.

    • External interference.

    Interference has the greatest impact on connections created using radio waves. This is caused cell phones, radio receivers and other radio signal receivers and transmitters.

    Of course, connection methods, the state of servers and the presence of interference play a role important role in ensuring high-speed Internet. However, even if the above indicators are normal, and the Internet speed is low, the problem is hidden in the computer’s network equipment. Modern network cards capable of maintaining an Internet connection at speeds of up to 100 Mbit per second. Previously, cards could provide maximum throughput of 30 and 50 Mbps, respectively.

    How to increase Internet speed?

    As mentioned earlier, the throughput of a communication channel depends on many factors: the connection method, the performance of the server, the presence of noise and interference, as well as the condition of the network equipment. To increase connection speed at home, you can replace network equipment with more advanced ones, as well as switch to another connection method (from radio waves to cable or fiber optic).

    In conclusion

    To summarize, it is worth saying that communication channel bandwidth and Internet speed are not the same thing. To calculate the first quantity, it is necessary to use the Shannon-Hartley law. According to him, noise can be reduced and signal strength increased by replacing the transmission channel with a wider one.

    Increasing the speed of your Internet connection is also possible. But it is carried out by changing the provider, replacing the connection method, improving network equipment, and also protecting devices for transmitting and receiving information from sources that cause interference.

    Volume text file

    Encoding information in a PC is that each character is assigned a unique binary code. Thus, a person distinguishes characters by their outlines, and a computer - by their codes.

    KOI-8: 1 character - 1 byte = 8 bits

    UNICODE: 1 character - 2 bytes = 16 bits

    TASK 1. Assuming that each character is encoded as one byte, estimate information volume messages:

    SOLUTION: We count the number of characters in the message, taking into account spaces and punctuation marks. We get N =35. Because Since one character is encoded in 1 byte, the entire message will occupy 35 bytes in the computer memory.

    TASK 2. Rate information volume messages in Unicode: You can't pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty!

    SOLUTION: The number of characters in the message is 35. Because. V UnicodeSince one character is encoded in 2 bytes, the entire message will occupy 70 bytes in the computer memory.

    TASK 3. Define information volume a book (in MB) prepared on a computer, consisting of 150 pages (each page contains 40 lines, 60 characters per line).


    1) Count the number of characters in the book 40 * 60 * 150 = 360 000

    2) The information volume of the book will be 360,000 * 1 byte = 360 bytes

    3) Let's convert 360,000 bytes / 1024 = 351.5625 KB into given units/ 1024 = 0.34332275 MB

    The phrase length is approximately 40 characters. Investigatorbut its volume can be approximately estimated at 40 x 2 = 80 bytes. There is no such answer, let's try to convert the result to biyou: 80 bytes x 8 = 640 bits. The closest value from the previousfalse - 592 bits. Note that the difference between 640 and 592 is only 48/16 = 3 characters in a given encoding and itscan be considered unimportant compared to the length of the string.

    Z Note: By counting the characters in a string, we can verify that there are exactly 37 of them (including periods and spaces), so the estimate of 592 bits = 74 bytes, which corresponds to exactly 37 characters in a double-byte encoding, is accurate.

    Alphabetis a set of letters, punctuation symbols, numbers, spaces, etc.

    The total number of characters in the alphabet is called power of the alphabet

    TASK 4. The two texts contain the same number of characters. The first text is written in an alphabet with 16 characters. The second text in the alphabet with a capacity of 256 characters. How many times more information is in the second text than in the first?

    SOLUTION: If the first text is composed in an alphabet with a capacity (K) of 16 characters, then the amount of information carried by 1 character (1) in this text can be determined from the ratio: N = 2", thus, from 16 = 2" we get 1 = 4 bat. The capacity of the second alphabet is 256 characters, from 256 = 2" we get 1 = 8 bits. Since both texts contain the same number of characters, the amount of information in the second text is 2 times greater than in the first.

    Information transfer rate

    The speed of data transmission over communication channels is limited by the channel capacity. The throughput of the communication channel changes as does the data transfer rate in bits/sec (or a multiple of this value Kbit/s, Mbit/s, byte/s, KB/s, MB/s).
    To calculate the volume of information V transmitted over a communication channel with bandwidth a in time t, use the formula:

    V = a * t

    TASK 1. Via ADSL - connection, a file of 1000 KB in size was transferred in 32 s. How many seconds will it take to transfer a 625 KB file.

    SOLUTION:Let's find the ADSL connection speed: 1000 KB / 32 s. = 8000 Kbps / 32 s. = 250 Kbps.
    Let's find the time to transfer a 625 KB file: 625 KB / 250 Kbit/s = 5000 KB / 250 KB/s. = 20 seconds.

    When solving problems of determining the speed and time of data transmission, difficulty arises with large numbers(example 3 Mb/s = 25,165,824 bps), so it's easier to work with powers of two (example 3 Mb/s = 3 * 2 10 * 2 10 * 2 3 = 3 * 2 23 bits/s).



    2 n


    TASK 2 . The data transfer speed via ADSL connection is 512,000 bps. The file transfer over this connection took 1 minute. Determine the file size in kilobytes.

    SOLUTION: File transfer time: 1 min = 60 s = 4 * 15 s = 2 2 * 15 s
    File transfer rate: 512000 bps = 512 * 1000 bps = 2 9 * 125 * 8 bps (1 byte = 8 bits)

    2 9 * 125 bytes/s = 2 9 * 125 bps / 2 10 = 125 / 2 Kb/s

    To find the file size time, you need to multiply the transfer time by the transfer speed:

    (2 2 * 15 s) * 125 / 2 KB/s = 2 * 15 * 125 KB = 3750 KB

    The technical specifications of devices and contracts for the provision of communication services with an Internet provider include units of Kilobits per second and, in most cases, Megabits per second (Kbps; Kb/s; Kb/s; Kbps, Mbit/s; Mb/s ; Mb/s; Mbps - the letter “b” is small). These units of measurement are generally accepted in telecommunications and measure the bandwidth of devices, ports, interfaces and communication channels. Regular users and Internet providers prefer not to use such a specialized term, calling it “Internet speed” or “connection speed”.

    Many user programs (torrent clients, downloaders, Internet browsers) display data transfer speeds in other units, which are very similar to Kilobits per second and Megabits per second, but these are completely different units of measurement - Kilobytes and Megabytes per second. These quantities are often confused with each other because they have similar spellings.

    Kilobytes per second (in which user programs display the data transfer rate) are usually denoted as KB/s, KB/s, KB/s or KBps.

    Megabytes per second - MB/s, MB/s, MB/s or MBps.

    Kilobytes and Megabytes per second are always written with a capital letter “B” in both English and Russian spellings: MB/s, MB/s, MB/s, MBps.

    One Byte contains 8 bits, therefore, a Megabyte differs from a Megabit (as does a Kilobyte from a Kilobit) by 8 times.

    To convert "Megabytes per second" to "Megabits per second", you need to multiply the value expressed in MB/s (Megabytes per second) by eight.

    For example, if a browser or torrent client displays a data transfer rate of 3 MB/s (Megabytes per second), then in Megabits it will be eight times higher - 24 Mbps (Megabits per second).

    To convert from Megabits per second to Megabytes per second, divide the value expressed in Megabits per second by eight.

    For example, if tariff plan provider provides for the allocation of a bandwidth equal to 8 Mbit/s (Megabits per second), then when downloading a torrent to a computer, the client program will display maximum value at 1 MB/s (if there are no restrictions on the server side and there is no overload).

    How to test the speed of your Internet connection online?

    To test the bandwidth, you can use one of free resources Internet speed measurements: Speedtest.net or 2ip.ru.

    Both sites measure the bandwidth from the server you choose to the computer on which the speed is measured. Since the length of the communication channel can be from several hundred meters to several thousand kilometers, it is recommended to choose the geographically closest server (although it may also be heavily loaded). It is better to conduct testing at a time when the activity of the provider’s network clients is the least (for example, in the morning or late at night). The accuracy of Internet connection speed measurements is not ideal due to large quantities various factors that greatly influence throughput, but is quite capable of giving an idea of real speed Internet connections.

    The Internet provider allocates bandwidth to each subscriber for Internet access in accordance with the subscriber’s tariff plan (the provider “cuts” the speed according to the tariff plan). However, many Internet browsers, as well as file download wizards and torrent clients, display the bandwidth of the communication channel not in megabits per second, but in megabytes per second, and this often causes confusion.

    Let's test the speed of your Internet connection using the resource speedtest.net as an example. You need to click the “BEGIN TEST recommended server” button.

    The resource will automatically select the server closest to you and begin testing Internet speed. The test result will be the channel throughput from the provider to the subscriber (“DOWNLOAD SPEED”) and the channel throughput from the subscriber to the provider (“UPLOAD SPEED”), which will be expressed in Megabits per second.

    The speed through the router is “not the same”, the router “cuts” the speed

    Often, after purchasing a router, connecting and setting it up, users are faced with the problem that the Internet connection speed has become lower than before purchasing the router. This problem occurs especially often in high speed internet tariffs.

    For example, if you have a tariff plan that provides “Internet connection speed” of 100 Mbit/s, and when you connect the provider’s cable “directly” to the computer’s network card, the Internet speed fully corresponds to the tariff plan:

    When you connect the provider's cable to the WAN port of the router, and the computer to the LAN port, you can often observe a decrease in throughput (or, as they say, “the router cuts the speed of the tariff plan”):

    It is most logical to assume that in this scheme the problem is in the router itself and the speed of the router does not correspond to the speed of the tariff plan. However, if you connect to a “slower” tariff plan (for example, 50 Mbit/s), you will notice that the router no longer cuts the speed and the “Internet speed” corresponds to that specified in the tariff plan:

    Among engineers, the terminology “router cuts speed” or “router speed” is not accepted - they usually use the terms “WAN-LAN routing speed”, “WAN-LAN switching speed”, or “WAN-LAN throughput”.

    WAN-LAN throughput is measured in Megabits per second (Mbps) and is responsible for the performance of the router. The WAN-LAN switching speed and the performance of the router as a whole are determined by the router’s hardware (H/W - from the English “Hardware”, indicated on a sticker that is pasted on the bottom of the device) - this is the model and clock frequency router processor, capacity RAM, model of the switch (switch built into the router), standard and model of the WI-Fi radio module (dots Wi-Fi access), built into the router. In addition to the hardware version of the device (H/W), the version of the installed firmware installed on the router plays a significant role in the speed of WAN-LAN routing. That is why it is recommended to update the device firmware version immediately after purchase.

    After “flashing” or, professionally speaking, after updating the firmware to the recommended firmware version, the stability of the router, the level of optimization of the device for working in the networks of Russian providers, as well as WAN-LAN throughput should increase.

    It is worth noting that the WAN-LAN switching speed depends not only on the device’s hardware version (H/W) and firmware version, but also on the connection protocol to the provider.

    Most high speed WAN-LAN routing is achieved using the DHCP and Static IP connection protocols, low - when the provider uses VPN technology, and if the PPTP protocol is used - the lowest.

    WiFi speed

    Many users who connect to any Wi-Fi network are not always satisfied with the connection speed. The issue is quite complex and requires detailed consideration.

    a. Real speeds of Wi-FI technology

    This is what frequently asked questions on this topic look like:

    “My tariff plan provides a speed of 50 Mbit/s - why is it only 20?”

    “Why does the box say 54 Mbit/s, but the client program displays a maximum of 2.5 MB/s (which is equal to 20 Mbit/s) when downloading a torrent?”

    “Why does the box say 150 Mbit/s, but the client program displays 2.5 - 6 MB/s (which is equal to 20 - 48 Mbit/s) when downloading a torrent?”

    “Why does the box say 300 Mbit/s, but the client program displays 2.5 - 12 MB/s (which is equal to 20 - 96 Mbit/s) when downloading a torrent?”

    The boxes and specifications for the devices indicate the theoretically calculated maximum throughput for ideal conditions of a particular Wi-Fi standard (essentially for a vacuum).

    IN real conditions Network throughput and coverage will vary depending on interference from other devices, WiFi network congestion, the presence of obstacles (and the materials they are made of), and other factors.

    Many client utilities supplied by manufacturers along with WiFi adapters, as well as utilities operating system Windows, when connecting via Wi-Fi, displays exactly the “theoretical” bandwidth, and not the actual data transfer speed, misleading users.

    As the test results show, the maximum real throughput is approximately 3 times lower than that specified in the specifications for the device or for one or another IEEE 802.11 group standard (Wi-Fi technology standards):

    b. WLAN-WLAN. Wi-Fi speed (depending on distance)

    All modern and current Wi-Fi standards today work in a similar way.

    At any given time, active Wi-Fi equipment (access point or router) works with only one client (WiFi adapter) out of all WiFi networks, and all network devices receive special service information about how long the radio channel will be reserved for data transmission. Transfer occurs in half duplex mode those. in turn - from active Wi-Fi hardware to the client adapter, then vice versa, and so on. A simultaneous “parallel” data transfer process (duplex) is not possible in Wi-Fi technology.

    Thus, the data exchange speed between two clients (WLAN-WLAN switching speed) of one Wi-Fi network created by one device (access point or router) will (ideally) be two or more times lower (depending on the distance), than the maximum actual data transfer rate of the entire network.

    Two computers with Wi-Fi adapter IEEE 802.11g standard devices are connected to one IEEE 802.11g standard Wi-Fi router. Both computers are on a short distance from the router. The entire network has a maximum achievable theoretical throughput of 54 Mbit/s (as written in the device specifications), but the actual data exchange speed will not exceed 24 Mbit/s.

    But, since Wi-Fi technology- this is a half-duplex data transfer, then the Wi-Fi radio module has to switch between two network clients (Wi-Fi adapters) twice as often as if there was only one client. Accordingly, the actual data transfer speed between two adapters will be two times lower than the maximum real one for one client. IN in this example, the maximum real data exchange speed for each computer will be 12 Mbit/s. Let us remember that we are talking about transferring data from one computer to another via a router via a wifi connection (WLAN-WLAN).

    Depending on the distance of the network client from the access point or router, the “theoretical” and, as a result, the “real” data transmission speed over WiFi will change. Let us remember that it is approximately 3 times less than the “theoretical” one.

    This happens because active WiFi the equipment, operating in half-duplex mode, together with adapters changes the signal parameters (modulation type, convolutional coding speed, etc.) depending on the conditions in the radio channel (distance, presence of obstacles and interference).

    If a network client is in a coverage area with a “theoretical” throughput of 54 Mbit/s, its maximum actual speed will be 24 Mbit/s. When the client moves a distance of 50 meters in conditions of direct optical visibility (without obstacles or interference), it will be 2 Mbit/s. A similar effect can also be caused by an obstacle in the form of a thick load-bearing wall or massive metal structure - you can be at a distance of 10-15 meters, but behind this obstacle.

    c. IEEE 802.11n router, IEEE 802.11g adapter

    Let's look at an example when Wi-Fi network creates a Wi-Fi router standard IEEE 802.11 n (150 Mbit/s). A laptop with a Wi-Fi adapter standard IEEE 802.11n (300 Mbit/s) and desktop computer with Wi-Fi adapter standard IEEE 802.11g (54 Mbit/s):

    In this example, the entire network has a maximum “theoretical” speed of 150 Mbit/s, since it is built on a Wi-Fi router of the IEEE 802.11n standard, 150 Mbit/s. The maximum real WiFi speed will not exceed 50 Mbit/s. Since all WiFi standards operating on the same frequency range, are backward compatible with each other, then you can connect to such a network when WiFi assistance adapter standard IEEE 802.11g, 54 Mbit/s. At the same time, the maximum real speed will not exceed 24 Mbit/s. When connected to this router laptop with WiFi adapter IEEE 802.11n standard (300 Mbit/s), client utilities can display the maximum “theoretical” speed of 150 Mbit/s (the network was created by an IEEE 802.11n device, 150 Mbit/s), but the maximum real speed will not be higher 50 Mbps. In this scheme, the WiFi router will work with an IEEE 802.11g client adapter at a real speed not exceeding 24 Mbit/s, and with an IEEE 802.11n adapter at a real speed not exceeding 50 Mbit/s. Here we must remember that WiFi technology- this is a half-duplex connection and the access point (or router) can work with only one network client, and all other network clients are “notified” of the time for which the radio channel is reserved for data transmission.

    d. WiFi speed via router. WAN-WLAN

    If we are talking about connecting via Wi-Fi connection to a Wi-Fi router, the torrent download speed may be even lower than the values ​​​​given above.

    These values ​​cannot exceed the WAN-LAN switching speed, since this is the main characteristic of the router’s performance.

    Thus, if the specifications (and on the box) of the device indicate a Wi-Fi data transfer speed of up to 300 Mbit/s, and the WAN-LAN parameter for a given model, its hardware version, firmware version, as well as connection type and protocol is equal to 24 Mbit/s, then the data transfer speed over Wi-Fi (for example, when downloading a torrent) under no circumstances can exceed 3 MB/s (24 Mbit/s). This parameter is called WAN-WLAN, which directly depends on the WAN-LAN routing speed, the firmware version installed on the Wi-Fi router, the Wi-Fi radio module (dot WiFi access, built into the WiFi router), as well as from Wi-Fi characteristics adapter, its drivers, distance from the router, radio noise and other factors.


    This instruction was prepared and published by Ivan Aleksandrovich Morozov, head of the Training Center of the TRENDnet representative office in Russia and the CIS. If you want to improve your knowledge in the field of modern network technologies and network equipment - we invite you to visit us for free seminars!