• iPhone 6 tips for using. We respond to events without unlocking the smartphone. This magical letter "s"

    Every day we use our iPhone for all kinds of tasks: calls, messages, mail, games, Twitter, social networks, reading, music and much, much more. But not everyone knows that the implementation of most of these tasks can not only be accelerated, but also simplified. We have collected twenty-five for you useful tips and tricks, thanks to which using iPhone It will become even simpler (how much simpler?) and more convenient.

    Tip #1: Turn iBooks into Audiobooks

    Few people know, but any books from iBooks can easily be turned into audiobooks and, for example, listen to them in the car on the way to work: much more interesting and useful than some boring radio program. So what do we need to do? Go to “Settings” - “General” - “ Universal Access" Next, you need to go to the “VoiceOver” section and switch the toggle switch to enable this function.

    Once you turn on VoiceOver, all text that appears on your screen will be read back to you. Of course, this is not a professional announcer, but the voice acting is very acceptable. But do not forget that the function is primarily intended for those who have any vision problems, so after enabling VoiceOver, the gestures and controls on your iPhone will change. Not that it’s critical, but to be honest, it won’t be very convenient. By the way, I advise you to turn off “Hints” - it will be more convenient.

    Tip #2: quick access to an unfinished letter

    There are situations when you start writing a letter, but then urgent matters arise and there is no time to finish it. Of course, when time is free, we will return to Mail.app and finish the letter, because it still needs to be sent and there is no choice. Having saved a letter in drafts, when you return to writing it, you will have to make more than one “tap”, especially if you have several email accounts, to get into drafts and find this letter there. Why complicate your life when there is a much simpler way, just one touch.

    To return to the last email that was sent to drafts, simply open Mail.app, press and hold the Compose button (pencil in the box in the lower right corner). In one or two seconds, the last unfinished project will open in front of you.

    Tip #3: Send multiple photos at once

    Agree, send each photo to separate message or writing - this is, to put it mildly, a little inconvenient. It is much easier and faster to send several photos in one letter.

    On the right top corner photo galleries there is a button with an arrow, by clicking on it you can select several photos at once that you want to send by email, with via SMS or just print. Unfortunately, the number of photos sent by email is limited to five at a time, and via SMS even less - only two.

    Tip #4: Let Siri fill out the email form for you

    Every time I send another e-mail, I don’t want to fill out the entire form of the e-mail: who to send it to, the subject of the letter, and then the letter itself. Now, thanks to Siri, this entire process can be completed in less than a minute.

    You simply open Mail.app and the form to write a new letter. Then, press and hold the Home button and tell Siri something like, “Remind my wife about the party tonight and tell her to bring a bottle of red wine.” Done: Siri will already know who your wife is (if not, she will ask about it once and remember for the future) and will automatically add your wife’s email, taking it from contacts, to the “Subject” line, Siri will add the word “Party”, since this is exactly what your proposal is about. And the text of the letter will indicate everything that you asked your wife to say: “Grab a bottle of red wine.” That's it. Simple, isn't it?

    Tip #5: Close everything unnecessary applications

    Very often we encounter a problem fast discharge battery To at least slightly, but still correct this situation, do not forget to close all applications that you do not need. Moreover, many of them can greatly influence the discharge rate. This is especially true for applications that are somehow related to location and navigation.

    To close all unnecessary applications, double-click the Home button to open the multitasking panel. Press and hold your press on the icon of the application that you want to close: after a second, the icons will shake and red crosses will appear next to them, by clicking on which you will finally close the applications you do not need.

    Tip #6: Write tweets from almost any application

    Often on various forums, many iPhone users complain that they cannot send a tweet from any application, except from the microblogging client itself. And, as a rule, these users do not know one very banal point: in order to write tweets from other applications, they only need to register their account V iPhone settings.

    To activate your account, you need to go to “Settings” and select the section called “Twitter”. If you already have your own account in this microblogging service, then simply enter your username and password. If you don’t have your own account, you can create one right there – the registration process will take just a few minutes. After these simple manipulations, you will be able to send tweets, for example, from a photo gallery, Safari, camera, maps, YouTube, and so on.

    Tip #7: fixing “ignoring” Bluetooth devices

    Those who have ever connected any Bluetooth device to their iPhone know that the iPhone has the ability to ignore this device. But if you decide to ignore this device, for example, if you have no time to connect now or just by accident, then later your iPhone may no longer see the device when you decide to connect it again. How to fix this awkward situation? — It's easy: just restart your iPhone. When it turns back on, you will be able to connect again to the device you once ignored.

    Tip #8: Use Siri for Facebook and Twitter

    Everyone knows perfectly well that Apple will add to Siri the ability to write tweets and change Facebook statuses in the new operating system iOS 6. But wait iOS release 6 or installing the next beta is not at all necessary. Siri is already capable of this today, although, unfortunately, not in all countries (but I advise you to try; I couldn’t check it personally, since I have an iPhone 4).

    So let's start with Facebook. To be able to change your statuses on this social network from using Siri, you need to send an SMS with the text “hello” to the number 32665 (by the way, these numbers look like FBOOK on a traditional keyboard). After sending the SMS, you will receive a message in response with a link that you must follow to complete all settings. After which you will receive a short number, which you need to add to your contacts list and name it “Facebook”. Now you can tell Siri “Text Facebook” and dictate the text, which will appear in your status.

    The same needs to be done for Twitter. You need to send an SMS with the word “start” to the number 40404 (USA) or 21212 (Canada), after which you will receive a short number in response. This number must also be added to your contacts list and named “Twitter”. And then everything is the same as with Facebook: tell Siri “Text Twitter” and dictate the desired tweet.

    Tip #9: Choose a specific screen orientation

    Don't want the screen orientation to constantly change from portrait to landscape when you rotate your iPhone? Then this advice is especially for you.

    All you need to do is open the multitasking panel and swipe to the right. The leftmost icon with a round arrow will be exactly the function that will help you fix a specific screen orientation. In the same way, you can then cancel this blocking. As you can see, everything is very easy and fast.

    Tip #10: add PDF files in iBooks

    Why download unnecessary applications, especially if they pay to view PDF files? - Absolutely no need. That's what I think. If you were sent a file to PDF format, just click on its icon and hold: the iPhone itself will prompt you to open this file in iBooks. In addition, iBooks has a special section for such files so that they do not get mixed up with books.

    You can go to this section by clicking on the “Books” button in the iBooks application library.

    Tip #11: Keyboard options

    Agree, when you are typing an SMS to your friend for a couple of seconds, spending the same amount just to go to the special characters section and put a period is somehow ridiculous. There is a much simpler and faster way: as soon as you have finished writing the next sentence, “tap” twice on the space button - a period will be placed at the end of the sentence automatically, a space will appear after the sentence and Shift button will already be prepared so that the new proposal begins with capital letter.

    Additionally, if you click on some of the letters provided on the keyboard, you can see a list of additional symbols. Probably everyone is familiar with this opportunity, thanks to situations where you need to write a hard character that is not initially on the keyboard.

    Tip #12: Siri is also a calculator

    Siri can not only search for information for you, but also serve as a good alternative to the usual calculator. You can ask her to do a variety of math tasks, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, or ask her to solve simple math problems, equations, or functions. Alternatively, you can ask Siri, “If there are four of us, how much should each of us give to tip 20% on a $300 bill?” - Siri will immediately respond that each of your friends should chip in $15.

    Tip #13: Quickly delete messages

    Many iPhone users spend extra time to delete unnecessary messages. Although you can delete an entire conversation in just a couple of seconds. Just swipe to the left and a “Delete” button will appear next to the conversation, clicking on which will erase the entire conversation from your phone. Much easier and faster than doing it through the “Edit” button or deleting messages one by one, isn’t it?

    Tip #14: “tap” to adjust focus

    Probably, those who often take photographs with their iPhone know this simple advice, but you cannot ignore it. If, while shooting with a camera, you want, for example, to focus on your friend’s face or the beautiful glass of cocktail she is holding in her hand, just “tap” on this place on the screen of your iPhone and the phone will automatically focus on the selected element. The photo will turn out beautiful and interesting.

    Tip #15: Take your time deleting bad photos

    Firstly, very often many users delete several photos at once that do not seem very good to them, without even looking at them. This is wrong. You can not only delete a photo that turns out to be beautiful upon closer examination, but also accidentally delete a photo that you would not have deleted even on purpose. Secondly, it is best to delete pictures after you look at them on the computer: this way you can understand for yourself exactly whether the photo turned out well or if there is something wrong with it. Well, thirdly, no matter how surprising it may sound, the process of deleting any files, including photos and videos, wastes a lot of energy on your iPhone. If you don’t mind taking photos, then at least save your battery charge.

    Tip #16: Create folders

    Be careful not to make unnecessary clutter on your desks. Using folders, you can not only quickly find the application or game you need, but also make your desktop look neat and convenient. Move the icons of the applications that you use most often to the main desktop, and on all other desktops you can create folders by category.

    To create a folder, simply drag the icon of one application onto the icon of another application. Folders can be renamed and placed on the desktop in a way that suits you. It's best to create folders based on app categories, such as games, social, navigation, and so on.

    Tip #17: Take photos with ease

    I think that I’m not the only one who doesn’t find it very convenient to take photographs using “tap” on the camera button, which is located on iPhone screen. If in portrait mode, this is probably best option, then in landscape mode it’s the worst. But Apple thought of everything; such a company could not make such an offensive mistake. If you hold your iPhone horizontally while taking pictures, simply press the volume up button and your iPhone will instantly take a photo. This is very convenient, because the “+” button is located exactly where the shutter is located on real cameras.

    Tip #18: View photos

    If you swipe to the right in camera mode, you will instantly start watching latest photos. This is much faster and more convenient than opening a photo gallery by tapping on the icon in the lower left corner.

    Tip #19: Listening to Music

    Did you know that the standard headphones that come with the iPhone have three switch buttons? Two of them, of course, are responsible for volume control, but the third, located in the middle, between the volume controls, is quite multifunctional. By clicking on it once, you will pause the playing track or, of course, continue playing it; two presses - you will skip the next track; three - listening to the previous song will begin.

    And those who have access to Siri can use it to order music from their collection. For example, telling the voice assistant: “Turn on David Guetta.”

    Tip #20: Add events to your calendar directly from your email

    The Mail.app application is convenient because it can special problems determine whether we are talking about a specific day of the week/time or not. For example, if you are in your email write: “Don’t forget, we will join your holiday on Friday afternoon” - the iPhone will highlight this day in blue and the person to whom you are sending this letter directly from the Mail.app application will be able to add the specified event to their calendar.

    Tip #21: Sync everything

    You can synchronize any of your data and files. And we strongly advise you to do this to protect yourself from losing something important, for example, in case of accidental deletion, breakage or theft of your device. Moreover, synchronization does not require any wires, computers or connections. You can make a copy to iCloud over the air.

    To create backup copy in iCloud, open “Settings” - “iCloud”, at the very bottom go to the “Storage and copies” section and click “Create a copy”. You can choose for yourself which files should be placed in storage and which not. If the 5 GB provided is not enough for you, you can always purchase additional space in cloud storage.

    Tip #22: Set limits

    Everyone knows that there is a lot of content that should not be seen by anyone but you, or, for example, something that is clearly not intended for the eyes of your children. In such cases, the most the best way out will place a restriction on viewing a particular application or content.

    You can enable restrictions like this: “Settings” - “General” - “Restrictions”. First, you'll need to turn on restrictions on your iPhone and enter a four-digit security passcode, which you'll have to enter every time you (or someone else) wants to view protected apps. Once the password is set, you can choose which applications should be closed from public access, and which ones can be left.

    Tip #23: Remove unnecessary apps

    Don't turn your iPhone into a dumping ground for apps that "I might use again someday." Starting with iOS 5, you can see in Settings how much space each app takes up on your iPhone.

    If you see, for example, that the game Max Payne takes up as much as 1.3 GB, and you haven’t played it for a long time or have completely finished it, then perhaps it’s time to say: “Max, come on, goodbye” and remove the game from your phone.

    Tip #24: Avoid unnecessary push notifications

    Another way to extend your battery life is to turn off unnecessary push notifications. This is especially true for “push notifications” that come very often, for example, from Twitter or any other application for social networks. Believe me, you can also live without notifications and not miss or forget anything. Although, of course, you don’t have to refuse all notifications.

    Tip #25: Enable the Emoji Keyboard

    You can enable the Emoji keyboard in “Settings” - “General” - “ ” - “ International keyboards" As a rule, there are only two keyboards: the Russian keyboard is in first place, and the English keyboard is in second place. Add the Emoji keyboard in third place.

    With this keyboard, you can send your interlocutor not only text and emoticons that are made using punctuation marks, but also real drawn emoticons and small pictures. Thanks to this, your communication will become even more fun and funny.

    Much about the new product became known in advance, but Apple was again able to surprise. This time she reinvented multi-touch, or rather, 3D Touch.

    This magical letter "s"

    Traditionally iPhone with index " s"do not differ from their predecessors in design, but they bring a lot of interesting things in terms of functionality. Every time you think: “ I won't update my iPhone this year, it still looks exactly the same as last year.“, - and every time you find a reason to jump to a new product. Of course, in in this case We are talking about real iManiacs, although on the other hand, owners of gadgets who skipped the previous generation often switch to models “s”.

    So, iPhone 3Gs brought us a really cool camera for its time, an oleophobic display coating, a magnetometer (electronic compass) and a very powerful processor, three times superior to its predecessor. The focus was on Siri, increased performance and the camera, which grew from 5 MP to 8 MP. pleased me with the world's first 64-bit processor and really cool touch sensor ID, which began to be used in third-party applications too.

    So what? iPhone 6s? Without undue modesty, this device can be called revolutionary, since it was in it that Apple made a big step in the further development of the touch interface. For the first time in seven years.

    Same on the outside, different on the inside

    The coprocessor responsible for the telephone activity tracker has also been updated. Apple M9 monitors the readings of the built-in sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope, barometer, compass) even more effectively, plus has access to the microphone. In fact, the phone always “listens” to the user and responds to the phrase “ Hey Siri"(in the Russian version it will probably be " Hey Siri»).

    Fingerprint sensor Touch ID has not undergone qualitative changes. Phil Schiller called it a second-generation sensor, that is, similar to that in the iPhone 6. It scans a fingerprint twice as fast as its predecessor in the iPhone 5s. To be honest, I'm still delighted with the speed of Touch ID on my personal iPhone 6 Plus.

    The radio part of the phone has also been updated. LTE module has received support yet more frequencies and now supports absolutely all global networks fourth generation. New Wi-Fi module twice the peak data transfer speed, up to 866 MB/s. Don't forget about the Bluetooth module, which has been updated to version 4.2. As in.

    Remember Taptic Engine in Force Touch trackpads of new MacBooks and Apple Watch? It also found its home in the iPhone 6s instead of the standard vibration motor. So now the device will not just vibrate, but give out real positive vibrations. Moreover new module capable of achieving maximum vibration strength almost instantly, namely in 10 ms. I hope that vibration feedback will appear in the on-screen keyboard, I really like it in Android devices.

    The body of the smartphones has become a little thicker, literally 0.2 mm compared to its predecessors (7.1 and 7.3 mm, respectively), and the weight is several grams more (143 and 192 g, respectively), which is due to the new alloy and the presence of ribs rigidity inside the housing.

    As for the cameras, that’s a separate matter. Still, the first increase in the number of megapixels in a photomodule in four years.

    More megapixels, finally

    Hooray - the main camera has acquired 12 megapixel sensor. Yes, competitors already have 23-megapixel modules, but you understand perfectly well that the number of megapixels does not automatically improve quality.

    So, in the new module, Apple made sure that the increased pixel density in the sensor does not negatively affect the quality of the pictures. In particular, there was no more noise and color distortion. The problem was solved with a new pixel design with improved isolation between them. Thus, light does not cross between subpixels and the data is not mixed, which avoids noise, artifacts and errors when forming a photograph. But the lens remains the same- f/2.2 aperture, 5-element lens, hybrid infrared filter. But the number of so-called focusing pixels (phase autofocus system) was doubled, so autofocus remained just as fast and actually a record holder among mobile devices.

    A great addition to new camera steel and new chips. For example, live photos, which are essentially 3-second videos shot at the camera's maximum resolution and even with sound. Another important thing for some comrades will be 4K video support.

    The number of megapixels in the FaceTime camera has increased from 1.2 to five. Now your selfies will be clear. Even in the dark. The fact is that the display has been turned into a flash for the front camera. And with a flash True Tone which mixes yellow and white light to get natural color rendition in the photo. Everything is the same as in the rear hardware flash.

    Also, the display controller somehow makes the screen glow three times brighter in flash mode than in flash mode. regular work. It seems like a small thing, but for selfie lovers this is a great achievement and an opportunity to write “selfies” right in nightclubs or at concerts in cheerful twilight.

    >>> Chapter updated after our review:

    So, have the photos gotten better? See for yourself. The first photo is an iPhone 6, the second is an iPhone 6s.

    When zoomed out, the photos are almost identical. Here and there there is a subtle difference: one slightly brightened the picture here, but darkened it in the next similar frame. If color rendition has improved, it is only slightly.

    At the same time, the increased resolution of the image in 6s bears fruit after shooting: more opportunities for high-quality retouching photos (more working data) and b ABOUT Greater freedom to “crop” the frame without a significant loss in the clarity and quality of the resulting fragment.

    Shooting in low light, if improved, is imperceptible. As a rule, most photographs on an iPhone are taken in precisely these situations: at home, in a restaurant, club, at work, in the evening...

    There is not much digital noise here, but its quantity has not changed, and the quality of the photos themselves has not become better - in particularly advanced cases, an artifact removal algorithm is triggered, giving an identical, blurry result on any of the platforms.

    At the same time, the iPhone 6s became worse at shooting in the dark. But this is a Live Photo.

    3D Touch

    Finally, let's talk about a new word in mobile touch interfaces. Thanks to the presence of a pressure sensor, Apple has implemented a lot of interesting ideas that provide even greater comfort when working with a smartphone.

    For example, the function Peek and Pop. IN mail client you put your finger on a letter in the list and hold it - it stands out (beautifully implemented using a blur effect for the rest of the letters). Press it a little harder and a window with the contents of the letter will pop up. Reduce the pressure and the window will disappear, press a little harder and you will open this letter to answer it or study it in more detail.

    Want to see what's hidden under a link on a web page without leaving it? No problem - do the same steps as described above. We pressed, increased the pressure a little - we saw a window with a preview of the page, if you liked it - press harder and open it in full screen.

    This feature is very convenient in the camera interface, when you can quickly view the photo you just took without going to the gallery. Just click on the photo icon at the bottom of the screen and apply a little pressure.

    With 3D Touch you can do all sorts of interesting things with application icons. They pressed, pressed a little and saw additional menu quick action. So in the application " Camera» these will be: take a selfie, record a video, record a slow-motion video, take a photo. IN " Messages" you will see three contacts from " Chosen", accordingly, you can almost instantly select the right person and immediately start writing him a message. WITH " By phone" - similar.

    3D Touch supported gestures. Swipe up in page thumbnail mode, for example, in Safari, and you will open this page in a new tab or add it to your “Reading List” (actions are customizable). While quickly viewing a letter, you can swipe left to see it. quick removal or swipe right to mark it as unread.

    And this not all the chips new technology . Press harder on-screen keyboard, and it turns into a trackpad to control the cursor and quick selection text (I'm ready to upgrade my iPhone 6 Plus just for this). Swipe in from the edge of the screen, pressing a little harder, and you'll be taken to the multitasking menu. Drawing with 3D Touch is also more fun. Viewing live photos is also more comfortable - just press a little harder and while you press, the picture will be animated. By the way, now there is also full support animated wallpaper, which can be used as live photos.

    Watch a video in Russian showing how 3D Touch works live.

    Is it revolution or evolution?

    On the one hand, the iPhone 6s looks no different from its predecessor, having become only a little thicker and heavier. On the other hand, Apple has implemented a lot of interesting things in the new product. This is the revolutionary 3D Touch, and Taptic Engine, and new photo modules, and a much more powerful processor, and an improved radio part, and even cooler fingerprint sensor. Taken together, it looks like a revolution.

    There is only one exciting question left - how much RAM in new products - 1 GB or 2 GB? I hope that it is still 2 GB, although even without this there are enough useful goodies that make you want to change yours to an iPhone 6s Plus.

    Pre-orders for iPhone 6s and 6s Plus in the first wave countries will be available on September 12:

    As for prices, USA iPhone 6s will cost $649 , $749 or $849 (16, 64 and 128 GB), and iPhone 6s Plus - $100 more expensive. Plus add VAT to the prices mentioned, which in the USA is up to 10% (depending on the state).

    website Much about the new product became known in advance, but Apple was again able to surprise. This time she reinvented multi-touch, or rather, 3D Touch. This magical letter “s” Traditionally, iPhones with the index “s” do not differ from their predecessors in design, but they bring a lot of interesting things in terms of functionality. Every time you think: “I won’t update my iPhone this year, it looks anyway...

    About 40 non-obvious functions of a tablet iPad, judging by the reviews, the article turned out to be useful to many and even received a request to write something similar for iPhone. We listened to the request and prepared a selection of secret features of the iPhone and iOS 5.

    Camera and Pictures

    Want more from camera and picture apps? Then you definitely need to read this section to find out all the known and not so known details of these two functions of an iPhone based on iOS 5.

    1. Use the volume up button as a shutter. Taking pictures with a camera while holding an iPhone in one hand - good way avoid the need to focus the image. Using both hands, secure the phone in horizontal position, and then put the finger of one hand on the volume up button and use it as a shutter - isn’t it convenient?

    2. The same trick can be done with the volume control on your headphones. This is especially convenient if you are using a portable tripod for iPhone (for example,).

    3. Creating a new photo album. If you feel like your photos section doesn't look as organized as you initially would like, go into the Photos app, click on the "Edit" function in the top right corner and click the "Create a new photo album" button that appears in the top left corner of the screen. Now all you have to do is come up with a name for it and add photos that you think are necessary.

    4. Quick view photographs taken. Want to see the most recent photo you took? Open the Camera app and slide your finger across the screen from left to right to see the photo you took last.

    5. Photo double click . If circumstances are such that you need to take a photo without unlocking your iPhone, press the “Home” button twice. Next to the screen unlock slider you will see small icon cameras. Click on it and you will enter shooting mode.

    6. Photo editing. The red eye effect ruins it nice shot? iOS Features allow you to fix this. In the viewing mode of the required photo, click on the “Edit” button, and you will be presented with a whole set of image editing tools. It is not very extensive, but it is enough to correct gross flaws in the photograph.

    Text and Mail

    We all have to type something on our iPhone, be it text message or letter email. So why not make the process a little easier. Below are some tips on how to do this.

    7. Expanding text. Have you ever typed the same word or phrase a million times? To save yourself from this, go to Settings, then to General, from there to Keyboard, then scroll down the list a little and you will see the “Abbreviations” section. Simply enter a phrase and define an abbreviation for it. The next time you enter text, type the abbreviation and it will be converted to the long equivalent. For example, you type “omw” and it expands into the phrase “on my way,” or you write “brb” and it automatically expands into the phrase “be right back.”

    8. Emoticons. If you want to represent your emotions in a message in the form of yellow round faces - emoji - invented by the Japanese, add a virtual Emoji keyboard. To do this, go to Settings, then to General, then to the Keyboards section, where you activate the appropriate layout.

    9. Special characters . Are you typing a phrase in French and want the apostrophes above the letters to be placed according to the rules? Just hold down the required letter over which you want to place an apostrophe, and you will see the whole range of possible options for placing it.

    10. Entering in CAPITAL LETTERS. If you're just crazy and want to emphasize this in your message, activate Caps Lock double click to the corresponding keyboard icon. Enjoy!

    11. Defining the meaning of a word. If you don't have the slightest idea about the meaning of that word in your favorite book on iBooks. Surprised that your friend used this word in his message? Don't be ashamed and look up its meaning in the iOS dictionary. To do this, simply select the word whose meaning you want to know and select the “define” function.

    12. Mark the letter. If you are one of those people who marks every message that comes to them as important, email box, make your OCD happy with the new ability to quickly flag emails added in iOS 5. To do this, go to your Inbox, click the Edit button, and select the emails you want to flag. Then select the "Tag" tag in the lower right corner, and then select "Tag".

    13. RTF text of the letter. Now the text of the letter can be highlighted in bold, italics or underlined. To do this, highlight the word or sentence you want to highlight, click the arrow in the menu, and then click B/U depending on the function you need.

    14. Delivery reports in iMessage. iOS 5 brought us the iMessage app and it's very convenient function notifications that come when the recipient of your message reads it. To enable this option, go to Settings, then go to the Messages section, where you activate the “Send read receipts” line.

    Siri has changed the way we interact with our iPhone. This is one of the biggest innovations of the iPhone 4S. If you have this model, here are a few settings to help you handle your new assistant.

    15. Do entries in your microblog using Siri. Imagine how cool it would be if you could dictate new tweets to Siri? And it's possible! However, you will have to work a little to enable this option. First, sending new tweets via SMS on the Twitter website. When you're done, add Twitter to your contacts list and use the service as if you were just sending a message to a regular subscriber. If Siri yells at you for using the word Twitter, simply change the caller's name to something else. Do the same with Facebook.

    16. Activate Siri by holding your iPhone to your ear. Not everyone knows about this, but there is another way to activate Siri that does not require pressing the main button. Go to general settings, find the Siri section there, in which you need to activate the “Pick up to call” field. Now the photocell on your iPhone will detect when you put it to your ear and activate the voice assistant. This is a practical way to make sure that using Siri in a public place doesn't make you feel like an idiot.

    One of the best things about the iPhone when it first came out was the very user-friendly interface web surfing, in which users could see the full content of the page, and not garbage optimized for mobile phones. If you want to get the most out of your iPhone browsing experience, here are some tips to make the experience more comfortable.

    17. Private browsing. Want to make sure that information about your browsing activities isn't leaked online via Safari? There is an easy way to do this. Go to settings, there go to the “Safari” section and activate the option called “Private Browsing”. Now all your activity on the web is secret.

    18. Reading list. If you don't use services like Read It Later or Instapaper, but still want to read the contents of a web page without advertising banners, try using the Reader built into Safari for these purposes. Click on the Reader icon in the web address bar and the page will be reformatted into clean, easy-to-read text.

    19. Return to top. Don't feel like scrolling down a long web page and then jumping back to the URL bar? Just click on the top of the screen, where the clock is. Safari will return you to the address bar.

    20. Saving images. If you find a picture or photo on the site that you don’t want to miss, or maybe you want to set it as wallpaper or an icon, hold your finger on the image for one or two seconds. A menu will appear from the bottom of the screen where you will be asked to save the illustration or copy it. The image is saved in your Photo Library, where you can perform any operation with it.


    There's a lot you can do in iOS just by fiddling around with the settings a little.

    21. iOS update . Good use settings is that through them you can check whether your system requires an update. Go to General Settings, select the Software Settings option. There you can check whether you have the latest version of iOS or if it needs an update.

    22. You've probably already configured notifications somehow, but in general setting up notifications applications is very flexible, with its help this function can be brought to perfection. To start setting up notifications, go to Settings and find the Notifications section there. In it, you can select the contents of the Notification Center, and also set the OS to what extent you want any application to notify you about something.

    23. Custom vibration setting. One setting in iOS 5 that everyone forgets about is creating selective vibration. In general settings, you need to go to the "Accessibility" section and turn on the Custom vibration option in listening mode. Then go to the Sounds section in the settings. Scroll down and you'll see the Vibration Patterns line. Click on it, and now you can create a custom vibration yourself. Simply press your finger on the display and create the pattern you want by holding your finger down for as long as you want to stretch the note. Then you can use the resulting composition to call the subscriber, or for some system alerts.

    24. Use your camera flash for reminders. The flash on the back of your iPhone isn't just for taking photos in the dark, it can also be used to signal notifications, just like on most BlackBerry smartphones. To activate the feature, go to general settings, find the “Universal Access” section, and turn the slider to turn on the flash during reminders.

    25. Setting reminder sounds. Do you want your iPhone to sound like everyone else? We are sure not. To customize your unique sound, go to Sound Settings, where you can change the sound of everything from calendar reminders to Ringtone.

    . If you use multiple iOS devices, there is one good option to sync your music, books and apps collections to them. To set it up, go to the “Store” settings section and enable the types of files that you need. Now all your devices will work in harmony. Zen.

    27. Fun with AirPlay. If you have an iPhone 4S, then iOS 5 added the ability to mirror your screen contents to your TV with using Apple TV. To activate the option, call the menu running applications, then press right twice. Click on the AirPlay button and choose what you want to stream to your Apple TV. Now what happens on your iPhone screen is mirrored on your TV screen.

    28. Change built-in reminder times. If you use Calendar apps, you know that some types of reminders are built into the system by default. You can change them by going to the “Mail, Contacts and Calendar” section in the settings, and there you need to find the “Default reminder time” option and configure it as you wish.

    29. Changing the size of your iCloud storage . If you find that you're close to your iCloud storage limit, you can increase your storage capacity with using iPhone. Go to Settings, there find the iCloud section, and in it - the line “Storage and backup”, and in it select “Buy more space", and then select the magnification level. You can also reduce the size of your storage if you don't think you need as much.

    30. Post This on Twitter. Twitter is now integrated into iOS, so if you ever get a little tipsy and decide you should send a photo to your grandma, you'll have a chance to do so. First, set up your account in

    The iPhone is known to be a very useful thing, but it has hidden functions that many people are not even aware of. For example, not every owner of an Apple gadget knows that his phone contains a map of all the places he has visited, or that he can control the screen by turning his head.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with fifteen useful features that will make you a truly “advanced” iPhone user.

    Re-entering the most frequently used text and phrases each time is a very annoying procedure.

    In order to, say, not constantly enter the same email address, the iPhone can be taught hints. The user can type, for example, “soap”, and the entire address will appear on the screen. To do this you need to go to the menu “ Settings", in the section " Basic" choose " Keyboard" and click on the item " Replacing text».

    Click here + in the upper right corner, in the field Phrase enter the full phrase (in our case yablyk@site), and in the Abbreviation field enter the desired abbreviation, for example “soap”..

    In this way you can easily enter, for example, passport data, full name, etc. Try it, it's very convenient.

    How to add and change the order of virtual keyboards

    Working with iPhone installed by default standard keyboard does not allow for maximum use of its full potential. There are a number of applications that add a lot of interesting and interesting features to your keyboard. useful functions– from translating text into a foreign language to sending funny GIFs.

    Try using, for example, one of the third-party keyboards below:

    Activate new keyboard After installing it, you can follow the path: Settings -> Basic -> Keyboard -> Keyboards -> New keyboards.

    To use the keyboard, you must provide it with full access to iOS. To do this, click on the name of the keyboard and move the switch to the ON position, then confirm your intentions by selecting the option Allow.

    The order of keyboards in the list can be changed by clicking on the " Change" in the upper right corner. This will allow you to know exactly which keyboard will appear next when switching.

    You can switch the keyboard by clicking on the icon that looks like globe in the lower left corner or in the settings of the active keyboard.

    How to turn off calls and notifications at night or at lunchtime

    The "" function allows you to disable sound signals for calls, alerts and notifications that arrive on a locked device. The user can schedule a time or select subscribers whose calls are allowed to receive.

    In order to activate the function, you need to go to the menu “ Settings" and select " Manually».

    This can also be done in Control Center by clicking on the crescent moon icon.

    How to control iPhone with your head

    You can activate the device control function using head movements by going to Settings -> Basic > Universal Access-> and selecting Add new... in section Switches.

    How to hide some unused native apps that can't be deleted

    The iPhone comes with more than a dozen pre-installed applications, which the user cannot delete. This is quite inconvenient, considering that many of them will hardly be used. Be that as it may, some unused applications can be removed from the home screen.

    To do this you need to go to " Settings" and in the section " Basic" choose " Restrictions" Then you need to enter a password and specify which icons should be hidden from the home screen.

    Unfortunately, you can only hide application icons: Safari, Camera, FaceTime, iTunes Store, Podcasts and News.

    How to make the flash light up when making calls, receiving messages and notifications

    Many iPhone users who like indicator lights for messages in old phones, they don’t even realize that they can activate this function in an Apple gadget. This can be done by going to Settings -> Basic -> Universal Access -> Flash warnings.

    How to set different vibration for individual contacts

    You can find out who is calling not only by the ringtone, but also by the vibration sound. To install a certain vibration For individual contacts, you need to go to Settings -> Sounds -> Ringtone -> Vibration -> Create vibration.

    You can set the vibration pattern by tapping on the screen. The created sample must be named and saved.

    This vibration will be automatically set as the default for all notifications, so before you exit the menu, you must return previous settings- parameter Not selected.

    In order to set the desired vibration for a certain person, you should go to the list of contacts, select the one you need, press the button Change and indicate the saved template in the “ Vibration».

    Replying to messages from the lock screen is very simple - just swipe left on the message, thereby activating the " Answer».

    You can find out the most energy-consuming applications by going to Settings -> Battery -> Battery usage.

    iPhone saves data about all visited places and creates a hidden map. In order to view it, you need to go to Settings -> Confidentiality -> Location services and choose System Services -> Frequently visited places.

    All places visited by the user are sorted by city. After clicking on the name of the city, a map will open with an exact indication of the location and time of its visit.

    How to enable power saving mode

    Extend service life iPhone battery Energy saving mode will help. When the battery level drops to 20%, a notification appears asking you to enter low power mode. However, it can be activated even if the smartphone is fully charged. To do this you need to go to the application " Settings" and select the section " Battery" When the power saving mode is turned on, the battery level indicator turns yellow.

    To save battery, non-essential functions such as app updates are disabled. background, Siri and some resource-intensive video effects.

    Power saving mode turns off automatically when the device reaches 80% charge.

    How to view selfies and screenshots in separate Photos app albums

    This may be news to some, but the iPhone automatically saves pictures taken front camera, and screenshots separately from the rest.

    In order to quickly view the media files sent in the message (photos, videos, coordinates), just click on the “ Details" in the upper right corner.

    You can specify the location in the message in the menu " Details" The mark is set indefinitely, for example, for an hour or until the end of the day.

    How to reduce the screen brightness level to a level lower than that suggested in the settings

    Few people know that by triple-clicking on the display you can reduce the brightness in a way that is not allowed standard settings. This makes using your smartphone at night much more convenient. You can activate the triple tap function as follows. Choose Settings -> Basic -> Universal Access -> Increase and in the subsection Magnification area check the box Whole screen.

    After triple-tapping the screen with three fingers (you need to touch quickly), a menu will appear in which you need to click on “ Select filter" and check the box next to " Weak light" Now reduce the brightness lower installed by Apple minimum by triple tapping the screen.

    1. Acceleration Touch ID: Save multiple fingerprints of the same finger. This is especially true for improving the operation and response speed of the module on iPhone 5s And iPhone 6 .

    2. Clear RAM: Hold the Power button until the slider appears to turn off the device, then press and hold the Home button. If the screen goes dark and you are stuck in home screen, it means everything was done correctly.

    3. Shutter button on the headset as a secret iPhone function: Use the volume buttons on the headset to take a photo.

    4. Close multiple apps at once: Open the app switcher screen by double tapping the Home button and close multiple apps at once using multiple fingers at once.

    5. Recently closed tabs: To see them, press and hold the "+" button in Safari.

    6.Full version of the site: to open the “desktop” version of the site, press and hold the refresh button in the address bar of the browser.

    7. Quick response: upon receipt incoming message Pull the notification down and type your answer right away.

    8. Level app: Swipe from right to left in the Compass app to turn your iPhone into the measuring instrument.

    9. Finding the owner iPhone: if you find a forgotten or lost iPhone, just ask Siri“Whose phone is this?”, and voice assistant will tell you how to contact the owner of the device.

    10. Reachability: double tap (not press, but tap) on Home button to enable the mode Reachability. In this mode, you can reach distant icons on the desktop with your thumb.

    Remember at least a couple of the ones presented hidden functions iphone, they will certainly be useful for you and your friends.

    If everything written is “Chinese literacy” for you, we suggest watching a video that explains simply and clearly secret functions iPhone and demonstrates cool tricks that will come in handy in difficult situations.

    We hope that the article was useful to you and you learned something new.