• The screen of death appears, what should I do? Could the BIOS be causing problems? Problems with the remote control program

    Sometimes, especially with “well-worn” computers and laptops, incomprehensible incidents happen - the computer suddenly slows down for no reason for a split second, and then an incomprehensible message pops up on the monitor screen, in white letters on a blue background, with various squiggles and, less often, with krakozebrami. After this, as a rule, the computer restarts. Sometimes it won't boot at all, showing you an incomprehensible blue screen over and over again. "What's happened?" - you think, “probably the computer is broken, and you need to call a specialist?” The worst thing is when the blue screen of death does not crash given action or a command chaotically, that is, when your computer decides to “bounce.” This article will be about the Windows blue screen of death and what needs to be done in this case.

    1. Indicate the error code (if possible);
    2. Briefly indicate the hardware and configuration of your computer, what operating system, antivirus is installed on it and their origin?
    3. Describe briefly what was done before the error occurred (installed a new device, program, game, other actions)?
    4. How many years or months is your computer?
    5. If the laptop is the model and manufacturer of the laptop?

    Otherwise, an answer to your question is not guaranteed.

    Blue screen of death what to do?

    Before you start looking for a solution to your problem with the “Windows Blue Screen of Death”, and also before asking questions here, please make sure that you have installed a licensed copy of Windows, or an unlicensed but original one (a copy from the original media). It is in these cases that you can get qualified help here for free. If you have installed on your computer Windows assembly downloaded from the Internet - it is not advisable to ask questions here, due to the fact that the authors of this blog consider such “plots” to be initially unworkable.

    As experience has shown, most problems with the occurrence of the “Windows Blue Screen of Death” are associated precisely with the fact that you are dealing with an assembly (such as Chip, Zver, Game Edition, and the like). Please do not try to blatantly ask questions about Windows builds here.

    The answer will always be the same: Change your copy of Windows to the original one, and then come. But we are sure that with original Windows You don't have to come here because you won't experience blue screens. At least as often as in the case of assemblies. Blue screen death what to do?

    So what is it Windows Blue Screen of Death or the so-called BSOD error(aka STOP error)? It’s in vain that everyone scolds the now retired Bill Gates for saying that he and his “lazy” programmers wrote a crooked operating system, namely Windows, which has long been producing blue screens of various configurations. After all, if it weren’t for blue screen of death— a lot of data could be lost and computers damaged.

    operating room Windows system works directly with your computer's hardware, and if anything goes wrong: be it error in Windows itself, or in the driver with which Windows controls your computer, the hardware may be given the wrong command (for example, erase all data on the disk) and it will become damaged. Blue screen of death what to do?

    BSOD- such a defensive reaction of Windows, when the system can no longer be aware of its actions, and takes decisive action to make an emergency stop, they say, so as not to mess up your computer. BSOD error- occurs most often when malfunction or hardware failure in your computer. It is not uncommon to call STOP errors and when launching inadequate programs, viruses, third-party drivers, false antiviruses and other “fraudulent” equipment.

    In this article I will not only describe general recommendations for eliminating the causes and consequences Windows BSOD errors but I will also try (not immediately, of course, but gradually, according to my capabilities and availability of free time) to make a complete reference guide in an accessible, understandable language - how to deal with blue screen of death. So, my friends, please stay tuned for updates to this article. Blue screen of death what to do?

    By the way, the common term itself will soon lose its relevance, and Windows 7 is the last operating system in which it is present in its pure form. Don’t rush to rejoice - this does not mean that Microsoft will suddenly start writing ideal and super-smart programs. In Windows 8, Microsoft promises to provide BSOD errors not on a blue, but on a black background, therefore you and I will have to deal with the “Black Screen of Death”, which, in principle, does not change the essence of the problem.

    What does the message: Blue Screen of Death look like? (Blue screen of death what to do?)

    How can I figure out what is written in the STOP error if the computer constantly restarts and does not allow me to read it?

    Very often, the STOP error in Windows cannot be identified, due to the fact that you do not have time to quickly make out the scribbles on the screen, and even in English. After this, the computer immediately goes into reboot (sometimes even this happens cyclically, that is, the computer constantly reboots). To see what Windows wrote to you there and start looking for a solution to the problem, the next time you restart the computer, press and hold the F8 key on your keyboard. The login menu should appear.

    But it may be useless to us now - we are looking for the menu item " Disable automatic reboot on system failure" and enter this menu. Now, when you boot, your computer will display a window like in the photo above (you may have your own bugs, depending on the nature of the problem), and will freeze until you click Reset button . Don’t bother with Reset just yet, but it’s better to look carefully at the second paragraph written in capital letters. Write down these symbols on a piece of paper, or take a photo of what you see. Then we will also need last line blue screen of death (message like: ***STOP: 0xC0000007C and then all that nonsense that will be written) write it down on a piece of paper too. Blue screen of death what to do?

    When a blue screen of death appears, the first thing you need to do is perform a certain list of measures, which, if not always help eliminate this blue screen of death, will at least allow you to determine the cause of the blue screen of death in your Windows. Blue screen of death what to do?

    The very first thing to do— try booting your computer from some Live-CD; every computer scientist or system administrator, as a rule, has one. And if you don’t have it, ask a friend. In most cases, booting from a Live-CD will allow you to determine with a fairly high degree of probability whether you have a hardware problem or a software one. If there are hardware problems - you won’t be able to boot from the Live-CD, the computer will still stubbornly display blue screen of death. Please note that you must have a Live-CD with Windows and not with Linux. Linux does not know how to make a blue screen - it produces another thing, Kernel Panic - something similar to a blue screen, but in a slightly different way. Blue screen of death what to do?

    The procedure is as follows:

    1. Restart your computer, or better yet, turn it off and turn it on again after a while. Blue screen of death what to do?

    2. Remember if you recently inserted or changed any piece of hardware into your computer - perhaps all the fuss is in it? Try to “do everything back” - perhaps the new piece of hardware is not compatible with your Windows. Blue screen of death what to do?

    3. If your Windows is still loading and the STOP error occurs only occasionally - Try updating Windows from the Microsoft website.

    4. If you live in a village or in the private sector, Perhaps the voltage in your outlet is different from the norm, Ask an electrician to measure the voltage in the outlet in your home. (If you don’t know it yourself, it’s better not to interfere, you might get an electric shock, otherwise I’ll advise you here...) Maybe there is not enough voltage and this is causing your computer to display a blue screen? Blue screen of death what to do?

    5. Next we move on to checking RAM, you can run the Memtest program (usually always available on the Live-CD), or on the installation Windows disk Vista and Windows 7 have their own RAM checker, you can use it too, and you don’t need to look for any programs. Blue screen of death what to do?

    6. Check your hard drive: first for availability free space, and then on the bad sectors using the MHDD program (you will find it again on the diagnostic Live CD). Blue screen of death what to do?

    7. Go to the BIOS and set the settings to default (Default) there is such an option. Then save the settings and reboot. Blue screen of death what to do?

    8. Not sure if it will help, buttry running System Restore or else you can try"Load last known known configuration" (called from the safe mode entry menu, the one via F8). Blue screen of death what to do?

    9. If there is a problem with a freshly installed program or driver - this might help you

    10. We suffered and suffered, but to no avail. your system still periodically issues blue screen of death — check the system for viruses. What if?...

    11. Shout “Save!”, “Pamagite!”, “Help!” on - Let's think and treat your computer together! Blue screen of death what to do?

    How to determine the driver that caused the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD error)?

    1) Press the key combination Win+Pause
    2) Click the link Advanced System Settings
    3) Go to the tab Additionally
    4) Press the button

    5) By default, dumps will be saved to the folder %SystemRoot%\Minidump

    DBelow are almost all the BSOD errors that exist:

    Dear blog visitors Computer from scratch!

    Before asking the question below, we kindly ask you:

    1. Indicate the error code (if possible);
    2. Briefly indicate the hardware and configuration of your computer, what operating system, antivirus is installed on it and their origin?
    3. Describe briefly what was done before the error occurred (installed a new device, program, game, other actions)?

    Quite a few users have encountered the phenomenon of blue screen of death. Not everyone knows what to do (Windows 7 is most often susceptible to such trouble) in this situation. And therefore the sight of a blue screen is terrifying. However, sometimes error codes help correct the situation. They indicate a problem. And based on it, you need to make certain decisions regarding the treatment of the computer. Today we will learn how to deal with some of the causes of a blue screen, and also find out what should be done to eliminate this problem once and for all. Some professional advice system administrators often help even the average user solve problems. Let us begin with you as soon as possible to study our problem today.

    What's happened

    But let's start by figuring out what we're going to be dealing with. Only after this will it be possible to think about how to remove the blue screen of death. To be honest, then this question requires special attention.

    So, what kind of phenomenon will we become aware of today? death is a kind of system error. And it appears when the operating system boots or directly during operation. In this case, you get a blue screen for a while. Hence the strange name. Blue screen of death codes are written on it. More precisely, codification of the errors that have arisen. Based on them, you can figure out what is causing the problem. And sometimes even eliminate it.

    But, as practice shows, a blue screen of death or some other) is the first sign that your computer is going into oblivion. This means that he will have to be treated quickly. We can say that our phenomenon is a demonstration that the operating system and hardware of the device refuse to work. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to behave in a given situation. Let's try to find out what can be done.

    Screen problem

    Let's get you started by learning about some common Blue Screen of Death error codes. After all, they will help you not to be scared when it appears, but to quickly move on to decisive action. For example, quite often a blue screen of death occurs, error code 0x00000116. There is no need to be afraid of this phenomenon.

    The thing is that this codification indicates that when loading the operating system, an attempt was made to reset and restart the display driver. And since we got an error, the action didn’t work. Decide this problem possible in many ways. But there are some tips that will help you save your data as well.

    First, you should try to reinstall the drivers on your computers. And that's all. And start with those related to the monitor and video card. Also, update your codecs. This helps a lot.

    It would also be a good idea to disable it when errors occur antivirus programs. Sometimes they cause a blue screen of death. What to do? Windows 7, as you know, is most susceptible to this phenomenon. This means that you will have to be very careful with antiviruses in it.

    System boot

    There is no point in listing all the blue screen of death codes. Windows 7 will give you errors when errors occur. And then, based on the data obtained, it will be possible to use a special reference book computer errors. This lists all the codes that relate to a blue screen. But still, we will look at one more option.

    Quite often this blue screen of death appears: 0x0000007b. This error always occurs directly when the computer boots. If the previous option can appear while working with programs, applications, games, then this one always “does not allow” Windows.

    Code 0x0000007b indicates that access to the system partition was lost while the computer was booting hard drive. The reasons can be different - from a banal virus to major damage to the iron. But this problem always needs to be fixed.

    Reinstalling Windows with full formatting and remodeling hard sections disk. But sometimes the problem does not go away even after such a radical step.

    In this case, download the latest system configuration. To do this, when you boot your computer, press F8, then select “Last Known Known Configuration.” The computer will boot. You can be happy with the result.

    Check the compatibility of the hard drive and other hardware. If there is any discrepancy, replace the components. After this the problem will disappear. Often the code 0x0000007b appears after connecting a new or extra hard disk.


    Now it’s worth learning the general provisions on how to remove the blue screen of death. Sometimes all the advice turns out to be quite effective, regardless of the error that occurs. And the first option that can be recommended is to perform a system rollback. The technique is relevant when the system boots initially.

    In order to rollback, you need to go to “Start”, “All Programs”. Next, find the “Standard” section there, and from there go to “Service”. Select "System Restore". A window will appear in front of you with a welcome message and a warning that the process is irreversible. Agree and select a rollback point in the next menu that opens - to the moment when the computer was not bothered by the blue screen of death. Click "Next" and wait for a while.

    During the entire process, the computer will reboot itself about 2-3 times. This is fine. After the rollback, some settings should be reset. But all programs and personal data will remain in perfect order. Quite often, this technique helps to permanently eliminate the problem.

    Checking the contents

    If you suddenly have a blue screen of death, you don’t know what to do (Windows 7 or any other operating system), then it’s time to check the configuration of your computer. Sometimes even an old cable can cause a lot of inconvenience. Particular attention should be paid to components in cases where you have recently changed something in your computer.

    As already mentioned, often problems with the blue screen of death arise due to a hardware conflict. This may even apply to a flash drive. So be careful. If you suspect a hardware conflict in your computer and do not have the necessary knowledge about compatibility, it would be better to take your device to specialized service computer help. They will help you quickly fix the problem.

    In general, carefully study the compatibility of all components on your computer. This will help you avoid many problems. It will also prevent you from seeing the blue screen of death. Why else does it occur? And how to deal with it?


    For example, sometimes this phenomenon occurs when the computer or processor overheats. In the case of stationary options, everything is fixed quickly and easily - either an additional cooler is installed, or the hardware is cleaned (and it is better to start from this point), or it is completely removed from the case for greater air penetration.

    But the blue screen of death on a laptop due to overheating is already a serious problem. Firstly, the device will have to be taken to a computer service for cleaning. Secondly, you may additionally need to install a cooler (and this service is not that cheap). Third, put less load on your computer while working. This will help avoid overheating and its consequences.


    For some unknown reason, did you experience a blue screen of death? What to do? Windows 7 is an unsurpassed leader in this regard. And also precisely in this operating system Application conflicts and incompatibility with each other began to arise. This may be a consequence of the appearance of the death screen.

    What to do in in this case? First, remember after installing which program the problems started. After that, set the compatibility parameters. Sometimes this technique helps. But you shouldn’t rely too much on it.

    If compatibility mode does not help, then remove installed application. Don't want to spend a long time dealing with the problem? In this case, if you have nothing to lose, then simply reinstall the entire operating system. In this situation, this is often the best solution.


    Some users complain about the appearance of a blue screen of death after updating the operating system using the built-in center. If you notice that all the troubles started after this, you will have to do a system rollback and also disable process automation.

    Go to the "Center" Windows updates". There, go to the settings. Select the option that is marked as “not recommended”. That is, do not carry out automatic check, downloading and installing updates. Never. This will help avoid many problems in the future. And they will not necessarily be associated with the blue screen of death.


    Another problem that can arise and cause our current phenomenon is nothing more than hardware drivers. Sometimes they are the ones that cause the blue screen of death. What to do? Windows 7 offers fairly fast, easy and safe solution. This is nothing more than reinstalling all existing drivers and updating them in a timely manner.

    To prevent the process from causing inconvenience, it is best to use the official websites of manufacturers to download applications. They will not introduce infection to your computer. And there is always only high-quality content. After updating and installing all drivers, it is better to restart your computer. That's it. Now you will notice that the Blue Screen of Death problem will disappear. But this doesn't always happen. After all, there are other reasons for this phenomenon.


    Occasionally there are situations in which a blue screen of death appears for no apparent reason. What to do? Windows 7 or any other operating system - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that there is one small but - this is an antivirus. If you have it, then it's worth turning it off for a while. Or delete it completely. And watch the computer. After all, sometimes it is this application that causes the blue screen of death.

    Most often, owners of Avast and Kaspersky suffer from this phenomenon. As a last resort, replace the antivirus. Did it help? You can rejoice. No? Then completely remove the antivirus, and then take the computer for repair. Tell us about the problem - professionals will definitely help you there.


    And of course, the blue screen of death can appear due to viruses on the computer. Some infections are aimed at just this. Indeed, with this phenomenon, the entire operating system is destroyed. Do you suspect an infection? Then take your computer and treat it.

    Scan it with antiviruses, antispyware and other healing content. Cure everything dangerous objects, and then remove what did not respond to the process. Usually this is enough. Also clean your computer's registry - this is important. Now look at the result. If all is useless, then reinstalling the operating system will help. But it's worth trying a rollback first.

    Good day, dear readers!

    It is unlikely that any active computer user has not encountered such a thing as a blue screen with a bunch of white text, which can only be gotten rid of by restarting the computer.

    In this article I will tell you what it is, why it happens, and how to deal with it. The article turned out to be very long, but it covered all the points from the reasons for the appearance of the blue screen of death to their elimination.

    Blue screens of death look different on different computers and operating systems (OS). IN lately they become no longer quite blue.

    For example, this blue screen with a sad smiley face is offered to us by the developers new Windows 8, scheduled for release in 2012. This BSoD can be observed quite often when testing the capabilities of a new operating system. Perhaps this is one of the most positive, so to speak about BSoD, blue screens of death.

    However, some had to encounter the red screen of death in earlier versions Windows Vista, which served as blue. In the older days of Windows 1.0 and Windows 2.0, the screen was completely black! The blue screen began to be called starting in 1991, when this name was proposed by Erik Noyes, an employee of one of the Californian companies. Since then, the concept of “blue screen of death” has become generally accepted.

    What is Blue Screen of Death

    A concept that comes from English language and translated into our native language. Actually, as you already understand, BSoD and the “blue screen of death” are one and the same thing. The abbreviation BSoD stands for Blue Screen of Death or Blue Screen of Doom. The official name of the phenomenon is Stop Error.

    When you see a blue screen on your computer monitor, it indicates a critical system error. This method of informing the user about a failure is typical for Windows OS.

    So what is BSoD? In Fig. 1, you can parse the CRITICAL_OBJECT_TERMINATION entry. This is a blue screen of death error with the code (technically correct - STOP code) 0x000000F4. A short notation is also used, discarding zeros after 0x - 0xF4. Further in the article, this particular recording will be used when there are no other numbers. Blue Screen of Death codes are a hexadecimal notation with a prefix 0x. This prefix is ​​used for recognition by system services that use the language C.

    Using the BSoD STOP code, the system identifies the error that occurred and makes an entry in the system log for subsequent analysis and prevention of the error in the future. Blue screen of death error 0xF4 indicates a failure that occurred due to an unexpected termination of a system-critical process or thread. We will talk more about the meaning of blue screen of death errors below.

    More detailed information for advanced users is provided by BSoD, used in Windows XP/Vista/7, the most common today, as well as Windows Server 2003.

    Rice. 2. Blue Screen of Death in Windows XP/2003/Vista/7 Using this BSoD, it is much easier for an advanced user to figure out what the problem is.

    First, Microsoft notifies the user that the BSoD is caused by a shutdown to prevent the computer from crashing. The following is the system file SPCMDCON.SYS - the culprit, according to Windows, of an emergency shutdown. Below is the blue screen of death error PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA - indicating that the data contained in memory was not found. The following is a guide for further actions user in order to prevent the occurrence similar mistake in the future. Below is technical information: STOP code 0x50 and again the SPCMDCON.SYS file, this time with parameters.

    Agree, this BSoD can lead to much more confusion inexperienced user than the one they offer Windows developers 8.

    The most common blue screen of death codes

    Let's list the most common Blue Screen of Death errors. The following is brief description the reasons why the blue screen of death is most likely to appear. However, to accurately diagnose the problem, you still need to refer to the error parameters and interpret them correctly using debugging programs.

    0xA - IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - incorrect address when accessing the device driver;
    0x1E - KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED - The kernel mode process is attempting to execute an invalid instruction;
    0x24 - NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM - failure in file system NTFS;
    0x2E - DATA_BUS_ERROR - parity error in RAM;
    0xB4 - VIDEO_DRIVER_INIT_FAILURE - video driver initialization error;
    0xB9 - CHIPSET_DETECTED_ERROR - the motherboard chipset is faulty;
    0xC2- BAD_POOL_CALLER - memory allocation operation error;
    0x4E - PFN_LIST_CORRUPT - driver input/output structure is damaged;
    0x50 or 0x8E - PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA - data requested from memory is missing;
    0x69 - IO1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED - system initialization failed;
    0x77- KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR - reading the requested kernel page is impossible;
    0x79 - MISMATCHED_HAL - hardware incompatibility;
    0x7A - KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR - error reading into physical memory;
    0x7B - INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE - no access to the system disk partition;
    0x7F - UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP - unexpected error operation in the kernel;
    0xD1 - DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - driver error, memory address is not available;
    0xF3 - DISORDERLY_SHUTDOWN - Windows was unable to shut down due to lack of memory;
    0xC0000135 - STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND - error loading the library;
    0xC000021A - STATUS_SYSTEM_PROCESS_TERMINATED - error in a service running in user mode;
    0xC0000221- STATUS_IMAGE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH - the driver file was not found or damaged.

    If your blue screen of death error is in this list no, then you can find it on technical websites Microsoft support. It contains the most explanatory probable causes faults for each error, as well as interpretation of BSoD parameters - this is necessary for high-quality troubleshooting of the problem leading to the appearance of BSoD.

    Blue screen of death, what to do

    Why does the blue screen of death appear? There could be a lot of reasons. In general, a BSoD occurs when a critical error occurs while executing kernel code or a driver in kernel mode.

    The blue screen of death appears, for example, when any changes have been made to the computer’s hardware: replacing or installing a video card, audio adapter, hard drive, controllers and devices PCI bus And PCI Express. The driver for these devices may be poorly compatible or incompatible with the existing computer configuration, which leads to problems and BSoD.

    Helps with emergence of BSoD only reboot the computer, as a result of which all unsaved user data will be lost.

    The user has the option to manually trigger the BSoD. This is only done if there is no other way to detect a system malfunction. To call BSoD, it is possible to assign a specific combination of hot keys. Therefore, under unfavorable circumstances, the user may inadvertently cause a BSoD to appear.

    The manual BSoD procedure should not be abused to avoid loss of information or software problems. In addition, a blue screen of death caused artificially will not display the information the user needs. You may also encounter difficulties in the hardware dependence of this procedure: in particular, there are restrictions on calling BSoD from keyboards with a USB connector. More information about inducing a blue screen of death can be obtained from Microsoft document Q244139.

    So, the blue screen of death appears, what should you do in this case? The only thing you can do is at the moment- this is to reboot. Next, if you are enough advanced user and are not afraid of working with debuggers (debuggers), that is the solution. To determine the cause of BSoD, Microsoft has developed a comprehensive solution Debugging Tools for Windows with support for 32 and 64-bit OS, which is included in Microsoft SDK for Windows.

    Causes of the Blue Screen of Death

    Changing BIOS settings in a hurry can also cause BSoD. If you don't remember exactly what changes you made (especially if you made multiple changes), then the best solution to avoid the Blue Screen of Death error is to reset your BIOS settings to default.

    There are viruses that are designed to attack the master boot record (MBR) as well as the boot sector. They can also cause problems and blue screen of death errors. You can check your computer for viruses by booting from a recovery disk with an antivirus installed. Many antivirus development companies, such as Kaspersky Lab, offer in their solutions the function of creating a CD from an existing distribution. In addition, you can already download finished image from the company's servers. Also you can check the MBR status antivirus utility AVZ. You can read more about working with the utility at the link.

    Problems with RAM. Diagnostics

    Often faulty and sometimes unequal RAM modules can cause the Blue Screen of Death error to occur. If you notice that after installing, reinstalling, or replacing RAM modules, the OS does not boot or a blue screen of death appears, you can try putting the memory modules in other DIMM slots or swapping DDR sticks - this often solves the memory problem. However, the problem may lie elsewhere, and the cause can be identified by diagnosing the RAM using the standard Windows memory checker. The utility is available in Windows 7 and Vista (for Windows XP you can use the Windows Memory Diagnostic utility)

    Let's see how the diagnostic tool works:

    2. In the window that opens, select “Windows Memory Checker” from the list (usually the third one from the bottom).

    3. In a new window, Windows will ask you to choose from two options: “Restart and scan (recommended)” and “Scan the next time you turn on the computer.”

    4. Close all open programs so as not to lose any data, and click “Restart and check (recommended).”

    The computer restarts and the memory test begins. Typically the test is performed in two passes. The screen shows both the percentages for the current pass and the final ones. Once the test is completed, it will reboot and present the test results.

    Rice. 3. Checking your computer for memory problems There is another possibility - to test the status of the RAM with boot disk(Windows Vista and Windows 7 only). To do this:

    1. Go to BIOS and set CD-ROM (DVD-ROM) as the first boot device in the BOOT menu, then exit the BIOS, saving the settings.

    2. After the reboot, the bootloader will display the message “Press any key to boot from CD”, press any key.

    3. Wait while Windows downloads the files. In the Windows Setup window, click Next.

    4. Select "System Restore", wait.

    5. Leave all the settings in the “System Recovery Options” window as default (“Use recovery tools...”) and click “Next”.

    6. From the list provided, select “Windows Memory Diagnostics”.

    7. In the new window, select 1 of 2 options. For example, "Reboot and check (recommended)" to start checking memory immediately.

    The computer will reboot and the memory test will begin.

    Hard drive diagnostics

    Problems with the hard drive (HDD) can also cause the Blue Screen of Death error. Utility Windows CHKDSK allows you to check your hard drive for errors and bad sectors. Using this utility it is possible to restore damaged HDD sectors. To run the scan, follow these steps:

    1. Open Windows Explorer.

    2. Right-click on the partition you want to check and select “Properties”.

    3. In the new window, select the “Service” tab.

    4. At the top of the tab, click on the “Run check” button.

    5. A new window “Check disk “Disk name”” will open. The user can choose 1 of 4 options for checking the disk, depending on which items he checks. If you just want to know if your disk has errors, uncheck the top box. In this Windows case will not fix system errors. You can also conduct a comprehensive study and restore damaged HDD sectors by selecting both options. Attention! Windows will not be able to automatically correct system errors and restore damaged sectors while the selected partition is active, i.e., in use. Therefore, a system reboot may be required to complete the test. In this case, in the warning window that appears, click on the “Schedule disk check” button. After the PC restarts, the disk check and user-selected actions will be performed. To get more detailed information For information on how to use the CHKDSK utility, check out this .

    6. Click the “Launch” button and wait for the test results.

    After checking, a new window will display both brief and detailed information about the status of the tested partition.

    Rice. 4. Check the hard drive If CHKDSK utility has done its job, but disk errors occur again, you can conduct more in-depth testing. To do this, you will need to resort to utilities developed by hard drive vendors.

    In addition to the ability to diagnose the condition from the outside disk drive, all modern HDDs and SSDs ( solid-state drive) are manufactured with the manufacturer’s ability to self-monitor and self-test its condition, as well as estimate the time of expected failure of the device. This is S.M.A.R.T technology. To access the diagnostic data of this technology, you need to use one of the programs that can read the data transmitted by the disk controller program. There are paid and free programs with support for this possibility. One of the modern free software is CrystalDiskInfo

    Rice. 5. S.M.A.R.T. With using CrystalDiskInfo As you can see in the screenshot, the program provides all the data on the disk, including its current temperature, number of starts, and total number of operating hours. The list below presents technical data by which you can judge physical wear and tear disk. Current and worst values ​​- real indicators of this disk at the moment and ever, respectively. The threshold is a value below which the manufacturer of a given hard drive cannot guarantee stable and uninterrupted operation of the device.

    Despite the seeming flawlessness of the technology, in practice many companies and individuals complain that hard drive failure often occurs when normal indicators S.M.A.R.T. Therefore, you can trust this technology only with an eye to the possible erroneousness of the data, which, nevertheless, does not detract from all the advantages of this technology.

    Memory dump

    For a qualitative perception of the information below, let’s define the concept of a memory dump. Memory dump - the contents of the working memory of one process, kernel or entire OS. A memory dump contains technical information about the state of a system or an individual program.

    It should also be noted that memory dumps come in different forms.

    By default, in modern operating systems such as Windows XP/Vista/7 (from now on we will only consider these Windows operating systems as the most common), when the blue screen of death appears and you reboot the computer, a debugging information record is created in the kernel memory dump file MEMORY. DMP. It will contain everything necessary information sufficient to diagnose the cause of the failure and prevent it in the future.

    Full memory dump contains comprehensive information about the system status and problems. The OS also saves this information to the MEMORY.DMP file by default.

    A small memory dump can be used to create a dump file. It contains only general system information, which is often not enough to correctly diagnose the cause of the blue screen of death error. It is appropriate to create a small memory dump file only in cases where disk space is extremely limited. If you have no difficulty with disk space, then it is better not to use a small memory dump to create a dump file.

    So, by default, when Windows XP/Vista/7 crashes, it creates a memory dump file MEMORY.DMP and writes debugging information and parameters of the crash into it. The MEMORY.DMP dump file is then saved to the %SystemRoot%. Subsequently, the dump file can be sent to the developers to find out the cause of the BSoD.

    The user can also do self-configuration conservation technical information in case of system failure. Let's configure the OS recovery options. To do this, we sequentially perform the following steps:

    If you are using Windows 7 or Windows Vista:

    1. Go to “Start”, “Control Panel” and select “System” or right-click on the “Computer” icon and select “Properties”.

    2. At the bottom of the left column, click “Advanced system settings”.

    3. Go to the “Advanced” tab.

    If you have Windows XP, then do everything the same, except for the 2nd step.

    Rice. 6. Configuring OS recovery parameters The new “Boot and Recovery” window presents OS boot parameters and actions if it fails. Here you can select the most appropriate recovery options after a BSoD. In particular, the user can select from which memory dump the dump file will be written. And also change the name of this file and the directory where it will be saved. Note that you should not change the name of the dump file if you intend to subsequently send it to Microsoft or other developers for analysis.

    1. The problem of compatibility of computer hardware drivers, although not the only one, is the main reason why the blue screen of death appears. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly update your computer's device drivers. Moreover, what is important, this should be done only from the official websites of hardware manufacturers or from the websites of their partners. Otherwise, you risk getting a virus or a malfunction of the device for which the driver is intended.

    2. Install software products only well-known and well-established companies that value their reputation and are responsible for the stable and uninterrupted operation of their software.

    3. Be sure to download everything latest updates programs and OS to eliminate incompatibilities and vulnerabilities. The blue screen of death also appears when a program cannot interact correctly with the system kernel: this can be incorrectly written code, leading, for example, to a loop, or vulnerabilities through which viruses, exploits, rootkits and other infections can penetrate into the program code, capable of, among other things, damaging hardware.

    4. Viruses are one of the possible reasons for BSoD. For stable operation OS and programs use good antivirus with firewall ( firewall) or a comprehensive solution of the Internet Security class.

    5. If the blue screen of death error occurs and appears frequently, trust the solution to the problem to specialists if you yourself are not 100% confident in your abilities. There is absolutely no advertising in this. The point is that if you use licensed software, you are entitled to free technical support. In addition, in addition to Microsoft Corporation, today such services are provided, for example, by some antivirus developers.

    6. When a BSoD appears and the computer is subsequently restarted, all unsaved data is lost. To ensure the security of your information, please follow backup your data to external drives.

    7. Computers, like people, do not last forever. They also get sick, grow old and die. Computers that are too old and obsolete can jeopardize your work efficiency. Moreover, a computer should give its user pleasure, and if it constantly fails, which is typical in to a greater extent for an experienced PC, there is no need to talk about this. Blue screens of death appear more often on obsolete computers, when hardware developers stop supporting their products.

    8. Computers need cleaning. It is necessary not only to wipe and air out the computer components, but also to clean the system of accumulating temporary OS files and programs, as well as other information garbage that is of no value. This can also prevent BSoD.

    Take another look at the BSoD images at the beginning of the article. The main purpose of the blue screen of death is to warn the user about problems with his computer and prevent possible negative consequences. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of BSoD, but you need to think in this way: blue screen of death, what to do? And then you need to work with this problem until it is eliminated.

    I hope, dear readers, you liked the article and found it useful. Health to you and your computer!

    First you need to understand that there are two types of blue screens (BSoD) in the system. One is called standard check hard drives, which can start after a small power failure when your computer turns off. And the second is caused by a technical failure or a conflict of some parts in the computer or drivers.

    Let's look at both types in detail.
    Let's first compare the two types of blue screen. When checking a hard drive (hard drive), the following window appears (Fig. 1).

    Take a closer look at these screenshots so you know what you're dealing with.

    Fixing a blue screen with a hard drive problem

    Let's take a closer look at Figure 1. This blue screen is caused by electrical problems, non-standard shutdown The PC (for example, was pulled out of the socket or a button on the system unit was kicked) or during a thunderstorm there was a sudden power surge that shut down the computer.

    Such a death is not scary, it’s just that when the system starts, the built-in CheckDisk utility (Chkdsk) is automatically activated. It happens that I manually launch this utility from command line in order to check the performance of the hard drive with which problems and glitches have been detected.

    If you suspect that some hard disk clusters are damaged, you can run a scan. Open a command line interpreter. To do this, press “Win ​​+ R” and enter “cmd” or through the search, write “cmd”.

    The first way to launch cmd.

    The command line must be run as an administrator, otherwise the command will not work.

    The second way to launch cmd.

    Enter the command:

    "Chkdsk /F" (without quotes).

    Press "Y" and "Enter".

    The next time you start your system, a blue screen similar to Fig. 1 will appear.

    What will this command do?

    Will start special utility, which will check the hard drive for errors and correct them if it finds them. They could just appear during the failures described above. It is best to wait until all five stages of checking and treating the hard drive are completed, however, if you do not have time at the moment, you can interrupt the verification procedure by pressing ESC key. I do not recommend interrupting, because glitches and errors may remain, which will greatly slow down your PC in the future.

    If you start to see a blue screen more and more often, then it’s best to copy photos, videos, documents, etc. that are important to you. to some external media and preferably reinstall the operating system with full hard formatting disk, such formatting will mark damaged clusters and will not allow information to be written to them.

    Complex blue screen of death

    Now let's look at a more complex death. Such a death, as a rule, occurs unexpectedly, interrupting the work of all programs and preventing the user from doing anything. He is talking about a serious system error that the operating system is not able to correct itself. To prevent some parts from burning out or other problems, Windows is deactivated, i.e. turns off.

    In this case, it only helps forced reboot system with a button on the system unit. If you have it in your settings automatic reboot at system failure, then after a few seconds the PC itself will reboot. Unsaved data will be lost. When a blue screen of death like this occurs, the operating system lets us know where exactly the failure occurred with the help of a so-called error code.

    Using this code, we can solve the problem ourselves. But if you do not have experience in solving these problems, then it is better to call a friend who has already encountered this and is popularly called a computer specialist. It is also worth noting that in this case, the error code is automatically written in the system log and a report is created in which the system records everything related to this problem.

    Repairing computers and systems software, I was able to identify a number of reasons why the blue screen of death occurs.

    • Drivers. When either old (outdated version) or non-native drivers are installed, they may conflict with the operating system or built-in hardware. I recommend downloading latest version one or another driver from the part manufacturer’s website.
    • Overheat. If any part is inside system unit overheats, this indicates a lack of ventilation. And it can also cause death. The reasons for overheating were written here, reasons for computer overheating.
    • Incorrect operation software. It’s rare, but it happens that it’s thrown into a blue screen due to the last installed program. You can try to restore the system, it was written about.

    Which of these reasons (or maybe not listed here) is causing the failure can be quite easily determined by the error code, and then use your brains and logic and fix it without calling a technician.
    It happens that the PC reboots so quickly that the user does not have time to write down the error code, which means we need to make sure that the PC does not automatically reboot. Open the Start menu, then My Computer and right-click (Right mouse button) on the My Computer icon, select Properties, in the properties we need the Advanced tab, there, in the Recovery and Boot subsection, select options. Opposite the item Perform auto reboot, uncheck the box and make sure that all other checkboxes are as indicated in the figure.

    Loading window and Windows recovery XP.

    On Windows 7 the steps are the same. Click OK and restart the computer. We are waiting for the next failure in the system and on the blue screen of death in the Technical Information section we write down the error code we need. This is the most important information cause-and-effect relationship in case of breakdown of software or components.

    Code 0x00000050 for blue death

    Very often, users display the code 0x00000050. In 90% of cases this is due to RAM. In this case, the system very often swears at system files ntoskrnl.exe, igdpmd64.sys, ntfs.sys, win32k.sys, dxgmms1.sys and dcrypt.sys. It is also possible that the video card may be the cause.

    For code 0x00000050, do the following:

    1. Turn off your computer.
    2. Take out the RAM.
    3. Clear the tracks, perhaps there are simply no contacts between the RAM and motherboard computer.
    4. Follow the steps described above with the video card if you do not have an integrated one.
    5. Insert it back and turn on the computer.

    Among other things, the cause of error 0x00000050 may be a driver conflict. In practice, there is a known case when antivirus files conflicted with some other program, and because of this, the Windows system was transferred to blue death. Uninstall your antivirus and see if the result is positive. If the problem disappears, then it is better to switch to another antivirus.

    You can also try disabling BIOS memory caching.

    Some explanations of error codes:

    Experts also know that any error, among other things, is also recorded in a memory dump, which is located in the operating system in the mini dump folder and has the dmp extension.

    And at the end of the article, I also want to say, of course, it’s difficult for a beginner to understand this right away, but once upon a time I was a beginner, and if it weren’t for curiosity and the desire to achieve the goal, it’s unlikely that I would have left such instructions.

    If you have any complex case or addition not listed in this article, then write a comment.

    This is a conflict of some devices or parameters. Blue screen is also called BSoD. Deciphering BSoD - Blue Screen of Death or, in other words, Blue Screen of Doom. And according to the usual - Stop Error (stop error that stops the computer programmatically). This cannot be left with blue screen must be fought and now we’ll see what needs to be done so that he doesn’t bother us anymore!

    Blue screen of death what to do Windows 7, 8, 10?

    If you have seen the blue screen of death, then in any case you have a question, what to do? And today I will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to remove it on any operating system, be it windows xp, 7, 8, 10.

    If you suddenly see a window like this, it means that a system error has occurred, and there can be many reasons, for this purpose I have posted a special reference book describing errors below. And the appearance blue screen of death maybe a bunch, but there are 2 categories, these are software glitch and iron.

    The following reasons are also possible:

    - conflict or incorrect driver

    - driver problems

    - viruses (not always), but maybe this is why you need to choose

    — Device conflict due to incompatibility

    — Problems with devices, usually either the hard drive or RAM.

    — program conflict (possibly if you installed two antiviruses at the same time)

    - the computer may overheat and also malfunction

    How to remove the blue screen of death?

    1. Software problems

    If it appears blue screen, then the computer should automatically restart. And it will appear until it is eliminated. First, you need to write down the error code on some piece of paper in order to look in the reference book what it means.

    The guide can be downloaded here:

    We simply select the error and see the solution on the right.

    Next, you can try before loading Windows have time to press F8. Then choose downloading the latestsuccessful configuration. If the computer also causes a blue screen, then press F8 again and select safe mode. If the computer boots in safe mode, you can see which file is causing the conflict.

    To do this, you need to make sure that the computer saves error dumps. To do this, right-click on the computer and select property. Next additional options . Boot and recovery options button. We display everything as in the picture. If you have disabled recording of debugging information, then reboot and again cause a blue screen, and then go into safe mode.

    You can decrypt this file with a special program.

    After launching the program will show the problematic files.

    If nothing is displayed, see if the path to the dumps is selected. Settings - additional options:

    2. Problems with hardware.

    A conflict between the devices themselves is also possible, for this it is necessary (information cannot pass through the memory), as well as a damaged hard drive (system files have ended up in damaged sectors and cannot be launched.).

    This is also a fairly common error in the BIOS. When the hard drive mode is set to achi, the BIOS is reset (power surge or battery dead) and the hard drive mode becomes ide. The drivers accordingly do not support this mode and a blue screen occurs.

    That's all! I want to win blue screen of death 🙂